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Board: /vst/

"/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of strategy video games.

Welcome to /vst/ - Vidya/Strategy
/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!
0 media | 0 replies
No title
>dude demons are coming you must flee to cumlimdor
>we will be safe from the demons there?
>no they will follow you
>then why not make our stand here where we have our castles and armies?
>the green dudes who tried to genocide you last two games will help out
>plus elves
>we already have elves in Lordaeron
>these are feminist elves with a magic tree
15 media | 87 replies
No title
Age of Empires 2!
32 media | 292 replies
/ck3g/ - Crusader Kings III General
CK3 West Slavic Attire
How fares your empire, /ck3g/?

West Slavic Attire pack is out.

Previous thread >>1888908

Question of the thread: What do you think of CK3's religion system? How do you think it could be improved? I saw this video on the topic and I thought there were some good ideas.
54 media | 407 replies
/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General
If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5.

How fares your empire /gsg/?

This week in history:
Jan 5th, 1675 – Battle of Colmar: The French army defeats forces from Austria and Brandenburg.
Jan 6th, 1492 – The Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella enter Granada at the conclusion of the Granada War.
Jan 7th, 1558 – French troops, led by Francis, Duke of Guise, take Calais, the last continental possession of England.
Jan 8th, 1815 – War of 1812: Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson leads American forces in victory over the British.
Jan 9th, 1349 – The Jewish population of Basel, believed by the residents to be the cause of the ongoing Black Death, is rounded up and incinerated.
Jan 10th, 49 BC – Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, signalling the start of civil war.
Jan 11th, 1942: The first transport of Jewish prisoners from the Łódź Ghetto arrived at the Chełmno extermination camp in Nazi-occupied Poland, marking the beginning of mass deportations to death camps.
Jan 12th, 1991 – Persian Gulf War: An act of the U.S. Congress authorizes the use of American military force to drive Iraq out of Kuwait.

Random Country Picker
89 media | 416 replies
No title
I think I like it.
6 media | 29 replies
EU5 / Project Caesar:

Welcome to another Tinto Talks! Happy Wednesday where we talk about our super-secret game with the codename Project Caesar, asking you for feedback!

Today we’ll go into the details of how terrain works in the game. To iterate from the Map-Tinto-Talks from almost a year ago, each location has three different attributes instead of a single one as previous games had. This creates more variation and allows us more granular control over game play.

Each location has a climate, a topography and a vegetation set. Sea locations do not have vegetation though.
15 media | 95 replies
Hearts of Iron IV Modding
Now this just seems silly.

Also, post stuff about HOI4 mods.
Previous thread: >>1891716
98 media | 448 replies
BW is better than ever, flash is back
starcraft ghost soon
57 media | 411 replies
Shadow Empire
Dangers & Dormitories update v1.26.16

>33 new Danger event variations added, including 19 new vidcom graphics to illustrate them
>Social Housing and Worker Appartment Asset Types added, allowing you to convince Population and Worker to stay in a specific Zone
>The slightly weakCommerce Profile at 50+ now gets an extra Stratagem "Improvised IP"
>Detailed mouse overs added to the election reports to show why the election votes went a certain way
38 media | 277 replies
TNO thread (2024 rework)
VSTNO Super Event - 2024 Rework
Bringing in the new year with more leaks. What's your /vst/ new years resolution, /tno/? Mine is to try and get into more old RTS titles instead of playing Paradox stuff all year. - Zip full of leaked charts for Bormann, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Egypt, France, Japan, Kaukasien, Mexico, Norway, Palestine, Turkey and many more reworks that'll never release! - December roundtable notes. Germany and Brazil never. - Sweden proposal. Dev lurking in the thread, will respond to every comment about it. - Sweden flowchart. The OTL-ism is only interrupted by scenes lifted from better games. - Brazil-Argentina war design doc. - Burgundian Eulogy: Burgundy 2 was real but got scrapped like everything else. - Serov "facelift" document. The first leg in the now confirmed Komi rework. - Amur rework doc. Over two years in dev hell, still no release date. - Kingdom of Montenegro flowchart. - Croatia flowchart #1. - Croatia flowchart #2. - Old Bulgaria. You were robbed of Bulgaroslavia, anon. - Thailand flowchart. - Manchuria doc #1. - Manchuria doc #2. - Manchuria doc #3. - Manchuria doc #5. - German themes tone doc. - New Granada walltext. - TNO Colombia 200p ultra walltext.
31 media | 170 replies
No title
How do i get gud at this?
I always get overwhelmed by 20v20 battles and end up doing worse than auto resolve.
8 media | 47 replies
Starsector: Kaboom
shooting your paragon before it even enters the battlefield.
8 media | 83 replies
Distant Worlds: Universe
Been playing this game a lot recently and it hits the spot like nothing else.
> play as the Gizureans (insectoid aliens that fuck like crazy)
> set the tax rate to 3%
> watch the population explode
> mfw 30 billion bugz
> go ballz deep into research
> raise tax rate to 20%
> 100k cashflow
> construct huge motherships with hundreds of fighters and bombers and nukes
> find the nearest civilisation
> nuke the poop out of their colonies
> gain "diabolical" reputation
> everyone declares war on me
> state of eternal war and suffering
> killed like 100 billion lifeforms
11/10 would stick my dick in Gizurean butt

Only downside is that there aren't that many mods for this game and the ones that exist don't change the game that much.
3 media | 35 replies
Spore thread
Spore has people working on it again and an official Discord server. Something MIGHT be happening, but 95% chance nothing will ever happen. Anyway, Spore thread.
4 media | 65 replies
No title
Post games set during the 18th-19th century, preferably featuring goyim in cool European uniforms in formations.
5 media | 25 replies
No title
Why did people hate heroes IV when it originally came out? Was it because it's ugly and it's not heroes III?
31 media | 235 replies
No title
Games explicibly designed to make player feel as if someone pissed in their coffee in the morning.
9 media | 62 replies
No title
any games where you make money to invest so you can make money better?
2 media | 32 replies
Why would you ever not join ATO or CSP? There's literally no downside as long as your country isn't a mess
9 media | 89 replies
X4: Foundations
New roadmap has dropped, what do we think?
>no major DLC in 2025
>two separate ships released as mini-DLC in 2025 to keep Egosoft afloat/afford lamborghini maintenance
>apparently a graphics update
>some shit nobody cares about like new copypasted sectors to obliterate your CPU
>addition of diplomacy between the player and NPC factions when there's still no financial incentive to holding your own territory
Looks like they want to keep going into the Timelines direction exploration gameplay instead of the strategy/economics that many of the players are interested in. What are your thoughts?
7 media | 235 replies
/ck2g/ - Crusader Kings II General
last thread was semi-successful, let's see if there's enough momentum for another
contrarians and poorfags unite!
old >>1866472
62 media | 314 replies
/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General
Arwa - edition
previous thread: >>1883859
>M&B Wiki

>Custom Banner Maker
>Banner Code Sharing
>Asset Extractor
>Create Custom Companions

>Warband Pastebin
>Noob Guide (READ This)
>Anon's Mods and Upstab Guide:
57 media | 384 replies
/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General
Accomplished striker edition

Previous: >>1905493

Avaliable for free at
or as a paid premium version on Steam or

>What is the difference?
Both are the same game on the same version (50.15). The free version uses ASCII as a tileset (but you can mod other usermade tilesets and graphic packs)
With the premium version you pay for a premium tileset + premium OST + access to beta branches and steam integration (if on steam).

>What is the status on Adventure Mode?
Adventure mode is currently in open beta in a near finished state that is officialy avaliable only through steam.

Dwarf Fortress has an extensive wiki which can help you with your question about DF as well as providing info about modding and 3rd party tools:

Utilities you should know about

Dwarf Therapist:
Legends Viewer:

>Tutorials :
Quickstart Fortress Mode:
Quickstart Adventure Mode:
Other tutorials:

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

Strike the earth!
7 media | 27 replies
Project Alice / Katerina Engine / OpenVic
the thread
in the latest news

> PA
is adding a new industry focus system to accommodate localized economy alongside updating macro builder

> KE
is getting closer to the original game, stable mp and various modding extensions

> OV
is still implementing mechanics the og Victoria 2 way
20 media | 78 replies
Civilization V thread
So we can all agree that this is the best Civ game, and maybe even best 4x game of all time right?
26 media | 259 replies
No title
>dead mp
>only 30% of players finished the 1st story chapter
>only 3% completed the campaign

What happened? Started playing and it looks fun so far
0 media | 18 replies
Hearts of Iron IV Thread
With Götterdämmerung out of the way and Graveyard of Empires being around the corner, what are your thoughts? And what do you think will be the next area of focus after Graveyard of Empires?
8 media | 56 replies
The Campaign Trail
Talk about new mods, mods you're hyped for, etc.


41 media | 249 replies
No title
Now that all talented people have left and theres no hope for improvement, what was their best game?

ps. No, its not vic2, it barely counts as a video game
1 media | 5 replies
Lands of Lords
Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 11.04.35 PM
how are you doing my lords and ladies
20 media | 191 replies
Victoria 3
victoria 3
I hate this game, but there's nothing better in the genre. How frustrating.
68 media | 466 replies
Old World Blues Thread
Old thread hit bump limit. >>1756158

What are some fun advanced infantry nations that aren't BOS or Enclave?
14 media | 115 replies
No title
You killed Stormgate.
21 media | 187 replies

Imperatorsisters, we're finally back.
New DLC in 2025, I'm betting my fucking left nut on it.
7 media | 78 replies
Old World
What's the consensus on the game? It's been out a bit now and is only $10 on Steam at the moment. I loved Civ IV. Never got into Crusader Kings though and I hear the game is partly Civ + Crusader Kings
3 media | 28 replies
Empire at War mods
Currently trying to wrap my head around Fall of the Republic. I remember playing Corey's mods almost a decade ago and they were nowhere near as robust as this. There's a fuckton of new mechanics to the point I feel like I'm relearning the game entirely. Trying to play as CIS but I'm getting my ass kicked.
I'm kinda thinking about going back to the original Republic at War just for the classic gameplay of steamrolling everything with a deathstack until you encounter the enemy deathstack.

What are some underrated mods for this game? Also, EaW thread I guess.
89 media | 391 replies
Syrian Warfare/Front Edge
Syrian Warfare - Front Edge Thread
Discuss them, talk about them, write your opinions on them
2 media | 9 replies
No title
How did Slay the Spire achieve such perfection? There's no way the sequel can possibly live up to this legacy.
And yes this is a strategy game
15 media | 182 replies
Shining Force
Time to talk about an obscured gem from the 90's.
1 media | 20 replies
No title
044CE220-DB7A-47B6-96CE-0E708F510C90 (1)
Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
157 media | 456 replies
No title
Am I asking for something impossible, /vst/?

I'm looking for a RTS that:
1.- Is based on WW2 or "modern" factions/units (90's or current day);
2.- Isn't Grand Strategy (yeah, I know about the Hearts of Iron series) or Squad based (I also know about the Company of Heroes games);
3.- It's fun to pick up and play, but it also has some depth (like C&C or AoE series).

The closest ones I know are Atari's Axis and Allies from 2006 and (ugh) C&C Generals from 2003), and both are on the sucky side of the RTS genre.

Anyone knows of a hidden gem with the characteristics I seek, or, like the proposed Age of Empires IV pictured, WW2 and current events are too controvertial to be adapted into a good RTS?
3 media | 43 replies
No title
ITT: strategy games that you and only you have ever played
75 media | 162 replies
Civilization 7
Lets ignore the civ switching thing they stole from Humankind.

What actually is there in Civ7?
There seemed to be no workers, cities still spread out but for each building?
combat is continuous?

Didn't seem like a lot of inputs.
40 media | 377 replies
holy shit an absolute bonkers HotA update dropped for new years just a few hours ago
>First Aid fixed, possibly OP
>Learning fixed
>significant boost to Artillery, Ballistics, Sorcery, Mysticism and Luck
>host of buffs to hero spell/creature specialties
>even Pathfinding and Eagle Eye got some love
>an entire new campaign
>new scenarios
>shitload of other QoL, bugfixes and upgrades in general
2025 is starting to look mighty fine fellow hommos
8 media | 30 replies
Darth gets mogged by Rule the Waves 3
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts's final update releases soon
>Cold waters 2 floating cold in the water
>3D naval sims have cowtowed to their 2D superiors
RtW chads won, excel spreadsheets are the superior means of naval sim gameplay
On the other hand, will he dev a new darthmod and save CA?
6 media | 32 replies
Songs of Conquest
So what does /vst/ think about this game? Is it actually any good, or did people just freak out about it for a hot second because it's been so long since an actual good HoMM game has been released? I just played through HoMM V again and want more of something like it. I've already played the shit out of HoMM II and III of course.
6 media | 21 replies
How is the Space Age expansion treating you?
Have you started to explore rarity yet?
What's the most spaghetti part of your base?
6 media | 98 replies
/ck2/ Ironmode. Stay tribal or go feudal?
Magna Avaria
>Buddhist Avar (thinking of becoming Taoist)
>currently ruling 3 kingdoms (Avaria, Bulgaria and Denmark), no empire
>Bulgaria is main title because doesn't has election
>west: catholics
>south: orthodoxs
>north: reformed asatru (easy peasy) and suomenusko
>east: nomads (some buddhists, rest Tengri)
1 media | 14 replies
Frostpunk 2 is Kino
I don’t care if the mechanics aren’t as good as the first game. The laws allow me to make my Christo-Fascist utopia
3 media | 22 replies
Warlords Battlecry
What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
43 media | 319 replies
Age of Mythology
How good is the editor in Retold?

How is the modding scene?

I have a few ideas, but I want more info on what I'd be getting into
3 media | 27 replies
No title
Wartales Thread.
Do we have a cute girls mod? What's the point of making female characters if they are all old and/or look like dudes?
Discuss wartales
10 media | 115 replies
Terra Invicta
Playing the regular campaing as the Initiative. Around which year should I start building the outpost on the moon? Also Terra Invicta thread
8 media | 198 replies
No title
Thoughts on this month $10 Humble bundle?
0 media | 7 replies
/oxce/ - OpenXCOM Mods

Last thread>>>>1893670
56 media | 506 replies
No title
Why does 4 feel so shitty to play? It kinda started with Planetfall, but this game just feels both wrong visually and strategically.
2 media | 19 replies
Should I just play factorio?
>Itching to play an old school rts because I remembered that I used to religiously play rts flash games when I was younger
>Decide to play stronghold (the first one)
>Not too much into the combat and overall military aspect apart from training archers because it's fun to see them in a large group
>Find out that bread is pretty much the best food to grow
>Make a save where I primarily make bread
>"The people worship you sire!"

I just love watching numbers go up, I have so much bread and I'm living the life (I could have more bread though). But I wonder if my retardation would fit right at home for a game like factorio or other games similar to it.

(Picture attached is my bread paradise)
3 media | 8 replies
No title
>Get the urge to play SimCity 4 again
>Think of all the mods and dependencies you need to keep track of
>Don't bother
Anyone else like this?
181 media | 485 replies
I don't get this shitty game. The only strategy is to buff a duelist and kill ememy generals.
Archers do too little damage. Money is too sparse to raise enough troops early on so you can't leave troops to defend your regions you just have your own army defeat every defendant easily while on the other side of your regions the enemy has three full armies for every shitty settlement he attacks.
Also why are most diplomatic options unavailable such as vassalage until you're a duke or whatever?
8 media | 40 replies
Beyond All Reason
Could BAR be the game that make RTS cool again? I think this is the right path.
>focused on macro but only two resources
>diverse factions
>can be enjoyed both as a sweaty competitive 1v1 mode or more casual 8v8 chaotic artillery porn
>even fun to watch
>probably the RTS with more qualities of life
>a lot of units and different strategies
>terrain matters a lot
>good optimized engine that can run on a potato
Probably the only "flaw" is the unities designs and their plastic toy look, but who cares if the games is good to play? The game has also enough content as a single player only game with a bunch of scenarios, they should just slap a basic bitch campaign with a loose plot that stitch them together to appease the whiny "no story mode no buy" SPcels (that want muh epic campaign/lore so bad) and put it on Steam and it could be a success
10 media | 72 replies
No title
>"Oh, aye, it were me cousin—aye, me cousin, not me, I swear it! He seen a feller, bold as a badger in a henhouse, swipin’ up a piece o’ armor so grand it gleamed brighter than moonlight on a frost-kissed night! And wouldn’t ya know it, off he scarpered leggin’ it straight for the mountains yonder, to the northeast, sure as me ale is warm!"
>go there and fight camp
>legendary equipment is a light 130 defense "famed" armor
5 media | 15 replies
No title
How to marry doll waifu
56 media | 130 replies
Civ 7 roster
So we got the probably final roster for Civ 7. What are you takes on this.
28 media | 364 replies
Just started playing this because I got a Steam Deck. I thought it might have been a remake of a PS2 game because it has that feeling to it, but turns out it released in 2020. It's awesome so far and reminds me of the PS2 era ROTK games with a bit of Fire Emblem and Pokemon in there. The art is great as well. Did it get much of a following when it released or did it just fly under the radar?
4 media | 57 replies
This could work as TV series
Think about it.
> Gulf war era tv aesthetic
> war over new mysterious raw material
> Charismatic Kane
> terrorism/hybryd warfare in practice
> 90s feel, BDU camo, m16a2 with 20 rounds mag dune buggys, hmvs etc
> black gdi commander, female a-10 pilot and reporter to please woke faggots ( ESG cancer)
> But make it mostly white (and arab in African theater) anyway.
> usage of classic miltary equipment mixed with high-tec from game llike stealth tanks, mammoths tanks, flame tanks, nod attack bikes etc.
> morally grey decisions and tactics on both sides
> Soundtrack by Frank Klepacki
>A dynamically changing view at battles shown from a satellite perspective, AC-130 gunship camera, bird's eye view and TV war reporter's camera
It could be kino
3 media | 11 replies
No title
is it any good?
3 media | 20 replies
Koei strategy thread
Because the Remake sucks, I implore anyone curious to check out the original ROTK8 for the PS2 instead.
9 media | 53 replies
Coh 3 New Patch
Definitely nice people, it's getting better boys
8 media | 47 replies
No title
Command & Conquer status??
51 media | 327 replies
No title
scorpion tank rocket
hi, i'm the best upgrade in the game.
3 media | 9 replies
Time to talk about the most popular and unfair franchise about defending Earth from Aliens.
45 media | 323 replies
Is there a modern strategy game that caused more damage to the perception of historically accurate medieval combat?
>bows are inferior to crossbows, the latter can easily penetrate steel armor
>if you put plate on, you move like a turtle
>pikemen don't use pikes
10 media | 162 replies
/vst/ ms paint unit design thread
panic jolly
draw your dream units for RTS games with ms paint or something similar
fantasy, historical, sci-fi, whatever
33 media | 98 replies
No title
Is Civ 5 or Civ 6 the better game and why? Bonus points if you can do it without mentioning the art style or other superficial nonsense like that.
6 media | 85 replies
Combat Mission and Graviteam Tactics
Any of you fuckers playing these niche titles? Just got out of a fun PBEM game. Pic related. We won't have any similar simulationist RTT or turn-based WEGO games centered around the tactical scale of modern warfare until Armored Brigade 2 comes out.
199 media | 452 replies
Fire Emblem
Time to talk about a franchise that is slowly dying.
3 media | 26 replies
No title
I don't like how one has god-view and telepathy in most strategy games (like being able to tell exactly how a battle is going, being able to see the exact strength of units, being able to give orders that are executed immediately)

any games where you can't micro that much but have to rely on preset plans being executed by the AI?
(ideally one would get "status updates" and be able to send orders every X-hours)
4 media | 36 replies
Turn-Based RPG Combay discussion.
Previous thread: >>699231797
Discussion regarding 4nig combat and how it can be improved. I brought up how darkest dungeon had the most interesting 4nig combat that felt actually strategic. Sure this game (but definitely its sequel) is roguelite, but the combat portion itself was actually interesting. Was one of the reason I got hooked into the game since I never cared for standard RPG's but do love tactical strategy games. Was curious on other anon's take on this combat structure or others that can be an overall improvement.

Also for that one anon that said he couldn't find combat breakdown on the DD Fandom site, it's in the "Getting Started" section:
0 media | 4 replies
No title
>Sorting porn
>Randomly play a civ youtuber as background audio
>Now I want to play civ
>But I should stay productive
>Continue sorting porn
>I want to play civ
7 media | 32 replies
EU5 / Project Caesar:

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas to you all! Today we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, and thus here is a special gift for you all.
95 media | 583 replies
Gates of Hell
Is this piece of shit ever going to fix infantry AI?
>tell squad to throw AT grenade at tank that is within throwing range
>one guy pulls out AT grenade
>runs all the way to the end of the trench to exit it
>runs along the entire trench again to reach the tank
>tank moves a tiny bit when he's close
>stops in the open, standing straight
>slowly rotates towards the tank that's moving backwards at a snail's pace
>thro- gets shot and dies

>select squad and tell them to attack a trench
>they all run in one big blob or line at it
>when an enemy is encountered they stop in the open field and start shooting from standing position
>even the MG gunner is hip firing his MG
>none of them use grenades to attack the trench unless manually told to do so
>don't even think about autopopping smokes when under fire with no cover
>they all get mowed down
Seriously, infantry combat is a pain the the ass.
29 media | 199 replies
No title
ZEPHON has finally released. Discuss.

Favorite Leader?
Favorite Affinity?
31 media | 286 replies
No title
aoe2 escape u mad
>he spends all this time playing strategy games
>doesn't play any multiplayer matches

What's your excuse, /vst/?
9 media | 54 replies
No title
nothingburger simulator
15 media | 138 replies
No title
Should "civilizations" all be perfectly balanced, with constant updates and tweaking

Or should some just be easier and stronger, and others harder and weaker? If you want to play easy mode you choose the weaker, if you want a challenge choose the stronger.
1 media | 5 replies
Andaron Saga
Time to talk about the most overrated and ambitious Fire Emblem mod.
0 media | 2 replies
Hey guys its my birthday and I'm playing OG Starcraft RISK! Looking for players so lets have some fun and join up! US WEST server look for RISK 2025 ORBITAL WAR
0 media | 4 replies
i know paradox ai is bad
Sin título
but why do they keep making this retarded merry-go-round in EVERY SINGLE TIME it makes crusades SCRIPTED to be LOST
5 media | 34 replies
>decide whether your people become TRVE ROMAN CITIZENS or remain Eternal Anglos.
56 media | 322 replies
Why is India often represented as Mughals?
In most games when India is represented it is used for Mughals but Mughals are not Indian.

In Civilization the Indian Civilization builds Mughal fort but Mughals are not Indian.

While Age Of Empires 2 corrected their Indian to represent true India in Age Of Empires 4 India is the Delhi Sultanate which is not Indian is Iranian.

Why is Indian history erased when there are many much more powerful and impressive Indian empire?
16 media | 145 replies
Sea Power finally with a release date
November 24th

For me, it looks like Cold Waters 2. Graphics aren't even much better, but the gameplay is expanded to surface ships and aviation.
52 media | 306 replies
My 35 Hour Battle in Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
Greetings, /vst/
I have just won what might be one of, if not the most autistic battle I have had in any video game, strategy or otherwise. Let me share with you my wartale:

Enter Mission 24 of Total Annihilation: Kingdoms. You're tasked with eliminating the enemy to the last unit as part of the Zhon tribe, rather simple and by the numbers. The gimmick here, if you want to call it that, is that the enemy has a lot more units than you do, your faction doesn't have buildings and has to make every single new unit via beast lords on the move, and if you alert the enemy, they will rape your asshole until you die.

How do you deal with such a disadvantage? Well, once I capture the the lodestones to get a good amount of mana(the only resource in this game), the enemy is already on my ass. I have been spotted and we're not halfway thru to their base. My area of the map, at the bottom, is the forest. There is the sea, which the enemy rules with an iron fist, a long beach and a cliff where the enemy's bases are. Behind the cliff is where their sea bases are, where they can make more units even in the water. To say I would be screwed in a straight up battle is an understatement, while Zhon forces can make units quickly, their basic melee ground units suck compared to every other faction, and my sea units aren't doing much better. I would have to get creative in order to accomplish much of anything here.

Well, not all hope is lost: A few missions ago, Zhon was introduced to one of the few buildings the faction has: Death Totem, a powerful tower that shoots lightning bolts at the enemy. Quickly thinking on how I can counter the invading and soon to be invading Verunian forces, I set up a whole bunch of totems near my lodestones, while I wait for reinforcements from my main camp. Once the invaders are repelled, I make a whole bunch of totems in the area that separates the forest and the beach, a border gate of sorts. You can see where I am going with this, don't you?
6 media | 20 replies
No title
What do you think of these? are they kino?
2 media | 37 replies
No title
are they even trying at this point?
2 media | 27 replies
Metal Slug Tactics
yall try this game yet? had some issues at launch but its pretty fun
still having an issue where 2 songs play over each other sometimes

I think my best combo so far was having tarma grab people and tossing them into the meatgrinder
1 media | 3 replies
Fast games
Got Space Tyrant on the Steam sale and really enjoying it. Fast paced 4X light for my brain. No no I'm not a zoomer no no I'm not a busy father, I just can't play these endlessly long campaigns anymore but I do still want my 4x itch. Here are some other quicker /vst/ games, what do you all like?

>Through the Ages
This one is fantastic
>Conquest of Elysium

I'm not sure if the Endless games count but I've owned Endless Space 2 now for a while though never played it.
3 media | 22 replies
UBOAT - Is this game any good?
I was interested in a submarine sim and came across Silent Hunter 3 but was unable to run it. Then I found this, and I'm not sure what to think of it. Some of the models, especially the characters look odd, the ui looks a little cartoonish, which seem like red flags. But it has good reviews, so I'm really not sure. Can you help me out fellas?
3 media | 9 replies
No title
So now that this has mod support, is it worth the download?
0 media | 5 replies
No title
The first thing I'm gonna do with that new DLC is overthrow hitler and start indiscriminately bombing the US
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Battlezone Thread
Since the entire 8000 hours review story made me check how the game is now, i must stay.
i am impressed with it.
Also /&tg/ is dead because of gatchafaggotry ai bots at /vg/ spamming generals
8 media | 94 replies
The Scouring
Anyone give this a shot yet? Hasn’t been released, but free play test on steam rn.

It’s very much a Warcraft 2 style RTS, though they handle food a little differently…

Very simple right now - 2 factions and 4ish units per faction, but solid old school RTS game.

Give it a shot and lets talk about it.
1 media | 17 replies
Alpha Centauri
You haven't been automating your formers, have you anon?
48 media | 368 replies
No title
Favorite tower defence games?
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>historic total war is bett..ack
Nope fantasy and magic is better
26 media | 145 replies
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what are your thoughts on the new dlc? also aow 4 thread
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No title
Is there any other dynastic games like CK?
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Just got this on steam's winter sale
TW Troy
Gotta say, I'm pleasantly surprised. The last TW I really played the shit out of was Shogun 2 and most of what I tried after that just didn't land. Seemed like the games were getting too linear, the game mechanics were devolving, and they just didn't look as good as Shogun 2. But I just got done with 8 hours on the Odysseus campaign and holy fuck this game is beautiful, has an awesome diplomacy system and generally plays really well. I feel like most complaints you could levy, like lack of unit variety and cavalry, are more an issue with the setting rather than the actual game design. And Shogun basically had those same issues being set on a small, homogenous island cluster. I really like the gameplay in Troy, and I just can't get over how fucking awesome it looks. If you've walked away from the TW games because of how gay they were for so long, give this one a chance while it's on sale.
>inb4 medieval 2 or nothing
Yeah I know, I still play Stainless Steel all the time, but it's nice to have something new that doesn't massively suck. Anybody try 3K or Britannia?
7 media | 29 replies
Frostpunk 1
Manly tears, the game. If you don't cry while your people are enduring the last stretch, well ... you have no soul.
6 media | 71 replies
DoK Thread Coming Through!
Having played a shit-ton of strategy games, from C&C to CMANO/CMO and Graviteam, DoK takes the sweet spot for me. Feel free to hate the story, retcons (not that anything after HW1 kept to a canon), but the campaign missions are cool and the game mechanics is pretty much peak comfy RTS to me.
>carrier is the mobile base, but can be made into a powerful unit
>upgrades are all done through the carrier, so you don't need to control-group buildings and shit, just like C&C
>air is produced, but acts as call-in, no floating air units
>mobile SAMs rule
>terrain is important, so micro is about plausible tactics rather than exploiting the "units attack nearest enemy" rule
>artillery is a thing and it's powerful
>no infantry, so there's no "buildings produce dudes" nonsense
There's a metric ton of shit that's wrong with DoK, but it's just because BBI are retards that couldn't grasp the potential of the product that they made.
>limited game modes
>DLC that's just factions for online and skirmish
>no map editor or mod tools
Way to kill your game, retards. Still here I am playing it.
Anyway, who is your favorite faction? Are Gaalsien based? Is Rachel more sexy than a Salvage Corvette?
5 media | 20 replies
Another TNO Thread: Redux Edition
Leaks in the previous thread:
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No title
capsule_616x353 (1)
No love for Space Haven?
Great ship-building galaxy strategy game with crew management elements.
alien infections, augmentations, research, space battles, resource management. Anyone else play?
16 media | 88 replies
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Sin título
should i accept or keep trying to purge out all my muslim vassals?
0 media | 11 replies
now that 2024 is over what was /vst/s strategy/tactics GOTY? For me, I'd say Zephon. I like that it commited to being mostly a pure wargame and it had an interesting setting.

I also liked songs of silence, but it bothered me that there is no order to the battles. Still need to play unicorn overlord
1 media | 2 replies
Advance Wars
Since a new game is out of the question, what do you think of AWBW?
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Warning Order (WARNO)
The hottest top-down tank arcade shoot-em-up game of 2024

Next up on Nemesis 9 DLC ($30):
>Switzerland Cobblestone Corps with special engineering squad (landmines, unique unit)
>Luxembourg 88th Naval Infantry Division with new off-map ship-borne missile cards (can't be intercepted due to engine limitation)
>IDF 420th Combat Intelligence Battalion (with another useless AOE EW unit)
>Another French something (225 pt Leclerc)
>USSR 69th Guards Mechanized Infantry w/ one Romanian infantry squad (renamed weapons) and "new" MiG-21 [RKT].

Actual Warsaw pact additions never
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No title
I can just feel how this is ai generated
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Crazy how there was a point when TNO troons were laughing at Kaiserreich calling it dead
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Songs of Syx
post dem cities
sittin at just over 12k bugmen
69 media | 511 replies


48 media | 187 replies
Your favourite tall game campaign?
Have you challenged yourself to play as one are state for the whole game
I just finished my favourite run of a long time, using Muisca and playing tall + defensive.
0 media | 7 replies
/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General
Reclaiming the fortress edition

Previous: >>1866866

Avaliable for free at
or as a paid premium version on Steam or

>What is the difference?
Both are the same game on the same version (50.14). The free version uses ASCII as a tileset (but you can mod other usermade tilesets and graphic packs)
With the premium version you pay for a premium tileset + premium OST + access to beta branches and steam integration (if on steam). ee version uses ASCII

>What is the status on Adventure Mode?
Adventure mode is currently in open beta in a near finished state that is officialy avaliable only through steam

Dwarf Fortress has an extensive wiki which can help you with your question about DF as well as providing info about modding and 3rd party tools:

>Tutorials :
Quickstart Fortress Mode:
Quickstart Adventure Mode:
Other tutorials:
171 media | 636 replies
No title
Global Trust or Eden initiative?
0 media | 14 replies
No title
How can I get hack for bgmi
Battleground india
Server freeze hack ??
3 media | 4 replies
So I'm getting into Kaiserredux and having a blast. First played as the KKK in the U.S., then AOG in China, and now Outer Heaven in Africa. What are some other must-playthroughs? Kaiserreich fans welcome to post in this thread, too (with note: why do all reworks in the past 1-2 years just seem like pure politics-wank without any fun gameplay? Ireland, Ukraine, etc..).
82 media | 514 replies