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Board: /ck/

"/ck/ - Food & Cooking" is 4chan's imageboard for food pictures and cooking recipes.

1. Perfect to marinate.
2. No need to worry about getting it medium-rare...just cook it until it falls apart off your fork.
3. It's fatty and won't burn in your pan or on your grill.
4. Is dirt cheap because half of the population can't eat it.

Give me one reason for why I shouldn't continue to eat it?
0 media | 6 replies
/sip/ - Sip General
Redbull edition

what’s everyone sipping on? just saw this today at walmart, seems to be *slightly* healthier than sugar free cause it has monk fruit extract, but still uses sucralose. least it doesn’t have Ace-K

also picked up sugar free Redbull Pink Edition, will try that out as well. the flavor is “Wild Berries”
1 media | 8 replies
No title
Can someone itemize this?
1 media | 34 replies
What am I mean to do with this?
My mum said it’s filet mingong but it doesn’t look like what I know to be that. Also the bag is full of blood. Not sure how I’m meant to cook this
9 media | 37 replies
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How much are you paying for eggs?
3 media | 32 replies
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i put my drink outside to cool it
1 media | 9 replies
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Boy dinner
3 media | 32 replies
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One of America's signature desserts is a chocolate cake that has been dyed red with a chemical that is made from coal tar sludge and causes cancer and ADHD
3 media | 27 replies
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thoughts on the latest tasteatlas ranking?
3 media | 29 replies
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Just made mac (farfalle, actually) and cheese with buttermilk. It's pretty good. It would have a better texture if i had used some parmesan, but that might be too sharp. I recommend it.
0 media | 3 replies
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Does anyone else’s moms have “cooking competitions” with their friends? My mom has 2 other good friends that hang out all the time for some sort of “happy hour” and they always find some sort of “recipe of the week” to try. I’m always the scape goat when it comes to trying them and deciding which one is best.

I’ll label them mom A, B and C for ease. My mom is B. B is always in the middle, A is always too bland, like it’s okay but not great. It’s comforting, but not something you’d serve in a restaurant. B, my mom, is always smack dab in the middle. Just enough that you’d say “hey this is a good meal”. C always blows them both out of the water (she’s Asian) and has the perfect seasoning and everything. I’ve been scapegoating this for 40 years now.
4 media | 27 replies
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what's the tastiest sausage?
27 media | 83 replies
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>Founded in Hamilton, ON by hockey star Miles Horton
>Grows the business into a Canadian icon, beloved across every province and territory.
>For reasons that aren't immediately clear, the company is sold to Burger King
>Company quietly fires their white, Canadian franchise managers who maintained quality and sanitation standards for decades
>All staff are let go and replaced by ESL pajeets
>Discontinues food services from porcelain/ceramic dishware and replaces them with single use disposable trash
>Quality of customer service declines as nobody that works at Tim Horton's speaks English anymore
>Quality of food declines
>Doughnuts are no longer baked in-house anymore but are frozen and shipped to restaurants to be reheated. Nothing tastes fresh anymore.
>Starts adding bizarre items to menu like pizza
>Advertising shifts from classic feel-good Canadian content to nu-woke interracial slop
>Hepatitis A outbreaks occur in Ontario due to pajeets ignoring sanitation codes (these reports are quickly swept under the rug)
>Franchises falling into visible disrepair due to pajeet management (outdoor sign bulbs burning out and not being replaced, people complaining of flies all around the cooking area)
>Becomes one of the largest employers of "temporary" foreign workers from India and a strong advocate for low skilled ESL workers in Canada
>Menu prices are increased through the roof despite uncompromising efforts to hire minimum wage labor
>Went from being a symbol of Canadian pride to a company hellbent on destroying its reputation while flooding the country with some of the worst immigrants on the planet.

What's next in the Tim Hortons saga? Do you still support them despite their questionable business practices? What lore am I missing?

I stopped going over a year ago. I get my coffee from grocery stores for a cheaper price or support local Canadian owned cafe's out of principle. Pro tip: A&W coffeeis a much higher quality and much better price than Singh Hortons.
0 media | 18 replies
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do you prefer Turkish or Greek food?
1 media | 7 replies
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Found the next meme trash sauce
2 media | 16 replies
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For it's tea sans sugar, fuck stinky coffee.
0 media | 1 replies
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What do you think of pub food and drinks?
What do you normally order?
1 media | 10 replies
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>Hydrates you
>Athlete Approved
>Millions of flavors
>Proven By Science

Is Gatorade the perfect drink?
15 media | 72 replies
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>most overrated jolly rancher flavor
0 media | 2 replies
/ctg/ Coffee Time General

If you're new and confused start here, then ask a few questions:

Previous thread: >>21074328
2 media | 6 replies
Sams Cloob
I going to get a sams membership and do a big shopping tomorrow.
What am in in for? What should I get?

I used to always get a pizza and a rottie chicken at Costco. Are they as good a deal at sams?
I really need to economize this year
2 media | 46 replies
I fucked up /ck/
I start a job as a bartender in 48 hours. What are the 10 to 15 most popular classic cocktails should I know how to make? (Don't need to know shits, it's a trendy upscale casual place where 90% of orders will be from craft cocktail list)... Oh I've never bartended before but I'm a sober alcoholic that until a few months ago was drinking a handle of vodka a day since 2017

Fuck me, I just wanted to be a server because that's my favorite thing to do but it's the only place hiring right now and I live in a tent lol
1 media | 26 replies
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Ethiopian food is delicious.
11 media | 91 replies
UK bongs
I want this thread to serve as a place we can share some sources, websites that we can use to save money and/or get hard-to-find ingredients.
Pic related: this bundle of dried chillies costs £16.66 on Amazon, and it's the cheapest bundle by far on the first few pages (pricier bundles don't even have the 10g of chilli/lime seasoning thingery). I splurge on food compared to most but damn near £17 for less than 1lb of ingredients is a bit steep for me. Anyone know of cheaper alternatives?
I offer up Buy Whole Foods Online. If you want nuts/seeds, lentils/legumes, grains, shit like that in bulk go there. They have good prices and you earn some credits for every item you buy. They have weekly offers going on too, this week you get a free 1kg of cashews if you spend £50. Been buying from them for like 5 years now, good little place to stock up on stuff.
I would have recommended Red Rickshaw but they came under new management last year and kind of went to shit.
But yeah have at it, if you know something say something. Especially if they sell a variety of dried chillies
1 media | 2 replies
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5 media | 24 replies
webm thread
Post cooking related webms in this thread please

thank you
39 media | 170 replies
/tea/ - red sun in the sky edition
fu brick mao
This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>21071393
14 media | 83 replies
/wg/ Whiskey General
What is the second-best budget bourbon behind Old Grand-Dad 114 and its girthy BWC?
10 media | 137 replies
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Eggs. Poached
6 media | 31 replies
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I hate how every time I see this I wanna fucking frape. I dont even like frapes that much but while the girl is an abomination the fucking frape looks so good. I hate how this dumbass ad fucking worked
10 media | 45 replies
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Chicken Burger
37 media | 98 replies
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Does it really suck to be a picky eater? I'm not talking about having an aversion to some odd thing here or there often considered disgusting, but people who can't eat normal foods most people enjoy on a regular frequency
19 media | 238 replies
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Where I live you can't get fresh tomatillos, only canned. Bought a couple cans and tried to make a salsa by blending them with a jalapeno, avocado and salt. Tasted like sour snot. What are some good dishes that can be made with canned tomatillos?
0 media | 4 replies
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Well /ck/?
1 media | 12 replies
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well well well, if it isn't another loaf of ¥329 raisin bread
22 media | 64 replies
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Chicken breast is a dry-ass garbage tier meat and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
0 media | 17 replies
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New to cooking, tried making shepherd’s pie. Pic related is leftovers. How do I get the ground meat to stick to itself without mashing it into the potatoes? Every scoop had the beef crumbling out of the spoon.
1 media | 22 replies
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Which fastfood restaurant has the best breakfast? The only fastfood restaurant that serves breakfast here is McDonald's.
The McDonald's cappuccino is quite good.
4 media | 11 replies
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This has gotta be the most disgusting pizza ever.
5 media | 58 replies
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So I guess the only cooking oil I should use is olive huh? And lard? Everything else seems like it gives you cancer.
0 media | 4 replies
Live cook along
Or as live as circumstances will permit. Venturing outside of my comfort zone, going to try for the first time a salmon pasta with lemon dill cream sauce
Someone bitched about my mise en place last time so I made it as mess in place as I could this time. Also my dumb wife bought skinless salmon so it's going to be shit regardless
7 media | 40 replies
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Is it true that soy sauce is estrogenic and will make me a nu male?
10 media | 53 replies
ITT: Food opinions that will get you crucified
>thin smash burgers with a couple simple toppings are infinitely better than thick ass undercooked slopburgers with grease and sauce and toppings spilling out everywhere
>chicken breast tastes fine on its own and you dont need to drench it in sauce to make it edible. just add some simple seasonings and serve it with vegetables
>undercooked egg yolk is disgusting yellow snot that is only eaten by people who think it makes them cool and quirky to sperg out about "jammy eggs!!!!!!"
>if you cant eat vegetables without smothering them in butter, cream, salt, or other bullshit you are a literal child
>adding water or milk to scrambled eggs is for poor people who don't know any better
>rare or blue steak is fucking disgusting. i dont care who is making it, i dont care if you have some super special method to make it oh so tender and yummy and delicious, i'm ordering my steak medium rare or medium. i understand some people consider eating undercooked food as a sign of manhood, to those people i would ask why they feel the need to defend their manhood in the first place
>that all being said, steak is extremely overrated. pork tastes better and is much more versatile as an ingredient overall. paying 70+ dollars for a single steak is just you being a fuckin gullible moron, not a sign of status
>in general if you believe eating certain foods makes you more of a man you're no better than ancient chinese people thinking you can eat fermented deer penis to cure a cold. prove you're a man by earning a paycheck, not by shoveling slop in your mouth
>freaking out about seed oils is no different from the annoying vegans who say eating eggs will make you die of a heart attack. you arent a nutritionist and 90% of nutritional science is hogwash that will be changed in the next 3 years anyway. i say this as someone who studied diet and nutrition in college, its all pseudoscience mumbo jumbo and most of it is funded by food companies trying to shift public perception
18 media | 108 replies
Poverty comfort food
Stuffing and Chili. 10 bucks is enough to stay full for 4 to 5 days easy
15 media | 59 replies
Best Tallows For Cooking
I want to get into cooking with tallow, what type of tallows do you guys recommend/use? Is there anything that is good enough that I won't be overpaying for just because of the brand name?
1 media | 20 replies
Discount Lamb
I forgot to take first pic but looked good and still had vacuum. Just got it.
Input salt and pepper and garlic powder on them and let let them sit 2 hours
3 media | 13 replies
Ribeye Diet
Today with green beans with cayenne pepper
Turned out perfect. Ate 2 steaks/portions
I'm working at the office tomorrow so it'll be a cheat day (I always have lunch with the colleagues. We're never served ribeye)
4 media | 15 replies
No title
What is the weirdest food you’ve eaten
17 media | 91 replies
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ITT: Funny food related stories. I’ll start:

>be cooking dinner
>go to take chicken from out the oven
>burn my hands in the process
>go rush to sink to run cool water over my hands
>in my haste, dogs have eaten the chicken
20 media | 125 replies
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Whats the key to a great sub?
25 media | 125 replies
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Anyone else go crazy with dipping sauces? I need all of them.
1 media | 16 replies
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What's the fucking point /ck/?

Every single day I cook all my meals from scratch from breakfast to dinner, I spend more than 1 hour peeling and cutting vegetables, trimming meat, making sauces, cooking the actual food, assembling it and cleaning everything included the kitchen when I'm done, all of this to put something in a dish that will be gone in a few bites and less than 10 minutes.

I like cooking but I feel like it's a waste of time and energy, I'm so depressed that despite all the technique and love I put into it everything tastes bland and I can't feel nothing at all.

Sometimes I just feel like giving up and start eating pizza and fast food, I don't know, because having to think what to eat meal after meal, having to buy groceries and planning in advance give me anxiety. I wish I was a kid with my mom taking care of everything food related for me, I can't take it anymore bros.
4 media | 18 replies
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ok so we all know about peanut m&m's, right? little chocolate ovals with peanuts in the middle? but what about m&m's with skittles in the middle?
2 media | 18 replies
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This kinda seems like a retarded thread to make but I'm curious
How do you guys drink water on a regular basis? Tap? Filter? Bottled? Do you have a strong opinion on any option? Which is most economical in your eyes?
7 media | 49 replies
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What was the most dodgy shit you ever ate and got away with it?
24 media | 209 replies
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Best nut?
1 media | 21 replies
Air Fryers
meme fryer
I assume some people got a meme fryer for Christmas or maybe gifted one
So what's the best thing to cook in this shit? Seems convenient for single meals but every recipe I see on websites looks really basic
9 media | 81 replies
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Australia has gone too far.
5 media | 27 replies
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That's it, tomorrow I'll go carnivore. No more slop, no more poorfag carb rotation and the two or three items needed to make a somewhat decent meal. I'll just spend that money on getting double the protein, cook on a pan with one of the dozen spices and sauces I never finished, and eat that shit every day.

0 media | 13 replies
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there's a misconception that croissants are Austrian. actually the Austrian bread that inspired to croissant, which is a French invention, looks like this
1 media | 10 replies
How to Use an Airfryer
Air fryer
>Work in a grocery store
>Meat department.
>Have to make "samples" everyday.
>Usually bacon, sausages and burger patties. >Sometimes we take "liberties"
>Make shit like steaks, porkchops and random other things.
>Basically whatever we wagies want to eat that day.
>Used to just have a basic griddle
>Was GOD of the griddle
>"Samples" so good even management loved when we took "liberties"
>Griddles breaks
>Get air fryer
I have never used an airfryer in my life, how do I use this thing and cook top tier "samples" Fryer was only $20 and can go up to 400F. Total noob to this thing. Please explain basics, advanced, anything. Its a fucking grocery store so everything is accessible
0 media | 6 replies
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I am dinning good meat tonight with my relatives, it's y first time behind the grill
1 media | 15 replies
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Do you eat food in your car?
2 media | 28 replies
Anyone who does cake decoration professionally?
basket weave design
Hey. Just want to check whether anyone here does cake decorating for a living.

I chose this career path because I thought I enjoyed it and I'm quite good at it. I work at a moderately sized chain's bakery. I had to make 50 basket weave cakes yesterday. My wrists hurt to the point it hurt just opening my laptop :'). The pay isn't too good either. For a skilled professional I barely earn higher than a McDonald's worker. And that's after 3 years of professional experience on top of decorating cakes since early teens.

Is it any better elsewhere?
Feel free to ask me about anything cake decorating too, if you want to.
0 media | 45 replies
mom and pop italian?
TIL Chef Boyardee ravioli is available in #10 cans. Imagine where they're slopping this into bowls and telling people it's mom's recipe
2 media | 15 replies
Cookie thread
Post your cookies
Homemade or... otherwise...
Dark chocolate oatmeal granola
Different from my usual batch but quite good
Could've used a tad bit more salt
14 media | 36 replies
No title
I know this board takes cooking seriously, so was wondering what local sources do you get your ingredients? Surely none of you go to corporate supermarkets of any brand name which is just slop-tier and fast-food tier quality compared to local markets where you get fresh ingredients, right?
0 media | 16 replies
Aloe Vera Juice
How do I make aloe vera juice tasty? Add some honey maybe?
5 media | 46 replies
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>makes every mom-n-pop restaurant/bar and grill menu the same
9 media | 149 replies
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Should I do it fellow cu/ck/s?
0 media | 5 replies
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Which hot sauce is the best?
12 media | 53 replies
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>grocery store didn't have any real feta from greece
>bought canadian goat cheese "feta" instead
I knew it wouldn't be as good, but this doesn't even taste remotely like feta at all. It just tastes like regular cheese. I knew it wasn't going to be the real deal and I still feel like I've been defrauded.

Why is this legal?

I hate the Canadian dairy cartel so much it's unreal, they get state protectionism and their products aren't even good.
1 media | 11 replies
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15 media | 105 replies
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What does it actually add?
2 media | 30 replies
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Eat your wings the right way
Do you eat your wings the right way or /ck/?
3 media | 10 replies
How the hell is this the top selling soft drink in America? Every time I taste coca-cola I think "Yuck! Who the hell drinks this?" I'd rate the taste a 2/10 compared to Dr. Pepper (the 2nd most popular drink) which I'd rate an 8.5/10
1 media | 22 replies
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Ok guys, where should I go for a good lamb on a spit in Zagreb?
1 media | 21 replies
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Never buying Costco bacon again
5 media | 65 replies
im slow cooker pilled
crock pot
Did anyone here finally reject the instant pot and come back to the crock pot once they realized how good stews and pot roasts are from slow cookers?

I grew up with pressure cookers/instant pots. I wondered why my stews and pot roasts were always a shit, rubbery mess. Then, I got crock pot pilled one day at a pot luck. Bought an el cheapo from the store and never went back to the pressure cooker

>throw in meat plus veg plus spices
>'low' setting for 8+ hours
>literally a michelin star gourmet meal every time that is so tender its unbelievable

im slow cooker pilled
2 media | 23 replies
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what's the point of the big ass hole in the middle
1 media | 18 replies
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Is it sauce or gravy?
2 media | 19 replies
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Yogurt males get in here
26 media | 156 replies
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I'm proud, this is my first time cooking for real, not just a sandwich or different types of eggs.
holy shit, anons, why didn't anyone tell me cooking is fun?

post first meals or just feel good stuff if you want. I hope you have a peaceful night and/or day.

I cooked this with fajita meat, cayenne pepper and lemon marinade for half an hour, boiled diced potatoes and carrots, celery, salt and threw an egg in there just because. I overdid the lemon a bit, bit still tasty. I'm so happy right now.
4 media | 20 replies
It really is the best seafood.

Relatively cheap, easy to prepare, almost pure edible meat, strong and distinct flavor, low on the food chain, works with any flavor profile.
6 media | 33 replies
No title
>stainless steel
>look inside
2 media | 13 replies
No title
>flip egg
>yolk pops
6 media | 24 replies
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What's the point of a quesadilla? Isn't it just a harder-to-eat burrito, partly deconstructed?
2 media | 14 replies
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Soneone on /int/ just told me olive oil doesn't do well at high temps so I should put lard or tallow or coconut butter on my baked potato in the oven.

Have you ever heard of such barbarism?
11 media | 56 replies
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Chocolate Beggars
78 media | 151 replies
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What are your essential cheap, healthy and high-calorie college meals?
0 media | 12 replies
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British mature cheedar is completely underrated in the world of fine gourmet cheeses and I’m tired of pretending it isn’t.
16 media | 79 replies
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Dinner Is Terrible - The Atlantic
She’s right
4 media | 41 replies
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Great Value Frosted Cherry Toaster Pastries
Why does nobody talk about walmart's official takes on popular brands of snack foods?
They're one of the only options left that don't outright taste like chemicals.
5 media | 73 replies
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*makes a crappy burrito in your path*
6 media | 43 replies
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I made this and I think you should look at it (in 2D)
12 media | 38 replies
Veganism General
A thread for discussion of plant-based food & cooking.
2 media | 11 replies
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Curry is absolute trash, smells bad, tastes bad. Why would anyone subject themselves to the shit?
0 media | 7 replies
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God I miss it so much bros
2 media | 15 replies
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France alone invented tasty food. Before the French created cuisine, the world ate a variation of gruel, watery soup, or fried rat.
5 media | 15 replies
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I made crepes today.
This one's filled with mascarpone cream (made to go with panettone) and mango.
0 media | 14 replies
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meatballs 2
i made spaghetti and meat balls for the first time

the meatballs are very soft, such that i can slice through them lightly with my fork, revealing an interior glistening with moisture. the sauce is sweet and acidic which compliments the richness of the meatballs

one thing the recipe did not include that i put was a half cup of ricotta cheese into the meatballs. it is interesting and i can definetly taste it in the finished dish. would i do that again? probably but with a quarter cup instead. also i would put fennel seeds in there too and see what happens
1 media | 11 replies
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what's your favorite börek variety?
4 media | 19 replies
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Do these work?
4 media | 37 replies
Meals that give you this face?
Stick with me. This is gonna sound gross, but PLEASE read until the end
>Wanted to make arayes
>Didn't have pita bread so I used a folded up tortilla
>Didn't have plain greek yogurt so I used 2 spoons of vanilla yogurt cut with wasabi sauce and mixed to a light green.
I expected it to be guyslop, but the wasabi did... something. It was incredible. I'm going to make it again. The vanilla flavor disappeared under the wasabi and was replaced with a luscious cream flavor; the wasabi burn was muted by the yogurt and provided instead a wonderful floral sensation, and lastly the burgers provided the delicious and juicyness, with a hint of spice.

It was fucking incredible. I don't know what to call this. What the fuck did I just make>
1 media | 21 replies
Pizza Time
Title says it all
12 media | 55 replies
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Is there a more iconic duo in cooking?
3 media | 29 replies
this shit is literally the perfect human food
>contains almost every single micronutrient
>protein is even more absorbable than meat and eggs
>literally tastes good just on its own (unlike beanslop)
>easy to prepare and can be cooked in a million different way
>loads of energy from carbs
>0 anti-nutrients (very little in the skin, unlike beanslop)
>cheap af
>the irish man used to live off a diet of 6kg of potatoes a day (+ some buttermilk on occasion)

why aren't you potatomaxxing? this is the food god intended us to be eating
11 media | 46 replies
Biscuits and gravy
Here are the biscuits and gravy I once had at a hotel in Livonia, Michigan.
2 media | 6 replies
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>don't mind me just pirating this yeast!
1 media | 1 replies
Do other anons fuck with this?
It's taco meat and salsa mixed together. I've never met another person who eats crispy tacos with the shells broken in half like this
1 media | 16 replies
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ts b hitting really good, iukyk
1 media | 5 replies
Suckling pigs
I got a smoker, and two questions.

1. Are they hard to smoke?
2. How many people does 7 - 10 lbs of suckling pig serve (bones and organs go out obviously)
0 media | 23 replies
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Did you know a sushi cook has to study up to 20 YEARS how to make this complex dish, until he can call himself a true Itamae?
13 media | 70 replies
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I saw this "weed" drink at the liquor store. Gonna give it a try. No alcohol, just thc and cbd.
5 media | 15 replies
No title
Ever get fast food, then plate it and eat it at your desk?
1 media | 16 replies
Beer Thread
Do you guys like beer? I like beer. I drink nothing but beer nowadays.
Post your favorite, mine's pic related. Fuckin sellabraytoor! Absolutely delicious, it just sucks that it's over 20 American pesos for a 4pack.

I love me some dark brews, stouts are my favorite.
How about you?
7 media | 22 replies
Carne asada thread
I've been unsatisfied with my carne asada attempts most of the time. When it comes out perfect it's because I bought meat from the butcher with their marinade already mixed in with it. What I want to figure out is, what can I marinade my meat in to accomplish the same thing?
>Pic related, my unsuccessful homemade marinade
I want something that crisps nicely and doesn't taste overwhelmingly of lime juice
I've thought of going back to trying to mix in mayo, or something, but somebody here must have it figured out by now
I cook them on stainless steel, not over a grill
2 media | 13 replies
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the time has come
4 media | 14 replies
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Coq on the 'log
I made Coq au vin. It was good.
4 media | 35 replies
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Oriental flavor bros, we lost…
21 media | 94 replies
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Got this as a gift. What do I do with it?
0 media | 18 replies
Fun thread
What's the best item Taco Bell had lol
32 media | 118 replies
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How would u rank their cuisine from worst to best?
1 media | 15 replies
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brie focacia
the union of French and Italian
0 media | 8 replies
Screenshot_20250108_100530_Amazon Shopping
Does anyone else like drinks? What are the best drinks
0 media | 2 replies
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4 media | 24 replies
boiled eggs
>the universal joke when someone doesn't know how to cook is:
>"he can't even boil an egg"
>try to boil eggs to the point when the white is solid but the inside runny
>fail every time
>can cook meats, bake, make soups, all kinds of things but this
Really how do you boil eggs to make them runny with solid whites?
What's the method. Hard boiled is easy compared.
2 media | 51 replies
No title
Is cheeseburger macaroni the ultimate bachelor chow?
1 media | 8 replies
/ctg/ Coffee Time General
Happy New Year
Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

New Year New Me edition

If you're new and confused start here, then ask a few questions:

If you're old and confused whats in your first cup of the year?

Previous thread:>>21068661
53 media | 327 replies