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Board: /ck/

"/ck/ - Food & Cooking" is 4chan's imageboard for food pictures and cooking recipes.

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fools gold
Just a little snack
0 media | 9 replies
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Can someone please tell me a company that makes QUALITY knives that are not produced in the third world? So many "good" companies have tons of SKUs that are made in china/india/pakistan and deceive you into thinking they are ALL from the US/Germany/Switzerland

All-Clad is a great example, Henckels, etc.
1 media | 12 replies
Foods you had on vacation
I had a nicoboli from Nicola pizza in Rehoboth beach, Delaware when I was a kid and I still think about it to this day. It was just a ground beef and mozzarella stromboli but it was fucking good. What are some foods you remember from vacations and trips?
0 media | 2 replies
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Which way, drinking man?
4 media | 67 replies
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Avocado tastes like clean dick. Cheese tastes like unclean dick. What food tastes the most like pussy?
5 media | 19 replies
me and my mom just fucked ourselves by cooking steaks on high heat and deciding midcook to pour 300,000 heat unit hot sauce in it, which immediately filled the entire house with mustard gas (metaphorically) and we couldnt breath and our eyes burn and noses running and eyes of tears. dont do that, i guess. idk.
0 media | 2 replies
I made this a while ago but forgot to make an OC thread for it
Hang out with me
Or don't
68 media | 95 replies
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None of these are spicy. These are all kinda bland and flavorless except for mild which is just taco sauce.
8 media | 66 replies
Just discovered an amazing new food
So I wanted some extra protein with my meal and a cheesesteak wasnt enough. I think I invented a new food. While I was grilling the shaved steak I thought wait, what if.. so I cracked a raw egg directly over it.
and mixed it with the cheedesteak. Fast it started sizzing like oill. I kept it runny and fast scooped it all into a hoagie. Added chees whiz. It was incredible. A cheesesteak sub with runny eggs.
1 media | 11 replies
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>turbomogs your favourite snack
1 media | 12 replies
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What's "half a Twix"?
3 media | 28 replies
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image from yesterday
>hungry af
>need something thats gonna fill me up right
>see chicken broth, scrambled egg and white pepper
>its go time
>make egg drop soup in handled vase
>glass explodes
>shrapnel in face
>3rd degree burns
>soup on floor
>can't enjoy cuz in ambulance
why is egg drop soup so hard to make?
2 media | 7 replies
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what should i make with leftover egg yolks?
1 media | 22 replies
/tea/ - gin for lesbians edition
This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20646992
39 media | 245 replies
The Humble Breakfast Sandwich
How do you make yours? I typically prefer sliced ham, but sometimes it's nice to switch things up and use a sausage patty instead.
>lightly buttered and toasted whole wheat English muffin
>pork breakfast sausage patty
>fried egg
>cheddar cheese
>a few drops of habanero hot sauce
Doesn't get much better than that.
9 media | 41 replies
Am I stupid or does guacamole not taste like anything?
I know a lot of people who love the food and I have tried it several times where it's either made from a fancy mexican restaurant or a hole in the wall place. Every time to me it's like eating tasteless paste, is that the point?

I don't hate it at all or mind if it's in a taco or burrito. I just can't taste anything when I eat it, even if there is pico, chopped onions, or lime juice in it
0 media | 23 replies
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Which cuisine is the next to be recognized as France and Italy tier? Turkish? Georgian? Greek?
0 media | 13 replies
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Tates cookies are a scam, less cookie more money. But dang those suckers are good.
0 media | 7 replies
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pork n beans, boys, pork and beans
0 media | 5 replies
would you drink afghani cola?
It tastes less sweet compared to coca cola, and has different flavour notes, instead of just masking the actual taste with tons of sugar.

It tastes slightly peppery, has a very very mild bitter note, and has other indescribable flavours
1 media | 17 replies
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I will be in Paris for a weekend soon.
What should I try? And where
5 media | 63 replies
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>his omelette has browning
You burned it. Learn to cook please
1 media | 33 replies
mayo-home made
anyone able to replicate this shit at home? any time I make it smells and tastes funny. I want it mild as can be, contributing mostly that creamy texture and fat.
0 media | 14 replies
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Don't you just love a classic roadside burger and hot dog stand? Pure Americana. If you don't like them you're not a patriot.

Got any around you?
6 media | 30 replies
Chicken wings advertised as ‘boneless’ can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court decides
>Consumers cannot expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones, a divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled Thursday, rejecting claims by a restaurant patron who suffered serious medical complications from getting a bone stuck in his throat
Well? Will you risk your boneless wings (the superior version) having bones in it?
8 media | 68 replies
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my bitch gf doesnt like onions it makes her gag how do i fix it
3 media | 33 replies
Shepherd's pie
What is your opinion on this dish? What recipe do you use? Do you use beef instead of lamb, making it a cottage pie? What vegetables to add with the meat? What spices do you use? Do you add stock or water? Do you use some boujee ingredient like Irish butter or demiglace? What is the best potato? What cheese do you use for the mashed potatoes (eg. parmesan, cheddar, monterey jack), or do you skip the cheese? Garnishes?
8 media | 76 replies
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What are some cheap and easy things to cook for a date? I had been thinking if making a 6 layer nacho dip but maybe I should do something else since she's making a peach cobbler after?
0 media | 11 replies
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My new girlfriend doesn't cook, how can I economically slopmax? app? coupons?
1 media | 21 replies
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Do you like Newark style hot dogs?
6 media | 27 replies
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What are some pleb food takes that are true?

I'll start
>ketchup doesn't belong on hot dogs
>ketchup doesn't belong on hamburgers
>water is for poor people
>microwaving fish is rude
6 media | 54 replies
Post bread that you've baked, or bread that you'd like to bake, or questions about baking bread.

I made a light rye loaf last night, this is my second attempt at it and my first time successfully kneading by hand, up until now I've just been doing overnight no knead stuff. The dough really can smell fear.
78 media | 231 replies
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Sometimes a simple snack is the best.
4 media | 16 replies
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Why aren't you foraging for food out in the wild?
5 media | 30 replies
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Hello, I am Indian and I made this vegetable soup. It has lentils, carrots, onions, Indian cucumber, and a few other vegetables. I am looking to improve the soup, as in make it more hearty when eating it with rice. Keep in mind I am vegetarian so I would prefer not to add meat. Any suggestions are appreciated.
4 media | 49 replies
Best Pizza
What pizza do you like?

It doesn't have to be the best but if you enjoy Totinos that's cool too.
6 media | 36 replies
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348s (2)
That's it! I'm done! I'm done pretending to hate this place just to fit in with you autistic retards. I prefer this place over every mom and pop Italian place I've ever had and I live in the north east.

>God tier value
>God tier Salad
>God tier breadsticks
>God tier soups
>God tier pasta
>Chefs trained in Italy
4 media | 17 replies
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anyone have weird kitchen appliance moments/stories?

i got one of these off the shelf from walmart and it is freakishly powerful, like the most powerful microwave i've ever operated by far
put a bowl of chili in it for a couple minutes and it comes out literally boiling
a full size bag of popcorn comes out burnt if it's in there for more than 1:45

i think they accidentally put some kind of nuclear reactor in this thing instead of a normal magnetron
1 media | 3 replies
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I find the weird apprehension towards generic brands to be a sign that food prices aren't actually that big a deal and people are just retarded.

>Oh but they're worse
They're really not.
6 media | 50 replies
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>smells like literal horse shit
What is the use case for this substance?
9 media | 77 replies
Theres a reason Native Americans are fat
Fry Bread is the best shit I've ever had. There are some foods like it but good fucking god none of them come close to how good this shit. I don't understand how something so simplistic can be so good.
22 media | 85 replies
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guys lets talk salads
what are some of your favourite salad recipes
would you put rice into your salad?
how would you spice salmon to put it into a salad with spinach and rice? how about chicken?
what other toppings do you like on your salad?
6 media | 31 replies
Sandwich storage hell
All I need is a simple wrapper for breakfast sandwiches I make and freeze
>parchment paper
Too stiff, doesn't stay folded
>aluminum foil
Not microwave safe
>paper towel
sticks to the food
>newspaper/paper/brown paper bag
toxic/possibly flammable in microwave
>deli paper
Too stiff, doesn't stay folded
>unwrap them before microwaving
Requires additional dishes and/or cleanup
>paper gas stations use to wrap their sandwiches
Impossible to find for purchase online

Right now I'm barely getting by with a combination of deli paper and aluminum foil, but this is hell.
8 media | 29 replies
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I have an avocado tree in my garden. Some of the branches overhang the street outside. Today my mom told me the other day she saw one of the neighbours stealing our fruits. Shes non confrontational so she didnt say anything. I asked her how many did they take and she said quite a few. She said the guy wore a military uniform and the neighbour right infront of us is military so its probably him or one of his friends.
So should i kick his ass? Im totally 'ard and definitely could.
5 media | 76 replies
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i'm outta gas

how well would this theoretically work out?
1 media | 12 replies
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pescado frito
do you fuck with this?
5 media | 84 replies
/ctg/ Coffee Time General
Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Entry level edition

If you're new and confused start here:

If you're old and confused how many clicks?

Previous thread: >>20660573
49 media | 267 replies
Parents yelled at me for putting drippings(?) on rice withe the dinner i cooked for them
Last night i made this

And some roasted kohlrabi with brown rice on the side. I scooped up a little of the left over brothy stuff + vegetables from the pan and put it on the rice (not sure if this still counts as drippings cause of the broth). Everyone loved it but my mom got mad after I explained how i made it taste good. She even told me i have to use no skin no bones chicken next time. (Not to be rude or ungrateful, but her chicken is always incredibly dry). Does anyone know the nutritional value of the stuff on the bottom as well as the skin? My mom is overweight and likes to be stingy with me when i cook, but her alternative is processed packaged food and deli meat, so how does this meal compare to that?
1 media | 10 replies
Psyllium husk
Do you guys still take psyllium husk after the lead scandal?
3 media | 124 replies
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nerds image 00000000000000001
What is your favorite sweet treat?
4 media | 16 replies
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>Asahi Japanese beer
>made in italy

14 media | 65 replies
Raw garlic
Medicine or poison?
2 media | 10 replies
Pies and Pans
Hello /ck/, I am baking pies this week. To get a flaky crust I will be baking them in a metal pie pan (not disposable). However, it will be displayed, so I am planning on transferring them to a ceramic dish (that looks similar to pic related).

What should I do to best ensure the pie fits into the ceramic dish after being baked?
2 media | 11 replies
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What are your thoughts on the hoover stew?
6 media | 78 replies
Made it /ck/
43 media | 78 replies
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Making quesabirria.
1 media | 21 replies
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Holy crap, I can buy premade, shelf-stable bearnaise? Truly food science has come a long way.
5 media | 28 replies
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most overrated ingredient, but i'll keep putting it everything i cook.
but not the green ones. those are garbage.
3 media | 23 replies
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Why does every restaurant never have shakes/icecream anymore? It's to the point where if I want that I specifically have to go to an ice cream establishment like dairy queen or literally go to the store myself.
It's not just mcdonalds anymore, the last 5 times I tried to order a shake or iced dessert at a restaurant they told me they were out or couldn't.
Denny's most recently, then Wendy's before that even though they shill the frosty constantly, and I can't remember the rest since it was more than a few months ago.

Also all of these places are able to turn off items on delivery apps. I know because I've worked at Starbucks and I've worked at Papa Johns and we were always able to disable items that we had run out of or weren't able to make for whatever reason. So why the fuck do they literally NEVER do it?
1 media | 26 replies
Where did you eat the best pastrami you ever had?

For me, it is Johnny's Pastrami on W Adams. No half sours, though, so that's kind of bullshit.
2 media | 31 replies
Bread Price Fixing Lawsuit
Free Bread
Loblaw Cos. Ltd. and its parent company George Weston Ltd. say they have agreed to pay $500 million to settle a class-action lawsuit regarding their involvement in a bread price-fixing scheme.
8 media | 107 replies
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2024-07-21 01_09_12-Window
aahhh.... nothing beats cold Japanese beer after a hot bath...
46 media | 182 replies
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I'm wanting to make the most basic spaghetti sauce there is to "reverse engineer" the recipe so to speak, and understand what it fundamentally is and add to it from there. So in essence, spaghetti sauce are just mashed tomatoes with some salt, pepper and other spices, right?
1 media | 16 replies
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You will eat ze bugs, one way or another.
2 media | 20 replies
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pasta salad
what goes in your pasta salad?
0 media | 12 replies
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please give me a pizza recipe
2 media | 19 replies
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If a ground meat patty between two burger buns is called a burger, and a piece of fried chicken between two burger buns is called a sandwich, then what is pic related called?
1 media | 13 replies
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Finally, the war against boned boneless wings is over.
0 media | 14 replies
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>this meal only costs $1.40 per serving!!!!
>oh btw you have to spend $55 on getting all the ingredients lol hehe
2 media | 22 replies
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Is there a way to deep fry lasagna without making a mess in my kitchen and setting off the smoke alarm?
0 media | 3 replies
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Last thread was well received, so let's do this again.

Ask an anon that works at a candy store anything.
6 media | 70 replies
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made som chicken katsu curryraisu ^_^
0 media | 14 replies
Door Dash Drivers
Fuck these useless pieces of shit. I work the line at a decent local restaurant in north atlanta and they always come in demanding that we stop our flow and cater to their massive ridiculous order tickets while we have ACTUAL customers dining in with us. If you are a door dash/uber eats driver I hope you burn in hell…get a real fucking job
13 media | 124 replies
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Post Hyper-niche foods
4 media | 9 replies
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Do you like McDonalds burgers?
13 media | 57 replies
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I dislike Bacon.
4 media | 30 replies
Robot coupe
Are these things worth it? My ex I had to throw out has my kitchen aid, which I never really liked, or used in the first place.
2 media | 12 replies
Chipotle CEO admits restaurants have been ripping you off
How hard do these fast food corporations need to fuck you before you learn to cook, anons?

>It turns out that Chipotle customers were right in their complaints about skimpy portion sizes at some locations. On Wednesday, CEO Brian Niccol disclosed that a company investigation found that 1 in 10 of its restaurants were too meager with their servings.

>Chipotle looked into the issue after rumors of shrunken portions circulated on social media, including from influential food reviewers on TikTok who shared images of small helpings. Some customers claimed they got bigger meals when they filmed workers putting their orders together.
2 media | 23 replies
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I got some “ramen” takeout. Both my parents say cilantro tastes like soap, but I don’t. Can someone who understands genetics tell me whether or not this is normal or if in a weirdo who likes soap?

Thanks. This shit is good, by the way, but tastes like fancy [protein] soup.
10 media | 61 replies
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What’s the weirdest fruit you’ve tried? How did it taste?
22 media | 91 replies
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Admit it, you love boomer-diners.
7 media | 86 replies
Sorry Georgia
But turkish iclipide absolutely mogs hacapuri into oblivion, and yes its because of the additional meat and sauce
0 media | 10 replies
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McDonald's Brasil are now selling liquid cheddar cheese to dip your burgers and fries into.

Keep it or need it?
2 media | 42 replies
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How do you guys eat rice continental style (fork in left hand prongs always down, knife in right hand)? I've always just used a spoon in my right hand but I'd like to know what is the proper way of eating rice should I find myself in a formal dining setting.
2 media | 4 replies
Noord Hollandse gouda old AOP
Imagine chedder mixed with parmegiano.

Do you know those hard bits of cheese crystalline in parmegiano? It has those.
Its dryish, brittle, the sour part of cheddar is way toned down, its pure of flavour.
0 media | 9 replies
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I'm so tired of stir fry, what else can I do with the same sets of ingredients?

I make stir fry like every week. Its getting really tiresome and uninspired.
0 media | 8 replies
McDonald’s Next Burger
ITT: We develop new burgers that will save McDonald’s

Big Wac
>McRib bun
>WcDonald’s sauce
>large onions (not the dehydrated ones
>2 slices of cheese
>3 patties laid across the bun
>2 hash browns
3 media | 8 replies
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Has snacking finally gone too far?
2 media | 11 replies
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Kimchi ramen? I dunno. Would you?
0 media | 10 replies
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>I put two very large onions in every meal i make
no apologies, its an onions world.
3 media | 12 replies
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Ham Hock
What's your favorite cut of meat? For me it's a nice roasted chicken thigh (though to be fair, I haven't tried that many types of meat).
1 media | 9 replies
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unironically better than regular mac and cheese
5 media | 43 replies
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I hate not being able to eat out because all meals will have pic related and other trashy, processed ingredients.

Everyone just uses the lowest quality ingredients possible and sells at the highest price people will buy. It's disgusting.
1 media | 18 replies
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Miyu Milk
What are you getting out of the dairy case?
6 media | 31 replies
Boar’s Head recall
Amid an outbreak of listeria that has killed two people in the United States and sickened around three dozen others, Boar’s Head Products announced on Friday that it would recall more than 200,000 pounds of deli meat, including all liverwurst products currently available on the market.
0 media | 1 replies
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What do you make when it's too hot cook?
13 media | 85 replies
Places to eat at/Things to eat in 'Go.
Besides 'go 'za.
0 media | 18 replies
Freezer Bags
freezer bag
How do they work? Is a freezer bag just a thicker version of a regular plastic bag, or is it a slightly different material that is less permeable? In a pinch can you just use two regular bags?
0 media | 8 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 2.46.55 PM
it tooka a 40 years to grow snairs white piggaru that wirr be $2000
9 media | 59 replies
No title
Oh hey anon? You ordered burger? (fries not in included)

That will be $20
>Plus 20% service charge (for employee benefits)
>Plus 10% “SF safety and benefit charge”
>Plus 7% "Cost of doing business in SF charge"
>+ 8.63%Tax

Your total comes to $29.77 + tip. We enforce a 20% minimum on single diners. Let's just make it an even $36 dollars for the excellent service you received today!
1 media | 12 replies
Instant noodles general
2xspicy meme
I fell for the meme guys, ordered a couple dozen packs of this shit. Had to throw the first bowl away, it was just too much even while chugging milk on the side.

How do you make these palatable? Skip the sauce pack?
18 media | 140 replies
Anchovy Pizza
Screenshot 2024-07-21 11.53.35 PM
The other day, I ordered anchovy pizza out of sheer curiosity.
Dear lord, it is easily my favorite topping below mushrooms. I swear it tastes even better reheated too. Please tell me what toppings pair best with it for future reference.
11 media | 71 replies
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this kind of pizzas are the best
1 media | 11 replies
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america has fallen
11 media | 91 replies
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>mogs sugar & artificial sweeteners in your path
1 media | 23 replies
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What makes good soup good ?
0 media | 7 replies
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>Usually don't like food and have no appetite
>Dump hot sauce on food
>Actually want to eat it now
Thanks, hot sauce.
3 media | 11 replies
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Trying this thread again, since it didn't get any helpful replies last time. Besides pic related, what are your favorite breakfast shrimp recipes? My buddy Omar (we all call him marfan because he has marfans syndrome) has a new boyfriend, and I want to make them a nice breakfast after our sleepover next weekend. Marfan specified that his boyfriend only eats shrimp for breakfast.
0 media | 2 replies
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is there anything better than the humble ham & cheese baguette?
5 media | 21 replies
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*enhances your mashed potatoes*
1 media | 3 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 10.03.55 AM
Choose your Bussy Burger
5 media | 21 replies
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For me it's chicken breast sliced into three thin slices cooked in olive oil and butter on a stove with salt and heavy pepper. What more could a man ask for?
1 media | 27 replies
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Gordon Ramsey steak for £38 plus service charge
0 media | 19 replies
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I just ate a pound of Bush's Best Baked Beans, AMA.
1 media | 22 replies
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Does anyone know any similar channels that aren't so fucking annoying to watch? The recipes this guy has are great but I'm so sick of the white self hatred and general arrogance
5 media | 35 replies
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>not filling at all
>zero taste
>lowest protein among carb staples
>not even cheaper than flour

Only retards and heritage rice farmers should be eating this shit crop
1 media | 22 replies
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16 media | 31 replies
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The taste of Italy.
3 media | 13 replies
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Are food bowls really that bad?
5 media | 28 replies
Made these fake keto chicken nuggets
I mixed a can of tuna with an equal amount of grated cheddar cheese and cracked 2 eggs into the bowl. I then added salt, pepper, chilli flakes, ground onion and garlic.
I stirred the mixture and then formed them into small nuggets and chucked it into the air fryer for 8 minutes at 200 degrees Celcius.
It obviously looks a bit shit compared to real chicken nuggets but it's great if you're on keto - tastes just like it too.
I was apprehensive about using tuna but the flavour of it is mellowed out - tastes slightly like chicken.
If anyone else has any other keto recipes that were delish, please share. I really appreciate it. Thank you.
1 media | 13 replies
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Everybody who hates pineapple on pizza has never tried it
7 media | 60 replies
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is this piss in my mouth or actually good?
1 media | 7 replies
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wtf is this?
Hormel Au Jus and Savory Sauce, Beef Roast, Slow Simmered. It looks like creepy Brit shit and no wonder they're usually the first to get attacked by a some zombie outbreak
1 media | 2 replies
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Eating in bed is a sign of intelligence and free thinking. Your parents told you not to do this, because it offended their antiquated notion of morality, even though it's all convenience with no downside. Are you woke or broke?
5 media | 33 replies
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i can't for the life of me understand why a place devoted to the discussion of food has so many people eating fucking pepperoni pizza. it is about one step up from chicken nuggets, and a step down from plain marinara pasta ("im a baby please no basil!!!")
if you're over the age of 18 and dont get any vegetables on your pizza i'm sorry to tell you that you should start taking HRT and wearing knee-highs because you are a femboy
8 media | 42 replies
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*solves fruit*
0 media | 2 replies
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Is Chicken at 165 Overcooked?
1 media | 9 replies
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o (99)
When is it too much?
0 media | 2 replies
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Do you think this is worth 36 bucks with tax etc??
5 media | 57 replies
Greek Turkish coffee/coffee general
Whats the best way tò brew It? I got gifted 100g of Mehmet efendi by a Turkish tourist with his family from edirne. they were heading from Florence to Pisa and stopped at a gas station south of Empoli, I tried It the First time but fucked up because It boiled right after the foam, then the second time I half-fucked up and got a semi crema in Pic rel buy not in other two cups.
How do you do it? And what coffee Is your favorite?
0 media | 1 replies
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I stick my chopsticks in rice, I'm an American and fuck you!
2 media | 30 replies
ITT: Brands you are region-locked out of enjoying
>Franchising conglomerate owns all the Taco Bells in my county AND the surrounding counties
>Every single one of them is dogshit, to the point that I gave up on them years ago
>Tfw try a Taco Bell while on a road trip
> It's actually good.
I have to drive at least an hour to eat at a decent Taco Bell. What brands are regionally unavailable/disgusting in your area?
0 media | 7 replies
Sweet or salted?

Also, how do you prepare it? Stove? Microwave? Shitty microwave bag?
1 media | 10 replies
Hot weather foods
Give me ideas for light meals for hot weather.

Pic related, just had shrimp, veg and rice.
6 media | 28 replies
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What kinds of snacks do you like to have at social functions?
11 media | 71 replies
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comfy fish and chips thread
0 media | 8 replies
How often do you just get a pasta and sauce?
It's about as fast food without getting fast food, and it won't mess up your bowels in the process. Just turn your brain off and boil some water. Throw some parmesan on the end, have a bread with butter or olive oil on the side.
3 media | 19 replies
what can I do with these mild grocery store jalapenos?
6 media | 64 replies
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for me it's chinotto
9 media | 46 replies
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this man has gone completely insane
3 media | 33 replies
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would you eat the blueberry pie I made?
3 media | 14 replies