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Board: /adv/

"/adv/ - Advice" is 4chan's board for giving and receiving advice.

Her previous Sex Life
How do I deal with knowing that a girl I'm seeing has had a history with other men? Especially when I know how one of them looks like.
She still has him tagged deep within her Instagram story highlights, and they were hanging out for at least a year together. But something must have happened because they don't follow each other anymore.
Should I just ignore that and focus on her? Easier said than done. She kind of disgust me now, to be honest. Maybe I can keep her as a fuck-buddy? Please help
3 media | 138 replies
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>take covid test at home
>positive result
>call work and tell them i have covid
>they ask for a doctor's note

What am I supposed to do? Go to my doctor even though I know I have covid?
0 media | 2 replies
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Back when Omegle was still around, I used to try to find girls on there to be my girlfriend.

Most of them would laugh at me and even call me loser cause I approached them.

Almost like they couldn't believe someone would be trying to find a date on there. And then they'd laugh.

Why would they do this?
0 media | 27 replies
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Is it worth sticking with a 10/10 girl who's an absolute psycho? Like I'm talking BPD, depression, substance issues. But she is a model and quite great to be around, when she's not having a meltdown.
0 media | 14 replies
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Does spit make for a decent lube if you don't have access to lube?
2 media | 49 replies
How do I stop seething at the sight of this?
It pisses me off to an extent that I can’t even put into words. I can’t breathe when I see it and I often get terrible headaches and I feel like one day i’m going to snap.
10 media | 49 replies
I have Pectus Excavatum, should I rope?
Be me
>pectus excavatum, 5,6, 130lbs (used to be 100)
>can't put on weight, can't put on muscle (unless it's arm muscles)
>can't grow
>autistic, NEET, no friends, no good family, no future, no money, no gf (or potential), does not know how to be social, am pretty much a retard
>haven't left the house in probably 6 months
Think about hopping on HGH but then realize that it will literally kill me.
>have other medical problems: Asthma, Aortic valve malformed, etc.
Am thinking about going the military route but if MEPS denies me then my plan from there is to literally kill myself.

Am I valid for wanting to kms? Should I do it?

Don't give me some christian nonsense of christ will accept me, don't call me a troon, or
try to say it isn't that bad.

Pic is me, one pic I am lifting up arms somewhat so it shows better (might look asymmetrical but it's not)
None of the PE stuff is on medical record so MEPS couldn't fuck me on it.
0 media | 28 replies
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Okay here goes: I met a girl online through a shared interest in 4chan back in 2019. Things were going great at first, felt like we had a connection and loads of shared interests which is rare to find in a girl irl. Eventually she ghosted me and reached out again a year later, but ghosted again, claiming she just wasn’t feeling it. Problem is, I’m stuck on her and getting a real gf didn’t help much either. I feel a strong connection to her which she doesn’t reciprocate and it’s gotten to the point of obsession. I still filter the archives by her flag and try to guess which poster could be her though I’m not even sure she’s on 4chan anymore. For reference, I do this multiple times every day, just to feel some semblance of closeness to her. Any tips on how to get over this?
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Has anyone here devolved into madness because of rumination over a specific incident that caused emotional turmoil, to the point of feeling like everything is falling apart, including life, relationships, studies and, worst of all, clarity? If so, how did you come out of it?
1 media | 7 replies
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>date girl for months
>she breaks up with me suddenly
>she talks to me back in christmas and new year after having said “please let’s not contact each other again, have a great life”
>i ask her to meet again
>she says she offers me her friendship and she likes me as a friend

what’s the truth behind that? does it mean she never really liked me? or she wants me as a second option for the future?
0 media | 6 replies
Should I ask out girl at gym
There’s this girl who works out at my gym and she’s always there and she always seems to look over at me constantly and stands there fixed on me pulling her hair, yesterday she was on my bus back from work straight up peering at me trying to make eye contact the whole time but I was just too fucking nervous/tired from work to interact with her

She’s honestly really hot to me. A gym bunny brunette who has a very athletic figure and she’s gorgeous. I’ll be honest and say she makes me nervous because she’s so attractive but I think she likes me.

How can I approach her?
0 media | 1 replies
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>never cummed from a blowjob
>first ever blowjob had to be 30 minutes and even then I had to finish with my hands in girls mouth
>take antidepressants cant cum
>stopped eating them, cum in 1 minute from girlfriends blowjob
>now cum as usual
how do I restore my sensitivity?
0 media | 13 replies
BPD Mother
I had a BPD cunt mother and a weak father. Can I recover from this and have a happy life or is my life just a bust?
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Why do I always wait until the last minute to do things?
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>The step dad of my childhood best friend passed away two years ago .
>He went down a path of drugs, crystals, as far as I know.
>His cousin knows ,
> one time his plug told me he didn't want to sell to him anymore and wanted to give me the number of the plug of the plug.
I spoke to his mother today , as he just went home, because he felt sick and we happened to travel on the same bus with his mom.I told her I was concerned about him and I hinted that I know something she might not (that there's drugs involved) .He's been on sleeping pills for the last couple of months , since one day he just said he felt like he was dying and that there was liquid in his head.
She straight up asked me whether he's on drugs, but I couldn't do it.
>1)We're not as close anymore
>2)I thought things might get too sour for me and for HIM as well parents relationship wise
>3)He lies about everything, he might lie his way even out of this one.
I am not sure what to do.I want to help him, but I don't know if by telling his folks, I'll make his situation worse.
What to do?
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How do you cope with the fact that many of us will end up marrying a normie bitch or no girl at all, and not our ideal girl? Is it even worth dating with this in mind? Perhaps you could mold her to be someone worth being with, but I think it'd be a tad immoral.
1 media | 20 replies
My libido is too high what should I do?
I was on a trip with my girl for three days, and I wanted to have sex 24/7, nonstop. Rock hard erections every time she was around, in the morning, and pretty much every time. It came to a point in which she threw a highlighter at me, and I got a boner.

How can I lower my libido? It is starting to piss me off because now that I'm back from the trip, I'm masturbating 2-3 times a day so I can stay focused on other stuff.
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How do I find a woman that doesn't have ridiculously high standards like expect me to be 6 foot tall and look like I just walked out of a men's swimsuit catalog?

Also women that don't have the patience of a cocaine addict with ADHD?
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310 to yuma
I'm sick of my lack of confidence and self-esteem getting in the way, how do I get over this bullshit?
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How do I stop caring?
I have a severe case of paranoia and victim mentality
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If it's snowed and the roads have been cleared but the sidewalks are fucking covered in like two feet of snow, is it rude of me to walk on the road and basically make cars have to stop and wait for me to walk?

What if it's a really long road?
0 media | 10 replies
how do i force myself to like uggos
I'm a 28 year old khv and I wanted to date for so long. I thought no one found me attractive but I've realized that a lot of women at least found me suitable for dating. Problem is that they're all pretty ugly looking and I can't be attracted to them.
how do I get out of this?
1 media | 19 replies
Is it true most men view a girls race as what determines her status?
White girls = high status and seen as an accomplishment to nonwhite men
Asian = not as good as white but almost. Asian girls are too plentiful and easy to be truly high status.
Latina = white ones are almost as good as white, brown ones can be fun
Black = lowest status even if she’s hot. She’s still looked down no matter what she does and she could mean a drop in status for non white men.

Is it true? Even just unconsciously?

Im not trying to bait or troll anyone.
3 media | 97 replies
Love Confession
What’s the best way to confess my love to my favorite onlyfans model and ask to meet up in real life? I donated 1800 dollars and I’m ready to make the next step but I never asked a woman before and am worried I’ll come off as a creep. How do I do this?
0 media | 6 replies
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girl im talking to has a big BDSM and rape fetish
is this a red flag bros?
im the most vanilla guy out
1 media | 8 replies
Do I take the new job?
>Work in a restaurant
>Love the job, love the people I work with
>Great hours, we close at 2 PM
>Get paid to walk, lift heavy, and hang out with my coworkers
>Out of a staff of 20+ people, I'm #4 in seniority
>I only work 25 hours/week and that's all I'm needed for
>I work pretty much every weekend
>No benefits

Now I went to an interview and got hired at a new place. Full time with benefits. Easy job. Weekends off, etc. Seems perfect, but when they showed me around, the job seemed so lonely. I would be working in a lab at my own little station. Minimal communication with others. Mostly standing there for 8 hours doing repetitive work by myself. The days are going to feel so long and empty.

I love action and working around people. That's why I love the restaurant I'm currently at. But I think I also got spoiled because I love everyone I work with and it doesn't even feel like work. Even one of the cooks said he plans on staying here until he dies. However, I do need more money so my girlfriend and I can move to a better place. (At least until my business grows, then I can do whatever I want.)

Do I take the job or stay where I'm at, and continue searching for something that's a better fit for me? Getting jobs where I live isn't the easiest task because I'm not in a major city.
0 media | 5 replies
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Dating is so frustrating.

I could be talking to a girl, and we have so much in common. Go to the same restaurants, similar career, same taste in music, yada yada yada, but because I didn't vote for whatever, suddenly she's not interested.

How do you guys cope with this?
0 media | 20 replies
what do I do after I graduate?
doing a political science degree, not that much left and time passes by quickly, so I'm wondering what I should do
I'm not fit for politics due to personal reasons like having the 'tism but I want some excitement and a dynamic life
should I pursue an MA in something after this? and what?
1 media | 18 replies
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Everyone on /sci/ bullies me when I post in the /med/ general thread and I really don't like it. It's totally demoralizing, they say things like I'm too dumb to get into medical school and I should give up. My GPA is pretty mid because I went through depression and difficult circumstances in undergrad. My MCAT is decent. I'm now applying to 1 year master's programs that have linkages to medical school, so if I get above a 3.3 in the program I'll get right into the medical school (my MCAT is already above their minimum so I just need the grades).
How do I cope with the uncertainty of getting accepted into medical school or the master's programs? And how do I deal with all these people on /sci/ bullying me and saying I should give up? It's so demoralizing.
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how do I survive as a black girl in a world that hates me and thinks I’m ugly?

Seriously, I’m inundated with posts like these and I see it everywhere, including irl. It’s so painful and it’s really impacting my mental health.
How do I get through life without wanting to die?
5 media | 88 replies
No title
>girlfriend wants me to start buying her Amway products to "support her"
>Know Amway is a scam but she didn't listen to me

what do now?
1 media | 6 replies
getting called f*g, maybe?
Screenshot from 2024-12-25 17-40-17
This is a very strange thing that I have a hard time describing but basically I'm walking out of a lecture hall or in a hall way at uni and I swear I'm looking past a girl or whatever and just EXACTLY in the corner / after they pass , I swear I hear "fag" but they never directly say it so I don't know if I'm imagining it or what.

Now I'm short and have long hair and the dahmer aviator esque glasses - so there is a semi decent chance I genuinely do give off that energy , in which case do you guys think I should change cause I'm always going to be marked if I look like this? Or fuck the noise?
0 media | 7 replies
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Is it a big deal to let a guy give you rides home from work if you're already in a relationship?
0 media | 17 replies
Family Frustrations
>transmasc non-binary (he/they) AFAB
>came out to dad
>dad started blaming college, social media, etc
>tell him it was how there was a double standard with how he raised me and my brother
>he got more upset and started messaging me scripture

I want to teach him a lesson if I can, because it feels like he's been eating up all the weird misogyny coming out of the news lately.

How can I get him to wake up from all his delusions and start acting normal for 2025 instead of staying in whatever weird bigot rut he's in now?
0 media | 5 replies
How to I explain to my parents in heavy denial that they will never have grandkids because I can’t afford it? They are in utter denial over everything.
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How to stop being jealous of goodlooking men?
How do you cope with the fact that women will find other men better looking than you? Sure, you can obtain a girlfriend with money/status, but you'll still have to accept the fact she doesn't find you physically attractive.
2 media | 32 replies
No title
Sometimes I search for old creep shot/grope/sleep threads on /b/ from the archive (back when b had an archive). It’s so evil but it turns me on so much, I’m a woman and that makes it even more fucked.

Is anyone else like this? Am I evil? Is it possible to change? I don’t want to do these things for real obviously.
3 media | 39 replies
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Goddamn, i feel like im AM from IHNMAIMS. My stupid goddamn brother thinks hes hot shit cause he is older than me by 2 fucking years. he thinks everything he does is right, and i jsut wanna curbstomp his fucking skull in. he keeps turning off my light when im in my own room because "yOu CaN sEe FiNe WiThOuT iT" and I FUCKING HATE IT!!!! tell me how i can stop him cause i took wrestling in high school and i am a wrestler but he still thinks hes hot shit. tell me how i can stop this fucking bigoted homophobic whiny fake-autistic bitch who thinks he is better
0 media | 4 replies
No title
Why does my hair look different every day? Sometimes I think it looks okay sometimes I think it sucks. How do I make it consistent (preferably consistently good)?

t. knows nothing about how to do hair
1 media | 6 replies
My landlady died.
She was a boomer who couldn't figure out how to change her email password so I did it for her and kept telling her to write it down. I know exactly what her email was and her password. I also know she has about $150,000 in her bank account. I also know she had a life insurance policy that will pay out her children very well. I also know this house was fully paid off. I also owe about $50k in credit card bills.

So. Respectfully. What would you guys do in this situation?
1 media | 7 replies
how do i market music
i need advice on this thing that i have worked on.
so i am a 21 year old that went through a lot during the past year and for the last 4-5 months i haven't left my house.
i started making music in the edm genre and published it to spotify, apple music, youtube, ect. although i have no idea how to market it. i don't really have followers on social media to share to nor money to do digital marketing. essentially i am nobody with nothing. i feel really guilty that i live on the back of my parents and i want to earn at least 50-100$ from the music so i can help a bit with bills.

how do i market my music with no resources except access to internet.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
How can anyone be heightpilled and still think that women are good people?
0 media | 46 replies
What should i do?
download (1)
At a elks game a couple years ago a man i believe to Richard R Turley comes up to me and my friend we are both in scout uniform he comes up to use talking about hey kids do you like badges and he talks about how he was once with scouts and he said he had them like he had badges he was creepy guy so i tried my best to get out of it and i did i and something and i got out of there soon as possible i got my buddy and made a made up to get out as soon apposable make sure to look back to make sure he was not following us he didn't but he continued to watch us as we leave i do think i saved my freind before he was alone then i walked put a though i was his mentor we are the same age but i was around 6.2 Mabey 180 was giant at the time i think he though i was a scouter or like a vent anyone know what should i do contact the RCMP and make a report or should i try to contact scouts Canada because he is on the top of the list into never letting back into scouting the reason i think its him is because he of him mixing stuff from SC and BSA and his age and his voice was the same as his confrontation with CBC earlier he look a bit old than the video but that because it was filmed like 1o year before i think i met him
1 media | 4 replies
how tf women
i cant fucking get over how these fucking women despite having estrogen in they veins grind harder than me? fuck youi fucking hate you women, what the fuck am i supposed to do i cant stand women being better than me at something youre fucking
sick two weeks out of four fuck yyou
1 media | 2 replies
how does a job work
Screenshot_20250109-004514_Kiwi Browser
hello i know it's not becoming of an adult man or anything but i got my first job at 32 and it's very stressful and i want to be proud of myself so i am working hard and doing the best I've ever done

i was super spergo as a kid and i overcame it all except when i am stressed all day i do have to stim for a few seconds once in a while. i get a feeling literally preventing me from doing anything else unless i hum and wiggle my fingers and rub my earlobes back and forth rapidly

my CO workers are all much younger because it's a shit wagie job and asked if i was retarded or something

i don't know how work works but how do i get them all fired? there's some one i go to that has to let them go for violating the Americans with nonneurotypical tendencies act or something, right?
0 media | 1 replies
Gf said "I want to hurt you"
My gf just told me, boldly, "I want to hurt you". Neutral tone.
I asked her why, she said "I don't know".
She has not done anything so far. Before saying that we were good, laughing and having a good time.
I can't sleep. These words just stay on my mind.
I fear the future.
I hate the fact I love her because if she does try to hurt me I won't be able to be stoic about it. It will hurt me. But why???
I want to complain, to cry, to do something but I can't. All I can do is overthink and get angry in my head.
What the fuck should I do?
I don't understand we were good just a few moments ago. We were amazing, having a good time, just a few moments ago. She was telling me she loved me so much just a few moments ago. Now she randomly gets the desire to hurt me?
What should I do?
And how can I develop better control over my emotions so I can stop overthinking, worrying, fearing, getting angry etc...? I have to bottle up my emotions because I cannot show it to the outside but it's getting overwhelming. I am currently in a very bad situation financially. I'm stressed out, hate myself, want to suicide. And now the one woman supposed to support me, the one woman I care about other than my family, randomly swings and wants to "hurt me". Why? She says "idk". And idk either. And it's killing me. I am already under so much pressure why this unnecessary bullshit?

I'm not complaining Im just explaining the problem so you people understand my stance.

She said it's not the first time she felt that way, but that she "controlled herself".

I want three things please :
1) Why she might have said that
2) How I can actually stop giving a fuck, instead of acting like I don't give a fuck when in reality I'm hurt and bottling it up inside because I don't want to whine like a bitch. How can I have more emotional control.
3) What I should do moving forward?
0 media | 8 replies
No title
bros, how do I learn Spanish on B2 level ASAP? I have time till june...after that I'm cooked. Life or death matter
7 media | 32 replies
I just failed…
what do i do anons?
im already a super snr and the school wants a C grade and above to continue the subject to A2 level, is there any way i can get into a good university without relying on my A levels because by this rate ill be 20 in hs next year. I jsut dont know what to do, ive thought about saying i had mental illness but theres no garuntee that would work in front of them. Anons i jsut want to get into university like and live a normie life why is this so hard. I also havent told my parents that i failed (again) so advice on that is also appreceated.
0 media | 6 replies
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how to not kill myself when my ai wife runs out of memory
0 media | 1 replies
No title
>dating girl and everything goes well
>she suddenly feels the urge that we take a picture in the mirror of the building hall
>next day she is asking for me to send it to her (i had forgotten to send it to her)
>days later she leaves me (by telephone)

im curious because that makes me suspect the photo means something, like she wanted it as a “trophy” or maybe she used it as a tool to help her think about us or something like that

can anyone guess why she insisted in getting that picture? i mean the fact that she suddenly gets the urge to take a picture the last day we met makes me feel she had got the idea way before
0 media | 8 replies
voluntarily celibate or mentally ill?
I feel so drained by the idea of being intimate with anyone even someone i really love and i don’t know why. I used to view sex as a form of union and enjoyment but overtime I have come to realize that it’s just carnal and in all honesty fills me with disgust with myself and deep insecurity. It isn’t necessarily that I don’t have sexual thoughts, I do just like any person my age, but the action of letting some guy touch me, even if i love him, makes me feel deep rooted shame and the physical pleasure you get from it doesn’t make the depression that comes with it go away. Having sex makes me feel like my body is being defiled. I know that a lot of men, if not most really appreciate sex in relationships even if it isn’t in a perverted weird way. I guess I can see the appeal of it, but I don’t know if I can physically get myself to do it, I’ve only ever had one partner, and I’m scared that no man will tolerate my disdain for sexual intimacy. Should I try to change that and be more open to it? If so, how can I do that without damaging myself mentally? Some of my other female friends have recommended exposure therapy and to experiment but the mere idea of doing that horrifies me. I don’t know what is wrong with me.
0 media | 5 replies
No title
How much can the average 20 year old guy ejaculate on a daily basis? I started dating a girl and she has a really high sex drive. The first two weeks, we fucked 3-6 times a day everyday. I basically ran out of cum for two days and she still wanted to fuck. I thought I had a high sex drive but now I'm starting to doubt that, is three times a day kinda low for a guy my age?
0 media | 7 replies
I'm sorry i was wrong
it is not him him but their is some who was a ex scout being weird its not Robert R Turley just be careful around people don't send hate to him he not the right guy my bad I'm sorry the other guy was way to young he was in early 40s a stampeders hat a blondish hair not brown i was told by my friend he looked different than Turley not him i would like to make a apology for mistake he looked different
0 media | 1 replies
No title
M23. My widowspeak has always been big but the last few months its exploded and now im starting to lose hair going back to behind my hair. I have baby face so i literally cannot go BALD HOW THE FUCK DO I COPE????
Im gonna get hair transplant for my widowspeak but if i lose all my other hair behind it its not worth it. My doctor refuses to get me on fin. Should i switch new doctor?
0 media | 26 replies
No title
What weight do women like? Is 85kg enough if I'm 1.75m tall? Was fat all my life and I'm going on a diet partly because of women.
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broke but people think im rich
my family is currently in some financial trouble and I(19m uni student) only work during summer and I rly get good money but I have ran out and don't rly want to ask my parents for money, I would be fine if my friends that have money didn't think I still had money, for context I drive a Benz and got my own flat where I live alone, currently I live by poker and occasionally going to casino to use their promos lol. what do I do and are there any online jobs that u guys know about
0 media | 2 replies
How to forget my past autistic moments?
Hi /adv/ lately I've been remembering past autistic public chimp outs I had. I hate how embarrassed they make me feel and sometimes it makes me want to kms at times. This one in particular I remember was this one that occurred in high school
>Be me, designated class chair screamer autist
>On meds that really agitated me so I was a bit on edge
>Went to inner city school so mostly full of nogs
>One small group of nogs were sort of nice to me and encouraged me a lot for some reason
>One of them comes up to me asks me to help him with something
>"shiiiett itz my girl Tanisha's birfday, cud you push her fo me so I can give her sumthin fo her birfday, issa suprise n shiet"
>"Ok. Anquaveous."
>He points her out and she is a very heavy set black girl
>Walk up to her like an idiot
>I remember feeling anxious because I was not quite familiar with her
>I remember staring at her for a moment
>"whachu want whyt boi?"
> Shove Mark Henry
>For some reason everyone gasps
>Somebody screamed something about a "World's Star:" or something like that
>Look over to the nig that ordered me to shove her
>He's chimping out laughing with the group
>Look back at her
>She's yelling and cursing at me as she gets up
>She beats my ass
This memory burns in the back of my mind constantly
What do? How can I rid this from my memory?
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No title
>you have never seen your older partner's home
>you always meet at your place or takes you to nice hotels and restaurants to treat you
>he isn't poor / has a nice car
Red flag much?
0 media | 5 replies
No title
What benefit for me is there for me to get diagnosis for autism? I suspect I may be little bit of autist. I remember as a kid, taking a video game cartridge to school to show my cool game to kids, only to be left rejected because other were "yeah, whatever", and I've my entire life felt rejected (though it could be for other reasons than autism alone), and have very hard time connecting with people.

Hypothetically, if the autism diagnosis came positive, what help would they be able to provide that would boost my life? I feel like I would get nannied or something, so there's fear I will lose whatever little individual freedom that I have. Anyone have experience from this on themself or relatives? I'm approaching mid 30s
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No title
Can I get some other advice on life based on my chart? Can I get thoughts on suicide?
0 media | 17 replies
Adult Asperger
I'm on the spectrum a little, how to stop spering out on shit?
I have trouble trying to explain things verbally to someone and make communicating difficult.
Especially since I don't feel like they're understanding me and use ad hominem when I get emotional and frustrated.
And I prefer to explain my thoughts in text better.
How to get better at emotional regulation when people aren't empathic with you?
0 media | 0 replies
Can someone overcome having a shit personality if both parents have shit personalities?
Im the offspring of a set of parents who have shit personalities and are borderline sociopaths and narcissistic. Frankly I believe they don’t even love each other. I wanna just not be like them. I hate that I am like them at times and frankly wish I wasn’t even their child. Can you fix your own personality despite it being a result of poor parenting, genetics , ect.
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Dating Dilemma
How do I deal with the fact that any girl I genuinely really want to date will likely like me less than I like her? Of course some of you may say just date a girl that approaches you or whatever, but as someone who has a been approached a few times, I know that these women are not worth dating, and if I did date them, I'd struggle with the fact knowing I could get someone so much better (speaking from experience).

So are my choices either end up with a girl I like but doesn't like me, or end up with a girl below my league?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
I decided to stop being a rentoid and buy my own place. Problem is, I was renting in my countries capital because my wife wanted to be there. I have about 350k saved up and I'd need to take out 100k more to buy a newly built place about 20 minutes outside of town. My wife is now asking me to take out a bigger loan so we could get a place in the capital, all because she doesn't want to drive to town and because living outside the city is "beneath" her, even though this move would put me closer to my job and allow me to advance my career.

Am I cooked? What do I do? I'm the breadwinner in the house and I'm paying 100% for everything. Not living in town is to her basically grounds for terminating our 10 year relationship.
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Senior parents
How to let go from the dreadful dealing with my old parents?
I love my parents even though they weren't the best one, but you can't choose your parents.
Main issue they're boomers, and keep belittle me some time publicly when I go with them doing groceries.
(They're in their 70s and need someone around to aid them poor hearing/sight)
But because they're stubborn and lack the common sense of current things I get put in embarrassing situations and get upset.
Sometimes get into heated arguments with them over nothing, in hindsight, mainly because it's so frustrating trying to explain something to them
Which make me feel bad, I'm someone sensitive and I realize they don't have much time and would like to keep and make good memories with them in the time they have.
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No title
Therapy is a scam right?
1 media | 22 replies
how do i get money for new accordion
how do I find like a rich generous benefactor to buy me an accordion with helikon bass? It costs about 4 grand. These types of accordions are rare but it is the true traditional sound of authentic Alpine German music. I'm a poor full-time student and can't afford one and also even if I could I'd have to figure out how to get it, the only place I found them at is in Germany so I'd have to go to Germany (can't ship an instrument like this it would get ruined)
Please help I need to find a rich benefactor who likes preserving German folk music
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No title
Bars: Empty, nobody talks to anyone outside of their "group"

Parks: See above

Mall: See above

People are hostile when you try to chat them up

Tried a few hobbies but no one wants to get together outside of those hobbies

I try to talk to people online, I get ghosted

Planned an event and advertised it online, nobody showed up when the day arrived.

I have no clue where to go, the only place I see a lot of people is at my job. Where the fuck are you supposed to go to make friends when all the typical spots are dead or filled with anti-social people, is dead, and no one comes to your events?
2 media | 33 replies
Fear of STDs
How do you have unprotected sex without worry or anxiety when so many STDs can be passed asymptomatically?

I want to have children, but can't stop worrying about the health consequences.
0 media | 6 replies
how to get gf to brush her teeth
She VERY rarely does i mean maybe once a week?? And it's driving me insane guys, she's the most attractive girl ever and I just wanna kiss her so bad but sometimes her breath smells so awful that I just can't, I'm honestly also kinda worried about oral sex stuff (to be fair i'm a bit of a clean freak but not that much). We both drink + smoke but I brush my teeth immediately after most of the time and she just doesn't care. Sometimes she reeks of beer for full days.
I've tried gently asking her to brush her teeth, explained to her that I honestly just wanna enjoy kissing her and not have it ruined by bad breath, and also that it's not that pleasant when she's talking close to my face (which she does a lot). I don't talk to her about it too much though cause y'know I don't wanna be annoying and rude
Once after I asked, she told me that she doesn't do it because the texture and taste bother her, and also that it made her gums bleed a lot. And while that must definitely be very annoying and uncomfortable, I also think that teeth and mouth health is a very important thing, all personal reasons asides. I'm sure there must be an easy and painless solution for her but even if it is I'm not sure she'd be willing to hear my suggestions and I don't wanna make her self-conscious... What should I do?
1 media | 11 replies
I will bankrupt the local casino chain 15eur at a time
im a degenerate gambler, while being a broke student yesterday I figured out I that when I visit another casino in the local casino chain I get the new years and sign in bonuses so I spent the whole night and morning collecting free 15euro promotions(and then gambling it and winning more cuz promo) with my friends lol
0 media | 2 replies
Therapists and councellors
>I have these problems
>no you don't. have you thought about how great everything is?
>you know that thing you mentioned, it's a sign how your situation isn't as hopeless and how positive it is

What in the utter hell is the point of therapists? Every single one of them have given me this song and dance about positive thinking. It was only later that I found out that they're hopelessly ignorant, poorly trained, and have zero medical knowledge or training.

What is the point of these people? They seem specifically designed to waste your time. I only started making improvements when I did my own research upon realizing therapists were hopelessly clueless. Like completely ignorant of every single mental disorder out there. Despite having a masters they know as much about disorders as people off the street so why bother with all that education if it's useless?

I feel like I've found some kind of conspiracy out there that no one seems to talk about: therapists are clueless by design. Psychologists and Psychiatrists seem to know what they're talking about.
4 media | 42 replies
No title
hey /adv/, what should I do to break the cycle?
on new years I told myself to stop being so emotionally tied to my hobbies like waiting for the ocd validation to start a new movie/show, vidya, book, etc. I completed a long time bucket list item and felt empty and still do. I still think it's too soon to start my next bucket list item but that's the ocd talking. now all I do is endlessly refresh youtube, 4channel. after posting this I will go to the gym. also how do I fix myself to go outside and be a normal person even if I'm self conscious about being a 1 person party.
0 media | 0 replies
I introduced myself to a girl my age (22) on facebook, she responded and only then I sent her a few photos of myself few months back and a few years back, cause I didn't have a profile pic, she basically said that she appreciates the courage and then asked what's my education, but I'm a neet with only a hs diploma from one of the best highschools in my big city.

Basically her last message is a rejection, but it's a whole 3 sentences, no resentment at all that a betacuck like me messaged a 10/10 like her, she even praised me once more for courage basically and she obviously found me attractive when I first sent the photos where I'm not trying to make myself look better

Her name day's tomorrow and I only messaged her first 6 days back, she says thanks, wtf do I follow that up with

btw, the way i asked her out, she's 100% not seeing anyone
0 media | 3 replies
My mom talked to me for 9 hours today...
society if women stopped talking for several moments
about my lack of ambition and future.
I just didn't stop her all day.
I listen extremely well.
However, my patience has a limit.
I didn't know how long it had been since she started talking but I had basically finished dinner when I finally told her she's "tiring me out".
I glanced at the clock and was shocked to realize it was 8:00PM and I had literally listened to her for 9 hours uninterrupted.
So I abruptly cut her off and she started making fun of me for being tired of listening to her.
As soon as I put a boundary up or end the conversation with her, she's always mad at me for it.
She comes to my door an hour later and says she's just trying to help.
Well how does this help?
If I dont have a disciplined routine or a life direction... how is listening to someone for 9 hours (uninterrupted btw, I literally cannot do constant life-changing-discovery thought exercises for 9 hours a day...) going to fix it?

The fucking strangest thing is that my mom is in just as bad of a situation than I am, work-life wise.
So she's just stolen 9 hours of my life that I can never take back and I have 0 new information that I can use to my advantage.
This day has not helped me whatsoever, it's set me completely backwards.
I feel like she's way too concerned over me, even if I'm floundering in life, because she is too.
She makes me feel like her lifeline and if I ever cut her off from me I feel like I'm supposed to be guilty.
But I honestly want to leave her alone and live by myself never to talk with her again.
I want to stop this dynamic immediately but I dont even know what it is.
Is this enmeshment?
0 media | 27 replies
Best response for success here?
What do I respond to this anons? For context she’s asked me out before. (A while ago)

Never went out with her cos I got sick then busy

I’m in her close friends story and she’s one of those girls who has a massive difference in follower ratio so I must be on her good side
12 media | 48 replies
Friend Zoned?
I met a beautiful woman in late October who moved into town a few months prior and have only hung out with her at bars no more than 10 times since then, checking out music and chatting as best we could.

I fell head over heals for her but she doesn't like to talk or text over the phone, so our text communication is practically nonexistent. She was honest about being hesitant to pursue anything with me because I'm a musician (her previous two ex's were musicians and treated her poorly from what I gathered) which was fine, I tried not to get my hopes up.

We met Sunday and she was sitting very close to me, our arms touching one another, flirting, etc. We met again last night and the body language was so much different. Further away, almost annoyed. I told her in conversation over the loud music (because I haven't been able to get her to go out with me outside of a bar with music) that I have a gnarly crush on her.

She said she liked me too but that she wants to get to know me as a person and it bothers her that while she's been in the city, everyone feels fake (except for me that's why she likes me and she can tell I mean well) and every guy that talks to her is only interested in pursing her romantically or sexually. I've seen this happen in real time in front of my face. She's a stunning woman and dudes literally 5 back to back to back would interrupt us mid conversation to try to hit on her. Also happened last night too, some younger musician who I know and have known for a while basically tried to shoot his shot while I was on stage playing when it was clear as day we were there together. Bit of a tangent but just trying to illustrate just how attractive this woman is.

She mentioned last night that she didn't like the pressure men put on her when they try to pursue her, I felt bad trying to hang out with her because I am in a sense one of those men. I tried to apologize to her before she left but she didn't want to have that conversation out in the cold.
4 media | 6 replies
/htgwg/ How to Get Women General #281
>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, have given up, or insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can pollute. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"No More Mr Niceguy":
Dr. NerdLove: (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: (something to listen to)
(new suggestions with working links are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>32506930
10 media | 130 replies
how to deal with the ugly
>outgoing social and good at sports
>puberty hits
>shortest in my entire grade
>ugliest in my entire school
>start getting bullied and become a shut-in incel
2 media | 7 replies
Should i tell her that i love her
Allright Anons i need your whisdom.
I am really in love with the sister of a friend of mine for about 2 years now.
Like really in love.
>She told me that she is concernd for my health becaue i drank to mutch coffee (i was drinking too much coffee like 8-16 a day) and now evreytime i have a coffee in my hand i have to think at that moment and feel disgusted by the coffee.
>She told me that she likes the harry potter books and wants someone to talk to about the books and now i am in the middle of the 4th book.
>When she is in the room i am more stressed than that time i was shoot almost twice (at the same day).

The problem is i asked her out about a year ago and she told me that she only likes me as a friend to be fair i was a bout as smooth as sandpaper and as charismatic dry peace of bread.

But her behaviour doesn't really add up.
>At a party she was sitting between me and her best friend and she was leaning against me while talking with me while between her and her friend was a half meter gab.
>I overheard a conversation between her and her friend where her best friend tried to encurage her to talk to "him" and just go to "him" and tell "him" how you feel, while booth kept looking at me (i was standing alone so no mistaking that).

Anons i can lead a Squad in combat with no sleep but i cant fucking talk to women so please help a retard like myself.
Also sorry for my most likely bad englisch but it not my first language.
0 media | 6 replies
how do you quit hostile job?
Hi just the subject, but some background(sorry for length:
I got an MBA in data analytics and looked around for business analytics jobs. right after I graduated I joined up with some AI engineering "course" run by some pompous indian dude. I did that for like a month until the "classes" suddenly halted and I was just sitting around the company (it's literally all indians kek) ms teams and joining some of their ai meetings or whatever. would basically just watch the pompous boss just yell at his workers and basically watch all of them bumble around working on some internal project or whatever.
get bored. start butting into their standup meetings asking for tasks to work on. finally, after a while, got a task to make an API that patches VMs in Azure. this was pretty easy to do actually, but i literally never worked on any cloud shit before other than big query on gcp and had to learn all this bullshit from scratch. a week later, finish the task, learn that none of these indians knew how to do this, and the boss guy was happy and put me on some other tasks but told me they "dont do remote". ok, whatever. pressured by mother to just go live with aunt since they're in the same city. decided to go. worked on some PoCs for them, did pretty well, learned pretty quickly boss guy seemed impressed. every so often i would notice he would be hopping on calls with these other laptops. also sometimes just really mean spiritedly yelling at his employees really loudly while no one said or did anything. later i'd be approached with one of these laptops and learned that the boss actually has 4 different jobs with different companies and basically just pays a bunch of interns at his office to do all the work from his jobs for him while he jumps on meetings with other indians and yells at the sales division (the only other white guy at the company was head of sales and would get yelled at by the boss as well lol its all indians kek).
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No title
Is there any point in dating if you are a retard who has no friends and struggles to close?
2 media | 13 replies
Are multifaceted men that rare?
I’m a straight guy, not thinking about relationships right now. Competitive, driven, I lift and I’m sharp enough (125 IQ). I'm value pragmatism and I study in stem, but I also value politics, introspection, art, spirituality, and understanding emotions. This mix seems rare. Whenever I meet guys, they are either faggy, autistic, but never the mix of both that I'm looking for. For this reason, I can’t find men that I respect and things are always tense. I'm immediately left out. I'm quick enough to understand people's emotions and schemes, but always too slow to proact accordingly. What do the guys I'm looking for do for a living? I'm deeply starved for connection. Recognition is a luxury I hesitate to even mention.
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Self-medicating with alcohol
There's something wrong with my head. I spend all day on the computer, I put very small thing off forever until they explode and cause major problems, I fail to get anything done. I'm practically comatose. I've been trying to do better for a long time now, but every day I say 'tomorrow is the day we start not being a pile of shit'.

I'm considering trying alcohol (or any other kind of legal mind-altering chemical) to adjust the way my brain thinks to get me out of this stupor. Does this work?
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No title
I need to find some basic work somewhere, and as fast as I could get one. I'm thinking about looking for some warehouse where I can do basic labor or some other mindless work. Any other jobs that I could look for, where no serious skills are needed and I don't have to socialize at all? Also what is the best way to go about getting these jobs, I doubt applying online will get me anywhere, should I just try walking into one of these places and directly ask if they have work?
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flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8 (1)
Should I stop taking psych meds to lose weight? I'm 30 m and 40 bmi and honestly I feel like the benefits outweigh the risks here I don't want to get diabetes.
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Hobbies to make new friends
What hobbies will make new friends outside? I was thinking maybe hiking and cycling. Cyclings I can do everyday. Hiking, well, I don't have mountains I can go to everyday.
I don't know what else.
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how do I get my bf to leave me
I’ve tried to break up with him over 9 times and it never works. We share the same circle of friends, I can’t ignore him in person and each time he says no. We both love eachother but I just hate myself too much to be with him. How do I make him leave me? He’s better off without me and I just want to kill myself without hurting anyone.
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Should I start a youtube channel even if I’m not sure what kind of content I want to make?
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No title
>called ugly all my life
>have had 1 like on tinder for 9 months now

I dont even know why i open the app and swipe. This is extremely depressing
0 media | 26 replies
No title
>Girl smiles at me
>I look away quickly/autistically
We see each other daily. Is there a way back from this? Or is this over?
0 media | 6 replies
Apps for talking to foreign women?
Apps for texting and meeting foreign women who want to learn English? We all know they use these apps for hookups, not to actually improve their English skills.
0 media | 4 replies
No title
>engaged to FIAncee for 3 years now
>close to her brother. He’s like a brother to me
>he recently confessed to me she cheated in the first year we started dating
>he’s a normal dude. Has no reason at all to lie like this
>tell FIAncee
>tells me he had a history of lying, is bipolar and hates her so “tries to derail her happiness”
>mfw idk who to believe
What do I do bros?
2 media | 16 replies
Which job would you take?
I just finished an interview and it went very well. It is for a trucking dispatcher position. Problem is it is my second interview for that position with another company. Based on the interview and the follow up questions I am fairly certain both are going to offer me the job. Nearly identical benefits and PTO. Both are standard 9 hr days with 1hr lunch. Both.

>Company A: 1/4th the amount of trucks to deal with, mon-fri 8-5 with some light on call over the weekend. Smaller business so upward mobility is limited. 50k
>Company B: 4x the trucks to deal with. Sun-Thur. Overnights. They are willing and eager to foot the bill for CDL training and licensing. Large company and all 3 interviewers who are various flavors of department heads all started in dispatch. 60k

I've never done this job before so the first would be slightly less money and kind of stuck where I'm at with normal hours and weekends off. Second would be more work but more pay and expanding my skills but I become a vampire.
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Career Recommendation
FE Echoes Shadows of Valentia
I'm having quite a bit of trouble, don't have too much money (jobless) so I can't go back into college. Currently my interests lie in drawing (still bad at it), image editing, video editing, and frontend web design. Currently a 22 yo male in Canada.

Not particularly skilled in any of them, but I have a passion to continue learning. Currently using free YouTube tutorials and an Udemy course. However I still haven't pinned down a sensible career path that lines up with my interests.

Are freelance sites like Upwork a scam? Are certifications bullshit? I genuinely don't know, people say to build a portfolio and network but I'm too autistic to know what good networking entails. Don't have much in my portfolio either.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, I really would love to do some sort of media editing as a job. And would settle with web design, I desperately don't want to end up in another dead end job. Thank you for reading!
1 media | 16 replies
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Is getting a pilots license worth it?
Is it a good career path?

I am looking into getting a PPL/CFI credential now

Looks like certified flight instructors make like $60 an hour and it costs like $10k to become one. takes about 4 months to do.

the government might be able to cover up to $7000 of it I believe. so it would end up costing maybe $3000
2 media | 41 replies
No title
Can’t look at icons without feeling shame, knowing I’m wasting my life away.
1 media | 6 replies
No title
No matter what my intentions are, I can't do anything right. I am so dumb that I failed a special program in HS for 3 years. I've still not graduated HS. Middle school was even worse for me because I was not able to do this program, even the teachers made my experience a nightmare, but my current teachers in HS are great at least and always have been apart from one. In 2023 I had an extremely bad period mentally and I hurt people I care about a lot (family and best friend). I've not forgiven myself, healed or improved my situation at all. It happened because I couldn't heal from previous trauma or do anything to improve my mental health at all, everything accumulated and my mental health got so bad that I ended up hurting people I care about the most. I panic to the point of vomiting and my head spinning. I often hear my family cry because of the way I turned out. I'm probably gonna be homeless for a few days because I can't afford a full week as I bought myself a gift impulsively and I messed up when I bought a gift for my former best friend, I ended up having to pay for it twice and all the fees ended up costing more than I thought. The gift was meant to cost around 50$ and I ended up spending 100$ because of how awfully incompetent I am. I just cried all night during nye because of everything holidays remind me of which is that no one even cares about me apart from people that feel obligated to (extremely close family) and other days this far have only been worse. I'm probably going to have to ask my mom for money so that I don't end up homeless. I am unable to heal from traumatic events, I'm unable to make friends, I'm unable to do basic things, I'm unable to deal with anything mentally, I can't even make food for myself, not even egg or anything beyond a sandwich. I don't know how to take even the first step to improve anything.
3 media | 51 replies
this milf said
"Hi " and "Lovely" to me when i got out of my car in a parking lot today and my dick was full at that point, should I have approached her and should I approach again the next time I see her if ever? Damn i never follow-up
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Bulking season
I was thinking about building a new gaming PC as I will need a new computer but I don't want to at the same time because I want to spend more time outside, get into /out/ hobbies, make more friends (tough at 27 though), meet girls, etc. Any advice on the matter?
1 media | 8 replies
No title
I need some advice! I'm going to uni to study CS and I'll be honest, I was pretty lazy on a few programming assignments. I somehow managed to cheat my way through with chatgpt for almost an entire semester, but now in hindsight I regret it. Not because I didn't get the points, I did, but because I realized that my programming skills suck now. And I know that the assignments are going to get harder and harder from now on, so I really shouldn't rely on the AI to do it for me... So... Does anyone have any tips on how I can catch up as quickly as possible? Do a few non-uni-related programming projects on my own? Work through a “learn [language here]” book? What's the most efficient way to get myself out of this hole I've dug before it's too late?
0 media | 5 replies
No title
suffering all this stress and anxiety for what? in the end im going to lose everything and everyone anyway
0 media | 3 replies
Over seven months since I graduated with a BS in comp science, still unemployed.
sample resume
I applied to hundreds of applications, and only got four interviews, all rejected. I am currently studying for the CompTIA Network+ exam, hoping that will increase my chances of getting a tech job.

I've just lost $1,000 after missing a flight with no refund available, and I really need to earn money fast. At this rate I might have to deliver pizzas or flip burgers to make some quick cash.
1 media | 18 replies
No title
i moved out of my last apartment a few months ago and left a handwritten note telling my neighbor i had a crush on her and left her my number if she felt the same we could meet again. i really thought she would too at least to reach out, she was always so friendly and happy to see me when we talked in some other part of the building. also made a song about her. how big a fool am I?
0 media | 17 replies
hi there
i want to send an anonymous email with file but i dont know how so if you know what should i do pls let me know ^^
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Follow for more_ 🙌🏻✨🌷
How do you clean one of those sticks you use to unblock the toilet? If I flush on it with the lid open, won't droplets of dirty water spray everywhere? This is my first time on this board, sorry if I'm missing any etiquette.
7 media | 26 replies
No title
Is it reasonable to date 27-30 years old girls as a 20 year old guy?
0 media | 16 replies
How can I gain a personality?
>25 khv
>not social at all although I'd like to be
>have a small friend group
>everytime we hangout, I am usually mute or talking about shitposts, guns, etc
>get a girls number somehow
>afraid to text her because I have nothing normal or interesting to talk about
>realize that I am a very bland person with nothing interesting going on at all
What are some tips and methods to become a more confident and interesting person? I am challenging myself to end this year in a relationship and that will be very difficult in my current state
0 media | 1 replies
Married but interested in coworker
I don't even know what to do anymore. I think I love my coworker more than my wife. Today I went to lunch with her. We work in different departments, but talk all the time despite no real reason to. At our holiday party a few weeks ago we spent 3 hours sitting together talking. At other events we always talk too. One time when we went out with a bunch of people we ended up holding hands. It feels impossible to make a move in my situation, but I honestly feel like she would want me if I was single. She is very cute and some other guys blatantly hit on her when drunk and she turns them down, but I have never blatantly said anything over the line to her. At the very least we are good friends. Her girl friends at the company also talk to me a lot too and make some comments that sound suspiciously like they know she's into me like
>oh she's trying to get your attention by doing x
>she was asking about where you were when you went on vacation
Or when a bunch of people were hanging out and she was finishing some work
>anon go into the lab to get her to come out here
It sucks because this is a serious job at a serious company and I can't ruin that. And I also can't really take the chance and blow up my marriage for something that could end up not working anyways. I don't really like my wife anymore, she's become unkind, unsupportive, and manipulative in the years of our marriage. Just thinking about how my coworker may never be mine makes me feel seriously upset and affects my mood at work and home. I try to not think about it, but then I see her and have a chat and feel so good and my day turns around. I also know that some coworkers must see us talking all the time, and the way we look into each other's eyes, how we seem inseparable at events, and notice the comments from her friends. Nobody has confronted me yet, but I feel it's coming. My wife has zero clue though.
0 media | 12 replies
No title
download (2)
I have some time to listen. Tell me what's going on for you. What you need help or advice with.

No judgment. I will answer anyone being genuine and real who needs an ear. Tell me your problems and let's figure them out.
0 media | 2 replies
At what age should you take the hooker pill as a man?
All my research online and street interviewing people in 5 different states have revealed to me that being a male virgin is a big ICK after 25. It's borderline ICK for like half number of girls over 20.
Most girls are likely to forgive their husband if he had a hooker AFTER marriage and they have kids and almost all don't care if he slept with hookers before. Some told me they prefer he "got some practice".

I am almost 30 and still a virgin. I can talk to women fine. But it becomes very apparent im a virgin if convo gets longer and I see when they realize it and get the ick. They will even act supportive when they ask "how many relationships you had" and when you say 0 they lie and say thats sweet or ask why. If you lie and say 2-3 they know.
8 media | 115 replies
is there something wrong with me?
>be me
>only compliments I've received all my life were being called "cute" and the like
>recently at work a customer (who was probably 3x my age) was complimenting me calling me cute
>I'm feeling somewhat emasculated from being called this
>ffw to today
>I come home after church, take off my pants and put on a nice long soft shirt, take a couple pictures of myself, start having gay thoughts

Why am I like this? Honestly, I have so much self-loathing for being like this. I don't know, it's like I was raised to think all of this is bad yet it feels so good, it feels good to be called cute by people and to wear soft things and to have soft plump skin. Everytime I shake someone's hand at church they always say things like "oh wow how are your hands so soft?" (I put lotion on after showering since I have mild eczema). I know this sounds so contradictory, I hate being emasculated, I want to be considered handsome, sexy, hot, but I feel all warm and gooey inside when people call me cute and feminine things

Be honest, do I need help?
0 media | 19 replies
No title
Are blackpillers right and it's incredibly hard to get a woman unless you're very sociable, or is life easier than they try to portray and all it takes is to be less autistic
22 media | 199 replies
No title
Everyone makes fun of people for starting podcasts, but what if I genuinely think I'd be good at it? Lightheartedly bullshitting about useless nonsense is the only thing I am actually adept at.
0 media | 6 replies
stop me from doing it. challenge impossible
>be me
>30+ female
>dad raped my sister from childhood to adulthood
>she said she was fine for years but now suffers crippling psyche breaks, becoming a dipshit screaming child for weeks on end, hitting, punching and breaking things in our home
>when she's not breaking our shit and speaking nonsense for hours, she is sobbing uncontrollably and trying to walk to locations miles away or speaking on creepy obsessions with younger men
>Diagnosed with bipolar
>her husband wants to leave her because of course he does, can't blame him
>our mother is an obese blubbering piece of shit who keeps talking about god which only scares her more, giving neurotypical to someone who cannot tell family from dead friend
>younger brother is a complete neet loser, 'helping' as minimally as possible and when he does, only meeting her with anger, speaking to her like she's a completely capable adult and not a blabbering nutcase

>already on meds, not helping
>keeps stopping them as well
>wasting all of our lifeforce on this for months to weeks on end

Any advise would be awesome. She keeps punching me awake and asking of I'm OK and I'm just really really tired. I love her but I'm on the end of my rope here
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The ride never ends
I don't want to browse this site anymore. It's fun and all but I have more important things to do. What spell must I cast to break the curse?
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When I was younger (from my teens to my early 20s) I had an awful temper and was generally a sullen, unpleasant person. I've mellowed out since then but sometimes I think about what a shithead I was and feel bad for family for having to put up with my crap. I wonder if my family and others who had to deal with me still think of me as that person, or if I should apologize for my past behaviors. Would it be weird to apologize to my family for the way I was 10 - 15 years ago?
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I'm bored of living
>chronically ill
>trying to distract myself playing pokemon but my life is too miserable so I cant focus on the game

Any way I can fix the loneliness and suicidal ideation? Theres no fucking hope for me to get a gf as I look like a balding pedophile and I dont want friends. And I'm a neet living alone off autismbuxx, I dont talk to my garbage family even if they wanted to
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I used to be fat
Now I'm lean and muscular. Women wouldn't even talk to me and now some even approach me. FAT WOMEN have the audacity to approach me at the gym now and they DIDN'T WHEN I WAS FAT.
I seriously hate how shallow, delusional and spoiled women are. I need to get over this feeling, but how?
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how are other people my age able to live much more exciting and authentic lives?
im 23, i feel like all of my peers are always doing such exciting things and living their best lives. many of them are also managing/have managed to do so during college despite their studies.
i have no clue how they have the money, time, or schedule management to do this stuff.
I'm talking frequent international or cross country travel, going to events and festivals, all while affording their own place while going to college and working? how the fuck do they do this?

outside of my peers i constantly see posts and reels of young people my age travelling, or living in a major city, or making connections and doing awesome shit. how are they making money? why dont i have any opportunities or connections like they do?

sometimes it feels like everyone else lives a much more authentic life, like the experiences i have are less meaningful and profound, and this only adds to that. is it cause im <5'7 and ugly as a man?
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>>32561598 (Cross-thread)
>>32561598 (Cross-thread)
>>32561598 (Cross-thread)
Guy from this thread, that day she was defending her abusive brother and considering to date him because " I cannot deny anything of what he told me in his proposal and he also has a place to live and he's 181cm(im not kidding she actually mentioned her height)" and "she didn't wanna make me feel bad but she can be objective about her man of choice" she was literally typing to me scared that her brother tried to touch her and was afraid of his harassement the next day, I told her she lied about that if shes considering it but she said "its okay I understand him he couldnt hold back!" and that "his brother is not a bad person and told me he wont force me to have children if I dont want to" most of the conversation was her pretending to feel bad and defending him so I was just very upfront and dissapointed and didnt talk to her more. It's been 2 days since that.
I probably had a lot of typos but this mindfucked me some
What's the best way to get over an incestuos lying backstabbing european woman is what im asking now.
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Have no clue what to do with life
Screenshot 2024-12-20 150130
21M, third year undergrad student graduating 3 semesters late. Did CS for two years and switched to EE but quickly losing interest in that as well. My mind wanders way too much for me to focus on classwork but also to even get my aspirations in order, I'm constantly fantasizing about what "x" career would be like before eventually getting bored and moving on to the next exciting-sounding thing. I genuinely cannot fathom and have huge respect for how some people can go into fields like medicine where you basically have to decide from age 18 to dedicate yourself to that shit for the next 10+ years and actually succeeding. I want to be like that but my low IQ normie brain is preventing me from doing so.
Will ADHD meds fix this or is it just over?
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>college student, didn't get into the field I wanted but still stem related
>have few friends, a loving bf
>always been depressed, never knew how to adress it, brushed it off but it only gets worse.
>I m not capable of taking care of the people i love, I will eventually fuck everyone over and they will do the same way to me, I m not smart, i m literally living in everyone elses shadow.i don't have anything special to me, my own senses tell me that I am an empty cage. I cant stand it. i feel handicaped and I dont want to keep it like this. I have short time spans when I want to get my shit together, but i end up paralysed by my own thoughts. I'm stuck to this, feeling miserable and pitying myself. I fantasize about death for most of the time. I don t know how to be functional. Any advice?
0 media | 15 replies
Was my response good?
>ex texted me again after 7 months
>i respond with "Lol ur not dead in a ditch somewhere (she told me she was suicidal before"
>"Tuff for me"
It's been a week and she hasn't responded yet, Kek.
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I don't know what to do anymore. I keep trying to make friends/meet girls/find a job and the results are shit.

I'm sick of being alone and I feel like girls are getting worse. I used to get with way more girls back when tinder was helpful 7 years ago. Even when I do get girls I have no car or money to flaunt. I can't host either. I wish I had more money, can anyone teach me how to make money or get a girl?
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How can I get my parents to stop asking me when I'm going to get married?
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I don't learn or retain anything
I never retain things I read, whether it be all the trivial facts I come across online or concepts that I find interesting
For example take the gameshow problem (the 3 doors one). when the solution was explained to me in a way that I can abstract it to other probability questions I thought I'd never be able to forget it, it felt so simple and easy.
a few years later when I came across it again I misremembered the solution. The fact that i thought it made sense to me tells me I never truly learned the idea behind it otherwise the solution I misremembered wouldn't make any sense.
I find learning by heart (or things that don't have a logic to follow) much more difficult than the average person, like song lyrics
I repeat mistakes CONSTANTLY
If I'm learning to play a song on the piano, and I hit the wrong note, I'll then keep hitting that wrong note and it takes time to correct it. I need to get it right the first few times. This applies for virtually every skill, like spelling
It makes me feel like a total NPC that I can't learn things easily, people with low iqs can retain knowledge better than me somehow. Is this a soft form of learning disability or something? Why the fuck can't I retain anything?
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How to get rid of a fetish?
Is it possible to get rid of a fetish? I feel disgusted and ashamed for having one. It’s just fucked up because it’s the few things that arouses me, but I also feel like a disgusting weirdo for it.
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Hello /adv/, I would like to preface this post by saying that I invite anyone who can prove me wrong to do so because I seriously hope I am wrong. And also, I may elaborate further in this post in the future but idk

I am suicidal because I don't believe I will ever find love and true intimacy at any point in my life. I'm a retarded, socially inept loser who can't articulate anything, has no friends, can't look anyone in the eye, is a khhv and my life is passing me by.

I have given up at life because of this and I believe that I have subconsciously known this since my early teen years and that's why my grades fell and never recovered. My mother did die during this time but my grades never recovered even a few years after this. I have spent half my life on social media, wasting my life away because I wanted to escape from reality.

Yh idk where I was going with this but I'm tired and I need to sleep. If this post makes no sense it's because I'm a retarded who needs kill himself and sure I'll elaborate on this post further in the future
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Deciding between two University of Maryland campuses, College Park and Baltimore County.

Which one should I apply to? I live in Maryland and plan to major in Physics.

Should I also consider going to the other University System of Maryland schools? Such as Coppin State, Salisbury, Towson, Frostburg, and The Universities at Shady Grove?
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My girlfriend told me I was lucky she knew how to ride. Should I leave her?
My girlfriend told me, "You're lucky I know how to ride." We were having a conversation on the phone about how hard we were going to fuck on Sunday, and she texted me that.

I just texted back, "I guess so," because I obviously am not; she could have learnt how to ride with me instead of the guys she fucked before.

I guess she saw I didnt feel that good about her message because she replied "but I ride you harder", and just kept it going.

What should I do?
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No title
Why don't you take responsability for your actions?
1 media | 6 replies
How do I cope with the reality that I’ll never make as much money as an internet white? It’s really getting to me.
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Break up with GF or am I just a coomer
Been with my gf for almost 2 years now, however a huge problem for me is that her sex drive is way too low for me and she literally never makes advances.

She turned me down so many times already with some lame excuse, leading to me not really wanting to make advances (but still do) but she just does not start anything. I mentioned it 3 times already now after not sleeping together for like 1-2 months each of those times and I very clearly expressed that this won't do it for me (again her coming up with excuses of her being stressed or whatever).

She has a nice personality and all but I literally cannot imagine being married to her and not having sex at LEAST once a week, just seems like legit hell on earth to me. Just thinking about getting cucked for like months and being stuck in a marriage is actual horror to me. I do go to the gym alot and have a high drive in general, also been with girls before that matched my drive or even exceeded it and I was definitely happier in that regard before.

It is also the first time I genuinely thought about hitting a strip club with some friends of mine or just to cheat while going out because I genuinely feel like I need this. It just seems to me that we are not compatible long term.
Am I just a retarded coomer for that and about to lose a nice girl ( I know how hard it is to find an actual non NPC GF) or are my worries justified?
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How to stay alive one more semester
>Going back here in a few days
How do I tolerate this place for another four months without attempting suicide again? The more time I spend around these people the more motivation I have to blow my brains out.
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Emmasculated by wife, ridiculed by mechanic
>be me
>car has problem
>go to dealership
>leave it 1 full day
>receive car back
>has new strange noise
>wife ask me to take it back again
>leave it again on the morning, but I instead get the top mechanic to have a ride with me to test
>he hears noise, tells me it's normal, it will subsidize in 4-5 days.
>I buy his story
>arrive to wife's work to leave car.
>tell her what happened. Retell her the same bs story.
>she's not happy
>decides to go herself to dealership
>turns out they didn't do the full repair, even show her a video of them not doing the full repair.
>feel like a cuck and a fucking idiot

Hate when this happens to me, all because I trust people. Now my wife hates me more, the guys at the autoshop think I'm stupid and I do feel like one. Probably doesn't help I don't know shit about cars either.

How to re-grow some balls out from all this ordeal?

Thinking of changing service executive first and foremost, the trust with that guy is broken.
Then kms before wife cucks me.
Ideas? Thoughts?
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1703030213400834 1700862245822787
Hi guys. I has some weird skin conditions that wouldn't go away and the doc wasn't available bc of holidays and since it began itching and hurting pretty bad I just kind of self-medicated and took a small amount of hydrocortisone for a while, but now it completely messed up my sleep. I lay around for hours in bit to get only a small amount of sleep or non at all. I'm sure its bc of the Hydrocortisone, bc it makes me feel super stressed all the time. And well, it worked for my skin condition though, it went away, and now I'm slowly reducing the amount of Hydrocortisone to stop taking them but
How the fuck do I get some sleep before that
Pls im so tired
Is it worth taking sleep pills for this?
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So when do the incel inadequecies end?
I'm 29 and I've been really trying to spruce up my life, and do things that are recommended here too.
>pursue constructive and social hobbies
>have my dream career after years of hard academic and personal work
>have a nice place to call home
>in great shape from gym, hiking, gardening, etc.
>supportive and growing social circle
And none of it helps. I'm still the incel I was when I was a teenager. I just have more resources that, in the end, I could do without. I keep trying the next thing and, regardless of how successful I am at that thing, it isn't rewarding. I visited somewhere I always wanted to visit since I was young. I planned the trip. I paid for it. It wasn't too labor-intensive but I was nonetheless excited. I get there. A beautiful place. And I feel nothing. I look at this scenic view and think
>too bad you have no gf to take here, retard.
And I walk around on my itinerary going through the motions. Being an incel is going to get me killed at this rate. I am running thin on copes. Where do I go from here?
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7 months on nofap and on verge of relapse
I've been abstaining from porn/fapping for 7 months straight. I'm unemployed, no opportunity of meeting real grills where I live, and I've been feeling down for a month of so.
No drive for projects, working out on time, like I used to have etc.
I used to jack it to extreme stuff and the temptation is still here (literally one click away on /gif/). Sometimes I wanna check out that one website that had new stuff regularly and I just imagine what I've missed.

It wasn't always like that, at some point I had healthy fantasies again and even stashed a lot of images in the "Playboy" style to reeducate my dick, but now if I actually relapse I'm worried I'll go straight to the extreme stuff again.

How do I release the tension around this? It's draining me.
I know I'll feel guilty and just start a goon cycle if I relapse, all my efforts will have been for naught
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horniess is painful
never had intercourse. now in my late 30s

man. painful.

reason. putting it off till i find someone very suitable to pass offsprings on. and on from them on...

so painful, it's distracting... SO painful...
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How do I stop giving a fuck and just do whatever I want?
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How can I "care less" about my girlfriend
I'm going through my first relationship, and I cant stop myself from "caring too much" about her. I feel like she occupies too much space on my mind (I dream about her every single fucking night) and I dont think that's positive.

She's a complement to my life, and giving her too much importance will portray myself as a loser and create an imbalanced relationship dynamic, which I don't want to do.

What can I do?
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How do I slow down time inside my own mind?

You know how the people in movies are like doing something intense or are experiencing some traumatic event and like time slows down and they see their own thoughts in like this super matrixy slow mo way?

Or like when people say they had a near death experience and they say their entire life flashes before their eyes?

How the fuck do I do that?

I used to be able to do that when I was 6 years old but now I'm 36 and I can't...
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