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Board: /out/

"/out/ - Outdoors" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing survivalist skills and outdoor activities such as hiking.

Welcome to /out/!
We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
1 media | 2 replies
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When do I really need to start carrying an ice axe with me? Is it a requirement on any mountain that is snow covered or is it dependent on more factors? I have no desire to do ice climbing btw.
0 media | 5 replies
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Do you wear any cloak, poncho or any fashionable coat when inna woods?
2 media | 12 replies
What drives white men to do this?
what no pussy does to a mf
and why dont they have a cyanide emergency suicide kit with them? I just heard about a guy who was trapped 3 weeks in a cave and died from starvation. Three weeks of total darkness and hunger sounds pretty scary.
3 media | 36 replies
We havnt had an /edc/ thread in a while.
What are you carrying every day?
>r8 h8 apreci8
61 media | 167 replies
ITT: Nudism
Have you been to nude beach or been casually naked outdoor in other way? I have been a couple time on nude beach. It wasn't eventful to talk much about it but it felt very nice to walk around and lie down in completely natural, unobstructed by anything state.
3 media | 17 replies
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how does it feel to be absolutely mogged by a 80 year old woman who lived alone in the mountains of the northwest her entire life. Dick proeneke's life sounds like childs play compared to hers
0 media | 23 replies
recent /out/

Did you get to hike/see any of the effects of the flooding recently?
135 media | 210 replies
2025 /out/ Assignments
PublicLandsMap2 (1)
Post your general location and we'll reply with a new location (>2 hours) for you to visit in 2025. If you have already been to that location, call them a faggot and let somebody else try.
27 media | 141 replies
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I find dead eagles at the beach or forest sometimes. how likely am i to get bird flu if i harvest their talons?
1 media | 14 replies
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TRT-Class-of-2011 (1)
How do you feel about the federal layoffs and funding cuts for the NPS and USFS departments? I have mixed feeling on the subject.
2 media | 72 replies
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Can I get a qrd on this timed entry bullshit?
I like to road trip without any plans and visit whatever park I happen to be near. Never had an issue before. Now it sounds like I need to plan ahead.
I will be going to Arizona in March with a few stops in Utahs Canyon Landa and Bryce National Park
What do?
0 media | 45 replies
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>throwing rocks onto freshly icing over lake so it makes that weird sound
5 media | 12 replies
Car / Truck Camping
I am getting a new vehicle. I currently have a Honda CR-V, which I like, and so far, my /out/ings have been limited to my home state and sleeping indoors. I want to get into car / truck camping so that I can fish and hike in some remote places. A CR-V is not big enough. The obvious path is to buy a truck, put a topper on, add a mattress, a fridge, and some drawers. Due to the price of trucks, I would have no choice but to buy used. Also, the topper means that the sleeping space is not heated and I have to get in and out to access the two halves of the vehicle. With one of the more truck-like SUVs, I should be able to have the off-roading capability with the single cabin.
The other thought that has crossed my mind is a small trailer, which I could get away with on a CR-V. I could tow it in most situations, but there are probably a lot of places that it wouldn't hold up.
I've been doing a lot of research, but I'm still lost. Please share your thoughts and experiences.
5 media | 24 replies
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What is /out/'s opinion on trespassing to access interesting places like waterfalls, swimming holes, caves, large rock formations, open viewpoints, abandoned sites, etc? And what is /out/'s opinion on posting these places online?
6 media | 68 replies
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Homesteading and prepping

With the way everything's going this is looking inevitable. What are you doing to prepare? Have you started a self reliant homestead?
2 media | 22 replies
/HGM/ - homegrowmen 401

New USDA zone map has been released:

Koppen Climate Map:

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm, biochar, vermicomposting

previous >>2784511

spring soon™ edition
0 media | 1 replies
Brit/out/ - It's finally winter now
milky milky cold and tasty
Probably the best month we get for winter conditions

You have been out playing in the snow... right anon?
21 media | 36 replies
No title
Have you been caught trespassing before? What happened?
0 media | 11 replies
Do you cave? have you ever been, if so what was it like? I've been watching caving channels for a while and I like the idea of it, I dont know why. I wouldn't do any of the stupidly tight shit I dont think. What equipment do you need?
0 media | 1 replies
Fishing & Tackle Thread
#519- “Stale Bread” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

Talk about fishin
48 media | 217 replies
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How do I get into spelunking
What gear do I need and how do I get experienced with it though
3 media | 32 replies
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What's your opinion on dual wielding hiking sticks? Useful strategy or just a meme for tryhards?
2 media | 27 replies
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>probably going to be made homeless again soon
Can I have some tips? I was homeless a few years ago due to the local drug lord harassing me every night and day because he thought I called the police on him when he was having his 48hr drug parties, but I've mostly forgotten my tricks of the trade.
Not going on the streets, I'll just roam the countryside until I die or something as I have good quality boots, bag and tent etc
Le sigh
Im in scotland btw
0 media | 2 replies
Help me pack for a month
Hey Anons, experienced camper and /outist/ about to go on a month long backpacking trip.

I will be heading to Bongland in April for a roughly 160 mile hike on national trails and will be wild camping as much as possible. I’ve done plenty of backwoods camping and am relatively comfortable solo camping (am much more comfortable in groups though)

Not pictured: 3L water bladder and clothes: 2 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of underwear, 1 spare set of vida pro pants, fleece for mid, rain jacket for outer, long John’s for night, a sun hoodie, a button up hiking shirt, and a pair of shorts/tshirt for end of day casual wear.

Weight is around 40lbs loaded up with extras and all that jazz.
13 media | 64 replies
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I went out hiking today for the first time during winter and came across this, what the fuck?
4 media | 26 replies
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>you have to buy trekking poles!
>you need something lightweight!
>if it's not collapsible it's garbage!
counterpoint: just pick up a stick
15 media | 77 replies
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what strange / spooky stuff have you seen?

once when i was in the desert, there was a telephone pole, on it looked exactly like a 10ft tall bird of prey, just eyeing me down
it was about a good 5min of walking, which felt like forever, just to see that it was a transformer that looked weird, none of the other poles had it either
sounds dumb, but it really did look exactly like a gigantic human sized hawk, and the "head" even seemed to follow you too, really interesting illusion, since it also hit all the primal parts of the brain that gone "you're about to be fucking eaten by a bird!!!!!!"
a year or two later, when i was gonna take a picture, it was gone, which adds a strange air to "it was right there, i tell you!"

>inb4 go to /x/ for this shit
i want real stories, not >i smelled the rotten shit fart gas, and my best friend was turned into a skinwalker, and then i pulled out that gun from videogame and blasted it, dude trust me
8 media | 33 replies
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>spend entire day, or multiple days to reach summit
>ski down once
>have to hike back up all over again if you want to do it again
Is backcountry skiing the biggest meme sport that is out there?
0 media | 8 replies
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ITT: Critters
44 media | 49 replies
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She went down fighting. Would /out/ have the same courage?
2 media | 29 replies
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Is Camping With Steve /ourguy/?
4 media | 63 replies
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Is it true that the Appalachian mountains have weird creatures that roam at night?
11 media | 45 replies
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mesh cap or field cap?
24 media | 75 replies
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Some fucking homo stole my tent and sleeping bag out in Shoshone National Forest. It felt like there was barely anyone out so I didn't bother to pack my camp up when i decided to go out for a day hike after the first night. I planned to come back and sleep at the same place and repeat for a few days. Instead I came back and saw my shit ransacked, tent and bag stolen and some other items gone. I had to coming hike all the way back in a panic to my car in the dark. What kind of fucking person steals someones tent in the back country.
1 media | 26 replies
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cauterize wound
Whats the best way to take care of wounds in the forest during an emergency with no medical kit? Should I keep a mini thing of cement glue in my rambo knife handle ?
2 media | 9 replies
Bicycle camping / bike packing / adventure cycling
I'm addicted to appreciating natural beauty, and this is the evolution of that. I live on the Olympic peninsula and have been taking my bike on solo camping trips in Olympic national forest as well as many day trips.
My "goal" is to try to go as deep and long into the wilderness as I can, but this is for the purpose of enjoying the wilderness to the fullest. I'm just a beginner but am learning with each trip and nerd out obsessively researching things.
It feels like the ultimate open-world video game. Of course this is precisely the kind of experience that such games emulate.
My bicycle is a Surly Ogre which is ideal for my purposes and rides like a dream. It has an overbuilt chromoly steel frame to be bombproof and handle lots of weight.
33 media | 151 replies
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No. Behold, the humble makeshift spear. Perfect as walking stick, even better as a self-defense tool.

Need food? Spear. Need to walk with assistance? Spear. Need to makeshift frame for shelter? Spear. Basketball American on path fidgeting in his pocket while speed-walking towards you? Spear.

Need I say more?
1 media | 15 replies
No title
Is northern Canada an /out/ destination? How do you even get to most of these places? Fly in?
3 media | 12 replies
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>on dating apps looking for partners
>women lists "hiking" as an interest
>ask them out on a simple hike
>they show up in tims that look brand new
>no gear at all
>hike is about 13mi out and back with about 2.5k ft elevation gain throughout in total
>ask her if she's sure about this
>she plays it off as nothing
>end up only getting about 3mi in before she asks to turn around via a shortcut even
>had to help her with multiple blisters once we got back
happens every fucking time man, why do they list hiking if they clearly aren't doing it?
11 media | 50 replies
Para Flares
para flares
Where is the best place to get them for illuminating the land around you? Most I see online are for search and rescue for signalling.
4 media | 18 replies
"Cotton kills"? Help a newfag
Is this some marketing campaign? Or not? I don't want some swooshie Alibaba jacket with PFAS. How do I win? Doesn't waxed cotton repel moisture, including snow? Please enlighten me on what type of jacket is best.
6 media | 50 replies
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What hiking/travel/outdoors gear do you use in your everyday, non-/out/ life?

Even when I'm in a city, I wear my hiking jacket on a rainy day as it's 100% waterproof. Same with my hiking cap and thermal underpants. I even consider using the scrubba wash bag as the only washing device since my new apartment doesn't have a washing machine yet. I might even switch to a silk Cocoon TravelSheet as my primary bedsheet to maximize my retarded minimalizm.
Tell me about your gear.
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Does it really matter what kind of snowshoes I buy? Are they even needed for the North East US?
1 media | 7 replies
/out/ watches
>inb4 Casio g shock
What watch do you use for /out/?
12 media | 37 replies
No title
Has anyone ever done it? Gone and fully dropped /out/ of society?

I have fantasies of doing it. I think I can live comfortable basically homeless with my car on $250 a fortnight
2 media | 52 replies
Should I go through with my plan?
>want to move to Oregon from Nebraska and buy land for $4500
>have $12k from an accident that totaled my car
>plan to work in the nearby town, find something remote or even go a larger city that's not too far away to work and camp
>might get over $10k for a neck injury
>want to use it on a well so I don't have to haul water but could buy a prefab tuffshed
>or could build a house out of cob adobe and pallets, starting with pallet sheds
>don't know whether to buy a truck or an SUV
>going to have to keep my stuff in storage until I can get it all moved out here
>would prefer to take it all at once, maybe with a truck and a trailer but definitely with a Uhaul
>Uhaul sounds sketch as I would not have a vehicle when I get there but could still maybe buy one with the $7500
>also have a dogberg to look after
Don't know what to do, all my stuff is being packed up right now and I'm just trying to figure out how to get there
52 media | 118 replies
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what is the best soil that I should be using for raised beds to grow potatoes tomatoes peppers and herbs. preferably something I can get for a good value at a lowes or a home depot
0 media | 3 replies
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reddish rock canyon
It's been almost a year since the last climbing thread on /out/ died. The thread on /xs/ is overwhelmingly focused on gym climbing, so I'm making this attempt to revive the general. Help out by sharing trip reports, photos, advice, etc.

A place to talk about outdoor climbing in any aspect (trad, sport, bouldering, aid, alpine, etc).

Rock Climbing is a dangerous sport that can cause loss of life, limb, eyesight, or sanity.


/xs/ thread:

Adam Ondra sends world's hardest trad route Bon Voyage:
98 media | 301 replies
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Fishing is literally gacha for rednecks
3 media | 12 replies
how do i start urban exploring
how do i
i want to start urban exploring dont know where to start.what should i bring,should go alone or bring a friend.also i live in istanbul so high chance of getting stabbed if go somewhere i should i not.
0 media | 9 replies
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Guys. I know the paperwork and stuff to be able to fish in Germany is a mess, but once you get to fish, is it any good? Im thinking southern Germany, but if there are better places do tell.
0 media | 5 replies
What is it actually like living there? I know that it has downsides like food prices and the short days and nights, but I can't help but feel like some things are a little overstated like crime and earthquakes.
0 media | 26 replies
/qtddtot/ - Questions that don’t deserve their own thread
17 media | 138 replies
I turned my church into a hiking club
>start going to church so I can actually socialize
>after attending for about 3 months straight, miss a day because a hiking trip went a little too long on Saturday and I didn't feel like going to church on 2 hours of sleep
>next week church granny checks in on me
>asks if I'm alright, if I need any help, if there was some emergency last Sunday, etc.
>tell her no, I just hiked a little too long
>gives some churchy reply like "well we can't have you missing worship left and right just because of some trees"
>pull a churchy response straight out of my ass and say something along the lines of "I think it's better to praise the Lord while among his creations, not while locked away from them in a building"
>she steps back in dramatized shock and goes deep into thought
>sermon starts and pastor goes into his topic for the week
>at the end of the sermon pastor asks if anyone has anything they'd like to add
>church granny springs up and tells everyone what I told her, but dramatizes it obviously
>finishes it by telling the pastor she thinks the church should do a monthly hike
>pastor acts like the holy spirit gave him a handjob and shouts about how fucking amazing of an idea that is
>puts me in charge of the hiking trips
>choose flat, short trails because old people
>can hardly walk 10 feet without hearing camera shutters or "hallelujah", "lordy lordy" "praise God", "thank you God", or something else like that
2 media | 27 replies
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which way, chilly man?
14 media | 44 replies
Historic/LARP /out/
Primitive hunting season edition.

Just got back from packing the freezer this winter, with my .60 cal fusil de chase.

What projects, events, or excursions have you been up to or have planned?
19 media | 63 replies
No title
How are we holding up, federal land management bros?
6 media | 112 replies
Some properties of wool have been replicated by cheaper synthetic materials, but no single synthetic fiber can achieve all the things wool can, nor is any synthetic fiber used in clothing as durable as wool. Cotton fibers work in almost the opposite fashion as wool, absorbing vast quantities of water, holding onto it, then exposing the wearer's skin to that moisture. Cotton, for instance, has been blamed for deaths caused by hypothermia in cold weather and feels clammy and gross in hot weather.

That’s why it’s positively insulting to call any material made from cotton or synthetic fibers “flannel.” Flannel should only ever be made from wool. To suggest that other materials can work as well, by giving them that name, is dangerously misleading.
0 media | 5 replies
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How would you survive a Walking Dead apocalypse?
3 media | 46 replies
/out/ings with a pipe
Old thread: >>2774508

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread

Then leave the thread. Pipes have been a part of outdoors culture for centuries. If you don’t like it, leave.
18 media | 93 replies
No title
>look at weather forecasts for Feb
>winter is basically over
>avg temps in the 40s, with maybe a few lows in the 20s
>only a few days of snow predicted
This is so depressing. Where can I go in the US that still gets snow reliably until like April or March that isn't Alaska and is actually cold?
6 media | 27 replies
No snow in the Carpathians
Anons.... It is the middle of winter and there's been barely any snowfall here in the southern Carpathians. Are you also experiencing global warming? Barely any rain too.

Obviously this is just the low land but still the elevation is 700m, there aught to be some snow here at this time of year.
7 media | 22 replies
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Just leaving this here
5 media | 21 replies
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You can't name a better /out/ country than Japan.
3 media | 19 replies
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I want to grow san Marzano tomato's this april I live in zone 7a in the usa. I want to have them taste just as good as the ones grown in italy. apparently the soil used comes from mt vesuvius so thats why they are so good. how do i accurately recreate volcanic soil to make my tomatoes taste better
0 media | 9 replies
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I just saw a butterfly shit itself
0 media | 1 replies
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>buy some new trial runners
>decide to hit up some dunes with them
>everything goes fine
>get back to car
>notice they feel weird now around the toes
>think nothing of i t
>go out for another hike the next day
>realize something is definitely fucked with the toes
>pull out the insole
>realize there is a huge lump of sand between the sole of the shoe and some stitching on the bottom
>can't get it out for the life of me
i'm never going dune walking again, going to have to cut this stitching open to even drain this shit
1 media | 8 replies
Becoming a Back Sleeper
Tired (literally) of being a sidesleepercel and want to become a backsleepingchad so I can sleep for more than 3 hours before my shoulder/legs go numb and wake me up.

Anyone successfully done this?
Will my unconscious self betray me and flip over to my side regardless?
Should I just resign myself to the extra pound to carry a thicker sleeping pad?
5 media | 26 replies
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I plan to hike Mount Fuji before the next eruption so that I can say I did it before Japan was destroyed. Is there any tips for doing so? It looks like quite a journey but i'd imagine base camp is pretty high up?
0 media | 7 replies
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Why does hiking attract so many trust fund kids? I can't tell you how many people i've met on trails that have told me they have no job and have a trust fund instead. I've never been apart of a hobby that had so many occurrences of this.
2 media | 41 replies
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red pill me on the universal studios eat a hillbilly tea test?
3 media | 11 replies
Objectively the best knife
> Indestructible

> Perfect size to balance carry comfort with field effectiveness

> Sharpen with anything

> Great ergonomics

> Enough grip security for combat

> Excellent sheath

> Lifetime warranty no matter what

> Made in America

Show me your shitty knife you think is better and I'll tell you why you're wrong.
18 media | 97 replies
urban/suburban sprawl thread
Post photos you have taken that are outside, but not in a forest or undeveloped environment.

Interesting architecture, farms, power plants, dams, etc.
63 media | 131 replies
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How did things go so wrong?
0 media | 2 replies
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What's the most remote place where you've ever drunk alcohol?
14 media | 93 replies
From an /out/ perspective wwyd
From an /out/ perspective, I am looking for ideas I may not be considering for my situation which is this:
>$19/hr work from laptop
>Live in major city and it sucks and I want to get /out/
>It has to be in Colorado for now
>Will still need Wi-Fi for work
>Thinking of renting somewhere in the mountains if possible
>am open to van-life, have a dog though
The main thing I'm asking here is what you guys would do in this situation, considering the main goal being to live rurally, by the woods/mountains. I really desperately need to get out of the city, it's killing me. I'm asking here in case there's some ideas I'm not thinking of.
0 media | 10 replies
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I have a gear addiction. For the past 8 months i've bought a new backpack nearly every 2-4 weeks
3 media | 10 replies
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I'm just an autist so it was really hard for me to know what I wanted to do as a career, because it was really hard to know how I really feel through all the strong emotions I feel because of my sensitivity, but I think my passion is wildlife, and I want to focus on a degree in wildlife biology and become some sort of person that helps conserve and protect wildlife and nature from the evil fucking normies that I hate with a burning passion. Does this sound like a good goal, or am I just chasing dreams here? Honestly, any job where I can work in nature would be fine, but I would enjoy it more if I could make a small difference in the world
2 media | 18 replies
No title
Have a mostly abandoned railway in my small town that goes through multiple other towns. Plan on doing a trip down the tracks and see the country side for a couple days when the weather gets better.

I know rail jannies still have outposts on the tracks because some cross over through them still or something idk. Curious if anyone has experience walking along the tracks, share stories or tips.

As for the rail jannies i'm sure it's just as simple as they tell you to fuck off then you just get back on the tracks down the road right?
5 media | 12 replies
/wg/ - Wool General - Late Summer Edition
Fall is here, and with that, wool weather. Post your recent scores.
Topics include:
>waterproof Irish sweaters
>touques and hats
>budget-score 100% wool work socks
>army surplus finds
>washing and care
>dyeing and embellishing
>darning and patching
>DIY projects

Scratchfags must lurk for 2 years before posting.
41 media | 163 replies
No title
What winter /out/ hobbies don't cost an arm and a leg to do?

Skiing and snowboarding seem like a rich person's hobby.
Mountaineering requires actual gear.

Is Snowshoeing the only real option?
10 media | 75 replies
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Whats stopping you from bugging out to Alaska and paragliding every day
0 media | 12 replies
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How the fuck did he do this for 13 years without incident? Was he really just that lucky?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Have you ever taken a gril /out/?
22 media | 144 replies
Freediving / Spearfishing
General thread for freediving and/or spearfishing, since I don't see one mentioning either.

My personal questions:
I've been thinking about taking a certification course so I can learn to do these things correctly and safely. I'm probably happy just doing the diving, but spearfishing seems like an easy and practical extension. I only casually skindive and rod-and-reel fish at the moment. Does anyone have experience taking such a course?
I know I'll need my own gear early on, but each instructor I can find seems to have their own equipment shops, so I imagine they wouldn't be impartial about the quality of other gear on the market. I live on the Pacific coast of the US, so I see that a 7 mm open cell wetsuit is strongly recommended. What good/bad features should I look out for on wetsuits and other equipment? For non-competitive diving, carbon fiber fins are almost certainly not worth the price, right?
39 media | 149 replies
Tired of California
Everyone knows this state is a shithole in every regard. Someone please rec a better /out/ state to move to for a former NorCal fag and list your pros/cons. Money's not much of an issue.

>inb4 inb4 inb4
9 media | 96 replies
Long John Silvers thread
Old LJS thread hit its bump limit >>2774558

Remember guys, this is the time silvers start to go on sale. Post deals you find on the net
4 media | 57 replies
mgtow dick
I am realizing that you could live like this in many places in the mountains in the US and Canada without anyone ever finding you.

Will this become something people do as actually buying a house gets harder and harder?
Right now I am looking at spots in the rocky mountains that would take two days to hike to
18 media | 231 replies
Liquid Fuel Bottle Stoves
Anyone run these liquid fuel bottle stoves? How are they vs traditional disposable gas bottle stoves and what fuel do you run on them?
9 media | 57 replies
Can't wait for winter to end
Can't wait for spring to come, bros. The first four months of the year are a write-off here.
9 media | 35 replies
Jordan Trail / backpacking
hey out, planning to hike the jordan trail starting next week or so, and the full map links on their website don't work. I found a full gpx file online and started adding waypoints for water and food, but realized someone else might've done it already, and couldn't find anyone who had when I googled it. Figured there's a small chance someone here might have it, and could save me a couple hours of tedium.

I also started copy pasting the info from their site for food/water/lodging/segment descriptions into a single doc, and figured someone may have done that too.

slim chance, i know, but wanted to give it a shot asking here. In return heres a photo from a hike in turkey i took recently. also any backpacking advice for hotter climates would be appreciated, esp anything not obvious.
2 media | 6 replies
Closest you've come to dying while /out/side?
I was once out hiking in the winter, wanted to make a shortcut to a road and stepped on the edge of a swamp that hadn't properly frozen but was covered in a deep layer of snow.
If I had taken a step too far or in a different place I probably would have drowned as I can't swim
13 media | 90 replies
Boots Thread /bo/
Post your boots and what ya use them for!

>Ariat Chelsea Waterproof CSA

Used TimbPros, Dakotas, walmart brands for years until I finally bit the bullet. Ariat is love, Ariat is life.
12 media | 41 replies
Grizzlies should be eliminated
These things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a bear nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
37 media | 310 replies
No title
Realistically speaking what are you supposed to do if a moose walks out in front of you on the trail and turns and stares you down? Can you just walk past them if it's not mating season?
3 media | 35 replies
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What can be done about the chaparral menace? It’s the primary fuel carrying the current socal fires.
>not merchantable
>grows quickly
>can easily cause spot fires so dozer line buffers are ineffective
>prescription controlled burns would need to happen every five years and require hundreds if not thousands of personnel to be effective
1 media | 34 replies
Normal tent thread
what tents you all use? post pics. no hot tents.

also, im a hobo currently using a tarp, saved up money and was thinking of getting the wild country helm 1 (picrel). would be nice to have an actual closed space at night. anyone have experience with wild country tents? i will put a tarp over it for extra protection.
52 media | 143 replies
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>mogs the entire country
How do they do it?
0 media | 6 replies
/HGM/ - homegrowmen 400

New USDA zone map has been released:

Koppen Climate Map:

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm, biochar, vermicomposting

previous >>2784511
fo hunnit edition
78 media | 353 replies
Korean Glamping Channels
On YT, you click on one of them and you get recommended several others. They all appear to be using the same inflatable camping gear from China, many thousands of dollar+ tents made for 12+ people by themselves, they all have Jeeps instead of domestic vehicles, and they all appear to be models wearing heavy makeup.
Kirin Camp
UNI Camp
I'm sure there are plenty more. Are all of these Instagram-based "camping" channels becoming a trend? Are they all managed by a modeling agency? Why do they all use $15,000 worth of camping gear to spend the night in the snow? Anyone have any experience with these?
2 media | 7 replies
I'll be spending a week in Vermont this September or October.
Give me the best spots and trails to hit up, I will not be paying for a hotel. Thinking about hitting Green Mountain National Forest and Lake Willoughby at least, thinking about Smuggler's Notch and Mount Mansfield as well.
t. am a leafcuck
9 media | 46 replies
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Gonna head up to Potato-land (Idaho) to check out the Inland Temperate Rainforest around either the summer or fall for some hiking and camping. Any anons that can give any sort of reccs for that area. Ill only be there 4, 5 days max. Dont know what exact area (s) ill be visiting though...havent done a lot of diggin yet.

>basically...Spoonfeed me pleas. Thanks /out/ists
0 media | 2 replies
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Is there good /out/ in the soon to be 51st state?
3 media | 15 replies
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* This is a thread for backpackers, larpers and dayhikers need not apply

I was having a talk with a friend and it brought up a good topic that puzzles me. We, backpackers, spend hundreds of dollars on good mats, air mattress, and sleeping bag to stay comfy year around to do our hobby. I think we can all agree on that. Why end it at the hike though? I personally use my gear at home as well in place of a normal bed. Beds cost thousands of dollars, why pay for that when my sleeping bag and mats work just as good? My friend of course was heavily against this and told me I needed a real bed for home. I don't get it.

Do any of you sleep in your bags at home as well?
0 media | 23 replies
weird rock?
I found this washed up on the beach. It's hard and doesn't smell strange. Can you guys help me identify it? It's been bothering me for almost three years.
0 media | 13 replies
Rainbow Gathering 2025
Who is going? Wya

Locs you want it held at / locs you wanna avoid

Stories from past rainbow gatherings
7 media | 108 replies
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Are hip straps a meme?
2 media | 8 replies
English Channel
This is where I draw the line as far as risk/reward of endurance feats.

Climbing Mount Everest does not seem worth it financially or in regards to risk of death.
0 media | 8 replies
No title
>can't hike in summer because mosquitos/fly swarms completely ruin the experience and blot out the sun
>can't hike in winter because you'll freeze to death at under sub 0F temps
>fall is the only season where hiking is possible with bugs dying off but not freezing cold
I hate living in the Yukon
0 media | 8 replies
No title
What kind of axe do you use for chopping up deadfall innawoods? Is there any real difference between expensive axes and my $40 one from the hardware store? I know pic related are just silly overpriced shit for hipsters, but even like a $150 axe from council tool or somebody like that seems overpriced.
18 media | 137 replies
No title
Which /out/ sport attracts the worst people? Surfing or Skiing and/or snowboarding?
2 media | 16 replies
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/Out/ in the holy land
Looking for snakes in the Judean desert edition
10 media | 19 replies
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>$375 a fucking day to hire someone to teach me how to become a mountaineer
5 media | 50 replies
/out/ humor thread
46 media | 79 replies
Post NearDeath/Spoopy stories
I’ll go first: part 1
be me with a friend
>decide to hike/camp out towards a high peak we always watched in the distance in The uk near the Lake District
>newfag so barely pack the right stuff outside of the essentials
>by day 2 we are basically out of food miles in the brush and have already had to filter and boil water.
>area is littered with dense evergreens, woods are dark af during the day.
>I’d be creeped out if I was alone.
>on the second night decide to make camp, and will head out towards a small village on the dated map.
>We are so fucked from walking 6+ hours without any food and little water it feels like a drug trio when we finally make camp.
>drink a can of beer each and attempt to fall asleep
>hear strange sounds around the camp
>tell my brain it’s just animals as I can recognise some of the yelps in the distance from foxes
>I hear a raspy, gurgled cackling, sounds like some old woman. Defiantly not an animal I’ve heard before
>it’s not coming from in the camp but it’s close enough to start my adrenaline spiking.
>hold my breath paralysed
>unsure wether to listen closer and pinpoint if it’s coming closer or lauch out if the tent with a banzai charge
>sit there in paranoid silence because I’m a bitch
5 media | 20 replies
No title
I've started taking quite a liking to military surplus gear (specifically for cold weather). It's cheap, and works wonder and honestly it's very comfortable. Some of the layers i've bought so far could be used during warmer months, but are people going to call the police on me or do weird shit when they see someone in camo? Right now in winter it's great since no one is fucking out besides hunters and hunters embrace camo, but during the summer months all the hikers are in neon colors, bright reds, blues, yellows and I know i'll stand out like a sore thumb.
4 media | 38 replies
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Why is this allowed?
There is literally nothing that peeves me more than parking lots trying to gate hikers in. Like there's god millions of trails without locking gates and that works fine, but no, you have to make sure they are gone by 4:30 or else you are going to trap them overnight to punish them.
Total boomer shit!
0 media | 33 replies
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They've destroyed over half their island
8 media | 32 replies
Backpacking forever
Planning on going backpacking and just making it a lifestyle. I'm 30 and have nothing to show for it. I have no future in society, my family hates me but I have to live in their house, can't find a job, no friends, and I have no interest in living the rest of my life like this. This is no life at all.
I want to know everything I need to know and have to start off since this the first time I would do this.
I barely have any money but I probably have enough to buy what I need. This is not a vacation though, i'm not going to spend on hotels and restaurants.
The idea is to keep moving north and sleeping in a tent.
I'm planning to take a bus to get out of the city and then just walk. If I "find" a bike to move faster, i'm taking it.
The area i'm going to has a hot climate so no need for winter equipment I would say.
If anyone could recommend a book or good yt channel about this it would be appreciated. I still have time to learn all this before I go.
I was wondering if to start off it would a good idea to buy a bunch of MRE's? I really don't know how I could acquire food without hunting and I don't have anything to hunt with.
Am I naive for thinking I can do this? Is it even possible?
1 media | 34 replies
This is the end.
>Last Friday was a sad day for Montana and for all lovers of public land access,” Montana BHA said in an Instagram post. “We are deeply disappointed that the [U.S. Forest Service] has caved to big money and their never-ending goal to lock the public out of public land by executing this deceptive ‘land swap’ that strips the public of prime access to the Crazy Mountains. Despite overwhelming opposition from everyday Montanans, the USFS bent the knee to the wealthy and rewarded the illegal actions of landowners who have for years sought private enclaves of extremely valuable public land.”
9 media | 57 replies
No title
>buy a bunch of cold weather gear
>its finally arriving all soon
>cold season is nearing its end
I wish i was born during the little ice age
0 media | 3 replies
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If I were to survive alone in the wilderness I would have to kill animals every day in order to survive

Animals that all want to live more than I do

Life is always just a horrible waste
0 media | 45 replies
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Why are hikers so fucking chill compared to other outdoor hobbyists? They’re so nice and always greet you on the trail
23 media | 249 replies
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I have a crippling fear of dogs. The idea that I walk alone in the forest or somewhere in the countryside paralyzes me when I get to think about the idea that there >might< be a stray or even a domesticated dog running free that wants to bite me to death. Yes I know I'm a pussy but it's a part of a childhood trauma where a dog severely bit me. The older I get, the more frustrating it gets. It literally makes all of my outdoor plans impossible. I'm desperate to have a nice, relaxing walk in the forest, but I avoid it with the feeling of paranoia about how many dogs there are inside ready to fucking maul me. Any ideas how to cope with aggressive stray dogs? Bear spray? Knife? Tear gas? How to survive an attack?
23 media | 199 replies
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Where my disc golfers at? Disc golf is basically hiking while throwing frisbees.
3 media | 18 replies
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What y'all niggers doing right now?
0 media | 9 replies
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Is camping in abandoned structures still /out/?
1 media | 13 replies
Green Switchback
Why is this a Japanese market exclusive

Why is it that any outdoors gear that's any good has to come in blaze orange, piss yellow, or Red 40?
3 media | 26 replies
Cold Weather Survival
how do you survive a situation like The Long Dark? as in a harsh winter that just doesn't seem to quit?
most of what i can tell, from old writings during famous terrible winters, there really isn't much you can do besides having food & fuel already stocked up, but what do you do if you don't have that?
0 media | 17 replies
How hard is it to homestead whilst being a wagie?
Lets say I work 4 days a week and I have a wife and kid at home to garden while I'm at work. How has the icremental approach worked for you homestead anons and how long has it taken for you make a well establish homestead with cows and shit?
3 media | 55 replies
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"Bushcraft" has become an influencer trend on social media. How has my /out/ lifestyle sunk this low...and how many of you faggots are like this? Also if you own a shemagh please kys
12 media | 57 replies
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It's back, baby!
3 media | 48 replies
Southern Appalachia ghost towns and hiking
Hey /out. I am leaving the US to go work in another country and I wanted to go on a trip with 5 to 6 others deep into Southern Appalachia. A lot of us are hikers and urban ex enthusiasts. We also really enjoy folklore and horror. Thought I would start this thread to get people talking about their experiences exploring Southern Appalachia or to talk about abandoned towns they may know of. (Planning to plot out locations on a map. Feel free to leave town names or rough map locations. Thanks)
0 media | 5 replies
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What ultralight gear do you use?
12 media | 51 replies
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hey /out/, i was hiking through a small wetland to get to a river to camp out at, and came across this animal carcass. To me it kinda looks like a coon but the ribs look too big, there's also something white clamped onto its tail. anyone have an idea of what this thing is? the location is in the southeastern US.
0 media | 2 replies
No title
Does anyone use OnX mapping for hiking? Is it worth paying for this elite version?
0 media | 14 replies
What is your favorite food outdoors
Mine is making a fire and holding pork sausages over the fire, maybe even a slice of bread a bit over the fire and thats all i need.
Bonus would be cucumber or potatoe salat and a nice drink
Pic unrelated
Yes im german
6 media | 31 replies
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What is your favorite seat or cushion that would fit in or on an 18 liter backpack?
3 media | 11 replies
do you think its a good spot?
ofcourse the full question is "is it a good spot afetr cleaning?", but i will take care of that.
as you see, there are arcs that let in natural light and at the same time it would be a nice neat spot for just chilling if i clean it and bring some furniture in.
i foun this spot yesterday in the neiborhood i was living in for 17 years. i dont wanna talk about it.

jokes aside i only lately started really searshing for an "art" spot where i could ponder the world.

tell me your opinions
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