Board: /vr/
"/vr/ - Retro Games" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing retro console video games and classic arcade games.
This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".
Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki Been interested in getting back into playing my Genesis again after getting the itch to play Ranger X, but I also scored a copy of Curse for the Mega Drive and a Game Genie so now I'm interested in other worthwhile imports.
I was also curious what were other viable options to get into Mega Drive imports, or am I better off buying a Japanese Mega Drive?
I see there's top loading passthrough carts on eBay/Amazon for $30, but I've read some games like Bare Knuckle II don't work on different region consoles.
Has anyone also tried those modern Master System adapter carts? As in very good, deep, balanced. Almost up there with SF2 or SoulCalibur if 3D
Can you name some?
What about picrel for examples? How the fuck do people play racing sims on this? Default analog sensitivity is way too high and if I lower it down I feel like it doubles the deadzones 'Member good old "/v/'s recommended games wiki" from way back when?
Got a couple of recommendations from it that I was wondering if anybody has played because they sounded neat.
Once I finish my current run of TearRing Saga I'll try some of these out myself, but just curious if anybody has played this or has any other PS2 games they want to talk about Did boys actually put their hair into a ponytail in the 80s? Weird fuckin game What new features would you like to see in future versions?
Randomized Eve II (v1.2.5) What games do you think have the best pixel art? Now that most retro console emulators have matured enough to be reliable for the average normie user, are decompilation projects the only way forward in terms of preserving old video games? retro creators who destroyed their own legacy
I'll start with an easy one.
DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11612109
Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~
(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)
Same thing, in video format:
DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc):
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ:
DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):!3t8nzSIS!947kyMN6Z80f8HS7q2XlqA
Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:!QXIk1bjB!NHRWGIfjcc77PyGgRlga4Q!GtEQTISJ!CCJGyPEEEsZasc1PMXicUA
US West:
CA/US Midwest: everyone calls Deus Ex an immersive sim, but the food in the game is all onions food.
you go to a bar and talk to the barman and he'll offer snacks.. and it's all onions food.
ask for a non-alcoholic drink, and he'll give you orange soda. and it's always orange soda.
and all the alcohol is either a bottle of wine or a dirty looking 40 oz.
there's nothing immersive about the menus in Deus Ex at all. food is a cornerstone of human day-to-day living. we have to find food to eat every day.
that's why i believe that Deus Ex showing off a very minimal display of food and beverage goes against its own goal of being an immersive sim. i get taken out of the world every time i look at a restaurant's table and just see onions food and soda everywhere. it's stupid. This game is alot of fun. Good break from all the resident evil I've been playing Suikoden is on steam now so heres a thread
please talk about my favorite series I can think of these guys:
That's about it? Wow, people thought the career mode was shit and are happy these levels are getting repurposed as 2-minute goal run levels? I miss an Activision that actually knew how to respond to stagnation and change things up... Nobody cared about Street Fighter 3 back then. It just kinda came and went Wich recently fan translated rpgs have you played? 2002 was a good year for games Most soulful platformer in existence. One of the biggest criticisms applied to this game is that it's 'floaty'. But why is 'floaty' bad? Super Metroid is floaty. But then floaty in that case is good? Steam-Heart's & Advanced Variable Geo Saturn Tribute has been announced.
>Additionally, the original’s sensual scenes have been thoughtfully adapted for a modern revival, respecting the heroines' privacy while maintaining the essence of the classic.
What does that mean? Are they going to censor it? I'm thinking about picking up the Retrotink 5x for my retro gaming needs. What does /vr/ recommend? What's your favorite ever?
Mine is the Zelda 3 japanese CM with the takarazuka revue style and the music by legendary japanese rap band Scha Dara Parr. Why does no one talk about how this console needs to be outputted in composite or every game will look like pixelated dogshit? It's time to talk Sonic 3's actual best part: competition mode. Good news: Sigma Star Saga DX has been announced by WayForward for GBA, PC and consoles.
Bad news: Limited Run Games and story rewrites
>reduced random encounters
>autofire rate increased
>experience point gain increased
>updated map
>increased movement speed
>more save points
>tweaked hitboxes
>bug fixes Is there anything here that isn't castlevania worth checking out if I'm not a shump superfan? Did any of you have Famiclones back in the day? Odin 2 Portal Edition
Screen Utility -
SoC Comparison -
Google chart - https://tinyurl com (slash) AllHandhelds
Previous Thread: >>11565459
Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.
Active Communities:
Huge Community List:
IPS/BPS Patcher:
Huge Archive:
Other Archives:'s_ROM_>Hack_Recommendations
Quality of Life Improvements:
Desplash Patches:
PC98Dev:,%20NEC%20PC-98 PREVIOUS THREAD: >>11567071
This thread is dedicated to the discussion of any classic games made by Blizzard Entertainment; those being every game released from their early days as Silicon & Synapse to the release of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne (2003). Fans of Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo and even older series like The Lost Vikings, Rock N' Roll Racing and Blackthorne are all welcome here.
For a short history of Blizzard and a list of all their games, check out this wiki:
You can find custom content made by other /vr/ users, as well as download links, mods, guides and more by visiting our community pastebin:
Relax, talk and play. Let's have a good thread. Jesus christ Abe's Exoddus is way harder than Oddysee and way more unfair
Oddysee had this tightness and fairness in its design, whereas Exoddus is a lot more bloated and retreads the same ground, even if it's still great
I'm in a bit of a Batman kick lately, so let's talk about some of the best, or some of the worst if you want, super hero video games ever made, Batman's surely got most of them, alongside Spider-Man, and I've been playing a few. I recently gave the Game Boy version a shot, I liked it, it was like Super Mario Land, but with a short and fat Batman that looks funny when walking while crouching... oh, and that kills the enemies with a gun! This is 1930's Batman and I love it, it's charming. Anyways, since there's no Batman Returns on Game Boy, I guess the sequel I've got to play after this was Batman: Return of the Joker...
I find this title funny, it's almost like Sunsoft knew they wouldn't get the rights for Batman Returns, that Konami and SEGA would get it instead, and decided to milk the license as much as possible, so even though Joker died at the end of the film, they decided to make their own original sequel where he's alive and well! Anyways, it's good, in a lot of ways it feels like their own NES Batman, with the wall jump and all, the grappling hook feels worse than the one on Master System and Game Gear Batman Returns, but it's fine once you get the hang of it. I found this title really hard though... the 1st one was bad enough with the autoscrolling leven in 4-2, but this? All levels are filled with BS and, unlike the 1st title, this has limited continues, so eventually you'll get sent back to the title screen, which can be very frustrating really.
It's brutal, but I beat it... on Easy... with save states at the start of each level... I didn't save scum though! But I'm still ashamed, I have to try it out legit at some point, it's a fun title, but man... it's a difficult one too. >grandma comes pick me up for the weekend on friday night after school and swimming classes
>spend the remaining night eating delicious food and dessert, and watching early 90s Cartoon Network
>On saturday, go to vidya store with her and choose a game
>Spend the rest of the saturday playing the new game, looking at the booklet/box/inserts
>Wake up on sunday, comfy as fuck
>Remember I have the new game
>spend the afternoon playing it until my dad comes pick me up to go home
The sundays were the best for me. The saturdays were more exciting because it was new, but on sunday I had already played and got used to the game, so I enjoyed it the most.
Bonus points: It's a rainy sunday. This guy near me is selling a trinitron KV-G21S1. Apparently someone tried to RGB mod it but didn't finish it and now the colours are fucked. Would this be an easy fix? Also CRT thread I guess. how are you supposed to know when the battery is low? sure the light goes dim but you still get a few hours
would be pissed if it died during saving and corrupted the save What have you been playing so far? They couldn't even throw an Arcade mode in here huh? Thats bare minimum shit, why was this so rushed? Is Blue Mary the hottest FG babe? Everyone's favorite judo schoolgirl turns 49. I just started playing the SNES Harvest Moon for the first time and I accidentally slep two days in a row because you go to bed immediately when you check your diary, then I acdientally threw a handfull of seed in the shed when I was getting used to the controls. Should I start over or just roll with it?
Also I don't know who I'm going to want to marry, Ann, Maria, or Ellen. Ellen's so fucking hot. >game fails to properly recognize the available VRAM, CPU cores/threads, or RAM amount, which leads to inconsistent performance or even crashes.
Any other examples besides pic related? Games with a similar vibe to picrel? >No tutorials or explanations for the complex as fuck mechanics
>Perfect play CPUs that will make you replay story missions over and over
>Punishing trick system that fucks you over big time if you don't know what you're doing
This game filtered the fuck outta me, any tips to get gud? Why is this game such an autism magnet?
also which of the 3 "bad" characters did you enjoy playing as the most?
For me, it was Amy, her gameplay was fun and she goes FAST when you git gud I get that the whole dream eating thing doesn't actually hurt people (in a meaningful way), but Game Freak always played into Hypno's creepness, why wasn't it retconed into a dark type in gen 2?
Anyway, Pokemon thread. 0. **Super Mario 64** (1996, Nintendo 64)
1. **The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time** (1998, Nintendo 64)
2. **Final Fantasy VII** (1997, PlayStation)
3. **Doom** (1993, PC)
4. **Sonic the Hedgehog 2** (1992, Sega Genesis)
5. **Street Fighter II** (1991, Arcade/SNES)
6. **Pokémon Red und Blue** (1996, Game Boy)
7. **Half-Life** (1998, PC)
8. **GoldenEye 007** (1997, Nintendo 64)
9. **Diablo** (1996, PC) This game has some of the best feeling movement in any game ever. I don't know how they did it but it feels extremely satisfying to play, just moment to moment, then on top of that the missions are really fun as well.
Wish they made still made straight forward games like this. Is it possible to play games on softmodded Xboxes over SMB/LAN yet? Basically like how you can play PS2 games over SMB/LAN with OPL... Soul Fist.
-Morrigan Aensland, Darkstalkers. The Fire Emblem GBA series were not only the first introduction of FE to a wider international audience, but it would also become the foundation for basically every other Fire Emblem game from then on, as well as for casual strategy games as a whole. just finished this masterpiece, it's probably the best 16bit game of the series, after dracula x. for me it also had the sickest final stage of all classicvanias. what do you guys think of it? Coiling wires damages them, but leaving them out makes them a tangled mess. What is your solution? How could this happen? This was the biggest game of 97. They spent like $40mil on marketing. It's true - no other RPG has really achieved a feel of being alive like Ultima VII. Even when driven with schedules, other games lack the interactivity. You can watch plenty of NPCs do things in games, sure. It looks good. But try to do it yourself and you usually can't.
In Ultima VII if somebody closes a shutter because it's night time and you open it, they will bustle outside and close it again.
I guess I need to make an exception for Dwarf Fortress, a game driven entirely by NPCs with deep needs, desires, and so on. But it's not really an RPG except in adventure mode. How can I get into Thief? I've been trying to play it every few years for the past 25 years, but no matter what, I always end up finding it too scary to stick with it. The definitive way to experience classic Mario. Does anyone know what difference there is between these two games ?besides the ATV side of the game. are the tracks entirely different from MX unleashed? are there any repeating tracks in both games? what about the gameplay and physics?
last thread;
last weekend map download;
Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:
>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:
>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:
>Anon's devkit v0.2
>4chan Kit v0.3
- - - - - - -
>Knowledge Base
>RCT1 Manual
>Headless Server Guide (pls fix)
>Weekend Parks Archive
>Current state of weekend multiplayer: It's up No one can convince me that this was actually an upgrade. Discuss anything regarding making backups of CD/DVD games here, like best burning tools, what type of speed to use, cd and optical drive brands, etc... What other games are visually and/or musically similar to shit like ToeJam & Earl, PaRappa, Lammy, Bust a Groove, Space Channel 5, Katamari, Jet Set, Tony Hawk, DDR, Beatmania, Pop'n Music, OFF, The World Ends with You, Battle Network, Ollie King, 3rd Strike, Capcom vs. SNK, King of Fighters '99-'00, Rage of the Dragons, Vib-Ribbon, Planet Dob, etc. Why the FUCK didn't they do more with this accessory, aside from the Pokemans Stadium stuff?
can you use it to play Gameboy games via a flashcart yet? Why did they make it so hard? Is ther any point in not discarding used keys in classic Resident Evil. I'm currently playing RE 2 and after keeping every key in Resident Evil Director's Cut for nothing I'm wondering why is there even an option to keep the keys? In Parasite Eve every key is automatically discarded after being used, is there any reason why it doesn't work this way in Resident Evil? Alright motherfuckers, let's talk about the OG best fucking Dynasty Warriors PS2 game of all time.
This game was amazing. I remember my sister getting this for my birthday by having to go to the nearest city near us, and found the EBGames at the mall. She found it in the back part of the store and it was one of the last copy there.
Goddamn, me and my bro played the fuck out of this and unlocked so many characters with their 5th level weapons.
Music and gameplay was rad too.
Anyone else fucking love this game? It's weird how picrel is the only human character who physically shows up in the series when the plot is technically about a war between robots and humans. The box art that killed CRTfags Why did Microsoft invest into these when they already had Dead or Alive on board? Hello i have an Android Car Display and i downloaded DuckStation, but he can't find my games.
I create "All Games" folder but nothing.
Someone know how ? from a fun factor in the late 90s and early 2000s, which one was your favorite? honest. Retro games that are 10/10 for co-op?
Post some ps1/ps2 ones pls
I live in Japan. It sucks seeing game prices skyrocket. I bought this years ago for ~1200 yen, now it’s over 14,000. I knew it would happen eventually, but I miss when cool shit was dirt cheap. There are still deals—I found one today—but if I wanted to recommend this game, I couldn’t because of the price. No re-release, and normies don’t emulate.
>it’s because you’re in a tourist zone!!1!
I’m not. I went to a doc appt and stopped here while waiting for my prescription. No tourists come around here. Shops check online for pricing, so even non-tourist areas are expensive now. But yes, Akihabara (or similar) would be way worse. And not just tourists—online auctions have also driven prices up.
>stop being a poorfag and just buy it
I already own it. I have a large library so rising prices don’t affect me much. I just miss the old days.
>you’re part of the problem
Yes, probably. If I buy a game there’s one less on the market. I get that.
>just emulate
I do, but I also like real hardware. Both have pros/cons, so I use both.
>you can still get that game cheap
This is an extreme example—I even found another copy here for less—but retro games in general are going up. Even 5000 yen is way more than a few years ago. Hell, they had Ikki for 3000 yen, and that game literally spawned the word “Kusoge.” Nobody should pay that.
>you’re a hoarder
Probably. So what?
>this isn’t your blog, faggot
It is now.
I got a Nushitsuri game for a few hundred yen and a Mega Drive game I read about online last night CIB for ~2000 yen. Prices weren’t bad on those, so deals still exist—but they’re rarer. And it sucks seeing games I bought for dirt cheap become expensive. And I especially hate seeing mass-produced games locked in the case w/ rares—that shit should be the cheapest.
Games have become a collectable now, and that sucks. But I don't blame people who are actually playing them. What games do you think have the best character selection screen? What filter do you prefer to use when emulating for the best CRT effect?
I used the Composite filter here on Kega Fusion and it looks really good.
Maybe a lot of the visual effect of CRT screens is not just in the spacing between pixels, but also in the limitations of the composite cable itself. Any tips for this game? Whats the best control scheme?
Im having fun but it sure is tough What's your favorite Game Boy model? For me it's the Pocket because I prefer smaller electronics and it's easier on the go. I didn't realize how big the original is until I saw it in person. I'm thinking of turning my Pocket into a Light or Color. Happy birthday to Chun-Li, the strongest woman in the world! Even if they weren't necessarily good which Megami is your favorite Tensei? Mine is not retro (SJ) I like it but why does he fall so damn fast >enter versus mode for a quick match against CPU
>can't fight CPU
>for some reason can't return to main screen without resetting console >2025
>there are still basically no RetroArch cores where cheat codes work One of the worst thing about the first game was having to replay old levels just to replenish your HP.
And now you're telling me that not only they kept that system, but now the life streams don't even respawn so all you're left with are small flasks that restore half a bar?! You'd have to replay the first level 10 TIMES just to replenish HP, and you can't even just pick up the first one and exit no, you have to play the entire level or else you're back to your previous HP ammount
This is some serious bullshit So... uh... they're basically Tidus and Yuna ancestors right? >Retro Japanese game
>Gets all my interest, extensive research and I get immersive in the game
>Retro Western game
>All my interest is gone
Does this happen to you as well? What PSX platformer I should play next (2D or 3D)? Tomba? Gex? Pandemonium? Johny Bazookatone? Anything else?
I've played:
Crash Bandicoot trilogy
Dr. Slump
Goemon games (all 4 of them)
Jumping Flash trilogy
Spyro trilogy
The Adventures of Lomax
also MediEvil and Ape Escape, MMX4 and MM8, but I don't think they count as pure platformers What are some of the strangest non-English localised PC cover art? Urbanscan (successor-in-interest to Gremlin) has granted authorisation to Dave W. Plummer to open source the ill-fated Commodore 64 conversion of Tour De Force. You know the drill. Pick an Atari 2600 game and post your score. If you think you can beat a score then go for it! Come up with strategies and have a good time!
Manuals for games can be found here:
Kicking things off with a Kool-Aid Man score. Shit gets frantic very quick. >This chart says Joanna and Mr. Blond have the same height
>This would make her 185cm
>Joanna Dark is 6 feet tall Great NES games to pick up and play for a few minutes to a half an hour at a time thread:
I'll start with my favorites:
Twin Cobra
Doctor Mario
Alien Syndrome
Mafat Conspiracy
Spy Hunter
Rolling Thunder
Mario Bros Ocarina this, FF7 that... behold, the true, most revolutionary title of the 5th gen. Latest sub:
>Game Center CX #349 - Captain Silver [LocationScouts]
>Season 28: Episode 19 (#395) "That castle" premieres on Thursday, March 13th. What if the CPS-3 succeeded? you know the drill. Post your latest tweaks and/or favorite shaders/filters.
Some presets were shared in the previous thread. Show off what you did with them! Why the FUCK didn't you tell me Omega Boost kicks ass, /vr/?
FUCK Panzer Fagoon and Starfelch 64! (even though I still like those games, Omega seems to have way better production values). After wasting my time on Reddit for 2 years, I'm back. Right to the point; I'm planning on recapping my OG Xbox, 1.6 excalibur, any general tips so I don't destroy the thing?
(And yeah, I know I'm about to be clowned on for mentioning that greasy fucking Rat's Nest) did you kill your nazi's today? Why did Nintendo deliberately make all of their controllers retarded from the N64 onward? How hard is to find Gamecube memory cards in this day? do you have memory cards for your Gamecubes or PS2s? I've found plenty of games that are 640x448, but no 640x480 games yet. Do they exist? Tekken Tag Tournament thread. The chaddest 3D fighter ever.
Make sure you play the US version, it can be hacked for glorious 480p output on the real hardware. >remake improves upon the original title's gameplay in every way and adds new content
>/vr/ hates it and will tell you to play the original only because the remake looks worse Is this intentional or did they really just leave an unfinished background in the game and not even bother to put a placeholder background in or something? Just how rushed was this fucking game? Any good games for this thing?
Famicom disk system thread. Good afternoon gentlemen.
What is our opinion of this masterpiece and monumental work of human culture? What is the best way to play it? How to best preserve it for future generations? Please discuss such topics. what retro games should be always installed?
roms included
I'll start with ut2004
why don't you faggots play ut2004? What's your take on the Mr. Saturn?
They are this very weird mix of retarded, genius, repulsive and adorable.
IIRC, Itoi said the Dosei-san (as they're called originally in japanese, literally Mr. Saturn) represent innocence.
They are also capable of some very paranormal technology including time traveling, interdimensional navigation and soul manipulation/NDE stuff. Barely admissible as a retro "game" but iconic dadscomputercore for me nevertheless. Anybody else played around with it back in the day? In terms of quality not quantity, which console has the better library in your view? Dreamcast or PS2? his missions are overhated and comfy Acclaim's coming back. The 90s are saved. >go to post in comfy yu-gi-oh thread
>it 404'd overnight
C... can we have another? So after 20 long years the textbase zombie game Urbandead is finally shutting down thanks to some britbong globohomo law, where Kevan Davis (gigantic faggot) is too poor to actually implement whatever is required to keep the game alive for the existing userbase of 7 people.
Read more here ---->
It was a lot of fun in the early days, raiding malls and forts, warring factions and pk'ing. Had multiple characters going at one stage because the rules were literally never implemented. Do people only like this because they only get 16 stars? I say this as someone who's only played through with 16 stars (I may have beat final Bowser but I didn't beat the game) instead of doing at least 70. I'm gonna actually play through for at least 70 and I'm just curious if people's thoughts on the game change after doing it. Do you ever play retro games with mods? YOUNG HEARRRRTS BE FREEE TONIGHT I have one of these but it doesn't work anymore, are these fixable? You need to have one of those special 3 point screwdrivers to open it up >Playing Arc the Lad II, pretty good overall.
>Whole game has been real easy, only fell in battle a couple times.
>Reach final boss.
>He has 9,999 HP.
>My strongest attacks deal 40-50 HP.
>His strongest attack covers a large range and one taps even my level 112 guy at full health.
>Final dungeon is a point of no return
>Can’t leave to get items/gear
>Have no recent backup save
>The enemies in the final dungeon DON’T RESPAWN, so I can’t even grind.
Am I fucked? I know the game made it clear this was a point of no return, but I didn’t expect anything like this, the other 50 hours were a total breeze. Realistically speaking, what's inside the berserk pack? Should games that feel retro, have retro look and follow retro design philosophy be considered retro?
Its just hard for me to see left and say "yup its definitely retro" but see right and not think "yup its definitely retro". This is the best Turok game, and it's not even close. I played both this and Turok 2 back to back, then hard mode on both back to back. Turok is the better game, well more balanced and enjoyable. Turok 2 is harder, but kind of easier at the same time because of the ammo re-spawns, but the levels and key collection is so damn tedious, when Turok already is considered tedious for a boomer shooter. Kreate a fatality was the worst thing ever. What a joke. Subject pretty much says it all, if you have a game or multiple games that genuinely make you physically smile as you play them, post em in this thread.
I find that it's a pretty rare thing of me but when it happens I know I'm playing something really special. Thanks to the anon in the last thread who talked about printer emulators, I made one for like $6 using an Arduino Nano. This is awesome!
Game Boy Camera thread. Post your 0.8 megapixel art. Has a fan theory ever ruined a video game for you?
Ever since i've read the "Squall is Dead and everything is a before death dream" theory i can't play past disc 1.
The dev even said that it plans to make it canon in a future remake. Sonic X-treme would have decisively ended the console wars in Sega’s favor.
>december 1996
>sonic x-treme is released to universal critical acclaim
>sega stock soars
>n64 crashes and burns
>nintendo is utterly demolished and declares bankruptcy
>sega stock explodes
>congressional sega lobby created
>sega lobby passes laws to promote sega and destroy the competition
>all nintendo consoles, games, and merchandise is confiscated and burned
>all nintendo employees rounded up and executed
>same thing happens to sony
>pc gaming banned
>anyone caught playing pc games is tortured and executed
>xbox never invented
>sega rules gaming industry with an iron fist for 1,000 years Recently I discover that there´s people who still makes videogames for the commodore 64 and the atari 2600. I just bought the new versions of those consoles. Can you recommend me some new games, please?
Sorry if my english is poor, is not my mother lenguaje. Are the Donkey Kong platformers any good? I was wondering something about the Wii and the Wii U's N64 emulation, are the differences people usually talk about (like the N64 games on Wii being darker for instance) in the official roms they used for both or is it the emulators of the systems themselves? Did Wolfenstein 3D deliver an Arcade Experience?
There's no arcade version of course but there's score and lives and you can 1CC it. >play NES Metroid for the first time
>fight through a long hallway with whatever those swooping enemies are called
>missile door at the end of it
>try the next room up
>have to damage boost through it because there's way too much to fight
>another missile door
That's just mean sonic died here. this is the official beginning of garbage nu-sonic. If you could change something of resident evil code veronica? what is it?
Me the following 3 things:
1. First the most important one: to add female zombies. In the prison area to add some female zombies with big breasts, long legs and big butts wearing female prisoner uniforms and long red hair. In the "mansion" zone to add some female zombies with big breast, long legs and big butts wearing maid uniforms with short skirts and with black hair. In the laboratory zone some female zombies with big breast, long legs and big butts wearing scientist suits with cleavage and blonde hair.
2. To add as a prize infinite submachine gun at the start of a new game no matter the rank in the previous one.
3. If you shoot a zombie with a magnum, his/her head explodes. If you shoot a zombie with a shotgun,is cut in half like in resident evil 2. Which one do you prefer the classic one or the newways one? ITT: Post insane retro game reviews. (In Japan)
When did you get yours?
What was your first game and what is your favorite?
Did you ever go online?
What's a special moment that sticks with you?
DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11604045
Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~
(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)
Same thing, in video format:
DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc):
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ:
DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):!3t8nzSIS!947kyMN6Z80f8HS7q2XlqA
Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:!QXIk1bjB!NHRWGIfjcc77PyGgRlga4Q!GtEQTISJ!CCJGyPEEEsZasc1PMXicUA
US West:
CA/US Midwest: