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Board: /vr/

"/vr/ - Retro Games" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing retro console video games and classic arcade games.

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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki
0 media | 0 replies
No title
So this place is called "Native Star" in Japan? What's the lore behind it?
Also, for those who played SMW, do you remember the first time you found your first Star Road entrance? Was it blind or you used a guide?
14 media | 41 replies
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Convince me to play Suikoden.
0 media | 3 replies
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Screen Shot 2024-07-26 at 3.49.33 PM
>search every inch of the map and collect 15+ different collectables if you want to progress
this game is aids
7 media | 21 replies
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what is it about donkey kong arcade that makes it 100x harder and way, way more fun than the NES version? is it just in my head or is there actually a big gameplay difference. retard millenial here who only just got into DK recently.

I played the NES version first long ago and had a little fun but never thought it was special. finally trying out the arcade version is an entirely different experience, I got hooked right away and I cant stop fucking playing it even though I am SHIT at the game, after hours grinding the early stages Im still dying constantly all the time.

the gameplay is so much deeper than it looks at first glance. hasnt aged badly at all, gamers now are just soft and casual pussies who would get filtered by this within moments

boomers please enlighten me, any other arcade games from that era that are still super fun now?
2 media | 9 replies
Anbershit 35xxx H(ell)
>be me
>need cozy handheld for gba games
>all the shills, youtubers, etc say this is the one to get
>chinks send it over
>the horror begins
>refuses to charge past 14% and gets HOT while doing so.
>reseat the battery now it reads 98%
>load up a snes ROM and try to kick back
>Holy FUCK this thing is getting HOT.
>Starts making a whining noise
>it ain't the speakers
>Any power whatsoever makes the whining noise and gets hot
>immediately unplug the battery and throw it back in the box

Don't buy chink shit guys.
1 media | 6 replies
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What are your favourite retro soccer/football games?
If you don't have any, have you considered giving a shot to the genre?
22 media | 50 replies
One hit wonder FPS
Post your very favorite FPS game that has no sequels or spinoffs.
4 media | 18 replies
Windows 98 Gaming
/vr/, what would you say defines Windows 98 gaming for you? Hardware, the games, if you were into PC gaming at the time what were you playing?
10 media | 30 replies
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Chao Garden is amazing. Perfectly relaxed gaming.

Raising little these stupid little babies into racers and warriors who whoop ass fucking rules.

Then they can become immortal if you raise them perfectly, so you can "finish" the game on a satisfying note instead of just meandering without a goal.

It gives you a fantastic reason to continue replaying through the main game's stages to try to scour every nook and cranny for hidden animals, and in Battle, more rings to buy more food that can raise certain stats more efficiently, and interestingly colored Chao.

This is the best side game included in a main game ever. Sonic Adventure 2 would not have a fraction of replay value without it.

Any suggestions for other A-life quality minigames? I'd love to know of any non-Sonic, non-Nights implementations of this kind of concept.
8 media | 35 replies
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Just fuck my art and music style up, SEGA.
4 media | 56 replies
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Snake, remember this Chinese proverb:
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best pinball
The Holy Trinity of well-designed Pinball games
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Gaming Setups
I want to see how others set up their game area.
Do you organize or do you just put the newest shit front and center?
Do you have dedicated stations or put everything in a box?
I want to learn, and possibly improve my setup.
37 media | 132 replies
DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11089169

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like patriots ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc):
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ:

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):!3t8nzSIS!947kyMN6Z80f8HS7q2XlqA

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:!QXIk1bjB!NHRWGIfjcc77PyGgRlga4Q!GtEQTISJ!CCJGyPEEEsZasc1PMXicUA




THREAD ARCHIVES"doom thread"/type/op/

FPS (Rolling schedule):



112 media | 483 replies
OCD prevents me from emulating games
I can't emulate games because my OCD won't let me anymore. I just have this strong feeling in my head telling me it's "wrong" and "fake" and that by not playing on an official console, I am "not having the intended experience of the game". I also worry that people on the internet might tamper with the ROMs to make them subtly different from official versions. I also cannot mod consoles, for the exact same reason, because modding = not the original, intended experience of the console.

This is obviously starting to become a problem for me. I still own all my own consoles and games but a lot of them have problems or don't work anymore, and eventually it will become near-impossible to play on original hardware. If I could allow myself to emulate and mod then playing retro games would become much easier but I just can't.

Anyone else have this mental issue?
8 media | 105 replies
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I keep dying at the very beginning. Are you not supposed to shoot the zombies at first, and just run away from them?
0 media | 11 replies
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>Makes the best early 80s video games AND pinball machines
No one could stop them at their peak
Joust and Robotron 2084 are masterpieces of video game design, they truly and deeply UNDERSTOOD the medium from the moment they started making them. Also Black Knight (1980) is still my second favorite pinball machine after Medieval Madness (also Williams)
5 media | 16 replies
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This is terrible. the controls are so bad, that it's a challenge just to backup and turn yourself around for the right jump. plus it has arbitrary collectithon bullshit.
6 media | 56 replies
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Tommy Pikachu
How did Pokemon become such a cultural force that still lasts to this day?
4 media | 58 replies
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how do they hold up?
8 media | 88 replies
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What will we have for 30th anniversary?
10 media | 21 replies
/vr/ Plays Final Fantasy 6 - FINAL PART
Final Fantasy III (USA) (Rev 1)-240616-001231
We've sure come a long way. We've met many a friend, suffered many a tragedy, and at one point, even the world itself looked lost. Yet still we persevered. Our team has infiltrated the mad god-clown's seat of power, determined to put an end to his reign of terror and destruction. The end of our journey is nigh.

Previous threads:
287 media | 328 replies
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What a piece of shit. Terrible in every aspect that makes the series great.
0 media | 18 replies
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>most beautiful graphics on the NES
>actual game is kusoge
What were they thinking?
3 media | 11 replies
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Do you think you would be able to tell the difference in a blind gameplay test?
How about with other consoles in the same test?
3 media | 29 replies
It's still the best Mario game
Super Mario Bros
When it came out it, this was undisputed. I played it back in 1986 when I was four, and instantly became obsessed with video games because of it. But after SMB3, SMW and SM64 came out it's appreciation fell along the wayside. It's importance didn't, as it was still listed near the top of all best game lists when those newer Mario games came out, but because those newer games improved and added so many things, SMB1 felt obsolete. The controls were stiff and unforgiving with your jumps. You could easily jump from SMW and SMB3 and be fine with the controls, but going back to SMB took some getting used to. The game was just smaller, more linear and had less variety. All fair criticisms compared to the newer games, but I still think it's better.
>on to part 2
2 media | 26 replies
Game Center CX
【遂に発売!】ゲームセンターCX 有野の挑戦状 1+2 REPLAY
New sub!
>Game Center CX #343 - Alien Storm [LocationScouts]
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What are your favorite /VR/ remasters or remakes?
16 media | 52 replies
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Absolutely abysmal game, I cannot believe it was released in the state it was. They must have given up making it before the halfway mark, the people who shipped it were probably on some kind of Nintendo jury duty. I bet one guy came up with the idea of blue coins and they bought him a beer afterwards.
3 media | 27 replies
WCW Nitro (Nintendo 64)
>"good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to WCW Nitro!"

one of the greatest N64 wrestling games of all-time not on the THQ/AKI engine.
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15 media | 62 replies
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>Samurai Shodown 64
>isn’t on Nintendo 64
What the fuck? It’s like a game with Super in the name not being on SNES.
5 media | 30 replies
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ITT: Games you can't find legally.
7 media | 29 replies
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>console is obtuse and difficult to program for
>pisses off its third party developers who proceed to abandon the console
>is destined to compete with sony after having the opportunity to partner with them
>sold less than any of its predecessors
>sold so poorly its successor was a bigger failure
>only worthwhile games are developed in house
>Is the Sega Saturn
>Pic Unrelated
1 media | 7 replies
/vr/ct - Giggle Downs Edition
Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>Anon's devkit v0.2
>4chan Kit v0.3

- - - - - - -

>Knowledge Base

>RCT1 Manual

>Headless Server Guide (pls fix)

>Weekend Parks Archive
20 media | 68 replies
No title
I'm a 32 year old man and I still haven't beaten Majora's Mask because the time limit element stresses me the fuck out. Yes, I know you can play a song to double the time limit, but the concept of a ticking clock itself makes me too stressed to enjoy playing the game.
4 media | 54 replies
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was there an og xbox version ?
1 media | 5 replies
Earthworm Jim
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 9.28.16 PM
faggot janny deleted last thread, I actually want about this series. what did you think of it? the first game is one of my favorite Genesis games. i wish there had been more of these games desu.
3 media | 23 replies
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Hopes for the Unreal Engine remake Sega is working on?
2 media | 40 replies
Nintendo 64 Thread
Let's talk about the fun machine.
I'm currently playing Banjo-Kazooie: The Jiggies of Time on my console via a flashcart and it's pretty good, was wondering what other romhacks should I try, already have Mario Kart Amped Up (waiting for the new update that might add 3D models for the racers) and Smash Remix, maybe some randomizers as long as they're console compatible.
I have played some Mario 64 romhacks (currently Sapphire is my favorite) and some for Goldeneye.
9 media | 37 replies
Well, on this day 30 years ago, PulseMan was released on Sega Channel by GameFreak.
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TurboGrafix/PC Engine
How the fuck was this thing successful? Yeah, it was only popular in Japan, but it did very well there despite being a monstrosity of addons.

The only other addon I can think that was successful was the FDS, and even that one was dropped once carts became cheaper to make and could eventually hold even more than a FDS disk.

This thing had not just the base unit, but addon upgrade cards for it, and then a CD addon, and then that CD addon ITSELF had an upgrade add-on, and for some games you needed the right addons or they would not work. The CD drive even originally needed a dock to connect it to the original version of the console which was not included with the CD addon at first (Not even Sega fucked that up, despite the SegaCD doing horribly).

And all of this is not even counting all the revisions and re-releases of the system that had some or all of these enhancements built in... until they released more and released newer different all-in-one versions.

How the fuck did this megazord of a console manage to be popular when it's very usage thanks to all the addons was in itself basically a puzzle game while just about any other addon for consoles failed miserably?
6 media | 28 replies
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...And thus, the video games industry was revived
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--->Tifa (long range materia)
--->Yuffie (long range weapon)

Yuffie can be swapped with Cid, but otherwise this is the party most people should roll with.
12 media | 65 replies
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okay but seriously why did they make his hair pink? some kind of color palette limitation?
6 media | 45 replies
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I love her so much bros....
0 media | 11 replies
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Is the first Paper Mario any good?
4 media | 30 replies
Intergenerational Retro Remakes
Looking for games (mostly from the 6th gen, but it doesn't matter) that are 'remakes' of older games made for *subsequent* generations.
Some examples of what I'm talking about is:
>Rayman 2 -> Rayman 2 Revolution
>Tomb Raider -> Tomb Raider Anniversary
>Lunar the Silver Star -> Silver Star Story Complete
>Metal Gear Solid -> Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
The point is that they are only 1 generation apart, showing off the massive leaps between generations.
The waters get kind-of murky, so 'Pseudo-remakes' are also allowed. I'm not gonna elaborate on that, as it's up to your interpretation.
Hit me with what you got.
5 media | 35 replies
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am i a brainlet? this game filters me so hard

just beating is so damn easy but 100% is way too hard
3 media | 28 replies
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So in hono(u)r of the Olympics going on, were any of the retro Olympic games fun?
0 media | 0 replies
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nostalgia aside, is there a DEFINITIVE way to play crt-era videogames?

>inb4 just buy the original console and a 500kg trinitron
no, physicalshit dies eventually, and even if we could remake them perfectly in fdvr it still wouldn't be the "definitive" way to play

for example, screen curvature is shit. not a single game was designed with screen curvature in mind, and there were "straight" screen crts anyway

obviously you still need a shader for stuff like dithering and color bleeding, but stuff like "bezel reflections" are a fucking meme since they aren't part of the picture
51 media | 267 replies
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>Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment (named to fit the acronym 'FREE') is a quasi-genre invented by designer Yu Suzuki, describing a game where a massive stupid idiot moron repeatedly fails to travel from Japan to Hong Kong.
3 media | 48 replies
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Canceled games you're still salty about. Abandoned localizations also count.

I'll never let this one go.
25 media | 84 replies
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ps2 slim
Just spent $320 on a PS2 slim, Retrovision component cables, two OEM memory cards, a sealed OEM controller, and 12 games.

Did I fuck up, what am I in for? I had one when I was younger but sold it.
18 media | 97 replies
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Severance Blade of Darkness
Severance: Blade of Darkness is often described as "Dark Souls 0.1b".

But I feel the game is better imagined as Golden Axe 3D.
2 media | 6 replies
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Genuinely one of the best games I've played in a while, kino!
10 media | 49 replies
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>bananas: give extra lives
>banana bunches: give extra lives
>KONG tokens: give extra lives
>balloons: give extra lives
>animal mini games: give extra lives
DKC is a good game but the fact that literally every collectible awards you the same fucking thing is gay and retarded
2 media | 21 replies
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I miss it
14 media | 116 replies
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I'm sorry, Spyro, but you seem to be playing a hacked version of this game. This may be an illegal copy. Since this copy has been modified, you may experience problems that would not occur in a legal copy.
4 media | 30 replies
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Spyro - Autumn Plains
What Spyro game is considered to be the best in the PS1 trilogy?
17 media | 66 replies
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What is the best way to play Chrono Trigger?
1 media | 24 replies
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Would it have saved the Sega Saturn?
6 media | 45 replies
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I'm really itching to replay this game. I think it might be the comfiest game I've ever played, honestly. I wonder what the sequels were missing that didn't give them as much staying power.
0 media | 14 replies
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Is there any reason to play these versions over the PSX originals?
1 media | 26 replies
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I enjoyed the sailing and exploration so much that the "triforce hunt" was basically 90% done by the time the game told me to go do it. In retrospect it was disappointing how many of the islands were small and shallow but on a first playthrough you just can't really beat seeing an island slowly appear on the horizon and grow more and more clear as you approach.
3 media | 64 replies
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What are some of the most chill/relaxing retro games?
5 media | 17 replies
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CRT filters are good now.
44 media | 136 replies
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Thoughts on this? I've never played a SMT game but this looks Pokemon-ish.

What is the best version to play? I've read Light is easier.
2 media | 23 replies
No title
Growing up as a PALcuck has been one of the biggest misfortunes of my miserable life.

>endless delays
>games randomly not coming out
>dogshit localisations filtered through 2 levels of lost in translation
>worse framerate if you're lucky
>worse framerate AND slower gameplay if not
>retarded censorship
3 media | 23 replies
Alpha 2
How come this track is so soothing and good?
4 media | 19 replies
No title
Damn this level is good! It must have been amazing playing it at the time with all the detail and immersion.
3 media | 18 replies
/HSL/ /vr's/ High Score League
Devil's Crush edition

RULES: Fast Ball, PC-Engine/TurboGrafx-16 version only. Winner chooses next game or spins the Wheel of Games.

Current high score as of writing is >>11109152

Without further to do... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! For real this time
8 media | 15 replies
No title
Am I just a bad or this Quickload Simulator: The Video Game
0 media | 1 replies
GameCube 2001 reveal
2001 Cube
It's interesting to look back on this reveal because the crowd reactions tell a lot about what the fans wanted, and it's strangely foreboding in some ways:
>crowd goes fucking APESHIT over Samus; the hype for Zelda characters is significantly more muted
>after the Melee trailer rocks everyone's socks off, Miyamoto says "now for the next instalment in the Mario series"
>crowd screams in hype and loses their minds
>and then it's Luigi's Mansion
>literally NOBODY claps or screams or chants at ANY point in the Luigi's Mansion reveal
>nobody gives a shit; people are just talking over the show
>the excitement at the conference is basically nonexistent now and once the trailer ends, Luigi's Mansion gets a quieter ovation than Ice Climbers being confirmed for Melee (no, seriously)
It's surreal how prophetic yet so different this was. And the reaction to LM really makes you feel bad for Nintendo (but also not bad because they clearly failed to read the room). Did the biblical status Zelda has today only come into existence after Wind Waker's graphics made fans reminisce over the N64 glory days? Because it's impossible to imagine Zelda characters generating such little hype today.
1 media | 55 replies
No title
Ha ha ha HAH haaaa
0 media | 3 replies
Magical 16-bit
4th gen really is my favorite, even though I was raised with 6th and 7th.
Post pics, music, stories... Celebrate the glorious 16-bit!
43 media | 70 replies
No title
Why did they fall off so hard after the 80s? Arcade companies like Capcom, Konami, and Namco were still able to survive and thrive in the home console space. What went wrong?
5 media | 60 replies
GTA3 on Dreamcast port WIP
Homebrew devs are slowly chipping away at a tech demo / poc of GTA running on Dreamcast. Right now just in the very early stages but will be neat to follow how far it gets.
31 media | 234 replies
No title
Why do SquareSoft PS1 ports of SNES games have such dogshit load times? You're putting fucking 1-4MB games onto a 600MB disc, this should not be an issue. The PS1 has 2MB of RAM, you could literally fit half of Chrono Trigger or ALL of Final Fantasy V into the memory. Shin Megami Tensei doesn't have this problem, and that's actually an enhanced port with 3D models and shit.
7 media | 103 replies
/hbg/ - Homebrew & Romhacking General
Previous Thread: >>11055448

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

Active Communities:

Huge Community List:

IPS/BPS Patcher:

Huge Archive:

Other Archives:'s_ROM_>Hack_Recommendations

Quality of Life Improvements:

Desplash Patches:

















17 media | 146 replies
No title
Why, it's Lillia.
Popuri's mom, from Harvest Moon 64.
She's dropped in to say hi!

Say something kind to Lillia.
3 media | 7 replies
No title
I can’t understand why Sega gave up on this guy.
12 media | 68 replies
Just got an original Xbox! Any one have a list of good games to check out? Any multiplats that are better on here? I already wanted to try out the Halo games since I missed out on those when they were new. I'm finally going to play through Jet Set Radio Future. I also picked up Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike just because I've always been curious about those ports. Is there any difference in MGS2 I've only ever played the PS2 version. I know the PS2 has pressure sensitive buttons and the Xbox doesn't so I don't know how big of a difference it makes. Also is there anything interesting about Shenmue II I first played an emulated Dreamcast version and later the HD remaster on the PS5. I might just pick it up as an oddity since games for this thing are so cheap. Anything I should know about owning one of these things.
7 media | 64 replies
No title
GS Mikami - Joreishi ha Nice Body (J)-240725-182346
A lost jewel of the past
1 media | 22 replies
Front Mission 3
This game's scope is deceptively large. It's a constant string of ''why did they bother with adding this little detail here'', in a wonderful way. I wasn't expecting much out of a ps1 mecha game, certainly not paragraphs about renovations to sewage systems, but it's been great so far, invigorating shit. What does /vr/ make of this game and this series in general?
0 media | 22 replies
No title
>best parry in games
>takes 40 mins to beat
>perfect pacing
>player expression
>graphics literally designed to melt your console
>hard but can be seamlessly learned without external tools
>every character is trans

it’s the greatest game ever made
4 media | 49 replies
PC-FX: worst console of all time
What the ABSOLUTE FUCK were they thinking? They released a console in 1994 that had only TWO (2) PCM channels, with the rest of the audio being BEEPS from 80's consoles two generations prior: (I could not make this up if I tried: They released a console in 1994 that had ZERO (0) shoulder buttons, which even the Jaguar and 3DO had. They released a console in 1994 that had NO FUCKING 3D HARDWARE?? WHY????????? Never mind the slow CPU.

Some wise person had the bright idea to price this higher than the PlayStation AND the Saturn, which both came out before the PC-FX. This piece of shit rightly sold only 400,000 units, yet some hubristic psychopath only decided to pull the plug on manufacturing in 1998. Until then, NEC saw Mario 64 release, saw Quake release, saw Final Fantasy VII release, and still had faith for YEARS that the PC-FX would eventually succeed. None of this makes any sense. I feel depressed knowing NEC execs got paid 6 figures to sign this fuckup off while palpably more intelligent working class people have to suffer. There is some cosmic horror I can't wrap my head around trying to figure out why this travesty exists.
35 media | 82 replies
No title
What's the best way one would go about playing the original, English translated, DOS version of Princess Maker 2?
2 media | 15 replies
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Why was is cancelled?
2 media | 20 replies
ITT: Cancelled and Unresurfaced /vr/ Games
I'll start. Donkey Kong's Fun With Music was going to be released alongside DKjr Math and that Popeye english learning game. As the name suggests this game was going to try and teach children about music. It also had a karaoke mode which probably didn't work at all since the Famicom mic sucks ass. The game was shown in some early promo stuff for the Famicom but never got released. There is a rumor that the game found its way onto some bootleg carts but there is no evidence to back that up.
28 media | 55 replies
No title
10 years after claiming a translation project you should lose it, how come no one else did step forward?
8 media | 71 replies
Best way to play TR3 on PC?
I just finished Tomb Raider 1 and 2 on PC using Duckstation. Both games were great and I'm looking forward to TR3 next.

The remaster collection seemed like the obvious choice but 1) I don't give a shit about the "modern controls" since the original controls are one of the best things about the game since I'm not a zoomie retard, and 2) I prefer the original graphics, especially if I can play in high resolution with widescreen. Supposedly the remaster has some minor censorship and woke preaching, which is gay.

The PS1 version in Duckstation would be fine but I'd prefer greater draw distance and widescreen.

All that said, I'm leaning toward the PC versions with one of the patches. But, which patch? Peixoto's patch? Something else? Also, how hard is it getting it to work with a controller?
0 media | 4 replies
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>just use original hardware bro! it's "the way it's meant to be played"!

i'm so fucking tired of this meme. let's say i want to play metroid. i need to buy:
>famicom: $150
>fds: $100
>physical cope of the game: $50
>ntsc crt: $100
just to play 1 game (assuming everything i bought works), and all that on a shitty crt, otherwise i have to spend twice that

and if i wanted to reduce costs by using emulation + shaders, i still need to buy the shitty wireless $100 famicom switch controllers (can't find original anywhere without importing, let alone the usb adapter) and even then NOT A SINGLE RETROARCH CORE SUPPORTS FAMICOM'S MICROPHONE

i'm so fucking mad
5 media | 30 replies
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At the very, very, very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very end of the day, what are your stakes at owning real hardware? When it comes to retro.
5 media | 21 replies
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So was this just a souless Everquest II or what?
2 media | 21 replies
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why did they nerf the lance so much? the dagger not only deals more damage, but fires faster, with less gap between projectiles (especially easier to multi-hit arremers), and has a 50% higher on-screen limit. The dagger is like 3x as good as the lance. And the funny thing is the lance is the second best weapon in the game, the other weapons are just all penalty weapon trash.

Honestly the whole thing feels so sloppy and thrown together compared to the first game. The hitstun feels worse, level design is worse, your character's sprite is too big, boss design is worse, penalty weapons blocking your path is way more common, the psycho cannon feels way less satisfying than the cross/shield from the first game, the chest system is obnoxious, and the list goes on.
1 media | 29 replies
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>what ?! your racing game doesnt allow you to pick up hot chick in your tuned up cars ?
this is the quintessential fast and furious 1 to 3 experience,and i remember the cars controlling better than in NFS underground 2.
best 20 bucks i ever spent.
1 media | 7 replies
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Hitscanners aren't fun enemies to fight if they don't have a wind up time or deal massive damage.
14 media | 111 replies
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>GTA killer
6 media | 31 replies
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I finally gave this series a try. Have I been gaslighted this whole time into thinking this was going to be a good game? The controls are fucking atrocious and unresponsive , the level design in world 2 takes a nose dive into Mario like pitfalls and spikes except with much worse controls than a Mario game.
11 media | 71 replies
No title
Just downloaded, played, and quit this in the span of less than 2 hours.

The overeworld/city doesn't really offer anything beyond a few minutes of goofing off. It's just a time vampire. The missions are just worse Ratchet, even other Ratchet-likes such as Metal Arms Glitch in the System are better. Only the story, characters and cutscenes kept me from turning it off earlier. Going for the sequel today.
2 media | 19 replies
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the dismal squirt gun
8 media | 25 replies
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You guys remember ridge racer right
2 media | 11 replies
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We got to play hundreds of games thanks to these. We didn't know how good we had it
0 media | 1 replies
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Vidya nature appreciation thread

Post comfy or memorable places and music
15 media | 21 replies
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Underrated as fuck, the best classic Mega Man. The graphics are phenomenal, the stages are creative, and the upgrade system offers a lot of replayability.
12 media | 75 replies
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i used the chemist to cheese the last boss

did i beat the game?
0 media | 16 replies
Kitsch Bent N64 parts
get bent
These parts are supposed to make an N64 control stick like new, but these values are the same as one of my old worn controllers. The stick is good and tight. I can't figure out what is keeping it from reaching the edges.

The parts are cheap, but only if you live in the US or buy in bulk. Overall I wouldn't recommend them.
1 media | 9 replies
To delete or not delete
When you buy retro games, do you delete the save file? There's some charm to seeing how far the previous owner got. But using save slot 3 or going out of my way to preserve their save feels kinda like a cuck. But if I delete it, it's gone forever. You guys think I should wipe the previous owner's save file?
3 media | 12 replies
Competition-level /vr/ Fighters Gen
Play online via Fightcade
Get Fightcade Roms via the json extension
Learn strategy from the supercombo wiki

Expect heated discussion and banter. If you have not achieved a C rank on fightcade or an equivalent rank elsewhere consider lurking more before posting a strongly worded opinion. Avoid e-celeb gossip that does not directly relate to the games.

Thread Question: How many hours have you spent in training modes compared to matches?
8 media | 61 replies
No title
Just saw this on Radiation Hazard. AvP sisters, we're so back!
1 media | 8 replies
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I know next to nothing about gaming before the NES. What was it like?
4 media | 19 replies
Playstation 2 Homebrew Thread
A thread for everything involving hacking your PS2.
I have a question, I usually use OPL 1.1.0 for everything but it doesn't recognize ZSO games, I tried one of those "nightly" builds (the Jay-Jay ones) and they recognize and play ZSO files but some of my games dont work on that build (like Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Crash Nitro Kart for example), I tried disabling PADEMU and other settings but it still doesn't work (games freeze on a black screen).
What can I do?
15 media | 122 replies
No title
>All Namco games take place in the same shared universe
3 media | 16 replies
Could they have saved the GameCube?
In an alternate universe where Nintendo bought out Rare in 2002 and kept them as a 2nd party developer, could they have saved the GameCube?

The following would have all likely been released as GCN games:
>Kameo: Elements of Power
>Perfect Dark Zero
>Donkey Kong Racing
>Grabbed by the Ghoulies
>Viva Pinata

A Nintendo-owned Rare probably would have also made the following:
>Banjo-Kazooie 3
>A new 3D Donkey Kong game

Would this have been enough to save the GameCube?
1 media | 25 replies
WHAT were they thinking?
>DualShock comes out in 1997 with two proper sticks
>the same year, Nintendo R&D1 begins working on Sin and Punishment; a game designed to use the stick with the right hand
>also the same year, GoldenEye comes out on the N64 with a dual analog control scheme
>Before a design for the Xbox controller is even settled on, Halo's meteoric hype train makes clear the importance of a second stick
>the C-stick was a bad idea in 1997, even worse when revealed in 2001, and definitely an existential flaw by March 2001
>there is still time to fix the GameCube controller...
>instead of replacing the C-nipple, Nintendo makes the controller WORSE by shrinking the B button so you can't press it and Y simultaneously
Very bold.
17 media | 144 replies
No title
>most hated thing is actually the best
What are examples of this on other game?
2 media | 9 replies
sddefault (4)
>Dude it looks fucking fugly on purpose so it's actually good!!
Fuck ironicfags for defending this sloppa now. Eat shit.
5 media | 27 replies
No title
I fucking HATE this fucking game for starting the 80s revival and the cyberpunk neon retro purple synthwave aesthetic which led to shit like hotline miami, blade runner 2049, drive 2011, and fucking vaporwave and synthwave. we've been suffering through this shit for 20 years with no signs of stopping. no 90s or 00s nostalgia by the mainstream, just 80s nostalgia being milked to death.

VC turned out to be MORE influential than III, and also in the same negative way
7 media | 77 replies
No title
These games would be godly if the field of view were just a little bigger. I was hype for the collection thinking they might do this, but alas.

What are the chances of this getting something like a pc port that can do this?
2 media | 18 replies
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repostan because the last thread died after 2 replies

you HAVE played the best game on turbografx-16, right?
4 media | 17 replies
No title
Is buying cheap greasy old consoles from the internet even worth it? Anyone here regret buying?
4 media | 22 replies
No title
Just bought this. Can’t wait to get it. Super excited to be able to finally play it.
5 media | 23 replies
How come this series has so many 'forgotten titles'?
For example every Zelda main game has a lot of hype and its own cult but with DQ you rarely hear about the ones that aren't 3, 5, 8 and 11

Did you play the rest? Are you even interested in them? How would you rank them if you played them?
2 media | 28 replies
No title
Did anyone else like Hogs of War?
2 media | 8 replies
What The Fuck Was His Problem?
Seriously the dude just kills everyone he meets and walks away like nothing happened. Does being mute really make you this crazy?
11 media | 60 replies
No title
>timer runs out before enough gang members can spawn
Heh, nothin personnel kid.
0 media | 17 replies
"Doom clones" that mog Doom
For me it's Heretic.

>no hitscan enemies
>enemies look way cooler and really surreal
>maps and backgrounds are gorgeous

Doom feels like a bunch of random ideas bunched together. Heretic feels like a believable living breathing universe.
4 media | 34 replies
No title
in Fatal Fury 2, which outfit do you think Mai Shiranui looks good in: Red or Purple?

Another great SNK game btw.
0 media | 4 replies
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behold, 2D perfection
2 media | 49 replies
No title
>Load up old NES RPG I've never played
>Don't look up any walkthroughs
>Don't look up mechanics like "What does spell X do" but instead use trial and error to figure it out
>Same with exploration
>Experiment with every piece of new gear, item, spell etc that comes my way
>Only supplementary material I allow myself to use is the official manual
>Don't use savestates, only use dedicated save spots like the world map

I now pay attention to my inventory management and spell uses, I treat dungeons as genuine gauntlets since any encounter can kill me if I'm not careful which means I'll lose any EXP, exploration is now fun and rewarding since I don't know whats waiting around the corner, my team comp and strategy is constantly adapting, and I never have any idea what comes next

Amazing how the industry convinced itself simple fun in this genre needed to be eroded by QoL and streamlining the experience. Its simple, but there's a genuine tension and sense of adventure to these games if you simply decide to go in with no prior knowledge and stick to them without cheating your experience
3 media | 49 replies
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Played Hybrid Heaven for the first time today and really enjoyed it. It's not the best game ever or anything but Im surprised I don't hear about this one more often, or even at all really. Really liked the story and atmosphere and had a lot of fun with its still pretty unique combat system. If I had to complain about anything its that the game just feels a bit slow. Thankfully its not very long, I beat it in about 8 hours, but its definitely one of those games that feels like its about three times longer than it actually is.

Any of you guys play this one? What did you think? If you haven't, I really recommend checking it out.
3 media | 39 replies
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Did this thing actually have a good library?
33 media | 143 replies
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Real Bout Fatal Fury on Genesis
0 media | 14 replies
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B-Specing this shit
1 media | 10 replies
Losing my mind over original xbox
>want to play halo 2 and baldurs gate dark alliance with my brother
>pull out og xbox
>wont power on
>waste several hours trying to get it to work
>decide to buy xbox for $40 off of fb marketplace, dude sends me a video of it playing a game
>take it home
>powers on but gives error message that it can't read any of my discs
what do? At this point I'm just thinking about buying one on ebay that already has those cheeky capacitors removed or I might just try to low ball someone on fb marketplace and pray that this one works
0 media | 9 replies
Mascot Platformers
2209404-box_gex3 (1)
Alright /vr/ I wanna do a mascot platformer marathon, what are some games that I should include on my list. I already downloaded the Crash, Spyro and Sly Cooper games. Not including Donkey Kong or Sonic as I already beat their catalogue of games.
28 media | 44 replies
/hhg/ - Handheld General
Back to basics edition.

Previous: >>10489968

Retro sizer
Retro handhelds spreadsheet
110 media | 550 replies