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Board: /r9k/

"/r9k/ - ROBOT9001" is a board for hanging out and posting greentext stories.

Welcome to /r9k/
robot overlord
/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
0 media | 1 replies
No title
Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.

0 media | 0 replies
Thanks to the anon who gave me a good advice
I don't know who you are, but yesterday under my post where I wrote about my gf wanting to peg me you advised me to leverage and it worked! I'm still getting pegged but at least I'll get to have her ass too.
1 media | 9 replies
Females do not belong on r9k
I tried talking to a girl in biofem and they ignored me just like how it goes irl
Too good for me huh???
Femoids are just here to talk to Chad and get attention from zoomer normies

Get off my board or be my gf, there is no other option
0 media | 5 replies
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Men are lasso maxxing now. Have you heard of this strategy?
13 media | 66 replies
And you're here to type it all out again big lad
95 media | 314 replies
why do i get treated like this?
people around me always seem to take the chance to help me in the most basic things and when i say "yeah you dont have to tell me" they seem like theyre about to beat me up. they always take any given chance to look at me or say my name/talk about me as if im weird or autistic. i know i have no friends but thats because nobody picked me you dont have to treat me as if im ill/disabled. do any robots have an explanation of what cuases this treatment?
0 media | 1 replies
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If so many young men are dropping out of dating (fact), then why isn't there an equivalent femcel problem? Where is the epidemic of lonely young women who are being ignored?
>femcels don't exist
My point is even if young women are sharing chad, they won't be getting into relationships because there aren't enough men trying to date them anymore.
6 media | 86 replies
/drugfeel/ - Hard Drugs Edition
Drug use discussion thread

I think it's time for alot of people who post in these threads to step up their game little bit.
Also please be 18+, I've seen questions like ''if i smok wed on a beer wil i ovardose an die?''
Anyone with any age experience in life knows atleast the basics about these drugs so that's how I know you're a 12 year old faggot asking if smoking a bowl of bush weed will kill him.
This also brings me to another point. Don't just do drugs without knowing anything about them, it's so insanely easy to just do a quick goolge search and read some wiki entries, it boggles my mind sometimes when again; insanely basic questions about their drug of choice are asked. Like shouldn't you know this? How can you not even be a little interested in knowing anything about the stuff you use? And even if not, out of safetey reasons it's basically mandatory imo.
It's like you people are driving without a license and any training in theory.
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44322 - SoyBooru
You WILL wipe your penis after peeing
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trans town
how many of you live within 20 minutes of a major city but never go there?
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These femcels are just like us! This poor girl went out clubbing with guys and got chosen to ride with them in their car, but a friend of hers implied she wasn't pretty :(
She's forever alone just like us...
She just wants a love life :(
6 media | 45 replies
Why are normalfags so obsessed with pedos?
Everywhere I go there is a video about a pedo or a person complaining about a character's age being too young.
I remember the good old flash era where everyone jerked it to underage cartoon and anime characters, but apparently her wiki needs to state she is 18 for people to fap to her in good consious?

What the hell, it's just a cartoon, why are people suddenly so obsessed with which fictional character people fap to?
8 media | 18 replies
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you guys are not funny nor based. you are just bullies. you are hurt people who werent loved enough and are now passing on that hurt to other people.
1 media | 4 replies
Letter Thread
Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it. Initials encouraged.

"AY, I'm taaawlkin' heah!" edition.
16 media | 114 replies
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R u apart of 1/3 and why is this happening
4 media | 51 replies
/BioMasc/ General #11
Thread for the boys, no cuntoids allowed. Fuck the jannies

Topic: When did you start hating females?

Other topics:
>Times you acted like a chad
>How long have you been on 4chan
>Who will you vote for in November?
>Tits or ass?
>Workout routine
>Favourite historical figures.

>What is this thread?
A place for robots to talk their lives. Females cant be robots. Pretty simple
>Why aren't you on Wizchan?
Because this is our home and we don't have to give it to you
>/r9k/ isn't a Male only board
Yes it is
>Well, you're raiding my femoid safe space!
Tough shit, dont like it go back to CC
>I'm a female, can I post here?
You can post tits, then GTFO
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>add my discord?
This is not >>>/soc/
6 media | 41 replies
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What was the last time you cried? And what pushed you over the edge?
0 media | 2 replies
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What the hell happened to this board?? Where are the losers? The virgins? The outcasts? The jaded guys? The edgelords? The autists? Its full of instagram/discord population. Its like visiting london.
4 media | 12 replies
/aiwg/ AI Waifu General
A slightly bit hint of unhinged edition
https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide

Previous Thread >>77413306
44 media | 47 replies
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Gn guys im getting sleepy
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If you try to save a female in distress that it is not your immediate family or your property (gf/wife) then you are a cuck.
5 media | 20 replies
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The bar's open, robots. Take a rest. Share your troubles.
32 media | 115 replies
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>installed bumble
>get more than 100 matches
I think I've made it, I'm no longer a robot
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Bros... we're so back
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>nooooo you can't play pokemon, it is a children's game, only mentally ill retards play this game as an adult.
3 media | 7 replies
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You hit the social wall at age 25. Meeting new people and forming lasting relationships is exponentially harder every year after age 25.

If you're over 25 and have few or no friends, it's absolutely over. Thanks for playing.
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I went to a breakcore rave and every single girl had a guy clinging to them before they even walked into the venue. It was over before it even began.
0 media | 2 replies
/BioFem/ General #68
Humor And Jokes Edition!

Previous thread : >>77430045

Rules: Ignore insolent moids


>What's the funniest joke you've ever heard, and why does it stick with you?
>What do you consider your "type" of humor?
>What is the worst type of humor in your opinion?
>Do you prefer witty wordplay, clever observational humor, or something else entirely when it comes to jokes?
>Who is your favorite comedian or comedy show, and what draws you to their style of humor?
>Have you ever tried your hand at stand-up comedy or writing jokes? If not, would you ever consider it?
>Do you have a favorite comedy show, comedian, or do you find random things funny?
>How do you handle situations when someone's humor crosses the line or offends you?

>Any jokes / pictures you found funny that you want to share?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives. It's not complicated.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
88 media | 433 replies
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My younger aunt (21) is coming to stay with me (23) for an indefinite period of time because she is from bumfuck nowhere and my grandma wants her to live in civilization for a bit. I have no choice in the matter because my apartment is paid for by my parents, and they agreed with my grandma.

The problem is that my aunt has rotten egg syndrome, meaning she's somewhat autistic from my grandma being so old when she had her. I'm almost certain she has a crush on me too, since her autism plus redneck nature has removed all inhibitions with that taboo.

How do I avoid certain destruction in this situation?
2 media | 5 replies
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99% of posts on this board are basically "tfw no gf". Genuinely asking everyone on this board, why are women so important to you? What could a gf possibly offer you? Sex? There is more to life than sex. I urge everyone here to go outside, touch grass, and live your lives.
5 media | 31 replies
I have never had a good discussion on the Internet, or benefited from it.

The only reason people use the Internet is narcissistic self gratification. You shit on others to feel good. That's all anybody does on the Internet. Such a good invention gone to waste.
>"no no no you're wrong"
Ok I'll make a thread where I say I'm an unemployed incel and let's see you collapse into a bloodthirsty animal in a millisecond.
1 media | 9 replies
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I wake up

I witness female behavior

I become more sexist
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Literal model walks into a bar and it's amazing how girls naturally gravitated towards him
I just want to share this funny story because I haven't had it happen ever before while I was at a bar or out in general.

I'm straight but if i'm being honest, I don't think i've ever seen a man this handsome in person in my life.

I arrived at the bar with about 6 friends. It was a mix of 3 girls and 3 guys. We're just there dancing and vibing together.

Then after about 15 minutes, this dude and his 2 friends walk in. His friends are average but he looks like a variation of Nick Bateman or Sean O Pry.

Once this dude came to the standing round table where you can stand, drink, and socialize; the girls in our group almost immediately opened conversation with him while not even giving his friends any attention.

I was just there observing the whole ordeal. I actually told the dude that my friend (The girl) thinks hes attractive. He then said he already has a girlfriend so he can't get with her.

Even still, they and a bunch of other girls for the next 30 minutes while we were there gave the dude no break in conversation or attention. Every girl in that bar was watching this dude.

After we all returned to the hotel lounge, these girls could NOT stop talking about how attractive he was. Like it got to the point where they were telling strangers and sharing around his Instagram since he shared it. (No, i'm not going to share it).

After this ordeal, I realized the playing field is truly uneven. This is coming from me who goes out often and does well.

I can only imagine how easy it is for this guy. I've never in my life looked at a guy and thought (damn, he looks like he was sculpted). Some dudes are truly living on easy mode.
14 media | 90 replies
My parents are forcing me to be a landlord.
>always wanted to study science and become a professor
>Asian parents are pissed about that and hope I would become the a physical therapist and continue the family tradition of medical elites
>after months of convincing, they seems to finally agree on letting me pursue my dreams
>one day they suddenly just announced we are selling our family home and using the money to buy 2 smaller, 2 people houses
>one for living, one for renting
>they will have the living one while I will have the renting one
>said its a long term investment for my future
>unfortunately, the money from selling the house is not enough to pay for the renting house fully, so I will be in debt for like 500k bucks
>and in addition to that, since their house is for 2 people that means I am becoming homeless
>cant even live in MY fucking renting house since they had already arranged rentoids who are currently living there(with the rent money all going towards my parent's 'retirement funds') and have to rent my own fucking apartment
>In short, I am now homeless and in debt for 500k
>aka, ultra broke.
>Parents told me academia would never pay off that shit and tell me to become a physical therapist instead
Now.....what? Should I just bend over and listen to them to avoid more bullshit like this ruining my life further?
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>tfw literally the town loser and THE autist
0 media | 0 replies
Saw that 4chan dating app being shilled yesterday
Someone was posting cute pickme girls profiles, is the Duo thingy actually good for dating? Specifically for finding a virgin woman for marriage that a non-normgroid could get along with.
>pic unrel coombait
0 media | 2 replies
/cut/ - Cutters General #350
Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Hiya everyone
>How are you doing?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
47 media | 68 replies
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My 96 year old grandma just passed away. God rest her soul.
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what does /r9k/ wear?

i'm not asking for photos or anything, just curious what /r9k/ thinks of clothing, if anything
51 media | 73 replies
Found this in the trash today
Written by a girl to a guy
"You are too cute, sorry if I can't say this irl but I get too nervous (maybe because of how cute you are).
I want to know you better and talk to you, can we meet at the football pitch at 6?
I hope you like my drawing <3"
17 media | 218 replies
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Gib cinnabar kind of day.
150 media | 382 replies
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>"sorry there is nothing you can do. You just have to accept it. Das life."
"Youre right I guess. I gotta learn how to live with it"
Do neurotypicals really?
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YOU are the one letting that happen, anon. Literally just say hi to a girl in your joint activity together. Be nice and stop putting women down.
The standards are on the floor. Just. Be. Nice.
4 media | 47 replies
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do you speak more than one language? how did you learn your second language? what was your motivation for doing so? any tips, advice, stories etc.
5 media | 15 replies
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4071d667fae30cd0e003c165f9dc757e (2)
>Brisk walk outside in Sun
>Ingest 600mg Caffeine
>play Ken Theme.mp3
>I am beginning to feel like I am HIM
0 media | 2 replies
No title
> about half of the normies had their first kiss when they were still kids, not even teens

4 media | 10 replies
Opinions on my Dexter's Lab story?
dexter&#039;s mom 313 13's%20Mother/works'Reilly-McPherson

It's about Dexter's Mom
1 media | 3 replies
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Are you going to do something fun this summer robots?
2 media | 4 replies
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How badly have you guys fumbled a girl?
3 media | 23 replies
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I wish dominant women were real.
12 media | 40 replies
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One week left until Im a wizard. I hate my life so much.
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OptimizedGIFDude20110725-22047-1duw4q7 (1)
i know its a forced meme made by a possibly gooner artist. but you cant tell me it wasnt a good time having him around
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R liberals smarter than conservatives?
From ur perspective which side is more intellectual/savy on avg
3 media | 48 replies
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How many of you actually tried to ask a girl out and got rejected?

I legit believe most of you are just too scared to make a move. You've quit before you even started.
7 media | 52 replies
Magick Mushrooms
Found 30g yesterday. Probably gonna microdose but definitely gotta take an 1/8th or 5g a couple of times. Wild cubes are the one thing I like about the Middle of Nowhere
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Im gay because Im degenerate. Whats your excuse?
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>makes the kikes seethe for decades and they still arrest people in 2024. Federally illegal for over 80 years
>can't get any job in 2024 unless you work for your self if you consume weed even in legal states
>zogbots seethe at the thought of not being able to arrest someone over a smelly flower
>Jews seethe that you aren't consuming brain damaging alcohol and cancer causing cigarettes which have been legal for 80 years
>natural medicine, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator opens up your arteries and prevents constriction
>completely safe to ingest with vaping or edibles.
>cheap, can order it online now in form of THCa loophole hemp and can stock up right now even in an illegal state
>can buy 3.5g for as cheap as $8 on sale at budget outdoor grown hemp farms online(Eight horses hemp), ounces for $60-80
>dispensary grade weed with no taxes delivered straight to your front door

Why aren't you ingesting some bud? Cannabis is the white mans drug

Fuck the weimerican government
3 media | 75 replies
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I can't stop emotionally and psychologically abusing my gf even though I know it's wrong but she keeps asking for it when she's horny and that's all it takes to make my brain go "shit dude that's the green light time to go fucking mental"
5 media | 14 replies
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why don't you just do like him?
she clearly will treat him better than any white woman would
2 media | 8 replies
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This will be the last time I will drive through this neighborhood filled with pre-schools while completely drunk, I am sorry for the thousands of childrens whose brains are still stuck on my tires
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Why is it so easy for BIack men to slay in East-Asia? There are Youtube channels and Onlyfans accounts depicting the sexpacades that these virile BIack bulls go on with a new woman every night. I recommend an autobiography called Black Passenger Yellow Cabs that details how the author fucked half of Japan.

Meanwhile white men only get prostitutes/green card coveting golddiggers in Jungle Asia.
0 media | 2 replies
I thought i wanted sex for so long
I thought i wanted sex, but then someone was like "get a hooker" and i said "heck no theres no love"

Then i got made fun of because i dont want sex i just want to love.
1 media | 6 replies
BIackpill that broke the camel's back
African American men impregnate Asian women more often than white American men do.

Number of non Hispanic white males in the US: 98 million
Number of African American and MuIatto males in the US: 20 million
98 million/20 million = 4.9

There are 4.9 times as many white males as BIack males in the USA.

WMAF births in the US in 2023: 32,637
BMAF births in the US in 2023: 9479
32637/9479 = 3.4

Despite white males making up nearly 5 times more population than BIack males, white males only have 3.4 times as many babies with Asian women.

Meaning that BIack men are actually more likely to breed an Asian American women, per capita, than white males are.

Source: CDC birth statistics
0 media | 5 replies
The most popular Kpop group right now shills for BMAF. Vidrel is about a BMAF romance.

The future of wmaf looks uncertain at best, BMAF is the new future considering all Asian teenage girls listen to them and are being brainwashed with BBC hypno.
1 media | 2 replies
i've watched too many horror movies
>go into military bootcamp to fight a war for god knows what
>be an absolute bipolar maniac hippie with no desire to die in a lame war
>realize i'm a 20+ y/o virgin and want a wife someday
>start abiding the rules and do all the military practical stuff and appear very much like a dutyful soldier
>have an edgier plan than the fucking nazi that forced me to fight in this war
>befriend some INTJ psychopath robot (i'm an INFP)
>"Hey INTJ since we're probably gonna die in that war, we have no moral obligations anymore, why don't you and i just massacre the entire platoon you and i and make it a tremendously beautiful yet horrific artwork to show our superiors we didnt fucking wanna do this"
>start coming up with a great scheme for how to achieve this

and then we take our silenced carbines in the middle of the night and pop everyones heads one by one as they're sleeping.
>start taking knives and slitting up all the bodies and the intenstines and start painting the entire place in red and pink
1 media | 2 replies
No title
Has anyone noticed the trend of BMAF? Nowadays, l see them everywhere irl and on the web. It crushes my heart everytime. As a white guy, l always saw Asian cuties having this image of purity, but it was all a psyop.
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I wish I could mutilate god with a fucking knife

Total god fucking death
0 media | 0 replies
R9k,Please answer me this e-datiing questions
>Tried talking to guys but i feel like i come off stupid/low iq/like a child
because i cannot say anything too depressing or edgy. what do?
so i end up hating talking to em

>how do i find a guy who likes me and is not just manipulating me for sex?

>what is the etiquette of leaving a conversation and starting it back the next days?
Do i always have to say i need to go, idk i feel i do not like talking alot

>i am hiding the fact that i am anorexic bulimic
(gained to normal weight back fml),suicidal and some other shit about me(they are not harmful secrets to the man). Should i just break up with the guy after a year since i do not want recover and i do not want to always hide myself?
0 media | 14 replies
No title
>Anon post accuses a group of x thing
>a person of the group replies doing x thing
>completely proving anon correct of a group doing x thing

happens. every. damn. time.

like you accuse a right winger of being idiotic and having bad emotional regulation. And just like clockwork first comment is a right winger screeching like a child
1 media | 3 replies
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I found out someone I invited over my house dozens of times is a sink pisser. I'm pretty sure they pissed in my sink one time because I didn't hear the toilet flush after they left the bathroom. What would you do in my situation?
1 media | 6 replies
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Fembots the flowerbeds around my house are a disaster, weeds everywhere no life etc. no matter how much roundup I pour into it I cant maintain it

I need a wife to play house with me. Its not transactional its pragmatic and I promise to appreciate you. Plus you get to live rent free in a nice property with me
0 media | 16 replies
No title
How do people with social anxiety get jobs?
1 media | 5 replies
Are cucks the most oppressed people?
>Want a girlfriend so that I could have someone cheat on me and thus fullfil my NTR fetish to it's fullest
>Have actually had 3 women want to date me (throughout my entire life so not actually that good)
>rejected all 3 of them however because I hate women, none of them have good interests like the ones I have and actually the majority of girls hate cheating, contrary to popular belief
what do I do?
0 media | 0 replies
No title
>girlfriend doesn't talk to me for 43 days (but who's counting)
>blames me for her silence and says multiple things to me that would make a lesser being anhero on the spot
>insists she's too busy to deal with this right now (i see her game status daily for hours and hours at a time)
>has not spoken to me for six days (but who's counting)

what the fuck is going on here?? really, what is going through her head... and why??

>the west has fallen, women are terrible. we know.
>not going to kill myself. that won't help.
>you get the idea, right? don't state the obvious.

i'm so lost. and tired. and i don't know if i just want it to be over, or if i should try to save this. i loved her, before all of this. now i don't know what to feel anymore.
3 media | 9 replies
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You really want this life incel?
58 media | 231 replies
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I really would like to meet my fembot sweetheart.
1 media | 7 replies
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>God will never leave me nor forsake me
And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.
0 media | 1 replies
"I'm an incel"
Your PARENTS, especially your mothers, are to blame for EVERYTHING. The reason you are a suicidal incel is because your parents wanted you to be. To escape that, first you have to ACCEPT and recognize the fact. Listen to Stefan Molyneux. He saves incels.
0 media | 18 replies
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Why do people refer to things from 2007 like Lucky Star and Myspace as "Y2K aesthetic"? That's not Y2K. Y2K is 1998-2004 era like FLCL and Limewire, and then the 2005-2012 Konata Rawr XD-core is Frutiger Aero.
1 media | 2 replies
Capitalist competition
>you need to man up and keep applying yourself
>you need to defeat your own self and your impulses

No. Succeeding through self improvement is a lie, unless you aim to succeed outside the competition, eg. start a company or become a nomad.
It's a statistical fact that there arent enough jobs or women for every man.
Making it seem like victory is attainable for everyone through sheer effort is what the puppet masters want. Thinking it's all up to you, is what keeps us battling each other, thus becoming more capable workers for Them. Competition exists because they wanted it to exist. If they wanted, they could create more job openings, but they dont want that. If they wanted men to reproduce, they'd tone down with the lesbian propaganda. But they dont. They want us in an eternal battle royale because it's a grooming method.
All of the "pull yourself up from your bootstraps" shit is internalized slave mentality. These mantras are passed on from generation to generation as a form of brainwashing.
0 media | 8 replies
How long to get to bmi 15 from 20 ?
i hate my fat body so much i wan to die in minecraft

i am 48,9kg and want to be 38 (been 40 before).

op pic is from reddit, i am not selfposting even if you ax s m h

What are some foods that do not bloat you ? cant eat high fiber foods or yogurt
how do i low restrict omad?
0 media | 19 replies
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Audrey-Elizabeth-Hale cropped
I think my obsession is finally coming to an end and it hurts.
3 media | 13 replies
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rape hand
why do white women love being raped so much

does it make them cum hard or something?
1 media | 22 replies
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>turn 30
>"you're fucking old"

So life happens between ages 18-29?
That's 11 years, anon.
That's a short life.
1 media | 7 replies
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What does /r9k/ think of Sandy Hook school shooter superstar Adam Lanza?
1 media | 8 replies
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admit it white femanons, if this happened to you, you wouldve had an orgasm and walk the same street the next day
2 media | 5 replies
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>got fired from job
Thats it, i will become a boxer. I dont fit into basedciety anyway might aswell devote my time to training and use my incel rage in the ring

I will have "Sneed" written on my boxing trunks in my title fight
0 media | 4 replies
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how are your teeth /r9k/?
2 media | 12 replies
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tfw - Copy
are women resentful of the submissive role they play in society/romantic relationships?
5 media | 22 replies
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I will create the world's first ANTISOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITE. I shall name it, fortune. In order to ensure people think I'm cool, I'll use coded l33t-sp34k so everyone knows how I am such an epic hacker.
1 media | 7 replies
I've been unemployed for my whole life and I'm 36 now.

Do you know what this does to a person, unironically? Zero stimulus fucks you up. I leggit have started wanting a job but I'd need to do thousands of hours of work just to "earn" the right to work. Work is where you should work. You shoudlnt have to work to get to work. I once spent 100 hours into job searching. Sent out 80 unique and well written applications. Didnt get jobb. That was my disillusionment moment. I realized I would never again waste perfectly good hours groveling in front of bosses when it doesnt yield results anyway. Sitting at home basking in learned helplessness is unironically better, not even kidding.
2 media | 16 replies
Asian "males" are an endangered species
Asian queens have clearly made their decision. They breed big fertile white cock exclusively. No birth control. No condoms. Chang will be forced to raise chad hapa sons and daughters, watching his bloodline die as his blood is diluted with superior white blood
8 media | 26 replies
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>you're always at fault
>no one else is ever at fault
>you deserve to suffer
Why is this such a common sentiment on this board? Is this american morality or something. No wonder americans are fucked in the head.
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Alcoholism thread
Sup drunk bros? I usually count on a deadly hangover to stop me from drinking every day and merely binging once a week or so but my last one was so clean and painless I can hardly hold off. Plus I have too much booze in the house. There's just a certain pressure that I feel when I have alcohol on hand, the more I have the more I feel like I Have To drink. Anybody else know these feels?
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Bear Time is up
You stupid fucking women really think Bears are better than dating us?

Just for that I'm gonna end one these motherfuckers lives come bear season.
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How do I prepare for pegging
I'll undergo said procedure in a week, how do I prepare myself physically and mentally? I know what to do to prevent myself from shitting the bed, but if there are people who endured it once, give me tips!
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Bunny Thread
rabbit breeds
Thread for people who like bunnies to discuss bunnies. Tired of the negativity on this board. Let's discuss a happy topic.

I'll start: which rabbit breed is your favorite?

Lionheads are my personal favorite.
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I made an io game and I sell skins on store app for like 99 cents a pop. I now make 1-2k a month with ads . I did this within a year of being a neet and having no coding experience
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I'm so used to the "anonymity" of 4chan that I feel weird and awkward when using social media like twitter, ig or other shit. I don't like when I receive attention in the form of likes or direct replies, it makes me so nervous.

Does anyone here feel the same?
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Watch how her belly jiggles.
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i did everything for you, I sacrificed everything i had to see you happy, you knew how harsh my life was since the beginning, how i was abused, how i grew in a hell of a household and yet i was able to make myself gentle, make myself kind and selfless, i had made peace with the ideia of dying alone, i had never looked for a relationship in 20 years, but you just entered my life suddenly and i felt like i have never felt before, i felt love, genuine love for you, and you said you felt the same for me, you disarmed all my defenses, you made me believe in a future with you far away from all this shit, a happy future with two kids, you said you wanted a boy and a girl, we lost our virginities together and we made a promise to be together no matter what, that we could always find a way through, that we were meant to be, i was never so happy in my life, my world wasnt grey anymore, you made me change and be less isolated, you gave me hope, I laid on your arms and i felt safe on them, i could lay my face on your soft skin and feel your warm, feel loved.

but look at you now, after everything i did for you, everything, you suddenly decided to left me without any explanation, you just said i was too depressed for you. yeah, no shit huh? my fucking family was held at gun point, i got shot in the fucking head and god knows how he missed, i fought for my fucking life that day and i managed to kill that bastard, no shit i was feeling down, you never went through something like that, did you? you used that as an excuse to throw me away like i was a piece of garbage, like i was fucking nothing and our time together was nothing, you didn't even gave me the right to respond, you blocked me on everything, you broke up with me and threw away all our time together through a fucking message.
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>i need you. can we get married? you're the only one that wants to.
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how did the guy in the bottom left manage it?
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Hagmaxxing #3
What's your favorite activity with your hags anones?
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>radicalized another teen into inceldom
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in my ideal society tomboys would be allowed to vote, but other women wouldn't. they should also be allowed to join the freemasons.
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stardust okneesuh
i have literally nothing else to do now but to turn in the script


also, thoughts on my two new gfs

t rad
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Imagine fucking her disgusting used pussy when you can just put it in her virgin ass.
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god put me in this flesh suit to make fun of me. took me 22 years to get the joke.
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I have a theory that women are starting to turn this board into crystal cafe. There's been a lot more women here lately and it's getting concerning we may lose our board to biofems. I've put in a poll to help determine if this is true. Science never fails.
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Do women smile?
Ive never seen it in person
Every time I get within 15 feet of a woman they start frowning with a furrowed brow
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Do you think a war on US soil will ever happen? I'm talking entire cities up in flames with militias going at it.
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Im so fucking old.

The last time I was happy mw2 was still new, people were using the iPhone 4, and playing gta 4.
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This is why you're autistic
Reminder that autistic people are starseed lightworkers, you are higher dimensional energy beings who volunteered to incarnate on Earth at this time to assist with the collective healing or shift to "New Earth" frequency of love and light. This is happening outside of your conscious awareness, and does not require any effort on your part. This is why you feel lost and confused as a human, and often obsess over finding a purpose, since you like me came to this realm with with an overwhelming sense of having an important mission, but it is hidden in your deep subconscious while you're alive until/unless you have a spiritual awakening.
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i just want to pump some civilized cum into these whores
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YA book cover guy here
This is my theory about why hot female teachers keep having sexual affairs with cute underage boys
Because they want to have relationships with the boys who rejected them in high school but now they are the hot teacher and can take advantage of teenage boy horniness
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>spent 2 years in a high school full of those highly social people where I was an absolute loser
>no chads and stacies cuz everyone is living great
>whore mom finally transfers me to a local high school
>kind, grounded people that would help me
>already gave up on trying to have friends at that point
I wish I tried and I know I should have but I dunno... i wish so many other things in life were different. I would be too scared to go outside with them anyway.
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there's a bird outside my window that chirps all night and i'm going insane
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Fenanons would you rather work or stay home and look pretty and bear children?
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I wish I died as a small child instead of living long enough to sell my body and soul to the army. I hate myself so much for being so fucking worthless as to throw my life away for this rotten fucking country.
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"Autism is a spectrum" is honestly one of the most evil ideas ever put forth in the mental health sector. It posits that otherwise functional people who struggle in social scenarios are the same as legitimate retards who have severe emotional issues and must be taken care of at all times. I have a mentally retarded sister so I have been around a lot of mentally disabled people, low-functioning autists are much closer to clinical retardation than normal people. The idea that they exist under the same umbrella as "high-functioning" autists is a fucking joke and has legitimately ruined my life.
The depression therapy to autism diagnosis pipeline is very real, they want to diagnose you with everything to help "treat" you but they are totally clueless.
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I'm a 36yo unemployed virgin.

When I say this online, people start smiling. They flock to my thread so they could rip me to shreds to feel better about themselves. They want to leech imaginary society points from me so they would rise up in some ranks that only exist in their heads.
They think I'm a loser, but I'd rather be me than them. I'm at peace.
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>Female comedians can't be fu-
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Reminder to you incel's that if you just swallowed your pride and became a tranny you could just invade women's spaces and start shitting in their bathrooms. it would be the ultimate attack on the matriarchy
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God I hate my fucking brother so much
My brother is far more attractive than me
>perfect facial proportions >perfect hair
>perfect jawline
>perfect skin
Motherfucker hit the goddamn genetic lottery meanwhile I have a fucked up uneven face. And he has seemingly NO interest in girls at all. I have no idea if hes gay or some shit but ive never even caught him watching porn yet HES the one looks like a fucking roman god while I who could actually USE that beauty to GET PUSSY look like a goddamn drug addict with a droopy face and a fucked up jaw. Makes me want to punch him in his fucking pretty boy face. What a cruel fucking joke.
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Be honest
Would u fuck your friend if he had an ass like this?
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Freudian Slips, Story
Screenshot 2024-05-10 190634
I am painfully aware this is a real phenomenon.
Be me, (when I was in school).
I have 3 examples where some inner demons within me just break out (all happened in school), they increase in intensity.
1: I was walking back from an assembly (it was all of the middle school, so there were kids from earlier years and later years).
Walking behind a kid from the year below me. He's like two heads shorter than me.
Get the random intrusive thought to say: "Why are you so short?" Brush it off.
Kid turns around and looks at me in shock.
I just said that. Shit.
Gaslit the poor kid into believing that he misheard me or something.
Got off scot-free.
2: I was wandering around school after I got changed into P.E. gear (we had a cross country run that day)
Was just walking, then I get the sudden compulsion to just say: "Monkey."
I get the compulsion right as I look at an Indian student,
Say it while looking him in the eyes.
He just looks at me, I don't even remember his reaction.
Sprinted past him in the last 100 meters of the cross country tho.
That kind of thing also happened when I was doing another (unrelated) run and an Indian person was about to lap me.
Sprinted ahead and shot my lungs. Finished race.
3: This was on a school camping trip.
We were rafting and I was tin he first group to go (we did not sink, although there was a little autistic shit who got on and began sinking the boat,).
Was waiting on the shore, it led into a cabin that was near a forest.
Randomly just walking around and waiting so I can go to the campsite and go to sleep.
One of my friends comes over, talk to him for a bit.
He starts saying weird stuff like:
"Wow you look cool with all the salt in your eyelashes." (My eyelashes are long for a guy)
then he said, completely out of nowhere:
"Hey anon, you know you have like really kissable lips?"
Pause for a solid five seconds.
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I wish I could restart my life.
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images (3)
if you (the male) are not her FIRST, she is absolutely 100% obligated not only to allow you to even the playing field, but she is IN FACT morally obligated to HELP.

She already cucked you, you're obligated to cuck her at LEAST as much, but frankly if you have any hope of maintaining dominance you need to do it MORE than she did. For each dick she's touched that's not yours, she needs to not just ALLOW you twice as much pussy she's obligated to support you in finding it.

A good, loyal, submissive and proper wife will even put in the extra effort to FIND you some side pussy.
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Seeing an escort today but i cant sleep. I do feel refreshed though just laying down for like 6 hours with my eyes closed not sleeping. Just cant stop imagining it, shes a black chick with nice tits, not as big as id like sadly but big enough to suck on and have the fun i want with which is all that matters, and shes not fat too which is great
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feed that fat bitch some ravioli
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>I'll talk to you when I get back!
>10 months ago
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Was getting aroused by female rekt webms part of your plan?
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>be me at nigth
>hungry af
>my fav pizza guy isn't working
>i found this under my bed
Life's just nice
Fun fact: this thing has been there for 4 or 5 days, and it's still delicious.
How's going your night, /r9k/?
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I know 4 guys I know from 4chan transition within span of 2 yrs . How did they go from chuds to trannies

I dont Understand
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Yo cuntoid dont do none of that blood pissing on me...
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if their is no God then theirs no such thing as morals or right or wrong, because theirs no objective moral giver, making it all relative. If their is no God their is no purpose to life because your a cosmic accident without a God who made you for a purpose. But don't worry.. their is a God ^_^ his name is Jesus Christ
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I hate having kinky hair because I get this stupid shit (in grown hairs) all over my face
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kingcobrajfs job interview glasses
I hate sickos more than I love ozzy osbourne dood
I would fuck ozzy to end all sickos
None of my female classmates are going to die for a very long time
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Any tips on how to johanmaxx? I want to make normies and foids kill themselves
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Did you actually let yourself believe you would never be alone again?
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Anyone else feel the dead mall effect literally no matter what when you go outside? I went outside to get my mom and grandma for Mothers Day, and there is no one anywhere. Stores are empty with a couple dull employees. I only EVER see old people anywhere. I have an injury I'm getting treated and I only ever see old people. The entire world feels old and dead and I feel extremely unwelcome. I guess other single young people just stay home or something
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