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Board: /k/

"/k/ - Weapons" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing all types of weaponry, from military tanks to guns and knives.

No title
Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

Before posting a thread, please check our catalog to ensure that a thread about the same topic does not already exist.

0 media | 0 replies
No title
deja vu
/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

0 media | 1 replies
Pistol Brace, What Now?
So what's the deal with pistol braces? Do we still have to use them? Are regular stocks legal on pistols now? Or? There was some sort of legal ruling recently, but Youtube videos are like 20 minutse long of people talking about themselves.
4 media | 47 replies
/k/ fantasy thread
Forces of the unknown have caused our world to merge/combine with a typical (or not-so-typical) fantasy world. Old world governments have managed to hold on to major urban and suburban areas, but rural areas range from fragile peace to complete chaos. People and towns from either side suddenly find themselves in a new realm, and portals going between both worlds are scattered throughout the lands.

Send a message to [email protected] if you want to have your story archived

>inb4 "No Fun Allowed"
-You don't have to browse this thread
-Whining about the thread won't stop the people posting shit on it from posting shit
-Californians will be shot on sight

>The fucking sticky
44 media | 125 replies
Livery Thread
RNLAF Dutch Lion
Paint jobs. Finishes. Roundels. Nose art. Victory marks. Aviation symbols, so long as they're cool.
113 media | 133 replies
No title
Could this invasion plan work?
4 media | 51 replies
No title
ENVG-B used by Ukraine SOF.
10 media | 20 replies
Ukraine received first Lynx IFV for testing before order
The idea is to manufacture them in loco but I think they'll probably be made abroad at first.
What are the tactical and strategic implications of this first combat deployment of the Lynx? How will it perform?
27 media | 139 replies
ground based fuel air
Would it be possible to use a ground based deployment of a fuel air bomb?

These are usually one ton plus charges so there's merit in ground based deployment, and I'm wondering about balloons, lighter than air gas, shipping containers, using heat exchange to suck a heavier than air gas up onto the local atmosphere.

Use case would be strategic, to support local night operations, for shock value. Because nothing says "my commanders plan went wrong" than a hundred foot fireball.
A conventional mine of the same size wouldn't actually do much damage in most contexts, and a CBRN mine would sort of convince the enemy that the position was denied and thus didn't need to be reinforced.

Plan might be to tempt a far larger enemy force to creep your position rather than storm it, use the mine for psychological effect to cause confusion among enemy forces in the open as to whether they reinforced the seized trench, stormed the trench from no man's land or retreated.
Because nothing says "don't storm this position" than a hundred foot fireball.
0 media | 5 replies
/ak/ thread - comfy edition
Old thread: >>63133405
>simulate schizophrenic auditory hallucinations with the sound player plugin!

Ghost in the Shell Watch party
Saturday, January 11, 2024
4:00pm EST
99 media | 188 replies
No title
do you think are there submarines in the Black Sea? Playing the silent game?
2 media | 13 replies
Plane Details
loadouts. photos from below. interesting knobs and levers and greebles. post them.
110 media | 166 replies
Glock BTFO aimpoint BTFO
The best optic ever made was just announced after glock had the hebrew audacity to announce its own proprietary mount optic

>made in the USA
>absolute cowitness
>universal mount
>poors need not apply

Primary arms of all people is saving optics.
9 media | 33 replies
Who Would Win?
ISIS (peak, 2015 Q1) or ALL cartels combined (Mexican, Colombian...).
5 media | 59 replies
No title
Rate his stash?
5 media | 35 replies
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How big is too big?
14 media | 31 replies
No title
>you're surrounded by UFLL
>your G3 just blew up in your face
>you're shitting down both legs from malaria
>the horizon is blanketed by the fire from your hap haphazardly thrown molotov from earlier
>You're stuck with this shitty rpg that might just plant a rocket straight into the mud in front of you and smear what's left of your corpse on your comrades
>and a Makarov
what do?
1 media | 10 replies
Shit Show ‘25 Predictions
What are you expecting/hoping for from shit show this year? Besides disappointment?
51 media | 215 replies
No title
Was it common during the medieval ages for a sieging army to have scouts around, to make sure another army doesn't show up out of nowhere to relieve the city?
17 media | 189 replies
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Took my 12yr old shooting, she had fun. When was your first?
40 media | 272 replies
No title
I’ve watched countless dash and body cams of cops being killed and cops killing suspects. Morbid shit but lemme run this by you and see if you agree: speed and aggression win gunfights. Of the videos I’ve seen the ones that stick out are the ones where it’s go time straight from the start and the winner is usually the one who’s committed to the fight and just straight up walks down the other dude and kills him. No tactical positioning, no angle CQB bullshit shooting, just straight up walking a dude down and shooting at him while you approach. Essentially it’s offensive style fighting, no retreating for better cover, just full blown “if you get me you get me but here I am and I’m walking you down bitch” type aggression. It just seems like throwing caution to the wind and accepting you might die but also being as aggressive and fast as possible is the best combo
19 media | 119 replies
No title
WW2 germany/USSR would steamrol trough modern Russia/Ukraine in less than a month despite all the shiny new toys.
3 media | 33 replies
Small Arms Matter (a lot)
Disclaimer: This thread is about small arms, following posts will contain reports of troop trials of the STG44 to illustrate the importance of enabling mobility, but they're universal in nature.

People have always overestimated the importance of small arms for the outcome of a war, which is normal due to small arms being the most relatable and most portrayed weaponry in warfare.
HOWEVER, in the last 2 decades a bunch of midwits have turned "small arms matter a lot less than you think" or the more hyperbolic (and incorrect) "small arms don't win wars" into "small arms don't matter in warfare."
That impression was worsened by veterans of campaigns in the middle east spending most of their time blasting primitive goatherders with no realistic ability to fight back with artillery and mainly using their rifles (if at all) for suppressive fire while calling in artillery.
Of course, that's not how warfare between peers works, especially about a century ago.

Small arms were extremely important and casualties aren't even the main reason. The most important aspect of a squad's loadout was (and stil is) mobility and the ability to restrict the mobility of others.
Here are the basics:
If you shoot at an entrenched enemy with a rifle you will not achieve anything, as both sides can entrench, maneuver is the instrument that fixes that issue. The way to maneuver in warfare is to suppress the enemy to avoid death while on the run. The ideal instrument of suppression is the machine gun (artillery fire is of course welcome too and highly effective, but not as dynamic, easily available, precise or reactive).
Moving over the battlefield allows for flanking or surrounding the enemy, which voids most of the advantages entrenchment gives them.

The goal in a peer conflict should never be to attack the enemy's trenches until you break through, but to outflank your opponent and force them to surrender or kill them with an advantage (achieved through movement) instead of a disadvantage.
9 media | 151 replies
Italy testing Lynk KF41, planning to buy 1050 of them
What's their endgame

>The Italian Army has taken a step in modernizing its fleet of combat vehicles with the arrival of the Lynx KF41 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) at the Army Multipurpose Testing Center near Rome. This advanced platform, developed by Rheinmetall, will undergo a rigorous evaluation phase as Italy prepares for substantial investments in next-generation military vehicles. These tests, conducted by army engineers and test pilots, aim to assess the Lynx's mobility, protection, firepower, and interoperability. They represent a key phase in the modernization of Italy’s land capabilities while meeting NATO standards.

>This testing phase is part of the Armoured Infantry Combat System (AICS) program, which plans to acquire 1,050 Lynx-based vehicles through a €15 billion initiative. The program also includes the procurement of 280 Panther KF51-based main battle tanks under an €8 billion plan. The evaluation of the Lynx underscores the urgency of Italy’s modernization goals, with initial deliveries of these vehicles expected within two years, pending contract finalization by mid-2025.

>The partnership between Rheinmetall and Leonardo underpins this modernization initiative. In October 2024, the two companies announced the formation of Leonardo Rheinmetall Military Vehicles (LRMV), a joint venture focused on developing and producing advanced combat systems. Headquartered in Rome, with operations in La Spezia, the partnership combines Rheinmetall's expertise in modular vehicle design with Leonardo's capabilities in armament and electronics. The collaboration aims to develop Italian-specific versions of the Lynx and Panther KF51 while targeting export markets with European technologies

17 media | 87 replies
Canada General - Cangen - 2A for leafs edition
Canadian firearms General
>Newfag? Read this:

>what was banned Dec 5th 2024?

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights? - Write to your MP

Prev: >>63143780
19 media | 77 replies
No title
What capabilities do "6th generation" fighters have over 5th gen?
4 media | 38 replies
The Carl Gustaf
So apparently this thing has been found to give users permanent brain damage, Especially SOF personnel. This effect is compounded with each use and after firing too many times could literally make you retarded.
If this is true than it would be one explanation as to why so many SOF guys come back completely fucked in the head, even is they never saw extensive combat.
How does a guy go from being a successful Green Beret to wanting to blow himself up to warn Americans about Anti-Grav tech?
Simply being around this fucking weapon for prolonged periods of time can literally turn you brain to mush. Why the FUCK are we still using this thing?
17 media | 89 replies
Sweden buys Leopard 2A8
>The order includes 44 Leopard 2A8 tanks and upgrades of 66 already existing tanks, the government said in a statement.
>Tank deliveries will begin in 2028 and continue until 2031.
0 media | 1 replies
QTDDTOT: this time I remembered the T edition.

Last >>63095297

Last question from previous was:

>I'm trying to find out the performance characteristics of a couple of the cannon types used by the British in the battle of waterloo, specifically the 6 and 9-pound guns. search engines have been immensely unhelpful on this front; any /k/nowers ITT able to cure my ignorance on this matter? my end goal is finding the average kinetic energy of the solid iron shot used by both sizes for gaming autism reasons
13 media | 60 replies
/brg/ - 440 Battle Rifle General in general
Year Of Our Lord 2025 Edition

Post Wood (furniture)
Shoot more
Fill out your kit
Practice practice practice
Frogs Find Frens

Thread Theme~

As Always; No trannies, no jannies, no glowies, no trannies, no tripfags, no drama, no kids, no furries, no trannies

Previously on /brg/: >>63016520
60 media | 165 replies
/eug/ Euro general
Euro general for the end of the year. Also, how do you cope with being prohibited from (conceal) carrying, fellow euros ?
>hello good lgs owner sir
>hello sir what can I do for you ?
>well sir i'm here for the buying of a very registered and harshly monitored handgun, here are my expensive and almost unobtainable but unilaterally revocable credentials
>everything checks sir, so sportshooting I see ? can I suggest some overpriced racegun like this stainless and fuschia compensated 6" CZ plus extendo and gas pedal ?
>well sir I was thinking about something smaller... like something... subcompact... whatabout a HS11/Hellcat or even some cute little Glock 43 ?
>subcompact ? well sir, you won't score many games with that, I tell you what
>well good sir I wasn't eager to compete with it really
>I see... for which purpose would you want to buy a subcompact exactly ?
>why yes, to punch little 9 mm holes in range's papers like any other law abiding citizen of course, nothing more sir
>you must be quite a shooter if you expect any pleasant result past 15 yards with a subcompact, but I could have here a second-hand Hellcat which used to be some undercover cop's conceal carry weapon of choice... a use case nothing like yours I believe, right sir ?
>all true, good sir. holes in papers for me it is, forever and ever. I'll take it.
>right, would you like a holster with it, maybe ?
>yes of cour... grmbl no, no, of course not, why would I need one, haha ? that would be silly, plus I already own the large heavy steel case I need to get my gun from home to the range and back...
>all good, you owe me only 1100€, such a bargain !
56 media | 301 replies
Brace Stock DIY
A question for you folks...

With Brace Stock Bans being abolished afew monthes ago, allowing them back into play, would I be able to convert a Fixed Stock into a Brace, if I were to attach the proper bandage strap to them?

8 media | 41 replies
Russian Nuclear Submarines
From the K-19 “Hiroshima” to my boy Sergei Preminin, discuss the Russian military’s history of reactors.

Sequel to the last thread. Feel free to also bring up their land based military reactors, Mayak is a bit of a doozy
45 media | 300 replies
No title
As an assaultant, what weapon can beat a WW I trench knife in close quarters?
42 media | 203 replies
Prices are fucked.
I work in /k/ related industry, we are the biggest bench made saler in the city. Today I marked up almost half my knives by 10-20% reflecting the new year and new quarter.
If you can still find good prices bulk buy what you can now ammo, parts, and weapons will soon also go up.
I ain't saying this is the big one but this will be a price hike that we will never see full recovery from.
13 media | 110 replies
No title
Which is the best gun for dealing with armored bipedal robots?
1 media | 16 replies
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A new tacticool lever action? Say wat!!!
10 media | 54 replies
How do they do it?
How are they pumping out almost as many shells as Russia and NATO combined?

I love them but there are only 26 million of them, this level of ammo? Forget it being old or of poor quality, the amount is absurd. How are they doing it? How much do they have stockpiled?

I am a massive Nork Fanboy but i never imagined that they would be able to produce enough munitions to stand up they way they have, how are they doing it? Did they hit some weird sweet historical sweet spot where their nation became nothing but a isolationist weapons factory?

How do they make so many weapons?
1 media | 36 replies
/meg/ Military Enlistment General
Special Forces edition

Previous thread:

>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020) (Short version) (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide
Stew Smith Fitness,of%2040%20to%2050%20reps)

For all Army SF info.

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole.
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries as your co-workers

>Info on sf86

>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing
>How can I get more college credits while I'm in without signing up for classes
CLEP/DSST information:
Practice for CLEP/DSST:

15 media | 176 replies
No title
Now that EW is becoming obsolete, how the fuck are soldiers supposed to deal with drones?
33 media | 159 replies
No title
Heavy piece of shit.
2 media | 20 replies
Patch Thread - Merry /k/ristmas and a happy new year edition
Trade, create, and sell your festive patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Previous Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin (2016)

>other lists (2021) (2023)
41 media | 106 replies
No title
>"is it true or are you lying"
>"you wanna start a fire in balk-"
>gets bombed back to middle ages
22 media | 76 replies
No title
moon muhreens
You are put in charge of outfitting a platoon of Marines for operations on the surface of the moon. How would you realistically equip them? No lasers etc. I would think something like a 10/22 with a scope on it would be more useful than an M16
12 media | 48 replies
No title
it's 1928 and you're the joint chief of staff. some guy from arkham runs to your office and talks about innsmouth and fish people and human sacrifices and you decide to take him seriously. how do you handle the cleanup operations?
18 media | 71 replies
There has been no revolutionary improvement in Weapons design since the advent of the Fed
Springfield and her lewds
>B-butt material science
Marginal, same types of assault rifles and pistols were used before and after it, just cheaper and stronger
>Still no recoil exterminator for small arms so full auto is not recommended, ON FULL AUTO WEAPONS
>No plasma/ray/gay/stroke gun on the mass market
>Saints browning and Stoner's work still carries the entire free world on its back, not one sigger can properly compete
13 media | 36 replies
No title
i’m a chick and i live alone, do you think i should own a gun? I have a big great pyrenees but i don’t think he’d attack anyone even if we were in danger lol
48 media | 254 replies
No title
images (10)
How autistic is it to carry and use a Luger for self defense? Or any old weapon in general
22 media | 120 replies
No title
How do you feel about India's new mortar carrier?
29 media | 157 replies
Found this on Yahoo JP auctions
‘Type 64 7.62mm rifle, Land Self-Defence Force Instruction Manual 7-03-01-47-5’, Ground Staff Office.

If any of you is rich enough to buy then please scan the book and contribute towards firearms history
1 media | 10 replies
Why don't infantry platoons or whatever have cannons?
human for scale
Like, why bring a whole tank along when you can just drag along a miniature field gun for roughly the same close support effect? Why have your guns miles in the background when you can just bring a tiny one up to the front line and shoot your enemy in the face with a giant cannon round? Do you understand what I mean? Infantry units bring machine guns with them into battle, why not little cannons?
11 media | 59 replies
/show/ - ATLA 2024
Japan's DARPA held its yearly conference with R&D talks, program updates, and equipment exhibits. ITT we ATLA symposium.
75 media | 141 replies
aircraft carriers
what is your favorite aircraft carrier? are they obsolete now
75 media | 222 replies
The wait is over.
0 media | 2 replies
Batman w/ riot gear
Never liked how the cartoonists drew Batman breaking a shotgun in half when Bruce should be using beanbag shotguns

If Batman was like a R6 operator, what tech would he use?
16 media | 81 replies
/nvg/ger - Night Vision General
nvg cover February 23
Happy New Year Edition!
Old >>63038226

LAM/MFAL comparison:

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
57 media | 285 replies
10 years
It’s been 10 years since the army officially adopted OCP and started to phase out MultiCam/UCP. Say something nice about the Camo.
6 media | 28 replies
No title
How common/real was the thing where a samurai tests his weapon, a sword, by attacking a random civilian at a crossroads?
8 media | 92 replies
Was it autism? Not even; just government bureaucrats making poor choices.
>is a fucking terrible design
>wasn't even made by the original designer, but a hastily implemented and poorly thought revision by the government
>so bad, in fact, that it's one of the first things you're almost forced to upgrade on any AR-15
>to use it you're going to have to pinch thumb and forefinger together, or use your forefinger and middle finger to make a claw shape and pull it back towards your chest, both which are relatively awkward movements anatomically, especially with the rifle shouldered and aimed
>shooting with gloves on in winter? Good fucking luck
>shooting with a suppressor? Enjoy gas in your face
>want to put in a cheek riser to fix the rifle's other weak point of virtually no stock drop making standing shooting incredibly unergonomic and uncomfortable? Sorry, but that's going to be a pain too
Why? Just why? Why am I forced to live in a reality where this is considered OK? Where I can clearly understand and explain the issue with this terrible design and no one gives a shit or says "it doesn't matter lol stop being autistic"?
And it's not like people don't fucking know how bad this thing is, and that's why pretty much every modern design of "tactical" rifle these days is coming with a nonreciprocating forward charging handle that can double as a forward assist.
Please give your best defense of this retarded design below, because I've yet to hear one that comes close to being convincing.
40 media | 261 replies
No title
What the FUCK went wrong?

How did it come to this?
10 media | 35 replies
No title
How come China does not want to export their own cartridges to the market?
I think that the caliber will be feasible in asian and african regions.
4 media | 38 replies
You Are The Gun Below
So basically, I've never been to /gif/ (im straight). I don't know the rules. But I'm pretty sure the rules go like this: You have to post a GUN and it must be AESTHETIC or NEAT.
15 media | 20 replies
Why are rounds designed so they can explode and almost kill the user?
exploded 50 bmg
If you can put more powder than what isnecessary, then it means the round has empty free space inside.

Isn't this very inefficient>? you are using more metal for the case, also during transportation, each round occupies more space than necessary.

Why not design the round to have the perfect amount of powder when it is 100% filled to the top?
0 media | 3 replies
Is it still the king? or have any better loads come out
0 media | 9 replies
>Lose tens of thousands of men taking a beach defended by Cz**hs and 3rd rates
>Proclaim great victory
>Two more weeks to Berlin Allysisters!
Lol Lmao even. What happened to them attacking Calais? Was it too defended? Can’t wait to see these mutts and their Kike overlords get BTFO’d once the Fuhrer takes the gloves off and gasses them.
40 media | 90 replies
No title
North Korea just tested a new hypersonic missile
14 media | 80 replies
No title
Naval drones launch drones that rip AD apart.
34 media | 174 replies
No title
>Stryker tries to crush the infantry with wheels
24 media | 89 replies
No title
11 media | 91 replies
No title
Why don't you have a full auto STEN?
5 media | 16 replies
New RPK looks like shit
>be me
>wait 14 months for zastava to release their RPK
>they slap on the ugliest stock in their whole lineup on it
>random wood pistol grip
>some pics show the paratrooper bipod, some show the original mounting
>faggoty polymer mag

Why is zastava like this? Why couldn’t they just clone the original design? 14 months wasted
4 media | 9 replies
Aimpoint COA
Why did Aimpoint make a new mailbox? They aren't trying to entirely get rid of MOS are they?
2 media | 30 replies
No title
Field latrines sure have come a long way
1 media | 5 replies
No title
Screenshot from 2025-01-08 16-04-59
I don't see no forward assist on dis thang
3 media | 8 replies
Ejection Seats
ITT: The art and science of fucking off with haste.

>The U.S. Air Force is reopening its Next-Gen Ejection Seat competition for the F-16, the results of which might also cover the F-22 Raptor and the B-1B Lancer.

Martin-Baker bros, can we clinch it?
5 media | 35 replies
No title
Will he face judgement for his crimes?
4 media | 20 replies
le stealth
le armee de la air
When is France going to develop a certain how do you say, stealth avion?
9 media | 39 replies
No title
right wing militants manhandle czech girl
Azov did a video on their shiny new DITA
42 media | 190 replies
Accurized Magdump
Some youtuber has access to a full auto laugo. He said it's unique. All he did with it was a 20 second shitpost. Any similar examples of overhauls to match guns? Who does this work?
12 media | 83 replies
No title
BMP-1 'IAV COMMANDO' for CDO Kurdistan
BMP-1 obr. 2025 "IAV Commando" for CDO Kurdistan fighters in Iraq. CDO Kurd = Anti-ISIS death squad type beat. Cabin extended, up-armored all around, observation windows added, MG mount and shield added to the turret, plus a couple other details.
4 media | 21 replies
No title
I'm buying a fn 57, it seems like a cool gun that shoots a futuristic round
32 media | 181 replies
Embraer C-390
is it good? are hues actually ok at making planes?
7 media | 32 replies
No title
0bOECB-2rDqHe6IL (1)
Are modular combat vehicles better?
5 media | 37 replies
No title
>Had a dream about being elite Supersoldier with powerarmor
>The armor had various toys
>Like reactive shield
>Jump pack used for fast evasion manuevers
>Jetpack used to fly
>Anti gravity shoes used to manuevers around the battlefield at 60mphs
>Good ol invisibility
>Clone projector
>grappling hook
>Electrostatic charge in hands that can be used to scale buildings or fry someone
>Autodoctor onboard(various combat drug instant closing of wounds
>close range teleportation
>Making the armor strong enough to sustain 50cal trough nanomachines
>built in computer used to calculate bullet trajectories and possible outcomes allowing oneself to aimbot at the farthest distance a bullet can reach
>Other cool shit
in the dream the army was entirely composed of powerarmored soldiers 10k in total plus reservist.
How would such an army operate in a defensive operation against a modern foe?
0 media | 5 replies
No title
Are there any enclosed red dots that are around 6.5 moa?
0 media | 5 replies
No title
FN 502
I bought a FN502 for $350 and I'm starting to think I made a mistake. It's having tons of failure to feed issues. Any anon's know a solution to this?
2 media | 25 replies
No title
Why is the front of the gun curved in ?
1 media | 8 replies
No title
will bullpups ever be great again?
49 media | 249 replies
Weapons That Don't Play Themselves
In the film industry, there are places with a reputation for "never playing themselves." Cities with just the right set of scenery and subsidies to make them ideal for dressing up as more important, well-known destinations. Places like Atlanta and Vancouver. What are the weapons that play dress-up the most?

I'll start with an obvious example: Lately it seems like the BRN-180's main reason for living is to become other guns.
18 media | 78 replies
No title
Taiwan is developing a new hypersonic missile based on an existing supersonic missile, with Tatra-Force and Oshkosh M983 trucks under consideration for the launch vehicle. Their navy has also ordered the Type I loitering munition, a locally-made alternative to the switchblade. This year, the US will deliver a final decision on Taiwanese production of the Stinger missile.
6 media | 29 replies
No title
>22 cal
>24 cal
>25 cal
>26 cal
>27 cal
>28 cal
>30 cal
Why no 23 or 29 cal?
I want a 29 cal short action magnum
0 media | 8 replies
No title
Is this the best CCW holster for twinks and traps, or is there anything comparable?
32 media | 191 replies
Fencing with sharp swords video
Do you have uncensored version of this video?
Holmgang Hamburg - Scharfe Zweihänder und Stiche in die Fresse - Fencing with sharp swords

It had link on youtube
But its was deleted by youtube janitors
3 media | 17 replies
Canada General - /CanGen/
Canadian firearms General
>Newfag? Read this:

>what was banned Dec 5th 2024?

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights? - Write to your MP

Previous >>63137119
86 media | 373 replies
/sgg/ Shotgun General
>catalogue 'sgg' - no results found
>archive 'sgg' - no results found
What happened to the shotgun thread?

Anyways, for the first time in my life I'm working a job that pays out bonuses. I'd like to drop up to $5,000 on an heirloom grade o/u. This will be my first time spending more than $500 on a gun. Any recommendations?
8 media | 70 replies
Do we agree daggers need to return?
After the last knife fight. Do you agree that utilitarian army knifr are just a larping fighting knife. Good only for cuting sardine cans?

Even an italian syiletto folding knife would had done better job.

Stabbing dagger stileto knifes over utility rambo knife?

Maybe classic bayonet.
69 media | 253 replies
Simulations of war
War simulators
What has the best representations of weapons?
What has the best death noises, I've been told no one gets this right.
12 media | 94 replies
First USAF BWB Update
The subscale demonstrator has flown and it has flight dynamics similar to the X-48 demonstrator. The program is on-schedule.

JetZero has finalized agreements with all Tier 1 component suppliers: BAE, Moog, Safran, Thales, Woodward. Scaled Composites is responsible for the full-scale aircraft.
19 media | 98 replies
Requesting reference pictures of the TKIV85 sniper. Especially from left side. I know it's a little late for Finnish anons, but I'll shot my shot
11 media | 21 replies
No title
Bored of my carry so I painted it...
3 media | 11 replies
Just As Good!
>They’re perfectly viable for freezing conditions just don’t take inside your tent because all the ice will melt causing the water to later refreeze and cause malfunctions
>just don’t worry about 1,000lb apex predators, skinwalkers, and other wandering rapists
2 media | 12 replies
No title
What makes Israeli MIC so insanely powerful? It’s a small country, but its weaponry competes with the best and the biggest with nothing to be ashamed about.
13 media | 129 replies
No title
Why did these things open up at the front?

Wouldn’t it be safer and more practical if the ramp dropped at the back giving them protection from MG fire coming from the beach?
13 media | 78 replies
No title
If a 9mm hit a rifle optic(smt u put on an AR to aim at 300mts)at 50 mt away.
Would it go trough?
0 media | 9 replies
what will be in the hands of a WW3 conscript?
With WW3 within sight, I'd like to talk about the weapon I'll be holding when I get drafted. I'm curious about what will be in the enemy's hands too.

Some assumptions for the scenario:
- will be within 5 years from now.
- very little public support, lots of conscription.
- standardization very important for attrition.
- most vehicles and equipment would be destroyed early on, likely a shift to quantity over quality.
- REDFOR likely to have a large population advantage.

My personal thoughts is that it won't be a M16 or M4, which I'll explain in a comment.

What are your thoughts and what do you think it will be?
2 media | 35 replies
Retired Weapons
The year comes to a close. Weapons and their masters pass into history. Here, we gather weapons who recently served their last. To please the Machine Spirit, we cast a wide net. We include retirement notices, decommissioning ceremonies, etc…
16 media | 62 replies
You get to pick the R&D project:
ANON! I swear to god I have had so much fucking cocaine, you would not believe the budget I've scammed us! Now quick, save my fucking career! You have to take an existing platform and make it do something completely else, but you have Uncle Sam's credit card and my sweaty ass NEEDS dead thirdies in 4k video.

Mine- mini subs for river/lake operations being drone tending carriers with several VLS of mini tomahawks. 2 man crew.
52 media | 139 replies
What is the best gear for a citizen Militia?
minutemen Lexington
>T-Shirt boogaloo boy or operator larper?
Im more in the t-shirt camp but with thermals and basic protective gear like a helmet for sharpnel and the best bulletproof vest one can find
If the gay gun laws are rescinded;
>add a mortar company, flak, ATGM/MANPAD pickups but the regulars have the same equipment
3 media | 14 replies
No title
Lockheed Martins SR-72 the hypersonic successor to the SR-71 Blackbird still progresses 925 002-7c1dd213
>I'm supposed to believe the US has yet to make a plane better than this one from the 1960s
What's her name, /k/? That sweet sweet B-52 replacement we've been waiting for since McNamara? The B-1 and B-2 is mid, the USAF surely has hypersonic nuclear-carrying heavy bombers by now, surely...
14 media | 51 replies
Zuzana in Ukraine
New imagery of the slovakian Zuzana 2 self-propelled howitzer, now officially in service with Ukraine's national guard. These are the first clear photos of the gun on combat deployment anywhere in the world.
24 media | 42 replies
No title
Can this shit be armed? It's a solar aircraft. Carbon fiber. They have a DOD R&D contract to demonstrate an "Autonomous Maritime Patrol Aircraft." They claim they can do up to 800lbs of payload. So... it can be armed, right?
3 media | 30 replies
No title
How did soldiers respond to airplanes in ww1 and ww2?
How about nowdays?
1 media | 9 replies
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New Mossy.
4 media | 28 replies
Heroic moments in conflict

This man crawled up to a giant UXO in the Royal Navy shipyards during The Blitz with a rope in his teeth, tied it to the fuse of the bomb, and lived.
19 media | 63 replies
No title
If you could have any one gun you can reasonably acquire with Infinite Ammo what would it be?
[For purposes of the question this magical bullshit infinite ammo is just from firing the gun, ie: can't remove the ammo or any remaining material and make yourself rich by selling it etc]

Torn by own questionl; boring idea is choose a working gun you'd regularly make use of, still practical but slightly more interesting is to choose a rare gun that shoots something hard to acquire and never need to worry again.
5 media | 40 replies
supersonic drones are coming soon
som retards on youtube are trying to build a supersonic RC plane :
If you watch the very end of the video you can see they got sponsored by Safran.
If you don't know Safran is the defense contractor responsible for the Rafale french fighter jet engines among other cool shit.
In a few years we might get some /diy/ guys able to build a supersonic suicide drones get ready /k/
8 media | 29 replies
Eurocaliber Predictions
I heard about this around a year ago and idly hoped it would never come to fruition. Yesterday it did: there's a European Defense Agency program with a mandate to pick a common caliber and upend how ammunition standards are run. So. Which way, western man?
5 media | 23 replies