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Board: /ic/

"/ic/ - Artwork/Critique" is 4chan's imageboard for the discussion and critique of art.

Random mugshot drawing challenge
I made this roulette type drawing challenge based on that mugshot picture that's popular on the internet. I hope we can have a great deal of fun all together.

Let's roooooooooooooolll !!
25 media | 73 replies
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0 media | 11 replies
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>be artist in game studio
>design character
>the models don't look like your designs
>almost every skin suffers this issue

I can't think of a bigger insult to an artist. Humiliation ritual even.
14 media | 45 replies
/mmg/ - Manga Making General
Delicious in Dungeon - c009 (v02) - p030 [dig] [Orcs] [Yen Press] [LuCaZ]
The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7206002

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans:
Full MANBEN Series link:
Urasawa Channel:

Source of OP image is Dungeon Meshi chapter 9.
93 media | 279 replies
No title
He kinda has a point.
Should one sell out and whore himself for views.
I get that we will not be the next Miyazaki but do I want realy want to be the artistic equivalent of those clickbait review nigger jewtubers?
61 media | 221 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-26 194942
practicing lineart but i dont get why it looks so shitty compared to my sketch? i tried adding a bit of line weight but it seems like im doing it wrong
2 media | 13 replies
No title
Is tracing over AI shit cheating? Not with the purpose of learning, of course, just producing a piece. Theoretically no one will ever find the "original" artwork from where I trace from so it's safe from legal problems. I would like to hear your opinion, /ic/.
18 media | 89 replies
No title
Self-Esteem unironically correlates to art progress a lot.
Stop thinking "I will get good in years" and instead say "I will get good in days", see how much it improves your performance and will to drawing!
5 media | 9 replies
Looking for work as an assistant
Idk I am studying to draw a manga. But I have zero knowledge so I bought a fucking coloso course. And the instructor wants the students to search for work as an assistant. Is there any anon (krita) willing to work with me.
0 media | 2 replies
/beg plus /int
If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

New collaborative:

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman
Hikaru Hayashi

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Framed Perspective
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous: >>7242336
80 media | 173 replies
No title
Yep. It happemed. Officially at the point where AI is indistinguishable from "real" art.
I saw it coming but not this soon
7 media | 46 replies
/ALT/ Alternative Art/Stylization General
-alt- 3_re
Late Edition™

Previous thread: >>7153450

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
44 media | 61 replies
Henry darger
>100 years ago
>poorfag orphan retard
>draws for himself
>illustrations of stories he makes up in his head to fight boredom of life
>cant draw
>traces old newspapers
>people find his drawings
>say it’s high art

Does this prove talent has nothing to do with success?
1 media | 7 replies
Any have this pack reference?
file (10)
I know they publish several packs of reference images, I wanted to know if anyone has this, publish, thanks
69 media | 235 replies
No title
is this a fucking joke?
4 media | 10 replies
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>Twitter bio: “I Draw”
No shit?
8 media | 49 replies
No title
How rich could I have gotten as an painter of girl feet in previous centuries?
2 media | 19 replies
/dsg/ - Dynamic Sketching General
-TRUE UP 2024 edition-

This is a thread for those who want to go through dynamic sketching as a group in an effort to improve drawing skills starting from the very fundamentals. Here we share the tedious grind, crit and encourage each others.
Please specify the week you're on and if it's dynamic sketching 1 or 2 when posting your work.

>What's Dynamic Sketching?
A class by Peter Han that focus on improving draftsmanship, construction and design. It is intended for beginners, but the second class can be useful even for /int/. It covers a wide variety of subjects, but not figure drawing.

>Where to get it?

\Course\Form and Construction\

>Peter Han says to get a lot of material, are they needed?
Your choice. Honestly, just draw. Use what you have. But if you want, you can get it. You can do it digitally, but try to refrain from using ctrl+z and other features. At the end of the day though, do what you want. As long as you put the work you're gonna see progress.

>I'm /int/ (as if, pyw faggot), should I bother?
If you want to expand your range of subjects, I recommend it. It also covers a lot of fundies that doesn't hurt to revisit. I suggest you start with DS2 though.

week 1: Lines and ellipses
week 2: Organic forms and textures
week 3: Perspective, basic of light
week 4: Form intersections
week 5: (Optional) Materials: markers, paint, pencils, etc.
week 6: Plants
week 7: Redesign
week 8: Preview of DS2: military vehicles
week 1: Recap of DS1
week 2: Insects
week 3: Bones
week 4: Animals
week 5: Cars
week 6: Military vehicles
week 7: Planes
week 8: Reworking, Portfolio, New redesigns
*every week of DS2 include a redesign homework

Mess up a lot, get that mileage in, but most importantly pyw
76 media | 191 replies
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1 media | 6 replies
/dbag/ - Digital Brushes and Assets General
A thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?" / "What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or " (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

>"Are there other brush sets aside from the CSP ones?" / "Has this brush set been uploaded before?"
Check the archive. Chances are if it's popular some anon has uploaded it already.

Previous: >>7181503

(Brush in the OP is in the CSP assets rentry.)
55 media | 251 replies
No title
Any artists who just dropped off the face of earth and you wonder where they are?
18 media | 67 replies
No title
How’s the drawing thing going for you, /ic/?
11 media | 63 replies
I made a lil polymer clay sculpture
to use as reference every once in a while, specially the shading.

Do you think it's good enough? i feel it's a bit crude and would've liked to give more definition to the muscles around the back but the day ended and i had more stuff to do
0 media | 10 replies
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How do 2D animators endure the physical pain?
108 media | 278 replies
Lineart thread
Post beautiful black and white images and comics, trad or digital, lets not let this die quickly again
10 media | 10 replies
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renaissance art1
Why are you not studying renaissance art? And making art in the renaissance art style? For maximum art gains? You want to be the best artist, right?
1 media | 9 replies
No title
I can now draw anything but I don’t know what to draw.
What do?
25 media | 136 replies
It's starting in a few days and the event lasts the whole of July. Are you joining in this year?
51 media | 258 replies
Why are artists so committed to the starving artist bit? Commercial art has historically been a very lucrative career, and while that has changed somewhat in the 21st century I can't help but think artists are partially at fault.

They've resisted becoming office workers and companies have responded in kind by turning creative work into gig work and telling artists to market themselves on artstation. With AI we've seen another retreat, many talented pros leaving and expressing they will make it on their etsy shop alone (lol) and telling other artists to do the same.

It's like artists agreed to the worst parts of both being your own business - no steady paycheck - and being a wage slave - asskissing, strict hours. If artists want stable jobs with benefits they shouldn't see themselves as different than the factory worker.
4 media | 55 replies
Preston Blair drawing group
Seeing these draw along threads have been popping up more I wanted to make this thread. I think this book is valuable for both beg and int artists. Preston also offers a great foundation to drawing from imagination since the simple ball/pear constructions were designed to be easy to turn in space.

If we get 20+ sincere replies I'll just make a new general for it.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Should you apologise for the stuff you drew in the past?

Especially during the edgy periods of the internet
3 media | 53 replies
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Superman vs Superman
Why is it so hard for Western artists to make action sequences "flow" even when the art is really nice like in pic-related?
39 media | 88 replies
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It’s over….
0 media | 10 replies
/sqtddtot/ - Stupid Question Thread
SH 2 Chris Hansen ending
For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
11 media | 56 replies
/DAD/ Do Art Daily
Previous thread: >>7235046

>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord):
>Crit Dashboard:
13 media | 63 replies
/crab/3 Comics and Random Art Battles
The 3rd Comics and Random Art Battles (/crab/ 3) tournament will decide (once more) the fate of the multiverse.
Original characters from multiple universes will be kidnapped by me, the Gamemaster, put into teams and take part in many extreme challenges to obtain a single Wish, whatever it may be!

Is your crab up to it?

Stage 0

>Crab abduction (Done....kinda)

>Election of headliners <=======You are here

To distribute popularity/avoid star-studded teams, a complete list of crabs will be published and each crab will be voted on by popularity or (you)s. The characters with the most votes will be the starters of each team, not the captains. The rest of the team members will be hand picked by the Gamemaster. Here, whether the votes are anonymous or not does not matter. Each poster can vote up to two characters for Headliners.

>Team building
Hand picked by me

>Voting on theme for Stage 1
Only members. Prompt will be decided later

Previously on /crab/3 >>No.7223976

149 media | 276 replies
/cfsg/ - cute female study general
Thread to study the female body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute girls and beautiful women.

No NSFW, to differentiate from /sex/ /asg/ /other generals.

>All art styles welcome so long as the focus is cutesy girls/ beautiful women. Nobody cares about east vs west debates.
>Males are welcome so long as the image remains female focus.
>For male focused thread post in /cgsg/.
>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different women vs girls, Nobody cares.
>No trans/lolicon/futa/. Go to /sex/ or /lsg/ for that.

Previous thread >>7056387
130 media | 206 replies
No title
it&#039;s over.......................
Why are ocfags like this?
20 media | 82 replies
No title
Hungry Clicker
>Be Hungry Clicker
>Have almost 700k followers, including prominent indie, comic, and manga artists
>Hasn't followed a single person in almost 10 years
>Exclusively posts their work, and doesn't talk to anyone
What mode is this?
16 media | 114 replies
/FIG/ - Figure Illustration General
fig thread nu
Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources

Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.

Previous >>7217406
142 media | 236 replies
Art tutorials
>how to filter 90% of people learning art
2 media | 26 replies
How to optimize drawing a one shot.
april 14
Can you guys share tips and tricks to optimize drawing like 60 pages for an oneshot.

So far my ideas.

>Use blender grease pencil and it's mangaka plugin for backgrounds
>Make a cutout template and then copy and paste it, edit so you can quickly dont need to redraw it entirelly

What I need are tools to automatically ink my sketch and put out easily the manga tones of it.
28 media | 112 replies
Drawpile Thread
Join artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits!

Drawpile Software:
Session URL:
NEW- Browser access URL (iPad):

Server is accessible 24/7

A growing amount of sporadic activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there!

Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, make note of your own monitor resolution and magnification. Try to stick to 100-200% magnification-or even higher depending on your native resolution and the relative complexity of your intended work. Read the room, let's try and get the most out of each theme!

Canvas images posted to the thread are .jpg files at 70% scale and 40% quality to meet 4chan's resolution and file size requirements.

For high quality raw .png canvas files, use the MEGA archive here:
136 media | 189 replies
/fag/ - Furry Art General
Don't jump! Edition

>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


Previous Thread: >>7214072
75 media | 183 replies
No title
Fuck I need help /ic/, can someone assist me with perspective, or make a redline for this? It's a gift for my sister and I would prefer it not look like shit.
1 media | 6 replies
No title
>be 30yo oldfag
>want to achieve the art skills of my favorite artist
>too old
>set a goal to achieve within 3-5 years
>check his first pixiv art
>already better than what I'm doing right now
It's over for oldfags, do I really have to spend another 15 years to draw good anime art? a 45 years old man, drawing cute anime girls, as a hobby? WTF IT'S SO OVER FOR ME
1 media | 21 replies
/ssg/ - shota study gerenal
Thread to study little boys. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute little boys.

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW and suggestive from catbox. Don't post real life references.
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
Previous thread: >>7010561
43 media | 99 replies
New Animation Thread General #03
>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


>Anime .gif/.webm repository

>Sakuga Extended: Add ons to play video on sakugabooru frame-by-frame
Mozilla Firefox:
Chromium based browsers:

>Reference (artbook, settei of actual anime production, color designs):
48 media | 135 replies
/asg/ - Anime Study General
Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito:

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Recommended Resources:

/mmg/ - Manga Making General:

Previous Thread: >>7183000
53 media | 177 replies
full body
again with my oc, also yeah i forgot the ears in the prev art lol, hope u all like it
0 media | 6 replies
/mg/ - Mechanization General
General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

Previous Thread: >>6790069
115 media | 167 replies
Art youtube channel
Gonna make it
Why haven't you made a youtube channel yet /ic/? It's more lucrative than commissions.
9 media | 87 replies
Towergirls Drawthread
Be sure to bother patch about registration to put your art in:

Post-free dice rolling tool that you'll ignore:

Previous Thread: >>7133251
30 media | 155 replies
The Doodle Thread
Doodling is very important as an artist, it helps you with brain storming ideas, puts away the pressure that finishing pieces sometimes entails and it's overall a fun way to relax while drawing.

Post your doodles, low effort studies, early WIPs. Doesnt matter if you think they are bad or just not good enough, if you had fun while drawing it, it's a good doodle.
166 media | 249 replies
No title
How does one manage to ink digitally at this level while also keeping this specific "trad detailed manga" style inking really convincing?
I've been trying emulating styles like those for a while but all my attempts look wonky and not as good/professional sadly :c
3 media | 14 replies
No title
I'm convinced that the reason there isn't animated porn aimed at women is because they are into forearms and strong hands, things that are notoriously difficult to draw, let alone the way women like.
10 media | 108 replies
/cgsg/ - cute guy study general
official CGSG OP (1)
Thread to study the male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute boys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.

Previous thread: >>7088251
133 media | 235 replies
/wmg/ Webcomic Making General - Let's make a webcomic!
>formerly the webtoon making general
All formats of webcomics are welcome. PYW and show us what you got.

>Why would I make one?
To be rich & famous, of course. All jokes aside, the pay is low if you're lucky enough to get hired in the first place, the deadlines are more brutal than the manga industry, and the average reader age floats around 11. But as a novel medium with a growing industry, it may still be worthwhile enough for you to experiment.


>WHERE TO PUBLISH (Application only)

Previous Thread: >>7123638
49 media | 127 replies
/dtg/ - Drawing Tablet General
Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Medium (12-16"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S8/S9 Ultra, used iPad Pro 12.9" Gen 1-5
Large (22"+): Cintiq 22HD, Cintiq Pro 27 - Make sure they have VESA standard mounting holes.


>XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand making Wacom imitations
Poor build quality, pens with wavy lines, wobbly nibs, broken tilt, issues registering light pressure, terrible customer support, uncalibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Do not be fooled by myths like "Chink companies are just as good as Wacom now" - they've been saying this for over 8 years, nothing has changed. Consider reading the amazon reviews, particularly the negative spectrum and you will find some very common themes.
Chinese companies have also been proven to shill on 4chan. You will see dozens upon dozens of posts in this thread by a chinese schizo shill, who will either be bitching about the OP, gaslighting as a Wacom fan, making pointless spam posts or giving terrible advice (like recommending Huion). Just ignore and report him.

>New iPads
Massively overpriced and overhyped.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
More optimized for palm rejection than good quality drawing. Wobbly lines when drawing slow and straight.

>Cintiq 13-16"
Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad

>Cintiq Pro 16, 24, 32
Overpriced, QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface

Worse than Samsung in every way.

Previous: >>7212728
11 media | 47 replies
No title
Exactly how many hours, days, and recourses until I can draw a fox like this?
65 media | 215 replies
Self-Promo Thread
Post boggu links. X/Twitter, Instagram, Patreon.
48 media | 85 replies
No title
Post your work and I criticize it
I'm a /beg/ who's artistic understanding is not all too high so my word should be taken with a grain of salt
This is the fourth time I make this thread and I warmed up to the idea of posting my own work
I'm not a crab and I will do my best to tell you what up think of your art

Also I messed up and got my thread bumped of the catalog. Something came up I'm sorry
8 media | 17 replies
No title
Drew this for a /i/ thread about drawing simple things. Is it me or did i do something poor with my drawing? (not counting the simple anatomy and amount of lines drawn)
Sure the female character's ass is thick and juicy, but the problem is...she doesn't look pretty feminine.
19 media | 74 replies
Video Course General v.30
Marshall edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

/ic/ official torrent

# WEBSITES: (you will find some, plus books)
Uncharted waters, lots of content

Creative Sketching with Jens Claessens
Steven Zapata's Form From Imagination
Michael Hampton's Introduction to Figure Construction

Last thread:>>7182899
15 media | 58 replies
Why is this shit SO FUCKING HARD??
I mean, I don’t know if I’m dumb or something but it’s crazy how something like this takes months to be memorized perfectly.
12 media | 61 replies
No title
Would /ic/ consider this a good illustration?
70 media | 103 replies
No title
It’s over….
6 media | 27 replies
/artbook/ - Artbook Thread

Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file, updated 23-JUL-2024


>Can't find it? Want it? Try looking here first:

>What the hell are these links?
>Are they encoded somehow?
>What the hell do I do with them?
No, they're not info-hashes or magnets; we're encoding the links to keep bots and scripts from recognizing and harvesting/reporting them. You will see a GIF in the first two or three posts that explains what to do. Don't understand some of the terms in the GIF? Google them. Some of the encoded links *may* have multiple layers - like ogres ... or onions! You might have to "peel" them more than once to get to the good part.

>Have you seen them?

... and before some dumbass asks, here's the book from the OP image:
>Hiro Illustrations: Footprints to Akebi
13 media | 42 replies
30 minute penguin study
There are 1.7 million species on Earth, surely you can draw something else besides humans?

This is my 30 min study of a penguin. Truly, the best.
Who else but a flightless bird could be so emblematic of the struggle, but also so loveable?
11 media | 20 replies
Aleriia/Lerapi - Process
Can we have a thread to analyze Aleriia_V's process?
She has a YT channel where she's posted a few tutorials and a lot of speedpaints:

What I'm really impressed by is how -fast- she seems to put out work...
Her pieces are pretty detailed and she seems to be able to get it done in a single sitting
15 media | 46 replies
/sex/ - Sexual art stylization thread
Previous thread >>7218107

Welcome to /sex/, your general thread dedicated to sexual artworks ranging from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography. Please feel free to pick your best works in progress, or finished work, and post them here.

>General Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of art styles are welcome and encouraged; submit your work and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 pixels before posting.
3) Share whatever knowledge you can. Please provide references whenever possible.
4) Do not be afraid of asking for critique, be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY and FURRY PORNOGRAPHY along with BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except for /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery
32 media | 61 replies
my first art i made
protait croped
hello, i'm new to here and i got interested in art, i do progarming but i did draw stuff with my digital pen and board, anyways, here is my art: a self pesona protait of me, tomato, anyways here ya go
1 media | 8 replies
No title
Why aren't you doing this new trend /ic/? Quote retweet your most popular artwork and you will get 20K+ likes and a thousand new followers.
2 media | 11 replies
No title
What is the soul of heat in NSFW art?

An anon here pointed out that the technical ability to draw a thing and the stuff that makes men's blood boil are two separate skills. What is that sexual energy to capture it?

I've seen many well-made pieces of NSFW that fail to spark lust and yet there are rough doodles that drip with sexual tension. Part of it seems to be in suggestion and mystery--tools that allow the viewer to connect to the art because it asks of him to take part in putting together the sex. Art that makes space for the viewer to participate.

What makes adult art hot and what about it turns people on? It's something more intangible than the naked female form.
11 media | 34 replies
No title
How detailed do you reckon should concept art be? Especially for character specific conceptual art.
21 media | 32 replies
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How many frames should pixel art sprites use for walk cycle animations?
21 media | 36 replies
No title
what happened here at her neck on top?
how would you fix this?
8 media | 22 replies
OC sharing and discussion thread
>0 Thread for people who are interested in OC discussion and sharing. DO NOT post work expecting fills or hoping to get returns.

1. Art trades should be directed to the Verified Art Trade thread.

2. Critiquing designs, lore, and writing of characters and character designing are welcome.

3: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

4: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous thread: >>7157864
107 media | 183 replies
Monster/Alien Designs
Giant Cricket
Anyone else draw monsters and exotic creatures? I've been tryin to get into it and I've been havin a bitch of a time tryin to draw somethin that don't feel derivative. So far my three big inspirations have been studyin actual animals, Wayne Barlowe's work, Yoshitaka Amano's monster design for Final Fantasy, and the weird shit that Midjourney occasionally spits out that needs work. Any artists or theories on how to approach design would be appreciated. Here's this giant cricket I did, ain't happy with it. Wanna take it further, make it weirder and even more grotesque.
2 media | 6 replies
ITT: Post your worst
Post the absolutely least appealing art you've ever seen. I've gotten some real gems in the past.
8 media | 13 replies
/proj/ - Projects General
Show us your projects, big and small!

A project can be anything including but not limited to:
>a manga/comic
>a short animated film
>piece(s) for an art exhibition
>video game assets
>series of illustrations

>What type of project are you working on?

>What inspired you to create this?

>How far are you into your project?

> Any previous projects?

>Any social media?

>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?

Per usual, don't respond to bait and simply report/ignore anything that isn't conducive to drawing.
37 media | 105 replies
No title
/trad/ thread. Post your traditional media works.
112 media | 268 replies
No title
cheater&#039;s guide to drawing
On this scale, where does /ic/ think cheating begins?
3 media | 42 replies
Delete my Instagram account?
I haven't posted anything on my Instagram account for 6 months. Now I've decided to take my art account more seriously, but I don't know if it's a good idea to keep using that account or create a new one, as I think I might be suffering from shadowban or something similar. I don't want to invest my effort into something that might not be worth it anymore. Should I create a new account or stick with the one I have and stop thinking about it so much?
1 media | 13 replies
Thoughts on Cara? I’ve started posting a while ago and it’s pretty cool, there isn’t really anything I can critique about it
0 media | 7 replies
No title
how do you respond to this without sounding mad
92 media | 396 replies
Advice and Guidance
I made a new thread because I don't always get a lot of feedback and I'm desperate. My work that I put effort into comes out poorly, but my random studies are more successful. I know part of this is perceived skill vs actual skill, but I don't know how to improve. I'll post work for critique, or I'll post in yearly progress threads, and I'll get advice like, "go back to studying from references more, work on your basic shapes." I'll revisit material and work on fundamental things again like gesture, blocking in shapes, or trying to better understand perspective. I think these all come out ok, obviously the examples I provided could use some more work, like the hand on the figure is messed up, but I think they're "ok" for quick activities. When I try to make original ideas they lose whatever was making those activities work, and I don't understand.
I still use reference, and I put much more time in them, but even if I were to take them to the next level and fully clean up stray marks, they look even more amateur. I try to do a lot more of this kind of art though because I find it fun, but something isn't working. Is it an imagination issue and I need to step back and draw from my head and work on internalizing figures? Do I need to be doing even more studies? I know part of it is just mileage, but it feels like my brain is broken. I tried to think about things like the composition, or how having both socks fully on would look less interesting. I was given advice from someone outside of this board to ignore color for a while and focus more on form readability and cleaning up lines and I think that's true. Does anyone have suggestions for what to practice to achieve that, or other suggestions? I'll put in the work, I just would like some guidance please.
1 media | 14 replies
Time attack thread!
See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
86 media | 145 replies
Perspective help
How do I find the horizon and vanishing points in my painting?
I don't really know where the two characters should be positioned in respect to the viewer.
I relied on eyeballing so far but it's starting to fall apart.
2 media | 11 replies
/Studies/ General
>There is one thing not to do, and that is simply to drift along with the daily routine, making no extra effort. You will soon find yourself middle-aged, having done nothing more than routine jobs, and being little farther along than you were years ago. The extra effort is the difference between the great mass of mediocre artists and the comparatively small group of very good ones.
>And in Art, study can never stop. You will find sketches galore in the studio of the good man, with the paint quite fresh. The mediocre artist's sketches are old and dusty.
>I have seen so many middle-aged artists still hoping, whose samples are frayed at the edges, and thumb-marked with time. Sometimes it has been a matter of years since they sat down and actually did something to give their hopes any promise. They are plodding their lives away at something they hate, and doing nothing about it. These are the men who never seem to have had a chance. The truth is, they never seized a chance.
- Andrew Loomis, Creative Illustration

/Studies/ General is all about improving your art and never settling for mediocrity. Every artist is a student, forever and ever. Anybody, from beginner to pro, can post here. Any style is accepted. Critiques are welcome and encouraged. Let's make this a productive thread!

Read the fucking sticky:

Recommended Resources:

Last Thread:>>7146222
26 media | 58 replies
No title
>You get to choose any artist (living or dead) to be taught by for a year
Who do you choose, /ic/?
5 media | 18 replies
Comic criticism
Hi /ic/
Can you criticize my silent comic
I still an amateur and developing my skills, practicing every day despite my busy university scheduleand your advices and criticism is really important for me because it's direct and real (not sugar coated like the one's I got from my peers)
Thank you
52 media | 190 replies
Verified Art Trade Thread
>0: Thread for people who are interested in trades.

1: Post a brief backstory if your original character has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artists ONLY. No spamming original characters/infodumps without proof of prior delivery.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

6: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

7: Leave all the chit-chat out unless to thank drawfrens. Draw more and talk less.

Previous Thread: >>7118785
87 media | 183 replies
Redline/Redraw Thread
Post your work and Anons will give advice in the form of a redline/redraw.
137 media | 245 replies
No title
>see a sweet drawing
>want to find out who the author is
>see signature in the corner

Why do artfags do this?

>inb4 OP can't read cursive xd I can read this perfectly fine

go ahead then
1 media | 17 replies
Most difficult art community
Is Paleo art the art community with the highest standards for art? Not only does your art have to be good, it also has to be scientifically accurate to be any good otherwise even non-artists will nick pick it to pieces. Feather Nazis is a term I see getting throw around.
1 media | 3 replies
No title
I want to learn how to draw but I don't want to make bad drawings
1 media | 7 replies
Interesting Looking People
Post some peculiar specimens , I need a wider range of character design templates.
10 media | 12 replies
No title
Where can I get t-shirts printed with original (fan) art of Big Corp IP? I have designs that are obviously parody and that I made (by hand, not AI), so should run afoul of neither copyright nor trademark. Redbubble's being a bitch.
0 media | 1 replies
No title
>sees a good drawing
>no signature or it's outright illegible
>no links to blog

Is it that hard to sign your shit? Why would anyone neglect that?
3 media | 58 replies
/lsg/ - Loli Study General
Previous: >>7224964

OP credit: Gizmo(s)

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox ( or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post child photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Main resources & FAQ
>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon
70 media | 367 replies
Hurting peoples feelings if i unfollow them on twitter.
Screenshot 2023-09-02 130852
Many of (you's) don't retweet my artwork, so i have to set the example and unfollow all of you's.
But i get depressed when people that i know compliment me, but don't follow me back in return.
I feel conflicted.
2 media | 13 replies
No title
I've been dedicating some time to learning art but I've slown down significantly in recent months.

I feel like I can learn whatever topic if I apply myself hard enough, but actually applying them to a study or, god forbid, my own work, even if it's as mundane as trying to draw X character in Y pose, almost always comes out shit.

If I could figure out how to apply what I learned to something half decent within reason of what's possible, that'd be sick, but I feel like half the time I'm either failing miserably or putting random shapes down on paper and hoping it turns into something.
0 media | 2 replies
No title
Screenshot (15)
Client refuses to pay redditor muralist for their work:

What do you make of this?
4 media | 23 replies
No title
How to start drawing if you have no talent?
27 media | 226 replies
No title
Art Supply Thread: Dip Pens Edition
36 media | 312 replies
No title
Do you draw your own smartphone wallpaper?
1 media | 6 replies
No title
1 media | 2 replies
HOW do you even make a living as a artist in 2024
For all the anons here that have made it, what did you do to really solidify a secure income off your art? Is drawing porn the only way? How long did it take? What advice would you give to someone pursuing the same in 2024? Is it still even possible to make a living in the actual art/animation industry since its been crashing and burning for the last 2 years? Would appreciate any input from any of the more experienced anons here
4 media | 88 replies
No title
I want to improve my video game art portfolio.
Should I improve/redraw older paintings, or start new ones from scratch?
Also Is it wrong to improve an old commission, post it, and then erase from my portfolio the older version I was paid to make years ago?
0 media | 9 replies
/music/ - Artist Music General
What have you been listening to? What genres inspire you while you create? Share some of your tunes here!

Cool mode: Post your work with your tunes!

Even Cooler mode: Post a drawing you made while listening to said tunes!
25 media | 62 replies
/rpg/ Rendering and Paintovers General
Rendering and painting is easily the most neglected topics despite being essential to making polished, finished pieces. Post your work, advice in the form of critiques/ paintovers.

OP is my own work, please critique.
21 media | 62 replies
No title
just made this
0 media | 8 replies
No title
Bros what the fuck has happened to me? I stopped drawing due to lack of motivation for like 10 months and I've completely regressed to the point where I cant even draw a circle. I've been trying to get back to where i was at (being able to draw comprehensible image) to a fucking prebeg. should I fucking give up on trying to draw?
2 media | 2 replies
No title
AI art is a serious threat to human creativity and ingenuity though. Even if its fun, that doesn't mean its good. There's plenty of harmful things that are fun.
0 media | 7 replies
Post your average estimates for the below milestones assuming a reasonable art curriculum.

pre/beg/ -> high
high/beg/ -> mid
mid/int/ -> high
high/int/ -> adv

im a little over 18 months in and am low int by this boards standards, curious how much longer until I'm considered decent.

3 media | 24 replies
No title
You have opportunity to back at time and give yourself an art advice, what it will be?
10 media | 41 replies
No title
>he was /int/tier at bes-

3 media | 24 replies
IT&#039;S OVER

I thought it was just some trolling, but it was true. Adobe is capturing your private work in Photoshop, everything you do in the software. And they have been doing this for more than a year in secret.
17 media | 210 replies
Drawing tablets
Do you guys use a screenless tablet or a display tablet?
Want to make the jump to a display one.
>Ask in the general
That shithole is lost.
2 media | 46 replies
No title
Moai drawing: Continuation thread
165 media | 286 replies
Why are my retweets so weak?
tegaki (4)
I have a not-terrible follower count (1000-1500) and my own drawings consistently get 400-800 likes, but my retweets never contribute more than 20 likes to the post. Why does this happen? I just want to help my friends get their start.

It's probably worth mentioning that I only recently started retweeting stuffs, would that have some implications to the algo?
1 media | 7 replies
No title
>decide to make a socials account
>use as an avatar an oc made on pic crew as pfp
>experiment painfuly slow growth, but growth nontheless
>decide to draw myself a custom pfp
>its a character from a game i like
>the character is black
>growth stops
>well i guess i peaked with my first batch of drawings oh well
>post a few more drawings
>decide to change pfp again because my ass cant stand still
>another character from another game i like
>the character is white
>painfully slow growth starts again
1 media | 3 replies
/draw/ - Draw Thread
Previous Thread: >>7148959

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

>fellowBro's books :

>Figure Drawing Tool:
67 media | 104 replies
Reference packs VARIETY
Got any interesting reference or photo packs to share? If yes, please feel free to.
Anything welcome, websites or other sources, packs of packs, especially non-conventional stuff like vehicles, machinery (please), weapons and items, animals, buildings, plants, scenes, people in funny clothes, close-ups of faces (basically not naked humans but those are welcome too).
0 media | 0 replies
No title
I don't get it?
1 media | 5 replies
No title
What's a good way of finding references for new designs? Let's say you get a com to draw a space viking, so you need a bunch of photos of viking larpers, maybe historical clothing and then some pictures of space suits and sci fi stuff. How do you find some good refs?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Honestly what i believe is a fundamental failure of AI that i dont think will ever get fixed is that since it's not sentient it only ever short of "predicts" what makes sense so you can never trust it to make anything really specific or say, fill out a thing and keep every part of it coherent with what is next to it, like if you want to fill out a children's book or even make an animation you cant really prevent the ai from saying fuck you and picking out a random part to exaggerate uncontrollably. Then you have to adjust either through prompting or manually at wich point you're better off making it yourself
1 media | 6 replies
/NATURE/ general
Nature general
Art with an emphasis on landscapes, plants, animals, and mythical creatures are welcome!

>Wildlife Reference Photos:

Animals Real and Imagined:
An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists:
Botany for the Artist:

Previous thread: >>6950655
6 media | 12 replies
No title
HIMZA arrived.

How to defeat himZA?
5 media | 8 replies
No title
>Artist says their work sucks
>Look at it
>Coolest shit you've ever seen
Why is this so common?
2 media | 35 replies
No title
Challenge! Draw a perfect circle!
Rules for the challenge:
>You can't use any tools. (I.E. A compass or a round object.)
>It can't be computer drawn.
(Image Unrelated)
6 media | 14 replies
No title
How do I reach this skill level realistically
5 media | 20 replies
No title
>put in dozens if hours into learning fundies and rendering
>only draw anime characters posing in voids
5 media | 27 replies
/int/ & /beg/ - Intermediate and Beginners General
If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

New collaborative:

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Fun With A Pencil
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Previous: >>7240486
151 media | 420 replies
No title
Is it wise to make your art look less anime to avoid being called a weeb? I study fundamentals and draw from life often too, but the association with the current day anime community and other weirdos just makes me sick to think about
3 media | 10 replies
No title
So what happened to Procreate Dreams? It was shilled 24/7 and supposed to revolutionize animation and jumpstart an animation renaissance, then it just fell off the radar completely like 2 days after release
0 media | 14 replies
No title
Fundamentals are BULLSHIT.
Nobody cares how "good" your art is by the arbitrary standards of pretentious tryhard jackasses.
All they care about is SOVL.
8 media | 35 replies
I stare at my desk, but it looks like i'm working.
I'd say at a given week, i do probably fifteen minutes of actual, real practice.
>Well now anon, would you be a good sport and indulge us- and just, tell us a bit more?
Oh yeah, let me tell you something about Loomis.

The thing is /ic/, it's not that i'm lazy, it's just that i don't care. Now, if i work my ass off, and grind and grind, i don't see a single gain, so where's the motivation?
And there's something else, /ic/. I'm posting my work in eight different threads right now.
>Beg your pardon?
Eight threads.
Eight, /ic/. Now that means, if i make a mistake, i have eight different threads worth of anons coming by to tell me about it.
That's my only real motivation, is not to be hassled. That and the fear of Not Making It, but you know what /ic/? That'll only someone make someone work hard enough not to drop off completely.
>Bear with me for just a second here.
>What if, and believe me, this is a hypothetical- but, what if you were promised some sort of uh, i don't know, guaranteed gain, an ability to take pleasure in the process itself, would that do anything for you?

I dunno, i guess... Listen uh, i'm gonna go, it's been really great talking to you guys.
Good luck with your crabbing, i hope making people quit goes well.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Been drawing every day for 20 years.

I still get called a /beg/

You will never make it if you don't have art talent.
0 media | 1 replies
Draw this cat in your style and let's see if you can capture its appeal
13 media | 35 replies