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Board: /k/

"/k/ - Weapons" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing all types of weaponry, from military tanks to guns and knives.

No title
Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

Before posting a thread, please check our catalog to ensure that a thread about the same topic does not already exist.

0 media | 0 replies
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deja vu
/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

0 media | 1 replies
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GjeHcEfXQAAKlGw (1)
Rate they/them's kit.
I'll start.
Chest mounted pistol holsters are retarded and an immediate sign to me you've never trained seriously in any real capacity.
52 media | 242 replies
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So whats with all the fuss about tactical donkeys exactly
10 media | 66 replies
Post F-35 pics
Post pics of the F-35 that you like.
47 media | 48 replies
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Does the US Navy think that other ships don’t exist or that they are always entitled to go ahead
5 media | 32 replies
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Ukie armored car storms Russian trench and Ukie soldiers hand deliver a TM mine into a Russian bunker.

I’ve read about this during WW1 and WW2, surprised to see it in this war with so much surveillance seeing you coming from miles away.
1 media | 17 replies
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>The elite training of the Finnish
>The GDP and military spending of the Polish
>The fanaticism and ingenuity of the Ukrainians
>The arms production of the Czechs
Would this be THE most powerful military force on the planet if they were united? I can't think of a more powerful combination.
14 media | 117 replies
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Militarize this
3 media | 16 replies
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In these trying times, let's share some fun and good-hearted stories about working and training together with other countries' militaries during combat, exercises, trainings etc. Bonus points if it involves MRE swapping and testing each others guns/equipment.
3 media | 25 replies
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Protector RG1, the UK's reaper replacement, has flown from Waddington.
30 media | 81 replies
PSA Concept Poll
There are five winners.
Two have been announced.
They are Jakl 9MM and X9.
Discuss the candidates.
Discuss the results.
13 media | 82 replies
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indog carrier
There are rumors that Fincantieri has offered the just-retired Italian Navy aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi to Indonesia for USD390 million including refurbishment costs. How fucked are China and Australia?
4 media | 22 replies
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Post disgusting triggers. Fat triggers, skinny triggers, curvy ones. Ebony triggers. Post triggers.
73 media | 95 replies
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Full auto.

Ruty Firmin said the SAS used semi-auto only because you are liable to shoot hostages.
Paul Howe said they only ever used semi-auto in their ops.
Other than movies, is there an application for burst/full in rifles/carbines (5.56) during CQB specifically ?
0 media | 5 replies
/nvg/ger - Night Vision General
nvg cover March 23
Night Vision General
Old >>63301634

LAM/MFAL comparison:

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
16 media | 83 replies
No title
Still the coolest movie gun
8 media | 22 replies
mauser update
well boys im a day late, but here she is, first to get trips names her (Spanish inspired)

after getting to look at her closer and a couple days of reading, im pretty sure its a polish mauser that was sent to spain for the Spanish civil war

needs a strip something bad, but here she is next to hot her german cousin
1 media | 46 replies
New Russian Air Cushon Transporter landed
new Russian mine save air cusson vehicle
Transports 40 soldiers.
Need only two to pilot and one to run the weaponry.
transport up to 100 tons.
between 70 and 100 km/h.
Range up to 3000 km.(depends on the load)
Water, Swamps, Snow, Minefields, Nuclear Wasteland, You name it.
understands Danish, Swedish and Finish only trough own dick.
15 media | 56 replies
No title
bros, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that the MT-LB is functionally extinct in the Russian army

Two MT-LBs were destroyed a few days ago and since then none were spotted along the entire line of contact. While there are some still visible in storage, these haven't been moved since the start of the war and are likely the worst remaining stock left and probably unsalvageable

RIP in peace
33 media | 133 replies
Canada General - /CanGen/
Go shooting
51st state general
>New here? Read this:

>What was banned Dec 5th 2024?

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024): l

>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous >>63349655
72 media | 252 replies
Battle Rifle General
Didn't see one, don't know how the OP is supposed to be formatted, just want to post my one-week cetme build.

>Also, does anyone know where I can find an Argentine FMAP FAL charging handle?
41 media | 145 replies
No title
>25km Hit
How did battleship engage moving targets at such ranges while still moving?
How did they take aim?
How did they aim Super artilery like the gustav?
20 media | 178 replies
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>6, 7 or 8 shot revolver
>11-17 round mag
>ammo comes in boxes of 20, 25 or 50
0 media | 2 replies
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Please God lift the sanctions so we can get $189 golden tiger cases again I want to magdump into trash pits again. PCCs are gay and 9mm doesn’t fill the void. And ARs are like shouldering an iphone. Boring as fuck.
24 media | 168 replies
No title
Would Submarine launched drones be feasible?
3 media | 13 replies
F-16s to Ukraine delayed?
I just read this on a few Ukrainian OSINT channels so I assume it’s a good source. Supposedly the head of the Belgian General Staff Frederik Vansina, in an interview with Le Soir newspaper said that 30 Belgian F-16s will be delayed for the better part of a year — until at least the end of 2025. The reason provided: delay receiving their F-35s.
2 media | 36 replies
Koksan bonked!
As many are aware a Koksan got droned the other day. Good job Ukraine and i mean that sincerely. I would have commented in detail on it in detail earlier but unknown anti Juche western war mongers snuck into my house a few days ago and dumped a bottle of whisky on my laptop.

First: Good job, in a later post i'll suggest better ways to take them out because this one didn't work.
Second: It's a M1989 not a M1978, reporters should at least use google and Wikipedia.
Third: The footage clearly shows it getting bonked...Right in the place a VOG-17 will not do anything besides scratch the paint. It almost looks like the VOG hit the barrel which it will do absolutely nothing to but even it they nailed it dead center over the engine/hydraulic unit a frag ain't cutting it. I'll detail this later.

You can see the thermal bloom from the explosion and before they cut away it is unharmed, if there was a fire or if it blow up they would have shown it. If it was a RPG drop it would have likely disabled it, although probably not blown it up.

Much as i am conflicted about this i am sure the Norks are extracting an above market price for them and the crews so arguably everyone that is destroyed just makes them more money. My mental gymnastics now finished in a later post i'll detail how to destroy them as best i know for the heroes over at Kraken.

Apologies in advance if i don't have my usual library of images.
12 media | 68 replies
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Best caliber for macaque?
8 media | 16 replies
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Why is it most shooters get low kill counts? I shoot with medium frequency and most of that is just mag dumping garbage with very little actual training or drills and I do pretty good even with moving targets.
Are they all just no guns never shoots? Its honestly confusing how you see guys go out with rifles and multiple mags and go like 3/1
5 media | 39 replies
Mantis Invasion
What would your go to firearm and strategy be if they were suddenly the size of grown men and reproducing like crazy?
7 media | 33 replies
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huey lewis and the news
Will there ever be a conflict as /k/ino as vietnam again?
16 media | 44 replies
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It's happening, Kino is back on the menu. I'm wondering if Italy could provide Ariete.
25 media | 340 replies
/k/lit - Military Balance 2025
As requested, here is Military Balance 2025. It is once again time for us to test whether we can still add numbers.

>what is this?
This is a world military equipment yearbook in its 66th edition. This year they have added extended china analysis and some other things.

MB 2025 - templink.

MB 2025 - permalink.
[TODO] Libgen is struggling right now. I will make it available there soon.

MB 2024
22 media | 50 replies
1911 thread
Wilson Combat Elite Professional, Railscale grips
I love 1911s. I don't want to buy anything that's not a 1911 or 2011.
61 media | 187 replies
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images (5)
So which one is the best next gen plane?
19 media | 150 replies
/akg/ AK General
AK General /akg/
The Numbers Mason! What Do They Mean Edition
>Thread #2056

Old thread here >>63299767
16 media | 39 replies
/gq/ - Gear Queer: New Infographics Needed Edition
10.2 bag guide
Rising from the ashes... again! You know the drill, except we do need some more infographics. To-do list:
>1. Chest rigs / belts / packs guides need redoing.
>2. "Spicy" radio supplement infographic.
>3. Maybe some kind of infographic catalog?
>4. Updates to pic related maybe.
24 media | 66 replies
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New Russian Wunderwaffe just dropped. How should we call this...thing?
23 media | 130 replies
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Noguns here, is there actually a possiblity of being mortally shot while remaining concious and being able to hold converstation before bleeding out/dying of lead poisoning in short order? Like the way hollywood shows it, with a guy saying his goodbyes to his loved ones and promtly dying
3 media | 24 replies
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would holding the hammer down actually prevent the gun from unloading if Dent tried pulling the trigger? (i know nothing about guns btw)
1 media | 28 replies
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How powerful and how big was the British army. And what is the current state of the British army / Navy
6 media | 104 replies
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In Europe they get a handful of models of single shot bullpup rifles, which are indisputably the absolute perfect firearm for hunting in the woodlands. Not to mention that suppressors are even easier to acquire in many parts of Europe.

Yet, in America we get 100 models of Glock pistols, and bullpupping is reserved only for benchrest bolt actions, tacticool autoloaders, and 22LR toys.

How do I cope with knowing that perfection has so far eluded the American gun market? Yes, I'm aware that the NFA makes these guns tricky. But you're telling me not one manufacturer has even attempted this? The closest effort so far is the KelTec RDB Survival, which is hampered by being an autoloader and is probably 2lbs heavier than it would be otherwise.

I would love to make it myself, but alas I am simply a poorfag only with enough expendable income to buy such a rifle, but not start a manufacturing business.
8 media | 51 replies
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i think the gripen is a neat little plane
3 media | 23 replies
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Do you tote Glocks and Tecs like a real nigga?
1 media | 3 replies
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I feel like the Tokarev pistol and the 7.62x25 cartridge should have at least as big a fan club as the 1911 and .45acp.
12 media | 80 replies
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Guys, what do you think of this Min/Max build?
2 media | 8 replies
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>That's some serious hardware you got there

>It's literally just a Beretta 92
6 media | 44 replies
funny war happenings webms
russian dirt bike assault
looking for scenes of levity during war time like webm related

gotta have that comedic relief when fighting for your life
33 media | 60 replies
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Good evening /k/

On this board about 15 years ago I came across an internal IRA documentary and I'm struggling to find it. One specific quote was something along the lines of: "As long as the IRA can manufacture their own weapons, they will never be disarmed." towards the end.

Pls help if possible. Also IRA thread.
16 media | 67 replies
Stole this pic from reddit
Last one died at like 15 replies so time for a new one. Between giving money to turks or SIG, which is theesser of two evils? Thinking about getting either an MPX or AP5. I know the AP5 is an official license or whatever and their standards are about the same as H&K, just for $2,000 less
27 media | 196 replies
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is there really a civilian market for the .50 BMG, in this economy?
1 media | 23 replies
Smith and Weston big iron
Hey anons, it Derl. I posted my palmeddo dagger last week and got banned. I promoseed to share some pics of me gun playing with my roomates big iron but then got banned. I also have a smith and weston 9mm and some picture I've taken before with it if antlne wants to see it I'm going to trade it in though to help pay for the dagger

3 media | 16 replies
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Do big boobs help absorb recoil better?
72 media | 231 replies
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9 media | 11 replies
How the fuck is it so light? 11kg without tripod is light for a full-power cartridge machine gun, it must hurt like a motherfucker to shoot this thing.
10 media | 95 replies
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cmmg dissent pistol
why doesn't someone make an ao-46 style lower for ARs? i'd buy that.
3 media | 20 replies
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how the FUCK did the magazine work!?
38 media | 74 replies
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MAPA is more effective than MultiCam. Hopefully this niggers will choose it over multicam but its unlikely haha
3 media | 12 replies
The X-37
What is that nigga doing up there?
1 media | 13 replies
ITT: /k/ defends themselves from Jack the Ripper
You're a boipussi prostitute in drag in Whitechapel in 1888 on your way to service the local glory hole. Suddenly your round the corner and see this crazed Jewish barber muttering in Yiddish coming right at you with a knife, he thinks that you're a woman and have the organs that he wishes that he had (he wants to make a suit from them). Unlike his previous victims however, you just stopped by the local gun store today and have any pre-1888 firearm (or other weapon) and copious amounts of ammunition on your person.

What is it and how do you defend yourself?
17 media | 44 replies
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Why did West Germany buy literally a thousand of these pieces of shit?
15 media | 77 replies
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This looks like a pretty cool pistol. Would it be a good first gun buy? What pistol would you suggest? I like the full size looking ones like the 1911 and Desert Eagle
1 media | 15 replies
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Thoughts on RPD 44?
7 media | 19 replies
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13 media | 25 replies
Anyone wanna share some of their 3d printed projects?

Pic related JStark's legacy will live on.
64 media | 306 replies
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using you mind powers to conjure guns in to existence. how many of you guys have done it ?
0 media | 6 replies
Patch Thread
Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Previous Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin (2016)

>other lists (2021) (2023)
75 media | 168 replies
/kg/ - Knife General
The Sharpest General On /k/
/third world edition/
>it is good blade steel saar
53 media | 231 replies
No title
>By 1083 the Song court was producing hundreds of thousands of fire arrows for their garrisons.[27] Bombs and the first proto-guns, known as "fire lances", became prominent during the 12th century and were used by the Song during the Jin-Song Wars. Fire lances were first recorded to have been used at the Siege of De'an in 1132 by Song forces against the Jin.[28] In the early 13th century the Jin used iron-casing bombs.[29] Projectiles were added to fire lances, and re-usable fire lance barrels were developed, first out of hardened paper, and then metal. By 1257 some fire lances were firing wads of bullets.[30][31] In the late 13th century metal fire lances became 'eruptors', proto-cannons firing co-viative projectiles (mixed with the propellant, rather than seated over it with a wad), and by 1287 at the latest, had become true guns, the hand cannon.
Never ceases to amaze me how fast technology advances when it comes to killing each other. When did we plateau? We are still in trenches.
2 media | 28 replies
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What will warfare look like after humans become completely replaceable by robots and AIs?
12 media | 78 replies
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Do you des/k/carry?
8 media | 57 replies
I’m excited because I got my Guisarme head.
Next payday I’ll buy a haft for it.
Also, post polearms, discuss polearms, swordfags are non-fren.
104 media | 198 replies
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What does the future hold for SUBmarines?
0 media | 17 replies
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>Once the Sukhoi goes up
>Who cares where it comes down?
0 media | 6 replies
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> 2011, BAE Systems announced its Adaptiv infrared camouflage technology. Adaptiv uses about 1000 hexagonal Peltier panels to cover the sides of a tank. The panels are rapidly heated and cooled to match either the temperature of the vehicle's surroundings, or one of the objects in the thermal cloaking system's "library" such as a truck, car or large rock.
When will we see thermal camouflage in action?
1 media | 13 replies
Drone attack against Russian base in Syria
Khmeimim air base in Syria was reportedly attacked by a “drone swarm” which resulted in the Russians activating AD in defense. Does anyone have any further information about this? Is there any word on the ongoing negotiations about the Russian bases? My guess is that if it’s a drone swarm it’s probably Ukrainian spec ops, maybe worrying that the Russians are going to stay in the country.
4 media | 37 replies
Color Case Anodization
Hello. This is a 7200 dollar pistol. I do not like it. But I would like to know more about its color treatment. Are there resources for learning how to do this? And are there nice examples of PVD excelling in its own right, instead of looking like a strange imitation of old-fashioned case hardening?

Gun in pic is
7 media | 32 replies
Low Tech Heavy Machinery
War wagons
Hypothetically, you and a local mechanic with basic skills are transported to a mid-19th century state, where you are both employed to design and create new forms of machinery. The mechanic has only their basic knowledge and you have a few books on early tank designs but no other advanced resources. However, you both have access to the state's resources. How would you go about building the machinery? What materials would you use and how would they work in combat?
9 media | 47 replies
No title
Ok /k/ sell me on the Scimitar
10 media | 65 replies
No title
ITT: We say nice things about military equipment from other countries. I'll go first:

IMO the most beautiful rotary wing aircraft ever designed.
45 media | 99 replies
Gents. It is once again time for you to share Cool Shit You Gone and Found. Links, pics, videos, communities - go wild. Old: >>62785543
24 media | 110 replies
Are 9mm flobert magnum slugs possible
So how possible would it be to make high velocity defensive magnum slug rounds with these i mean they are basically shotgun shells and those come in weak low velocity birdshot and powerful magnum shells and I know it’s a rimfire but that shouldn’t be an issue since 22wmr exists
4 media | 10 replies
No title
Would you sell your guns to get out of debt?
5 media | 75 replies
No title
Would battletech style ablative armor actually be desirable compared to all-or-nothing armor where a plate is essentially not impacted at all by hits on different parts of a plate or modern ERA where a hit reduces the defensive capacity of a portion of armor only in a relatively small location around the impact?
12 media | 134 replies
Private Sale Pricing
Looking to unload some of my guns for reasons, put them up on a local site to do so with locals but haven't gotten much interest. I asked chatGPT what they should be listed as then tacked an extra $50 or so onto everything but the HRRs to leave room to get talked down a bit.
How much lower should I repost them at to sell?
-Steyr AUG w/ magazines: 4x 30rd, 1x 42rd, 2x magpul 30rd – $1850
-Ruger GP100 match champion, fixed rear sight – $850
-Glock 19 Gen 4 w/ Inforce APL, spare magazine, case+accessories – $475
-Taurus 942 w/ UM tactical kydex iwb holster – $325
-Heritage Rough Rider - Blued w/ 22wmr cylinder - $90
-Heritage Rough Rider - Raw Metal(Custom Finish) w/ 22wmr cylinder - $90
3 media | 15 replies
List/Rank Favorite Aircraft/Jets!
And share images!

> A-10 Thunderbolt

> Su-27 Flanker family generally but especially the advanced versions ideally with canards.

> Mig-31 Foxhound

> F-14 Tomcat

> F-4 Phantom

> Draken

> Gripen

> Rafale

> Chengdu J-20 (probably too high)

> Viggen

> Mitsubishi F-1 (see Godzilla 1985)

> F-89 Scorpion

> F-18 Hornet/Super Hornet

> Su-15 Flagon
49 media | 72 replies
Realistically how would it go?
Last time, it ended badly for Egypt, but Israel had major western bloc support. All bets are off this time around.
51 media | 310 replies
No title
Hey it kind of worked
1 media | 5 replies
No title
This weapon was ahead of its time. It predicted the need and use for a heavy rifle. John Moses Browning was a genius.
0 media | 17 replies
Bronze age loadouts
lvnl29pyj5oc1 (1)
I quite like these Mycenean swords. They must've looked incredible when the bronze was brand new and polished.
16 media | 60 replies
Are SF Overrated?
Every "direct action" SOF raid I read about, the Battle of Conoco Fields being the prime example, always seems to end the same way; special forces claim victory after calling in $70 million worth of ordnance on their enemies' heads, and then they go home. Is there any reason regular infantry or even irregulars couldn't be as pound-for-pound lethal if commanders gave them the same kit and trusted them with a blank check for all the same support assets?
3 media | 9 replies
No title
Greensboro massacre
How did a bunch of guys with revolver shotguns and one and m1 carbine do it
31 media | 131 replies
Are PCCs the new standard?
Seems like everyone is using them now over traditional intermediate cartridge rifles. Every manufacturer is making one or more. ARs, AKs, and every other platform have pistol caliber versions now. 9mm and other handgun cartridges are all cheaper than 5.56 or 7.62×39.

Is it cost, some tactical "one caliber/ammo type" reasoning, better ability to shoot them at certain ranges or competitions, or something else driving this craze?
41 media | 183 replies
Historically, why did only so few warriors wear armor?
It feels like only the absolute elite warriors like warlords, jarls, samurai, knights and nobles would wear any armor at all.

Why wouldn't every single soldier wear armor? Do they want to die?
25 media | 144 replies
Is this worth buying if I'm a straight dude?
6 media | 36 replies
Bonk Hammer
OC time. Got bored and decided to get some more woodworking practice, so I decided to make a hammer. With spikes.
Materials: A random wooden handle left over from an old project, plus whatever scrap I can find lying around.
Step one is to upgrade the handle. I'm going to make a new pommel from the materials shown. The wood slices are crepe myrtle and oak. The two thin slices will be used to make a color contrast and then the thicker piece will be the main part of the pommel. Why those woods? They're what I've got in my firewood pile.
94 media | 138 replies
No title
What is the definitive /k/ kino?
9 media | 26 replies
Polish F-35 "Husarz"
F-35 Husarz
Thank God for the USA

The F-35 is a marvel of modern engineering
41 media | 236 replies
No title
I hate how videogames made impressionable teenage retards think this shit is a good gun.
6 media | 28 replies
Russian on drones
I remember people online at the start of the Russia-Ukraine war claiming drones were a meme. Are there still doubters?
44 media | 204 replies
No title
How did the allies overcome nazi germany's legions of pattons?
8 media | 28 replies
No title
We now have enough information about this technology in armed conflicts.
Which of these models have been successful and which have not?
13 media | 81 replies
No title
If you were in charge of their militaries, what would your next steps be right now?
21 media | 338 replies
No title
Genuinely actually when the fuck are they going to drop the X in XM7?
38 media | 152 replies
Rare guns
What are some rare guns you've never seen before, nor will probably own, but you still want one.
For me, it's pic related. The WA2000 and PSG-1 get a lot of notoriety, but I still like this relatively unknown little guy.
25 media | 46 replies
No title
>Doesnt need energy to fly because reasons
>Dome cant be spammed
What role would it have in an airforce?
1 media | 7 replies
No title
whats the fastest rate of fire a semiautomatic rifle like an ar could reach if instantly after reloading in the chamber the trigger was pulled?
0 media | 7 replies
Super Tucano shoots down drug plane from Venezuela
This is the 2nd occurance this year where of a Brazilian Air Force A-29 shoots down a drug plane coming from it's neighboring countries.

Video of the crashsite on the link.
29 media | 161 replies
/akg/ AK General
AK General /akg/
Slavic Space Gun Edition
>Thread #2055

Old thread here >>63267474
125 media | 311 replies
No title
Is this thing really as bad as it's memed to be?
16 media | 85 replies
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Winged tanks
Modern militaries are so uncreative now.
0 media | 5 replies
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Tactical advantage of making your gun look like a game console controller?
2 media | 9 replies
No title
What happens when in next large conventional war (where two shit-tier countries are not at odds) and common air superiority proves itself again as pinnacle of modern war and drone-shills are proven wrong?
2 media | 25 replies
/ak/ - Vulpes Vulpes
9 tailed fox[]
fox girls are a treasure

previous >>63338947
>image limit reached
>with this, the fox girl pictures can sing to you
150 media | 277 replies
No title
Moldova vs Russia
Would Moldova's and Russia's military equipments be a fair fight if/when the two go to war with each other?
1 media | 16 replies
No title
>20+ years and an entire GWOT later, this still remains the best military memoir
1 media | 29 replies