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Board: /his/

"/his/ - History & Humanities" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating history.

Welcome to /his/ - History & Humanities
This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.
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>How could anyone put Justinian’s ways into words? These and many even worse vices were disclosed in him as in no other mortal: nature seemed to have taken the wickedness of all other men combined and planted it in this man’s soul. And besides this, he was too prone to listen to accusations; and too quick to punish. For he decided such cases without full examination, naming the punishment when he had heard only the accuser’s side of the matter. Without hesitation he wrote decrees for the plundering of countries, sacking of cities, and slavery of whole nations, for no cause whatever. So that if one wished to take all the calamities which had befallen the Romans before this time and weigh them against his crimes, I think it would be found that more men had been murdered by this single man than in all previous history.
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I really want to be neutral to Xtians as a Turkish male but the fact that Europeans declared crusades on us (not only one but more than a dozen) and the fact that Vatican, which apologized to Greece, is yet to apologize to Turkey really makes it hard for me to do. Crusades were completely unjustified and the amount of oppression in our own native homeland by the crusaders and their lackeys Byzantines we faced makes my blood boil.
7 media | 39 replies
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What Made Nazi Germany Uniquely evil?.
51 media | 183 replies
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Was Alan Watts based?
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>ancient Roman writers: "He was condemned to exile in this desolate island, where the cold harsh climate destroyed his health. He fell into depression and misery at this godforsaken environment and died soon after"
>the island
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Unironically how was the figure of 6 million calculated?

From what I know Nazi records were fairly limited because a lot of the documentation was destroyed. What was the methodology employed to reach this number and what would be a realistic margin of error?
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copper merchant extraordinaire
Ea-Nasir was a good man who sold high quality products. I will not stand for the slander which has persisted for millennia.
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How do Marxists (modern and historical) who support the Soviet Union justify its blatant imperialist actions against the people and nations of Eastern Europe?
1 media | 11 replies
Historically speaking, what caused this?
Mieko G-Spot Express IRL
>The most popular Fetishes amongst Women

>50 cis women were asked about what sexual fetishes they had which were added to a list of fetishes alongside a description of the fetish. Then 500 cis women ticked boxes on what fetishes they had. Cis female scientists were used as women tend to lie to male scientists about their sexuality

>The following are the top fetishes amongst women, how many women have it and the description of the fetish:

>1. Financial Domination 98% "I get turned on when I take money from men or men buy me gifts."

>2. Loving Myself 97% "I romantically love myself, I get turned on by how I look and act."

>3. Feminist Cuckolding 85% "I want to sleep with other men when I have a partner but the men I sleep with are beneath me and serve me sexually they are not degrading me."

>4. Teasing 78% "I want to flirt with men I won't have sex with so I feel sexy and they give me attention."

>5. Queen and her Knight 63% "I want to date a successful masculine man who treats me like I am better than him and worships me as a queen."

>6. Rape 58% "I want to be raped by a man who is extremely attractive who will give me great sex and make me feel sexy as he picked me."

>7. Female Cuckolding 50% "I want to corrupt and seduce a man who is dating an attractive woman so he dates me instead."

>8. Woman's World 49% "I get turned on by the thought of working with other women to make the world better for women even at the expense of men."

>9. Gangbang 34% "I want to have sex with more than 3 guys at once."

>10. Dogs 28% "I get turned on by dogs but not in a weird way."
7 media | 33 replies
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What’s the moral argument in favor of the death penalty?
8 media | 162 replies
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USSR was also able to make an unprecedented civilizational leap - it carried out industrialization, a scientific and technological revolution, reduced the share of the rural population, gave people universal free education, and free higher education, free medical care, kindergartens and even housing for everyone, built the strongest army in the world . The Bolsheviks, without a doubt, saved the country from dullness and vegetation, giving it light and the opportunity for national creativity.
4 media | 21 replies
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worst person
the guy in the picture is the worst yugoslavian leader. see he made a successor state of yugoslavia by serbia and montengro. he thought to unite those areas of yugoslaviain countries where serbs live(he wanted a greater serbia). his greater serbian concept turned into yugolav wars. in 2001 he was charged of crime over humanity what do you think about him?
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30 years ago it seemed like a more than just cause, but in retrospect, now that SA is one of the most dangerous shitholes in the world, was it really the best way to handle things?
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mikhail gobachev
i want to ask this questions for russians.....who gave you freedom mikhail gorbachev or boris yeltsin
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trans lenin
Were past communist states actually as progressive and LGBTQ+ friendly as modern communists say they were?
3 media | 27 replies
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Since Jesus is a prophet in Islam, why don't Muslims protest when he's mocked in western media?
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>study history
>he was right
1 media | 6 replies
Paris Olympics
This date marked the day that atheism dies
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What makes Judaism so uniquely interesting when compared to other religions? Just look at this board - Christianity and Judaism both get about the same number of discussions, but one is a gigantic religion for billions, and one is a very small religion with only a fraction of Christianity’s followers.
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Was it wrong for whites to stamp out slavery, cannibalism and human sacrifice amongst the browns?
5 media | 56 replies
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basque vs spajeet
What causes this?
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Is there a single reason to be an atheist?
Besides appealing to ignorance.
6 media | 70 replies
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Why did Jews push so hard for mass migration even after they had arrived in the US? They even made temporary "concessions" to the anti immigration public, which they then reneged upon later, just like today's politics. Its almost like they're trying to genocide and displace Europeans through demographic attrition or something.
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>slavery is so evil!
>ackshually, the slavery in the Bible was more akin to long-term live-in employment!
Which is it, /his/? Is slavery actually good?
0 media | 8 replies
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Why did anti-semitism shift from being mainly religious ("Jews are bad because they reject Jesus") to being mainly ethnic ("Jews are bad because of their blood, regardless of what religion they follow")?
9 media | 44 replies
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If, of all words of tongue and pen,
The saddest are, "It might have been,"
3 media | 8 replies
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>no refutation
26 media | 170 replies
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post you're favourite historical figure
>mine is josip broz tito
1 media | 6 replies
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Why did France fail to get any large scale colonial migration going despite France by far having the most native homeland population of any colonial power for most of history?

For example. Obviously a lot of the Spanish colonies is pretty bolstered by natives and Spaniards mixing with natives. But they had a pretty small population yet actually settled much of Latin America, not just claimed it with painted maps.

Same with Portugal and Brazil.

The British had a pretty small home population yet somehow had very successful colonial pursuits in terms of getting British people to move to the Americas, Australia, New Zealand etc

How’d they do this? Why did France fail or actively choose not to?
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Suffering is proof of existence. This is why world religions come up with fictions that make suffering noble or its cessation to be the ultimate goal.
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Why other countries haven’t copied the idea of Dignity Battalions from Panama?
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Why do some people say India is an artificial country made by the Brits. Under what justification do they have that point?
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Why does Southern Italy have so much more non-European admixture than the North? If it's from the Romans replacing themselves why did they only do so in the South? Also in this model -- the Davidski standard model -- what's the difference between TUR_Tepecik_Ciftlik_N and TUR_Barcin_N?
7 media | 30 replies
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The krauts really didn't have any shame when they cried about the Treaty of Versailles being too harsh on them.
5 media | 44 replies
Soft white hands can't possibly pick this.
We have to import infinity blacks from Africa to pick them for us. There can't possibly be any long term ramifications of importing infinity blacks to pick cotton, right?
6 media | 38 replies
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What if it turned out this whole time that God was not some old white/jewish bearded dude in a robe and was actually a sassy black woman? How would we know for sure?
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Fun fact: "Greece" used to be mostly Muslim before the Westerners invaded it and appointed a Bavarian as the king of Greeks
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Muslims are amazed that Islamic violence is used against them as an argument.
Every time i've seen some guy approach a Muslim and throw some current event at him, the Muslim looks astonished that this would even be raised as a thing. This was especially common during the years ISIS were in their prime:

>Non-Muslim "So how many have you killed around the world this month? Islam mate, all you lot do is kill innocent people"
>Muslim "Where are Muslims killing?"
>Non-Muslim "Whaaaat it's been all over the bastard news, you lot have just slaughtered 500 Christians in Nigeria, ain't ya?"
>Non-Muslim "and Manchester hey? what about Manchester arena? one of you lot just blew up a load of kids"
>Muslim "How do you know that's Muslims?"
>Non-Muslim "Saw it on the news"
>Muslim "So you believe everything you hear on the media?"
>Non-Muslim "Come on fella don't play dumb, it's widely known ain't it? everyone knows. Look how many you've just blown up in Sri Lanka."
>Muslim "Widely known is not an argument. Again, how do you know it's Muslims?"
>Non-Muslim "What about 9/11? how many dead there? do you condemn that?"
>Muslim "And has it been proven to be Muslims? How do you know?"
>Non-Muslim "everyone knows it was fackin Muslims mate, do you watch the fackin news?"
>Muslim "No"
>Non-Muslim "Give fackin' over, you don't watch the news?"
>Muslim "No. I don't think it's the law that i have to watch the news, is it? But out of respect we are going round in circles here, do you have any argument which proves Islam is untrue?"

The takeaway from these exchanges is that Muslims are not interested in discussing political events or terrorist attacks. Muslims are looking for hard, juicy theological objections to Islam. For Muslims, it doesn't matter if the entire world is on fire and it's being blamed on Islam. All of the political jargon is to be quite simply ignored. Why? Because none of it has anything to do with whether Islam is true or not.
3 media | 46 replies
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Strongest argument against God?
15 media | 147 replies
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"WHITE PEOPLE could be here," the jew said. "I've never seen this hobby before. There could be WHITE PEOPLE everywhere." The severed dick skin felt good against his tongue. "I HATE WHITE PEOPLE." Hava Nagila continued to resonate throughout his sewer tunnel even as the adrenochrome coursed its way through his sickly, rabbinic veins, amplifying his Talmudic hatred of non-jews and anything they enjoy. "When you print fiat currency, you can ruin anything you want," he said to himself, out loud.
3 media | 22 replies
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>open quran
>chapter 18
>sun sets in a puddle
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r1b subclades
Were original DF27 Lusitani related and original L21 Pict related? Did they speak some proto-celtic branches?
2 media | 11 replies
what do /his/ knows about him?
>In his confession, Rais said he committed his first assaults on children between spring 1432 and spring 1433.
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I’m going to post this every day until you remember it
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Why didn't the Norse colonies in North America work out? Why didn't they spread diseases to the locals like the later ones did?
1 media | 16 replies
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Beetle yeet
I asked this on /pol/ but it went nowhere.
What is the future of religion? I feel like most people have grown apathetic towards it, and society has become permeated by a general feeling of religion being incompatible with modern day science. Yet i feel that man yearns for some form of religion, as is evident by the fact that many political and social movements become pseudo-religious in their forms. On a practical level, religions will also become more prominent again as religious people simply reproduce more. What will religion then look like in the future?

Pic related, theyre God's favorite animals.
7 media | 26 replies
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post your favourite american president
>mine is george HW bush because he helped kuwait from iraq
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Japanese Internment
I can't seem to find anything on the effectiveness of Japanese Internment. The only things I find are one-sentence handwaves. Does anyone have any good sources on this?
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what happend in kosovo in 1999
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It was Holy
It was Roman
It was an Empire
Voltaire can kiss my ass
7 media | 11 replies
Why do Jews LARP?
>LARP as White people whilst wishing death upon them all
>LARP as a pure race of chosen hebrews when they are south shitalian mutts genetically
>LARP as normal people but hold psychotic malice and indifference towards everyone around them
>LARP as moral paragons and higher beings when they're selfish greedy impulsive beast-men
>Taught a 3000 year old dead language to their kids so they could LARP even harder
1 media | 5 replies
ancient crafts
I was looking at some "Scythian" pieces and noticed that they were basically made by Greeks, especially the most interesting and well-crafted ones.
What are the pieces made solely by the Scythians? I was a bit disappointed that it was made by Greeks, the original Scythian art I was able to find is quite simplistic.
although this is interesting evidence of good relations between both peoples
1 media | 11 replies
Historical feels about lost moments
>be Frenchmen Pierre Ibervile
>the guy who started building forts to claim Louisiana and the Mississippi for France
>circa. 1706
>just got done raping Nevis and St. Kitts in the Carribean
>about to meet up with my boys in Spanish Florida and attack Charlestown, USA
>got an army of privateers and some newly acquired 3,000 negro slaves to do it
>even Boston is shitting their pants at the thought of my sailing North because I'm just that much of a menace
>sail into Havana
>yellow fever is all the rage there right now
>catch it and die
>no French & Spanish raid on colonial Charleston, probably with success
>no further French gains further up the coast
>no French influence on the Chesapeake
VGH... what could have been
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Can you actually disprove the Abrahamic God using science? I don't think you can, actually.
9 media | 58 replies
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>Deuteronomy 21:10-14

>When you go to war against your enemies and GOD, your God, gives you victory and you take prisoners, and then you notice among the prisoners of war a good-looking woman whom you find attractive and would like to marry, this is what you do: Take her home; have her trim her hair, cut her nails, and discard the clothes she was wearing when captured. She is then to stay in your home for a full month, mourning her father and mother. Then you may go to bed with her as husband and wife. If it turns out you don’t like her, you must let her go and live wherever she wishes. But you can’t sell her or use her as a slave since you’ve humiliated her

Why didn’t crusaders take any hot Muslim brides?
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>killed millions of europeans
>formed alliances with arabs, japanese, and indians
>stole swastika from persians
>hated other europeans more than africans

how was he a "based" white nationalist?
11 media | 55 replies
Deuterocanonical Brothers: Is Enoch Cannon?
I know few churches agree with it being cannon but they are relying on precedent set by doubting jews (pre-christians).

We know in the book of enoch he speaks directly about the times of Revelations (something that a writer during 200 BC would have no way to predict). Specifically Enoch 1 predicts Revelations 6 very heavily (that great earthquakes will happen during this end times B) that fire will rain down and burn up the wicked C) that everyone will be smitten with fear D) the "Watchers" as Enoch calls them predicts the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse E) the whole concept of the elect (something which wouldn't be explained until Paul as nobody even knew how the messiah might appear) F) God will come to convict "all flesh" once again predicting Paul's writings on the need to crucify the flesh to become an elect of Christ G) predicts final judgement by discussing how everyone will be punished for every idle word and deed.

It WAS read AND thought of as cannon by church fathers as it is found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and is even quoted in the New Testament (like Jude 1:14 "And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand saints." quoting Enoch 1:9 "And behold! He [the Lord] cometh with ten thousands [seems one mistranslated the plural here, but exact same quote] of His holy ones").

Also note Christ may have referenced Enoch 5 at different times during his ministry on earth in that Enoch says the elect shall inherit the earth while Christ later states "the meek shall inherit the earth". And Enoch here in 5:9 also predicts the whole concept of sanctification.

So what is the argument against Enoch? I've seriously tried looking all over the internet but nobody has given a real reason except it goes against precedence in the Church. So I wanted to post here since I know there are Catholic and Orthodox anons here and many of you guys at least claim to read theology books.
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Smoking is as old as drinking. Why is smoking historically less popular than drinking?
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Is /his/ a pro-Saladin board or a pro-Assassins board?
2 media | 11 replies
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Why was Presbyterianism so successful in Korea compared to other denominations of Christianity?
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Atheists spent centuries trying to dismantle religion only to create a one. Yes atheists are disproportionately "woke" and it's impossible to argue that wokeness isn't just a secular religion at this point. Maybe atheists should just admit that there is a reason why basically every human in history was religious and no amount of spaghetti monster memes can reprogram human nature.
8 media | 42 replies
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Across all cultures through history, the only two male ideals were to be youthfully beautiful or ruggedly masculine, both with a slant towards intellectualism. Why is there such a consistency?
6 media | 18 replies
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russo-japanese pepe
Can someone with a deeper knowledge of British and Russian history enlighten me?

Why did homosexuality turn the British into a highly effective fighting force, yet is not doing the same for

Many key British figures in both world wars were homosexuals such as TE Lawrence and Alan Turing. Winston Churchill himself declared that the traditions of the Royal Navy, the force responsible for Britain's global power projection, and the force responsible for maintaining the empire for centuries, were "rum, sodomy, and the lash."(drunken homosexual BDSM)

Yet for some reason dedovshchina does did not appear to be have the same impact in Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, or modern Russia.
1 media | 9 replies
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>makes /his/ seethe uncontrollably
How do they do it?
0 media | 19 replies
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Daily reminder that Buddhism is the superior religion.
>It solves man's most important existential problem : suffering
>Your salvation isn't based on the worship of a God.
>Simple and strong ethics.
>BTFO's nihilists and eternalists with the middle path doctrine
>Doesn't require you to have blind faith in it's dogmas. Encourages you to experience the validity of it's claims through experience.
>Over 1000 years of rich tradition that still exist up to this day
4 media | 39 replies
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How much of suffering is self-imposed or self-inflicted? How can this realization be leveraged for stable happiness?
3 media | 57 replies
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Why do churches need to be big and grandiose?
>they glorify God
How is God glorified by material things?
1 media | 4 replies
Not a single artist of note
>No Muslim anti-art laws to stop artistic Renaissance as in the Balkans
>Even Greece has El Greco despite Islam
How so?
139 media | 234 replies
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mad max 1979
Why did boomers really love the concept of gay rapist bikers? There are so many B movies and shock films before the 2000s with this trope
0 media | 2 replies
The rise of Buddhism in Africa
There appears to be several small monasteries popping up in sub-saharan Africa. Uganda Buddhists center is in particular very active in their community, as is the Tibetan Buddhist community in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
10 media | 35 replies
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I just discovered femboys are an intrinsic part of Ottoman history and culture. They were called Köçek. Is this permissable in Islam? How devout were the Ottomans?
16 media | 115 replies
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He’s the only religious debater I’ve seen that really stands up for his beliefs shows no mercy toward his opponents. Apologists are all too often big betas, and Jay bucks the trend, he knows he’s right and will make you damn sure of it. Truly the Chris Hitchens of Orthodoxy.
1 media | 46 replies
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imagine cooking warm meals for him and reading books together and discussing them with him and tucking him into bed at night with a kiss on the cheek while you run your fingers through his soft wavy hair then telling him how much you love him before heading to sleep to prepare for another day of loving him and teaching him and answering his innocent questions and watching him learn and grow haha
2 media | 8 replies
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What are some of the funniest moment in contemporary history?
2 media | 6 replies
Roman pantheon sucks
Got introduced into the actual Greco-Roman myths (in Latin) and these gods all really suck, all they ever do is being constantly jealous to humanity assholes going around and killing or raping or mocking people or each others for no reason. Now I absolutely understand why Romans dropped them all without a second thought for a hippie Palestinian rabbi and why Greece was the birthplace of atheism. Even the undiluted "YOU CANT EAT DA APPLE!!!" asshole Yahweh is kinda a lovely one compared with these retards.
2 media | 3 replies
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What is the status of historical materialism? Obviously religitard Marxoids would still adhere to it but what about it's genuine intellectual status? Does /his/ accept or reject historical materialism?
0 media | 1 replies
Do we know anything about Aboriginal history?
I mean like, literally fucking anything at all? A kingdom? A permanent settlement? Like, inventions? Natives had Aztecs, Inca, Iroquois Confederacy, and Nomads who were sort of lime the Turks and Mongols. What the fuck do Aborginals have?

Most people think the Australoid race has no achievements at all because of them, people don’t know Dravidians are Australoid. They have achievements. Why don’t Abbos, and their other Australoid Cousins such as the Papuans and Torres Strait Islanders have any achievements.

Not only that, but why did they live so savagely and primitively? The constant wars and raids, and then retribution, and then retribution for that retribution. Not making basic discoveries, cannibalism and infanticide, seemingly no concept of sexual selection. What the fuck? I don’t mean any of this is a racist way, either. Have they just been doing fucking nothing for 60,000 years?
48 media | 178 replies
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I was investigating Islam with an open mind but just found out that he married a six year old girl. What is the theological reason for this islambros?
3 media | 25 replies
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at there richest the mughals were the richest and most powerful empire

so how did the maratha empier turn the tide from a handful of cities to an empire that was almost surpassed the mughals?
12 media | 25 replies
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Why are some Christians so hostile to the concept of Universalism? It's literally the best possible outcome and I guarantee you'll pull way more converts without threatening people into belief.
9 media | 61 replies
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Isn't it time to admit that consciousness most likely came from God? It's a simple intuitive solution to the problem and the alternative makes no sense.
>random chemicals gooping around near hydrothermal vents somehow caused an experiencer, an "I am", to magically emerge from nothing
This is supposed to be the rational point of view? Lol.
4 media | 59 replies
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Holodomor memorial
Ahem...*sips water* hmmmmmm.....b-b-bomes?
0 media | 1 replies
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>Be me
>Considering Calvinism
>See shitty plebbit post
>People defending the abuse of women for their porn addictions
>Humanity is filthy and God is completely just in letting all of us go straight to hell
>Realize that even though I am a sinner I have been saved through no power of my own
>Realize my life is a gift from God and that makes me really happy.
Praise God.
2 media | 4 replies
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For real though almost every Soviet soldier in Berlin was worse than him
1 media | 11 replies
If Hitler Was Swiss
Assuming Adolf Hitler was born in the country Switzerland instead of Austria, could he have led a very similar life, or would it have likely ended up very differently?
0 media | 2 replies
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you'll rot in the ground there is no afterlife.
1 media | 13 replies
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Auschwitz front
6 media | 26 replies
There is no free will, only God's will
Everything that happens is God's will, else they would not be able to happen. Yes, even the evil things.

>inb4 muh free will
Our puny human wills are nothing next to God's perfect omniscience. He knows the outcome of every decision we will ever make with our "free will" before we are even born.
2 media | 7 replies
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ricky lee green
Ricky Lee Green and his wife Sharon committed a brutal string of mutilation murders in the Fort Worth, Texas area in the mid-1980s, the tragic end result of a childhood from Hell. Green was a native of Fort Worth and was born in the central Texas city on December 27, 1960. His father Bill was a sadist who enjoyed torturing his five children on a regular basis. Ricky's brother Perry claimed that their father administered electric shocks, punched them in the stomach, or held their heads under water until they almost drowned. When Ricky was 6, Bill told him to run for it as he fired at him with a BB gun. He was hit with most of the shots as his father sarcastically told him to run faster next time. Bill told his son he was worthless and would never amount to anything. Ricky's grandfather also repeatedly molested him.

Green lost an eye at some point in his childhood when he ran into barbed wire and had to get a prosthetic glass eyeball. He quit school in the 8th grade and got a job as a radiator repairman. In February 1984 he got married to a woman named Mary Francis but the honeymoon ended in only two months when Green began suspecting his wife was cheating on him. One night when he was drunk Mary came home and he got out a knife and raped her. Afterwards she grabbed her stuff, left the house, and never came back. A few weeks later he met Sharon Dollar, a known junkie, and she soon moved in with him. One evening during sex Sharon poked Ricky's penis with a sewing needle and drew blood, which she then drank.
4 media | 19 replies
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I want to know about Polish collaboration with Nazis and Soviets. What really happened? Poles say there were no Nazi sympathizers or Polish communists but that is obviously a blatant lie and cope
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ive been getting intro heraldic coat of arms and its history and i wanted your opinions on how it originates and if theres a connection between the jews and Europeans who use the symbol of the lion,i know at some point many "Israelites" migrated form the middle east to up north in Europe but alot of the memes get confusing
4 media | 15 replies
Christians in Politics
How did the early Christian church generally approach getting involved in politics? Other than the magistrate and the ambassador in the New Testament, as well as the few military men mentioned, there don't seem to be many examples during the 1st century. By the 2nd century, Christian theologians appear to have developed apolitical or anti-political perspectives. There are Christians today who say we should not be in politics at all, or who permit only relatively few in it, as long as their job does not cause them to sin, and the moment they need to sin, quit the job.
0 media | 1 replies
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Malcom X was entirely correct and MLK kneecapped any chance his people had for true independence and dignity
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imagine a group of godly beings sitting around a table made of clouds watching abraham through an orb and one goes "hey hey wouldnt it be funny if i told this retard to mutilate his penis? do you think he'd go through with it?", they snicker like schoolgirls then decide to do it

cut to an old jewish guy ambling around a mountaintop aimlessly, then he hears "aaaabrahaaaaaaaaaam..." a deep voice sounds out in his mind "mutilaaaate your cooooooooock..."

it doesnt take him longer than two seconds, he finds a big rock and lifts it overhead, giving a loud yell "PRAISE YAHWEHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" as he smashes his cock into smithereens
2 media | 15 replies
Why is Nat Turner a hero when he slaughtered random white people?
I mean he killed his slave masters entire family and many other random whites who had nothing to do with his enslavement. Yet today is regarded as one of the biggest American heroes that ever lived. I'm Arab but was taught the story of Turner and i was surprised later to find that he killed so many white civilians. Is it acceptable to kill random civilians in America in this way?
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>Tired of being pushed aside, the aged Winfield Scott finally realized it was time to go and he submitted his resignation to the War Department on November 4, which was immediately accepted. McClellan was appointed general-in-chief of the army. On November 7, he stood at the train station in Washington D.C. to bid Scott farewell as he rode off into retirement. Afterwards McClellan wrote to his wife "Perhaps the day will come when I too am an old, broken down soldier standing at the train station as my young successor bids me farewell."

>That day would be exactly one year from now.
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They should train an AI on the Bible and another on the Quran, then have the two AIs debate.
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It is commonly stated that civilians in the Baltics and in the Ukraine initially saw the Wehrmacht as liberators, but what was the grassroots reaction to their arrival in Belarus and Russia proper?
Were they distrustful from the get go?
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>yfw schizos think you got whacked by Prescott Bush and not because you and Bonny Eiffel-towered the wrong Mob bosses personal whore
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Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart
What's so enjoyable about a war?
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In Korean mythology, there is a god called 'Tangun', transcribed in Chinese characters as 檀君. These characters sounded as 'tang-gur' in old Chinese. So the original 'name' or the original 'sound' of 'Tangun檀君' is actually 'Tangur' or something similar. I think this is connected to 'Tengri'.
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Flag_of_Russia.svg (1)
Why have they historically always lost to small nations but managed to humiliate the great powers?
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>Polygamy BAD because...B-Because....BECAUSE IT JUST IS OKAY?! Racists, smelly incels like me wouldn't breed if that was moral!
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Blackpilled Ancient Greeks
Can anyone explain to me why the ancient Greeks were THIS blackpilled? Hell they even had the femboy thing going for them.
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images (64)
If he's real why doesn't he show himself? Why am I forced to believe in Jewish mythology?
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Shaolin Master Scam?
Is this mf trustworthy? I been seen lots of scammy things like he sells courses, books and even merch.
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What is the history of the Log Cabin Republicans?
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nordicuck 'civilization' imagine the smell snownigger
>Nordjeet 'civilization'
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does anyone else just not find the Holocaust a very interesting subject? why is necessary we need to have 2-3 threads about it every day?
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>Henri Gamache was the pseudonym of Anne Fleitman (January 4 1906-October 25 1990, a Jewish author who was active in the United States during the 1940s, and who wrote on the subject of magic. All of the Gamache books were published in New York City and most of them consist of semi-scholarly popular compilations that draw from (and give credit to) previously-published works on occultism, folklore, and herbalism. The Gamache books are noted for their connection to the Afrocentric theories of Marcus Garvey

>Henri Gamache's most popular books are The Master Book of Candle-Burning, a classic of practical African American hoodoo folk magic, Terrors of the Evil Eye Exposed, a work dealing with worldwide belief in the evil eye, and Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses, which is based upon the Garveyist assertion that Moses, the leader of the Jews, was a Black African

>The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses includes material influenced by Garvey and by Moses, Man of the Mountain, a 1939 novel by African-American novelist and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston, which rewrites the story of the Book of Exodus of Moses and the Israelites from an Afro-American perspective. Entwined with the Garvey-Hurston version of the story of Moses are ancient practical magic spells. Gamache's sources for these are the 13th section of the Greek Magical Papyri, consisting of spells attributed to Moses, and the The Sword of Moses, an apocryphal Hebrew language book of angelic magic attributed to Moses, but actually dating to the first millennium CE and translated into German by Moses Gaster in 1896. Gamache's title places the 8th, 9th, and 10th Books of Moses as the purported sequel to the 19th century (and earlier) Jewish grimoire known as the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
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If Milton Friedman rejected Judaism, why did he ended up becoming a caricature?
>Child labor good.
>Cars that explode your ass good.
>dictatorship is good as long as it makes money.
Does this prove there is some sort of subconscious archetype we can never escape from?
0 media | 4 replies
How did Christianity become what it is?
Christian history is filled with violence, intolerance, war, elitism, cultural destruction, and all sorts of wrongdoings. Which is really shocking considering that Jesus was the complete opposite of these things. He was a simple carpenter who preached peace, unity, love, and forgiveness. He hung out with “degenerates of society” like beggars and prostitutes to show that everyone should be treated with love and care. Most of the gospels is Jesus decrying the Pharisee clergy for their corruption and he himself was executed on grounds of heresy. And a lot of Early Christians followed Jesus example and they gave up their wealth, established charities, refused military service, and some were even vegetarian. On paper Christianity sounds really good, but unfortunately it ended up being one of the most brutal and bigoted religions to engulf this world.
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Do christians believe jews are gods chosen people? Doesnt it say that in the old testament? Why is there 2 testaments?
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>Be an ordinary Suebi 57 years before the Year of Our Lord
Elbe River 1
>Everyone is rushing over to the Thing
>"Hey, you going to 'the Thing'?"
>"Of course, who isn't?"
>"I was just wondering because sometimes the Thing isn't a thing."
>"We're crossing into Gaul at the full moon. It's a thing, for sure."
>"Does Caesar think it's a thing?"
>"Hard to say what the Romans think anymore. Maybe. We'll see."
>"Alright. So I'll see you at the Thing later then. What time is it again?"
>"At the rising of the Venus. What the fuck?"
>"My mistake, Friþunanþs. You know me and the stars. Deeeerrrr. Haha. Alright see you there, mann."
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Why did jews
Play such a massive role in the confederacy?
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Any good history books on medieval India? or just on the Delhi Sultanate
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Is there really any point in debating?
Why not kill your political opponents? In all my life I have never seen one person truly convinced, if anything proving someone wrong will entrench them in their ideology and radicalize them further. Why not just kill everyone who disagrees with you?
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Old people in india get nostalgic about how blissful british india was. You could walk for kilometers on footpaths in major cities, next to roads that had minimal traffic. Everywhere you could see green fields below clear blue skies. It would be difficult to find a single piece of trash anywhere in a city
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Why did a Turkish/Ottoman symbol become the face of Islam instead of an actual Islamic symbol?
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Why is Islam so barbaric, obscurantist, backward and savage?
Its the only religion totally made up by openly criminals, terrorists, rapists, pedophiles, liars who are proud of that behavior.

You can go to Catholic Spain, Protestant Germany or Orthodox Russia and find a noble religious life not affecting others.

You go to Muslim world and you only find terrorists and criminals.
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>were exclusively white ethnostates
>had anti-degeneracy laws
>were intolerant of homosexuality
>strongly anti-israel
>zero unemployment
>maintained cultural traditions and heritage while they were degraded in the capitalist west
>imported zero immigrants

Why do right-wingers hate the Eastern Bloc states again?

It's clear that 1989 represented the total victory of globohomo against the last defenders of tradition in Europe.
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>Mass. has Boston harbor, prospers
>New York has the Hudson, prospers
>South Carolina has the Ashley and Cooper, prospers
>Penn. has the Alleghany and Monongahela, prospers
>Maryland has the Chesapeake, prospers
>Virginia has Norfolk, the York, the James, AND the Elizabeth rivers with a front door to the Atlantic, wallows in poverty as the nigger-importing and then nigger-breeding capitol of the colonies; capitol is still a backwater shithole on a hill in 1781 and gets wrecked by Arnold after he turns his coat
Historically speaking, what the actual fuck was wrong with them?
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Prohibitionism, would it have ever worked?
Has prohibitionism ever been successful? It pathetically failed to tackle larger industries like tobacco and alcohol and now is struggling to keep up with things like hard drugs. Has there ever been a successful prohibitionist campaign in history?
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>As a term, "British Isles" is a geographical name and not a political unit. In Ireland, the term is controversial, and there are objections to its usage. The Government of Ireland does not officially recognise the term,[20] and its embassy in London discourages its use.[21] "Britain and Ireland" is used as an alternative description,[19][22][23] and "Atlantic Archipelago" has also seen limited use in academia.[24][25][26][27] In official documents created jointly by Ireland and the United Kingdom, such as the Good Friday Agreement, the term "these islands" is used

I am not Irish or British so maybe I don’t understand. But why are Irish so upset about the geographical phrase British isles?

It’d be like Mexico being upset the continent is called North America because the USA has America in its name and historically invaded Mexico

At the very least if you’re gonna refuse to use the phrase that’s longest lasting, most well known and actually sounds good. Come up with a better name than “North Atlantic archipelago” or “these isles” or “Britain and ireland”. That last one is even more retarded considering there are a bunch of islands in the British isles that are not Britain or Ireland. Like the jersey islands. Isle of Man, Wight etc

sad that Ireland is too insecure to accept a normal phrase. Like saying British isles is deadnaming them lmao
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Political Philosophy - Individualism vs. Collectivism
Can we have a thread on political philosophy? I've been reading anti-globalist conspiracy websites from the 90s on and a lot of them seem to think it comes down to Individualism vs. Collectivism. Do you agree with this? But then why are group interests inherently bad? Is white nationalism inherently evil because it's not individualistic?
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Why was Prussia and later Germany so hellbent on destroying the traditional order of Europe?
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They were eating each other in Stalingrad.
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So was Yasuke a samurai or not?
If not, did he even partake in battles?
I know that that Thomas Lockley guy made bullshit up in his English books but apparently his Japanese books were way more grounded and accurate.
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Did Arabs really pushed arabic into North Africans?
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stalin hated jews
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I refuse to believe that Röhm, one of Hitler's most loyal to followers was attempting to coup him. Every correspondence leading up to his execution leads no credence to him trying to betray Hitler, in a way I'm certain Röhm might have even loved Hitler
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Tired of anti-white europhobic fake historians.
>Watching tiktok
>Some cringy fat (probably Jewish) dork basedboy looking "history" person in the same vein of John Green or Adam Conover pops
>Says "The British Empire got rich from drug dealing."
>I want to badly correct him, that the Jewish Sassoon family is responsible for the opium trade and that it Jews who got rich from it, not Brits.
>Next video, claims Al-Andulus was an Arab state and that Arabs lived all the way in the North of Spain, claims the pope payed Normans to attack Northern Spain but they ended up staying and dressing like Arabs.
>Wanted to correct him that most Moors are distinct from Arabs and could include any Muslim group including bebers, native Spaniards, black west africans etc. Also wanted to correct him that the population was "arab", that his so called "arabs" (really moors) were in fact colonist, and that the majority of Iberia was indigenous Spaniards not Muslim "Arabs"
It's all so tiring. Why is there such an audaicne for fake history drivel? Why can't people handle the truth?
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How do you cope with happy people existing? Humanities.
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Marines loitering
Was the US government's response to the Innsmouth incident justified?
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How come the brown hair of Roman sculptures and Frescos is supposedly evidence of the Romans not being white Europeans when brown hair is completely absent in non-European populations?
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Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 1.25.36 PM
Decolonization of Africa and Fall or Rome were the same thing.
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india is one country, why shouldn't west africa be one country?
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Traditional African religions
Nobody really has any interest in African religions. There are tribal wudu religions in Africa which seem like an ancient continuation of Odinism. They aren't perceived as an archetype of ancient wisdom like Native American and Asian religions are. Some may say these religions are just shamanism and tribal memory; it's just proto-codified mythological history and has nothing to offer Westerners the same way that something like the Greco-Roman mysteries or Egyptian beliefs do. Maybe it really is racism behind it.
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Your Kino period
For me, it's the turn of the 18th century
>Glorious Revolution
>British colonies go through their own mini-revolution in 1689
>French and British colonies are starting to grow and expand
>buffer wars with them playing the Indians off of each other
>Iroquois finally wising up and getting tired of that shit
>King Willy's War
>British governors realize the colonies forts are absolute shit dogshit, complete disrepair
>colonists are already rowdy little shits refuse to follow the King's orders
>privacy and privateering is rampant the length of the coast and into the Indian ocean
>story of Capt. Kidd vs. 1st. Earl of Belmont
>Queen Anne/Spanish Succession
>Marlborough's campaign
>fucking Blenheim
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>be kulak
>cause famine for profit
>supposedly, somehow this is not evil
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Can someone with a deeper knowledge of British and Russian history enlighten me?

Why did homosexuality turn the British into a highly effective fighting force, yet did not do the same for Russia?

Many key British figures in both world wars were homosexuals such as TE Lawrence and Alan Turing. Winston Churchill himself declared that the traditions of the Royal Navy, the force responsible for Britain's global power projection, and the force responsible for maintaining the empire for centuries, were "rum, sodomy, and the lash."

Yet for some reason dedovshchina does not appear to have the same impact in Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, or modern Russia. Is it an artifact of prison culture vs elite boarding schools?
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