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Board: /out/

"/out/ - Outdoors" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing survivalist skills and outdoor activities such as hiking.

Welcome to /out/!
We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
1 media | 2 replies
Freediving / Spearfishing
General thread for freediving and/or spearfishing, since I don't see one mentioning either.

My personal questions:
I've been thinking about taking a certification course so I can learn to do these things correctly and safely. I'm probably happy just doing the diving, but spearfishing seems like an easy and practical extension. I only casually skindive and rod-and-reel fish at the moment. Does anyone have experience taking such a course?
I know I'll need my own gear early on, but each instructor I can find seems to have their own equipment shops, so I imagine they wouldn't be impartial about the quality of other gear on the market. I live on the Pacific coast of the US, so I see that a 7 mm open cell wetsuit is strongly recommended. What good/bad features should I look out for on wetsuits and other equipment? For non-competitive diving, carbon fiber fins are almost certainly not worth the price, right?
5 media | 16 replies
No title
I witnessed a woman fall to her death today on half dome cables. Immediately turned around and hiked out.
6 media | 121 replies
/out/ books
Just read Walden, pick through the Permaculture Design Manual and am in the middle of White Fang. Any outdoors books you would recommend?
15 media | 24 replies
Fishing & Tackle Thread
#509- “Do You Even #Baitcast?” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

Talk about fishin
59 media | 246 replies
I've been looking around for a good hammock but a lot of the recommended brands I've seen in discussions either aren't making them anymore or are completely sold out.

Could I get some hammock recommendations as well as general tips for hammock camping?
12 media | 48 replies
/hsg/ Homestead General
Homestead General /hsg/
> Biochar Edition
> Thread #07

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2676468
63 media | 272 replies
/HGM/ - homegrowmen 396

New USDA zone map has been released:

Koppen Climate Map:

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous >>2752969

flower edition
30 media | 113 replies
Just knives.
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reddish rock canyon
It's been almost a year since the last climbing thread on /out/ died. The thread on /xs/ is overwhelmingly focused on gym climbing, so I'm making this attempt to revive the general. Help out by sharing trip reports, photos, advice, etc.

A place to talk about outdoor climbing in any aspect (trad, sport, bouldering, aid, alpine, etc).

Rock Climbing is a dangerous sport that can cause loss of life, limb, eyesight, or sanity.


/xs/ thread:

Adam Ondra sends world's hardest trad route Bon Voyage:
50 media | 156 replies
EDC- Every Day Carry
a thread for all that usefull pocket junk we carry every day

-whats in ya pockets?
-lookin fo´new stuffs?
-post about pocket stuff

we all know we like this stuff
34 media | 132 replies
CS student needs an advice (22 yo)
I'm a CS student and I'm seriously thinking about quitting.

I took this path for the money and job prospects, but I absolutely hate it, I can't stand doing these things and the stress and anxiety this situation brings me is becoming too much to bear.
I would love to get an outdoor job, also given that hiking is one of my biggest passion.

Any advice on how to make this transition or what fields to look into? Should I eat the bullet and end uni first (I have one year left) or get into a new experience as soon as possibile?
3 media | 17 replies
Proper boots
Recommend me some durable waterproof boots for rain and snow seasons, should be comfortable enough to hike for 10-15 kilometers/day in cross terrain. Budget is around $200, if they are properly proper I can go a bit higher.
11 media | 61 replies
Trail cam images
Post your trailcam photos. This is the only thing I’ve captured in 4 months.
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No title
1000 ft of elevation gain is plenty
anything more is superfluous and simply for poseurs to brag about
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pond demons
how do you avoid these fucking monstrosities
8 media | 60 replies
I moved to Washington state for the beautiful forests (which are completely valid and breathtaking) but why are there so many ugly obese people??? Don’t even get me started on the liberals, crackheads and ghettos.

What happened?
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/out/ animal rescue edition.
Recently, I had a poor wood
dUck brought to me,
Do any of you guys ever see
Young motherless animals while out?

Anybody ever rehab a poor baby lost without its mother? Show me your critters give me some more advice for keeping the smug little ducker alive happy and healthy so hopefully it can rejoin the wild.
78 media | 161 replies
No title
Climate change really bums me out
8 media | 43 replies
Gold Panning and Prospecting
I always do a bit of panning whenever I /out/ in the mountains. What are your prospecting experiences?
13 media | 38 replies
No title
If you like being outside and own a gun, why aren't you shooting Steel Challenge this summer?

>easy excuse to socialize outdoors with other people who like being outside every week at your local club match
>soak up sun and enjoy the breeze (which also blows the propellant gasses away unlike stinky indoor ranges)
>travelling to regional competitions on the weekends gives you a ready-made excuse to break out the tent and go camping
>keeps you handy with that old .22 so when you need to shoot small game in that survival situation you daydream about, you'll have the marksmanship
>no equipment barrier to entry, practically any gun other than shotguns or full size rifles has a division
>no physical barrier to entry, the handicapped, children and elderly all can compete, and do
>cheapest of all the shooting sports, saving your money so you can still buy that new titanium backpacking buttplug you've been saving up for
>the targets make a fun PING sound

Come shoot outside with us.
9 media | 34 replies
No title
Hi guys long time no see but I need your advice, what's the very best option for a base layer for rain and cold? Is wool still king or are there better alternatives?

>Just get a goretex hardshell and don't get wet
I'm working construction for 10h shifts, I'll get wet and sweat a lot no ifs or buts.

4 media | 25 replies
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I have an avocado tree in my garden. Some of the branches overhang the street outside. Today my mom told me the other day she saw one of the neighbours stealing our fruits. Shes non confrontational so she didnt say anything. I asked her how many did they take and she said quite a few. She said the guy wore a military uniform and the neighbour right infront of us is military so its probably him or one of his friends.
So should i kick his ass? Im totally 'ard and definitely could.
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How do I hitchhike?
Do people still Hitchhike these days? nevertheless, would a person in 2024 even pick up a hitchhiker
Does it depend on the state? It's illegal in alot of places so is it even worth the risk.
I am sure if anyone has tried it, they will be on this board. How often do people try and rape you?
1 media | 8 replies
/consoom/ equipment general
ITT we talk about our experiences with certain pieces of equipment or ask questions about them, and also where to acquire it for good prices
16 media | 79 replies
No title
Anyone have paranormal encounters while /out/?

Please share your stories
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What if I did this
Screenshot from 2024-07-22 21-46-51
I live in Texas. I went on a nine month mission trip last year to five countries, one of them being South Africa. While I was there, I thought to myself, "dang, I could probably just start walking to southeast Asia from here."
What if I took a one way flight to Cape Town and set out with a tent and provisions, and walked to Cambodia? I crave adventure. Someone needs to talk me out of this. I really want to do something like it.
6 media | 53 replies
No title
What do you guys watch when you go out camping?
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What do I need to go somewhere really remote?
I've been lurking here and there for a few years now and I keep seeing people going seemingly to the middle of nowhere (miles from any signs of civilization) to very beautiful sights. I grew up very sheltered and leashed and so most of my outdoor experiences were spent less than half a mile from my parents' car parked near a 'scenic drive' road. I was a very adventurous kid and even had some experience gym climbing but my mother was deathly afraid to let me do anything riskier than a steep hike.

Ever since moving out, I've been trying to get out and hike more and I'm lucky enough to live in an area where it's really very beautiful, but I've never really understood how people go to the middle of nowhere. I know how ridiculous it sounds to ask, since the answer is probably just "you just fucking go", but how do you guys find/go to some of these places? Do you have GPS or maps or something? Do you just wander until you find somewhere you like or does someone give you a recommendation?

In a couple of weeks I'm going to Norway for about 5 months for my job and I've seen some of the natural beauty and so I don't want to miss out on anything doing normalcuck shit. I'd also appreciate advice on what to see there (past just the default answers like fjords)

picrel: meadow from sequoia natl park
1 media | 12 replies
romefag anons right
>hikes entire pct in sandals
>single pair used over 2800 miles. 4500 eurotrash measurements.
good luck getting a thousand out of your trail runners.
20 media | 125 replies
Camping around in Germany
A friend of mine and i will go camping while visiting various cities and towns in Germany this summer for around 2 weeks and i feel like we have what we need but im not that experience with camping so i might be missing some stuff.
I also dont really know Germany and the laws surrounding camping and stuff there, i dont think there are many dangerous wild animals in the forest so i dont think id have to worry about that.
What we have in mind is basically:
>Go to city/town
>get there early, get a bus to the out-most part of the city/town without being too far and throwing our camping equipment in the middle of a forest.
>go back
>enjoy the day
>get back to the camp to grill and drink and stuff
>wake up, get our shit and go to the next location.
If anyone ever did this in Germany id love to have cool tips and read possible problems that may arise.
Our equipment is just a tent that you put on the floor and makes itself,a tarp for rain, portable grill, cooking thing to put a small gas canister, small pan, cutting board and cutlery.
(we also have other things like power banks and cellphones and stuff)
8 media | 59 replies
How not to drown this summer
-increased cold habituation
-increased fitness level
-increased body fat
there its that simple. also if you dont know how to swim yet in 2024 you are fucking retarded
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No title
WARNING: Far too many inflatable kayaks are just swimming pool toys. If you forget that, if you take them out to sea, they may kill you. They're made in tens of thousands on Chinese production lines that have no environmental protection, no job security, very little quality control and no knowledge of kayaking on cold seas. Amazon sells them. People sell them at street markets. Price is no guide - some supermarkets have sold 'pool toy' kayaks for less than £50, but some of them are offered as 'adventure equipment' for more than £500. That's a colossal profit margin for a cheap, nasty product. It's also a way to suggest that these flimsy, dangerous toys are strong, durable and safe.The main thing to watch for is that the shell of a nasty inflatable kayak is probably made of the same quality of fabric that is used for poolside chairs, and the parts that inflate are probably made of unreinforced PVC (vinyl) that's no stronger or more durable than a kids' paddling pool. The seams are probably RF-welded. Unreinforced PVC fabric and cheap valves cannot hold the high pressures that make a serious IK into a relatively stiff boat; unreinforced PVC is thin and easily punctured. It will become brittle with age as the plasticisers evaporate, and it can just split open where you had it folded up over winter. An entire seam can suddenly pop open because the RF welding fails, dumping you in the water in less than a second. A nasty inflatable kayak probably has a life of less than 3 years of summer use. They're designed as badly as they're made, so they're very slow, hard to paddle in a straight line and impossible to control in windy conditions.
10 media | 37 replies
No title
Bird watchers have recently taken over the banks previously used for decades for fishing
They don't share the space and camp out on them for hours at a time, preventing fishermen and migratory waterfowl from accessing the area

How do we get rid of this scourge
8 media | 102 replies
No title
kayaking with women is so fun and you get to stare at their butts when you stop for a break at the beach
3 media | 20 replies
Outdoor cooking
When I go backpacking I like to bring flour, yeast and salt and make flatbread. Everyone with me loves it but I never see anyone else do it. Anyone else make food in the outdoors that doesn't come out of a bag?
30 media | 82 replies
No title
Is Fjallraven a good brand? I have an Osprey backpack but I want something for backpacking and I am not sure what good brands are like anymore, even the "expensive" brands are all polyester garbage...

>but you need polyester for water resistance!!!
meh, i don't want synthetic fabrics that cause cancer on my skin
14 media | 127 replies
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In California, everything popular is so crowded you need a lottery just do a 16 mile hike because apparently they cannot build a road any closer or add more parking or whatever.

So now tourists are doing the lottery and climbing up cables (why not add fucking steps?) in the rain because they won the permit lottery and they might not otherwise get a chance to do it. The National Park would rather let people die than put in steps or a more sturdy way to get to the top.

I'm not from Cali but anon told me this isn't even the best view in the park, that's from elsewhere, but that's the most reputation-famous so people all do it.

The father-daughter duo had hiked together countless times and over thousands of miles — up to Angels Landing in Zion National Park, down into the Grand Canyon and all over mountains across their home state of Arizona. So when Grace secured a permit to hike Half Dome through the daily lottery system on July 11, they were ecstatic.

They cleared their schedules to drive from Phoenix to Yosemite the following day, and on the day after that, they set out on the strenuous 16-mile trail at about 8 a.m. A ranger told them there were storms in the forecast, and at times, they did notice clouds overhead. But when the pair reached the bottom of Half Dome’s famous cables a little after noon, the sky was perfectly clear, Rohloff said.
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what more could a man need
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Do retards build this abomination in your country as well?
Just spent two hours demolishing 6 of these at the local river
t. frenchfag
1 media | 14 replies
Van Life
Is this the ideal way to experience the great outdoors on a broader scheme and meet lesbians?

I have a little above $30k in savings I can blow on converting my Tahoe and don't mind picking up migrant jobs along the way.
29 media | 188 replies
No title
What exactly happens in Iowa?
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No title
Anyone ever take a road trip through New England? End goal is Mt Washington and Acadia. Trying to figure out my lodging, was considering camping out of my truck but I'm worried that a lot of the campgrounds, spaces, etc. will be booked out as its their busy season. Don't know if stealth camping will be an option due to how busy it is, and don't know if there's any legal woodlands camping up there. Anyone have any advice on a travel itinerary, places to go, hotels, supplies, etc. for a first time traveler? I've been on many trips before, never a roadtrip or anything rustic like this. Google didn't yield many answers.
0 media | 6 replies
No title
what does /out/ think of barefoot shoes? went hiking with friends recently and the fastest of the group wore barefoot hiking boots, and had no blisters either. are they the final redpill of boot threads?
4 media | 44 replies
No title
how hardcore are you?
32 media | 234 replies
>I live in New England, birthplace of faggot ass Lyme Disease, ticks are everywhere innawoods
>Already had Lyme twice in my youth, never want that shit again

I bought a pair of $100 pants from Duluth that were branded as "no bug/tick" which according to the label is some proprietary Permethrin infusion.
>catch tick
>put it on pants
>watch it walk all over for several minutes, completely unbothered by the "kills bugs and ticks guaranteed!" pants
>return pants because they clearly do not fucking work

So were these pants just trash? Or is Permethrin ineffective?

What is the best way to protect from these little fuckers? Between hiking, mushrooming, and camping i'm off trail at least 75% of the time essentially bushwhacking through trees and brush.
19 media | 161 replies
No title
Mythic Alpine Light Down Jacket
Tired of carrying a bulky fleece so decided to spend a little money on a down jacket.
How warm does the average down jacket keep you; I've seen Decathlon ones that say they'll keep you warm at 0 degrees if you're static but other only list fill power and down weight.
0 media | 12 replies
No title
>start first year of university
>go live in big city
>have constant fear of getting robbed/stabbed
>literally only like 2 interesting things to see, the rest are just novelty places
>so much noise it makes me want to blow my brains out
>having to put up with constant ads and lights everywhere

>first semester done
>i want to kill myself
>one day i go running
>end up in a park
>literally the happiest ive ever been since i started
>start seeing survival, bushcraft, homesteading and prepping content
>getting naturepilled

>second semester done
>go hiking for like 3 hours in the mountains
>no food but some nuts i bought
>only one bottle of water
>almost zero experience
>i feel like im in heaven

bros, in the future i want to live in a small town with lots of nature, have a little garden, go camping and know useful things like bushcraft, first-aid, agriculture, prepping and survival. maybe even have a wife and start a family. how do i get started? how do i get the knowledge? any resources on the matter would be highly appreciated.
0 media | 21 replies
No title
The Appalachian Trail is slogging for clout.
0 media | 32 replies
No title
How is no one talking about this? Yellowstone is literally starting to explode. These are all warning signs for the coming mega explosion.
2 media | 25 replies
/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2733343

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread

Then leave the thread. Pipes have been a part of outdoors culture for centuries. If you don’t like it, leave.
12 media | 105 replies
Catvasion in my neighborhood
I might live in an ex Yugo shithole, but at least we have neighborhood stray and outdoor cats to pet and play with, which brightens up the mood.

Two sister cats got their own kittens earlier this year (themselves being kittens of a friendly black cat that likes to groom my hair) which made it even better.
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No title
Screenshot from 2024-07-25 14-42-56
How many times per day do you day dream about buying land just to protect it?
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Favorite mode of transport?
Slowly losing my mind from having been cooped up for so long. Everything in my area (including all parks and nature walks) are incredibly far apart because I'm in FUCKING America, and I unfortunately don't yet have the funds to afford a car, which combined with public transport here being pretty piss, means I'm a bit SOL if I want to go anywhere.

So, I've been thinking about what alternatives I might have; what do you guys use to get around? Bicycles, scooters, rollerskates/blades, skateboards maybe? Or even heelies/flip-out skates so you can finally live your dream of being the coolest kid in middle school? What do you do when you need to carry a bunch of crap along with you as well?
5 media | 12 replies
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Screen Shot 2024-07-23 at 12.52.53 PM
how do i not be scared of wasps? I keep freezing in fear around them. Outside is ok because i can avoid them, walk the other way if i see one coming, but if one gets stuck in a room where i have to be im a complete pussy about it. I can't help it, its a crippling fear, it was so much worse as a kid too growing up in a woodsy state that had them swarming all over the place. I rarely ever went outside back then or went out looking like Kenny with a giant coat in summer to protect me. I would notice the nests in every window at school. We had an above ground pool at home and they'd swarm all over that making it unusable by me. I remember trying baseball and not being able to stay on the bases over it. Even if I left them alone they'd chase me down. I only got stung twice but still.

I'm afraid of everything about them, the stinging that one can do multiple times without dying, the way they fly, the sound they make, their aggression, the way if you kill one (which i never have, I've never been chad that successfully throws the bottle and saves the classroom at school) it releases pheromones to summon others, wondering if every wall secretly is containing nests where they can break through the wall, seeing their shadows moving with those dangling legs zigzagging behind a curtain, even looking at one in a picture gives me pause and goosebumps. They're like little alien eldritch monsters. I may confuse some bees for wasps/hornets/yellowjackets, its hard to tell when they're flying. Pretty sure yellows are the ones that zigzag and stay close to the ground, zooming round your legs, wasps have the long legs, hornets are like giant black flying ants with the biggest sphere nests, and bees are fuzzy and less aggressive but may still steal your girl and doom the human race.
4 media | 14 replies
No title
I have off of work for almost two weeks, was considering a road trip but I haven't decided on where to go and am running out of time. I live in the rust belt, have thought about heading east to New England and Acadia or out west to Glacier National Park. Any recommendations, feedback, or ideas? Wish I took the time to plan out more but here we are
3 media | 20 replies
Post critters that you encounter in your outings. I always find these little fellas during reptile surveys.

Bonus points if the critter is unusual.
14 media | 20 replies
No title
Girl claims to have been stuck for 13 hours in a canyon but was detected by a helicopter flying over, probably via thermal. Do you think this video is legit?
2 media | 16 replies
No title
I can’t for the life of me find a good series of online and free atlases for the Pacific Northwest.
I’m trying to collage several of them together to make a map for a project.
To my annoyance, Google Maps and Google Earths’ curvature means the snips I take don’t line up.
And all the free atlases are these tiny jpegs scanned from ancient books since they are the only ones not under copyright.

The jackpot would be good scans of the Nat Geo wall posters. But I’ll settle for something that has terrain and roads on them.
1 media | 11 replies
No title
Where has brit out gone?
39 media | 128 replies
Portable outdoor lighting
What kind of options are out there in this day and age? I'm interested in all of it. Preferably reusable and longer lasting, power of illumination less important.
2 media | 11 replies
No title
Is there a point where the size of your tent ruins the atmosphere of actual camping outdoors (with a car 5 feet away as well)?
2 media | 15 replies
No title
Screenshot 2024-06-24 191948
>be black bear
>see a nature park built directly in the middle of my forest
>wander around the place looking for food
>see a woman, run away scared shitless
>get a fucking hit squad send out to euthanize me
>die and enter a higher plane of existence
>mfw humans on the other side of the continent heard about my death and are talking about how scary I was and how they would shoot me faster if they saw me in person
2 media | 74 replies
No title
This might be verging on off topic but does anyone else love seeing what kind of gaming set ups they can pull off with a low budget and low weight? There's just something about hooking up a tiny computer screen in a cabin with no sound or scuffed sound that makes the experience way more enjoyable than just using the TV at home.
4 media | 13 replies
No title
Can you parachute off the top of K2 and Everest?

That would make short work of descending. Think of how epic that would be. A quick way for those who are struggling to return to base camp.
0 media | 9 replies
No title
Can someone redpill me on those fancy expensive bikes? Four years ago I bought a bike for daily commute. I was poor so I bought the cheapest city bike for €260:

Then I discovered my passion for cycling trips. The problem was, my bike was cheap, so it kept breaking all the time, other than that I loved it. After two years I had enough and came back to the bike shop, where the guy tried to sell me some more racing-looking bike, but I really loved my city bike, so I ended up buying a more expensive bike from the city series for €700:

It's very comfortable, and during these two years the only things that needed repairs were tubes and tyres, even the original brake pads are still going strong. Fantastic. I can't express it how much I love the minimal maintenance. Unfortunately, it's very heavy, which really limits my performance during all-day cycling trips.

I'm thinking of buying one of those fancy expensive bikes for my trips, but I don't know shit about them.
2 media | 34 replies
Everything is illegal
Good day gentlemen.
What is one to do when all lands are claimed as private estates, surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by mistrustful boomers? No matter where I venture, I am deemed a trespasser. Even the so-called 'public lands' are often forbidden.

I understand that in these troubled times, the presence of disreputable individuals makes it challenging to maintain order. Yet, I grow weary of constantly watching my back. And before you levy any unkind judgments upon me, know that my experiences in the great outdoors far exceed those of the average normie soul. I speak with the authority of one well-versed in the ways of nature.

It is disheartening beyond measure to feel the weight of suspicion when all I desire is to explore this wondrous Earth. Should I surrender to this frustration and seek refuge in the wilds of Scotland?
2 media | 5 replies
Camping/Hiking for beginners
im a 20yr old chronically online male, i've fantasized about going camping/hiking alone for years but never had the money nor guts to take the plunge, what kind of places or equipment do you anons recommend for a beginner like me? my goal is to someday travel around my country for a month while camping inbetween.
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WhatsApp Image 2024-07-22 at 17.57.01 (1)
Hey anon, Im currently deep in the beautiful jungle of my country. Its very nice but its getting dark pretty quick. I decided to post some pics of it here
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No title
Hey /out/.

Newb needs advice on layering the insides of a hammock for camping through the night.

> Eas- Central Europe, German-Poland Baltic coast.
> Climate is temperate summer, nights around 15-22 C/55-70 F.
> Weather forecast is mostly useless, rain and thunderstorms can happen early, late, not at all, or out of nowhere.
> Humid af, some swamps/marshes.
> Boars. A fuckton of boars acclimated to humans and human trash.

I'm gonna spend one night in the forest, starting small.
Most of my gear is going to dirt cheap Chinesium because I'm poor as fuck. I want to get a tarp+hammock+insect net combo, but I have no idea what's next.

Should I get a foam mat? Aren't those too rigid to go into a hammock?
Would a sleeping bag be enough?
I do have a fairly lightweight wool blanket from commie times that I could dig up, recon that would be useful?

Any other relevant info you can share will be appreciated.
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Welcome to /hive/ -
beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2657231
16 media | 106 replies
Can I become outdoorsy?
I'm your stereotypical guy who doesn't leave his room and is chronically online but I suck at anything outdoor related.
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glif-wojak-meme-generator-nick-df89f9d528-ftbamz099dmmk9d32ivaf8ub 2
How does one get started spelunking?
5 media | 32 replies
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How close have you came to a lightning-strike whilst /out/ing?
4 media | 42 replies
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You are thrown out into the wilderness with only a knife, a pair of tweezers, and a hafted hand tool of your choice. Which tool do you think would help your shut-in self survive the longest?

OP's (correct) choice: A cutter mattock.

>hard mode
No combination tools.
I'd pick an adze here.
4 media | 24 replies
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Desert exploration? Do any of you live near/in a desert climate? How do you bare with the heat do you just head North and try to cool off and avoid at all costs? Tips/ advice for desert dwellers
11 media | 30 replies
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Do people just quit their jobs to do these or is it mostly trustfund kids and retirees?
3 media | 39 replies
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How much difference is there between an expensive hiking pole, and a cheap one.
Anything I should look out for?
5 media | 41 replies
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I’m doing a personal favor for an old friend, and he’s paying me to stay two weeks. Can anyone suggest sites for someone who enjoys fishing (both fresh/salt), natural history, regular history, and photography?
0 media | 0 replies
Best ways to solar charge while /out/?
I am inclined to acquire initially a solar charger capable of replenishing electric chainsaw batteries, ideally with the added capability of charging an ebike.

Has anyone discerned the most efficacious methods to achieve this objective?

In due course, I aspire to obtain one for the roof of my vehicle, though acquiring a portable variant appears more practicable at present.

I extend my sincere thanks for your help.
4 media | 26 replies
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>1000 mile road trip
>shitbox hatchback
>4-5 days
>beach oriented
What would be the best strategy for sleeping? Is camping by the side of the road viable?
1 media | 21 replies
Greetings from Serbia
Tara National Park - over 1,5 kilomemes above sea level and I have better connection than in Belgrade.
Almost 6 a.m., time for some shut-eye, maybe will post later how I got here and what happened along the way.
2 media | 6 replies
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>go outside
>get lyme disease
>can't go outside anymore
0 media | 12 replies
/out/ with cigars
the /out/ pipe threads seem popular, but whats the consensus on cigars and cigarillos?
2 media | 6 replies
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list your preferably /out/ related injuries
i had back surgery this spring due to cumulative /out/ and work related activities and it ruined my whole year
1 media | 3 replies
Ted Kaczynski and the wilderness revolution
You guys do realize that there is no escape from the expanse and eventual control by the technological system don't you? You can run for a short time but you can't hide. Outdoors and homesteading etc. are ultimately just temporary escapes. Most of the globe after all was a wilderness where these kind of lifestyles were possible for most people and due to the expansion of technological civilization there is little wilderness left. Wilderness escape is only available to a relative few for economic and practical reasons. The system will continue to expand. How many of you guys agree with Ted Kaczynski that a revolutionary anti-tech movement like wilderness front ( should force an end to the technosystem and save wilderness from ravaging and control and eventual extinction? If there is no wilderness left there is no freedom left.
1 media | 26 replies
Cool Shit You Found In The Woods
what have you guys found?
i found this cup half buried in some soil & moss; no scratches, chips, or cracks, it was perfectly intact
it was during a time that i needed a new cup too, so now this is my main cup
20 media | 86 replies
Sling bags for /out/ing?
I've been using a sling bag for uni and i find it's neat how it lets you access your stuffs without removing the thing. So i can't help but wonder if I can use a bigger one for /out/ stuff. For example picrel, a 12l pack

Will it fuck up your shoulder/back thoughbeit? I mean there's a reason most hiking packs use 2 straps
2 media | 8 replies
/mush/ mushroom general
Morel edition
Found about a half pound over Easter weekend, upstate SC.
137 media | 330 replies
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What's the cheapest and easiest way I can get to this lifestyle in Australia?
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images (100)
How do I defend against these fuckers
1 media | 5 replies
yeti coolers
Screenshot 2024-07-21 at 4.21.04 PM
/o/ here, so i plan on taking a road trip and camping out for a night but i want to know are yeti coolers worth the price? i want to buy a yeti tundra 45 cooler to store food and drinks for my trip but i want to know if the $300 price tag is justified? or should i just go to my local walmart and buy a IGLOO cooler for a fraction of the price?
0 media | 20 replies
No title
How do you feel about volunteering your skills to help your community in the event of a disaster?

>do you feel you have skills you could offer?
>would you be more likely to join an organization if the organization was based?
2 media | 13 replies
night /out/
I can't be the only one who prefers going /out/ at night and I'm not talking about camping. What activities do you do at night?
5 media | 25 replies
how are my alpbros doing?

will it ever stop raining?
66 media | 145 replies
Bow hunting
Hello /out/ im looking to get into bow hunting. And im wondering what bows you reccommend/own yourself, not looking for something fancy just something that does the job well. I can bbrow 2plate for reps so i recon draw weight will mostly be a non issue (i think). Animals im looking to hunt are dove,rabbit and diffrent game birds.
0 media | 12 replies
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Anyone recognize this spot?
0 media | 22 replies
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Are there any of these that don't require stupid subscriptions
1 media | 30 replies
cook sets
Has anyone managed to fit one of these remote canister stoves inside a 'pot cookset' with the fuel can? Like a 1L pot. I know people do the on top of canister type stoves all the time in small pots, but I want something closer to the ground for actual cooking.
8 media | 26 replies
Is Pine Mountain, that runs along the border of Virginia and Kentucky part of the Plateau province or the Ridge and Valley province?

It's a long irregular curved ridge running ~ 120 miles continuously from Cumberland Gap to Russell Fork and some geology sources seem to regard it as an extension of the allegheny front, which is both the separation point where the plateau begins running westward, and also where the terrain is most markedly divergent in steepness from east (much more) to west (much less).

But if you just look at a map, both Pine and Cumberland/Stone/Black mountains seem to be up on the plateau and the true Allegheny Front is at Osborne ridge roughly where Flag Rock is outside Norton, Virginia for example. Norton would be on the plateau, the other side (Dungannon) would be the first valley of the ridge and valley as the terrain gradually flattens eastward towards the sea.

The terrain SE of Pine Mountain has diagonal/dendritic shaped creeks - rather than the perpendicularly arranged creeks running 90 degrees into the river valley that you see in the ridge and valley.

So are these papers wrong, and in fact Pine Mountain is not the edge of the plateau or what is going on here? Why would a plateau have a long ridgeline like this geologically?
9 media | 26 replies
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Have you ever been CAUGHT by a forest janny?
11 media | 177 replies
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Unless you install some sort of toilets at the trailhead, I am just going to poop on the trail by squatting on the nearest log. I'm not going to walk 500 ft through nettles and dense brush just so you don't have to smell my stinky. Add a bathroom or expect poop.
3 media | 25 replies
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got this great view while walking about near Stowe, VT. this whole state is like if you set an epic fantasy movie in america, genuinely otherworldly in it’s beauty
1 media | 4 replies
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Do you guys prefer short, but steep hikes, or long hikes with gentle slopes?

For instance, going 3000ft elevation gain in ~2-3mi vs 10-15mi
8 media | 36 replies
Where to go to permanently live Outside
I‘m sure I’m not the first one to ask so if anybody can link me some old threads, that would be appreciated. I want to get away from technology and everything and just live a simple life outside. I have a lot of different skills from all the jobs I worked over the years like carpentry, gardening and farming (relevant to this post I worked a bunch more stuff) and I know I can build a hut from scratch so I’m not some kind of dreamer who never worked with his hands, I know the danger, risk and difficulties of what I’m trying to do.

my question now is where?

I thought about Canada, Alaska or the Scandinavian countries (looked mostly at Norway) but the winters there are fucking hard and not having any sun for like half a year would also make it difficult to farm I think (and would simply be depressing). Where can you go and just built something in the woods and live your life? If I have to buy some land that would also work as long as it is not too expensive.
3 media | 13 replies
What bike should I get?
My parents offered to get me a new bike, a hybrid for on/off road, but I really have no idea what's a quality brand for the money. Any suggestions? Preferably something around $500.

Thanks for any help!
6 media | 29 replies
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Can we have an /out/ clothing/gear recommendations thread?

>only post stuff you've personally tried
>it's ok to post stuff you specifically didn't like

i'll go first. I've been using a Drago brand bag for about 8 years now, and they are very durable and great stitching. Have packed over 40lbs into these small bags and they still hold up well. It seems Drago may have went out of business through covid, but there bags are found cheap on ebay and apparently amazon still too
21 media | 77 replies
Bit of a stupid question. Are crampons sold as a set or individually?
41 media | 286 replies
sad san pedro
please help anons
what can I do to save this san pedro?
5 media | 16 replies
Rainbow gathering 2024
Ignore all rumors of cancelation , the gathering is still happening and cant be stopped.

Shall we have a /out/ meetup again this year on the 4th just after the ceremony ?

Who is coming?
12 media | 157 replies
Eclipsed Campings part 2
Old one is about to 404 >>2639545

Last minute discussions and hopefully some sweet pics after the fact will go here. Fair warning to DFW area bros, there's some weather foretasted for the 8th so plan accordingly.
55 media | 170 replies
Oil Protection
Why do governments constantly preach about protecting the environment and indigenous territories, then pull shit like this? It's THEIR territory! Just watch the oil leak that will happen here in 5–10 years, like has occurred countless times before.
1 media | 36 replies
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*blocks your path*
Well /out/, what do?
35 media | 125 replies
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do people living /out/ or in very rural areas have different psychological characteristics than city dwellers? do /out/ people (born and raised) around the world share a common mentality? like a person from the Appalachian mountains and the Alps
3 media | 38 replies
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What did anon do?
2 media | 12 replies
National Park Accident Thread
Second and third drownings this season at Glaicer, a woman drowned in June in St. Mary's falls.

>Drowning (826 deaths) is the Leading Cause of Death at national parks and national recreation areas.

>Drowning is followed by motor vehicle crashes (725 deaths), medical events (643), suicide (563), undetermined (544), and falls and slips (478).

>Interestingly, despite the abundance of wildlife at national parks, only ten people were killed by wild animals.
8 media | 34 replies
Eastern KY winter hiking spots?
Title pretty much explains it, live in eastern KY, close to WV and i'm looking for spots to hike during the colder months, as I hate the heat.
0 media | 12 replies
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Is it worth it to go to Death Valley in July?
2 media | 16 replies
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Does anyone here ever stop at paid campsites, i know most people here are super into wild camping but for some trips it can be more relaxing camping in a managed site, usually it's cheaper and better than a hotel or motel, sleeping bags are much cosier than the shitty beds they have.
5 media | 52 replies
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Hello /out/ I will be flying to Milan then Geneo and Venice in a couple of weeks. I saw on the hitchiking wiki that there are no fines on going on trains without tickets but could not find a recent confirmation. Also how is hitchiking in Italy? I saw many negative and positive responses so I am not sure what to make of it. What else to watch out for while freeloading in Italy?
0 media | 5 replies
Grass itching
I've noticed that any exposed parts of me when I'm on grass get really itchy the next day, I've read this could be mites or maybe the grass essentially giving me tiny cuts everywhere due to microscopic sharp parts of the grass. I've also read it might be some kind of mild alllergic reaction?
Will this go away if it happens enough? Like my skin will get tougher or I'll just build up a tolerance to the allergy?

It's kinda annoying but I don't want it to keep me from going /out/, how do I get used to this? I don't want to wear clothing that covers my skin because it's hot enough, ideally I'd be in only shorts.
0 media | 14 replies
Why Some Tractor Tires is Filled With Water?
Did you know that some tractor owners fill their tires with water or other fluids?
Filling tractor tires with water is a common practice in agriculture and certain industrial applications, serving various purposes.
This practice is prevalent in agricultural tractors used for tasks like plowing, planting, and harvesting, as well as in industrial tractors involved in material handling, construction, and other heavy-duty operations.
5 media | 78 replies
Socks thread
What's your favorite socks for your /out/ings? I do pic related but I'm wondering if there isn't a better way. My priority is on keeping cool in the summer and not getting my feet super sweaty but the thread's open to whatever you're into, I'm curious to hear. Maybe there's some kind of advanced ultra waterproof wader socks I've never heard of. Post 'em.
5 media | 31 replies
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is 12kg a good base weight for winter camping?
0 media | 7 replies
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Carrot, Hemlock or Parsnip?
5 media | 20 replies
Hiking Boots + Carbon Fibre Insoles = Mountain Boots?
Just want a quick check on if this makes sense or is really stupid.

Recently did a 4-day avalanche course and found my Salomon Quest 4Ds ample in terms of warmth and support in all ways except having the rigidity in the toes for high angle snow. I don't intend to use this proposed setup for high-exposure front-pointing or anything. Just want to postpone having to buy fully fledged mountaineering boots and make mine a bit more comfortable for use in non-technical terrain.

Idea is I can wear them as hiking boots on approach then pop the insoles in when I put crampons on to bring them up to (or close) to a full shank mountaineering boot. They're comfy for approaches as well so saves me carrying boots+trail runners like some people do.
1 media | 4 replies
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alpkit tarpstar 1
Do you think it would be viable to cut a hole in this, and add a heat proof pad for a small wood stove?
1 media | 5 replies
Grizzlies should be eliminated
These things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a bear nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
16 media | 178 replies
I will be going camping for the first time this saturday.
Hi /out/. Im going camping with some friends for the first time in the coming weeks on an Island off mainland ireland. two of the party of seven have extensive camping experience and the rest of us are clueless. Any words of advice?
0 media | 4 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 15.04.25
You guys wouldn't do this, would you?
5 media | 57 replies
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Are you scared to meet a bear?
4 media | 29 replies
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I hate these motherfuckers like you wouldn’t believe.
3 media | 11 replies
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worst invention ever
i go swimming pretty regularly at rivers in my country and every single time a family of fat retards are blasting shit music from one of these
it's gotten to the point where i'm contemplating learning something so i can make a signal jammer
0 media | 15 replies
No title
Is it cringe of me to dayhike with my backpacking pack? I love the thing. It's super comfy, barely feels like a burden to me (weight wise) once strapped up and all, and lets me carry everything I could possibly want. Obviously I adjust what I take depending on the hike's length, but I find it silly to have to need to pay for a dayhike pack and a backpacking pack just to fit in. Is it really that much of a sin to just go out with my backpacking pack for everything?
13 media | 46 replies
Intex mariner 4
Bought an intex sea hawk 3 and just tried out my new intex mariner 4. Used a 4hp outboard on it and holy crap it planed like something different.

It got really rocky out there and it was around class II currents but it just some how plowed through them. Thought I was'nt going to make it back to my car which was about 10 minutes away but it somehow made it. Worst that happened was I got wet.

How has this thing so strong?
0 media | 5 replies