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Board: /adv/

"/adv/ - Advice" is 4chan's board for giving and receiving advice.

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How do I start a successful cult?
1 media | 3 replies
Dire dire situation, need help
>be me
>date girl long distance for 7-8 months
>there’s been highs and lows, the lows get pretty low (ill elaborate if you want me to)
>want to bring her over to me in the usa to study at my university
>but im broke and she’s in one of the worst depressions ive ever seen
The ulcers in my stomach are going to kill me. A few days ago she told me I have one month to give her an action list of specifically what i am going to do and when if I actually want to keep her, otherwise she will end the relationship and will never talk to me ever again. I need advice, this is destroying me.
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/htgwg/ How to Get Women General #244
>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"No More Mr Niceguy":
Dr. NerdLove: (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: (something to listen to)
(new suggestions with working links are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>31677176
16 media | 180 replies
Hustler's University
I'm a neet with no skills and tallent. Thinking about enrolling into Tate's school and start grinding

What are your opinions on this? Anyone educated himself there?
3 media | 26 replies
No title
Can someone explain to me what the point of living past 30 is if you've wasted the last 20 years of your life?
>Played video games all through out
>Got shit degree
>Didn't accomplish any dreams(Drawing, instrument, getting fit)
>Can't get a better job
>Brain is developed so there goes learning a new skill anyway
>Will more than likely die unfulfilled wishing what I could've done
Is there anything that can break the cycle or no? I've been having this vague feeling of nihilism like nothing I do will matter, that shit is already set in stone for me and it's a scary process
1 media | 16 replies
Girlfriend wants to be a live drawing model for art class
Ive cut clean with her and told her it made me extremely uncomfortable and that it borders on cheating, she threw up a whole fit about that - she said she has never had a partner be this controlling. She did make valid arguments about how it could help her get over her body dysmorphia and help with her confidence. This is possibly true but exposing yourself is just not something you do in a relationship - when youre single sure. Although nudity isnt inherently sexual, no matter how much i try to cope with it I despise the idea of her getting naked infront of a group of strangers (especially if they are men), makes my stomach turn. In the end she decided not to go ahead and do it because i hinted at breaking up with her over it. In my eyes this is a big slap in the face as i have been only ever been a good partner to her, if it was any other girl asking me something like this i would cut them off, im willing to look past this because every other aspect of our relationship is perfect.

Thoughts? How do articulate this feeling to my GF to help save face?
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how i be good at dark souls
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18 Male I had failed college entrance 2 times because I didnt even prepare seriously. I'm going for a third attempt cause I don't wanna suffer regret of not giving my 100%. I feel I can do better to get a college. Now the issue is my father he always demotivates me that I'm just wasting there money, I should start finding a job. He always shout at me and my mom for this and for any single thing that he don't like, I mean if food gets a bit oily he will abuse my mother so badly. The enviroment is pretty bad all day because of him and it affects my studies too much and if i complained he will shout me even more. I'm tired of it I just wanna get into college to escape this but how should i calm my mind in this fucked enviroment and work at full efficency?
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Hey anons. Doomposting again. So I'm a recent college drop out (been trying to get back in for almost a year now but I'm not sure things are going to work out) and I feel completely fucking hopeless. I've only got half of a degree and I live at home without even the motivation to fill out an application. All my friends moved away and I can't even drive a car because I had a seizure in January. I don't even know where I'm going to go from here because my only options are pick a new degree in which case I'll probably be starting from scratch in a career field I have no experience in or give Computer Science another shot in which case I gotta pass Calculus 2 which I've already failed 3 times and every single time college gets brought up my mom keeps telling I've "got to have a plan" and implies she won't pay for it. Above all though I'm just disappointed in myself. My whole family held me up as the childhood genius and I busted my ass for years in academics only to end up a NEET at 23. How do I make friends again and how do I get out of the depression black hole I've been trapped in for so long?
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Revenge for molestation
How can I get revenge on the bitch that ruined my life?
I was molested from the age of 12 to 15 by a woman who was 18 at my youngest...

It fucked me up bad, no one believed me, no one sympathized with me and I became an antisocial asshole in response and fucked myself over.

I'm 25 now, and she just shows up again in my life. She's joined a friend group I'm in saying she knew me and now she's chummy with all of them and trying to make good with me.

>Why not tell them?
If there's one thing I learned it's that no one believes a boy over a girl, no matter what. Even friends.
>Why not just forgive and forget?
ONE. I fucking hate that bitch and I'm not gonna do that.
TWO. She's the one that showed up to where I was and inserted herself into my group to talk to me. This shit is on HER
2 media | 6 replies
Intimidated by women through comparison
This is a bit weird to say, but I feel weird talking to women in a flirtatious sense because in my head I just don't meet up with past partners they've (probably) had. I'm not good looking enough, not muscular enough, not suave enough, not confident enough etc.

I genuinely don't care if a woman thinks I'm weird, I feel demoralised however because I'm not a normie by any means and don't feel like I measure up to the common man. I've got an okay paying job but no friends and nothing that makes me feel like I should/could carry myself with confidence.
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My physicast is useless
I have adhd and have to take a 3000$ physicast who doesn't fucking answer my questions, gives useless ass advice and I suppose to accept it because " She doesn't knowwwww"
She is being paid 3k, she's not getting it just to diddle her thumbs and go Hurr Durr.
I want my questions to be answered.
0 media | 75 replies
How to socialize
I just went out to an event thing but I didn’t really know anybody there so I stood around awkwardly for roughly 20 minutes, ended up feeling like a weirdo so I left. At home now and feel like a schmuck. What do you do in social situations like that? I want to meet people but when I go out I feel really stupid and out of place? Anyways just feeling like a loser on a Friday night and venting
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How do i stop getting jealous?

I get jealous easily especially with sex. If a girl/guy mentions "me and my bf/gf are going to have sex tmroow" extreme low rage with jealous is inside me

ofc yes, i am 24yo khv 5'5

how do i stop being jealous?
i need to prevent this.
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How I enter in the cinema industry?
>25 yo spaniard
>want to study cinema
>check cinema schools in my country
>degree +9k €
What I have to do do?
Where are reasonable prices to study cinema?
How I enter in the industry?
2 media | 65 replies
No title
I have zero social skills.

How do I not come across as an unapproachable asshole to people because they see me as the person that never talks?
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I used to have no problems. I used to love girls. I've become so fucking bitter. All I think about is her, that fucking benchod, and I keep cursing her. All I wanted to do was to say sorry to her, win her back. I can't get over it. How the FHadjsckmoxcjvnb djhdfoavskcalx
4 media | 35 replies
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I have been out of work for almost 6 months now. I used to be a Sales Development Representative in Tech. I am 26 with no degree. I cannot find a job. Iwas fired and have tried everything to explain why I am no longer there and my resume gap including lying. Is it over for me or does the job market for tech right now just shitty and I should ride it out? I am considering transitioning into a trade because I know I'm out of time in life to not have a career but I know there is no way a trade will be as easy as my remote sales gig was where I was making 60k without a degree. I am also considering moving to a city with a better job market but I've been seeing this girl recently who I like a lot and I feel is girlfriend material. I've never been in a long term relationship before so it's really important to me to get this out of the way. Any advice concerning my situation, tech sales and getting started in a trade would be greatly appreciated.
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No title
No matter what encoding I use I can't seem to able to decode what this says. It always spews out nonsense, basically chinese characters with random characters garbled inbetween which google translate doesn't understand.

35 33 20 36 35 20 36 67 62 55 66 61 55 66 64 55 66 71 55 66 146 40 40 33 20 37 35 20 37 32 20 36 39 20 37 34 20 37 39 20 32 30 20 36 121 165 151 156 164 145 156 39 20 37 33 20 32 30 20 36 32 20 37 32 20 36 35 20 36 31 20 36 33 20 36 38 20 36 35 20 36 34 20 32 65
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how do I win my gf back from chad
so for the past year ive been dating this chick who was pretty great. she was really hot, and i mean big tits big ass muscles hot, plus super smart. she was summa cum laude in our hs when we started dating. she were together for a yr and she sucked my dick and stuff, although she refused to have sex because she's catholic. anyway that year was pretty good she would plan dates and we would go out and stuff, and we'd cuddle n stuff. but a couple of months ago she broke up with me, but would stay friends.

for a couple months she didnt date anyone and we talked a lot, i hoped i would be able to get her back, and it looked like she wanted me back. BUT then today I saw a post on her instagram "me and my gf" from some random fucking dude i've never seen before in my life. I asked some of our mutual friends and apparently she started e dating this cop with massive unresolved PTSD and he came over to visit and now she apparently in love with him and THEY HAD SEX. despite her being catholic. wtf. worst part is that she's like 5'4 and i'm 5'7 while this random fucking cop is 6'1. i thought about like beating him up but i would probably get shot and killed. what the fuck do I do? he's older than her by like three years too. I'm in love with her and watching her go out with some random cop who's gonna beat her is heartbreaking.
6 media | 60 replies
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what are some supplements / habits i can use to rewire my brain so i can overcome lifelong neetdom and social anxiety?

I'm 27 so i wonder if it's even possible. if i have any neuroplasticity left i want to maximize it to get one last burst of change, otherwise i'm not gonna make it in this life and will either commit suicide, do drugs, or die of hunger on the street.
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my gf made a joke about marrying a celebrity and finding him hot, am i in the wrong for being upset and not talking to her for the day?
0 media | 18 replies
Should I just hire an escort?
Screenshot from 2024-07-26 22-25-12
As per usual, I'm autistic like many 4channers and internet dwellers.

I want to get laid and find that finding a girlfriend is too much work, and requires me to go out of my comfort zone, and not be autistic which is extremely hard to do, even just pretending and masking.

The problem with this is that I fear that I may get STDs, AIDs, and my dignity will be destroyed forever. I fear that I will have to hide this from my future wife forever, and the guilt is too much to bear, and I don't want to taint her with my dick that has been inside an escort.

What should I do? I've tried dating apps, and have gotten matches, but it's a pain in the ass, almost like doing fucking homework and chore to just get one to somehow hookup with you, not to mention I'm not good looking enough for them to one night stand me.

I almost manage to get a GF from a workplace, but my autism got in the way and fumbled. I tried online dating through video games and Discord but it's the same shit with dating apps, very low success rate. Not sure what to do.
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compliment don't know
What does it mean if I feel no emotional attraction to women? I'm not asexual because I do feel arousal and jack off regularly. I just have never met a woman I wanted to date and have as my gf. Never been in love either, obviously. Am I broken? Not gay, btw, I considered it but it does nothing for me either.
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I'm 21 and my current gf is 19. We fell madly in love with each other and we talk all the time. Our relationship is more or less perfect, we've never had an argument in a year of dating each other. She's was a virgin when we started dating, and I took her virginity. Now she's completely head over heels, saying I'm the most attractive man she's ever seen and etc. She's going to a good college and has an ROTC scholarship to be a fighter pilot for the Air Force. Everything is perfect, we live together, and she's unbelievable attractive. She's a perfect 10 in my opinion, with curves for days and yet perfectly skinny as well as a lot of muscle from working out. She wants to marry me come october.


I'm a piece of shit. I have three side chicks I'm talking to at any point in time and I can't help but think about fucking other girls. I've held off so far and my gf is none the wiser. I really, really want to. I don't know how much longer my self control can hold. I don't know why this is, either. I always struggled with girls before my current gf but being with her has made me know what to do and now I can't help but want to fuck other chicks. I already have one that wants to meet up in a week. My gf trusts me implicitly so it would be easy to do it without her ever knowing, and this other girl is four states away. I want to stop, but I don't know how. I can't tell her, obviously, as she told me that she feels a visceral disgust at the thought of me fucking any other chick but her.

fuck me I have everything and I'm gonna throw it away by being a hedonistic bastard. How do I control myself so that I don't give in? I'm not an impulsive person and I've managed to hold it in but I'm unsure if I can forever.
1 media | 23 replies
No title
hey guys ive been depressed basically my whole life (or as far back as i can remember). i have tried a lot of like home remedies n stuff (like good diet and exercise) but it never works. i cant go on medication cuz i cant afford it and i dont have medical insurance. im pretty much miserable all the time, ive tried many different hobbies in an attempt to find something i actually enjoy, but it never works out.ive tried killing myself but i alway sknow that all my attempts r futile, like i know if i try to od ill wake up in a couple hours no matter how much i take. and actual surefire ways of killing myself r too scary ig. idk, i want to curl up and die, i know that i will finally find peace that way, but no matter how hard i try, it never works out. Any advice on how to actually get better?

this site has a bunch of miserable people, so idk if yall will be able to help me.
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No title
My little brother is going to get laid before me and it's tearing me up inside.
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What to wear in college
I have some money and I'm thinking of wearing these types of clothes to school. I've tried it on before and I feel like this is my style. Would there be any problems with this that I may not be aware of?
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No title
images (22)
How do I get back in touch with old friends and family that I haven't talked to in 6 years since I was social? I only talk to co-workers but decided to reach out on social media to old friends after 6 years. Is it pointless or what?
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No title
How can I ease suicidal feelings without anyone to complain to?
1 media | 2 replies
How do I prepare myself to die alone?
Is there a single good, non selfish reason for me to even have children as a man? Just one reason that doesn't rely on prayers or self fulfilment.
No, I don't give a fuck about my huwhite race, I'm technically not even white since I'm eastern European
No, I don't give a fuck about my nation or birthrate either, my people have isolated me when I was very young and when I needed socialisation the most
28 years old, I've been alone for my entire life and have no means of meeting a wife or gf, not even hooking up, I missed the opportunities to learn how to talk to women and it's a void I won't fill
My parents don't deserve grandkids, I explicitly told them I never asked them to bring me here, if I had a say in it, I wouldn't want to exist
None of them ever said they're sorry about my situation, I've never remembered them really loving each other like they're supposed to.
As for having children
> Gamble with someone else's genetics, luck, life, money and happiness
> They'd have to remember their family die
> They'd have to witness a potential war in the future
> They could get sick or have my luck which means I would've forced someone to live like me
Even if none of this happens, I still couldn't guarantee that they'll be really happy to exist.
The only reason given to have kids is that I'll feel better about myself and that's retarded for 2 reasons:
1) I wouldn't
2) It's insanely fucking selfish to even bring someone here just for my personal satisfaction
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comic shop guy
I think I have autism so I'm not very good at dealing with things. Basically I'm wanting to close the pull list I have at my comic shop. If you don't know what that is, it's the list of titles you'll buy every issue so the store will hold them for you. I'm leaving the store because this particular store did a bad job of actually getting me all the issues I want, just because the guy running it makes lots of mistakes. It's also far away from my house and I'm tired of driving there, and it turns out that there's sites where you can preorder comics online for far cheaper than you can get in a store.

So for all those reasons, I'm leaving the shop. But I have to give notice because it wouldn't be right to let them pile up a stack of books for me if I'm not going to come buy them. Next week is the last week before the comics I've preordered start showing up. I really do not want to have this conversation face to face, so I'm thinking that I'll pick up my last books from the shop on Wednesday, and then send him an email. Something like this:
>Hello, this is [my name]. I'm cutting back on some things and so unfortunately I'd like to close my pull list at the [name of city] location. Thank you very much.

Is that okay? Is there anything you'd add? Even though I wasn't very happy with the service, the guy who ran the store was a nice dude.
0 media | 4 replies
Questions to ask on a date?
What are some questions / ways to keep the conversation flowing on a date? I have no idea what I am doing. I just don't want to seem awkward. I actually love to conversate but I sometimes feel unable to adequately interact because I am not the most experienced person. I also think I get very nervous easily and sort of shutdown. I am a guy dating women. From what I gather, its apparently a good idea to ask more questions about the woman compared to you just talking about yourself?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
How do I not let people have power over me?
0 media | 5 replies
No title
I don't drink and hate social media. How does a person like me make friends? I live in a city but it feels like it has nobody in it. I tried just talking to random people I meet on the street when I get a decent "in" to converse but all the people I met that way seem to have disappeared.
0 media | 5 replies
Grow taller at 21?
I an 21 years old. Is there anyway I can still grow taller? I have yet to overtake my dad, I am about 1-2/2-3 inches away. Any "safe" medicine I can take? Any vitamins? Foods? Exercises? Subliminals? Anything that can add a few inches/naturally/with meds/whatever. Just no surgery or shoe lifts, thats a lie and gay.
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How do I treat my hate for woman?
How do I cure my hate for woman?
I hate how they are so unambitious and all they do is trying to look good without ever doing anything with their mind. They are doing some things but they are not passionate about it. I just want to stop feeling angry whenever I see or hear a woman
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No Sense of Self
I don't have any concept left of who I am as a person.
Starting from my teens, I've spent so long desperately vying for the validation and respect of others out of a dire lack of self-esteem that I can hardly remember who I was and what I like; what I can recall that I like is hard for me to be interested in anymore because I'm so obsessed with this validation that it's all I can focus on, and the memories of the personality I can remember having are flimsy at best.
I don't know what I want to do each day when I'm not at work, what I want out of life, what my personality is like, and even small things like what I want to wear. The concept of who I am as a person vastly changes depending on who I am with and what I am invested in at that moment.
Is there any way out of this? I'm really desperate and I can't afford another therapist, my first was kind but not suited to what I am going through. I'm going to be in my twenties by the end of the year and don't want to live another decade like this. Please help me.
2 media | 24 replies
No title
Should a sexually-romantically inexperienced adult man hire a dating coach?
6 media | 81 replies
No title
What color should I repaint my wall? My walls current color is matte grey beige and the baseboard is white. The Floor is grey vinyl plank. The window trim is also white.
2 media | 6 replies
Why am I only gay occasionally?
I'm straight most of the time but from time to time I really get off on the thought of a hot older guy railing the fuck out of my twink ass.

I have full blown fantasies of being a cyclist with a fuckbuddy who'll peel off my lycra and fuck my firm butt at the end of a day of cycling. Also desu the only reason I lift weights is to look sexy (mostly to women) but I secretly enjoy other men seeing my naked and in my underwear.
0 media | 9 replies
No title
When I'm depressed I scroll the archives of this site for hours specifically looking for threads where OP is losing the will to live, in hopes that I find replies that make me feel better.
How common is this? And how do I stop?
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No title
should I dump my girlfriend?

We are both in our late 20s and I am the first boyfriend she ever had. She seems infatuated and in love with me but I do not think I really want to be with her because she is very liberal in her views and also gets upset and cries easily over things. She wants to have a baby among other things but I am not sure I want to have one right now.
1 media | 6 replies
Urgent help!!
I feel like I am being stalked by multiple people but I cant prove it or get anyone to believe me. being dealing with this for 8 months
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Impossible Relationship
images (34)
>meet girl on discord
>have so much in common it's almost uncanny
>she's never been kissed or in a relationship like me
>talk, watch shows and play games together daily for hours on end
>exchanged pics and she's a qt with an adorable smile
>only problem is that she's in another continent
What do I do, bros? I thought about saving up money and meeting her in her home country. I don't even know where our relationship should go from there if it becomes an LDR. We're both still too young and in university to get married.
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No title
Recently separated from the mother of my child; her and I had been together some 5 years and the last three of them were spent raising our little boy.

We were never supposed to stay together, I had broken up with her the week she became pregnant because she was an excitable BPD train-wreck and I was tired of the love-bomb/discard cycles we were on pretty regularly.

The day I broke up with her I picked her up at a mall she was wandering aimlessly at (in a manic-depressive split) and took her back to my apartment and we fucked and I nutted in her and I basically told her we were still broken up, but I was open to being friendly.

About a month later and of course we're hanging out again (because I'm co-dependent and at the time really didn't know how to break something off with someone like that), and she starts feeling sick around me and viola she was pregnant.

Needless to say the baby was the single best thing that ever happened to me and stepping up to parenthood has been a defining feature of who I am today. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but his mother is a mess and drove me miserable (it is my child, we took paternity recently). We separated on a few occasions early on, but never stuck to breaking up, as I always wanted to be around my son. About two months ago I finally snapped after all whining and verbal abuse, we had an in-house split where I was sleeping in another room and we were being amicable like strangers. She ends up pissing me off a few times around my birthday and I figure it's enough, so I install tinder and start talking to other women.

One night I go out to see someone, knowing she'd find out, knowing she'd get pissed enough to toss me out, and of course all of that happened.
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Cluster headaches from antibiotics
I have a life threatening infection and have to take antibiotics for a long time. I'm allergic to all of them and they give me 24/7 insane cluster headaches with left eye pressure. I have never had this happen while not on them.The last time this happened I had to have it for 8 months and got permanent eye damage. I'm on week 2 this time and wanna off myself becuase it hurts and I might lose an eye. Do you guys know of any way to make this better?
0 media | 1 replies
No title
>cute girl at work
>we flirt a lot
>I like her, she likes me
>customer comes in, girl starts acting really shy. Is barely able to talk properly to him
WTF she was never with this with me. She's flirty/teasing with me but she seemed smitten to the point of losing her senses with this guy

Did she find him more attractive than me? He was shorter than me and this girl was very obviously attracted to my tallness but still wasn't ever like this with me.

We're never going to see him again but I'm starting to doubt it all. !!!!!!
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Unaligned logic and emotions causing cognitive dissonance
At least I think it's cognitive dissonance, maybe not I'm pretty dumb
Anyway my gf cheated on me and turned out to be a piece of shit. Logically I can look at the whole situation, all of the facts and can agree that she is a piece of shit. However it feels like emotionally I can't accept it and I have no clue how to change this. I KNOW I'm better without her but it's like I don't FEEL as if I'm better without her, if that makes sense.
Can someone please help? This shit is mentally fucking me
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What is wrong with me?
I just don't know. I want to be left alone so unbelievable badly but I don't find anything inherently wrong with their presence. Though I try to avoid any close relationships with people. I sometimes do things that border on self-sacrificing for people I barely know, and at other times I do intentionally malicious things just for fun. Basically, I just have a lot of weird, often conflicting behaviors.
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No title
>woman starts giving me attention and making it clear she likes me
>start showing her attention back
>all of a sudden recoils the attention she gave me and only responds when I show interest
What happened
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Friend strangled me. Idk if he took me seriously when i said don’t do it again :/
For starters, im a 5’5” reasonably ugly femanon. This dude is 6’2” and i consider him insanely attractive but my friends don’t. I’ve been into him since like February but never acted on it. Our relationship is sorta strange like he’s really touchy and weird with me but he’s gonna ask out this other chick. He’s done things that sorta scared me before but not even that bad so i didn’t care. Today though, we were in a fucking HOMEGOODS and i was standing there looking at something, when he just walks up behind me and hooks his arm around my neck and holds me there. It realllly fucking hurt and i couldn’t breathe but it was only like 4 seconds. The fact that there was literally nothing i could do to stop him really scared me. Like i mean he’s genuinely so much stronger than me i couldn’t move his arm an inch. I’m super freaked out around him now and idk what i should do. It was also kinda hot but way more scary lol. I know how dangerous being choked is too. Should i stop talking to him? He’s a really good friend :c I’ve already asked him not to do it again but he’s never taken that seriously before so idk :/. If you had a friend who you’re weirdly close with who isn’t usually serious when they say no, would you take them seriously this time?
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/pag/ Porn Addiction General
Thread about how to quit this addiction. It's gotten pretty bad for me, I can't focus on studying because I'm always jerking off. Share your tips and stories.
3 media | 28 replies
Dealing with Bipolar Depression
Growing up my father was emotionally abusive and having to put on an emotional front was required from an early age. I'd grown use to going from bawling my eyes out privately in a short window then having to "snap back" even when I was 13 otherwise my dad would cause hell. Well, guess that came back to bite me in the ass, as now I'll have severe mood swings ranging from wanting to kill myself and thinking I'm a worthless piece of shit to praising myself and thinking I'm the greatest. Today I broke down and contacted the crisis help line and then 15 minutes later its like my emotions just flicked like a light and i just went on like nothing happened. I know my fathers diagnosed bipolar but I've yet to get a diagnosis. It's not normal to do that there's no way. A normal person shouldn't be swinging through every emotion possible in a given day. I've had a ton of times I've been hanging with someone having a blast then suddenly I'm shut down. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on how to cope?
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No title
>was morbidly obese in high school
>bullied to hell and back because I was fat
>lost all the weight
>fast forward a few years
>still feel like a fat piece of shit even tho I'm 64kg (141lbs)
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Get rid of fetish
I have the most embarrassing fetish. How do I get rid of it? This is a serious inquiry, please help
1 media | 13 replies
I am boogie 2988
How do I stop this. I break shit, scream and manipulate just like in this video.
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maxresdefault (1) (21)
How do autistic people/shy/socially awkward people even date in current year?
1 media | 20 replies
Advice for guys struggling to get women or a relationship
Been a while since I've posted here since I've finally graduated from an incel to being a sex haver so I decided to visit you guys and give some general advice to those still struggling out there with women. I have made a lot of mistakes anons and I'm passing down my experiences and lessons I've learned for you so that you do not make the same mistakes I've made.
>Go to the gym. I don't care about your copes or if you post the bald manlet with a beard and baby face. The gym will make you physically, mentally and visually better and even if its by 1 point thats still a net positive.
>Do not fucking listen to womens advice. I cannot stress this one enough. The end result of this is you being groomed into a beta loser who will never get laid or be respected and if by chance you do get a crumb of pussy she will never treat you properly. You will be a stupid pet end of story.
>Do not take advice from women on 4chan of all fucking places, avoid generals here like ATOGA. The last place you should be getting advice from a female is this shithole of all places. These women are far more busted then the typical female you meet online and they will groom you into just being a fucking idiot who doesn't know how to interact with normal females
>DO get advice from whores. Stay with me here: Actual whores who know that they are whores and own it are unironically the best advice givers on women. A family member of mine worked as a stripper and an escort, she knows what she did and owns it. I have unironically gotten some of the best insight on the psychology of women from her and they will give you valuable insight on every women you come into contact with. They will also be able to tell which women are interested in you and who to take your shot with or whos been eyeing you up like a piece of candy in public.
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faith and sexuality
I have a question for fellow Christians here.

I'm a male and I'm attracted to only other men. I've tried dating women, but to no consequence, I feel absolutely nothing.

I'm conflicted because I'm a devout Christian and I don't know what to do with my feelings. If I married a woman it would be unfair to us both. I've tried to "fix" myself, to no avail.

So, I'm either to live a life a celibacy or follow my own passions and instinct. I know their are arguments about Biblical scripture, but I first and foremost want to devote my life to the Lord our God.

Any advice on how I should go about my life? I don't think I can change my orientation, but I don't know what to do with my life. I started drinking heavily about 15 years ago, when I failed in my straight relationship.

Please, any advice you can give would be most appreciated.
11 media | 114 replies
How do I cope with having no energy (sleep apnea is killing me)
I suspect that I have sleep apnea & possibly some insomnia too. Namely I am mentally exhausted every day & have no motivation & get pissed at the smallest shit & erectile dysfunction for no reason. Since the beginning of the year I have had only 2 days where I actually woke up energized & wanting to be productive. I am not sure if that's the normal way to wake up or not but it was a night & day difference.

I told all of this to my doctor about 2 months ago & they made an appointment for me in a hospital's sleeping clinic. Which is at the end of august (3 months waiting time because my country took in so many immigrants our health system is failing). And it most likely won't be a diagnosis the first time either (they didn't tell) so it's gonna be another few weeks / months ontop of that for the diagnosis appointment for me to find out if this is what's causing my problems. And only after my insurance will buy me a CPAP machine which I can't afford myself (& they will only buy if I get diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea)

So basically there is nothing I can do to fix it in the next 1-2 months. But I am sick & tired of not having the mental energy to be productive & just sitting around as a useless NEET all day. This shit is fucking killing me & making me depressed. I have genuine interests & am passionate about stuff but I just can't do anything other than watch time fly by & me wasting my life which is already way too short. I naturally have a sense of 24/7 urgency because I know that I'm probably not gonna get old & I wanna do as much as possible before I die. But like I said I can't right now. It's making me go insane. I want to live, not be functionally a vegetable. How the FUCK do I cope with this?????
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Career change
I have been working as an autozone delivery driver for over 3 months, and its been a good job for minimum wage, basically getting paid to drive and listen to music. Not thrilled about being scheduled only a week in advance, with this week being 7 days, but whatever.

However, when I was job hunting in march, I went to a recruiting agency to look for industrial jobs since I am in college for welding, and manufacturing would look great on my resume. That agency recently contacted me, offered me an assembler position with a pay bump, and benefits.

My issue is, I let them know a week ago I was still working for AZ, but I am due to start at that job this monday, despite me being scheduled for this week at my current job. I have a good relationship with my managers there, and I wish I could give a 2 week notice, but I have to quit.

What would be the best way to quit on an amicable note?
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Medical advice
I suffer from chaffing because of my job I get abscesses as a result normally they just pop bleed and heal but this new one I think is infected and I don't have a primary doctor what should I do
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How do I stop fetishizing asian women
hello guys, I realized I had a problem when I suddenly realized that I have a severe fetish for east asian women and I am a white american male. I realize that love is blind and you don't know who you're gonna fall in love with, but the thought of my future gf/wife not being asian feels so bad for some reason. If a girl wants to date me it will be next to impossible to say no, but what if she's not asian? I'm really not that attracted to white or black girls anymore and it feels so fucking weird. Asian girls are just so much prettier and age much better. HELP ME destroy this fucking fetish. It's a fucking pipeline it starts with watching anime as a kid and then sucking off japan and then becoming a japanophile and then exploring the surrounding areas and discovering chinese and korean culture and then vietnamese or some shit and then boom you're a filthy asian fetishiser. Fucking shoot me please, the fact that I even said "future wife" is so funny because I'm a fucking loser.
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Talk me out of this mindset
I'm now at 28 so I stopped dating just for fucking.
I'm dating a Latina, I always dated latinas, I only had 1 white gf in my life.
She is lovely, caring and gorgeous. She has a few red flags but nothing serious for now. (We have been dating for a few months now, so I might still be at the "she is so perfect" phase)
The thing is that I cannot see myself having a child with her (or any Latina).

I am white, blond and blue/green eyed. I want my kids to look like me, and all those traits are recessive, so the chances of a white blue eyed kid is very low.

I swear to God that I'm not racist. I just want kids that look like me.

I know that what I am saying and thinking is fucked up, but I can't stop thinking about this.

Please talk me out of this mindset. I can't talk to anyone about something like this, not even my therapist.
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Am I bisexual?
So I can’t tell if I have a porn addiction or not and wonder if I’m actually bisexual or not when I turned 19 I’ve started going on Grindr and sending men nudes but never actually had any gay sex I’m 25 now and still wonder if I’m just simply porn addicted or I am bisexual or not when I’m horny sometimes I think about sucking cock and sometimes but rarely think about straight sex the fact that it’s been so many years and wonder still makes me wonder and I’m not sure but for example right now I’m horny but want to be on my knees for a giant cock.
0 media | 15 replies
Anons who pulled themselves out of a long depression
It feels stupid posting here because the solution seems clear, snap out of it, but it's not been so easy.
I think I've been depressed for years but now it's affecting people around me I care about. I managed to get married last year and my mood just makes me want to be alone all the time making my wife unhappy. Work constantly stresses me out and I have nightmares all the time about it. I'm extremely underweight on top of it all and struggle to eat when I feel this way.
The solution here is to get over myself, I know that, but I can't get myself there.
Any anons who managed to turn their lives around? How did you manage it? I feel like an asshole 24/7
4 media | 21 replies
How to study everyday?
Everyday I wake up and do nothing. I just open apps in a loop to get some dopamine. I open 4chan, reddit, instagram, I do everything but study.

Recently I deleted every thing. Still I find myself walking around, looking at walls, or unlocking my phone in an infinite loop out of habit. What the FUCK is wrong with me and how do I actually study? I even do that shit when I have to eat because I don't wanna do the dishes for example. I'll spend hours walking around and looking at random shit on my phone or listening to music instead of eating out of laziness. Give me a plan to become normal again please.
1 media | 19 replies
Saw so many couples today...
Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 23.48.56
I work an exhausting job which is around 12 hours a shift, I took a break today and went out to grab some take out after skipping gym. I usually don't notice this but I see so many couples. I am talking to women and even get some numbers from apps, I also have some friends I could meet up with, but there's a "missing" out feeling when I see these couples and friends hanging out.

Its a tough journey moving out of autist but there has been progress, wish m luck boys
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cow gf
There's a checkout clerk at my local grocery store that's 6'4. She's not pretty and in her 40s-50s but thick and I have a massive amazon fetish. Is there anyway I could pull her? I'm mid 20s 5'8 dyel twink. We're both white.
1 media | 8 replies
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Does anyone know a reputable site that sells sodium nitrite?
It's might be a long shot as most who have bought it probably don't post here anymore.
0 media | 6 replies
Advice: How to California when you usually MD/VA?
Good morning, anons.

I've got a gang together to bounce from the beast coast to the mellowest coast. The motive for the trip is to have one of our friends see the state to prepare for the possibility of moving there.
He works in a demanding field and it was small coup getting him to take a week off from work so, now we need to make the most of the time. The problem? None of us know much about the state so I thought I ask the guys here for suggestions on:
1) Interesting places to go
2) Worthwhile events to attend
3) People to meet

We are going to start in the northern part of the state near Mt. Shasta, make our way to the coast then head south. This will happen in the middle of next month, August, but that's all we know. Alot remains unwritten...

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Screenshot 2024-07-20 224210
25m self diagnosed khhv l'autisme.
It's over.
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Why is this guy talking to me if he secretly hates me?
I have been talking to this guy both IRL and online, and it seems like I'm doing most of the conversations, and he just replies, and sometimes it feels really fake.

The moment I stop initiating texts, and talks, he just stops, he doesn't give a shit. And there are times where we were playing games together and going competitive mode to rank up, he ranked up to a really good level and doesn't even tell me about it, when he was hyped as hell before.
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On a date but hes so cute, I'm nervous..
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Is there any downside to asking any woman I find attractive for their number just straight up? I don’t care about my social reputation and no one can stop me because I’m 6’2” and jacked as well as armed and dangerous.
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No title
Finally meeting up with a guy to lose my virginity to.I’m not getting any red flags and he kinda seems like a geek but in a good way.He’s originally from another state but he’s currently house sitting for a friend.Would meeting up seem like a bad idea? I’m nervous (mostly because I’m almost never around men) but I don’t want to keep being a sexless lame-o.
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MFers dress like this and say they want a big tittied goth gf. Why the fuck would they want you? No unspoken rizz, just unspoken.
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No title
>tried shaving asshole hair with shaver
>ends up bleeding
How can I remove ass hair without being a retard?
0 media | 8 replies
Success stories
ENOUGH of friendless losers (like me) asking for advice and not following up on it.
Is there anyone here with a success story to share? Someone who actually did follow up on the advice they got and really did succeed? Or invented their own methods? Tell us how you fixed your social life, if you did
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it's showtime
just can't wait to be king
about to meet with the baddest woman who has shown very explicit attention. she's also 20 years older than me. We meet tomorrow. Do i shoot a nut or 2 off before seeing her? I honestly think i might explode the instant i touchdown ngl
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How do I get over the fact that I tried and failed. It still stings. I took it really personally.
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No title
I recently bought a gun, but I'm having second thoughts. The conflict is mostly on principle; I feel like it just...isn't me. What do?
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Necessary Books
What are some necessary books to read to understand human relations, the world etc; better? I don't want basic shit
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How to network when I didn't make friends in college? I always hear that having contacts is more important than anything else. So when I get my first job(s) what should I do in that regard? What would make me someone worthy of recommendation?
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how to motivate myself to stop being neet
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I hate when other men look at woman I’m with

When they catcall them

When they try to date them etc

Does dating a tomboy fix these issues?
0 media | 8 replies
Bizarre sexuality or actually fairly normal?
What do you call it when you're instantly attracted to guys in real life, even feeling perhaps shy or intimidated, but never instantly attracted to women in real life - maybe over time after getting to know one think that they're cute... I've had maybe one real life girl crush in the last decade. Every great once in a while I find a girl in person actually attractive hot and want to fuck her without knowing her.

Yet, when it comes to porn, I am almost solely attracted to women. I masturbate pretty much only to female masturbation videos or lesbian, unless speaking to a sex-bot. When looking at naked men, even if they'd be my type in person, I feel almost nothing unless I am REALLY in the mood for dick (like once every year or three?)

I'm just curious, what the hell kind of fucking sexuality is that? Here are some tl;dr facts

>I'm a grill
>I do have a boyfriend, so I do feel satisfied in the cock department
>I'm asking a porn-addled question, but I'm not actually addled (well maybe right now with the bots, but over all watch porn maybe once a month)
>Have had sex with women, I know a lot of women in real life I may have no instant attraction to I would be soaking wet for if eating them out
>I am extremely attracted to both 2-d and 3-d women in porn

Anyway, I am just curious because it's so bizarre. I'm conservative, but I do understand sexuality is sliding scale, but mine just seems so fucked up.
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No title
Realistically speaking, how much do white women actually prefer black men in real life?
I used to think all the BBC/blacked/BNWO shit you see on 4chan was 100% bullshit, but since I went to college I've overheard white women making fun of white men and in one case even saying she couldn't even imagine her baby being white.
I really want to believe they are just virtue-signaling because it breaks my heart more than any "height and face" blackpill ever could, but honestly I've lost all hope in humanity long ago.
Also, this is not a BBC spam thread, so fuck off if you want to post blacked shit.
3 media | 37 replies
No title
I’m talking to this girl and it’s going really really well, we’ve made plans for this upcoming week to go on a date. I’ve gotten really into her and often find myself overly affectionate saying shit like “you’re really cute!” unprompted a lot - more than I feel is comfortable. She responds to it well, but I just feel like I’m being *too* affectionate to the point where it might be overbearing. I just can’t help but express how much I appreciate and like her all the time, honestly. Am I just being retarded or is it overbearing?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
some black lady smoked near me and i inhaled some of it now im sweating, feel erratic and feel weird

what do i do

im scared and it didn't smell like weed
0 media | 9 replies
No title
How does one make connections with people from the dark web and black market? I need friends in these places for personal reasons but I don’t even know where to start.
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help me
Idk, advies or help

Im typing with my grilfrend but im got Concern when she Tell me , im wil copy it and put here

I enjoy watching r*pist and torture p*rn, hearing the painful sounds turned me on

Sound im angry, conserd idk we not yet met in reall life and that freak me up, because its not normal for me and idk where to go to help, no google rearch give me answers so im posting here. Pls im need some help/advice of im should stop it.
0 media | 29 replies
My degree is useless
Bachelor of Arts in fucking Classical Studies
How do I cope?
4 media | 74 replies
No title
Can someone please tell me its going to be okay? I fucked up my life. I just want to die right now
0 media | 15 replies
Yet another dating tragedy
jjk beach 2
I'm having trouble coping with a situation I'm in and while I know that the conclusions I can draw on my own are probably accurate, I'd like if any anons could either give me a new perspective or confirm what I'm already thinking. I'll try to cut to the chase with the core story but open to answering questions. Sorry if im too wordy.

I had a big gaming group of friends among many groups, all playing a popular MMO, which works out really well for me because its a super social outlet while working remotely from home. Especially where I live, and being in my late 20s, there isn't really a better way to meet people for me at the moment. Met a girl who infrequently hops on and we immediately clicked and got along really well. Months go by of harmlessly watching shows together, playing games together, talking for hours, etc. Mutual friends were fearful that we would start getting closer to the point of intimacy so she had been getting guilted to avoid me due to jealousy among girls. She ended up abandoning a bunch of friends for the sake of being in control of what she does and chose to hang around me as much as she wanted to. But word around the friend group that was common knowledge is that she was divorced for a while and then used to date someone else from the same group for a short time. They didnt work out due to the other guy being disinterested- he had knocked her up once and made her abort shortly after. Later, he did try and get back with her but she had sternly chosen to be with me instead.

2 media | 12 replies
No title
How do I discourage strangers from asking me stupid questions that they would have found the answer to if they bothered to wait a few seconds to find out?

You know the shit I'm talking about?
0 media | 30 replies
No title
How to stop being alone all the time and make friends? I am mentally ill and don’t work
0 media | 1 replies
No title
How can I stop hating gay people, specifically drag queens like rupaul, when women like blair white fill me with such attraction that I feel like I need to be with them?
Faggots like rupaul are sick, they have a sickness in the head. It is disgusting. A MAN wearing WOMEN'S CLOTHES and prancing around like a clown. I hate it.
0 media | 12 replies
boring office job
i have a GI Bill and plan on going to college. I'm 32 and i've always had shitty manual labor jobs. i want to get a four year degree in something that will allow me to get into a low stress office job that ideally pays well. I'm not the smartest person in the world but i'm motivated. I'd prefer not to do any computer stuff because i'm not very naturally inclined to it. I've been looking at accounting. Anything else i should look at?
0 media | 0 replies
Escaping a Single Mother
I work in an office environment and started flirting with a single mother at some point in 2022. It's been a VERY slow / progressive thing, as I've been trying to be mindful and prioritize my employment, so we still haven't actually hung out privately or done anything sexual.

She recently asked to exchange phone numbers, so things have gotten a bit more personal through text...

SO. I learned that back in 2020 she got pregnant from some guy she waited tables with at an Italian restaurant. This guy was habitually unfaithful and developed an alcohol problem, yet she stayed... Her "final straw" was when he grabbed her neck in the car, kicked down the front door to their apartment, and then smashed the baby's crib before passing out drunk. She says he now lives out of state and that they only communicate once per year when he attempts to see the child.

I'm not comfortable with them communicating AT ALL, and don't believe that it's only once per year. What is the best way to start diffusing this whole interaction and go back to our work duties as normal? Find another job?
0 media | 4 replies
How fucked are things truly?
Not to be a doomer but sometimes I wonder if it's well and truly over. Cost of living is rising. AI is rapidly killing industries and creative jobs. Having a university degree is worthless if not STEM related. The Earth itself is being mutilated and we have until 2030 to try and mitigate the effects of the climate crisis. Fascism is growing stronger. People are just outwardly hateful now and easily misled. We are less connected. Idk. Maybe it's all a natural part of growing up but things just seem so bleak whenever I think about the state of things. This is not the future I was promised as a child.
1 media | 18 replies
No title
never had a gf, never had sex,never even been on a date. i used to be ok with being a loner and spending most of my time alone in my room doing nerd shit but since turning 30 something has happened to me and im horny as all damn fuck. im too scared to talk to girls though. i also began hitting the gym recently for the first time in like 6 years and that also makes me horny as shit because some of the women there wear tight as fuck clothing sports bras, skintight pants etc. someone give me some advice. my main problem is im just literally afraid to talk to girls i dont want them to see me spilling my spaghetti even if they would be ok with it.
send help
0 media | 3 replies
Girlfriend wants to try a threesome (FFM)
I have been with my girlfriend for almost a decade now. We are married in everything but official documents, although currently we do not live together due to her work circumstances. She has requested a transfer to be closer to me which should be finished within next year.
Ever since we were young, horny teenagers, we have mentioned now and then how it would be hot to have a threesome. I always made it clear that for me it would have to be with women only, and she agrees as she says she wouldn't like to be with another man anyways. We were one another's first everything and have a very strong bond.

For a while, as we entered adulthood and had a lot of things to sort out and worry about, the threesome talk never came up again, being just a distant "fantasy" of ours. Recently, however, she brought it up, as we have been travelling through our country every so often, have accumulated wealth (individually) and she finds it a good opportunity to find a girl with no strings attached in the places we go to.
However, I have no idea how to initiate this kind of thing and/or if I should even give it a go. I fear I might have performance anxiety, which to me is fine since I still want my girl to enjoy it if it is something she wants to try out, and I know I do a good job even without using my penis.
We are in our mid 20s and not particularly attractive (I'm a 7 or 8 on a good day, so is she) but we are tall, well-spoken and wealthy (individually and collectively). My girlfriend is fit while I am skinny fat.
What would be our options if we decide to go through with it? Tinder? Swingers' places? Go to a party and flirt up girls? I believe my girlfriend would have to be the "wingman" and do the initial approaches since girls have a white flag by default with other girls.
Any ideas or opinions from someone who has done this?
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Hygiene and keeping clean in the summer?
greatcleanone complete
I am a semi-hairy guy and I always feel like I am basically never clean in the summer. I take showers but at the end of the day, I always feel pretty sweaty and nasty. Especially in the summer. It seems like I take a shower and will get swamp ass like an hour later after the shower. I hate it. If I ever get to the point of having sex with a woman or needing to get naked, I think I'd reek pretty badly. Is there anything you can really do for this type of stuff besides just shower more? Maybe that is the only answer. I don't use any powders or anything like that but when I shower I use soap and obviously water etc.
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How to quit nicotin/vapeing (Pic related)
I smoked a 15k puffs Vape in a week. Thats a new low/record for me. I dont even feel the nicotin anymore. Me and my friendgroup tried quiting multiple times before but we always eneable each other to pick it up again. Were colectivly try to quit this summer.

I think the comedown of the last week nonstop vaping is gonna be hard. Ive been reguarly vaping for only a year, usually a 7k puff vape last me for 3-4 weeks.
Any tips from smokers who managed to quit? My current 15k vape is on its last leg right now:
0 media | 1 replies
Drawing and art
How to start drawing/painting if you have 0 fucking idea how to? Always attracted me but whenever I've tried it doesn't really seem to go anywhere.
3 media | 34 replies
Autist Yandere Gf
Short and simple Adv

Absolutely love my girlfriend and everything about her she is perfect to me with 100% certainty and I love our relationship dynamic and including her autism.

HOWEVER, there is a discrepancy regarding my love of her possessiveness.

She has a tendency to go into a jealous rage to a point of going into full on melt downs if a woman is ever mentioned in conversation or ever interacted with positively by me. I again love her possessiveness.

But As much as I love it I have to acknowledge this level of envy is really bad for her mental health. I want to know if there is something I can do. I want her to feel security in me and peace. I don’t want her to panic. I can see how much it distresses her and It’s not that I don’t like her possessiveness, it’s that I don’t like how it detriments her and makes her feel. It’s also accommodated by her terrible self image issues (which she is stunningly beautiful and well endowed beyond regular women so it hurts that she sees such terrible perceptions put on her by her abusive exes)

Will this level of jealousy get better over time together? It’s correlated to trauma of being cheated on by exes. Will it get worse? Is there anything I can do to help her feel the security and the love I have for her be so absolute? I have two long term female friends, and I’m afraid this might eventually bleed into them eventually forcing me to remove them.

But I will do whatever it takes to keep my girlfriend happy. I love her so much. Any advice besides “leave them lol” is appreciated especially by other autistic people regarding a similar issue they’ve also conquered.

If I must disconnect from every woman and abhor any and all interaction with them then so be it. But I don’t think it’s good for her to always worry this way.
2 media | 25 replies
No title
Hey y'all. I don't have anything too crazy to throw out here, so sorry if my problems are a little dull.

I grew up in a real strict Christian home. I was homeschooled because my parents thought I'd pick up worldly values. My homeschooling was done on the computer though since both my parents worked so I kinda grew up on the internet too since I had no supervision.

I'm a newlywed now, and never tried sex until my honeymoon and I just...want a lot more? Like we had sex four times that night, twice the next night and every night after until we got home.

Now I try to get him to have sex with me, and my husband is like "I'm sore" or "it (his dick) needs some time to rest". I feel like I'm going crazy because I restrained myself and I was good all my life and now when I'm supposed to be able to do this as much as I want my husband is just not going for it and I'm really frustrated. Since we got home from the honeymoon we don't have sex more often than once a day, and rarely more than five times total in a week.

I told him all this and he tried to act like it was a medical thing, like he couldn't perform that often so I asked if we could get him Viagra, and he got upset. Then he told me it wasn't normal for me to be so horny and now I just feel dirty. I thought I was supposed to get to finally cut loose and now its like my whole future is set in stone and I'm just not feeling great to know he barely has any sexual interest in me.

Anyway, I have this friend online I talk to sometimes. She's a lesbian, but we still get along pretty well. She offered to send me some stuff to help me "handle it myself" but I worried it wouldn't be appropriate to accept that kind of stuff from her since she's a lesbian.
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insomnia rage
It’s currently 5AM here and I think I’m losing my fucking mind. I cannot fall asleep. I am not tired. The sleeping pill i take sometimes didn’t work. So I went for a walk, didn’t work. So i took deep breaths. Didn’t work. So i put some chill music on. Didn’t work. So i laid here and stared at the ceiling for an hour

I’m very stressed and agitated and not being able to sleep is making it worse, and I have fucking work tomorrow. Fuck this gay earth

Any weird tricks anons???? Should i hit myself in the head with a rock or something
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I grew up in the hood and I was the kid that people picked on for being faggy. I seriously medically transitioned the moment I could do so and I found a job and a guy to be with that I am with to this day. I thought that I was unlucky and unlovable though because I had my own problems and childhood trauma even though I had some friends. One of these friends dropped out a year before graduating from school. I told you I moved out with my guy not too long after I turned 18 so I didn't get to keep contacts with the people back home. I got news a few weeks ago that he was shot and I thought he was on his way to recovery but he died a couple of nights ago. I was thinking and maybe if I wasn't faggy then maybe I could've gotten shot too one day. I feel sad obviously but I feel happy too because I feel like I made the right choice somewhere. Is it bad to feel happy about this? Did I make sense
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>ask my friends to hang out
AVOID, i am afraid
>Reconnect with relatives
Avoid, ashamed
>Do my hobbies
AVOID, too involved
>Social events
AVOID, stressful
>Chores to do
AVOID, overwhelming
>Debts to pay
AVOID, ashamed
>Bank error

I seriously need help. I am so scared of everything that I run away from it. Obviously I need to “JUST DO IT” but I can’t manage my emotions long enough to do it. this is a pattern in my life.
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31 year old aspie NEET here. I realized the game was rigged against me pretty early on. Communication is everything in this world, and I can't communicate for shit. I have a severe speech impediment and can only talk to a handful of people. No degree, never worked, no skills that I can monetize. I've spent most of the past two decades in the woods, or reading in my room. If I could keep doing that I'd be pretty happy. Do you anons have any ideas? I'm quite frugal. Even if I could make $700 a month that would be enough.
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Becoming less empathetic and more optimist
How do I not concern myself about other people and their problems/negativity if I feel bad like would you inevitably if you were doomscrolling / watching bad news all long ?

On a more joyous note how do I become more optimistic if standard advice doesn't work if from a realistic viewpoint things are bad while I'm actively trying to change my environment ?

Many thanks in advance /adv/
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No title
What skills are the most attractive to women?
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Where to sell servo motors?
1.Delta Taiwan Servo MotorDrive Set 1.0KW, 4.77Nm 2000RPM
Not sure if this is the right board or not to ask. But does anyone know where exactly should I sell couple of Servo motors + circuit control board?

Dad bought a couple for his personal project but didn't go anywhere with it, so I'm trying to find second hand buyer with his permission.

Local electronic store don't know what to do with them. And they won't take it off us without slashing the price a lot. It's Taiwan made top of the line stuff.

Never tried selling online before. Ebay?
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How can I consume kratom powder? I tried swallowing it dry but it made me cough it up. I tried mixing it with water but I threw up after the first sip.
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how do I stop being bitter? the bitterness is consuming me
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Return to the dating pool advice
On the cusp of making the plunge again. Divorce is finalized, and my social circle is basically non-existent, so no chance of being introduced to anyone.

All I hear is that "it's a warzone out there", and the classic top 1% of men take the lion's share, and it's honestly confronting.

I have no idea where to start, or how to go about it. I've signed up for POF & Tinder in the past two weeks, kind of a test-out-the water situation, and the only matches I have had have both mocked my display picture, which I've attached.

As much as I am looking for genuine advice, it would be reassuring to know that I'm not totally repugnant and alone.
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4 inch dick
how bad is it? i cant fuck properly except missionary and doggy
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No title
If able to, would you recommend that a Physfag skip General Physics 1? I'm in a JC, so the courses needed are Gen Phys 1-3--1 and 2 being Mechanics, and Electricity and Magnetism, I believe. Not sure what 3 is, but I'd assume it's Modern Physics. What comes afterwards once I move onto uni? Other than not having the experience that comes with solving those types of mechanical problems and learning Mathematical methods, is there anything that I'd miss out and would come back to bite me in the ass later? Isn't Mechanics reviewed in an upper class with more rigorous Maths?
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No title
how do i deal with being italo american from jew york and stop being ashamed? staten island is a shithole and i hate it
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Would any English anons like to be irl friends? Advice please
Would any English anons like to be friends (for advice and advice related purposes)? A lot of people here are lonely, myself included.
My two friends think I am autistic.
Enjoys: exploring London by tube, would like to take up tennis, existential despair
23/M/Near London
cord: centre5
Jannies get lost, this is for advice purposes
Any advice on getting friends who I like?
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No title
I recently visited my long-distance boyfriend, and at first, everything was great intimacy wise. But on the sixth day, when he initiated, he started to get soft, and we didn't end up having sex. He said his dick was hurting and I was upset, so we stopped. For the next four days, we didn't have sex at all, and today I left. We were drinking a lot and doing physically exhausting activities, so maybe that was it. What worries me the most is the fact that he said he has never had this problem before with other girls. Is it over?
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DDR Baste or Cringe?
Title says all. 30 year old dude. Never learned to dance. Also out of shape and I do like music. Figured might be a fun way to get some extra steps in during this super hot summer. How viable is this and would it be fun or low key cringe?
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Need Help Choosing A Path
Just graduated high-school recently, I was dead set on nursing but working as a nursing assistant hit me like a brick. I don't wanna wipe ass and get abused like that. I'm now unsure of what I wanna do and am anxious for my future. I've been looking at being an x-ray technologist and that doesn't seem too bad. Also been looking at IT, I know the tech field is saturated but it doesn't seem too crazy and going to university is something I'd like to experience. (VA would pay for it) Any advice? Just at a crossroads and looking at all my options available. I wanna feel a hunger to learn and socialize.
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download (12)
I have no ambition
19 neet
All I feel like doing is making game mods on my pc and never leaving my home
how do I have ambition in life.
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No title
Girl I was seeing randomly ghosted me. What is the best mind games to play to make her regret her decision? Moralfags need not apply.
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Repetition Compulsion
>Repetition compulsion is the unconscious tendency of a person to repeat a traumatic event or its circumstances.
>This may take the form of symbolically or literally re-enacting the event, or putting oneself in situations where the event is likely to occur again.

I need today's brightest anons to weigh in here. How does one choose the new path, not the familiar one?

Does returning mentally to a traumatic situation help us master old wounds/understand what went wrong? Or is it futile and damaging?

B.F. Skinner: "The difference between rats and people is that when the rat gets shocked at the end of the maze, it doesn't go back." Yet people do.
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Last friend just left
I never post but I have nobody to vent to so here goes.
So my best friend of >10 years just told me they don't really want to be friends anymore as they essentially have outgrown me. It especially sucks since my ex took our shared friends in the breakup.
What now? I have zero connections and I am far too autistic to know how to make new friends.
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No title
>meet girl in tinder and we talk for months
>finally we meet, everything goes right, we hold hands and kiss
>keep talking on whatsapp after we meet but suddenly one day she says “tomorrow i’ll answer im having a bad day”, then next day she sends an audio about how busy she is
>days later i ask her if i can call on the telephone her
>she rants about how busy she is, that she has had a heat stroke, that she is very busy on her job, she is ill, she just found out her aunt has cancer
>”don’t think i didn’t want to pay attention to you but im exhausted due to being ill and busy”
>”i felt very comfortable in our date,, it went as planned”
>”and i want you to know that you seem to be a very good person”

am i being friendzoned/ghosted or am i paranoid? may she be dating other guys or testing me?
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My Schizophrenia is acting up again. What do, i already took my medication but it takes a while before the delusions stop...
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Education for Neets?
Although it would be nice to be “adopted” by someone and live in their home to cook and clean for eternity, I WANT to attempt to continue my education (20 currently)
and pursue some type of career. My living situation has me disorganized and feeling stuck. My graduating gpa was trash, I’ll admit that. I was on probation the last 2 years of highschool so I ended up going to some alternative independent school. I never got to talk to a counselor about college and my mother and father are uneducated losers barely making it by themselves so theyve never helped me with that either. I worked immediately after I graduated but that fell apart the beginning of this year. My mental health isnt any better either, I feel dumber but I do miss the structure of school. I miss learning, being able to take notes and learn things and turn in homework all that shit. But I also have a goal currently, to get my grandmother out of her old apartment and living somewhere better because for some reason none of her 4 children have managed to do it themselves. While I want to prioritize my livelihood, I really just want to make sure my grandma can be comfortable man shes getting older. So I guess my question is:

>What major/career should I pursue to knock my goal out the fastest?

I know it’s unrealistic. I wish I could do drop shipping, gamble, stocks, hell even pimp myself out whatever the fuck to get money fast and then worry about school later but I dont even understand how that works either. I just want advice on anything that would get me out of this hole so Im not useless anymore
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No title
My OCD takes every positive thought I hold dear and associates it with negativity or discomfort. I can't enjoy anything without my mind desperately searching for something to make me dislike those thoughts or things I once enjoyed.

Is there any help? Should I really take the pillpill?
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No title
Is this true: Once a cheater, always a cheater? I can’t turn a Hoe into a housewife? She cheated on her boyfriend to be with me.
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Who to ask for help?
I believe I need legal advice on how best to protect myself from an asshole at work. I need to know the answers to these questions:
(1a) Can I legally record my own conversations, audio only, at my place of work?
(1b) Is my particular place of work considered private and thus recordings would not be permitted?
(2) Should I record these on my private phone or work phone? (somewhat related to 1b since information recorded would typically include info considered confidential by the company)
(3) What is legally the best way to respond if this coworker yells at or berates me again?

Should I get a free consulation with a particular kind of lawyer? Is there someone better to talk with?

For some background: this guy is a ticking time bomb. He has had numerous incidents of yelling at and being aggressive with coworkers, in addition to sexual harassment claims filed against him by others, but the union always protects him in the end from being fired. His mood flips on a dime and I'm scared of him. If I can eventually get him fired, great, but this may just end up as evidence for employer's comp if I feel I have to find a new job, if I'm eventually physically injured by him, or if I end up having to file a lawsuit against the company themselves.

I have never consulted with a lawyer before, so I'm primarily looking for WHERE to get advice on how best to proceed in the meantime without accidentally digging *myself* into a legal hole. I want to start recording audio on my phone anytime I am in the work area where I have to interact with him to have evidence of his next inevitable blow-up, but I can't figure out on my own whether one-party consent applies to my particular work environment. I am close with the manager for the location and he has expressed his hands are essentially tied when it comes to this guy, so I think talking to HR will only harm me in the end by triggering this guy permanently against me to make my life hell.

Thank you
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How to deal with universi-tards?
Good evening anons,

How do I deal with university idiots who think they're smart and big because of the closeted nature of how university works?
I'm a student that is transferring to a very prestigious public uni in a month. I've had mixed feelings about university and higher education. I'm a first generation college student, but am regarded as intelligent.
Having been all my life an independent learner, I haven't been able to really associate my ego with what I learn or what grades I get. I have just had an interest in things, and have gone deep enough to know things well

Getting graded on stuff based off arbitrary rules isn't fun at all. I know that the system is standardized for a certain reason. What can I do to avoid, challenge, and dominate people who make university their whole personality? Understand I say dominate because they would not hesitate to throw me by the wayside to look good themself
I value myself on other things, like my good works, self care, and how I do things in the world
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No title
I fucking give up i have to move back in my mom's basement...sorta. small RV actually to save money to be a person again in a year. I am terribly allergic to cats and she used to have them there a few months ago. How can I best clean the place to eliminate any leftover allergens? I hear they're very persistent. Will steam cleaning do the trick? Anyone succeed at this in the past?
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Shit testing
Is it ever wise for a man to shit test his gf? If so how should he do it?
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My gf has been saying some interesting things lately
Just for reference, my gf and I have been together for years and I fully trust her. A few weeks ago she was talking about nudes and how her friends don’t really send their bfs any. Then she asked if I’d ever shown her nudes to any of my friends, and I said no (actually haven’t), and she kinda was just like “hmmm”. Then, she kinda randomly started spitballing and was like “if someone were to secretly record me naked in a changing room or hotel or something, I wouldn’t really mind. If they’re willing to go that far to see me naked, they kinda deserve desu haha.” She keeps saying stuff like this and I wonder what she’s getting at. Is this normal girl behavior?
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No title
Can anon give me advice on how to stop ruminating on guilt for ruining something and not being given a chance to correct it (I could've)? It ending like this, from a misunderstanding and an inability to just simply correct it, has bothered me for 10 months. It has been so long, it is way past and I need to move on, but I have this cloud hanging over me, constantly thinking about the girl, and if I can just get rid of this feeling I will stop thinking about her completely.

How can I do it?

>inb4 distract yourself
It's been 10 months. I've distracted myself. She is on my mind constantly. I'm OCD about guilt and such.
>inb4 therapy
I'm in the system, trying to find someone who can help.

Can anon give me good, tailored advice? I would be eternally grateful because it's been 10 months already and there is no end in sight.
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Can't fap or fuck for a while, what do?
>Be me
>Practice tantric sex, sexual meditation, Edging, and pursuing more and more intense orgasms
>Can usually have a deep meditative orgasm that lasts like 2 1/2 minutes where my muscles contract and is sheer immense pleasure
>Other day I'm with my partner, I edge for like an hour
>Feel my orgasm coming and it's time to release
>Most intense nut of my life, feels like I'm ascending to heaven. Shooting thick ropes of cum everywhere
>Suddenly sharp, scary pain shoots up through my gooch, groin, and lower abdomen
>Worst pain I've ever felt
>It goes on for a solid minute or so
>She gets up and calls ambulance
>Turns out, I came so hard that I tore the orgasming muscles of my "Pelvic floor"
>Doctor gives me meds and says I can't fap, fuck, or do cardio exercises like running, jogging, etc (Nothing that involves the legs.)

It's been a few days now and my groin and abdomen feel better, but I can't fap. I shouldn't even want to but I'm starting to get in that stage where my penis is getting hard for basically no reason. How do I distract myself?
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...What now?
I'm at Dream con right now with my girlfriends and friend

I trained my ass off for months In smash bros ultimate, tool Ls and some Ws aplenty at a local venue we went to.

It was all for the dream con smash tournament (with a 10k prize to boot, but i really wanted to do it to PROVE myself)

And now I get told pretty flatly br the TOs that the spots are filled up and I can't even replace someone who doesn't show up (Boss's rules apparently)

Despite the fun and people I met from training in smash, my mind feels frustrated almost as though I wasted a couple months of my life (just turned 26) grinding this game only to not play it at dreamcon.


What the fuck do I do now???
>also want to note girlfriend is in mario kart tournament and we both trained in the house for our respective games and encouraged each other, it was fun and honestly romantic. However my gf wanted me not to mope about this
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