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Board: /lit/

"/lit/ - Literature" is 4chan's board for the discussion of books, authors, and literature.

Welcome to /lit/
/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
6 media | 7 replies
No title
This is your favorite author, /lit/?
13 media | 157 replies
Stephen Hawking against creationism
Stephen Hawking argued in his book ‘The Grand Design’ that the laws of physics allow for the spontaneous creation of the universe. Where do you stand on this debate?
24 media | 123 replies
/wg/ Writing General
Plant humor
"Plant Chorus" edition

Previous: >>23970146


Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.
(And maybe double-space your WIPs to allow edits if you want 'em.)

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme:
29 media | 219 replies
No title
Are old Playboys actually /lit/?
15 media | 82 replies
No title
So like, what are the Buddhist books? I've read Journey to the West and I've watch all of Dragon Ball.
0 media | 1 replies
No title
Fun books? I don't give a fuck about philosophy, morals, religion, history, facts, fuck any of that intellectual shit.

>pic related for example
10 media | 38 replies
Is the age of the great male writer over?
All people read today is vapid romantasy crap. Or I should say all women because men apparently don't read anymore. They just play video games, listen to podcasts and wank.

Where are the Hemmingways? The Pynchons? Where is the Dostoevsky of the digital age? Looking back it was kind of a short run and it makes sense. The age of the writer was sandwiched between the invention of the printing press and the internet. We have Mark Twain to McCarthy and that's it.

The only contemporary writer I like is Murakami which may signal (just like in film) a cultural shift to Asia as the American empire fades.

It feels like the end of an era.
2 media | 55 replies
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>(Wonderstruck, calls inaudibly.) Rudy!
0 media | 0 replies
No title
are you patrician?

>favorite prophet
>favorite composer
>favorite poet
>favorite novelist
>favorite philosopher
>favorite playwright
>favorite director
>favorite painter
>favorite architect
9 media | 62 replies
No title
hello frens, is the canterbury classics edition of shakespeare's collected works (picrel) adequate for a first time reader of his plays / poems? if not, is there a /lit/ recommend edition?
0 media | 0 replies
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Is he a sociopath?
0 media | 3 replies
Nearing December means nearing the new year

Anyone planning anything specific for 2025? Any deep dives? Rereads? New books?
1 media | 6 replies
poetry general
Post your own original poems and critique others.
25 media | 144 replies
No title
Books to fix narcissism?
7 media | 42 replies
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Is this the /lit/ version of The Boy and the Heron?
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It's over
A good chunk of McCarthy's oeuvre was inspired by the life of the underage girl he snatched up and bummed in Mexico, all while doctoring her birth certificate and being on the run from the FBI.

All while he had an established family with a son as old as she was.
0 media | 0 replies
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How can I get into modern art?
26 media | 78 replies
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Screenshot_20241120-181223_Amazon Shopping
This is the Bible I have been reading. Should I stick with it or get a 1611 version?
2 media | 8 replies
Evola, Nietzsche, And The Transcendent
Evola Nietzsche
Is Evola's work concerning Nietzsche as a sort of continuing or setting it right a correct take? It's difficult to accept the metaphysical underpinnings expressed by the Traditionalist school and having them layered over Nietzsche's work. Even Guenon comments by saying guys like Thucydides (and by similarity, Nietzsche) often view the world as being in Flux as apposed to there being a world of "Being" that is above, which is eternal.

Would love to see discussion here to both try to make more sense of these concepts and attempt to see what is true. This might be a dogshit take by me but I feel like the argument really comes down to Pantheism vs. Panentheism. Could be horribly wrong but as long as anon's not only call me a faggot but explain why I'm a faggot is welcomed.
0 media | 2 replies
No title
I went to my local bookstore and in the fiction side of things, except for the classics and self help section, most of the shit was aimed at females. The latest books they were shilling were all clearly aimed at females. Don't men read books these days?
1 media | 7 replies
Request and recommend quality history books, no subject or period excluded

>The Patriarch by David Nasaw

>Nasaw—the only biographer granted unrestricted access to the Joseph P. Kennedy papers in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library—tracks Kennedy's astonishing passage from East Boston outsider to supreme Washington insider. Kennedy's seemingly limitless ambition drove his career to the pinnacles of success as a banker, World War I shipyard manager, Hollywood studio head, broker, Wall Street operator, New Deal presidential adviser, and founding chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

>His astounding fall from grace into ignominy did not come until the years leading up to and following America's entry into the Second World War, when the antiwar position he took as the first Irish American ambassador to London made him the subject of White House ire and popular distaste.

last thread >>23896131
43 media | 185 replies
No title
What's the coziest book to read by the fire in this increasingly cold weather. /lit/?
3 media | 11 replies
Jung archetypes
He speaks of the archetypes as necessary psychological figures, but degrades them as being just that...if you have any awareness of their artificiality, then what is the point in constantly rehashing them?
>inb4 curing psychosis
>inb4 curing homosexuality
And then what...?
0 media | 4 replies
/pg/ - Pulp General
Sexy Six Gun Señorita Edition

Welcome to /pg/, where we discuss pulp fiction. No, not the Tarantino film, but the classic genre stories from early 20th-century magazines printed on cheap wood *pulp* paper. These tales offered thrills for the common man and let imaginations soar. Though the magazines are gone, the spirit lives on, and here at /pg/, we explore the worlds, characters, and stories they inspired. So come on in and join the discussion!

- The Eldritch Dark:
- Luminist Archives - Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction:
- Luminist Archives - Fiction Magazines:
- The Pulp Magazines Project:
- Project Gutenberg Sci-fi:

- The Cybrarian’s Conan: [Embed]
- HorrorBabble's Clark Ashton Smith:
- HorrorBabble’s Cthulhu Mythos: [Embed]
- HorrorBabble's Robert E Howard:

- Flash Pulp: Join us as we recreate the spirit of the pulps with Flash Pulps — 500-1,500 word stories packed with cheap thrills, lurid subjects, purple prose, and daring adventure. Enjoy our collection, and feel free to contribute your own!
- Flash Pulp Collection:

- Bet Pulp: Want to challenge yourself? Post a BET — literally, type the word “BET” — then reply to your post with a complete 6K-word story within a week to complete the challenge.
- BET Pulp Collection:

So you want to write pulp but don’t know how, say?
- Lester Dent Formula:
- Write Compelling Dialogue: [Embed]
- Basic Pulp Template:

Previous thread: >>23912267
41 media | 285 replies
/sbc/ Short Books Club - Week 2
This past week we read The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy, we will discuss it in this thread. Here are some questions to get the conversation started.

>What killed Ivan Ilych?

>What do you think was the role of Schwartz?

>The doctors in this novella are described as "celebrities," what do you think about how medical professionals are associated with fame here and in real life? What about how the only treatments Ivan Ilych seems to get are opium/morphine?

>What do you think of Ivan Ilych's relationship with his wife, Praskovya Fedorovna?

>In Chapter 9, Ivan Ilych says to himself: "I was going up in public opinion, but to the same extent life was ebbing away from me. And now it is all done and there is only death." How do you interpret this idea that living for the public sphere is related to dying?

>Why was all that Ivan Ilych lived for "falseness and deception?"

>Is this purely and simply a Christian tale?

>Have you ever asked yourself, "What if my whole life has been wrong?"

This week, we'll be reading Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky. You can vote for Week 3's book with this link:
Don't see the book you'd like to read? You can nominate it here! Books must be under 200 pages, and you must participate in this week's discussion to nominate a book for future weeks.
1 media | 21 replies
A Poem - Feedback?
Hi all—

This is a piece I wrote earlier this year, which I intended to be a sort of early culminating exercise for myself (I’m still obviously a total amateur). It ended up winning first prize at my undergraduate’s yearly contest last year—but the more time has gone by, and the more I’ve looked at it, the less sure I am that it’s actually any good (I’m also just questioning my style in general and very much still trying to fully find my voice).

Any feedback would be very welcome (or if you just want to call me retarded, of course).

Thank you.
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No title
Der Ring des Nibelungen i s an elaborate allegory for Western civilisation. In the contest for the Ring, the fate of Western civilisation was being decided, an idea which Tolkien purloined. And Alberich won. The modern world is Nibelheim. Wotan has lost. Siegfried has lost. The Ring is never being returned to the Rhine. Wagner's and Tolkien's visions were too optimistic.
1 media | 12 replies
/sffg/ Science Fiction Fantasy General
Challenge From Beyond edition

>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23962354
51 media | 298 replies
No title

anyway what do you think, desu i doubt anyone even read it
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The King in Yellow
Am I supposed to make sense out of any of this goddamn book?
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Was Nora right to leave?
I read this play a couple of years ago, and Nora's decision stayed in the back of my mind for a long time. After years of ruminating on the final scene of the play, I came to the conclusion that she was right. I watched the play recently with my wife, and she did not agree at all with Nora's decision. She didn’t entertain her actions with any sort of sympathy and said it was simply wrong to leave her family. This made me re-examine how I view the ending, but I still feel Nora was right. Then I realized I have never seen a post here about it, so what do you guys think?
0 media | 1 replies
No title
>Cormac is getting cancelled before Pynchon
What a time to be alive
0 media | 3 replies
No title
>and then count pidorov proposed natasha, but she is already engaged with count semenov! what will she do??
how the fuck do you read this seriously. this shit feels like it was written for middle aged women.
2 media | 26 replies
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This book has helped me cure my real autism.
3 media | 19 replies
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I said quite possibly one of the most nonsensical and regrettable things I've ever said in class. I said that that Lacan has a thing called a meta-language, and it's like a universal construct of explanation. And it seems like something like the Divine Comedy has more of a system, as some works do, while Beckett has practically no system. This speak to the post-modern element, where one has to take from outside of the text, to read into it, because the author does not put his intentions on the page. So how can one build a system, if there is no blueprint? But someone said oh, isn't that all language, all the time? And so I realized that what I meant was meta-narrative. Quite possibly the most embarrassed I've been all semester. The student proceeded to say that every moment has no system behind it, or something, and then the teacher said it has a system by having no system, by having a system, by having no system, or something like that.

Of course there is no meta-language, the thing I meant to say is that there's no meta-narrative, because meta-narratives like the ones in the divine comedy are certainly something which we see the death of in Beckett. But can one feasibly say that a meta-language can be a standin for a meta-narrative? One might think that if they are kind with the way I described language, as a sort of universal code, then one can see how there's somewhat of a similarity between meta-language and meta-narrative. I assume that it's simply that definitionally speaking a meta-language is pertaining to words, while meta-narratives are pertaining to stories which are chains.

I essentially argued that the divine comedy has a system and a universal language, and Beckett does not. Devastatingly nonsensical.
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Rate my poem /lit/
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Books about unrequited love? Any variety, I don’t care about the sex of the participants, just the vividness of the emotion
3 media | 28 replies
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Books with this feel?
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When you get all you want and you struggle for self,
and the world makes you king for a day,
then go to the mirror and look at yourself
and see what that man has to say.

For it isn't your mother, your father or wife
whose judgment upon you must pass,
but the man, whose verdict counts most in your life
is the one staring back from the glass.

He's the fellow to please,
never mind all the rest.
For he's with you right to the end,
and you've passed your most difficult test
if the man in the glass is your friend.

You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum,
And think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.

You can fool the whole world,
down the highway of years,
and take pats on the back as you pass.

But your final reward will be heartache and tears
if you've cheated the man in the glass
1 media | 1 replies
/clg/ - Classical Languages General
Ἐν Δωδώνῃ edition

>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

>Mέγα τὸ ANE·
https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg

>Work in progress FAQ
https://rentry dot co/n8nrko

All Classical languages are welcome.
5 media | 67 replies
Have you considered just giving up?
>After, and because of, my sister's last suicide attempt, the county found her a job painting details on trolley cars - road numbers in gilt, 'watch your step', borders, pinstriping, and so on. It would be a very cruel, woman-hating thing to say that it was the best place for her, given her talents, were it not, of course, true.
>In the car shed, surrounded by rough men who indulged her, she was a bohemian jewel in her paprika work coat spotted with paint, with her filter coffee and french cigarettes in a far corner, noodling away with her brushes. Dewy in the glow of a kerosene heater she took the greatest care with the smallest details. Her hands were busy and her mind increasingly clear. At times, she would cry, but never again all night, never to sleep.
>For the first quarter of her life, when she had sought to be a 'proper' working artist she was drowning, and every gallery, every buyer, every reviewer was a life ring which she could not catch, or if caught could not hold. Now as, you might say, a craftswoman she was breathing seawater, the cause was lost but the agony over. The pretensions were gone, and the little portraits and ornaments she made in the margins of books, on bits of card, and on the backs of her hands were no longer stillborn art, but lovely little tricks - "Oh, how clever, I didn't know you could do that." Her gift (and it was a gift) was not to be compared with the work of the professionals, but against the commonplace inability to paint at all, and by this standard, she shone.
So, what is the literary equivalent of painting trolley cars? I imagine it used to be being a journalist or copywriter, but the pseuds have taken over those fields. Technical writing maybe?
0 media | 2 replies
I’m enjoying this a lot
I just finished Chapter 6 of Shadow of the Torturer, I’m completely immersed. It feels like I’m actually in Urth looking around, I literally saw the library in chapter 6 like I was in Elden Ring or something. So far it’s 10/10 for me, going to read probably 2-3 more chapters today.

That being said, I wish there was a place for uneducated adults like me to talk about the books we are reading. Shadow of the Torturer is literally my first book I’m reading as an adult and for enjoyment, would be nice to shoot the shit with people like me instead of everything having to be some mega mind academic argument.
3 media | 70 replies
No title
nothing jann
Kinos only you've read
18 media | 48 replies
No title
Why is it so violent?
6 media | 31 replies
What are your craziest theories about this series
Full spoilers for the solar cycle allowed. Personally I believe that hethor is the mastermind behind agia with agia and her brother being Hethors dolls gained while he was sailing. Their obsession with masks, and her brother being completely irreplaceable could be explained by not having a face, and being literally irreplaceable on urth. It also explains all his involvement throughout new sun because severian destroyed something of his instead of being some fucked up dowry
1 media | 5 replies
No title
I’m really good at theme, characters and the academic side of writing fiction but I’m terrible at making the characters actually interact with the setting. I’m also horrible at writing stories as pieces of fiction that exist for the sake of narrative progression. I know I need both. How can I improve the actual plot and story of my work without reading genre slop? My writing reads like a bunch of super self obsessed characters that are super neurotic and the narrative is almost completely in their heads while still being very omniscient
1 media | 16 replies
No title
>John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
9 media | 48 replies
No title
What's your opinion of Dworkin's critique of pornography?
13 media | 115 replies
Horror general
The Eyes Aldapuerta
Guy Fawkes Night edition.
Old thread: >>23910101
27 media | 109 replies
No title
What is the oldest book you own? Do you collect rare books?
1 media | 16 replies
No title
>I touched her hot, opening lips with the utmost piety, tiny sips, nothing salacious; but she, with an impatient wriggle, pressed her mouth to mine so hard that I felt her big front teeth and shared in the peppermint taste of her saliva.
11 media | 100 replies
No title
>is the greatest fantasy work in your path
Reverend Insanity is brilliant. Intermingling excellently grounded worldbuilding with an excellent very real feeling magical system that makes sense throughout with various battling philosophical beliefs all told through the points of views of interesting, believable, realistic, intelligent and stupid, mature and childing very human characters with real human motivations such as family, honor, greed, beliefs, etc.

The story is excellent with nice intrigue and excellent twists and turns rising to a higher level of comprehension with each passing chapter.
0 media | 3 replies
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images - 2024-11-19T100930.263
Did Kant believe in god?
4 media | 44 replies
No title
hey guys, just checking it its been a few years... so have you read anything other than those three greek philosiphers you kept talking about back then? no? oh...
1 media | 2 replies
Do you agree with this statement?
"This world is the Will to Power—and nothing else! And even ye yourselves are this will to power—and nothing besides!"
3 media | 38 replies
No title
I started reading Confessions of a Mask and I'm starting to believe Mishima might actually have been gay.
1 media | 6 replies
No title
>killing le women is bad
bravo bolano
that really needed 900+ pages
0 media | 32 replies
No title
normal author:
>I threw on my jacket, slipped into my sneakers and went out to grab some food.
American author
>I threw on my adidas™ Tiro 24® jacket, slipped into my Nike™ Court Vision Mid Men's Trainers™ and went out to grab an Impossible Whopper™® with extra bacon from my local McDonald's™®.

2 media | 33 replies
No title
How did the author got away with writing an anarcho-communist novel in the middle of the Cold War?
5 media | 21 replies
looking for k
I've been posting pieces of this project sporadically here for years, but the bike novel's finally shaping up into a final draft. How's this excerpt looking?

The novel is a day-by-day account of a cross-Canada bicycle journey between two friends told in person first present. It's basically a retelling of the same bike trip I did with my buddy in 2019. This scene appears about 1/3rd of the way into the novel.

Themes include mental health, modern alienation, masculinity, and it explores existential themes arising from the character's shame and search for purpose in life. It's about the complexities of human connection in a disconnected world, and how new challenges and obstacles appear and repeat forever, giving us cause for hope and redemption. I'm going for a modern watered-down spin on Zen and the Art.

Is the writing style palatable for a mass audience, or should I consider this more a niche project? Any feedback welcome — thanks for your guidance and encouragement so far.

5 media | 12 replies
Otto Skorzeny
Any good, politically neutral books about his escapades? Only historically accurate ones that don’t peddle sensationalist theories such as that he worked for mossad or murdered Heinz Krug.
0 media | 2 replies
No title
I wish we had gotten a long form novel of this guy. The prose of R. Howard is amazing, he was excellent at painting pictures without being overly wordy. And Conan is just so badass.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Explain to me how this isn't just repackaged religious perennialism.
0 media | 3 replies
No title
What are the best Star Wars books?
0 media | 1 replies
I will BTFO Shakespeare
I love to hear retarded braggarts, here, on this temple of neo asyrians vs Hitites, of lord Vlad the impaller autistic minions vs Constantino of Ostrovica brown hordes, or Richard the lionheart vs Al-Nāsir Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf.

Here, the intelectual forces of the most profound thinkers of the last era of western decay.
Here, they come in hordes and ambushes, to try to argue in the favour, a favour of the Gods, that maybe athena or Diana will provide in their cause.
Maybe that way they can defeat the bad luck that those pixies sent by Locke will clear the path towards the mental anhiquilation of my malktunian neo city, guarded by Saturn.

Ironic as may seem their arguments, as ironic to me thoughever and whatever so ever.

I can't do but look at them from my sacred mental temple, and cause a laughter at the irony.
Me, a neo citizen of the great moche, inca, olmec culture, by the blood of their great warriors and damnsels, of the muisca empires.

Can't do but look at retarded retards stupid braggarts that I am mentally inferior to them, what them is nothing but a cruel joke to my senses, which I do nothing but use my lenses to see their mockery as nothing more than a jockery that entails nothing to.

What a mockery such imbeciles seems to clearly laugh at their third eye superiors.
0 media | 3 replies
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Shelf thread
1 media | 5 replies
No title
My copy of The Riverside Shakespeare has a love note from the previous owner's Grandma.
Now I feel bad. What kind of fucking monster would sell something like this? For less than $10 too. It makes me sick.
0 media | 6 replies
No title
>current book
>your thoughts on it
16 media | 174 replies
No title
What are some nonfiction books that read like poetry?
1 media | 2 replies
No title
>dramatized with full cast
>unique soundtrack
>good sound effects
Literally the best way to experience most books
12 media | 94 replies
No title
Why is her writing so difficult to read? I have no idea what's going on on her novels.
0 media | 6 replies
No title
images (259)
Is this a good book to start literature?
0 media | 16 replies
No title
What do I read after Philip K. Dick?
7 media | 27 replies
/grrm/ - George R. R. Martin General
lonely light edition

ASOIAF wiki:
Old blog:
So Spake Martin (interviews):
Book search:
SSM search:
General search:
TWOW samples:

old: >>23958133
16 media | 211 replies
No title
Who is the Hegel of economics? Who is completely incomprehensible and at the end of the day says nothing and has had hundreds more books written about his work than he wrote himself?-
1 media | 14 replies
Can you discuss philosophy like Socrates?
Who of you is quick witted enough to discuss philosophy like Socrates?
Last night on a whim, I decided to have a Socratic dialogue with my gf about the One and the Many. She was my interlocutor, who had never read any philosophy. I began by introducing the idea of the forms of One and of Many, and asked her if she thought the Many contained the One. We went from there wherever the conversation took us. I tried to come up with unintuitive consequences of her statements to trip her up, like Socrates did. At first she got frustrated, saying, "Why are you asking me if you already know?" I said to her, "I know nothing. I am just a midwife, helping you to give birth to your own knowledge."
The conversation led us to the third man argument, whereby from her prior answers it seemed that there were infinitely many Manys each containing the smaller Many. She denied strongly that the One and the Many were actually the same, instead opting to accept any other nonintuive result if it kept them separate.

All in all, it was a good mental exercise, and I found myself wishing I were more skilled and knowledgeable about the arguments in Parmenides and elsewhere. Have any of you endeavored similarly? How did it go?
16 media | 60 replies
No title
Are there good books that focus on government spooks dealing with/containing the paranormal a la SCP?
1 media | 4 replies
No title
>he still writes in longhand
61 media | 212 replies
Gnostic Peircechad: The Return of the King
Dare you challenge the greatest mind for metaphysics in the history of /lit/? Answer me, if you dare ...

What is the fundamental ground of reality?
3 media | 20 replies
No title
is this Bloom's cryptic way of calling Shakespeare the British gnostic demiurge?
3 media | 12 replies
No title
Wtf did I just read? Like I knew I read Harry Potter books like 20 years ago but I barely remember this garbage. Like holy shit how can this franchise survive the pile of hot garbage that is Deathly Hallows?
1 media | 5 replies
Writing is just Escapism
For all the people always complaining about what to do to fight publishing tyranny and to make good writting here's the secret: Write whatever the fuck you want. Stop trying to write "serious" or "high literature". None of these publishing faggots give a shit anyway. Your only option is to make something so cool that the common people can't ignore it. Stop trying to impress people who hate you. Write that epic novel where Hitler wins the WW2. Write about a Catholic priest killing a monster horde. Write about that sexy waifu doing cool shit in standard clothes. Don't write shit on purpose, just write cool shit that other people will like.

We need to free ourselves from the tyranny of publishing faggots. Blow them the fuck out.
13 media | 58 replies
How do I start with writing a novel?
I've thought about writing every now and then for a long time now but never managed to really get myself to start. Outside of academic stuff I've only written one or two very short stories maybe ten years ago. How would you guys recommend should I start if I wanted to get into writing? Any good videos or guides on that topic?
1 media | 6 replies
Who are /lit/'s favorite novelists
This is the thread to vote on who will appear in the chart of /lit/'s favorite novelists. Link:

Nominations were gathered in this thread >>23969325
You can select as many from the list as you like. The poll will be open until next Sunday. Thank you for participating!
5 media | 48 replies
No title
>New Age hippies travel to India in the 1970s, open small yoga practices
>Because they're white and white people are worshiped as being like gods in thirdie eyes (especially in those times), these hippies just assume everyone in India is welcoming and nice
>this is further fed into the phenomenon of being the only white man these people have seen, so they're treated like a curious novelty
>They write books praising India and Hinduism
>Western hippies start naming their kids Indian names, India builds up a solid reputation as the land of deep mysticism and spirituality
>That positive reputation is destroyed the second Smartphones become a widespread thing and Indians get online

Did these 1970s new age authors lack any self awareness about how the white man is seen over there? Surely surely, they could've peered into the slums and actually seen how Indians treat one another. I'm surprised it took until the 2010s for this false image they portrayed to get shattered.
0 media | 8 replies
No title
How do you debunk this? Do you just call him a retarded crybaby Platonist who assigns subjective categories to human beings and their experiences before they're even born and strips them of their authority? Or do you ask him why lack of any experience is objectively better than a sum of good and bad experiences?
20 media | 279 replies
NaNoWriMo 2024
It’s November 20, we’re 2/3 of the way through the month. How are you doing?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
So was he actually a Satanist or not? The poetry he wrote in his youth and statements that his parents found his poems to be Satanic get brought up but in response I've heard that he in his adulthood he changed and took his children to church regularly. So what is the truth?
6 media | 36 replies
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images - 2024-11-12T111340.941
Why hasn't Siegfried gotten the same popularity as Thor and Hercules in the culture zeitgeist
12 media | 59 replies
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"It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to than I have ever known."

Any hopeful lit like Dickens?
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Natural or legitimate magic was, together with all other knowledge, a gift from God to Adam, who by peopling the world handed it down to posterity. This, as Psellus (De Daemonibus) and Proclus (De Magia) have noted, is no more than a more exact knowledge of the secrets of Nature, which by observing the courses and influence of the stars in the heavens, and the sympathies and antipathies subsisting between separate things, compares one thing with another and so effects marvels which to the ignorant seem to be miracles or illusions...

Now thaumaturgy and natural magic are in themselves good and lawful, as any art is of itself good. But it may happen to become unlawful: first, when it is done for an evil purpose; second, when it gives rise to scandal, being thought to be done with the help of demons; third, when it involves any spiritual or bodily danger to the conjurer or the spectators. And it must be noted that, for every ten tricks of prestidigital illusion, these men perform one of pure sleight of hand, so as to foster the belief that there is no illusion or sorcery in anything that they do, but that all is done by pure skill and dexterity. Ulricus Molitor states that the devil is able to make one thing seem as if it were another; and Nider tells us that many other tricks are practised by conjurers. For this prestidigital art was thought by the giant demons before the Flood, and from them Ham learned it, and from him the Egyptians, then the Chaldeans and Persians, and so in succession.

— Francesco Maria Guazzo, Compendium Maleficarum

Join our discord server, main topics are philosophy, theology and traditional sciences.
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Are there any female authors that you actually like?
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Refute the transcendental ideality of space and time
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Books on wine?
A girl of thirteen recently called me a “such a peasant” in a joking way because I thought the difference between red wine and white wine was that red wine was made from red grapes and white wine was made from green grapes. So I’m trying to brush up and ensure I don’t get embarrassed again
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Was she right?
>The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.
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Hello ed boy! Many doors yes?
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Anon, what do you think about this book?
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/wbg/ Worldbuilding General
Fearsome Frights Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"
Yes, of course you can!
>"Does worldbuilding need to be about fantasy and elves?"
Worldbuilding, as already stated above, and contrary to what many believe, does not inherently imply blatantly copying Tolkien. In fact, there are many science-fiction setting out there, and even entire alternative history settings which do not possess supernatural elements at all. Any kind of science fiction book has an implied setting at least, which involves a certain degree of worldbuilding put into it.

Last Thread >>23859878
27 media | 131 replies
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>reading moby dick online
>get to the end, 400 pages
>end of vol 1
>theres a vol 2
bros...I can't take any more of this whale shit
3 media | 58 replies
Paul Auster
I would like to read your opinion about Paul Auster's novels, please !
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Have you read this?
Looks pretty interesting, if anyone has read it, is it worth a read? The synopsis seems cool.
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spiral dynamics
just learned about this, seems interesting at first glance, what's your thoughts on it? Thanks
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Vladimir Nabokov's opinions on various authors (1/3)
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what are your thoughts on kristeva? i find her psychoanalytic theory fascinating
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Hello anon i'd like a reading list that combines psychology(With a Jungian bent), Esotericism(Neoplatonism and Hermeticism no Jewish Kabbalah soul poison pls), and philosophy/metaphysics.

I want to self initiate while avoiding the evil side of esotericism. I don't want to fuck men/goats and summon demons like Crowley.
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Best editions of Dickens's books
>You have to spend $400 per book if you want to get the best editions available
What the fuck? Does anyone really buy them for that price? What the fuck is wrong with Oxford? Why would it even be so expensive? Capitalism is such fucking bullshit...
1 media | 3 replies
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That was disgusting and I hated it
It was fine up to the scene in the church and then it just sank to a level of degeneracy and evil that I didn't even know Bataille was capable of
This is some satanic/evil writing and I gained nothing from reading it
Bataille is a sick fuck
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The Second Apocalypse Book Series
I recently learned about this book series and was thinking about reading it. Has anyone read it? What did you think of it?
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-Nekked Lunch-
Yo, you guys read this? it's pretty crazy. Think this guy was on drugs. Mealsothinks he's a homosexual, many subtle slips of the psyche in this one... this guy wanted to fuck boy ass, it's a sure bet.
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ITT /Lit/ writes a mario erotic fanfiction
th (1)
ill start
>mario returned home from a long day of work
>it had been hard impregnating all the goomba women
>they had tried to bite mario but he was stronger
>but mario was only doing his duties
>for mario did not long for goomba pussy
>he only wanted his lover luigi
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shill your favorite books to me
I'm going on vacation tomorrow and I need to load up my ereader with some books. Give me your favorites and I'll put em on there if I haven't read them already.
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>Among all the varied manifestations of human life, it may be said that sexuality is the only one with which all are familiar, and in regard to which none are altogether incompetent. Thus it would be superfluous to open our discussion with a proof of the importance or the actuality of the facts of sexual life. The most deplorable intellectual or physical inertia will not suffice to hold in leash the luxuriant vivacity of the sexual instinct, which often breaks free none the less. This instinct, in such cases, stands firm like a column amid the ruins of a pagan temple, the rest of which has been destroyed in the passage of years or by the devastation of war. This instinct is the only one which remains active when all other psycho-physical manifestations are dead or dormant.
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Any good philosophical books on fear? I've just read sickness unto death by kierkegaard and really really liked it, I sorta had the feeling of something inside of me unravelling while reading it, so is there perhaps something similar specifically on fear? I've been told to look into Epicurus, is that a good recommendation? Cheers.
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What are your favorite essays/books you've found on picrel?
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Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass
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Rate my haul. I just got done with the Man in the High Castle. Before that was Eye in the Sky. And before that A Scanner Darkly and etc. Reading is the best high.
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Novels about enlightenment
Are there any novels where the protagonist(s) set out to seek enlightenment or not purposefully seek it, but reach it anyways by the end?
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What makes Russian literature so great?
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Ovid's Metamorphoses
Now that I've read this it seems like most books reference at least one of these myths.
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>But do you know what: I am convinced that we underground folk ought to be kept on a curb. Though we may sit forty years underground without speaking, when we do come out into the light of day and break out we talk and talk and talk . . .
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Why did Barnes & Noble decide to title their editions of Dante's Divine Comedy as "The Inferno," "The Purgatorio," and "The Paradiso?"

It makes them sound like picrel.
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Great Gatsby
Is this a tragic love story?
What is this supposed to represent? I'm confused. Help me understand this fellas.
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>reading book by a british author
>have to change my inner voice to a british accent
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Imagine how this board would be like if great novels were still being serialized in magazines.
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download (3)
What does /lit/ think of this book? It's on my shelf and I'm debating selling it.
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Do you read on public transit?
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House of Leaves
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My wife and I read books out loud to each other a page at a time. I had borrowed this book from a friend many years ago and was instantly engrossed but did not get passed the early part where they found the seemingly infinite spiral staircase before he asked for the book to be returned. I had quickly bought a copy afterwords but never continued reading. Now that we are reading it she (wife) is struggling to get hooked by the story. I am not above calling myself pretentious and believe many people who enjoy this book may come across as pretentious. At first I thought she wasn't understanding the 3 plots happening simultaneously but that isn't the case, she just hates all of the useless references in the footnotes. I've read infinite jest, gravity's rainbow and the Great Gatsby. My question is, without having read this book, is it worth the time, is it actually good, will their be a part where she feels engaged by the plot? As of now she is not enjoying reading useless information that doesn't seem to further the story, do the footnotes eventually become more plot driven or relevant? I just don't want to waste her time on a 700 page slogfest when we could be reading Philip k Dick. I'm the sort of person who reads for the sake of reading, whether it's a cereal box or a scrap of newspaper, but I want her to be able to enjoy the hobby and would prefer not to force her through it if it's going to be more of the same thing
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Schopenhauer's World as Will and Representation
Evening gentlemen,

I've only read bits and pieces and some summaries of Schoppy's ideas and from what I read I want my suffering buck to be broken by the real thing.
If I read everything on this chart, is it sufficient to appreciate the Schoppy's big book?
Maybe you could argue, that one can read "World as Will and Representation" without any prerequisites?
What do you think about the book itself?
Discuss both Kant's and Schopenhauer's works.
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What the fuck happened with all the terminators that were with Exalted / Vandred ?
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His prose is second to none.
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how can one man have such a creative mind?
you know books where nothing ever happens? this is the polar opposite, every sentence is something happening, reading it the first time is an incredible experience, truly earned that nobel
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Anyone have any recommendations for books about mythology or less common religions that are interesting? Just got done reading this series.
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Listened to the audiobook on YouTube last night to help me fall asleep. It was so boring. I couldn't fall asleep, I was too distracted by the fact that the guy basically said NOTHING for 2 hours.
>I get a tan
>I work out
That's it. That's all he says. Doesn't explain why, doesn't give any reasons why it's good for you, just rambles about nothing for two hours while repeating those two lines over and over. Absolute retard.
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His takedown of fagzsche is brutal.
>The over-man of the healthy development of the species is a Paraclete of knowledge and unselfish love, not a bloodthirsty ,splendid beast of prey.
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Books that actually feel like this?
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What do you think of this recipe for love?
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In 'Faust Teil Zwei' Goethe portrays an emperor being tricked by Mephistopheles in to printing paper money. This emperor is probably meant to represent Napoléon who also instituted wide-spread printing of paper money. The equivalent of this today is probably digital credit stored in the internet.

Does this mean Goethe was a reactionary Feudalist like politicians like Adolf Hitler or philosophers like Julius Evola?
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I find most advice given by authors to be too broad and general to serve any practical purpose. Is there any text or video out there where we get to see a writer create or critique/edit something line-by-line instead, so we can gain from seeing their thought process when it comes to the details and finer decision-making of writing?
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Chicago School of Literary Criticism
For a text-focused approach (as opposed to extrinsic approaches), I have decided to read from Chicago School of Literary Theory.
I've got the primary resources.
Any secondary sources you recommend?
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Why can't I write anymore?
The last time I tried writing something was a year ago. I have ADHD and I cannot for the life of me get myself to sit down and write something. Whenever I look at my previous works, I'm legitimately wondering how the hell I did it before. I always have to have perfect conditions to be able to write something by myself. I don't know what those conditions are.
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