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Board: /v/

"/v/ - Video Games" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games.

Zestiria 10th Anniversary !
Currently enjoying Graces so far
7 media | 59 replies
160 media | 348 replies
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you upgrade yet, son?
3 media | 22 replies
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>you want me to go down to the game shop and getchu one o dem pro controllers? Sure thing boss.
9 media | 48 replies
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ITT Worst video game betrayals
3 media | 12 replies
Hard Stuck update
New stuff:

The pigman trader has been added to neutral floors with his own SEX cinematic, he gives more bits for items after friendly events.
New incubus/succubus caster type enemy has been added to the lava, spooky and ice floors with a unique cinematic for each.
The game now has full gamepad support.
The minimap can now be clicked on to travel.
New aphrodisiac and flamethrower themed trapped chest rooms.
A new battery item has been added that recharges wands when used. They can be purchased from the vending machine tile.
A new saint statue has been added that grants the player calories based on lewd meter value.
A new special abilities menu has been added, it is accessed by pressing left or right in the inventory.
Added an option to the settings menu to swap mouse buttons.
Added the option to select glasses independant of outfit (thanks to MyahTG for the reminder).
Allies can now be instructed to wait at their current location until told to follow.
Added exposed variants to the alpine bikini.
7 media | 73 replies
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Post only your rawest and most dangerous Mario opinions in this thread.
7 media | 49 replies
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>Still no good gladiator game
The fuck? It seems like such as easy sell and classes are built in already?
14 media | 55 replies
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Old World
Who are you going to play on your first run?
17 media | 86 replies
If you can live inside any video game, which would it be? All game rules apply.
219 media | 449 replies
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new Tag Force game when?
19 media | 78 replies
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Why do people say Death Stranding had a bad story when every single scene with pic related was pure kino?
0 media | 1 replies
Nioh 2
How the FUCK do I get Feral Counter to work?
Brute is easy mode, Feral is LITERALLY impossible
But I want this damn Monkey Guardian Imbue Purify on Heavy Attacks and it's Feral...
48 media | 177 replies
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Behold, what passes for modern vidya fanservice
16 media | 31 replies
Mass Effect thread
Do you have any hope left? What's your wishlist for Mass Effect 5?
55 media | 188 replies
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How do you reply without farting, shidding and cooming?
29 media | 225 replies
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7 media | 27 replies
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OoT Water Temple
Is your favorite female video game character smart enough to conquer the Water Temple? Can she defeat Morpha at the end?
275 media | 396 replies
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Astolfo brought you hot cocoa!
76 media | 369 replies
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who's your favorite frenchie?
1 media | 3 replies
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ITT: Cute girls
141 media | 473 replies
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You all need to stop this shitflinging, Kingdom Come 2 isn't woke, there are ACTUAL woke games to complain about. We NEED to support KCD2 right now!
46 media | 180 replies
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Touhou thread
50 media | 113 replies
Switch 2 launch lineup to be available on the Switch according to Nintendo of america insider
This is pretty massive if it's true. Looks like Nintendo is going the way of cross generation like Sony and Microsoft did for this gen

>On January 15, Nintendo officially revealed the highly anticipated Nintendo Switch 2, set to succeed the Nintendo Switch, which has become one of the most commercially successful video game consoles of all time since its release in 2017.
>One of the most notable features highlighted during the Switch 2’s reveal was its backwards compatibility with the original Nintendo Switch.
>An inside source at Nintendo of America has revealed that the company is actively working to leverage the massive existing Switch install base in the early years of the Switch 2's lifecycle. As part of this strategy, a majority of first-party titles launching alongside the Switch 2 are set to also release on the original Switch.
>The planned lineup will take advantage of the newer hardware enhanced processing power, while scaling down certain graphical features, such as resolution and rendering effects like lighting and model detail, on the 2017 Nintendo Switch. This approach comes in response to significant shareholder pressure during the past three fiscal years.
>One such title prominently featured in the reveal trailer was a new entry in the Mario Kart series, which is set launch simultaneously on both platforms. While the Switch 2 version will offer improved visuals and enhanced performance, the original Switch version will still deliver a playable experience, albeit with graphical compromises.
>Nintendo's decision to release games for both consoles in tandem is part of a broader strategy to maximize the sales potential of its first-party titles. By catering to both the old and new hardware, the company hopes to maintain high software sales during the transition period, while the Switch 2 gradually establishes a strong install base of its own.
31 media | 234 replies
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What would you have done in Venom Snake's position after finding out the truth?
11 media | 63 replies
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three dudes
Does it just get easier with age to ignore how people might feel about you playing games as an adult?
5 media | 22 replies
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How do you stay motivated as a game dev with stats like these?
1 media | 12 replies
>The Best Looter Shooter
How? And why is no one trying to beat it?
BL2niggas and Destiny fags do not even try, move on.
1 media | 30 replies
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Screenshot_20250121-194204_Brave - Beta
How come you motherfuckers never told me about Warriors All-Stars??
2 media | 2 replies
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As a gay man I'm sick of token homosexuals in vidya. It's flippant and distracting. Representation is okay when the setting plausibly allows for it (i.e. takes place in modern times or in the future) but casual gay sex in a medieval setting creates an extreme tonal incongruity that reduces the game to a piece of ideological propaganda. Maybe if the story was entirely about the gay knights it could work as a piece of gay fiction, but how you can build a game around that is beyond me.
24 media | 168 replies
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Another Chinese bang
18 media | 96 replies
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/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
54 media | 87 replies
Action Game Thread
>New Ninja Gaiden merch for sale for NG04's 20th anniversary
>Team Ninja has been "listening intently to the voices of our devoted fans throughout the years" - 20th anniversary announcement
>Xbox Direct will have a new game announcement from a "decades old legendary japanese IP" that will make "fans very happy"
>“2025 should be a year where we can announce and deliver various titles, including the AAA studio title I’m currently in charge of. I hope this year brings even greater excitement to the entertainment format that is video games.” - Yosuke Hayashi
>“In 2025, Team NINJA will celebrate its 30th anniversary, and we hope to announce and release titles fitting for the occasion.” - Fumihiko Yasuda
>The premise of Ninja Gaiden Ragebound is that the new protag Kenji Mozu has to protect Hayabusa Village because Ryu is currently "busy"

Ninja Gaiden 4 happening but also Action Game thread
71 media | 295 replies
No title
>God "disappears", upsetting Angels.
>Angels and demons attempt to make their own "God"
what is god in this game anyway
also, citadel thread.
75 media | 412 replies
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Steam Deck
Switch 2
Steam Deck has
>Cheaper games that you can also play on your pc and their cheaper
>more games in its library
>free online, as opposed to paid online
>ability to install mods
>ability to install windows and use it as a pc
Switch 2 has
>Exclusive Mario games
Is this really enough to convince consumers to pick the Switch 2 over the Steam Deck? They're both equally powerful.
26 media | 214 replies
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Screenshot 2025-01-21 190538
>Kingdom Come is not a Christian game
Why did he name it Kingdom Come then?
6 media | 60 replies
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I downloaded it again.
0 media | 6 replies
RTS fest
Is there anything worth playing or is the genre's best going to be clones of They Are Billions like Age of Darkness and Diplomacy Is Not An Option now?
63 media | 348 replies
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You now remember fusionfall
42 media | 169 replies
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>Kingdom Come 2 can't have gay characters, that's unrealistic in medieval times
Kingdom Come 1 literally already had several gay characters and no one complained about that being "unrealistic" then. One of them is subtle (pic-related) the other two were very obvious to anyone who played the game.

So no, "it isn't realistic" isn't an excuse, because it already happened in the first game. It's also an option, having options =/= canon, by that logic then Henry is both simultaneously Christian and non-Christian since there are multiple options in the game to do both Christian and un-Christian things
35 media | 178 replies
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images (1)
What franchise suffers the most from this?
0 media | 6 replies
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Is there even such a thing as a GOOD videogame creepypasta or are they all cringe?
100 media | 446 replies
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which is your favorite female video game character?
For me it's IVy
15 media | 27 replies
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This is never going to happen, is it.
0 media | 1 replies
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>Game is below average or just flat out shit
>Its carried hard by the OST or art direction & in some cases maybe even the story.
name it.
51 media | 349 replies
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Is he wrong? Warning all midwits that you will be filtered if you try to read this article.
4 media | 48 replies
Can we discuss this game in a civilized manner?
1 media | 10 replies
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ITT: you're favorite videagaem girl
18 media | 19 replies
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202 media | 378 replies
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Sir, a second gay scene has hit Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
23 media | 107 replies
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Doombros, we are so back
31 media | 201 replies
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25 months away.

Anons, what are your hopes? Dreams? Who should voice Metal Sonic?
11 media | 89 replies
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Now that the dust is pretty much settled whats your favorite switch game?
0 media | 2 replies
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>you should forgive people that tried to kill you because... uhh... you just should okay!

What a gay message, why do people like this game again?
4 media | 21 replies
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18 media | 63 replies
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Do your parents support your video game hobby?
7 media | 43 replies
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Anton NooooooOOOO AAaaaahh!!!
Why didn't it hit the big time like Pizza Tower did?
5 media | 25 replies
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Whats your favorite gun? How well does it perform in the average videogame that features it?
26 media | 88 replies
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Who is your favorite female servant?
2 media | 4 replies
>release a character people wanted for months, if not years
>she gets immediately overshadowed by a fucking NPC
>story isn't even about her, but just lore bombs about the player character
>bond is just about getting wasted, other unit gets a treasure where you fuck like rabbits instead
Why did they hate Mana so much?
158 media | 273 replies
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How do we feel about yuri content in videogames?
12 media | 54 replies
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Why does she praise Koromaru so much? Is she… You know… Does she…?
1 media | 4 replies
Musa of Mali
Daniel Vavra is an absolute genius for introducing such an interesting and impactful historical figure into the world of KCD! Musa of Mali just might be one of the best video game characters ever created. His character design is superb and we can already tell from the bits of dialogue that we've already seen, that he is also one of the best written. I can hardly wait to meet him in-game and I know that my /v/ros feel exactly the same!

This is going to be the greatest game ever! Are you excited? I am excited! Let's go KCD bros!
58 media | 449 replies
>dialog in game stating the main character is in love with a man, not suggested, not implied, it's stated outright by the ex-wife of the man in question
>spend the entire game on a bench where said man constantly declares to you that we'll always be together, I'll protect you forever, etc
>multiple lines of dialog about this
>you have to see all this shit if you want your stats boosted
>you spend the entire game looking like this feminine man woman monstrosity to top it off

>there are multiple people that walked away from this game thinking it was the straight man fantasy

How the FUCK did they do it and why did /v/ never bitch about this?
35 media | 260 replies
Which way, Lightner man?
86 media | 211 replies
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This is unsustainable.
45 media | 269 replies
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This has to be the most forced IP ever made.
0 media | 0 replies
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How did Liu Bei garnered so much seethe in /v/ of all places? DW Origins thread, I guess.
69 media | 438 replies
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any recent leaks? and when is this supposed to come out?
22 media | 36 replies
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sonic x shadow generations
>no stages from Shadow the Hedgehog
WTF Sega.
1 media | 48 replies
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Why isn't gaming on mac more popular?
A mac that can do all the things a mac can and also play PC games would be a no-brainer.
97 media | 393 replies
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Stellar Blade is coming to PC on February 21, 2025
68 media | 211 replies
Rune Factory
Are you ready to give the franchise another chance?
31 media | 92 replies
/v/idya Drawthread
Previous Thread >>700568234

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it VIDEO GAMES related and Vidya Origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs:
>/ic/ sticky:

>NSFW Deliveries

>Offsite options:
146 media | 450 replies
No title
what game has your favorite combat ever?
hard mode: no sekiro, nioh 2, dmc, or ninja gaiden
0 media | 0 replies
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If I buy a game, I should get a percentage of its revenue, cuz I'm investing in it. Am I right, or am I right?
0 media | 2 replies
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Am I supposed to be grinding? I'm stuck on the guy in the cave with the huge Ax.
0 media | 4 replies
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What does the N stand for?
1 media | 7 replies
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Upgrades (items, skills, stats, whatever) should ALWAYS be free to respec.
That is good game design because it encourages no risk of experimentation and creativity.
0 media | 2 replies
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Post em
224 media | 303 replies
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Why'd he do it?
6 media | 34 replies
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JangHwa and CheonA
This is what gamers want. Why can't more developers understand it?
32 media | 136 replies
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Which one are you?
11 media | 19 replies
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Play morrowind
81 media | 402 replies
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>RECVfags forced to WAIT THEIR TURN (currently being done by RE2/4make team)
RE6CHADERINOS, your response to the news of a PS5 re-release?
0 media | 4 replies
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Tell me what you know about her /v/
140 media | 435 replies
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gamedev thread, show everyone what you've been working on anon
133 media | 440 replies
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No one cared about Shepard having gay romance options.
25 media | 182 replies
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I might be in minority but I actually enjoy Knuckles stages in Sonic adventure 2. Are there any games like these levels? I mean platformers with fine movement, focus on exploration and nice chill-out music?
4 media | 23 replies
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It's dead, isn't it... ;_;
3 media | 42 replies
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>First game in the series is called "Game"
>Second game in the series is called "Game Returns"
>Third game in the series is called "Game: Final Chapter"
>Fourth game in the series is called "Game 2"
4 media | 29 replies
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Which game has the most civilized and well-mannered fandom?
0 media | 0 replies
The cute cetra
57 media | 145 replies
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sample_8b03bd4dacc9b15ccea0a98ba9572e97 (1)
Toriyama's final gifts.
13 media | 37 replies
Billy Mitchell found dead at 59
>Billy Mitchell, known as the first person to achieve a perfect score in the video game Pac-Man, has been found dead at his home in Florida.
>The cause of death is not yet known
Press S to spit.
0 media | 38 replies
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>rivals 2 has tutorials now
/v/ was filtered by this game before due to being scrubs. What's your excuse now?

Also dabear is out.
38 media | 165 replies
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How do we fix MMORPGs?
8 media | 70 replies
Undertale Yellow
How much was UTY a game changer for UT/DR fanworks?
86 media | 428 replies
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Tails is dead.
0 media | 1 replies
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Why are video gamers so dense?
27 media | 241 replies
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Astro bot
I love this game
2 media | 46 replies
Arma 3
Is this actually any good?

I've been seeing people arrange like 4 v 20 sabotage missions at night and it looks comfy as fuck. Convoy ambushes, helicopter dropoffs, that kind of thing too.

Do you need all the DLC or is it a case of having the same mods as your server?
1 media | 1 replies
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Why do some people prefer nier replicant's cast over automata's?
80 media | 458 replies
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Screenshot 2025-01-21 164455
This is what peak soul looks like.
17 media | 72 replies
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That's a huge nerf
38 media | 148 replies
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Which one is better for a midrange pc?
7 media | 88 replies
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Would the sonic franchise be better if it was handled by somebody other than sonic team? Say...Hal Labs.?
2 media | 14 replies
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Souls games won
It's always amusing how his article predicted the entire decade of the RPG genre
The comments are artifacts of their time relating to culture and ppublic perception of the gaming community, you can see how people gradually turned on Bethesda
0 media | 1 replies
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Where the FUCK is the Freedom Wars thread? I know you haven't gotten those sentences to zero, its time to contribute you leeches.
6 media | 40 replies
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I'm here to ask one simple question: What doth games?
3 media | 8 replies
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Deus Ex Kino Revolution is one of the best video games ever made and that’s a hill I will die on.
>atmosphere is 10/10
>fun + simple gameplay
>characters are genuinely interesting and relatable
>sovlful soundtrack
Yeah I spent my college days playing this game non stop so I have a great deal of nostalgia for it but the game itself is brilliant and somewhat underrated.
14 media | 61 replies
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>bee boss
>"Buzz off, intruder!"
12 media | 28 replies
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>that rarefag who has been sperging with his HEADCANONS in the ragebait DK redesign threads still pretending, like all rarefags did for years, that dinosaur planet was going to be the best game of all time and BTFO zelda (and that's why miyamoto killed it) when someone already leaked the game a long time ago and it's almost exactly the same as the finished, published and renamed starfox adventure

kek, realizing most of the schizo anti-miyamoto posts the last decade are seething assblasted rarekeks has been quite the revelation
0 media | 6 replies
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The tragedy of modern vidya is that while 9/10 games will be remembered, 8/10 games will be forgotten and their franchises discontinued.
1 media | 5 replies
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Mechanics for the sake of mechanics are bad game design, if the game's gameplay doesn't reinforce the idea behind the game, it's a badly designed game
>dodgerolling big bosses and then hitting their feet doesn't make me feel like an epic fallen knight
>solving endless physics puzzles strewn around a field doesn't make me feel like an adventurer
>collecting random shit around the city and doing minigames doesn't make me feel like a superhero
>unlocking upgrades and memorizing places on a map doesn't make me feel like a tiny bug hero unraveling a mystery
>gathering a dozen different crafting materials to create and upgrade your equipment doesn't make me feel like a lone samurai
The point of game design was once finding ways to convey these fantasies in an interactive way, now it's about taking popular and trendy MMO mechanics and fitting them into various appealing packages like they were gacha
0 media | 14 replies
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2025-01-21 19_03_03-My mario kart 9_X retro courses predictions. For this format of 6 cups_4 tracks,
What Retro tracks to you want in Mario Kart 9
2 media | 4 replies
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Can you answer him /v/? What causes this??
2 media | 22 replies
Elden Ring
>ok, this time i'll play as a mage or a cleric
>5 hours later
>50 STR swinging big fucking sword around

Why is magic so boring in this game?
15 media | 102 replies
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Shania Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Is there a more evil character in gaming?
9 media | 48 replies
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>another layoff
Why aren't you buying games? The industry is dying and you're not doing anything!?
10 media | 21 replies
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I like it.
1 media | 10 replies
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Switch 1.5 (Pro)
0 media | 3 replies
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made in abyss
Is this shovelware worth this much if you're a fan of the manga?
14 media | 63 replies
...why are we angry about 100$ games again?
>Super Mario 64 – $66.99 (Source: GamePro #97)
>Bomberman 64 – $69.95 (Source: GamePro #111)
>GoldenEye 007 – $69.95 (Source: GamePro #108)
>Star Fox 64 – $79.95 (Source: GamePro #106)
>Turok 2 – $69.99 (Source: GamePro #113)
35 media | 199 replies
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You won't abandon her right? She'll still have a place on your shelf always right?
5 media | 25 replies
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Why aren’t you playing Paragon, /v/? It has actual graphics.
2 media | 9 replies
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Do zoomers attend LAN parties? Do they even know what LAN is? Why are zoomers so soulless?
6 media | 30 replies
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images - 2025-01-21T203504.992
Are you excited about her game?
3 media | 14 replies
Leaks confirm that Samus' girlfriends are in both Prime 4 and Metroid 6.
18 media | 27 replies
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Bird nigger
>A terrifying presence enters the board
1 media | 2 replies
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Was Mii a good videogame?
0 media | 2 replies
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grey fox
What the hell was his problem?
0 media | 9 replies
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>find a cool multiplayer game
>everyone stops playing or it gets updated so hard it hardly resembles the original
>find a cool forum or website
>it turns to shit
>reply in a cool thread
>it dies
I walk and death follows
6 media | 26 replies
fave pals
Post your top 3 fave pals
140 media | 474 replies
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Who's the king of indie devs? choose your fighter.
35 media | 111 replies
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Baiken 04
You! What's the last game you finished and what did you think of it? Now!
1 media | 2 replies
>furry gooner artist makes a game
>its actually fun
>no politics
>lots of customization like belly, boob and butt sliders

FurCHADS.... I kneel
3 media | 13 replies
Plachta was so much more interesting than Sophie.
3 media | 4 replies
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This game is comfypilled af
12 media | 14 replies
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Did I dream this shit or did haptic feedback use to work wirelessly on PC with the Dualsense? Because it doesn't work for me anymore. I remember it not working on launch, then they released a patch so it worked, now I got some kind of Windows 10 update that broke rumble completely. To fix it you have to enable some fucking speaker settings on the Dualsense in the control panel, now haptic feedback works again, but only with a usb c cable like it did before. Steam also seems to have trouble recognizing the Dualsense controller most of the time, even if the game 100% has Dualsense support

It used to fucking work, Im not crazy
0 media | 4 replies
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0 media | 2 replies
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>game has incredibly snappy and satisfying gameplay
>also has huge flopping titties on your screen
This filters the nu-gamer.
0 media | 0 replies
I love this series. I hope there will be games like this
1 media | 4 replies
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there is never ever gonna be a game like overwatch
0 media | 4 replies
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>Dev makes "game" thats nothing but fake fun progression dopamineslop as a joke
>Not only ends up insanely popular, but becomes a dark prophecy for the future of gaming.

How do we stop nu-game design?
0 media | 8 replies
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President Todd Howard has entered the Oval Office. Are we finally getting The Elder Scrolls VI?
1 media | 24 replies
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Since Marvel's Rivals has proven to be very successful
Where is the DC game?
Are they giving up on the vidya front?
73 media | 346 replies
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>the two best yugioh games (duelists of the roses and dungeon dice monsters) aren't actually about playing yugioh
what did konami mean by this?
1 media | 20 replies
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>look inside
0 media | 11 replies
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Video game women peaked here.
11 media | 45 replies
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How's /v/ feel about oversized weapons in vidya? Especially when held by cute girls, where the unlikeliness and design contrast is huge
1 media | 2 replies
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You know that Pareidolia has a secret ability were it never show up when you’re trying to make a good face deck build
7 media | 35 replies
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after a long day of playing vidya, this feels so good
38 media | 149 replies
Looking forward to Astra tomorrow?
126 media | 395 replies
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As a gamer, do you enjoy being lied to?
1 media | 5 replies
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What the fuck is his problem?
0 media | 1 replies
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What's your favorite kind of chao dance?
2 media | 3 replies
final fantasy ix
I just go this from steam and holy shit, im 2 hours in and i barely got to play the game, its all text and text and even more text, this is like watching a movie but in a super slow pacing.

So i got to do few combat encounters in the forest, its so slow and shallow, those minicutscenes drag so much during random encounters and the atb mechanic is poorly implemented so far im spamming attack attack mindlessly with some heal and im winning every fight.

Yes the music is great and the story seems charming and whimsical but this isn't enough, the gameplay and the level design are extremely poor and there is too much movie too little game.
6 media | 32 replies
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Fallen Order - Merrin
Will Star Wars Jedi 3 feature a Jedi/Nightsister offspring?
0 media | 10 replies
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>Thief blows metal gear and kojima out of the water
3 media | 17 replies
Indie warioware game. Demo is out. I want to live in Abbie's brain.
2 media | 13 replies
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What are terrible games /v/ tricked you into buying? I will start with pic related
2 media | 20 replies
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Is she the master of unlocking?
1 media | 7 replies
Anon... please be my boyfriend!
0 media | 0 replies
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How is this a ps3 game? It looks better than FF16.
0 media | 10 replies
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Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week, I have already discussed the matter with the Senator.
>I take it he was agreeable?
Oh yes...
>Has he been infected?
Oh yes...
>I hope you're not underestimating the problem.
Oh yes... when I mentioned that we could put him on the priority list of the ambrosia vaccine, he was desperate.
>This plague, the rioting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
Why contain it? ........It'sCool
>I have received reports of armed attacks on shipments. There is not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate. Your turn.
Desperate. The sound they'll make rattling their cage will serve as a warning to the electronic old men.
>Hmm... I hope you're not... GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, DENTON... The others may not go as quietly. Intelligence indicates they're behind the problems in Paris.
Old men... running the world. A new age!
>We have other problems.
>Formed by executive order after the terrorist strike on the Statue. I have someone in place, though. I'm more concerned about Savage.
>No, Savage.
Our bio-chem corpus is far in advance of theirs. Our electronic old men and their flexibility has allowed us to make progress in THE MYTHICAL CITY ON THE HILLS.
>Hmm... we may not be able to contain the augmentation project.
Among other things, but I must admit that I have been somewhat disappointed in UNATCO.
>...Quit screwing around.
>The secondary unit should be online within six months. It's currently undergoing preparation and will be operational within six months. My people will continue to report on it's progress within six months.
We've had to endure much, you and I, but within the week there will be old men running the world.
>No, within six months.
1 media | 2 replies
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Play videogames
4 media | 26 replies
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Is there any good will left for Tobias J. Fuchs? It's been nearly three years since the Spamton Sweepstakes and we haven't seen jack shit since then.
1 media | 6 replies
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WEll /v/?
89 media | 234 replies
Screenshot 2025-01-21 192007
Still only got 2 witch powers, so I'm not sure how I feel about them. Poison AOE seems nice.
0 media | 0 replies
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You have no excuse not to buy this /v/ classic
7 media | 36 replies
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Rogue Trader has sold a million copies, it took one year and one month
For comparison, Pathfinder WotR sold a million in one year and four months
This is a thread for PFsister to cope just like they did when Owlcat announced that they weren't making more Pathfinder games, discuss
75 media | 451 replies
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What are your hopes, fears, and expectations for the switch 1 direct in february and the switch 2 direct in april? Also, do you think anything mario related will happen in march for mar10 day?
8 media | 38 replies
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Never expected to like a rat girl, but here we are
1 media | 2 replies
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What's your main game platform?
0 media | 6 replies
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no other games' movement even comes close
1 media | 5 replies