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Board: /vst/

"/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of strategy video games.

Welcome to /vst/ - Vidya/Strategy
/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

0 media | 0 replies
Battle Brothers
What are the essential mods you always play with, if any?
66 media | 296 replies
Hoi4 Modding Thread
TFR stream and release date here.
57 media | 484 replies
No title
literally the best RTS of 2024, i dont even need to play the slop that gets released this summer
23 media | 146 replies
Paradox in dire straits
>quarterly operating profits of Paradox Interactive are down 90%
>their own games still earn profit but pretty much nothing else does
>cancelation of Life by You was genuinely disastrous
>only Paradox published game by other studio that makes them money is Age of Wonders 4

4 media | 46 replies
X4: Foundations
Non-generally, what's your favorite capital? For me it's the Asgard.
46 media | 401 replies
Europa Universalis IV: Anbennar (A Fantasy Total Conversion)
Black Demesne
Can this mod still be saved?
If through violent or esoteric means, (You) attained full power over the development of Anbennar - what executive measures would (You) take to save the project?

Thread theme:
9 media | 46 replies
Dwarf Fortress
You dont let Elfs and Goblins move into your fortress, do you?
50 media | 365 replies
mount & blade
post bannerlord bugs and why you hate bannerlord
9 media | 81 replies
football manager
which strategy will break FM25 first?
new game will be built on the unity engine, leaving FM24 behind on whatever it's built on.
6 media | 24 replies
No title
catholic clergy in ck2
>every church in your realm belongs to various bishops
>this makes it practically impossible to sway literally every single one of them
>if they like the pope more than you, all their troops and gold goes to him, rather than you
>this ensures that to very broadly raise your opinion with the clergy, and get their allegiance, you have to lead a pious life and closely follow the tenets of Christianity
>you have to be a lot more subservient to the various bishops due to the general need for support among them and since they also share some "church's view" opinions
catholic clergy in ck3
>lmao just sway the 1 (one) bishop in your realm that owns all the churches
how the fuck did they drop the ball so fucking hard
8 media | 53 replies
Share builds, self challenges, pets, robots, whatever.

Also, Anne my beloved.
92 media | 365 replies
Another TNO thread rework
i hate the anticorn
Once again, 4chan's output is greater than that of the actual TNO team by releasing literally anything over the past month.

Current(ish) leaks: - Helldorff & Moskowien mechanics. 160 pages, can you finish it by the time the next rework drops? - Amur rework doc. It's taken them over a year to touch up the superregional.
(These are actually the old leaks but the only thing posted in the last thread was years old - step up your game, dev lurkers!)

In loving memory of Burma Anon.
50 media | 428 replies
EU5 / Project Caesar
TT21 exploration

Tinto Talks #21 - 17th of July 2024

Hello Everyone and Welcome to another Tinto Talks! This is one of those Happy Wednesdays when we talk about the top secret game with the codename of Project Caesar, so that we can listen to your feedback.

This week we are going to take a look at how exploration will work in Project Caesar. In previous GSG games we’ve done, exploration has primarily been done by units, giving them manual orders to move, or sometimes automated orders, to explore places on the map to reveal. We have a new system that works separately to go away from this and separate the military from exploration.

Exploration in this game works entirely on Areas, and for those of you who don’t remember one of our earliest Tinto Talks, an Area contains a group of Provinces, and a Province contains a group of locations, so it should be about 25-75 locations in an area.
91 media | 430 replies
Can someone help me with updated stats? When I started playing this game shortly after release I got good at division design and naval comp and other elements.
Now with updates and dlc I'm bad at it. I can't into design stats for divisions, tanks, ships, and planes.
Also general vanilla Livers of Tungsten thread
1 media | 26 replies
Songs of Syx
post dem cities
sittin at just over 12k bugmen
15 media | 95 replies
Build trains
talk about trains
appreciate trains

Also, how tf do I optimize this station better? It's a major bottleneck on my network but idk what I can do. It's already huge, my only idea is to try to squeeze 4 more platforms in.
63 media | 187 replies
No title
What games are most similar to this?
1 media | 32 replies
No title
Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
58 media | 441 replies
No title
Have there actually been any good RTS games that came out this year? I can't think of any
1 media | 12 replies
Terra Invicta
terra invicta
Wake up anon, new space lab nerf just dropped.
0 media | 8 replies
No title
044CE220-DB7A-47B6-96CE-0E708F510C90 (1)
Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
132 media | 346 replies
Let's design a realistic military system for a game like Crusader Kings
Thing CK3's warfare system it's completely retarded, it relies on vassals committing levies, which historic vassals didn't, instead they provided knights and sergeants.

Every fief was measured in knight fees, meaning if a fief was worth 10 knight fees, its lord was forced to send 10 knights (or 20 sergeants) to serve his liege for 40 days per annum.

So, how we make this a gameplay mechanic?
0 media | 11 replies
No title
All these ww2 rts and cold-war-gone-hot rts and we don't have a korean war rts do we?
13 media | 65 replies
HoMM 3
Why are good Heroes of Might and Magic III maps where the AI can go to high numbers so hard to find? I want some high level fights with big numbers!
3 media | 23 replies
No title
Age of Empires II is too complicated. Why do I need 50 different unit types that are all visually indistinguishable from each without zooming all the way in? I want to be able to instantly know what I'm looking at on the screen with one quick glance. Not to mention the fact that you can't see shit half the time because there's some giant building or tree obscuring everything. There's just too much visual detail going on in this game for it to work as an RTS where you have to be able to think and execute everything as fast as possible.
37 media | 317 replies
Songs of Conquest
Songs of Conquest 1.0 is out. How do we like it?
29 media | 231 replies
Janitor-friendly EU4 thread
I don't know why the other one was deleted

Post maps, post your campaigns, discuss stuff you hate about the game, etc
78 media | 329 replies
Who's hyped that our french daddies have finally stopped ignoring us?

What do yall think will be in it and will we see more dlc/updates after this?
1 media | 17 replies
Warlords Battlecry
What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
28 media | 194 replies
The Campaign Trail
Blainesweep edition

Talk about your favorite mods and your least-favorite devs
66 media | 407 replies
Obscure games
Warrior Kings.
It's a game that honestly isn't too bad. Bit janky, but really fun because it's surprisingly deep.
65 media | 311 replies
Why did this game flop?
fire & manouver
I just played it today, its fun, especially since its free.couldn't find multilayer games though and the dev performed digital dogeza for the games shortcomings which i shrug off since its free
0 media | 0 replies
Empire At War
Is there a better Star Wars strategy game?
80 media | 364 replies
No title
>GTFOs Kaiser fags
>Kills TNO trannies
>Murders Bronies

Literally the only good HOI4 mod
39 media | 295 replies
Is Pharaoh Total War an Attila 2 or not? My necessity for more Attila has been reaching critical levels, I've begun having withdrawals, even considering playing the non-human (not roman) factions.
7 media | 45 replies
Hex and Chit wargames
never played one of these, do you guys have any recs in particular
11 media | 53 replies
We truly are witnessing the RTS renaissance
0 media | 1 replies
1 (2)
gsl soon
world cup soon
116 media | 463 replies
modern xcom games thread
Enemy Within and War of the Chosen
exercise restrain when using explosives
8 media | 37 replies
No title
>Get the urge to play SimCity 4 again
>Think of all the mods and dependencies you need to keep track of
>Don't bother
Anyone else like this?
69 media | 188 replies
No title
GLA Worker
Can I have some shoes?
1 media | 11 replies
I just bought it. What can I expect?
1 media | 9 replies
No title
Whats the peak of Total War genre?
31 media | 180 replies
Vic2 Modding
Снимак екрана (268)
Are there any good mods in the works?
19 media | 149 replies
Hola, El Presidente! How's your island going?
3 media | 33 replies
No title
I'm doing a meandering playthrough of the Dawn of War campaigns. Just finished the Order route with both imperial and eldar endings for Winter Assault and I think this is the best DOW campaign I've played so far. What's your favorite DoW franchise SP campaign?
>DoW 2
The upgrade and equipment mechanics are more interesting than the campaign tends to be. You kinda just do the same mission structure over and over and maybe like 3 defense missions. Only enjoyable if you really want some Space Marine squad fluff.
>DoW 2 Chaos Rising
I played a squeaky clean zero corruption campaign so it was interesting enough to have to do secondary objectives to keep from raising corruption.
>DoW 2 Retribution (space marines campaign)
finally some mission variety!
The missions on the space hulk were the absolute highlight for me, they were awesome. Escorting the loader robot and fighting off a billion tyranids with my upgraded squads was sick. Will revisit and play through the other factions in time.
>DoW 1
serviceable but basic, just blob up and steamroll the world
>DoW 1 winter assault (order)
my favorite mission was the third one were you had to build up and relocate your eldar and then hard pivot to a desperate imperial guard defense against infinite fucking orcs. Took me a couple retries before I landed on a winning strategy and got a better working knowledge of both factions mechanics. The Final mission is also really dope getting to use the titan weapons, I think I found it more enjoyable with IG but it plays compellingly different with Eldar as well.
0 media | 19 replies
This game look cool, never played it before. I know the newer ones have bad reception, but is Disciples 1 still worth playing with it's own merits or is 2 just an overall improvement?
33 media | 329 replies
Victoria 3
Is technology too advanced in the game?

Image related is the UK in WWI.
The game considers steam traction engines, steam threshers, are something you get at around 1850.
Now I can find a lot of knob jockeying from internet articles saying that everyone and their pet dog owned a steam thresher by 1860, and then all had diesel tractors as soon as 1900 cropped up. But every documentary I've seen says farming was shit in the world wars and that's why mechanisation, and more importantly, women, were forced into work, though where all the farmhands went, probably on a holiday in France that would be over by Christmas, is oft unmentioned.

It feels really weird. You can not only industrialise with a few decades of infinite growth, you need to because later on keeping up with IRL tech is a ballache that requires a fully automated ga- feminist space comm- consumerist country to fund, and you can neither afford nor can you physically build an equivalently sized army without that massive GDP.
51 media | 366 replies
Supcom/FAF build orders thread
===post your build orders===

I'll start:

2Land1Air no hydro:

>2 PG
>2 Mex
>2 PG
>2 Mex
>3 PG

>mex expansion
>set 1 to assist ACU
0 media | 0 replies
No title
>new DLC just came out
>no thread
is this game really that dead?
7 media | 82 replies
No title
you dont need apm goth
Do you really think you need high APM to win? Isn't high APM just a justification for shitty foresight and planning?
2 media | 24 replies
/vst/ makes a CK2/3 total conversion mod
Anons can add like 3 hexes to the map or anything else really
As a quick rundown, the setting is inspired by old pulp science fantasy

Previous thread:
36 media | 86 replies
Hero's Hour
This thing is in a Humble Bundle right now. Hadn't heard of it before but seems to be a HoMM clone. Is it any good?
0 media | 18 replies
Is it any good? Was it worth the wait?
10 media | 147 replies
Fire Emblem Engage
>Divine Dragon
>Can't even use a Dragonstone or be an actual dragon
what's the point?
2 media | 39 replies
AoM Retold Stress Test
Sign up and play Aphrodite's game from Friday through Sunday every morning, your goddess commands it!
5 media | 28 replies
fucking human scum
>words cannot encapsulate the hatred i have for your kind
>you're a stain on this galaxy, you disgust me
>enjoy these 11 titan class warships with plasma cannons you piece of shit
>your entire fleet is now destroyed and your civilisation is doomed after 1 battle

this game is hard
8 media | 47 replies
Attila never truly dies
It was (You)
Who gave you the right to rule?
It wasn't the people
It wasn't God
It was (You)
22 media | 123 replies
Pharaoh confirmed dead, Sofia and CA now just make Warhammer DLC
This coming update will be the last update for Total War Pharaoh, as the Sofia team has already switched to making the Khorne part of the upcoming Orcs, Ogres and Khorne DLC for Warhammer
The CA main team is also working on Warhammer DLC, and all the "leaks" have been proven false, likely including the WW1 Total War leak and the Star Wars leak
CA is now totally committed to making Warhammer DLC, no history games appear to be in the works at all

It's beyond over, it's time to forget Total War ever happened
18 media | 158 replies
Advance Wars
We will get a new game one day, right?
21 media | 134 replies
No title
Screenshot 2024-06-28 094833
Why is it almost 2025 and still not semi-accurate representation of the most KINO war in video games format?
9 media | 60 replies
No title
By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
34 media | 264 replies
Brood War
lads, it's time for a brood war thread
1 media | 11 replies
No title
Opinion on AOE4 best game ever created, ever!
5 media | 77 replies
No title
Can anyone for god's sake tell me how the fuck i play this? Seriously, i'm fucking tired of installing and uninstalling this shit because every time i try to play i give up because i don't know what i'm supposed to do. The game's tutorial is crappy and you can't deny that.
2 media | 69 replies
Rule the Waves
>start game
>immediately design 8,000 ton light cruiser, 15,000 ton armoured cruiser
Time to game.
9 media | 47 replies
Natural Borders
Screenshot (275)
Can someone please explain to me why Paradox would give France an entire journal entry on expanding to their natural borders on the Rhine but not change the states around so you can actually do that? You either end up way past the Rhine into the Netherlands or with a weird hook coming up to the east of Belgium.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? They've never made it possible to recreate these 'natural borders' in any of their games, yet the reference them in each one. WHY?
3 media | 17 replies
What would be your dream HoI IV DLC?
Mechanics, countries, maybe even alternate start dates?

Personally, I would love to see more focus on the Middle East and the inclusion of religious and insurgency mechanics. There should be greater potential for uprisings and more domestic politics. The post-war period saw these things be very relevant with de-colonization and unrest abroad. Not to even mention how much Judaism and anti-semitism influenced the war and caused the Holocaust which caused America to embargo the Nazis.
0 media | 4 replies
Xcom Apoc - any games similar
xcom apoc
This game was so ahead of its time with the way the city interacted with itself. Regardless I loved the pausable real time combat. I know there were the 'After: xxx' series which was fun, any others out there that are similar?
1 media | 3 replies
No title
Sin título
rackets truly are the jews of stellaris
4 media | 20 replies
No title
Which strategy game lets you have fun playing evil?
16 media | 81 replies
Hearts of Iron III
Jannies deleted the thread so here's the encirclement in action before I go to bed
33 media | 130 replies
Command & Conquer
Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
58 media | 378 replies
How's the Definitive Edition?
1 media | 22 replies
CK2/CK3 After the End
I noticed nobody ever made a new thread so I'll make one
previous thread >>1678337
33 media | 143 replies
Men of War II thread
American mechanized infantry is cool and all, but I'm confused as to why the US Elite mech infantry is the National Guard.

Aside from that, I really do like the Battalion system.
36 media | 481 replies
Total War: Rome 2
Rome vs Carthage
Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
50 media | 254 replies
hardest racing game you've played
I give up. playing F-Zero GX right now and this game is insane. I tried Grand Prix, even in the easiest difficulty on the first cup I am struggling to catch up with the AI
7 media | 39 replies
Overly complex and numbers based games?
What are some good historical strategy games that are glorified excel spreadsheet simulators or just extremely complex with shit UI? By that, I mean games like Aurora 4X, MEIOU & Taxes or John Tiller Software/Wargame Design Studio kino. Not vanilla EU4 or HOI4 slop.
4 media | 13 replies
Offworld Trading Company
>check it out on release
>neat idea, but solved game, just get rockets ASAP and sell food into space
>win every time on any AI difficulty

>redownload recently
>get filtered by tutorial "win your first game on your own" mission
>barely manage to win on Assistant (2 difficulty levels below one where you're on fair footing with AI)
>there's a campaign now
Damn, with simple rebalancing this game is actually good now. Too bad they didn't try it at release, maybe it wouldn't be dead. Also, is it just my inexperienced ass, or are Robots and Seneca straight up worse than other companies?
6 media | 57 replies
No title
Nuclear war game thread: Games like ICBM, DEFCON etc.
4 media | 13 replies
No title
any /vst/ games similar to sengoku rance? I dont even care if it has porn or not this is fun
5 media | 52 replies
No title
>resources not used are resources wasted
do you agree or disagree with this sentence?
5 media | 60 replies
Armageddon Empires
anyone play this? I've very new to it - some questions

1) how does deck building work in this game - how do I get more cards? I've just been playing with the stock decks

2) any general tips? I've found it best to... Recon and Scout hard, and focus on getting Resources - which seem very very tough to get in this game.
1 media | 18 replies
No title
Total World War 1 when?
8 media | 61 replies
Indie tower defense / voxel base-builder just released into early access. I tried the pre-release demo and it seemed fun. Camera is a bit janky but I like the gameplay concept of building custom fortresses. Anyone tried this one?
0 media | 6 replies
Front Edge
Front Egde s1
Multiplayer RTT developed by the same guys who did Syrian Warfare. Currently set to release in February 2025.
3 media | 65 replies
Are RTS games the greatest, most high IQ genre ever conceived?
>Incredibly dense gameplay whilst allowing lots of room for creativity.
>Has the highest learning curve and skill ceiling out of every genre ever made. Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers and nu/v/.
>Heavily tests the full breadth of the mind, such as reflexes (APM), spatial perception (micro-management), logical reasoning, etc. You'll get quickly punished if at least one area of your mind isn't in tip top shape.

How can any other genre even come close? RTS has pretty much everything you need in a genre.
8 media | 93 replies
Andaron saga
Let's talk about the most ambitious FERH game ever.
0 media | 13 replies
King of Dragon Pass
Is this game just RNG? It feels like the magic poinst barely do anything
>create new clan
>pick all of the war-oriented saga choices
>invest 3 magic into war
>go raiding, sacrifice, brings a lot of army
>still just BARELY win
>next season i get raiding and get my shit pushed in

What's the strategy for this game? I don't get it.
1 media | 20 replies
No title
Will there ever be a good 4x space game that has good diplomacy and politics?
I don't know about you guys but I think sci-fi lives on the interaction between alien races, espionage, intrigue and politics.
The usual war stuff is fine but it doesn't bring much joy or stimulation anymore and I am not sure if we are there technologically to have an AI with good diplomacy.
What do you think? Am I just jaded or retarded?
0 media | 18 replies
Has anyone played this? Its free on steam. Warhammer Tabletop + a Roguelite
4 media | 40 replies
Hold my Beer..
this is more fun than Starcraft and AoE combined. Is it doomed by the rts genre alone, or is it niche because of it's still early development? BAR succeeded where Supreme Commander failed, so I hope to see it grow further beyond it's current scope. It feels way more approachable than it's predecessors, especially with the more reasonable scale, QoL controls, visual readibility.. and it being FREE.
37 media | 414 replies
Against the Storm
against the storm
Recently came back to this game and I noticed that it's a lot more difficult than before, but I'm too lazy to read the update logs. Discuss.
0 media | 4 replies
less average modded battle
Today on Bottom Sector:
>I fly a safety overriden eradicator
>Anons struggle to teach newfags basic fitting guidelines
>And the 'cord sets fire to the thread (again)

*thread budget does not exceed 23 credits
112 media | 613 replies
No title
Screenshot Capture - 2024-07-22 - 10-49-15
>trying Civ 6 for the first time
>it takes 40 years for my warrior unit which is in the square right next to me to return home
>you can walk across America in 6 months
Hey fuck this game, gonna uninstall. My autism can't deal with that.
2 media | 18 replies
No title
What's the VST Consensus on the Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project?

I have fun with it for a bit but I just can't stick with it on higher than normal campaign difficulty, the AI is so asinine and stubborn and so out to get you that it's borderline unplayable. It's such a shame because I do like it and so many of its mechanics, like besieging having hidden costs, having to crown your ruler (even if I've never been able to get it to happen) grooming your generals and making sure you have one to lead an army, it really is a well designed and put together campaign management mod.
0 media | 1 replies
CK3: Roads to Power/Landless
hopes? dream? if they pull it off it could be one of the defining features of 3
they're gonna mess it up aren't they?
36 media | 412 replies
victoria 2 crimeamod

new krimmod update just dropped my lads
27 media | 123 replies
Tower Defense
What are some of the best (preferably cheap) tower defense games?
I've already played Bloons, Dungeon Warfare, Defense Grid, Sanctum, and PVZ.

Something more traditional. Not really looking for an RTS-Defense hybrid like They are Billions.
0 media | 10 replies
No title
>try ck3
>no idea what is going on
>quit after half an hour

>try koh2
>everything is much simpler
>having a blast an hour in

do you think it's because the map of koh is simpler than ck?
the map of ck being split up into a million pieces might have fucked me up, or the ui being insane as well
3 media | 18 replies
No title
Darkest Hour is 2€ right now on Steam.
Is it worth those 2 eurodollars?
10 media | 52 replies
No title
Tempest Risers we're winning so hard...
3 media | 30 replies
No title
Screenshot 2024-06-30 220626
This is one of the worst RTS I've ever played, why are so many people saying it's good?
3 media | 41 replies
No title
>Steam summer sale starts Thursday
What are you hoping to get?
22 media | 207 replies
Knights of Honor 2
Do people still play this? The modding community is kinda dead. And the game updates from the devs are very slow.
What gives? It's a good game.
Also, I get why province resources are randomized to give replayability, but I would prefer it if they were fixed.
0 media | 6 replies
No title
>all points into Handicrafts
>change game language to German
Yup. It's Die Gilde 2 time.
8 media | 42 replies
I did not care for shogun 2
>No unit variety.
>Everyone is virtually the same
>ROTS sucks
>Too easy to cheese
>Same fucking shit sieges
>1545 start date
>teppo ashigaru suck ass
>no good mods
all in all it was a step down from shogun 1 which had far more engaging content and a functioning AI
1 media | 6 replies
Hooded Horse's Rimworld+Crusader Kings game is out on early access, any guinea piggies try it out?
3 media | 86 replies
No title
Which city builders are the hardest and most challenging? The genre on the whole seems pretty easy.
1 media | 32 replies
No title
If I could will one game into existence it would be an 18th century city builder/RTS with real time tactical battles integrated into the same map, like 18th century Manor Lords but with more effort put into the battles. What would your perfect strategy game be?
2 media | 20 replies
Control My Country
CSA A.D 1873
Ello map staring enjoyers. I've got this vic 3 game as the CSA and it's 1873 and I dunno what to do now. I've taken Cuba and the Dominican as well as part of Mexico for the Golden Circle meme but am at a loss. The economy is semi-industrialized with a fabric/ cotton based economy with the slave trade and universal voting.

What do the fine advisors of the Confederate government recommend I do next?
3 media | 28 replies
>unlock Superleggera chassis and make racing monsters with it for 50 years
>it gets banned in 1980
>try not to cry
>cry a lot
>at least you still have your money
GearCity thread
0 media | 13 replies
No title
>ctrl F
>no steel division thread
Steel division thread. It's cheap
2 media | 37 replies
Sword of the Stars
Great game which is still fun but I feel like I suck at it. I'm constantly struggling to keep up with the AI in tech and resources. Only better battle tactics even let me compete and keep above water. I've only ever completely won as Hiver and as Human I always do terribly.
Should I be overharvesting? I know it helps establish colonies way faster but I hate how it makes my worlds look ruined. I don't think the AI does though.
28 media | 96 replies
Civilization IV
What made Civ 4 so special that people designate it as the cut-off point from when the series started declining?
37 media | 462 replies
the humble SRPG
Whats your favorite SRPG? shit like fire emblem or even HOMM since the definition is somewhat loose

recenly I became addicted to Unicorn Overlord, I wan to paizuri scarlett btw
2 media | 20 replies
No title
>maam listen to me!
1 media | 19 replies
No title
Map games are shit
>corner powers have an inbuilt advantage
>win condition is just "maximize your material advantage"
>overly agressive neighbors just make you both lose
11 media | 75 replies
No title
Russian Civil War
ITT: your dream setting for a /vst/ game
>Russian Civil War
13 media | 77 replies
King's Bounty
How does it hold up compared to Heroes of Might and Magic games (post IV)?

I've had it on my GOG backlog for a long time, and I've known about the game series for at least a decade prior to that. I always thought it was just Heroes with waifu simulator or something.
5 media | 80 replies
No title
Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
101 media | 542 replies
Gilded Destiny
New video dropped. Actual “gameplay” is shown.

3 media | 36 replies
No title
What are some good strategy games where you get to control street criminals?
2 media | 21 replies
No title
>2024... I am forgotten
3 media | 72 replies
No title
Civ IV Beyond the Sword
How do I git gud? How do I make money and what techs to research first? Any mods that fix bugs or AI problems I need?
0 media | 15 replies
Post about your experiences in MP, your best moments, your strats, rulesets, etc.
1 media | 30 replies
No title
Is there any other trading games liek Patrician 3 or Port Royale 2, where you lead a trading company? Doesn't have to be ships only. Or this it?
11 media | 60 replies
The ACTUAL eternal king of HoI4 mods
Every other mod is full of libs and bloat, meanwhile here you can get an actual realistic alternate history experience rather than commie fan fiction.
2 media | 30 replies
Farthest Frontier is a tower defence
>game calls itself citybuilder
>pick the hardest difficulty
>instead of building a city mostly in peace or having some random bandits attack you every now and then, you will now get attacked by a huge army, consisting of waves of enemies
>they have substantially more units than you, which means you have to rely on your static defences
>not just your layout is restricted by strategic necessities, but also what you build and when you build it
>the citybuilding aspect now just exists just to reinforce the tower defense part of the game, not the other way around
>the genre of the game changes to tower defence
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