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Board: /ic/

"/ic/ - Artwork/Critique" is 4chan's imageboard for the discussion and critique of art.

No title
>Loomis method
>Korean books

Will these things finally help him master the art of drawing anime?
3 media | 20 replies
No title
Focusing on Iikes/follows is unhealthy. This mindset is just holding you back.
6 media | 31 replies
Commissioner’s guilt
>commission an artist for $50
>they spend days on the project, giving me constant updates and do a job above and beyond my expectations
>extra characters, detailed backgrounds, etc
>very thankful, I tip them $50 more
>commission them again, same price and same tip, they do another great piece for me
>on the third commission now
>he’s been giving me near-daily updates for almost two weeks, told me he’s really happy I reached out to him because he hasn’t had a lot of other paid work and was feeling unhappy with his quality for a while
I feel like I should be paying this guy quadruple what I am, except for the fact that I can’t afford to, especially when I take into account that I need to commission like, five more pieces from him.
And the exact same thing happened to me before when I used to commission porn. I found an artist here who only charged $35 but had quality that was at least $180 a piece. I commissioned him over ten times and with tip I would pay usually $70, but I ended up feeling so bad for underpaying that I stopped commissioning him altogether.
This is hell.
0 media | 9 replies
character design
whats the difference between good character design and bad character design.
11 media | 30 replies
/cfsg/ - cute female study general
Thread to study the female body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute girls and beautiful women.

No NSFW, to differentiate from /sex/ /asg/ /other generals.

>All art styles welcome so long as the focus is cutesy girls/ beautiful women. Nobody cares about east vs west debates.
>Males are welcome so long as the image remains female focus.
>For male focused thread post in /cgsg/.
>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different women vs girls, Nobody cares.
>No trans/lolicon/futa/. Go to /sex/ or /lsg/ for that.

Previous thread >>7169584
175 media | 298 replies
The OC Redraw Thread
1: Post a brief backstory if your OC has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artist Only. No spamming OC/infodumps for multiple threads without delivering.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous Thread:>>7393824
123 media | 249 replies
/draw/ - Draw Thread
Previous Thread: >>7390717

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 2000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

New collaborative:

>WHERE to get study materials
9 media | 19 replies
/artbook/ - Artbook Thread

Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file (updated 01-JAN-2025):


>The /ic/ Torrent

>Can't find it? Want it? Try looking here first:

>I don't know how to use these links!
>Are they encoded somehow?
>What the hell do I do with them?
We're encoding the links to keep bots and scripts from recognizing them as URLs and harvesting/reporting them. Some of the encoded links *may* have multiple layers - like ogres ... or onions! You might have to "peel" them more than once to get to the good part.

>Have you seen them?

... and before some dumbass asks, here are the books from the OP image:
>Learn to Draw Manga for Kids Basics
>Learn to Draw Manga for Kids Poses
>Learn to Draw Manga for Kids Faces
75 media | 260 replies
An FYI to anyone with a CGPeers account. If you need access to it, log in now. They enabled email MFA and the verification codes aren't arriving. Hundreds of people flooded their IRC for support and the mods couldn't handle the volume so they have disabled it temporarily.
If your account is associated with a Yahoo or Hotmail account, you should change it or you may lose access in the future. Just click the yellow update email button after you log in.
3 media | 15 replies
/mmg/ - Manga Making General
HLA Chapter 50 Page 24
The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7426058

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans:
Full MANBEN Series link: [Note: Videos appear to be taken down at the moment - check Habanero]
Urasawa Channel:

Source of OP image is The Heroic Legend of Arslan Chapter 50 Page 24.
17 media | 102 replies
No title
Decided to draw some more moe style stuff I’ll post them in this thread. Last time I posted here I made two threads so spam was probably annoying af.
3 media | 37 replies
/beg/ & /int/ - Beginners and Intermediate General
If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed rip:
New collaborative:

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread: >>7440712
71 media | 188 replies
No title
>be me
>have 12k followers
>try to get comms for $60
>nobody gives a shit
>stop taking comms out of shame
>months pass
>try again, busting the price down to $20 this time
>nobody gives a shit AGAIN
just how over is it?
11 media | 44 replies
Digital art
Hello 4chan, I have a drawing that I really like but I can't exactly find out what is wrong with it. I stare at it for a long time and it starts to look weird. I can't find any mistake when I look at it but it feels so off. Can you guys tell me what is making this these 2 drawings off? (Thx) (I know the quality is low btw)
1 media | 9 replies
/dtg/ - Drawing Tablet General
Recommended tablets:
(no tilt) Wacom CTL-672
XP-Pen Deco M(W)/L(W), Deco Pro Gen 2
Huion Frego M
Wacom Intuos 4/5 and Pros

Small (10-13"): Wacom Movink 13, Huion Kamvas 13 Gen 3
Medium (14-17"): Wacom Cintiq Pro 17, XP-Pen Artist Pro and Artist Gen 2 tablets
Large (18"+): Wacom Cintiq Pro 22/27, Huion Kamvas Pro 19/24/27, XP-Pen Artist 22 Plus and Artist Pro Gen 2 tablets

Samsung Galaxy Tabs with S Pen support (S6 Lite, S7 and newer/better)
iPads with Apple Pencil support
XP-Pen Magic Drawing Pad

XP-Pen/Huion screenless tablets older than the current generation on the list above: high IAF, wobble, some generations with QC issues and bad pressure sensitivity
Android standalone tablets outside the list above
Low tier brands like Gaomon, Ugee, Veikk if others haven't confirmed that the specific models are good
All Wacom One Gen 2 tablets: bad pressure sensitivity, wobble
2018-2021 Wacom Cintiq Pro tablets: QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface

14 media | 140 replies
/lsg/ - Loli & Shota General
Previous conquest >>7436957

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox ( or any off-site that hosts images for your works. You may also link back to /b/.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post chiId photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon

>A guide on how to dress your child in the morning before school
15 media | 97 replies
odd angles, extreme perspective
Sometimes i've spent hours trying to find an akward angle or perspective shot only to figure out it doesnt look good, I want to avoid that by gathering examples that arleady work so I'll know what to drift towards
I'll be dumping what I have, feel free to contribute
20 media | 28 replies
/portrait/ drawing general
IMG_6819 Large
Previous thread >>7326984

Post portraits here, digital and trad both welcome as long as they are portraits.
42 media | 99 replies
Gartic Phone
Come draw funny shit!
0 media | 10 replies
No title
shane glines
do you even need to be good at anatomy to draw like this?
0 media | 9 replies
No title
“C-Construction and anatomy is useless for anime”
3 media | 43 replies
Is this a good course to learn drawing for starters who haven't drew a single decent picture before?
6 media | 52 replies
where to start with krenz
krenz perspective
I really like the stuff I've seen from Krenz but it seems scattered all over the internet. Post krenz images, videos, and courses ITT please
0 media | 9 replies
Self Promo Thread
post blogs, rate, give advice, talk shit, etc

previous thread

question on my mind - we've established that bluesky is dead until further notice, or until Musk pisses everyone off again. But what about Threads? Anybody getting any mileage out of that?
31 media | 62 replies
/sqtddtot/ - Stupid Question Thread
For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
48 media | 207 replies
Anime perspective
What is this perspective in anime called?
How to do it?
21 media | 70 replies
No title
did I cook
1 media | 10 replies
/fag/ - Furry Art General
you want to look at birds edition

>What is /fag/?<
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines<
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


Previous Thread: >>7403834
69 media | 217 replies
No title
>tiktok banned in us
>it was the only place I posted my art at and had thousands of followers on
>can't even use it anymore and have no other social account to go to
wtf do I do now
2 media | 17 replies
No title
I love the joy of creation
3 media | 9 replies
No title
>I try drawing again after a long break
>I suddenly remember why I stopped in the first place
Drawing is stupidly hard, even with references, tracing, photobashing and using a shitpost style I still managed to fail. I just wanted to draw a meme with my #78967 generic anime waifu. How many hours does it have to take to draw something simple...
2 media | 12 replies
How to make the frame look better?
Hiya! This is my first time posting here. I made this drawing of my oc Vertalis, but the problem is I think the frame just looks wonky for some reason. Like, it's too empty almost? And the lines don't feel right, but I don't know how to fix it. Does anyone have any tips? Thank you so much!!
0 media | 0 replies
HHow can I make colors flow together better?
Not sure how else to put it, but I feel like my use of colors is a bit off. But other than that, I'm really proud of this piece and I think I'm going in the right direction with making progress!
0 media | 5 replies
ARC Salon Winners - trad art competition
ARC winner
Pic related is the best /trad/ fags can do. What is even the point of spending years on learning to draw and handle paint if the end result is such a bland result?

You can see the rest of the winners (all of them just as uninspired) in here:
29 media | 82 replies
No title
why the fuck does not one search engine use ai to make finding really niche pictures not a pain in the ass.
i had to search for like 10 minutes just for finding images of people reaching for their lower back from behind because i didnt think of people in pain i just wanted to see how the arm looks in such as position because im retarded and couldnt get it myself
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Are there any artists that get a bad rep that you like?

For me, it's Rebecca Sugar. I just really like her artstyle.
6 media | 34 replies
No title
Anyone have any news on the animation industry? Is 60% of the workforce still unemployed?
3 media | 11 replies
3D reference for draw
Jackie futa_01
Post your 3D references for drawings, poses, etc.

PS: not suitable for crabs.
34 media | 83 replies
/dbag/ - Digital Brushes and Assets General
>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets.
-Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.
-Please check for the CSP assets you want to request or buy here first before asking for it in the thread.

>CSP assets store wishlist.

>"What brush does this artist use?" / "What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or " (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

>"Are there other brush sets aside from the CSP ones?" / "Has this brush set been uploaded before?"
Check the archive. Chances are if it's popular some anon has uploaded it already.

Previous: >>7386764

Brushes in the OP are in the CSP assets rentry. (ID:1860221)
29 media | 97 replies
No title
You know what? It makes sense why the general populace embraced AI art so readily.
10 media | 68 replies
/life/ general
Welcome to /life/. Life drawing is a great way to solidify your understanding of perspective, forms, and movement in the real world to apply them to your own works and pieces. Drawing from life is critical to your development as an artist, yet unfortunately ignored by many artists. Draw from life. It has all of the answers to any question you have.

“Reminder: Famous artists that learned drawing from life
>Kim Jung Gi
>All the Renaissance masters
>Andrew Loomis
>George Bridgman
>List goes on and on

famous artists who learned drawing exclusively from books and pictures online and anime
>uhhhh idk lol

The age of the copyfag is over. The time of the lifechad has come.“
109 media | 250 replies
No title
I find it funny it looks like food. Like it's telling us humans that it knows we will eat it up.
1 media | 1 replies
/asg/ - Anime Study General
Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito:

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Recommended Resources:

/mmg/ - Manga Making General:

Previous Thread:
74 media | 302 replies
Finally Finished
I finished this painting of ice spice whilst listening to Portishead.
0 media | 7 replies
Patrician taste cartoons
Jordi Lafebre collage
>Jordi Lafebre
I looked up the guy and holy father of SOVL, this was nice.
So anyway, y'all also post what you have.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
>american racists 100 years ago did blackface, now this cool design choice is banned FOREVER!
83 media | 240 replies
Video Course General v.33
Michael Hampton Edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

/ic/ official torrent

# WEBSITES: (you will find some, plus books)
Uncharted waters, lots of content

Michael Hampton's Introduction to Figure Construction
Michael Hampton's Head Drawing and Construction

Last thread: >>7376844
9 media | 68 replies
/cgsg/ - cute guy study general
cgsg calendar cover1
Thread to study the adult male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute guys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
>If you were banned from the server, you were banned for a reason. Do not derail the thread to bitch about it

Previous thread: >>7341936
89 media | 140 replies
Towergirls Drawthread
Be sure to bother patch about registration to put your art in:

Post-free dice rolling tool that you'll ignore:

Previous Thread: /7325742
2 media | 32 replies
No title
Better start recording your process at this point
27 media | 141 replies
/Studies/ General
>There is one thing not to do, and that is simply to drift along with the daily routine, making no extra effort. You will soon find yourself middle-aged, having done nothing more than routine jobs, and being little farther along than you were years ago. The extra effort is the difference between the great mass of mediocre artists and the comparatively small group of very good ones.
>And in Art, study can never stop. You will find sketches galore in the studio of the good man, with the paint quite fresh. The mediocre artist's sketches are old and dusty.
>I have seen so many middle-aged artists still hoping, whose samples are frayed at the edges, and thumb-marked with time. Sometimes it has been a matter of years since they sat down and actually did something to give their hopes any promise. They are plodding their lives away at something they hate, and doing nothing about it. These are the men who never seem to have had a chance. The truth is, they never seized a chance.
- Andrew Loomis, Creative Illustration

/Studies/ General is all about improving your art and never settling for mediocrity. Every artist is a student, forever and ever. Anybody, from beginner to pro, can post here. Any style is accepted. Critiques are welcome and encouraged. Let's make this a productive thread!

Read the fucking sticky:

Recommended Resources:

Previous thread: >>7293944
121 media | 187 replies
No title
Why aren't you working on your dream of working at Studio Trigger, anon?
1 media | 14 replies
No title
Remember: True art isn't about quality, but how your art makes others feel.
1 media | 20 replies
No title
Can AI artists prompt something like this? I suck at drawing and this is the best I could cobble together by applying every crutch I've known
0 media | 4 replies
Stop drinking and have some water already.

Have you been drawing over the New Years?
Any new goals?
What about last year's promises? How many did you keep?
52 media | 230 replies
No title
At least i got the gore part right
1 media | 3 replies
Okay, here's how to git gud at imagination drawing
Take this with a grain of salt as I came up with this sort of plan today while showering.

basically, steps:
> Draw a picture from imagination
> Isolate the worst areas
> Do studies of such areas
> Do the picture again
> Repeat until the picture looks decent
How can it be improved?
5 media | 13 replies
/fig/ - Figure Illustration General
Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources:

Might as well check the archives and active /ic/ threads for references:

Previous thread >>7388249
39 media | 92 replies
No title
Sorry for the huwie tier question but how do i start studying perspective in depth?
4 media | 28 replies
No title
How detailed do you reckon should concept art be? Especially for character specific conceptual art.
109 media | 186 replies
No title
How many frames should pixel art sprites use for walk cycle animations?
100 media | 152 replies
No title
I want to draw but everything about it, including all the guidebooks I've looked at, looks too complicated for me. I get filtered by Loomis, and the IC drawing guide. When it gets to the body, my mind completely blanks out and I just give up.
9 media | 68 replies
No title
What does your warmup routine look like as an artist
2 media | 7 replies
No title
shit anatomy, shit perspective. naoko yamada can't draw for shit
27 media | 111 replies
newgrounds "blacklist"
I'm a fairly newer user of the website, I started posting art back in 2021, and for the past 3 years I've never had any real issues or major dramas on the site until recently (around august of this year). Is there some kind of secret blacklist? I just woke up one morning to go upload some art and I noticed that I was descouted after having a bunch of my art deleted. I figured maybe I overlooked a rule and broke something so I didn't think too much of it but then I started to notice that I was getting rejected left and right from a ton of collabs (which previously has never happened plus I've hosted a collab fairly recently also in August). Then I noticed that my newer community posts keep getting deleted. Am I on some kind of secret blacklist?? And how would I know if I've done something to piss off the moderators, I'm not a really active member of the community or any circle jerks I just kind of post my art and occasionally join collabs without saying anything.
9 media | 125 replies
No title
do you guys use glaze/nightshade to protect against ai training? if not, why not?
12 media | 108 replies
Irshad (drawabox) is such a godamn grifter
Asking for 35 bucks to tell you how to know what to draw lmao
a few bucks for something that can be summarized in a setence:
Look up subjects you find appealing and draw them. Birds, anime, portraits, coold fashion, gadget.
Make a pinterest account even.

Still dont understand why proko entertains this 'jeet
10 media | 75 replies
No title
>soles of the feet
>rendering hair
Knowing how to draw these things has been widely devalued by AIslop. I'm so glad I never wasted my time learning
0 media | 2 replies
/DAD/ - Do Art Daily
Previous episode >>7425834

>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord):
>Crit Dashboard:
38 media | 324 replies
No title
I made 800€ selling this painting
2 media | 35 replies
Redline & Repaint Thread
Request redlines and repaints here. Make sure to specify what area you're struggling with.
24 media | 45 replies
/ALT/ - Alternative Art/Stylization General
-alt- 4_re
Maybe this one will last the whole year

Previous thread: >>7222766

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
51 media | 81 replies
No title
>random calls my style "simplistic"
1 media | 1 replies
/mg/ - Mechanization General
General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

Previous Thread: >>7114939
57 media | 82 replies
No title
Why did he do it?
3 media | 15 replies
No title
JC Leyendeker art style study expectation versus reality
>tries to learn JC Leyendecker bold brush strokes method because exactly what needed this whole time
>bought JC Leyendecker artbook, nothing on his process despite collections of illustrations
>subscribed to Saturday Evening Post online just to access the archive of his cover art, enlarged to inspect the brushes flow
>found a blogspot that says Leyendecker's method, couldn't understand the process as a visual learner
>tries to find online of step by step process of JCL
>found video that might be promising, paid for it
>rambling on his anal sex with Charles, nothing on painting process
>watch another video, even more anal sex stories
>search hashtags & keywords on almost every nooks of the internet.
Do you have such hurdle and frustration when you just wanna learn art styles?
Bigger version:
1 media | 13 replies
Kim Jung Gi speed run any %
I want to draw pretty girls and sex lke the best to ever do it. How fast can i achieve this?
3 media | 44 replies
No title
Zrzut ekranu 2024-11-04 135621
any tattooers here? are you working professionaly or still practicing?
17 media | 88 replies
Moai everyday
Practice drawing planes of the face using Easter Island Heads
15 media | 18 replies
No title
Where do I grow? Reaction to my stuff here has usually just been a thumbs up. I post on other places and have an ok following, and around 4chan people are like "oh I know you". So, that's good for my feels but it doesn't give me the critical feedback. What do I tweak or how should I compose drawings and make them better?
11 media | 33 replies
Redraw thread
claudmonet reading newspaper
Redraw this/post images to redraw. The sticky image is broken, keep this thread alive until a mod fixes it.
2 media | 6 replies
Obscure/Underrated mangakas with art you like thread
Title. I don't see many people mentioning Norihiro Yagi for example when Claymore has a great dark fantasy aesthetic and creative monster designs. Such a shame the newer series he did look so much blander by comparison.
7 media | 13 replies
No title
Goodbye /ic/.
I just bought myself one of these bad boys, a 5000 paper stack for me to learn how to draw. I have downloaded every single course that I will ever need for a few years and in a few moments I will disconnect myself from the internet and cut the cable. I also got a drawing tablet for when I need to start using it. But for now, the paper will do. I have downloaded every single resource over at /asg/ and I will go through them. I don't need the internet anymore.
Thank you for providing books and helping with courses. I wish you only the best and nothing but the best.

I will keep checking the thread while I finish up unpacking everything. I will report back once I've finished using up all of this paper.
1 media | 25 replies
No title
One thing I never understood about the Loomis method and it drives me crazy is in the books Loomis draws the head as a sphere with it's sides cut off. But all drawing tutorials, and even Loomis himself don't cut the sides of the sphere when it's seen from 3/4 or any other angle. It doesn't make any sense. A sphere doesn't have foreshortening, it doesn't matter from what angle you look at it it's 2D contour is always a perfect circle. But when you cut it's side, with exception of a few angles it makes a huge difference in perspective. Most drawing tutorials and even Loomis just draw a sphere with ovals on it's sides, but if the sphere was actually cut it would look something like this. Also from most tutorials the back of the head isn't cut to give the cranium it's distinct oval shape.
13 media | 91 replies
No title
Is there any way to move beyond drawing like a 10 year old and having little to no creativity? I think I might need a mentor because I definitely wasn’t made for self-teaching. It feels like I’ve wasted three months just walking in circles
1 media | 8 replies
No title
images (1)
krita fucking sucks and I'm tired pretending it doesn't
30 media | 252 replies
art jobs
for those of you who have actually made it out of the trenches, how would you recommend someone to find a job in artwork?
what sort of skill level/ specific skills do you need?
what level of output do you need to achieve?
is previous work experience necessary?
should you try to gain a following to make it easier to find work?
about to turn 21 and in college for cybersec. ive already been practicing for a few years and im fine with working for a few more before i get an art job, but id like to plan for what i need to achieve to do so. im 2d focused but advice pertaining to 3d is also appreciated
5 media | 30 replies
He Has No Soul
" as the azure of the seasons spring winds down, and the wedlock of primrose and cutthorn leave their stay, even as ghouls and ghosts abaddon the avurish love of their lusty prey . skeletons come out to play "

does anyone have the original poem I tried searching the last line to no avail.
0 media | 2 replies
/NATURE/ general
Art with an emphasis on landscapes, plants, animals, and mythical creatures are welcome!

>Wildlife Reference Photos:

Animals Real and Imagined:
An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists:
Botany for the Artist:
96 media | 167 replies
/beg/ & /int/ - Beginners and Intermediate General
bridgmanime edition
If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed rip:
New collaborative:

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous thread: >>7436815
115 media | 367 replies
Drawpile Thread - Redoubt Session URL:
Drawfie Drawpile Hype
Join artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits!

Drawpile Software:
Session URL: (Sigmatelier canvas)
Browser access URL (for iPad/Android):

NEW: Sigmatelier Study Sessions canvas
Session URL: (Study Canvas)
New photo reference posted mon-thur at 10:30 pm CST

Server is accessible 24/7

Activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there!

Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, try to stick to 100-200% magnification-or even higher depending on your native resolution and the relative complexity of your intended work. Read the room, let's try and get the most out of each theme!

Canvas images posted to the thread are .jpg files at 70% scale and 40% quality to meet 4chan's resolution and file size requirements, for high quality raw .png canvas files, use the MEGA archive located here:

75 media | 102 replies
Art critique
Shit on Me. Give tips and advice. Reddit won't accept me. Just a sketch.
4 media | 26 replies
No title
jokes aside you do draw boxes right??
13 media | 40 replies
drawing rituals
>enters room at 9pm
>closes blinds
>puts door stopper under door
>pulls out sketchbook
>opens nightcore and white girl music on youtube
>adjusts headphones and picks up pencil
anyone else have a drawing ritual?
5 media | 35 replies
No title
What are your unpopular art opinions?

Mine is that I think that you should always begin a portrait drawing with a skull or it should be drawn at some point during the process, and I think any other method that doesn’t include the skull will end up anatomically inaccurate
34 media | 247 replies
Art Supply General: New Year Edition
Ask questions, leave reviews, and generally chat about all things art supplies in this thread.

In related news, Copic is having a special New Year's offer of a random color of their Sketch line of markers on their website right now for 1 dollar (they won't ship until february though),
59 media | 309 replies
No title
MyCollages (1)
How could you achieve success and reach at least the highest /beg/ level without talent ?
4 media | 35 replies
No title
>googles how to get better at drawing
>buys loomis
>gets told to just draw
did she browse here?
2 media | 12 replies
No title
scrolling through dribble, why are all good ui designers in california? why can't people in lesser posh areas with affordable rates create good design?
0 media | 4 replies
No title
Why does anime look good and enjoyable to look at, but then when you draw it it looks so so bad? What are these proportions? Why is it that even though i am aware how fucked up it looks for some reason it doesn't bother me when looking at it? But then when ~I~ draw it all those things look so damn pronounced like what the fuck are these shapes?
3 media | 15 replies
labeled anatomy
does an anatomy resource exist where the muscles on the model are labeled already? actual models i mean, not 3d ones. i just need a big image pack/.pdf/whatever source
0 media | 0 replies
No title
any artist you like watching draw and listen to about their process in the background?
2 media | 13 replies
No title
I don't get it. How the fuck do you make eyes point in and focus in the correct direction?

There's not a lot on this subject, and it's especially hard if the head is at an angle
2 media | 19 replies
Anon, have you tried the Indian loomis?
TL;DR India has their own Loomis and he made book. His name is Aditya Chari. Its actually pretty good. Indian loomis is better in some things than american Loomis
>bUy aN aD
Heres his book for free:
10 media | 44 replies
No title
so WHO the fuck is Geirrod Van Dyke? He appeared out of nowhere 5 years ago, posted for one month and then disapearred.
Googling his name shows that he did a bunch of comics. Their art looks far to be as good as his inktober posts.
Where is he? This guy should be at the top of the art industry
5 media | 29 replies
Productivity secrets
im on the verge of killing myself, i need to draw 8-12 hours a day EVERYDAY to improooooooooov,i need to work on comics,i need to make my own game, ineed to learn animation,i need to learn new styles but i just cant focus
reveal ALL your secrets NOW.
how do you stay productive? how do you never get tired of drawing? how do you stay focused? how do you keep going? how have you not killed yourself?

>inb4 go outside ,gym,running,etc
already do all that and i cant focus on art for more than 30 seconds
>inb4 draw something else or whatever you like
i really cant do anything art related,nothing at all, small steps dont help either

some other questions:
Do you have a second monitor? does it really help or ruin productivity?
Do you have an end goal besides just popularity/money/whatever
Do you take supplements/meds to stay mentally healthy/focused?
3 media | 48 replies
Apologizes for formatting this was made sober
3 media | 3 replies
No title
What prompt is best for generating old timey stop motion monsters from the 50s and 60s?
3 media | 10 replies
No title
I'm trying to add shading to this rough draft. The white rectangle in the back is a computer monitor and the main light source. I know everything pointing towards it should be lighter and everything facing away is darker, but I'm having trouble putting it into practice. Any help on where to place the light and dark on the image or general criticism would be appreciated!
1 media | 3 replies
/proj/ - Projects General
proj banner
Show us your projects, big and small!

A project can be anything including but not limited to:
>a manga/comic
>a short animated film
>piece(s) for an art exhibition
>video game assets
>series of illustrations

>What type of project are you working on?

>What inspired you to create this?

>How far are you into your project?

>Any previous projects?

>Any social media?

>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?

Per usual, don't respond to bait and simply report/ignore anything that isn't conducive to drawing.

Previous Thread: >>7208201
17 media | 38 replies
No title
This is a drawing by Max Grecke. What do you think he meant by it? Does being a cuckhold enhance your artistic prowess? It worked for Leyendecker, and Max too. Im thinking about asking my partner if they would be interested.
2 media | 9 replies
No title
not good at drawing ... at least i got the nipple right :)
1 media | 10 replies
No title
>he calls his drawings "pieces"
5 media | 15 replies
No title
>drawfags on 4chan
>it's /beg/ chicken scratches
8 media | 29 replies
No title
sick people working at biowarе
Look at this sick fuck
This is the concept artist behind Bioware games
No wonder these games are absolute and utter garbage now
7 media | 49 replies
No title
>Why can't you draw
If you can answer that you will realize what you need to work on. Until then you'll be at the mercy of a luck stroke. Did you start with casts like every great artist or do you think you're above the greats of our generation and the past and can do better without going through what they had to
2 media | 19 replies
/sex/ - Sexual art stylization thread
Previous thread >>7363712

Welcome to /sex/, your general thread dedicated to sexual artworks ranging from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography. Please feel free to pick your best works in progress or finished work and post it here.

>General Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of art styles are welcome and encouraged; submit your work and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 pixels before posting.
3) Share whatever knowledge you can. Please provide references whenever possible.
4) Do not be afraid of asking for critique, be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY and FURRY PORNOGRAPHY along with BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except for /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery
153 media | 307 replies
/lsg/ - Loli & Shota General
Previous conquest >>7430640

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox ( or any off-site that hosts images for your works. You may also link back to /b/.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post chiId photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon

>A guide on how to dress your child in the morning before school
43 media | 446 replies
No title
A year has passed, it's all crap, nothing has improved
52 media | 162 replies
No title
Can /ic/ draw a circle?
23 media | 31 replies
how cooked am I
I have no idea what I'm doing when I make these. I don't even know what to ask in order to get better. Everyone in my life lies to me to be nice so I can't get any kind of real feedback on what I'm doing right or wrong, and I don't know what questions I should be asking on here so I get ignored.

Should I just give up? Really love the hobby, but I have no one in my life willing to give me honest feedback, and I'm too stupid to automatically know what I need to do to get better. I enjoy drawing but I'm never going to improve, and even if I did it's a hobby and doesn't matter. I'm cooked here right?
4 media | 30 replies
No title
Hey guys I need some advice

I have a strip roughly 100cm wide that I want to fill with artworks. Pic rel, although my phone has shitty camera so the quality is garbage. As you can see, I'm halfway done.
3 media | 6 replies
No title
Exactly how many minutes, seconds, and books until I can draw a fox like this?
26 media | 63 replies
No title
do any of you make animated gifs or other animated images? They seem to be more popular that drawings because they move and people would rather see moving things.
3 media | 7 replies
First time simplifying
I decided I wanted to get good at drawing figures, so after some looking some things up I found that simplifying the human figure to.. uhh.. boxes? I guess you'd call them? is a good way to draw whatever pose you want. I tried this, and the simplified version looks alright imo, but the figure I drew over the boxes looks really weird.
In all fairness it is a bit of a weird pose in of itself but damn I really screwed something up and I don't even know what.
Any of you can show me what I did wrong and how they would go about it?
12 media | 33 replies
No title
Is it worth getting popular anymore? My patreon failed. Nobody wants my artwork. What should I do now?
8 media | 78 replies
I realized something.
Ever since I started drawing on my tablet by my computer, I subconsciously have stopped consuming any entertainment on my computer. It just feels like a work computer now. I don't really have fun playing games or watching anime on it. I can only really get myself to binge things on my phone in bed.

Should I have separated my work spaces? But then I'd need 2 PCs.
3 media | 16 replies
No title
>drawing with family members nearby when your room has no lock
5 media | 43 replies
No title
how does it happen that when i quit drawing for like a few month i come back with a great skill jump everytime

it's like it's not only a matter of one sleep to absorb new skills like they say but something bigger

pic unrelated
3 media | 14 replies
How do I learn the Vilppu Step 1?
I have the notes, I just can't seem to actually use that knowledge
8 media | 15 replies
No title
Finally, a good alternative to Tumblr that isn't Shitter.
9 media | 148 replies
"Precursor art" thread
7 media | 15 replies
nothing discourages me more than remembering my age
I'm 25 and learning how to draw but nothing makes me want to draw less than remembering how old I am. Even if I spend like 8 hours a day drawing, I won't be decent until I'm 28, nearly 30. the vast majority of artists start drawing as a kid, which I wouldn't even mind, but art communities are overwhelmingly young. I can't even imagine trying to enter a community where the average member is in high school. Surely I'm not the only one who struggles with this. right? I'll be drawing, then remember my age, and suddenly I'll lose all motivation and can't even force myself to continue.
13 media | 157 replies
Soylent Green
"Advertisement art" thread

>Who is dhis Pure Fool? Cometh he not in green, like Spring?

McDonald's Breakfast: ABSOLUTELY ONIONS
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