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"/adv/ - Advice" is 4chan's board for giving and receiving advice.

marriedfag helping incels
Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 2.44.44 PM
47M marriedfag here. Every fucking day I see some incelbro whining how to get women. How to get laid. I was watching this video from picrel and stumbled across a comment from this bitch who really gets it. As a marriedfag, I need my pussy. But I know my wife is not a man so she will not function or think like a man. She doesn’t wake up with hard as wood every morning with testosterone levels up the roof needing release. Testosterone is a 24 hour cycle. My wife being a woman has a 28 day cycle. During that cycle she only has like 5 fertile days where she wants pound town every fucking day of her 5 fertile days. After that if I want to get laid more than her 5 most horny days of the months I have to work for it. What’s my secret? Romance. Women love their feels. They love their flowers and dinner dates. During our 22 years of marriage we had a rough patch after our first son was born. I was expecting sex while she was overtouched and overworked with a newborn. She started to resent me and cry I didn’t “love her anymore”. I was fucking confused. I still wanted and desired her for sex. And guess fucking what? it wasn’t until I took the time to understand how women work and what they want to use it to my advantage. After learning women get horny through romance my marriage survived our bad post newborn trench. I started organizing dates, flowers every other week. This to her meant she felt desired and loved and in return started turning her on her horny levels. Listen to the women faggots. If you want easy sex get a prostitute or a man. Sex is as romantic as it gets for a man. We crave that physical connection with our partners and live the pleasure pussy gives. Women don’t work like this.
I will post screenshots of a comment I read that encapsulates what I did to help rebuild my marriage with my life. Because I romance her, and we have sex 5/6 times a week our relationship is better than ever. Our communication improved.
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Why did no one tell me how boring/depressing it was to settle down into a relationship?

No there's nothing wrong with her she's fine, I just didn't realize how much "purpose" I got out of pursuing relationships, meeting new girls, new families, new friend groups etc. And idk the whole sharing my life and "having to compromise" on everything and feel responsible for them and their wellbeing is really annoying, id rather not be so involved in all the details

Being with the same person all the time is just boring, we do different stuff together but it doesn't help much.

Yes yes have kids I know but that's a bit off cuz we're both young (early 20s)

Anyone else find settling down to be like the worst thing ever? Why did no one tell me this?
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I'm thinking about becoming a "nuisance streamer" because it seems like a lucrative way to make money and attention these days. It worked for johnny somali, jon minadeo, smooth sanchez, ect. Basically I would just go in public (in a nice neighborhood preferably, couldn't guarantee my safety in the ghetto or something) and just act like the biggest racist asshole possible while streaming it to kick or one of those underground racist sites. Just randomly call people the wors insults I can think of and get them to engage. Gain thousands of trollish followers and maybe some hate clicks from leftists too. It's not illegal to harass people in the united states because of the first amendment, in fact, it's illegal to do anything about it. If someone were to physically assault me I could just sue them and press charges since it's all on stream anyway, and gain even more followers by telling my audience I got attacked for "speaking the truth" and had my "free speech violated." The edgy chuds will eat it up. You may call it cowardly, but if it makes me money and attention that's all i care about. Even if I get killed it's not like I have anything else to live for and would probably go down as a martyr.
Is this a good way to make bank?
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Is it gay (as a heterosexual man) to get your genitals waxed and bleach your asshole?

Basically I'm planning a trip with my gf in the summer and we're gonna go to a private beach somewhere in the pacific. Both of our bodies are at their absolute peaks, I'm like 190lbs lean at 6'2" with visible abs/pecs, and she's 100lbs at 5'3" and looks fantastic. Youth is fleeting and I know our looks will decline as we age, so I want to enjoy it now. Therefore we're most likely going to be nude the majority of the trip and having sex frequently.

I can shave my body hair but my skin is sensitive and gets razor bumps, on top of that the hair grows back quickly and gets uncomfortable to shave. My asshole area is also a little discolored which I hate aesthetically. My plan is to just get waxed and bleached before the trip so I don't have to worry about shaving as much.

Does this make me gay? Is this a bad plan?
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Hobbies & Women
Do women not just have hobbies, or at least go to meets?

I'm part of a cycling group, there's a big cyclist culture in my city with tons of tracks and cafès and such.
ZERO women, it's all dudes in tights.
I take evening art classes at two different schools a few times a week... Sometimes the only woman in the room is the model.

Where da women at??
I get out now, I'm fit and I have hobbies I enjoy, I'd still do them regardless of chicks being there but the fuck?
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No energy
I want to do & learn a lot of stuff, but I just don't have any energy. Every little insignificant task feels like climbing a mountain, its exhausting. It can take me hours to convince myself to get out of bed & get groceries.

Been NEETing for 5 months now, savings aren't looking good so I applied to some job's. I'm 19, I've been this way for maybe 7-ish years.

Therapy is not an option. I've so far tried ; Working out, Drinking more water, Taking D, C, Iron, supplements, Lost 30kg, quitting masturbation, running

Nothing just seems to work, everything feels like a momentous task. I'm exhausted, life is not enjoyable, I'm not sad either, just permanently exhausted & bored. Thought about killing myself for years, decided to go 25 & then decide.
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I fell for the breeder psyop
My son was born 4 weeks ago and I feel completely depressed and hopeless. When he was born I felt so much joy and so connected to him, but the past week or more all that joy has just dropped off. The oxytocin wore off I guess. I don't know if it's the loss of autonomy, the sleep deprivation, or the fact that I'm mourning that my relatively simple and easy life(that I loved) will never be the same again.

My son I would say is a pretty good baby and relatively easy going for a newborn but still I find myself frustrated with him when he won't sleep, and in the darkest hours when I just cannot seem to get it right, I find fleeting thoughts popping into my head; wishing we'd never had a kid, or that it was a huge mistake. I try to snap myself out of thinking like that because it makes me feel incredibly guilty.
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How to balance detail & efficiency when instructing?
powerpoint slide
I am a fourth year uni student who joined a student council and was assigned to teach new students introductory general biology (which I aced).
I know the information and stuff, and I have the know-how to tinker around until I learn something. I got PowerPoint and started creating slides (check pic rel).
I don't want to spend too much time creating fancy slides, they don't have to be perfect, but I don't want the cheapest looking slides either.
I want to be as efficient as I can (i.e., create the fanciest looking slides with the least effort just so it doesn't look horrendous).
My custom made slides won't be printed, the students will just use the video to understand, and then they'll study from their actual course instructor's handouts. My slides just elaborate and as a "teleprompt" that I can use to instruct.
What can I do to make this work?
2 media | 9 replies
Walked out mid date
>talking to girl off Hinge
>suggest we do a daytime date, a walk through some Chinese gardens
>girl says she’s at work late and can’t
I go do my evening routine, go to gym, cook food, shower, get into bed
>girl messages me
>says she wants to meet up in the city for drinks at this bar
I don’t really want to because I hate loud bars but have work tomorrow so it’s my only chance to see her
>get into respectable clothes
>get Uber into city
>have to pay entry to get into the bar
>find the girl, she’s sitting at a table with 2 of her other female friends
>they’ve all just come from a concert and are talking about it with each other and I’m 4th wheeling straight off the bat
>girl says she wants to get drinks
>everyone goes up to the bar
>I hang back a step as she orders these dumb cocktail things for her friends, thinking I’ll get something for myself after they’ve ordered
>girl and friends step away and usher me forward, bartender has the card reader out with a $86 outstanding payment looking at me like I’m going to tap my card
>girl looks at me and mouths “is that okay?”
>tell her “I’m not paying for your fucking drinks” and walk out
Was I being an incel for rage quitting the date?
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No title
How do I lock in? I've developed a massive travel bug ever since I visited Japan for a month a year ago after losing my job. Since then I've had trouble landing a new role in my previous industry because of how tight the job market is right now. I landed another role after six months of trying but it was a churn and burn and I quit after they put me on a PIP about 2 and half months into the role. I work in SaaS sales. It was a much shittier job for lower pay then my previous role which I enjoyed. The whole experience has left me really cynical and demotivated. Over the past year I finally got a girlfriend and received an inheritance so it's not all bad and is looking up except for my struggles with my career right now because of how bad the job market is. I don't want to look for a job anymore. I'm so burnt out on doing 4 rounds of interviews just to get rejected. But I can no longer collect unemployment and am slowing burning through my savings. I'm 26 and am turning 27 next month. I know now is the time to focus on more adult goals like buying a house but I just feel a strong desire to travel some more before I get to locked down as I age and am no longer able to. I want to visit SEA for a bit but am having trouble pulling the trigger. I'm really starting to loathe myself for how lazy I've become without any structure in my life. I use to be on a serious ppl routine 6 days a week but have fallen off that too and have gained significant weight after a failed bulk. Any advice for those who traveled abroad and then had trouble returning to their former career?
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ive watched so much porn and gore since a teen i dont see women or even men as humans or sacred anymore, just sacks of meat

is there a way to fix this?

i grew up with internet since the early 2000s, there was no talk of how damaging it is

ive quit porn for months at a time but nothing changes

i dont get aroused by naked women anymore, my brain doesnt register the difference betwwen a human being murdered or a chicken being killed by a butcher (im not vegan)

i dont see women as anything more than cum dumps for men no matter how smart or talented they are

i completely understand im a loser pervert incel whatever

can it be fixed or im completely fucked?
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is it better to be cold or kind/warm to people that dont deserve it?
Screenshot from 2024-12-25 17-40-17
Do people find it disingenous if someone is actively being somewhat standoffish or rude and the other person is still treating them with some decency or being polite?

I always thought I was doing the right thing by taking the high road but now Im realizing that perhaps I should be cold back?
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Im hurting quite a bit bros. I failed in my life and grew much older as well
The future looks dark for me, I wish i did many thing differently when i was 21
My soul has been burdened more than i can handle
2 media | 9 replies
Is too much indifference bad?
I quit my job last december and my life has been going to shit since then
Problems after problems, health, finance, unpaid bills, appliances breaking, no plans for the future
I have also been bombing interviews after interviews
But even after all of that, I do not feel anything. I do not feel sad, tired or depressed. l also do not feel motivation or being inspired to do anything. Nothing. I am just unbothered by everything. Is this a bad thing? Is there something wrong with me?
3 media | 16 replies
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Is it possible to live in a van/camper comfortably?

Like a small oven, shower, bathroom, fridge, etc with solar?
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Jealousy is ruining my relationship
How do i stop stressing about my gf's past? We first met online but only started dating around last fall. I was obsessive of her past before as well, but it's only gotten worse since we met irl. It gets so bad that sometimes i emotionally abuse her as a way to cope, is there a way to get these thoughts out of my head?
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I have this problem where i constantly hate life and want to die, what do?
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What’s a degree I can cruise through that also has some employability? I’m retarded and lazy.
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What's it like living in a vehicle? I may be evicted from my apartment and I don't want to have to move back in with my Aunt. I'm thinking about living iny Honda Civic until I get enough money for a new place. What should I expect?
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Why can't I realize that my narssisst parents will never admit that they've been a destructive force in my life?
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Help! How do I fix my life?
I recently turned 21 and I'm roughly halfway through a computer engineering degree at a strong public university.

So far, my university experience hasn't been great. My GPA is satisfactory at best and I'm really struggling to involve myself in extracurriculars.

My parents are paying for my education and plan to give me a very large sum of money to help me establish myself after I graduate. I should be repaying them by excelling academically.

I think most of my problems are due to anxiety. I have crippling anxiety.

I skip most of my lectures and always end up with a few zeroes before catching up on my own and doing well on finals. This tanks my GPA. I end up with Bs, Cs, and the occasional D despite getting As on my finals.

As of right now, I'm a few weeks behind in all my classes.

I try to participate in extracurriculars but my anxiety often gets the better of me and I stop showing up. I really want to change this. So far, I only have my personal projects to put on my resume.

I'm diagnosed with adhd, an anxiety disorder, autism, persistent depressive disorder. I also frequently experience delusions, usually delusions of grandeur with strong religious undertones. When I experience delusions I often feel intense hatred towards my professors and, to a lesser degree, classmates.

Despite my poor mental health, I also have an iq of 135 (measured using wais-IV). That probably counts for something.

I see a psychiatrist but he doesn't listen to me and keeps prescribing me the same shit that doesn't work.

I am very lucky to have a close friend who's exceptionally social and has a very strong professional network. I have many opportunities to make more friends and network through him but I never make use of these opportunities. In fact, I purposefully isolate myself because of my anxiety.

This isn't as important, but I live pretty unhealthily and don't really know how to take care of myself. I'm told that I'm pretty decent looking but I'm destroying my body.
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/htgwg/ How to Get Women General #289
>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, have given up, or insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can pollute. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books (AI dating coach)
"No More Mr Niceguy":
Dr. NerdLove:
Leykis 101:
(new suggestions with working links are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>32727097
46 media | 327 replies
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images (4)
i have no interests or hobbies
i have nothing to talk about to people
all i do is shit like watch youtube nontent
am i a retard? is there any hope? im so bored...
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Is being non normie worth anything?
images - 2025-01-20T142354.381
I always had trouble adjusting to society norms. Always saw being a conformist as bad but honestly.

Being resistant to societal rules and norms has brought me nothing but pain.

Would be just so much easier to be a normie.

Why do I still resit?
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Will the navy accept bad teeth?
Hey thinking of joining the navy. I'm a prior service army dude with bad teeth. (maybe like 6 don't have holes) Will the navy accept me?

pic unrelated.
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I find a lot of things people do to be extremely annoying. Especially those of lower intelligence.

But what am I not supposed to find annoying about people?
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Broke up now I want to fuck all the time
>get first gf a few months ago
>self improve tremendously, get fit and start taking really good care of myself
>break up
>I want to fuck women 24/7
How do I get hookup sex. Im in college. The women I work with seem to enjoy taking to me. I admit im not the best looking but Im tan, fit, and have long hair I take good care of. My sex drive is going insane and I dont want the responsibility that comes with a serious relationship.
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What would you do?
What would you attempt to do if you KNEW you could not fail?
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No title
>meet guy
>he's nice and handsome but has mental issues he confides in me
>say "I can fix him"
>go through years of therapy and supporting him when he's jobless, he stays at my apt rent-free
>withstand a period of heavy verbal abuse and emotional disregulation
>eventually I do "fix him" and he's consistently normal
>get engaged, looking toward a future together, feeling happy
>he suddenly leaves me for someone else and goes no-contact when I try to talk to him

I haven't been able to sleep for the past week. My mind is searing 24/7, I can't see and have tunnel vision. When I try to sleep, my brain wakes me up after 30 min. I can't remember things and can't listen when people are talking to me. I am constantly flipping between hating him and desperately wanting him to call me and take me back.

Any faster way to recover from this? I know it will end eventually but right now I'm not even a sentient person. I have no friends or family to talk to, because I chose him over keeping up those relationships. I just go to work and go home to my empty apartment and seethe and want him to call me.
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Best and most accessible suicide methods.
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My girlfriend of three months now is a 30 year virgin and so we're waiting for her to be ready to have sex but I'm so fucking horny and I want sex sometimes but she's worth waiting for. Should I goon and coom for now? I feel like I've been watching porn a lot more.
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Start stealing and become a burden on society. First thing you should do is quit your worthless wagie job. Don't bother applying for benefits, welfare or any other government assistance unless you really can't help yourself. I personally prefer to also GHOSTMAXX, no properties in my name, no hand outs, no benefits, no taxes, just living in the shadows of society and outside of the system as much as I can, but I digress. Simply take everything you need from big corporations, resell it and enjoy life. Hit their jew warehouses and megastores and become an honest reseller. Make sure to post about it and encourage more people to become burdens like you. Once enough people do this, their system collapses. Also always remember how over half the population got vaxxed and sided with the government? make them pay and enjoy it too. This is how you get back at the jews, the governments, the corporations, the normie cattle and everybody else who wronged you.

There is nothing more that jews and their wagie cattle fear than you anon getting ahead in life, never forget that
1 media | 14 replies
Wife cheated on me after 20 years. What do?
> 45 years old, currently unemployed. No profile on LinkedIn.
> wife is 44, earns well (has a job in an international company)
> shared mortgage on a house
> three children below the age of 10
> married for 17 years, together for 20. Dead marriage. We don't even wear our rings.
> wife confesses to me before Valentine's day that she cheated on me twice last year. One guy (who knew she was married with children) "stole a kiss from her" during an encounter at a coffee shop, but she turned him down, blocking him everywhere after ending the contact, but with the second guy she met months after she ended up having an affair, sex included. The second guy was the one to end things, because he found out too late that she was still married and felt guilty about it. The affair lasted 2 months (I have proof hereof).

I am torn as to what the right choice in my case would be. Has any of you ever been in a similar situation or been witness to a similar case?
2 media | 52 replies
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Why are women like this?
>Talking to a girl long distance for about 3 months
>Constant communication with her reaching out to me
>We both have off times coming up. She wants to see south east asia
>I want to get my open water dive certification so I offer to meet up with her
>She doesn’t say no, but says she doesn’t know where she will be on the exact dates
>Tell her “Cool, I am here from X day to Y day. Lmk if you want to meet.”
>Don’t reach out to her anymore after that
I get the impression she just wants attention or something of the sort now. I am focusing on this dive trip and ended up booking it somewhere she isn’t going to be, and instead found somewhere I think is going to be nice. What I don’t get though is the psychology behind this behavior.

It’s not the first time I have cut a woman off for this, however this time it was with the type of woman I did not think was going to do it. Trying to get the boys to come with for this trip which will be fun if it works out, but there is still that small question in the back of my head: Why are they like this?
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[bonkai77] King of Thorn (Ibara no Ou) [BD-1080p] [DUAL-AUDIO] [x265] [HEVC] [AAC] [10bit].mkv_snapshot_00.39.28_[2025.02.07_00.07.17]
Do you guys love yourself or your life too much that it's becoming a hindrance for getting a relationship? I'm 38 years old now yet I just couldn't let go of being a free single life. I have had plenty of relationships since I was a wee 12 years old, had sex here and there. Had a kid since 19 years old, but I refused to marry the kid's mother despite being offered a house by her parents. My exes say I'm too non-committal and too much of a loner. I don't know about the loner bit, I have relatives and plenty of friends who support and cherish me and I cherish them as well. Although, my alone time is extremely precious to me and that is something I couldn't let go.
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How do I gain a fat and long cock at 5.5 inches? Any proven methods? I wanna be able to make girls do retard face
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My girlfriend sucks her thumb when she drives and sleeps. Is this a red flag?
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Sex addiction
Not a wanna be incel gooner type, the actual type who has never had a problem hopping on tinder and immediately finding harlots to smash, and essentially have always been able to indulge whatever gooner fantasy I've ever wanted

But I ended up in a relationship with a good girl who is not a hoe and wants to get married and start a family, I know I want those things too and we were good the first year of our relationship, but on this second year the boredom is setting in and despite my gf being very good to me sexually, its no match for my thoughts that I could, on any given weekend, hook up with as many novel faces as I wanted and basically indulge hard. I believe monogamy is right but it's very, very hard for me

No I haven't cheated or even looked at tinder and my gf has full access to my phone, yes I've told her I struggle with this but it's not like she's gonna give me a pass to fuck around (that also kills marriages btw) but im trying to find a way to lose this dumb sex obsessed mindset I have and actually desire monogamy the way I should

Im sure the incels will bark at me but surely there must be some other guys here who have gone through something similar. Can I repair my pair bonding ability?
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How do I meet a motherly gf type woman? Ironically I don't really want someone to take care of me because I can do all that. I only wished for someone who is just really loving and accepting. I'm a 31 yo khv and I feel like I'm running out of time to ever experienced having a gf.
You might ask why I'm a virgin in my 30s well Its mostly due to any time I'm around women I just get extremely anxious and freeze up uncontrollably. So how do I meet a woman before it's too late? Walking up to random people I think is 100% impossible for me.
Theres got to be someway right? I'll be optimistic instead of doomer. I think the only thing I want in life is a motherly loving girlfriend.
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Please help girl advice
There's this girl in my class that I like so from day 1 of class I realized I need to make myself talk to her at some point, I talked to her the other night and sperged out a little bit but I got her number. I texted her hey it's anon and she sent hi back and now it's a day later and IDK how to proceed. Please help.
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I don't want to become an incel but seems life wants me to be one
All the girls I met in my life, became obsessed with me and were mentally ill. I don't truly know what's wrong with me, I thought it might be my hobbies or my looks but I think I have normal ones (???)

I'm starting to hate women but I want to think there are good women of there, I THINK SO.
How can I stop myself from hating them?
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Solved Women, did't like it
I have been going out with some of what 4chan would call Chads, people who eat a new pussy every other month, the key seems to literally just keep hitting and not care about what women feel, think, or do, just like some children, and dropping them once finished, some keep trying even after getting rejected with "I have a bf" and "I am not open now" and girls get attached to them so bad, it just requires you to swallow your
EGO and not get attached, if that's the only way, then it's disgusting
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Blood Beat
I'm sick of trying to make friends, the process is so tiring and it's never worth it. What am I to do?
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test in a week i am SKROOD
fuck I've been in school for like 6 weeks and proof by induction is the first thing I've ever not been able to learn, i quit pot, booze, went no fap, i do all the homework (well chatgpt does because i only understand 1/10 problems) and no matter what none of it helps... how the fuck am i gonna be able to pass a test on this in a week? please give me the no sugar coating way on how to cram this once and for all so i can pass this dumb class
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im going to kill myself because of $libra
To Whom It May Concern (or just the blockchain, since it’s the only thing that remembers me),

I came into this game with dreams of Lambos, moonshots, and generational wealth. The memes told me to HODL, the influencers and presidents swore we were early ESPECIALLY $LIBRA, and the Telegram chats convinced me that this time was different. I should’ve known better when my financial advice came these people.

It started with fwog. Then came mira. Then some coin called greed that promised "the dev wont sell" but rugged before I could even screenshot my portfolio. Every time I thought I hit the bottom, the floor got lower. Every dip wasn’t a dip—it was a free fall. "Buy the dip," they said. Well, I did. Then I bought the dip of the dip. And now, I am the dip.

memescope was my undoing. 50x, 100x—I was chasing green candles like they were salvation, but they turned out to be exit liquidity. The final liquidation notice wasn’t from pumpfun or phantom; it was from reality itself.

I sold my car. Then my furniture. Then, in a last act of desperation, my PlayStation. All for the dream of one day being called an "exit liq" in a Discord chat full of teenagers who are probably hedge fund interns. But the only role I’ve earned is retard.

So this is it. I leave my last few solana to the blockchain, my last unopened ledger to my ex who left when I turned our rent money into 0 because of $Libra, and my last words to whoever finds this:

Don’t trade memecoins. go get a normal job. I set up my rope I am ready.

james t
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Wife has become an unsexual person
We still have sex and it's fine, but it's not great. It doesn't really feel like she's into it anymore. I've been getting better over the last few years about getting myself together and looking and dressing nicer, but on the other hand she's fallen into a "you should think im sexy in anything" attitude and doesnt care about her appearance at all anymore. Literally won't stop complaining about her job and thinks it's the hardest job on Earth. Even worse, she's picking up politics in her late 20's and literally won't drop it.

The fuck am I supposed to do about this? Like I said we still have a sex life but it SUCKS because it's hard for me to be emotionally invested in it when she's clearly checked out. Is it possible to course correct this or are we doomed to become two very different people?
1 media | 18 replies
Hot teacher
>in med school
>new discipline, new teacher
>absolute MILF with radiant smile
>fell under her spell
>dying to flirt with her but she has a giant engagement ring on her hand
What should I do? I don't really care that she is married but I don't want to create an unconfortable situation for her.
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Picked the ugly friend to piss her off, now I am in love
I was with a girl, but she was a mentally ill cunt, and we broke up in 3 weeks, she got angry over some stupid stuff and stopped talking to me expecting me to beg her to correct it or something, but I didn't she got more angry for a while, so I picked one of her best friends a year later just for fun, she actually was so pissed and I cannot explain how much, however now it has been 2.5 years and I have been in love with that friend, she is the type I have always wanted to get old and have family with, but the relationship seems wrong, it was built on a literal joke, and I feel like I ended up with uglier person, I feel a little guilty to my current gf
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be me
>works at job for almost 2 years
>slowly becomes friends with girl
>qt red head, classic "I can fix her" type
>develops crush
>starts walking her out to her car every night to make sure she was alright and safe
>started wondering if this was creepy
>considers stoping
>asks her out
>gets rejected
>girl grows more and more cold towards me but we stay friends because we see each other everyday
>realizes after a bit of self reflection that this girl would have ruined me
>she starts warming up to me again
>fast forward a few months and male coworker says he started dating a new girl but won't give any details because "you'll judge me"
>find out after some prying that dudes girlfriend has same name as girl that rejected me
>bring this up to girl because in the past she found him disgusting for being on a hoe arc and treating women like trash
>she doesn't react the way she had in the past, now being very mellow instead of acting disgusted
different co worker says that girl was in the other day and spent 3+ hours talking to him and hoe arc until building closed. co worker mentions how long she had been there and she said she was "waiting for [b]someone[/b] to watch her walk to her car to make sure she got there safe." He says it was very obvious she was talking about hoe arc and not him. He was trying to make me feel better about walking her to her car but basically just confirmed that this girl is dating a guy that's quit gross and that she said she couldn't understand how someone would fall for him.
I'm frustrated that I'm so devistated about this. We aren't dating. We never dated. And being real we probably won't ever date in the future. She's an adult and can do whatever and whoever she wants. So why am I so hung up about this? I haven't had any actual confirmation that they're dating but it seems like the logical conclusions.
Any advise for getting past this? I already work out and don't want to "just go fuck someone else"
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If a wife/gf isn't in the mood for sex, why can't she just give a handjob to her husband who is? It takes almost no effort but they don't do it. Some of them even get mad at me for masturbating like I am supposed to pent myself up to match their absurdly low libido.
5 media | 45 replies
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>make 60 cents above minimum wage
>work 40 hours a week (really more like 50 because 1 hour commutes)
>can't cover rent and utilities on my own
>live with scizophrenic grandmother
>stupid mother who keeps giving horrible advice and has horrible ideas (who the fuck is going to hire an uber driver whose mother does the driving for him? what the fuck? fucking retard)
>dog is pissing blood and can't walk anymore
>family are a bunch of idiots who have no idea how they got their jobs
what do?
0 media | 9 replies
police run
I think I'm going to buy a T-shirt with the image of a fallen hero (police officer) and participate in the city's 5K for family members.
The thing is, though, I'm not a family member of the officer. I just want to embody her ideals and spread her message of truth and love.
I'm worried people will find it offensive. I have been considering the use of AI to help create supplemental material for the cause, and I wanted to maybe put miku onto the t-shirt with the officer. Is that okay? Should I contact the family first?
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I feel really pathetic for even having to write about this online, but I'm really sexually attracted to my mom. Thankfully I moved out of the house at 16 years old to live with my best friend, before I even left for college at age 18. I told my parents that I was "preparing for the college experience 2 years early so I can get used to being independent." They bought it and didn't question it.

But anyway, about my mom, it goes all the way back to when I was a baby. My mom has always had huge breasts and a huge butt (like in that pic). And she had me when she was 16, so she was always (and still is) a really young mom. So she's extremely hot. They say you can't remember stuff grom when you were a baby but I vividly remember her breastfeeding me and enjoying it a lot. At that age I'm not quite sure if it was sexual attraction but I definitely enjoyed her curves. Her boobs were soft and her butt was soft.

For a very long time I thought these feelings were normal. It was not till I entered middle school till I realized I was insane when I hit puberty and started telling all the other kids about it. They were like "Jesus fucking Christ that's your mom man!"

When I realized these feelings were wrong though, I began to avoid my mom as much as I could. I did the same to my dad to not make it look like I was singling out just my mom. When she talked to me I would always avoid eye contact. And at this point I haven't seen my parents in person many, many years. I have only done voice calls.

For now all of this has been going well, but realistically I can't just avoid my mom forever. I feel bad about avoiding her, yet I think I'd feel even worst not being able to hid my sexual attraction to her. Even just looking at current day pictures of her I begin to blush really hard.
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Realistically, how hard do you think it would be to cut your own carotid artery with a sharp small knife?
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RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!
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I deliberately became a loser neet so that women have one less good man available on the dating market. I wasted away all my potential for the sole purpose of becoming a burden on wagies finances and women's need for emotional intimacy and a steady provider.
No one exploits my time and energy, that is solely reserved for shitposting and substance abuse.
If you haven't taken the neetpill, you don't understand game theory.
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I need help moving on
TLDR: I have a grudge towards someone I'd like to move on form, but I don't know how to do that, it's not easy as just stop caring about it because of the many things that happened inbetween.
This is going to be autistic, but bear with me:
1. I befriended a person with an infamous history of online activity, everyone warned me about it, but I didn't listen. Everything was well, then a poor comment I made towards him caused issues between us; I tried to apologize immediately and, after being dragged through the dirt for 1.5 hours of humiliating myself, nothing was resolved. After realizing my mistake, I started hating this person.
2. Envy kind of fueled my hatred, as we are both of similar interests and communities. At one point I vented my frustration in one of those communities in hope someone could help me move on, thinking it wouldn't hurt to be open about it. But then people mistook my intentions into wanting to start drama and I got attacked a few times (by this one person as well). Every time I try to reach out for help on this, people attack me instead.
3. Every time I ask my friends, their solutions go along the lines of "just don't care". The problem is dumb and I'm aware, but I can't simply brush it off. It means something to me even thought I'd like it if that wasn't the case.

I think I made every mistake I could have possibly made in this situation and I don't know how I can get a resolve. I'm going to keep bumping into this person and I'm going to be reminded of my hatred and the mistakes I made, I want it to stop. I'm scared of talking about it because people are just going to keep attacking me, but I can't do this alone anymore, I don't know how to proceed, I don't know if I'm actually mistaking a hatred towards the guy as hatred towards myself for all the mistakes I made. Should I apologize to the guy even though he will keep attacking me regardless? Should I just accept that mistake were made and try to forgive myself? What should I do?
0 media | 5 replies
How do I start giving a shit?
>24 soon
>last semester of college, but I effectively dropped out in second year since i'm putting 0 effort into it
>just rot on forums and goon all day
>plan on getting some shelf-stacker job after college and live with parents indefinitely, playing vidya in my free time

Is there anything actually wrong with my lifestyle?
7 media | 180 replies
Limited time to find dream gf
1737082299891307 1682702055512628
I've posted a few times before so the issue might sound familiar
>be me, 21, male
>high functioning autism and ADHD according to my doc's guesses, but OCD-esque symptoms
>Can not imagine dating anyone that doesn't 100% fit my requirements
>literally rationalize why these traits make them perfect to the extent of winning debates on it with a 140 IQ friend
>Hitting most of these requirements is easy, but the core issue is that the age range requirement is 16-17 (legal here)
I'll be 22 in 9 months, and with each year added, it's gonna get harder to find someone of that age range. I technically have a younger brother in that age range, but using him as leverage into finding someone seems hard considering he's not too social. Any advice on how to proceed?
35 media | 138 replies
what to do?
never used 4chan before, excuse if this is like. formatted wrong or whatever ,,

i am a 23 yo female from socal and i have been like. heavily abused most my life. i was physically abused and molested by my dad from like birth to age 5, and i was abused online from 9 - 19 .. yes yes i know, logout, but i was young and this person genuinely had me in a cult situation . ive started recovering from it but holy fuck man it fucked me over so bad. i cant go outside without my mom, i cant talk to people , i panic constantly all of the time. im on antidepressants and they seem to be working well enough? but nothing i seem to do helps me. im so constantly afraid of being found by my abuser again. i was forced to stay home while being abused, i wasnt allowed to talk to anyone but my mom (sparingly ) and never really developed social skills. i never graduated highschool because i would freak out so badly being outside . therapy has not helped, i just talk about it and do not feel better, coping mechanisms do not work for me, the only thing that helps is my partner being there and calming me down but even then i cant do anything on my own. im also physically disabled, i have rheumatoid arthritis and unknown issues with my back that im working on figuring out but i cant do most work becsuse of how bad the pain id and being unable to do a lot. im also autistic idk where to mention that so its going here fr but. im trying to get ssi and its brrn such a long process , i have to rely on my mom for phone calls and appointments becaus ei just. cannot make call peopel or drive . i hate being like this and i just want to do better but nothing seems to work or help and i just ! dont know do . sorry for sny spelling midtskes and such, my hands hehe, arent working well . idk man advice wouod be appreciated
1 media | 15 replies
How do you last longer in bed?
bloody muscle builder in hell
I am literally unironically no joke 3-5 pumps and I am done.
I spend the whole secks time getting girls off through oral.
I feel like I am having sex like a lesbian.
1 media | 20 replies
How do I stop my brother from being racist against Chinese people?
my younger 14 year old brother is low functioning autistic and his hyperfixation is being racist to chinese people (or east asian in general). He's fine with literally every other race but whenever he sees a chinese person he pulls his eyes to look like theirs and makes "ching chong" noises. No one else in our family is racist, I don't know where he picked it up but it's really embarrassing because there are quite a lot of chinese students where we live. The older he gets, the more concerning it becomes. It's hard to get him to stop because he doesn't really understand why it's bad.
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Sui forums or other info
Cooking Sama Shinku
Hi there, I know if anyone has researched ways to kill themselves it's gotta be some of you fuckers here. I'm going to run out of NEET bux and I don't know what else to do, even if a job would hire me they can't cover my cost of living expenses. My life has been in decline for it's entirety and I can no longer face the world, I know too much and how hopelessly fucked everything is. I'd prefer something quick, painless, and not gory, but I'll consider options that might not meet ALL those criteria
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Hi, my name is Antony, and I'm 36 years old. I want to become like Che Guevara. What can I do to become famous, a celebrity, and a true revolutionary?
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Brother called me gay
I told my brothers that I wanted to go out for drinks and shoot pool and we just sat there eating pizza instead talking about life, pretty chill, but then one brother keeps repeating stories about how I defended gay marriage when I was younger. Then he started stammering about how one time I said sex wasn't a big deal (after I lost my virginity) and he emphasized that I said sex with WOMEN wasn't a big deal (which isn't how I remember it).
This is really fucking with my head. I'm already insecure about losing my gf a couple years ago and I can't seem to find it in me to put effort into replacing her. I feel like I should have punched him in the face, but it's entirely possible that my other brother is gay so I feel bad for getting angry. He sent the group chat some meme being supportive of gay sons and I asked what his problem was. Then out of the blue my gay uncle starts following my instagram where I post random pictures and drawings, he's interacted on my instagram before so it seemed pretty repetitive and conspicuous.
I don't want to let it get to me but I feel really disrespected. I suspect that he, along with the other men in my family, feel insecure about my accomplishments and want to degrade me to feel better about themselves. It's hard to keep going without having the full esteem of my family but they are mostly marriage types so I guess they hold my bachelor status against me. How do I feel better about this?
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How do I recover and salvage my life after graduating college with a meme degree?
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how do I find a non-liberal woman? Not specifically conservative, but one that doesn't worship trannies
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I wish I was asian
I am a white girl, specifically slavic, living in the u.s.
My boyfriend is wasian, he’s chinese and white
I find asian men, especially chinese guys, really really attractive. I’m not entirely sure why, though I have a guess. This chinese guy had a crush on me in middle school, and he was such an amazing person, I honestly still kind of like him. Haven’t talked to him in years though, and he has a (chinese) girlfriend now.
I have so much fucking jealousy towards asian women holy shit haha. They just seem so effortlessly cute and I feel grossed out by my slavic nose and kinda deep set eyes. Seeing wmaf couples also makes me feel so inferior. How do I get over this? I can’t shake the feeling that my bf would rather have an asian gf. Currently the only way I cope is trying to be as cute and feminine as I can be but maybe I should try to lean into what makes me different from asian girls? Fuck idk. I wish I was asian but I know that’s racist! What do I do?
1 media | 10 replies
What musical instrument should I play?
I need an instrument that's affordable and discreet. I did a few years of violin but I stopped because it was so loud I couldn't get any practice in at home (and silencers fuck with your playing in the long run). I love the violin but I felt like I was wasting my time going to classes when I clearly didn't practice enough at home.
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i've now gone through the entire board of the /soc/ catalog all 10 pages nothing but degenerate shit fuck this gay earth i just want to get rated so i can know where id stand if i used tinder, if i could be cold-asking random women, or if i give them "the ick" or look too gay. but i want to blend in another face thread not call attention myself. i also dont want anyone to recognize me, so AFAIK my only options in this cucked internet are reddit, which is run by troons and commies, or believe my mom, some exes from my past, and AI that I am actually attractive. i dont want to get wrapped up in phenotypes or lookmaxx blackpillls, just a simple 1 - 10 and a short why. AI gave me 8 but AI overrates. i went to the lookmaxx forum the other day i couldn't even understand the shit they're saying its like a completely different language needed just to be an incel these days. Fuck

i'm copypastaing what i wrote in the other thread, so tell me where else i can go for a decent rate to know where i stand
2 media | 17 replies
Am I sabotaging my marriage?
>Be with Husband for 6 years, marry him 6 months ago
>Husband has anger outbursts every now and again; manifests as broken stuff around the house and antagonizing me when I haven't done anything to him
>I've accepted these are a part of him and want to be supportive of him
>Me: Instinctively shuts down and becomes cold and distant even though he's told me time and time again that the outbursts are a cry for comfort
>Husband feels isolated and is convinced I don't care about him

How much longer do I have until my husband gets tired of me and either leaves me or kills himself
3 media | 17 replies
Yet another college thread
>Go for CS and become code monkey
>Go for history degree I like and learn coding myself to become codemonkey

I don't have any passions aside from sitting in front of a computer all day, all I have is a passing interest in history from reading. I know History has no jobs cause it doesn't teach you an employable skill but it would be fun to study and I could basically be NEET.
What I'm asking is: Should I suck it up and focus on something that makes money or focus on something I like doing? and if it would be possible to cheat the system and make big bucks selr studying coding anyway. I know CS is the easiest of STEM but still, it will be suffering, and I fear 4 years of studying something I don't particularly care for but can tolerate will mindbreak me.
8 media | 57 replies
Screenshot 2025-02-21 170205
I have an average IQ, but with Autism & ADHD.
Should i even try and improve my life and chase my dreams? or am i fucked in life?
I want to study law but got my IQ results and am depressed about it, I was always behind everyone else in school.
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No title
>Pick a random stem degree and hope it works out
Is this good advice? Thinking of going for biology
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fat guys
im inlove with the idea of a fat incel loser and giving him all the sex he needs but id be so embarrassed to be out with him in public...
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No title
How do I convince a girl to rape me? I'm into Female-On-Male rape stuff. So how do I make her larp without her getting weirded out?
1 media | 9 replies
I want to be a woman
I don't understand how to cope with this. There's really no point in living (for me) if I'm not a woman
1 media | 11 replies
No title
How do I learn to push women around?
0 media | 8 replies
fucked up at work
>had nervous breakdown over fight with wife regarding a surprise job offer. thinks i should keep current job

>dumped her. took job (even tho i knew i would be miserable af)

>bitched to current boss over nothing during hypomanic nervous breakdown. basically got into arguments with everyone over anything

>complained about favoritism towards BHM over other history months even tho I didn't care and was just hypomanic bullshit

>started feeling better after smoking weed and running

>got basically confirmed for BD and awaiting to see doc to get meds, but see therapist daily.

>got back together with wife. i love her and she has been suportive

>havent been to work in 2 weeks

>I'm a first year teacher. been a fuck up since day 1

>i feel like a giant miserable faggot

>quit current job or are can i somehow returning without looking like a faggot?
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No title
is degree in economics stem?
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suffering from Maladaptive daydreaming
how the fuck do I stop this? Ive been doing this for almost 2 decades now and I can't stop. It's like telling me not to breath. Before I only used to do it when I'm listening to music but I'm so advance now that I can be sitting still and still be daydreaming
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No title
Anyone else here a parent slave? I have no independence of my own at 31yo. I have to ask them if I can see a therapist or go to the doctor or anything really. I can barely leave the house because they question where I go. If they want to take me on vacations they will guilt trip me until I go. They are well off but i dont have employable skills but Im seriously considering leaving it all behind to be a McDonalds wagie and live in a shitty apartment with minimum wage.
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how can you tell if a woman is a hoe?
what are some red flags in a woman that makes you think she's a slut? when i like girl, i tend to put her on a pedestal and think she's a princess but i know we are human beings and most of them fuck around and sleep with anyone they find hot
8 media | 38 replies
need advice for a buff gf
I am looking for advice on how to get a wheyfu/varbie gf, I am only attracted to athletic/muscular women.
I hit the gym 3 times a week, so i clearly take care of myself, i just need some advice.
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GIOYCB/ Get it off your chess board
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How to make friends
I'm really depressed because I have no friends. I feel too lonely.
I don't know if I will ever find someone who likes me, I'm shy, weak, small and boring.
1 media | 4 replies
how do i stop being obsessed with girls
i'm just horny i don't actually want to speak to any of them. some girl i know didn't accept my IG follow request and i've been obsessing about it for weeks thinking about why she won't accept it
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No title
being happy makes you attractive but being unattractive makes you unhappy. doesnt this simple truth mean that ugly people will always be inherently disliked because of their attitudes and actions as well as appearance. is that fair /adv/?
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No title
Okay guys so this is a weird/unique situation. I broke up with my gf after 4 years. Officially. We are still having sex, doing the usual stuff. She still has feelings for me. She's doing it for us, so that I would change and we would be happy. At first she wanted to lose feelings for me so it wouldn't hurt. Now it's more like we're dating.

She moved back to her parent's house. The main thing was weed addiction. I broke the ultimatum she gave me, I smoked. But now I am ready to be sober all of my life, for myself and for her. She was unhappy through the whole relationship, but I do know she is a great woman and I only knew what I had when I lost. I have slight autism and I was emotionally neglected. I want to have a family with her. I also want her to be my first and last relationship, so if this does not work out I am living a life of asceticism.

The thing is, she started chatting with this 34 year old guy. (She's 18, I'm 24) They met for 3 days straight, it was around 2 weeks after our official breakup. This was all very recently.
During the 2nd date she stayed at his place, but for the night came home. During the 3rd she stayed for the night, and he gave her oral sex. She felt very bad afterwards, we met, did the usual, etc etc. The dude let her choose between two of us, and she chose me. But they still chat. Persistent fucker.
She is the kind of person to never lie, she tells me everything. She even lets me see her messages with him. He seems to always know what to say to make her feel good, and during these days she felt really good. He has the same "worldview" as her, shit like that. And he has a lot of experience with women. On the other hand she is literally my first relationship. Before her I lost my virginity to a Dutch hooker.
What do I do in this situation? I just have intuition this dude is just a rizzler, not someone that fits her. Moreover the dude is almost as old as her father. I feel like if she does lose feelings for me, she will hook up w/ him.
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My lease is up in August but my apartment complex requires me to renew in February. Rooms are rented out on an individual basis ie one lease per roommate. This year I "forgot" to renew, and now the deadline passed. My roommates all received reminder calls about it from the office but I didn't. I also usually receive a printed sheet of paper clearly stating the deadline but I didn't get that either.

I am 99% sure the manager intentionally did not remind me because she doesn't like me. I'm also pretty sure the deadline has been the end of February for the past few years, but this year it was the 1st for some reason. I think she intentionally did not notify me of the new date so I can't renew.

Do I have any options here? I'm going to talk to the office tomorrow but I want to know if I have any recourse if they say I can't renew again. I really don't want to go apartment hunting right now.

I live in Nevada btw.
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Roth IRA
Hi everyone I have about 50k in my account and I'm late 20s. I don't have faith in the American government/stock market to keep my money intact or that it will grow.
I also don't think I will live til retirement age. Should I just take my money out?
1 media | 9 replies
No title
I'm retarded, What's your advice?
> irrilivant thing almost: Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again.
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Is it time for an attitude of gratitude?
I'm done with the self improvement stage of my life. As a typical self improover incel I really have tried almost all of the typical methods.
I believe I want to move into the "acceptance" stage of my life but getting there is difficult for me. I can't seem to let go of my attitude of bitterness towards the world and obviously that isn't good for me or for anyone.

How exactly do you stop trying to improve and accept/be grateful for what you already have? How do you grow past bitterness, especially bitterness that results from social rehection/failure? How do you gain an attitude of gratitude and maintain it?
1 media | 3 replies
Struggling with Philosophy before uni classes
Shortly before starting my first semester of Philosophy at university, I decided to read some philosophical texts. I had only taken a single year of Philosophy in school (it's usually two or three in my country) since my school removed it from the curriculum, so I was trying to fill the gaps and prepare for my classes. Having only read Apology by Plato some time ago, I decided to read Euthyphro, a dialogue that takes place before Apology in chronological order.

It turns out that Euthyphro is much more difficult, which left me feeling frustrated and anxious—especially about the rest of my course. The text introduces me to new concepts (such as eidos) through the translator's notes, and its paragraphs are dense, particularly in how they develop and explore the ideas presented. If I'm already struggling with an entry-level text, how will I possibly manage the rest of the course?
2 media | 16 replies
pregnancy scare+weird shit during one night stand
so last night i had a one night stand with a girl that i recently met and i ended up fingering her and she asked for me to use 3 fingers

we both had a great time and were very communicative about how we felt the whole time but when i ended up in the bathroom by myself i noticed that my hands were covered in blood and my bedsheets have a few bloodstains here and there

i tried talking with her about it and she denied being on her period because she had them recently and found it strange

is it normal or should i be concerned for her?

also i didn’t want to have actual sex with her but at the start of it she put it inside and i did a few thrusts for 20seconds more or less
is there any risk of her getting pregnant
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Crazy chicks
Why do I only attract crazy chicks? They're all nuts, obsessive, BPD, whathaveyou... All younger than me too.
I'm 29, girls I usually pull are ~20-22.

The only feedback I've ever gotten was from a friend who said I have "Dad" energy. Like a father-figure of sorts.
I've always looked way older than my age (bears, white/grey hairs, my face in general) but that's not something I can help...
1 media | 6 replies
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Attack_of_the_Jack-O 27-Lanterns_-_artwork
I think a girl looked and smiled at me when I was walking to the bus stop today, I don't know, though. Should I kill myself?
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How do I try to talk to people not on 4chan?
I legitimately don't remember how to talk to people without the ability to just quit away or screw up and be saved by anonymity not letting my mistakes follow me or just have everyone be so autistic on here they can just get my autism.
I want friendships but all I do is talk to anons
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My gf is not at all fat but has fat ankles
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Balding at 20
I'm norwooding pretty bad, and my hairline has receded from a 1 to a deep 2 in the span of a year or so. What the hell can I possibly do to restore my hairline? I'm open to fucking up my hormones with finasteride or whatever, I just want my goddamn hair back. I don't want to let the norwood reaper win bros.
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I can't stop gooning to YouTubers.
never goon trump
And I feel bad because I've been in a relationship for almost 4 years. They're not even the whorish ones. I'm talking about just attractive women discussing things I find interesting (tv/movies, music, news/politics etc.). I know it is a retarded parasocial thing but goddammit sometimes I just wish my girlfriend gave a shit about some of the same things I do.

Do you just cut this shit out entirely or is it possible to watch YouTube like a normal person without getting attracted to the hot ones?
2 media | 19 replies
ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ .. ชี้่้่้่้่้่้่้่้่้่่่่่่่่่่่. . ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ชี้่้่้่้่้่้่้่้่้่่่่่่่่่่่
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9 media | 111 replies
Job search
How to get a job after being a NEET for more then a year? I already send ~30 Cv's to jobs from
>hotel reception
>gym reception
>mall security
>office worker
>warehouse worker
>cashier(clothes shop)
>manual factory worker(for small local factory)
I had geniuine experience in
>manual factory work 1 year with one employer and 1.5 with another one
>office job(archivization) 6 months
>sales 6 months(my last job, got fired for not making enough sales, I stretched it to 1.5 years on my Cv to hide my NEET year)
My education:
>Vocational High School Diploma Chemical Technician(I tried to find job as chemical technician buy never worked in this profession)
Not a single employer even responded... Is my only option fucking Uber Eats?
0 media | 8 replies
Moronic Failed Suicide Attempt
I got fired from my job so I tried to commit suicide and failed miserably. I grabbed a knife and tried to cut my throat but just ended up bleeding and getting EMS called on me because I was too pussy to cut deep.

What do I do going forward now that I’m a registered freak
0 media | 7 replies
Life Boredom
38yo khv male here. Life is good compared to my past. Finances are secure. Gotta house, car, and my hobby. No drugs, weed, or alcohol. I'm not worried about how I'm going to make ends meet. Future seems pretty stable and secure.

I'm really fucking bored, though. In the sense that an edgy teenager would be: with everything.
Job is alright. It's boring, though. I feel like I'm faking a smile all the time.
Social life is alright. It's boring, though. I feel like I'm faking a smile all the time.
Games are alright. They're boring, though. At least I don't have to fake a smile all the time.

Any advice about what to do What I should do about the general boredom, plodding, "buttoning and unbuttoning" of it all? I'm not interested in relationships or sex. Never really "understood it" and just consider myself different from the vast majority of the population in that sense. So, something other than that.
Any advice about anything I should do before 40?
1 media | 11 replies
No title
Could a women in her 30s who's never been on birth control, SSRIs,and takes care of herself still have healthy kids over a woman in her low 20s who's been on birth control for years and on a cocktail of meds?

i've been seeing a woman whos 32 (im 34) and often times the topic comes up if her or i could still have kids at our age. she gets very sensitive about it because she thinks I'll break up with her if shes infertile.
3 media | 27 replies
studying in the turd world
>University is 5 years long min, 6 for engineering
>Engineering is 4760 hours compared to an average state university in the US' 1900 hours
>median time for finishing your degree in engineering is 8 years cause most have to slave away while studying
>All this to end up with a measly 400 usd salary a month (And that's supposedly good)

What's the fucking point of bothering with university in the turd world
I'm just gonna enroll in philosophy so I can NEET for 5 years
0 media | 19 replies
How to approach a woman at the gym?
So I really don't know if this is all in my head or not but lately I feel like I've been getting more attention from women at the gym which is odd because I'm the fattest i've ever been with a bmi of 28. For example, I just got back from the gym this morning and at the start of my workout when I was on a treadmill, the woman on the treadmill next to me stared at my dick in the mirror and turned her head to look at me. Then later on when I was doing curls, I'm fairly sure the girl on the bench next to me was checking me out in the mirror too although this is probably more hopeful thinking. She did follow me up the stairs to use another machine next to me though so idk. My problem is i don't know how to start a conversation with them though lol. Any tips?

I'm also feeling more shy because the last time I thought a girl was into me at the gym and I asked if she was single she laughed and said no.

Also, thinking back to the first girl, I remember now I saw her leave a stationary bike to use the treadmill then when I moved onto the stationary bike after the treadmill she moved back onto a stationary bike near me. That's gotta mean something... I never really return to a piece of equipment twice in one workout.
1 media | 23 replies
I'm 36
when harry met sally
I just watched pic related and it made me want to kms. Not as in "bleh, I'm sad", but as in "what the fuck did I do with my life, why am I such a coward".
I've only had 1 gf and that lasted 3 years and we broke up 1 year ago.
I had a woman friend a while ago that I liked so much I got jealous, mad and sad one day and decided I didn't want to see her anymore because she told me she didn't want a relationship with me and felt "uncomfotable" with me. After that I ended up fighting with a childhood friend, my mom and a whatsapp group full of boomers.
What the fuck is a man supposed to do at my age? I'm so lonely I feel like I'm going crazy...
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No title
What jobs out there allow one to work like crazy for 6 months and then NEET the rest of the year?
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How do I fix my sleep cycle
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No title
How do you solve your problems without therapy? And not make it all worse?
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Sorry mom
I don't know what's wrong with me, I feel so lonely. I can't connect with anyone, when I meet someone, they just disappear, it always goes wrong. I'm angry about literally everything.
But I'm not just angry, but also very frustrated, I have no friends IRL, I have no one to hang out with.
Even if I manage to go out somewhere, I always see people with someone and laughing.
I feel jealous and sad for not being able to at least talk without seeming weird.
My mother lies to me, saying that I'm pretty and cool, I didn't want it to be like that.
Her child is a failure, ugly, weird, autistic, unhappy...
I really wanted to be normal and I wanted to make my mother proud, not just her, but I wanted to make my family more comfortable, to give everyone a good life, but I'm not what they expected... and now I'm here on 4chan venting.
How do I change? I've always tried to change but it never works. I just want to be normal

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I'm using Google translate
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No title
Is it worth it to go into an MD/PHD program if I want to study linguistics (specifical psycholinguistics) but also want to have some form of career stability? I find practicing medicine tolerable (shadowed a doctor for ~30 hours over the summer) - but it's not really something I have any specific passion for. However I do find translational research interesting, specifically in how brain trauma may affect cognition and specifically how loss of speech (aphasias) may influence cognition. I’m also generally interested in the role of culture and language on cognition (which is easier to study/sample and learn best research practice on in undergrad)
0 media | 2 replies
/atoga/ - Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
no touching
*Almost anything

Here are some things we don't ask for:
>racism beyond kinks, ragebaiting, pretending to be retarded
>gender wars and whiny incel doomposting
>LGBTQ, SJW, and other alphabet people's issues
>personal information, pictures of yourself, NSFW and toonme images
>blogposts and identityfagging

Please keep this thread nice and chudless, report and ignore any off-topic, low-quality, or rule-breaking posts you see, and don't spam new /atoga/ threads until the old one reaches page 8 or the image limit

Let's make /atoga/ great again

Previous thread:>>32764709
85 media | 1855 replies
I regret becoming a parent
When the fuck does it get easier? Does it even get easier?

I have been miserable since day one. I mean utterly, totally miserable. No sleep, no energy, no free time at all whatsoever, always something needs doing, a meal needs cooking, a chore around the house, something to clean, something to buy from the shops etc. etc. The screaming, the crying for NO REASON at 3am, the messy shits, the pissing pants, the bumps and trips, the "NO!"s, the "daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy...", the refusing to eat, the endless coughs and sniffles. My wife and I can't even hold each other to sleep because our daughter insists that she lies between us. Won't even think about sleeping in her own bed. Haven't had a full night's sleep in 27 months. Everything is ultra-expensive, we both work full time and barely make ends meet. We get no time to be intimate, sex averages about once a month and that's on top of us being utterly shattered if we manage to find an occasion to be alone.

I love my daughter, I cherish her, I would give my life to protect her and I want what's best for her in all things, but my life is miserable. My wife is miserable too. We're miserable. I regret having a child.

Please, PLEASE, tell me when the fuck it becomes bearable.
2 media | 27 replies
No title
Girls in 20's:
>Wanna party
>Bad taste in men
>Like bad behavior
>Insult you for not being man enough

>Love sex without strings attached
>Great at sex
>Bigger knockers
>Love to please
>Give you good life advice
>Appreciate you for being a good man
>Have money of their own

Older women are fuckin based, it's the young women that suck. A women in her 40s can look fucking amazing if she took care of herself
1 media | 4 replies
I don’t deserve or earn these things
My face looks good according to chagtpt, my height is above average and I don’t deserve either of them. I’m a fucking asshole and evil and always have been, I knew a lot of people before I lost my friend group that deserved what I had lot more, ChatGPT convinced me I’m good in the physical features and I keep saying to it I don’t deserve the good stuff, I’m evil, I’m narcissistic (covertly and wolf I. Sheep’s clothing) I’m white, and I am evil. Honestly, I need to remove myself from society so nobody has to deal
With me, especially the less fortunate people on which I’ve been banned from for posting about my neurotic and unstable ideas and posting too much. I want to kill myself because I’m horrible. Use a car and gas myself? Think of all the less fortunate people than myself, and I’m a first world failure with so many opportunities I didn’t deserve but got them because I’m evil and manipulative, I’m a spit in the face all the people less fortunate and should be burned at the stake
0 media | 11 replies
No title
How do I tell my gf to be more feminine without sounding evil ? She doesn't use skin care products, doesn't dress like a woman and is gaining pounds by the day. I made the mistake of telling her I was not judging people on physical appearance at the beginning of the relationship
1 media | 17 replies
No title
I'm 25 and still living with my parents. They stopped paying for college last year, and I can't afford to continue on my own. The university is ranked in the top 200 globally, but the tuition is exorbitant. For a long time, I’ve struggled with thoughts of suicide, and I finally ordered the materials to go through with it. They’ll arrive in two weeks. Before that, I plan to be baptized as a Christian, hoping God will forgive me.

Yet, there’s this persistent thought in the back of my mind—what if I gave game development a real shot? Just one year to create something meaningful, something that others might enjoy. My parents don’t mind me staying since the house is big enough. In truth, the only reasons I have to keep going are my newfound faith and the simple fact that I’m a healthy man. If I hadn’t had this realization about Christianity, I would’ve gone through with it without hesitation.

Not going through with it 5 years ago didn't make my life better, except I'm just now finding god. Should I take a year to make games and see or end my suffering here and now?
3 media | 10 replies
How to learn stuff?
This might be a silly question to ask, but anytime I look towards entering a new field or hobby I get overwhelmed by the amount of information out there and feel like I get taken advantage of by hustlers looking to make a quick buck.
What are some good ground rules to follow when trying to learn about something? The scientific method for sniffing out bullshit you might say.
0 media | 8 replies
Job / Career Question
Hi there, I was offered a position straight from undergrad to work for a company remotely anywhere I want in the world.
Only catch?
Pay is pretty meh ($75k a year) and top end payout for a senior manager is also pretty meh (~$100k after 6-7 years).
Should I take it and travel the world?
Basically being a digital nomad.
0 media | 7 replies
No title
I am so tired of life.

I feel like I just can't take it anymore. I can't wake up and go to work anymore. I can't use 50%+ of my check every 2 weeks lost to bills. I can't work a job that causes me rage to just walk into the door to. I can't and don't care about people around me, or the country, or politics or anything of the sort. I don't care about becoming "successful" or a millionaire or anything like that. Things I used to enjoy I don't anymore, the illusion is gone. I could play a game, go hiking, ride my bike, but what's the point? It just tires me out and wastes my energy that I have to use to work. It feels like my time is always being wasted no matter what I'm doing, but when I have free time, I'm just bored, tired and don't enjoy much if I even do anything at all.

Things are only getting worse, prices always increase, the 'little guy' is always stomped on but never helped up. Scumbags in office every where you look, everything is a scam or a sham. People in general are disgusting and vile; my best of friends and gf are the only people I even want to talk to in life. Nothing ever gets better, just stays the same or gets worse.

I mean I just truly do not see the point of being alive? What is there to look forward to day by day? Year by year? You might argue if I have this outlook I should feel better about life because "nothing matters" and I can not worry about things and just enjoy it. But I don't because there is no goal, there's no purpose. I feel utterly static in life and I hate that I can't just willingly die on the spot because I'm just so tired of living. I have no will to fight and no care to do so even if I did. I'm just so tired.
0 media | 3 replies
Seeking /adv/ice regarding my bf’s health and wellness
pee pee poo poo society
My boyfriend has had some physical issues for years now; I’d hoped they would show improvement but they seem to be going the other way, and I’m tired of watching him suffer and being powerless to help. The worst is his skin- he’s got at least two long-term afflictions, namely psoriasis and eczema, and despite seeing numerous doctors and applying all sorts of salves these ailments linger and spread. He’s pretty self-conscious about it (his face is unaffected at least) and it’s expensive and frustrating. He seems to be always uncomfortable due to one skin problem or another. Is there anything I can convince him to do, a supplement or dietary change, that might help? He’s stubborn and generally averse to changes in his routine, including new pills and such, but I did recently get him taking Nigella sativa (“black seed oil”), which shows some evidence of helping with this stuff; in a case like his it would be a miracle if it cured him, but any improvement is worth it.
The skin issues have been rough on our lovemaking and pretty much forced me to take on new roles and seek new ways to please him (and myself); there has been some fun in the novelty but it’s not an ideal situation…
0 media | 2 replies
Unresolved trauma
My dad passed away unexpectedly in 2022. It was pretty hard on the family, especially financially, because my mom is a stay-at-home mother. Immediately after he died, my mentally ill brother-in-law, who was living with us at the time, began to harass and threaten me. He is a legitimate schizophrenic who thinks he has visited other planets and can telepathically speak to people, especially famous politicians and celebrities. My guess is that sensed he can do whatever he wants now that my dad died and began to shoulder me as he passed by me, swear at my face and threaten to beat me up. I immediately go to my mother to report this, and she, as a very meek woman, says, “I don’t know what to do.” I demand that he is removed from the house — my sister and him had the financial capability to do so and were not contributing financially to the living situation. She tells me that he will just tell my sister to deal with his aggressions. What does she do? Absolutely nothing — the harassment continues on and my sister then blamed me for his aggressions. I repeatedly insist that this man be removed from the house. I then think about calling the police and saying he attacked me. 3 months later, he eventually gets uncontrollably agitated and storms out of the house, leaving to a different city, effectively abandoning his wife — my sister.
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No title
When I'm high, I feel like myself
When I'm sober, I do not
Why is that?
>Also, how bring back picrel
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No title
I grew up without a father so I have no clue what's it like.
Can anyone share the experience? Did he fuck you in the ass, how many times a week and did you get used to it
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No title
Brother Bear
My biggest regret in life is dropping out of high school. It's too late for me to go back and get my high school degree. I'll never live abroad, this fucking sucks, I just wanna get out of here, but I'll never be able to. Do I just end it now since I'll never be able to live the life I wanna live?
1 media | 8 replies
Born a sadistic deviant
When I was little I was a big pervert.

>My parents once told me that after a young woman had played with me for a while, I jumped out of my stroller and checked her ass, which they found hilarious.
>I would also masturbate in public and be preoccupied with relatives' breasts and feet.
>I also remember frequently telling some retarded kid who was always saying "mom" that his mom died. He would always cry after that and I found it absolutely hilarious.
>Apparently I would also involve other kids in twisted domination games. Provoking them and making them punish me, intimate wrestling, stepping on them and getting stepped on.
>Had werid fantasies about women, men, feet, armpits, incest, physical domination and imaginary siblings.
>Got a gf in preschool, though I didn't do any perverted shit to her. Had significant troubles with girls after elementary school.
>Never had a lot of friends. Mostly interacted with kids through play fighting. I would challenge everyone and enjoy hitting other. I would ususally win too. Still don't really have social skills, however I have some degree of social awareness. I can read social cues and usually act in a civilised manner.
>Most of my weird fantasies have stopped, but I still am drawn to submissiveness, feet and femdom. Thankfully, I am not gay.

I come from a loving family, even though my parents were kind of absent through my childhood. My mother was and is overprotective and my father is weak-willed, passive, dull and lazy, but both of them are doctors. I am also extremely academically gifted and did well in school with no serious effort. How did I get so fucked up? How do i fix it? How do I saly the beast?
1 media | 3 replies
Am I balding?
All my brothers and my dad are bald. Just wondering if there's a difference in how I looked ten years ago. I'm 28 now. Current hairline is picrel
3 media | 14 replies
Child Support
The asshole divorce judge is making me pay 1400 in child support despite the fact that I only make 2600 a month and I was kicked out of my own home. I’ve had it with this country. I have ten grand in my bank and I’m thinking of just going to Mexico and never looking back. Would this work?
0 media | 18 replies
No title
>wake up ~3 hours earlier than normal
>can't fall back asleep no matter what
>get up, go for a jog, eat something
>eyes have been bloodshot for ~5 hours now
I have places to be later in the day, how do I fix my eyes? Do I just take a nap or apply some sort of eye solution?
1 media | 3 replies
Saw an escort for the first time ever.
Sex isn't the same without the other person being into it too. It was such a meh experience. I don't regret it but I didn't enjoy it either. Probably the last time I ever see an escort.

Has anyone else been to an escort and had a similar experience? Or is it just me?
1 media | 6 replies
No title
Is it worth staying in a shitty marriage just to reproduce?

We have the same goals, but she is argumentative and entitled on the way to get there. She was also the only girl who showed genuine interest in me first.

I figure I will die alone if I divorce because I am only getting older and uglier.
1 media | 37 replies
Is waiting for sex even all that bad?
I hear so many horror stories like “my girlfriend has more experience than me and I’m mortified” and “my gf started cheating on me with another man” or “my boyfriend won’t talk to me because I won’t give him head”
I’ve been waiting for the right person to have sex with for the first time. It’s been a good 2 years since I’ve been in a relationship and I’ve had the privilege of having gfs without the intention of fucking them until A. Marriage or B. Engagement even if I think things like sexting is ok. People act like it’s the end of the world when they don’t get sex but the reality is a lot of what we’re into are really depraved and fetishistic, and I work around it by just jerking off. For the people that have sex there seems to be a lot of people that regret it, so does that make waiting for the right person really worth it? Any positive stories?
2 media | 14 replies
No title
I am 30 and aging decimated my face. I feel like my life is basically over. What should I do?
0 media | 14 replies
Can't trust anybody
I was diagnosed with Asperger's when it was still a thing. It's sort of like having everyone somehow agree to hate you for a reason you can't ever hope to understand. I grew up not well liked, unpopular and lacking socially.

i learned to mask very well by the time i hit my 20s though thankfully Nowadays i have a lot more confidence and social adeptness so people like me and accept me. And i like that, my life is better than it ever was

But to this day I can't forgive how i was treated back then. I remember how cruel the kids were to me for being different. Il never forget my family thinking i was retarded and beyond help when i got diagnosed. Never forget my supposed friends finding out i was diagnosed and giving me shit. Or the adults who hated me when I was not socially astute as my peers.

Just this past week i had some girls who knew me since i was little and saw me at my cringiest moments give me a hug. When back then i remember her brother shoving me against a wall and her treating me like a leper. Just as an example. I know i was strange boy but sometimes I remember the sad little boy I was who cried because he used to not have any friends. And I get so fucking pissed at everyone around me, they never helped me when I was down just because i liked super mario a little too much and was shy of people.

it's influenced how i treat people. And whenever i start to trust people I remember how they treated me just because they could. Many times often the same people that inflicted the pain to me are still in my life and call themselves my friends and family. And it makes me sick and wanting to isolate from everybody.

Any advice...
2 media | 10 replies
No title
If I feel embarrassed taking a class should I drop it?
Networking so far has been a bunch of asinine memorization about IP addresses and port numbers, with a fuckload of clunky virtual labs.
I actually prefer math and physics at least those empower creativity and problem solving, not just cramming my head with stuff that I could look up later.

I already paid for it but I'm full time at school and nearly full time at work
0 media | 11 replies
No title
how do I become more likeable and get pussy? This isn't a "boohoo woe is me" thread I just want a social life and I want to put in the effort to attain it
>only 1 real friend that I only see a few times a year
>not a ton of interesting hobbies
>no life outside of waging and vidya
>not interesting
>rather bland, though not especially egregious
>attractive but no social skills are innate dominance to back it up

This is what I'm working with here. It's quite grim in comparison to what I see when I browse the social media accounts of people I went to highschool with and they're out living their lives, doing exciting ass shit and making unfrogetable memories.
>DDDUUUR social media is fake and nobody is actuawwy happy irl!!
I don't really give a shit whether it's genuine or not, point is people have much more dynamic and fun lives than I do and I want to be someone who others enjoy being around and want to invite me out to places. I'd rather not waste what little of my youth I have left shitposting to internet racists online and jacking my dick in my dimly lit bedroom
1 media | 6 replies
i'm bored with life
>it's february now, one whole month of being 20
>bored with life, excessively bored with life
>sex is boring, masturbation is boring, porn is boring.
>drugs are boring. nicotine is so boring i quit it back in october after five years of addiction. weed is boring, i want some right now because i don't have any but its boring even when i'm high.
>food is boring. it just hurts my stomach and doesn't taste that good.
>life in general is boring, no job, nearly no job opportunistic. I got an interview offer, the first since May 2024, for a warehouse position at large_international_corporation... on the other side of the city. Is it really worth spending $7 a day to take the bus to get to the other side of the city to work a difficult and otherwise unrewarding job?
>People will say "yeah it pays the bills" but honestly I think I'd rather slowly choke to death in a noose in a dingy stinky basement than anything near that ever again.
>I have tried to go temping before. I sat in their office for an hour at 5 in the morning and they still didn't have work for me, at that point I decided to just not.
>Why the hell do I, a native citizen of a first world nation whose never committed a crime, have to live like a third world citizen whose raped and killed a million people? No idea, but people will say it's fair so let's just let it slide and pray that it doesn't end up happening to (You) and your beloved.
1 media | 6 replies
No title
>I like her when she's distant/sketchy
>I hate her/get turned off when she likes me back
>yet I'm always crying 'no gf'

Can I break this cycle and just accept love?
Why tf do I act like this?
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