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Board: /trv/

"/trv/ - Travel" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to travel and the countries of the world.

No title
Hey voyagers,
/trv/ is a slow board, so don't expect immediate responses. CHECK THE CATALOG – you might find threads already discussing topics you're interested in.

Before asking for suggestions, tell /trv/ about your:
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
This makes it easier to give quality advice. Of course, keep your posts travel related.

For all other matters:
General culture questions >>>/int/
Politics discussion >>>/pol/
Transportation discussion >>>/n/
Outdoors-related discussion >>>/out/

For more information about safety, planning and other miscellaneous topics, check out the pastebin in the next post:
1 media | 1 replies
No title
why is this area so ugly and filled with whores?
0 media | 21 replies
/vegas/ general
>ctrl+f "vegas"
>no vegas thread

Vegas thread. Post recommendations for the following
>hotels/places to stay
>casinos/gambling tips
>what to avoid
0 media | 14 replies
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Just two more years of wageslavery until I can afford to return to Asia
1 media | 2 replies
Philippines travel general
21 media | 233 replies
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good photoshop midwest
How's life in the Midwest? I'm tired of the hot stupid south and thinking of going up to Michigan/Ohio/Illinois/Wisconsin.
19 media | 193 replies
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is Naples worth visiting for the food alone?
0 media | 11 replies
Train through Europe
yrp - Copy
Starting in Madrid and ending in Budapest, then heading back west and ending in Paris

If you were to stop at 3 or 4 cities each way, for a couple days which would you choose?

There are also smaller cities, not listed on this map. Are those better than the big cities?

Which places are the worst? I want to see Marseilles for the history but hear it is horrible, is that accurate?

Do you prefer the high speed or regular trains?

Anything else one should know?
0 media | 0 replies
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why does France get so many more tourists than everyone else?
9 media | 71 replies
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download (12)
>not my problem
if you welcome western tourists into your country, expect TP to be flushed.
1 media | 4 replies
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anyone been to Bahrain?
5 media | 9 replies
Seattle vacation as a European
I realized that flights to Seattle/PNW are relatively cheap and fast. Now I'm really interested in going there for about 10 days in summer as my first solo vacation. I would like to stay in the city for a few days, preferably in a cheap hostel. Any tips regarding transport, nightlife, sightseeing in the actual city? For the second half of my time I would rent a car and drive into the Olympic park, as well as Mount Rainier. Can I just sleep in my car at a campground for a reasonable price? Is it reasonable to leave out Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie and North Cascades and focus on the aforementioned parks for 5-6 days? Which beach sides should I visit? anything else I need to pay attention to, especially if I want to stay budget-friendly?
6 media | 19 replies
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I'm traveling to Philadelphia for the Eagles Superbowl parade on Friday. Anyone else? Any tips?
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How safe is it to visit here right now as an American? Will the Israelis harass you and be rude? I heard theyre incredibly stuck up. Will the Palis abduct you? I want to visit Jerusalem and the countryside.
2 media | 18 replies
Seoul’s winter is colder than European ones
>It’s minus 8 degrees another freezing day today
Do you have this kind of cold image for South Korea?! Their latitude is lower than that of Europe but they are much colder?!
17 media | 44 replies
How do you deal with short-changing?
You look over your change and it's not the right amount. What do you do? A petty example...
>grab a DeeDo orange juice drink from the fridge
>eight thousand
>misunderstand as 7000, offer 5000 and two 1000 bills
>he mimes "one more"
>no more 1000 bills so I hand over additional 5000
>get 2000 in change
>remark to him that the item now costs 10K
>he insists I only paid 10K and that's why I got 2000 in change
>impasse results
>wife comes over with a worried expression
>I say "it's okay" and walk away
Humiliating a guy in front of his wife for less than ten cents is improper behavior, IMO. 10K is the standard retail price for DeeDo, but this particular shop has always given me a discount on drinks. I'm not gonna be a Jew and squeeze anyone for pennies, but saying nothing creates the bad impression among Asians that white people are stupid and careless with their money.
0 media | 29 replies
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Any reason to bring a DSLR or anything other than a phone with a camera nowadays?
5 media | 17 replies
/vie/ general - Bahn Mi edition
Discuss everything regarded vietnam here

Useful link to gain your visa:

You don't need a visa If you are from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, GB.
36 media | 239 replies
What's the favourite beach you've been to?
Princess Cays in the Bahamas had a nice beach, the secluded part when you go off the hidden path, over a bridge near the little dock. Clear, blue, beautiful water. Barely anybody there, driftwood, great sand, a bit rocky but gorgeous. Cruise ships in the distance. Lovely

I liked the Finikoudes beach in Larnaca, Cyprus too. Nice promenade, smells lovely (of great greek food), quite nice even though popular. Clean sand, nice layout. Very nice.

I really want to see one of those bioluminescent ones in Japan.
1 media | 10 replies
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America has protected China throughout history until they became the slaves of the Soviet Union. The SU fell but China was too stupid to understand the Communist game was over.
Now they're bragging about AI that they once again copied from America. They are incapable of innovation, instead they treat humans like bugs, piling themselves on top of each other and reproducing like a billion of themselves in bad living conditions. They repay America for teaching them how to be civilized by stealing. The food they have looks like slop and has too many spices over the slop. Why would anyone want to visit the Great Wall when thieves are everywhere and they don't bother with repairs. If you're Mormon, they kidnap you and send you to North Korea.
1 media | 7 replies
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Why are people so obsessed with "how many countries have you visited" when the truth is that every province or prefecture of countries like England, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Spain and France have more things to see, more traditions and culture than any country in Latin America (save for Mexico and Brazil), any country in the Slavosphere besides Russia or any African country besides Egypt/Morocco?

Seriously, take some random irrelevant industrial prefecture like Toyama, Japan, population 1 million. It has a 400-year old Buddhist temple featuring masterpieces of feudal era artists such as Sesshu and Kano Tanyu, the UNESCO-rated village of Gokayama featuring real lived-in centuries-old wooden houses, a sake brewery that has been operated by the same family since 1626 and stunning mountains, featuring the only glaciers in East Asia outside of Russia and countless beautiful onsens to bathe in.

Meanwhile Uruguay, population 3.4 million and a world-renown tourist destination, has 3 DEI UNESCO sites (a delapitated poorly built ugly town from the 1700s, a church from 1958 and a meatpacking plant), their most famous natural site is a ten metre waterfall from the valley of Lunarejo, the icon of the city, Palacio Salvo, was designed by an Italian with zero connection to the land and is a direct copy of Palacio Barolo from Buenos Aires, and its national dish is plain old beef.
6 media | 29 replies
No title
>boring old stone brick architecture
>ugly gray skies and cold weather
>stuck up people
>overpriced food
>overly crowded
>no sense of adventure

What is the appeal of Europe? I havent been to southern Europe but this shit is so lame. Asia, Africa, and South America is so much better
1 media | 14 replies
Map Thread
I just got back from an Alps ski trip. Finally checked Switzerland off my list. Zermatt is mediocre for skiing. Not as expensive as I imagined, but also not cheap. Glad I went, though I don't plan to visit again. Austria had the best skiing, infrastructure, and apres ski scene (German house.) Italian Dolomites had the prettiest views, open and kind people, and food ofc. I found Milan to be a bit of a dump.

Baikal next week.
22 media | 52 replies
Paris, France
I'm getting a free plane ticket to paris,france with free hotel for a week as well for the end of august. What should I do when I get there? I already speak french but I've never visited. Any good restaurant I should try? Budget 2000 euro. Anything I should be careful about too?
3 media | 43 replies
No title
Now that Japan has been throughly enriched with western culture and the women are basically among the most unloyal due to the cheating culture where is the next good place for meeting sane women? China?
8 media | 74 replies
>knock knock
>open door
>the young hotel maid stands in front of the door
>9/10, she's latina, tawny eyes, broad hips, beautiful smile
>looks at you, a white tourist in south america, there's this deep curiosity in her eyes followed by a flash of excitement. you swear you could see her bite her lip for a fraction of a second
>buenos dias
>buenos dias
>clean, senor?
>no gracias, todo bien
>muy bien
>she stands there looking at you, you're kind of glad you didn't put the "do not disturb" sign on your door, just so you two could meet.
>it was like it was divinely orchestrated
>there's definitely something i need from you, chica...
>look her deep in the eyes, ready to pounce
>oh actually, i need toilet paper. i've ran out. can i get two rolls? gracias, guapa. see you tomorrow
1 media | 22 replies
No title
Why do you guys like to travel to shitholes? I get that it's cheaper but its not worth
>trash everywhere
>obnoxious foreign languages
>foreign culture
>no legit bathrooms with toilets and toilet paper
2 media | 14 replies
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I'd like to go to Japan this year, first time. I don't know the language well enough to have conversations beyond simple phrases, greetings, thanks. When I go out to dine alone ideally I'd like to just go to any hole in the wall, but will they even be able to communicate with me or do I need to stick to the more touristy places for people that can speak english if needed?
0 media | 10 replies
Most overrated place on Earth
>Every city looks the same
>Countries are in complete decay and decline
>People are generally asocial and unfriendly, minus some of the Mediterranean nations
>Bland food
Has to be the most overrated place on Earth.
3 media | 37 replies
how do I find beginners to go for a ski trip?
>be me
>move to Italy
>Live extremely close to Italian Alps
>Don't have many friends
>Ones you do have not interested in skiing
>I never ever donet it, so I need to take a lesson
>Can't find a single soul to go together

What are my options? I really really want to try it but I don't want to go alone. I tried "solo travel" before and I hated it.
0 media | 4 replies
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Which country has the worst tourists? I’ll start: Germany.
First of all, there’s so fucking many of them anywhere you go. They’re rude and everywhere and they think they’re superior to everyone else and they actually believe it genuinely, not like Americans who play it up to be funny. God forbid you get stranded in a hostel with a bunch of Germans.
3 media | 23 replies
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images (73)
What's the "situation" like here? Stopping for a month between Phillipines and Thailand.
16 media | 243 replies
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will i get bullied for being italian american in missouri (aunt says i look spanish)
1 media | 12 replies
Place in sub saharan Africa where white person can go without any bias
Is there a place in black Africa where you can just go, like you do to most European or East Asian countries? Where you can just go outside of hotel, without constant full-alert mode to avoid being scammed and/or robbed, or where you can just go on beach without being bothered by local niggers?

I've heard people in Rwanda and Cabo Verde are more relaxed and less obtrusive than typical Africans. Is this true? Are there other African places/countries like that?
0 media | 27 replies
Thai or Bali on 10k long term?
Want to spend some months in a nice beachy tropical place to recharge. Which one's better if you got 10k to spare for 6 months and relatively amateurish at traveling? Bali looks more centralised and has everything but thailand has easier long visa options but more commercialised and degenerate. And where are the proper digital nomads? Not the pretenders.
0 media | 9 replies
Flights and baggage
lu - Copy
This is part of traveling I hate. Dealing with baggage. It has been a while since I've done it.
In your experience what can you get away with as your “personal item.” Could you take a school backpack with your laptop in it and some other stuff?
How uptight are they about enforcing size limits on your bags? Do you ever get busted?
What about checked bags? Does this go well?
0 media | 11 replies
Anything interesting near Mai Châu?
I live in Hanoi but I'm going to be in Mai Châu for the cave rave. It finishes on Sunday but I don't have to be back in Hanoi until midday Wednesday. I heard that Mai Châu is pretty shitted up with tourists so I don't know if it's worth hanging around.
What should I do with my two extra nights?
Stay in Mai Châu (somewhere more remote than the Lac village where the festival is being held?
Go somewhere interesting nearby?
0 media | 0 replies
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Is it just me or Hungary seems devoid of tourist attractions besides Budapest?
2 media | 12 replies
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Travelling full time after college
Is it a good idea to travel full time upon graduating college this year? I don’t have a job lined up and I’ve had 0 internships so I’m thinking just fuck it and travel the world full time for a while
I could easily fund this by starting a YouTube channel and doing clickbaity travel videos
I’ve seen other people doing shit like this on YouTube where they just vagabond around to random third world countries
Is this a good idea?
0 media | 12 replies
marseille travel ideas
visiting marseille in may for 4 days.

would greatly appriciate any tips, french restaurant recommendations or dishes, and any other cool thing we can see
1 media | 6 replies
>"driving will take 4x as long as flying and will cost more to rent a car + refuel!"
Don't care, driving anyway. Love me long solo drives, simple as. And you SHAN'T be enjoying any of my Buc-ee's goodies.
3 media | 5 replies
Just traveling in Kazahstan, lol.
0 media | 7 replies
I thought Thailand was going to be cheap
Apart from thai food, everything from cosmetics tontech is regularly priced and even expensive more so than any first world country. You can get an a cheap apartment room run by old people who don't know a lick of english, it will smells like rotting trash, but any decent hotel is $25 a night. Japan and Korea have cheaper or similarly options. I think Vietnam is cheaper but only very slightly.
Is there something I'm missing? Are the nice cheap modern places to rent without ugly glossy floors, mold, stone beds and sewage smell available places that you have to rent for a month?
9 media | 89 replies
No title
>on dating apps looking for gf
>find women who put in "Love to travel" "Love traveling", and so forth
> okay easy picks right?
>invite the ones i match out on trips with me
>out of 5 i matched, 1 ignored me
>3 made up excuses to not want to take a trip and instead stay local
>only one is up for it
>we agree on going to Norway for a few days
>first day arrive in Oslo from plane
>we go out to eat some lunch
>she wants to go back to the hotel to drop stuff off
>then she comes up with excuses to not want to go anywhere until dinner
>second day she once again doesn't actually want to go to any local sites
>even tells me maybe we should have just stayed in our home country and did something locally
The fuck man, why put travel in your bio when you clearly don't like traveling and exploring new places? She basically just wanted to get wined and dined for 3 nights and then sat in the hotel watching movies and social media
0 media | 14 replies
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how is myanmar for tourists?
4 media | 23 replies
No title
>hostels are a place for people to connect with others
>music blaring so loud you can't even hear yourself think
>you have to yell intimate details about yourself out in public
Why are people always so full of shit. Everything I hear people say, not just online, but in the real world, is always some meme. Like they think they're suppose to believe it is an accurate interpretation of the world. Just be honest faggots. And turn down the music. And if I'm reading a book in silence, don't come sit next to me chatting about nonsense so fucking loud.
1 media | 12 replies
Friends don't travel across the globe with you anymore?
Screenshot 2024-08-27 231501
2 of my closest friends don't travel with me anymore and I think it's cause I'm a shitty person to travel with since I get stressed out easily and can be kind of bossy/irritable. I'm working on changing this.

One of these guys has just started doing an annual vacation with his girlfriend exclusively, and another one of my friends told me he plans on going to Europe with a friend from one of his hobbies, and from there, solo travel to Asia. No mention of inviting me, but point taken, ofcourse.

I've burned bridges with friends travel wise and there's a lot of places I still want to go, but I don't know if I should just solo-travel without bringing it up to my friends, or really try to force a group trip, even though we don't do those anymore.
0 media | 22 replies
Thailand General
Do I need to pre-book the boat tours out of Krabi or Phuket or can I just turn up?
Does this look like a good day?
I will be at DMK airport and then going to the international airport for my flight home there are around 12 hours 11pm to 11am other than moving to the new airport anything else I might do?
Is Patong purely for parties, I got 4 days there but I am starting to get worried, solo traveller if that helps, if not Patong than where? Already going to Krabi next.
Tell me about weed, worth trying if I don't smoke? I had edibles but they've never done a thing for me...
Anyone been to the ethical animal sanctuary around Phuket?
Thoughts on Kratom?
What apps are king for dating?
Solo travel tips?

You make me feel good about not having my plan ready yet...

I don't mind temples but not an entire weeks worth, I guess I am low key looking for girls, but maybe not Thai ones...yeah I know.

I've read multiple stories about SOI COWBOY or SOI NANNA the scammy place being bad, should I avoid it as a solo traveler?

How does one do this in Bangkok, the last bit

Has anyone been to the Elephant sanctuary that is near Phuket, worth it? Or if not where is the best place to get hands on with Elephants.

Why did you travel haldwaf around the world for two nights man...did something at least turn out for you?

Which islands should I tour out of Phuket, particularly interested in that The Beach island...

Solo traveler, damn Thailand sounds kinda sketchy

8 days in BKK or move to Pattaya?

AND good places in BKK to drink and hang alone, preferably with the chance to meet people...girls and such or expats
10 media | 61 replies
Avoiding British tourists
I'm planning my European trip for early summer (Prague, Vienna, Budapest, maybe Northern Italy), what are the best dates to avoids Bongs?

What i understand is already to avoid:
-"Early may bank holiday" may 5
-"Spring Bank Holiday" may 26

Is mid-june safe to avoid them?
2 media | 30 replies
No title
this should not be in new york.
0 media | 12 replies
No title
Going here soon

Red pill me our soon to be 51st state

Good restaurants? Bars? going on a cheap budget
1 media | 6 replies
Hill Country, Texas
I will be travelling to around the Kerrville area for work in a few weeks. I'm English and am very much looking forward to being able to experience some more of the south (Only been around Florida). Can anyone recommend some things for me to do? I have a weekend totally free, so would be willing to drive somewhere like Corpus Christi (just as a metric for distance) if you think there is something good that I should check out. Otherwise, my free time is mostly evenings, sadly.

I am unashamedly open to so called "tourist traps" if they aren't total shit. If anything I'd probably eat up that cowboy shit. I am fairly well travelled in terms of cities; I would be surprised if anything in Austin or San Antonio would offer something interesting to me if you're talking things like museums, galleries or generic shows/music etc. I've been to 'Merica >20 times so would appreciate more Texas/Southern unique experiences and would appreciate things on the lighter side of cost but I'm not too tight (say ~$200 for a very good experience).
0 media | 2 replies
Dark tourism
Just finished this show, thought it was entertaining enough, what does /trv/ think?
Wad the host too onions? The places/activities too normie?
Any locations/things he missed?
0 media | 1 replies
Rome in march
Im wondering how crowds will be and wondering if anyone can reccomend some smaller towns near Rome to visit and stay in a for a couple days
Yes thats me in the pic
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Do Hallmark Christmas towns exist? The small kind of town where everyone knows each other and there's lots of festivities? I've been across a good bit of the US now and I feel like towns/villages go from:

a) Completely sparse, everyone spread our rural setting
b) smallish looking town but majority is actually abandoned
c) Massive 10k+ town where there's no way people know or care about each other
4 media | 26 replies
No title
white people
>white people go to Asia
>they order individual dishes like a bunch of autist
why is this such a frequent occurrence?
3 media | 29 replies
No title
How the FUCK are you meant to get up here?

There's barely any Street View imagery of this land, pockmarked with lakes. The odd ones mostly have a richfag helicopter in the background.

Any canucks actually gone really far off the beaten track in the mostly unconquered wilderness? I know there's the highway all the way to Tuktoyaktuk now. But I mean really far off.

Lower down in BC and stuff there's some amazing views but it does feel like man's hand is apparent nearly everywhere, with forestry roads, monoculture forests and watchpoint towers and such.
2 media | 7 replies
No title
>enters your hotel room ignoring the dnd sign
>tucks your sheets under the mattress
>refuses to elaborate
5 media | 52 replies
I will have a few free days in Medellin (and possibly a couple in Bogota). What do?
I am planning on doing Guatape, but would like other suggestions especially for nature/wildlife.
Are there good places near Medellin (or maybe Bogota) to see monkeys in the wild?
Or birdwatching?
Or other great scenic hikes like Guatape?
Or any other suggestions for things to do?
Preferably places I can just go do on my own but I can pay for a tour if needed too.
4 media | 31 replies
What are the world's best train journeys?
I did a lot of train travel while I was in Europe. I've taken the London to Paris. When I was a stagiaire in France, I rode the trains from Paris to Moscow. Not a lot of westerners have made the train journey from Poland through Belarus terminating in Moscow where the whole carriage is raised at the border to refit onto the Russian compatible train gauge. That was nuts. But it seems to me that train travel is a dying technology outside of China/Japan and western Europe.

Share your memorable train journeys.
0 media | 1 replies
No title
How's Greece?
1 media | 8 replies
I'm going to Philadelphia tomorrow, what should I do?
Tomorrow is the Super Bowl so I'm going to Philly and I've been there a couple of times but never been to the heart of the city, though I always make sure to go to Geno's and Pat's whenever I'm in town. So far all I'm going to do is go to the museum of art and visit the Liberty place. What else should I do?
2 media | 6 replies
Best American College Towns?
I always liked the vibes of college towns. The towns that are in rural areas that are mostly dominated by the colleges in them. I think I might move to one of them.

What do you guys think are the best college towns in America?
7 media | 97 replies
I got bullied in Taiwan and it ruined my perception of the country

I fell in love with Taiwan in 2023 when I discovered Edward Yang’s films, particularly 牯岭街事件 (A Brighter Summer Day). I was obsessed with it. So much so that I started learning Chinese very seriously, and vowed I would go to Taiwan.
So, I went 2023 Christmas break with my mom and we had a great time. Nothing but good memories.

Fast forward to 2024 August, I get the urge to revisit. I head to Taiwan alone this time.
In Taipei, I visited a jazz lounge alone, and sat at this table.
About 30 minutes later a guy and 2 girls show up and sit at my table. And 10 minutes after another girl shows up, and as she was approaching us, she stared straight into my eyes and made a look of horror.
She sat down, punched her friend in the arm she dug her face into her arms and burst out laughing. They all started laughing.
I’m not a very good looking guy, in fact I get called ugly quite frequently, but this really set me off. I’m assuming her friends told her there was a cute guy at the table waiting for her. She arrives and sees me, and they all get a good joke out of it.
They couldn’t stop laughing, so I got up and switched tables.

Anyways, this experience really, really, changed my perception of Taiwan. I don’t know why exactly I feel so strongly about my hatred towards Taiwanese youth now based on one bad experience.
I went from being utterly obsessed with their country, to not having thought about my time I spent there since I left, because of this somewhat traumatic experience.
I had a better time in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
Well, even in Shenzhen I got called ugly by a restaurant staff when I walked through the entrance. (Nobody thinks I understand Chinese)

Honestly, I guess the reason I’m writing all this is, because I feel horrible that I can’t appreciate Taiwan anymore because of one bad experience. Does anyone else share a feeling like this?
0 media | 33 replies
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Ruins your sleep at 3 am.
2 media | 9 replies
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did you pick up any language while travelling? Even conversationally?
1 media | 21 replies
No title
You couldn't name a worse state in America.
2 media | 28 replies
No title
What's your favorite place you've traveled to and why?
4 media | 34 replies
No title
Is Russia a viable destination for tourism?
11 media | 60 replies
No title
Can you solo travel and have a good time if you’re over 23 and ugly?
2 media | 16 replies
Trump 2.0 International Travel
What countries will be the most unwelcoming and hostile towards American travelers in the Trump 2.0 era?

What countries should I stay out of at this time?

I did most of my international travel during the Obama era when the US was more respected around the world and wish I could go back to that time
1 media | 40 replies
Smartphone vs Camera
Sony RX 1-550x550w
Do any of you carry a proper camera for backpacking trips? Is it worth it?

A DSLR is out of the question due to size and weight, so I'm considering getting a smaller point-and-shoot. However, with today's smartphones, I'm not sure if the difference isn't marginal and not worth the extra weight and stress.
15 media | 82 replies
cancun more expensive than florida/ USA
>bought flights to cancun
>hotel prices are more than Florida

what the fuck? And I look at day passes for resorts and everything is 150 dollars + . i only bought the flight tickets because its cheap and my ex is mexican and i am going with her and anywhere else in mexico is twice the cost of plane tickets.

I am just going to probably get a hotel in a non exclusive hotel / airbnb and pay 100 dollars a night. anywhere else in mexico this gets you something nice other than average.
0 media | 26 replies
NYC in winter is a SHITHOLE
Holy shit Im in NYC for the winter and never thought it could be so bad.
Museums were cool, but the city is a shithole. Women are ugly as fuck in the most part, garbage everywhere, opioid addicts tweaking in the subway. The dating scene is hypergamic and horrible (in argentina I pull pretty white women anytime I want, here it’s all just gooks, jeets or obese mexicans if anything). It’s absolutely cold too and soulless.
Only redeeming things are the subway system but even that is depressing. And the city layout of course, it’s very easy to go anywhere, especially if you got the unlimited metro card. And also the kino doomer walks at night (if you ignore the temperature).
Nightlife is mid, and I know the good venues (the basement, Brooklyn mirage, some bars, etc.). Nothing special. Hotels are also shit for their price and too WEFlike (pods, etc.).
Also 50% of people are Latinos, 25% blacks, 15% Asians, 5% Jews and only like 5% whites. How did it go from a 95% white majority city to that.. it’s crazy.
Maybe I’m missing something or don’t know the right places. Woody Allen played me bad.
7 media | 89 replies
Travel vloggers
Do you follow any?
17 media | 150 replies
No title
Where can I get a military discount for a cruise that isn't on a ghetto carnival ship?
2 media | 16 replies
No title

>Denver to Barcelona roundtrip only 480$
>22hr layover in Isantbul with Turkish Airlines
>travel and spend a few days in Barcelona
>get cheap 100$ ticket from Barcelona to Morocco
>spend a few days in Morrocco and fly back to Spain

At most it'll cost 700$ to travel to 3 countries not including stays and food.
0 media | 16 replies
French and italian gifts for japanese friends
Hey I was just wondering, what gifts from France and Italy would ravish my japanese friends?
I have a few ideas in mind, but as a dual citizen, I wanna offer the best gifts that would make them think of my countries, that they have trouble finding there... What do they crave from them?
Thanks in advance
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Have you ever tried to live in SE Asia (specifically Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Vietnam) on a very low budget? I’m talking living in fan rooms and having a monthly budget of under $500. Basically, just a fuck it and go kind of escape from the west. Anyone currently huffing it hardcore in SE ASIA? What’s your budget like and what do you do all day?
18 media | 117 replies
No title
I'm visiting København right now. I woke up at 4 this morning to get a good leg workout in before the cinnamon roll shop opened up, and I hurt my back a bit, not too bad, I'm just getting old. I was wondering, it's nine in the morning now, if I started drinking ales now out of a horn and eat a village's worth of marinerede sild, would I be one of those people that the histrionic overtourism faggots cry about.
2 media | 8 replies
No title
Is it true that you can seek asylum in russia as a westerner?
2 media | 9 replies
How have they tried to scam you?
How have you been scammed or attempted to be scammed while traveling? In the image, something very common. Overcharging tourists... because they don't know the real price of things, they overcharge them.

Share your story here
1 media | 20 replies
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I've multiple times witnessed Japanese patrol officers ignore crimes in progress and know of two foreign women, one Japanese woman and have heard of a couple of women who have been sexually assaulted or stalked, attempted to report it and had zero follow up by the police.

I also was dry humped on a crowded train by a fat Japanese woman once but I liked it cos I love fat bitches, so I won't complain.

You guys really believe the low crime rates?

There's no gang crime and bugs kill themselves before they resort to the more alpha solution of mugging pansies, that's all.

The high trust society shit is bollocks. Everyone gets raped or molested her. Not even kids are safe.
1 media | 13 replies
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good day /trv/

>be me
>want to travel a bit first before seppuku
>quintessential nerd/weeb, always wanted to go to japan
>need bucket list
recommendations? i have 50k savings. already quit my job and sold all my stuff as im planning to go next month.

i went to /adv/ first btw and they told me to come here.
0 media | 16 replies
Solo Travel Question
I'm planning my first trip through Europe and 90% of my itinerary is just museums.

I don't care for food or engaging in the forbidden topic, so museums and landmarks is all I really have to do. Is there something I am missing here? What else is there to do alone?

I like history but I feel that I am leaning in too heavily on this aspect.
1 media | 11 replies
The history and current potential of US tourism is underrated culturally
Back in the 50s-90s we knew what we did best in America and built a capitalist tourism empire that is seen today as culturally inept and phony compared to the "real life" experiences that can be had in other countries.
Before things like Disney and Carnival cruises there was Route 66, Old Florida, Vintage Vegas etc...
Small businesses that drove traffic into town and boosted local economies.
A lot of the old stuff is still around, including hundreds of old tourist trap places, MCM kitsch and big roadside objects and fiberglass muffler men statues.
Yet all this stuff is so underappreciated that even most Americans aren't aware of its presence at all let alone appreciative of it's historical perseverance and ability to withstand the economic and social turbulence of the country's population..
Multi-generational attractions, parks, drive-ins, diners and eateries continue to be a testament to the American dream and make traveling here a unique and fun pleasure that is severely overlooked and misunderstood.
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Why do people who go here claim that they’re “travelling”? You’re not travelling. You’re going to some city that’s exactly like your own to look at tourist traps that everyone else has already seen, and to hang out with a bunch of other tourists and locals who are just like you. Saying you’re “travelling” to Europe is equivalent to saying you’re “travelling” to a different grocery store in your town.
0 media | 9 replies
No title
How old is too old to travel?
>inb5 ur never too old, I heckin know a 98 year old who stayed in hostiles and everyone loved them, heckin nobody cares about your age
There’s a pretty hard cutoff for backpacking and enjoying travelling how it’s supposed to be. Nobody wants to be in a hostile with some old man ruining the vibe for everyone else. What’s the age where you start getting side eyes and strange looks when you show up at the hostel or tour group?
23? 25? 30?
13 media | 187 replies
No title
Well I’m going to Florida as a Europoor. Not going cause I want to but because of work. I’m specifically gonna stay in Gainesville and I’m staying for 11 days and only going to work 4 days.

So what to do in Florida and what city is best to visit?

I just don’t see what is special. It’s Walmarts and tall corpo buildings maybe I should try a strip club cause I never did that and I’d be happy to be recommend non black areas or activities.
1 media | 8 replies
How about NOT travelling?
Feeling a little exhausted? Feeling a little burnout?

It's OK not to travel this Summer!

You don't need to hop on the next plane to have a meaningful and fulfilling break. You don't need to keep up with the Joeneses.
Here are some ideas to make your summer memorable without traveling:
>Local Adventures: Explore nearby towns, parks, and attractions you've never visited. Sometimes the best experiences are right around the corner.
>Learn a New Skill: Whether it's cooking, painting, coding, or even a new language, dedicating time to learn something new can be incredibly rewarding.
>Volunteer: Giving back to your community can be a deeply enriching experience. Look for local organizations or causes that resonate with you.
>Start a Project: Have you been putting off a personal project? Whether it's writing a book, gardening, or redecorating your space, now could be the perfect time.
>Self-Care: Use this time to focus on your well-being. Relax, read books, practice mindfulness, and enjoy hobbies that make you happy.
0 media | 0 replies
Is it me? Or am I getting old?
Whilst on a business trip young people annoyed me to no end.

On my flight I had a "youtuber" filming a trip report/review of the airline and seat.
Had 2 inflencers doing silly dances in the aisle.

Can flying be a thing again for the rich or people that have a reason to travel.
No fucking riff raff!
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What’s Bam Margera up to these days?
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Going to Argentina for about 10 days in late November / early December, have about eight days after the trip before I have to go back to work so I wanna see somewhere else in South America. Would that be enough time to head to Peru and see Machu Picchu?

I had ChatGPT whip this up for me:

>Saturday, December 6 - arrive in Lima in the morning, explore and eat
>Sunday, December 7 - Fly to Cusco and acclimate, explore as able
>Monday, December 8 - Sacred Valley
>Tuesday, December 9 - Rainbow Mountain
>Wednesday, December 10 - train to Agua Calientes
>Thursday, December 11 -Machu Picchu
>Friday, December 12 - return to Lima
>Saturday, December 13 - return home

I'm in very good shape and do a lot of hiking / cardio, but I've never dealt with altitude sickness before, so I don't really know if this is too much or too little.
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Screenshot 2025-02-07 192652
I'm going to Barcelona next month to visit family, and I've already been there once. Where else should I go? I was thinking about hopping over to Greece, my sister says somewhere in Italy, and some other homies say go explore Spain more. Where would you go late March?
0 media | 0 replies
South America- real travelers
Which are the best regions to travel?

Interested in Guiana/Suriname/french Guiana and how viable it is to make inland crossings, river trips are on the cards, as are illegal incursions into Brazil, which I assume in remote areas locals do anyway.

How hot is venesuela right now?
2 media | 38 replies
To the chucklefuck...
... who got himself permab& at the Jorge Newberry airport for posting Blacked on /tv/...
Seriously nigger?
To make it /trv/ related, have you ever gotten b& for shitposting using a hotel/airport's wifi?
2 media | 14 replies
No title
>ackshually I visited this city and I felt SAFE the whole time I was there therefore the city is SAFE and the stats are WRONG
0 media | 12 replies
No title
I have two weeks of vacation time, where should I go? I've only been to Italy so far. I was thinking Spain, Brazil, or Peru
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wfh - work from home / digital nomads
I am thinking about relocating to a something of a tax haven within the EU (at least compared to Germany where I am right now lol) which has a double taxation treaty with Germany and US. I have been working from home for the past 5 years, having 8 years of experience in software engineering. I want to discuss with other remote workers / freelancers how realistic this is in the current economy, e.g. to be employed from another country. I think this board has the highest number of digital nomads. Where do you guys discuss careers and do networking? Can you recommend any non-Pajeet groups on LinkedIn or something? My city used to have a digital nomad Meetup, but it has been abandoned since Corona.
3 media | 22 replies
Poorfag trip
Is it possible to earn money for food and small attractions while on bike trip in Europe?
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No title
Which city should I live in?
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No title
What is it like to be a black national of a developed country and go on holidays to a developing nation? Do you spend some time researching if blacks are well treated there? Do local street hustlers and scammers let you be? Do hospitality workers treat you any differently?
1 media | 40 replies
No title
When did they become such incredibly rude people? I swear, back in 2021 they were so nice. I lost my passport and was retracing my steps and asked some lady (with google translate) at a shop I previously visited if she saw it. She just starts pointing out things for me to buy. I tell her I'm looking for my passport as it's important. She then just starts screaming in my face and telling me to GTFO. I was about to beat her into a coma.
1 media | 11 replies
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hq720 (1)
Recommend things I need to experience in Los Angeles?

Really into asian or japanese stuff so I might check Japantown
3 media | 42 replies
Any Australians here?
Hey guys, I live in Central Europe and there's this special program that will get me a visa, so I can go for a year or so to Australia, where I can live and work

I want to try it out because I'm young (20yo) and I can speak English well. I also always wanted to visit Australia and try to live in a different culture.

My question is, if it's hard to find a decent job in Sydney as a foreigner how do Australians view people like me? Just how life could be for someone like me in Sydney in general.

I don't want to go there all naive, I want to have some real expectations. Is there anything I should know?
4 media | 28 replies
I have watched endless travel vlogs going to India and they generally all have the same outcome. It's disgusting.
Is India away from the cities much better? I continuously see members of developing countries and Indians fuming that white men video absolute shitholes in India and state they're just showing the bad parts
Does india have any good parts?
7 media | 39 replies
No title
what region of Norway should you visit?
4 media | 16 replies
Nigeria - anyone been?
things to see in 'ria for a seasoned /trv/er? i particularly want to spend time in the north, then less time lagos before going to togo and benin. experiences?
1 media | 13 replies
/rcg/ & /tpg/ - Roller Coaster General - Theme Park General
>Last Thread: >>2739376

>2025 edition

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: Go to Epic Universe and Six Flags Qiddiya this year

Park Crowd Tracker:

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

Disney Park News:
60 media | 397 replies
No title
Is 2-3k usd enough for a 2-3 weeks in a foreign country?
0 media | 12 replies
No title
What the fuck is this SaaS/Indie hacker digital nomad bullshit? Is this what people are resorting to now in Bali? Setting up twitter accounts and making websites with AI APIs and saying the site makes "$40k rev" on twitter then selling an ebook pdf on the side?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Going to Patagonia in November / December. Is it worth the logistical nightmare to get to Torres del Paine, or can I just stick to El Chalten?

The nature looks somewhat better in TdP. But it is significantly more expensive, more difficult to plan, and (from what I'm reading) more packed like Disney World. I'm also not much of a multi-day trekker and would probably feel miserable being caught in the rain on the trail, whereas with El Chalten you can at least hide inside and sleep in a warm bed.
1 media | 4 replies
No title
>Hanging out with people abroad, in hostels, clubs, or other social situations
>Vibes are all good, receiving positive affirmation, people wondering aloud how I'm so chill and down for whatever yet knowledgeable about pretty much anything they bring up
>They find out I'm American
>Vibe get sucked out the room. People look around get quiet, get very short with me, til they go ghost altogether. Perceive anything I do or say in the absolute worst possible light. Pushed out soon after
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images - 2025-02-06T160347.998
I lost my passport in a shithole country. Am I gonna get arrested?
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Thailand experience
the water makes you sick.
the air makes you sick. (polluted roads, traffic, mold in the AC units)
the food makes you sick.
hygiene is india tier.
i guess i'll just walk around then. (enjoy dengue fever and typhus from the mosquitoes.)

well at least i can go to gorgeous beaches...
yeah you can't play in the sand or stay barefoot or you will get hookworm.
if you go in the water (still with shoes on) you get sea lice and rashes.
scams everywhere. desperate trannies harassing you into buying them or trying to rape you. obnoxious and loud roasties and jocks. the ugliest 70 year old motherfuckers you've ever seen walking around with prostitutes and trannies.

basically people just go here to get wasted and fuck whores in the clubs. might as well do that in your country.
all this while breaking out, feeling like shit from the garbage food, and looking like shit as well, the tap water that makes your skin dull and makes all your hair fall off.
parasites are common. your gut bacteria will never be the same. people develop allergies or infections that last years after going here.

remind me again what's the point of this shithole? the literal tranny country.
an entire country turned into a theme park for foreigners. the women prostitute themselves and the men turn into women to do the same.
i've never seen a people more buckbroken than this. just sad.

i'll just travel in first world countries that have basic necessities such as clean water. thank you.
5 media | 45 replies
What is your base city and how do you like it?
London here

Used to be pretty good even 15 years ago but now is a complete shithole. Barely any white people here, not much of a middle class, just finance people and staceys with 2 mixed race kids on benefits 4 zones away. Nothing to really see as a tourist except the Palace and the changing of the Guard as a London experience imo, or the Big Ben. There isn't much to do here. The nightlife is a husk of what it used to be, the weather is always awful, there's a lot of robbers, knives, somalians, pakis, all kinds of undesirables so prepare to have a bad time if you're not street smart enough. Wear a stabproof vest and don't forget a stormproof umbrella.

Anyway don't come to London. London is the reason I got into traveling because it's a cesspit and you do forced non contact with the sun for 10 months a year. Fucks your brain up. No good.
Also very pricy everything, rent keeps going up, it's literally a sink or swim meatgrinder.
What do you think about your city?
6 media | 25 replies
Bros, I'm going to be expat in Singapore.
Give me some tips
>is it easy for white decent looking guy in Singapore to have some luck on Tinder or other dating apps?
I heard SG women are pretty materialistic, they expect you to pay for dinner during the date and in general they want to get married quickly instead of having casual fun
>what minimum salary it is the best to earn to get a decent living there
any other tips will be apreciated
0 media | 15 replies
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

Long or convoluted questions should get their own thread.

Questions about popular destinations should be asked in any active thread about them.

Previous thread: >>2705061
25 media | 174 replies
"We’re Americans currently in China. We first visited Beijing for six days last December on the 144 visa-free transit scheme, and we were so impressed with the country that we flew to Vietnam and applied for our 10-year multiple-entry tourist visas. We’ve been back in China for a month now, "

Is this really possible? I thought you can only apply for a Chinese Visa from the embassy or consulate closest to your permanent residence?
9 media | 50 replies
Is the age of dumb bitches traveling over?
Just curious, are those female influencers travelers on instagram still a thing?

I don't hear about them as i used to.
Do they still stink up the places all over Asia doing their back selfies everywhere?
2 media | 32 replies
No title
I've acquired about 1.5 mil (USD) across investments. Is this enough money to retire somewhere and live a semi comfortable life yet?

I just don't want my head hacked off because of the fact I'm white. No kids, no family, pretty much given up on any of that. 27 y/o.
0 media | 4 replies
Travelling to Russia
As an American, is it alright for us to travel to Russia these days? Or is that a no go because of the war?
1 media | 4 replies
No title
Was there a heavy emphasis on beach vacations in the early to mid 2000s? Sure seemed like everyone was hyping up Hawaii or really any beach getaway.

Am I just remembering this era wrong?
0 media | 7 replies
hello friends,
I will be going to prague next week. what should I do there? also how is february for /trv/eling there?
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No title
I will be visiting Chicago. What should I expect?
0 media | 18 replies
No title
Been to:
>Entire western part of the States

Havent been impressed by anything. Recommend me something good, please. Preferably no tourists, beautiful nature, and amazing architecture
0 media | 19 replies
Hong Kong for two days
Is a short detour to Hong Kong worth it if you've never been to China or should I rather stay longer in Japan/Korea?
6 media | 30 replies
No title
Is this true?
Are Japanese people generally this messy?
Have westerners been lied to all along?
0 media | 10 replies
No title
Stick to the roads and stay off the moor lads!
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No title
What’s the move here? I bought some tickets to Buenos Aires for in May and I’ll have about 4 weeks to fuck about. What should I do? Should I stay in Argentina the whole time and explore or backpack across to Brazil or Bolivia or what?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Trans Friendly countries for vacation. I'm trying to find some trans friendly vacation spots for my wife and I. she is still visibly trans, so I want to make sure she is safe wherever we plan to go. Specifically somewhere outside the USA or Canada, but I am open to suggestions if you know of other places we could go too!. THANK YOU!
3 media | 52 replies
No title
This shit interests me so much how do they even make a profit from this like honestly it’s pathetic and annoying but I am extremely interested in how it works, I have some questions:

>is there a pimp for these guys, who is the boss?
>Is this a full time job or a side quest
>who is purchasing stuff from them? Have you?
>where is the worst city for street sellers

Share your stories, in Rome the shit they were selling was horrendous like fuck atleast try, in Madrid they have all there rugs on strings so when the police come they have a quick getaway
1 media | 18 replies
No title
>go to japan
>go to tokyo and kyoto
>film walking the shibuya scramble
>go to temples
>eat ichiran ramen
>drink at hub
>post pictures to social media
I'm having fun and you can't stop me
6 media | 75 replies
/jpg/ - Japan General
Akihabara my beloved Edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー What should I see in <place>? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should check on google if a place is still in business before you plan to visit it*

ーJR Passー
Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really worth it anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.
With the increased price of the JR Pass, local train passes might be good deals now.

New prices starting May 2024
>7 day Pass: ¥50,000
>14 day Pass: ¥80,000
>21 day Pass: ¥100,000

ーInfo on Degeneracy ー


Previous thread: >>2750370
51 media | 514 replies
No title
Is there anywhere worth visiting in Africa?
3 media | 29 replies
New York City: 2010s vs. 2020s
I've heard that New York City has lost much of its charm and soul that it had prior to 2020 (even if it was already yuppified by 2019). Is that really so true? How is NYC like today vs. 6+ years ago? How does it go for uniqueness, sights, restaurants, clubs, and people? Has it recovered from the losses it suffered in the early 2020s? Did the lockdowns and vax mandates really drive out most of the interesting people and businesses for good?

For anyone who experienced 2010s NYC and 2020s NYC (the closer to 2025, the better), what changes for better or worse have you noticed? Would you recommend 2025 NYC? Would you recommend 2019 NYC is it were possible?
1 media | 12 replies
Most Remote Places
What is the MOST remote place you've ever traveled to, /trv/?
1 media | 17 replies
No title
how would you rate the food here besides Thailand and Vietnam?
8 media | 38 replies
Columbus, OH
I've been traveling a lot recently to check places out for a potential move. Traveling to Columbus, OH in 2 weeks. What are some stuff to do/check out there? Any anons living in the area that could give me some insight?
0 media | 9 replies
No title
are swiss cities safe to walk around at night?
or are there robbers/criminals and such?
1 media | 18 replies
>Happy, social, spontaneous, adventurous

>At home
>Miserable, depressed, don't want to live, lonely
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Guam is like a surreal Far Cry level. Luis Vitton stores next to abandoned resorts taken over by feral dogs. Why do they come here?
0 media | 8 replies
WDW Honeymoon
tl;dr Thinking of going to WDW for a honeymoon and wondering whether it's good value for money, even with the typical Disney premium.

I've only been to Disney in Paris and it's really being gutted for profit and I wonder whether the same is happening in Florida. I stayed in a suite recently in Paris and it wasn't great, everything was stained, dirty or fading and the services on offer were non-existent. People are also feral, whether in a lounge or at the buffets; sneezing/coughing on everything and kids screaming/running everywhere. Throw in French customer service and it makes me not want to spend too much money in Paris. I had planned to spend £25k/$30k on the Princely Suite at the Disneyland Hotel, but realised it's stupid to spend that much for 4 nights when I could put it towards WDW instead for 2 weeks.

>2 week trip
>have a shit ton of air miles and a companion voucher so business class return is only about £1.5k/$1.8k for 2
>budget of about £40k/$50k excluding flights
>2 bedroom Cabin at Copper Creek, Treehouse Villa at Saratoga or 3 Bedroom Grand Villa at Boulder Rapids
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