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Board: /vst/

"/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of strategy video games.

Welcome to /vst/ - Vidya/Strategy
/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!
0 media | 0 replies
Hearts of Iron IV Thread
With Götterdämmerung out of the way and Graveyard of Empires being around the corner, what are your thoughts? And what do you think will be the next area of focus after Graveyard of Empires?
54 media | 399 replies
TNO thread (where fun IS allowed)
TNO Nu-Dev
Stand up against the nu-dev that forbids all fun, anon! - Zip of charts for Bormann, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Egypt, France, Japan, Kaukasien, Mexico, Norway, Palestine, Turkey and many more reworks that'll never release! - December roundtable notes. Germany and Brazil never. - Japan rework. OTL PMs only, please. - Sweden proposal. Dev STILL lurking in the thread, will respond to every comment about it. - Sweden flowchart. We lost Pakt Sweden for this OTL-fest. - Brazil-Argentina war design doc. - Burgundian Eulogy: Burgundy 2 was real but got scrapped like everything else. - Serov "facelift" document. The first leg in the now confirmed Komi rework. - Amur rework doc. Over two years in dev hell, still no release date. - Kingdom of Montenegro flowchart. - Croatia flowchart #1. - Croatia flowchart #2. - Old Bulgaria. You were robbed of Bulgaroslavia, anon. - Thailand flowchart. - Manchuria doc #1. - Manchuria doc #2. - Manchuria doc #3. - Manchuria doc #5. - German themes tone doc. - New Granada walltext. - 200p walltext about Colombian soccer mechanics.
80 media | 468 replies
What will it ACTUALLY take to fail
So what will it take to actually fail? Love it or hate it, it’s hovering around Beyond Earth peak numbers. Obviously it’s a different era with it living on more consoles, but they have a lot riding on this game. Now, obviously it’s going to get a lot of patches fixing the UI and other basic stuff, and they’ll sell back all those basic features and get their money worth of the DLC, no doubt we’ll get a bunch of YouTube video saying it’s “fixed now”. But so far the new audience are trying to cultivate does not seem to be showing up and it has alienated a lot of the older fan base. That being said, this is not a new situation, as reviews have not been stellar at launch since five. Though this one does seem particularly bad. That being said given how much money is riding on this is there any chance that it matters? Or are they just going to keep doubling down given Firaxis financials, and just HAVE to make this work instead. Or could we see one failed DLC/expansion in and have them cut support and start again?
1 media | 42 replies
Crusader Kings 3
Is it good yet? do you still get the same events over and over?
51 media | 309 replies
No title
>dude demons are coming you must flee to cumlimdor
>we will be safe from the demons there?
>no they will follow you
>then why not make our stand here where we have our castles and armies?
>the green dudes who tried to genocide you last two games will help out
>plus elves
>we already have elves in Lordaeron
>these are feminist elves with a magic tree
31 media | 199 replies
Koei strategy thread
Because the Remake sucks, I implore anyone curious to check out the original ROTK8 for the PS2 instead.
17 media | 153 replies
EU5 / Project Caesar:

Hello, and welcome one more week to Tinto Flavour, the happy Fridays in which we take a look at the flavourish content of the new, super-secret Project Caesar.

Today we will be taking a look at Bavaria. Or, to be more precise, at the Duchies of Upper Bavaria and Lower Bavaria, as the Wittelsbach divided their lands among different branches; in addition to these two, the Treaty of Pavia (1329) also established the lands of the Electorate of the Palatinate of the Rhine (best known as The Palatinate) to be ruled by a third Wittelsbach branch.

"The Heartland of the Holy Roman Empire endured the long period of the Great Interregnum and looks to the next decades with worry. In the face of the advancing age of Holy Roman Emperor Ludwig IV. von Wittelsbach, the families of von Wittelsbach, Luxembourg, and von Habsburg once more prepare for a competition for the imperial crown. While imperial authority south of the Alps is deteriorating, German merchants scramble to secure their trade routes into Italy while Hanseatic League are enjoying their dominance over the region of North Germany.

Under the leadership of Holy Roman Emperor Ludwig IV. von Wittelsbach, the Duchy of Upper Bavaria is at the height of its power, as he commands respect and authority among the imperial princes. While the Duchy of Lower Bavaria is ruled by Duke Heinrich XIV. von Wittelsbach, his health is steadily declining due to his leprosy, and his expected early death could lead to a reunification of Bavaria.

With strong relations among the von Wittelsbach rulers of Europe, Bavaria is ready to claim its right to the imperial crown and dominance over central Europe against their rivals in Bohemia and Austria."
7 media | 29 replies
No title
Years later and this game still kinda sucks.

>little to no flavour
>railroads you into being liberal democratic or socialist
>warfare is ass
>nothing to accomplish besides “green line go up”

Why did they have to butcher the Victoria franchise like this?
17 media | 171 replies
AOE2 Mesoamerican Civ Units
Here is how i'd balance out Aztecs, Mayans and Inca.

Slingers become a regional unit
>This means Aztec and Mayan Slingers would be inferior to Incan since Inca get Unique techs for Slingers.

Xolotl Warrior would become a regional unit.
>Theses units would be a trash knight line with comparable stats to the knight intially and would quickly peak in castle age taking upgrades for infantry but not the cavalry itself.
69 media | 406 replies
/trb/ FM25 cancelled
it's fucking over

>Essential downloads:

>Guide to Football Manager:

>Tactic and Strategy Guides:

>Training and Mentoring Guides:

>Team Talks:

>Macca's official /trb/ database:
(2015) (embed)
(2016) (embed)
15 media | 93 replies
No title
Star Ruler 2
Better Stellaris in your path.
0 media | 4 replies
/oxce/ - OpenXCOM Mods

Last thread >>1937875
11 media | 156 replies
X4 Foundations
Diplomacy and Quality of Life Updates when?
31 media | 266 replies
Jurassic World Evolution
For a movie property game this was surprisingly well made and fun. Way better than I expected.
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Musketeer & Pikeman from the English Civil War
What is it about the Pike & Shot Era that intimidates strategy game developers so much?
3 media | 25 replies
Graviteam Tactics/Combat mission
Fuck that specific spot edition

Thread to discuss Graviteam tactics and Combat mission games and others like them.
20 media | 50 replies
katowice soo-ACK!
It's over
12 media | 134 replies
No title
Their games should be illegal. They’re more addictive than heroin. I just spent 7 days in a row doing nothing but siting in front of my computer for 14 hours every day playing Crusader Kings III and I’m not even halfway through one game yet.
2 media | 29 replies
Shadow Empire PBEM
I will be hosting a game of Shadow Empire on /vst/. All levels of experience are welcome, the game will be run without the DLC, please opt in to the open beta on Steam. Turns will be done via e-mail.
If you are interested, please post itt or e-mail the following preferences for planet generation:
>water or no water?
>alien life?
>hostile atmosphere?
>gravity and air pressure?
>tech level?
>city/army start number?
>story modules and epochs?
>starting council size?
>development speed?
It would be great to get a game going by the end of the weekend.

E-mail: SEPBEM (at) tutamail dot com
30 media | 288 replies
Time to talk about the most popular and unfair franchise about defending Earth from Aliens.
51 media | 391 replies
No title
>Paradox makes a retarded meme formable that allows India to core everything from the Med to Shangai
>Meanwhile China can't core Tibet or Mongolia, countries they owned 20 years before the game's start
Honestly, the angry Chinese are funny as hell, props to the,
2 media | 57 replies
No title
How do you have more than one fun playthrough in this game?
2 media | 19 replies
Tempest Rising
It baffles me so much that both Slipgate Ironworks and Frostgiant chose to steal the worst aspect of Petroglyph's Universe at War and then managed to make it hundred times worse, because despite the looks and their place in the game, Masari were at least interesting to play
4 media | 17 replies
Civilization V thread
So we can all agree that this is the best Civ game, and maybe even best 4x game of all time right?
59 media | 460 replies
Why would you ever not join ATO or CSP? There's literally no downside as long as your country isn't a mess
12 media | 170 replies
EU3, Vicky2
Anyone still play them?
14 media | 93 replies
No title
Objectively the greatest RTS game ever made
5 media | 15 replies
What period/setting would you want a Total War to be set in?
For me, if they ever made a TWM3, they should make an expansion pack like Kingdoms set in renaissance era Italy.

If they decided to make another fucking standalone spinoff feeling game i'd say Total War: American Civil War would be cool.
0 media | 46 replies
No title
Today is Kaiser Willhelm II's 166th birthday.
Happy birthday Willy!
14 media | 51 replies
No title
>Total War: Star Wars refers to a rumored upcoming video game, reportedly being developed by Creative Assembly, which would combine the "Total War" strategy gameplay with the Star Wars universe, potentially allowing players to command large-scale battles across different factions within the Star Wars galaxy.
3 media | 34 replies
No title
it fucking sucks
6 media | 38 replies
No title
Ah shit, here we go again
6 media | 61 replies
No title
what's the best RTS campaign ever made?
11 media | 109 replies
No title
Holy fuck why is it so hard to win wars in this game? Every time I start a war with someone who's weaker than me, they end up hiring mercenaries or allying with someone powerful in the middle of the war and decimating me.
0 media | 11 replies
Heart of the Machine
A new game from the AI War dev where you play as a self-aware runaway AI that tries to take over a dystopian city. It is on early access but can be played from start to finish in it's current state.
14 media | 90 replies
Jagged Alliance 3
I just got into this game a few days ago and so far it's very good. it satisfies my XCOM 2 craving. I've never seen this game mentioned on here, how's the rest of the game? it has some funny racist references I've noticed sp far
0 media | 6 replies
No title
>be Command&Conquer: Red Alert 2
>be about alternate history
>scenario is no Adolf Hitler so no War World II
>game refrences events from... War World II
Why is Red Alert so bad at alternative history? From technology, to maps to picrel, devs could just simply make scenario "Cold War gone hot" without changing anything and would fit better
12 media | 66 replies
What's with all the Civ VII hate?
I bought the $70 version and already have dozens of hours in it. Sure it'll be even better years from now, but in its current state it's pretty good.
7 media | 52 replies
No title
>completely overshadowed by Halo and quickly irrelevant despite being a genre-defining masterpiece
Will there ever be another Myth?
1 media | 6 replies
No title
>What's my favorite Civ game?
>Alpha Centauri
1 media | 10 replies
The Campaign Trail
Talk about new mods, mods you're hyped for, etc.


72 media | 391 replies
Darth gets mogged by Rule the Waves 3
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts's final update releases soon
>Cold waters 2 floating cold in the water
>3D naval sims have cowtowed to their 2D superiors
RtW chads won, excel spreadsheets are the superior means of naval sim gameplay
On the other hand, will he dev a new darthmod and save CA?
10 media | 62 replies
Abandoned Children™ edition

Previous: >>1937452
115 media | 541 replies
EUIV: Anbennar
Adean Corintar
Do you believe Adean was able to defeat Agrados(Corin)?
54 media | 566 replies
What Faction do you Swear By?
They are you go to in a casual game or your main if you play the game competitively. Among the Factions in the Strategy Game they are the faction you choose first.

For me it have to be Zerg and Nod.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
what are your thoughts on the new dlc? also aow 4 thread
28 media | 248 replies
Lands of Lords
Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 11.04.35 PM
how are you doing my lords and ladies
24 media | 230 replies
Settlers likes
What's the best modern game that plays like Settlers 2? The most fun part was setting up an economy, expanding territory and making a more and more efficient road system.
4 media | 18 replies
No title
Europa Barbarorum...home.
2 media | 23 replies
No title
>All the Civ VII hate got me want to play Civ V again
>Last played 2017
>Start game at 9:00 last night
>Look at clock thirty minutes later
>1:00 am
What witchcraft is this?
3 media | 15 replies
No title
What are all the features you wish hoi4 had?
2 media | 30 replies
Old World
What's the consensus on the game? It's been out a bit now and is only $10 on Steam at the moment. I loved Civ IV. Never got into Crusader Kings though and I hear the game is partly Civ + Crusader Kings
5 media | 66 replies
So who was this madlad after all and what was his endgame?
10 media | 54 replies
No title
>Playable nomads are coming to CK3.
>Confirmation of playable republics in 2026.

We're back folks. The only question is what's next.
4 media | 36 replies
Age of Empires 3 dlc cancelled
game on life support from now on (conveniently after the sale)
8 media | 133 replies
No title
What are some mechanics that, while making sense in context, are rarely or never done well ingame?

For example, civil unrest and rebellion mechanics make a lot of sense in many strategy settings because they're a critical aspect of national politics in many eras and have played a significant role in shaping world history. But mechanically, it's either some lameass modifier that's usually fairly easy to compensate for by building happiness buildings or whatever, or it's some absolute bullshit like rebel armies spawning out of thin air and sieging your cities.
1 media | 20 replies
No title
Any games where you can unleash /pol/ conspiracies to undermine your enemies?
>Virus that grinds their economy to a halt
>Vaccine that, when activated by special radio towers, zombifies or sterilizes everyone that took it
>Exporting your worst and dumbest
>Taking control of their currency
>Taking control of their media to reduce trust in leadership, increase degeneracy, et cetera
>Getting laws passed to allow garbage in their food supply
There was this post I saw once that described a really cool imo vaccine zombie apocalypse scenario with people suddenly forgetting who they were and panicking which I was going to use as picrel, but I can't find it. There was a pic of a deer in the op for some reason
2 media | 8 replies
No title
xcom1 Long war
Is long war mod really the best way to experience xcom or its just another fan made bloated mod filled with tedium?
4 media | 44 replies
No title
Currently 50% off. Worth it?
0 media | 3 replies
/aoeg/ - Age of Empires General
For discussion of all Age of Empires games, from 1 - 4, to Mythology and Online
2025 Community Letter
Immortal Pillars Chinese expansion launch on March 4th, and is also coming to PS5
Will get "one of the most exciting" expansions with new content & civilizations "this spring." Artwork shows East Asians
Also coming to PS5
Fuck you, you stupid sack of shit haha
Will get 2 expansions: first is Knights of Cross and Rose, with a release date of the spring with two "well-known armies." Will aim for more variants, not specified if they'll come with w/ C&R
>Age Mobile
nobody plays this, it's cheap shit
>Age Online
Project Celeste fan project is still alive and kicking
26 media | 85 replies
Task Force Admiral Demo
>tfa demo releases
>no thread
What the fuck, I'm going to be generous and assume people are actually playing vidya instead of complaining about a beta demo being incomplete, so let's change that
5 media | 20 replies
Age of Mythology: Retold

Age of Mythology Retold: Immortal Pillars will release on the 4th of March. Finally, we'll get to play as China (again). Will you be playing, /vst/?

Also, Retold will come to PS5 for some reason.
7 media | 52 replies
No title
How to marry doll waifu
70 media | 201 replies
Hearts of Iron IV Flag Remakes
Sup /vst/

I'm bored and I have my image editor open. Let's play a little game.

Give me a country flag from Hearts of Iron IV and its expansions and I'll redesign it.

For example: Here is Communist Algeria
3 media | 23 replies
Door Kickers 2 is finally out of EA
Why aren't we talking about this? Prior to the 1.0 update there was literal silence for months but it's now back baby. I realized I barely played the first one so I am going to play through that first.

Door Kickers general I guess? Thoughts so far? Discuss.
2 media | 10 replies
No title
images (1)
How come Broken Arrow is the only war game that decided to use a modern day setting, instead of a cold war gone hot scenario
10 media | 53 replies
No title
Kou Shibusawa and Sid Meier
Who's the GOAT of strategy game developers?
7 media | 38 replies
It's free right now in Epic Games.
Does it works or is just another bugged free copy that constantly crash?
Works fine in Intel 620 HD?
6 media | 25 replies
Dark Deity
Lets talk about a 2021 tactical game with strange music choice.
2 media | 13 replies
No title
Why do all grand strategy games start to suck in mid-late game?
3 media | 24 replies
No title
ITT: strategy games that you and only you have ever played
110 media | 264 replies
Talk about Stellaris here.
Which expansions are bloat, and which ones are good? When will Psichads get their time to shine?
How much a nigger is the Synthetic Queen?
86 media | 517 replies
No title
What makes strategy such a stagnate category of games? Most subgenres haven't been meaningfully innovated in a decade at least, and are often dominated by a single company.
>4X: everything has been superficially modifying the Civ 5 formula since Civ 5 came out
>Grand Strategy: Paradox reselling the EU4 formula in different packages again and again since 2013
>RTS: dead genre since the 00s, except Eugen releases some reskin of Wargame every couple of years
>RTS/TBS hybrids: Rome Total War is the first and last meaningful development here... 20 years ago
>City Builders: somehow Cities:Skylines was the only real advancement since Sim City 4 for modern ones, and historical city builders are in an even worse state
This isn't for a lack of necessary improvements. Most strategy games are plagued by horrid AI and buggy or non-existent multiplayer options. An inability to simulate much of anything is often held together by narrative elements. Entire time periods and forms of strategy are left out of most every game released, to the point even halfassed implementations are seen as unique. Economic simulation is almost always primitive, despite being the basis of all strategy. How did it get this way?
5 media | 99 replies
No title
>Civ 7 is bad
>Vic 3 is a disaster
>AoE 4 is dull
>Stormgate is DOA
>CK3 was abandoned
>HoI4 was packed full of bloat
>Warno still is an inferior game to WGRD after three years of development

Strategybros, I need some recommendations. Feels like everything that's come out recently has been really pretty disappointing. What's good out there these days?
1 media | 11 replies
Fire Emblem
Time to talk about a franchise that is slowly dying.
26 media | 212 replies
No title
>it controls like absolute shit, therefore it's a really good RTS game
1 media | 15 replies
Anime RTS
Star Maidens
this thread is dead on arrival
I just wanted to make a collection of anime themed RTS games because many anons claim that there is no such thing

>Star Maidens Chronicle
>Lost Technology
>LotusCraft - SecondSeason
>Touhou Boushuen ~ Age of Ethanols
>Terra Centauri
>(upcoming) The Touhou Empires
>(upcoming) Some anon making an RTS with schoolgirls

There are of course also mods like
>cymod (Red Alert 3)
>Anime DefenseX (WC3)
>Gundam OneYearWarA11 (Rusted Warfare)
>Girls und Panzer: Strategy Mod (Rusted Warfare)
>Gundam UC 0079-0083 Mod (HW2 Remastered)
>Annex: Conquer the World (MegaGlest)
>Command Assault (MegaGlest)
>XenoForce Mod (C&C Zero Hour)
>Xenoforce Reborn Mod (C&C 3)
>Mobile Suit Gundam: Stellaris (Stellaris)

notable mentions
>Grim Grimoire (weeb game with RTS elements)
>Battle Realms (asian theme
>Metal Fatique (mechs)
>Red Alert 3 (japanese faction)
35 media | 162 replies


53 media | 212 replies
/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General
Masterfully crafted edition

Previous: >>1931305

Avaliable for free at
or as a paid premium version on Steam or

>What is the difference?
Both are the same game on the same version (51.xx). The free version uses ASCII as a tileset (but you can mod other usermade tilesets and graphic packs)
With the premium version you pay for a premium tileset + premium OST + access to beta branches and steam integration (if on steam).

>What is the status on Adventure Mode?
Added back to the game as of 51.02

>What has changed since I last stopped playing X years ago
Check the version history on the wiki

Dwarf Fortress has an extensive wiki which can help you with your question about DF as well as providing info about modding and 3rd party tools:

Utilities you should know about

Dwarf Therapist:
Legends Viewer:

>Tutorials :
Quickstart Fortress Mode:
Quickstart Adventure Mode:
Other tutorials:

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

Strike the earth!
95 media | 533 replies
No title
Here's your new lelic strategy game, bro
0 media | 4 replies
I can't stop turtling in every RTS I play and it's seriously starting to suck, I can't get gud, am I low T? Lacking aggression? Do I need semen retention? Seriously what am I supposed to do OTHER THAN send one huge wave at the enemy base and hope they can sweep it up. Should I read Art of War? Take an IQ test? Kill myself? I do enjoy these games but man I suck. I'm talking about games like Planetary Annihilation, Age of Empires 2, Command & Conquer, stuff like that
1 media | 57 replies
No title
header (1)
Got this game on Switch (thank you RCM jig) yesterday and I don't even know how to describe how empty it feels. Like I'm pouring hours into it out of a desire to beat it but I can't say I'm having fun like with 5, 6, or Beyond Earth. There's like a billion fucking civics and technologies that just make yields increase slightly or give you a building that makes yields increase slightly, the XP for units is gone, the unique civ identities are gone, the multiple difficulties are gone, and all the Special 6 modes are gone. Who asked for this?
4 media | 40 replies
No title
Favorite tower defence games?
19 media | 90 replies
/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General
Struggle for the Iliac Bay edition
previous thread: >>1908107
>M&B Wiki

>Custom Banner Maker
>Banner Code Sharing
>Asset Extractor
>Create Custom Companions

>Warband Pastebin
>Noob Guide (READ This)
>Anon's Mods and Upstab Guide:
144 media | 508 replies
EU5 / Project Caesar:

Welcome to another Tinto Talks, the Happy Wednesday where we discuss details from our secret upcoming top secret game with the codename of Project Caesar.
113 media | 615 replies
No title
*is good now in your path*
2 media | 17 replies
No title
044CE220-DB7A-47B6-96CE-0E708F510C90 (1)
Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
161 media | 476 replies
No title
Will playing a lot of strategy video games make more a strategic person in real life?
1 media | 25 replies
How would you change legends, if you were the absolute monarch of the CK team?
6 media | 37 replies
No title
>new game comes out
>everyone hates it because it's different
>previous game is seen as the real peak of the franchise
>people get used to the changes
>years go by and the game gets new content and updates
>game is now seen as good
>new game comes out
>everyone hates it because it's different
>previous game is seen as the real peak of the franchise
>people get used to the changes
>years go by and the game gets new content and updates
>game is now seen as good
>new game comes out
>everyone hates it because it's different
>previous game is seen as the real peak of the franchise
>people get used to the changes
>years go by and the game gets new content and updates
>game is now seen as good

It's getting old. See y'all when Civ 8 comes. out.
4 media | 73 replies
No title
Which way do you play civ2 to get music from the CD while playing?
>just play it on youtube
Except that.
4 media | 5 replies
Project Alice / Katerina Engine / OpenVic
the thread
in the latest news

> PA
is adding a new industry focus system to accommodate localized economy alongside updating macro builder

> KE
is getting closer to the original game, stable mp and various modding extensions

> OV
is still implementing mechanics the og Victoria 2 way
46 media | 221 replies
No title
Endless bros... We're back.
72 media | 526 replies
Humankind is free on Epic.
What is the game's absolute state now?
3 media | 35 replies
Command ops 2
command ops studio massa raid
It's a neat game on the operational level without hexes, has detailed OOBs and equipment/crew autism aswell
>Its core game(3 missions on the battle of bulge timeframe 1 tutorial)is free on steam with workshop support
1 media | 11 replies
No title
>what if we took everything good about our first game and turned it into some mediocre city management game haha

What were they actually thinking when they made this?
8 media | 32 replies
No title
Command & Conquer status??
64 media | 385 replies
No title
Is it me, or is the AI in BFME 2 (and the expansion) broken as fuck. In the sense that even on normal (I tested it, don't know about easy) the AI is hardwired to play RUSH RUSH RUSH to your base from the get-go, sending unit after unit tunnel-visioned to destroy your production buildings to the point of circumventing your own units. Like, it's both funny and shit at the same time seeing it in action.

I get that strategy from the most strict, "dry", opportunistic angle possible - no production buildings = no resourses. But it sucks the fun out of the game almost completely. The maps are small, the AI doesn't know how to turtle (and doesn't let you do it) and it devolves into an aggressive spamfest of chasing down enemy troops going for your base like homing missiles. Even in the middle of the map.

I don't know, I didn't notice the AI being this braindead in BFME 1.
0 media | 6 replies
No title
Post games set during the 18th-19th century, preferably featuring goyim in cool European uniforms in formations.
11 media | 56 replies
No title
>Total War First Crusade?
>Total War Empire 2? (1683 in Islamic calendar)
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Relic Entertainment
Everyone is laughing at you
0 media | 12 replies
why RTS was the best in roughly 1998-2008
hqdefault (1)
comfy RTS were the best

realtime strategy died and deaths in 2010-ish

Starcraft 2's Terran package was ok, there is nothing badly wrong with the terrans,but they put all the eggs in one basket and only the terrans were sufficiently designed in starcraft

it came in 2010

golden strategy years was early 2000, it would improve upon genres founding fathers: dune2, battle isle (which is dune 2 done in turn base so not an RTS) warcraft 1 and command and conquer

what games you ask? the real highlights of RTS are: Total Annihilation, Age of Mythology and NOT WARCRAFT3 but instead of Warcraft its an unknown Hungarian game named Armies of Exigo which portrays a world of Exigo instead of World of Warcraft

Exigo is still just the same as Warcraft/Warhammer thoughever:
-race of men
-chaos dwarves
-wood elf and dark elf (no higher elves thou)
-beastmen and goblins (orcs are unintelligent and not part of them)
-demons (affiliated with beastmen)
-only thing is missing is chaos gods
-Exigo throws in the mix a lovecraftian horror race of the fallen who are summoners of things beyond

I wish Exigo had became popular instead of Warcraft because the game itself was better but in the hands of Hungarians you cant get it promoted enough
1 media | 10 replies
/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General
If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5.

How fares your empire /gsg/?

This week in history:
Feb 13th, 1861 – Italian unification: The Siege of Gaeta ends with the capitulation of the defending fortress, effectively bringing an end of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
Feb 13th, 1920 – The Negro National League is formed.
Feb 14th, 1349 – Several hundred Jews are burned to death by mobs while the remaining Jews are forcibly removed from Strasbourg.
Feb 14th, 1804 – Karađorđe leads the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire.
Feb 14th, 1919 – The Polish–Soviet War begins.
Feb 15th, 438 – Byzantine emperor Theodosius II publishes the law codex Codex Theodosianus.
Feb 15th, 706 – Roman emperor Justinian II has his predecessors Leontios and Tiberios III publicly executed in the Hippodrome of Constantinople.
Feb 16th, 1804 – First Barbary War: Stephen Decatur leads a raid to burn the pirate-held frigate USS Philadelphia.
Feb 17th, 1411 – Following the successful campaigns during the Ottoman Interregnum, Musa Çelebi, one of the sons of Bayezid I, becomes Sultan of the Ottoman Empire with the support of Mircea I of Wallachia.
Feb 17th, 1864 – American Civil War: The H. L. Hunley becomes the first submarine to engage and sink a warship, the USS Housatonic.
Feb 18th, 1861 – With Italian unification almost complete, Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont, Savoy and Sardinia assumes the title of King of Italy.

Random Country Picker
219 media | 956 replies
No title
anyone still remembers this game? what are some other obscure strategy games that you were grinding back in the days?
12 media | 74 replies
I want to learn to play EUIV. I only have 22 hours which is nothing for a paradox game. I've only started to scratch the surface. What advice would you give to someone just starting? It looks very intimidating but im willing to put on the hours in it.
0 media | 32 replies
Terra Invicta
Playing the regular campaing as the Initiative. Around which year should I start building the outpost on the moon? Also Terra Invicta thread
16 media | 307 replies
No title
which is better, and more importantly, which has more SOVL?
2 media | 23 replies
No title
>"Oh, aye, it were me cousin—aye, me cousin, not me, I swear it! He seen a feller, bold as a badger in a henhouse, swipin’ up a piece o’ armor so grand it gleamed brighter than moonlight on a frost-kissed night! And wouldn’t ya know it, off he scarpered leggin’ it straight for the mountains yonder, to the northeast, sure as me ale is warm!"
>go there and fight camp
>legendary equipment is a light 130 defense "famed" armor
25 media | 165 replies
/ck2g/ - Crusader Kings II General
last thread was semi-successful, let's see if there's enough momentum for another
contrarians and poorfags unite!
old >>1866472
98 media | 526 replies
Looking for the Ultimate cozy game
I'm in search for one game, the one to fall in love with. Could it be Patrician 3? Dunno. Too much affairs. But I need a place to escape elsewhere. It has to be simple, retro-styled. No ultra 4k ultramegadetailed crap game. Just a zen garden, a microuniverse. Minecraft beta 1.7.3 was an option, but you're alone in there. Thoughts? Suggestions?
11 media | 39 replies
No title
Is it any good?
1 media | 11 replies
Warlords Battlecry
What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
49 media | 366 replies
No title
How would you make asymmetrical warfare and playing as small nations without expanding work?
0 media | 43 replies
Mechanicus 40K
skitarii rangers
I love these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe.
2 media | 14 replies
No title
Civilizations (Civ2)
Let me guess. You need "more".
4 media | 61 replies
No title
You now remember when the best game ever put out by Paradox Interactive failed.
2 media | 31 replies
Unity of Command II
Victory in the West
Just finished the alt-track Victory in the West campaign for the first time. Unthinkable basically plays like three different pushes rolled into one massive map - a real masterpiece but takes a lot of para-drops and flanking to overcome the Soviet numerical advantage. Market Garden was borderline impossible despite being on the historical track; you can't really win without capping the objectives and ending the scenario by Turn 3 or 4. I haven't picked up the DLC yet but planning to get Desert Fox/Desert Rats because I liked the North African scenarios, and maybe Blitzkrieg for the French theatre. What do you recommend?
2 media | 9 replies
/vst/ ms paint unit design thread
panic jolly
draw your dream units for RTS games with ms paint or something similar
fantasy, historical, sci-fi, whatever
66 media | 140 replies
Atlantic Fleet
Big 'Schlachtschiff-Kanon' Edition.
0 media | 1 replies
No title
Now that all talented people have left and theres no hope for improvement, what was their best game?

ps. No, its not vic2, it barely counts as a video game
3 media | 50 replies
No title
this has been a fucking big league war
1 media | 5 replies
No title
Which one of these is better to get right now?
Gates of Hell or AssQuad2?
8 media | 44 replies
No title
1 media | 18 replies
Warcraft III
>Never bothered with Reforged
>Now I want to replay WC3, and try reforged
>Plus I want to try new mods
>Get 2.0 version
>Game runs like shit, stuttering and inconsistent FPS drops.
>People say is mostly being the 2.0 patch
>Uninstall and try previous version
>Game runs really well....but get bugged voice lines not appearing at scenes or even when clicking/moving units.
Might be trying to delete old saves and do a new clean install....but still what a piece of shit game, Blizzard! And I just wanted to try Chronicles of the Second War...

So when will Blizzard release the new patch anyways?
Also a Warcraft 3 thread, I guess.
0 media | 2 replies
No title
In this thread we discuss Menace's devblogs until it releases.
>Part 4: Weapons
8 media | 59 replies
What are you looking for in a deckbuilder card game?
We (relatively known indie dev studio, not telling who) are making a single player card game. We're still on the white board phase and the team is already at odds on what features/systems we want to implement.

Especially the "mana" generation.
Half of the team wants a separate draw pool (like Inscryption) while the other half wants an automatic +1 per round (like heartstone).

It's not gonna be a roguelike deckbuilder like Slay The Spire, but an actual 1v1 strategic card game like Magic The Gathering with campaign.
2 media | 26 replies
Line War
Line War thread. This is unironically one of the most innovative RTS games ive found so far. it's all about automating your front lines and is PvP focused. I'm pretty sure this will be an e-sport some day (that's the devs goal at least). Unfortunately it has a low player base. Anyone pick this up in the steam sale?
1 media | 31 replies
I really don't like HOI4
But I keep coming back to it. Every few months I get the itch again. There's just something about it, despite all its flaws.

Does anyone else feel this?
2 media | 13 replies
No title
Foundation thread. Today I learned that having a grid is just so much better than not having it...
>Woah, a game that actually released instead of staying in early access.
How is your city going
8 media | 63 replies