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Board: /vrpg/

"/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of role-playing video games.

Welcome to /vrpg/ - Vidya/Role-playing Games
/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

0 media | 0 replies
No title
wtf I didn't know warband was a feminist game
8 media | 24 replies
No title
Is this any good?
2 media | 8 replies
No title
what is the most cuckolded RPG game out there? for me eith either BG3 or Pathfinder
shit is just awful
12 media | 127 replies
Hellgate London
Anyone ever get in to this back in the day? I guess the steam version is kinda shit for some reason so I went with London 2038. Been playing for a couple hours and its entertaining. that old school diablo 2 feel but first person.
0 media | 13 replies
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Why don't more Turn-Based RPGs adapt the Combo Dial and Time Attacks from the LISA games? I've only seen Undertale do so with the latter, but there is so much potential with the former.
0 media | 13 replies
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rpg is if it has swords, fireballs and level ups

I mean unironically, according to the modern video game industry, that's all the game needs to get a "RPG" label slapped on it. I think it's kinda funny.
0 media | 3 replies
Mass Effect 1
Mass Effect 1 is a best game. Best rpg. 1st place. I'm really worshipping this game. Fuck Baldurs Gate 3, fuck all indie garbage games, fuck all crpgs, also fuck you too Fallout. Hail to Mass Effect!
0 media | 1 replies
No title
Why is it so common for modern crpgs to include romance options that are not only sluts, but sluts that try to cheat on you? And is some cases they outright do so
54 media | 441 replies
No title
Anyone else love NEVERWINTER NIGHTS?
23 media | 446 replies
DS2 Builds
The only real souls game.
3 media | 10 replies
Touhou Project
The series needs more male characters. The limited female cast was fine for bullet hell and fighting games. But it hurts the immersion of an rpg with stunted world building.
0 media | 6 replies
New bioware, old bioware, what’s the difference?
I’m seeing some people apparently excited for the new exodus game that is being made by old bioware employees. But what’s there to get excited about? For one almost all western big budget games are terrible so this will have to be an exception. And second is that there is this meme that bioware was always good and that it was just EA or all the new hires and old staff leaving that made it bad. But that’s wrong. David Gaider was the lead writer on all three dragon age games. One of the best writers who wrote the dwarf sections in origins was in da2 as a writer. Casey Hudson was the creative lead on all three mass effect games. Mike laidlaw was lead in origins through inquisition. Who exactly are these bioware staff members who left? Mass eff t 3 sucked. Da2 and inquisition were bad games. Mass effect still has the writer who wrote Tali. Even some people who left have come back for dragon age veil guard. Besides the doctors, the actual people who made the games seemed to have stayed on for the most part.

This is why I don’t see what’s to get excited about with exodus.the real truth of why bioware was so popular back int rh day is because they had absolutely zero competition. Nobody else was making the kind of games they were. Kotor, dao, me1 and 2. You basically had cs project red and obsidian. And it’s not a coincidence that biowares reputation started to tank after with her 3 came out. It was their first real competition. Yes they put a bunch of work stuff in the games but IMO they do that to try and stand out. They are the company of that caters to that more than any other. But they were never good writers. I recently went back to dao and me1 and the writing is so boring and drags on and on. Either 3 having slightly better writing was all it took to reveal how shallow bioware writing always has been. People get confused with wokeness and believe prior to going full woke they were good but they weren’t.
8 media | 93 replies
Fallout London is out. Are any of you anons ready to lose teeth health?
1 media | 60 replies
Dhux Scar -anyone play this older jrpg
Back like 10+ years ago RPG maker games were pretty popular anyone ever play this one, Dhux Scar? It was really badass with a hard combat system, and a pretty cool story with tons of subtext about God and how reality was made. Starts off fantasy and ends scifi
2 media | 43 replies
No title
I'm gunna play this.
4 media | 25 replies
No title
I'm replaying this and it's pretty nostalgic. They did such a good job with making you feel like you where playing a fake mmo and the characters are such likeable losers like atoli and Gaspard.

Also damn the soundtracks good.
0 media | 3 replies
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Any maritime rpg's where the sea or ships play a big part?
3 media | 11 replies
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Photos taken seconds before disaster...
39 media | 139 replies
No title
What are the essential RPG Maker games?

More specifically, which ones are actually worth playing from start to finish?
10 media | 44 replies
No title
First Shadow Hearts game was solid, but this was a fucking masterpiece.
5 media | 54 replies
/vrpg/ (You) jam
Check out jam games made by anons:

It has been 3 months since the last jam. Are we dead or just taking a break? Should we make another? If so, when and what theme? Discuss the future of (You) jams.
115 media | 323 replies
Fear & Hunger
Why is the sequel so much less popular than the first game? I just bought it recently because of the all time highest discount and it really doesn't have the same hook as the first game. Only 2 endings and 1 character specific one?
19 media | 130 replies
Artix Entertainment
ti fanart
How are you enjoying Arcana Invoker, lads?
96 media | 268 replies
No title
They probably wish they remade FF7 instead of doubling down on Nomura bullshit.
6 media | 76 replies
Is there anyone here who actually grew up with CRPGs?
I cannot imagine playing shit like this as a kid. It looks so unbelievably clunky, boring and complex for a child. I imagine CRPGs fans as literal 50 year old boomers, because they would already have to be old to play it by the time it came out unlike JRPGs which were more easily accessible.
11 media | 89 replies
Thirst soon to be quenched
Innocents yet to be Ruled
86 media | 254 replies
No title
What are some good RPGs no one ever talks about on /vrpg/.
12 media | 34 replies
Why didn't /vrpg/ told me this kino was around? It is almost as good as Wrath of the Righteous.
16 media | 108 replies
No title
name more iconic duo, i dare you
6 media | 25 replies
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so why did he betray the other magypsies and join forces with porky anyway?
0 media | 4 replies
0451 games
My vision is augmented
Well, /vrpg/? Have you read Fahrenheit 451? If not, you didn't beat System Shock 2 or Deus Ex.
4 media | 51 replies
Races in RPGs
The Big Three
Will an RPG ever go mainstream without humans as an option? Imagine a whole world without Humans, Elves and Dwarves. Usually every franchise are only allowed one unique race, which is usually shafted to expand on the standard ones.

What's the best 'new' race you've seen when playing? Something like the Huana or Qunari.
5 media | 54 replies
No title
>Dead brahmin...
>Sick children....
>Our lives are in your hands Chosen One

Best intro in RPGs hands down
>Choose your destiny - be our salvation...
7 media | 42 replies
Dragon's Dogma 2
kill skellies
If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
89 media | 246 replies
No title
Game A
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by character stats

Game B
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by player inputs

Game C
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by character stats
>the story is affected by the player choices

Game D
>mechanical outcomes are mostly affected by player inputs
>the story is affected by player choices

Which of these is an RPG?
1 media | 21 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-23 130506
Are there any games like Dragon Age: Origins that aren't turn-based tiny-people slop that looks like it's for a smartphone?
8 media | 40 replies
Choose your own adventure games
We need more pragmatic characters and choices in the games. Everyone is either a goody two shoes or an edgelord and it's cringe.
13 media | 56 replies
No title
I want to play the Amiga versions of the gold box games, just as they were played back then (grid paper maps and all). What's the best emulator to do this with? Any tips? I've already done this with Wizardry and enjoyed it. Also general gold box discussion thread.
0 media | 5 replies
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Perk systems and their consequences have been a disaster for rpgs.
0 media | 2 replies
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Kamige or Kusoge?
5 media | 81 replies
Disgaea 4
If I enjoyed Disgaea 1. Will I like 4? I read some people claiming it's the best game in the series but some say the story is mediocre and the humor gets obnoxious. 5 has better gameplay but I read the game is full of moe weaboo pandering so I refuse to play it and any future entry if the writing is similar.
I'm okay with the game being sillier and more focused on humor than the previous ones but If the game is going to be full of fanservice and dumb anime tropes like Hyperdimension Neptunia I don't think I will be able to stomach it

On a side note, should I play 2 and DD2?
30 media | 107 replies
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nu fallout dialogue
compare this to Planscape. at which point everything went wrong with RPGs? i am well aware that new generation of "gamers" are like children with special needs i will never believe that is what they want from role playing games. is counting on indie developers only chance to have decent story and character development or its all downhill from here? its business after all
5 media | 40 replies
No title
Did you kill Benny on sight or give him a chance in your first playthrough?
2 media | 38 replies
Ruza thread
funny game
Chapter 2 is out, I wanna talk about it.

You there, Ruzanon?
36 media | 143 replies
Fuck Fire Emblem
I've been replaying the GBA games (Binding/Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones) and I've realized just how terrible they are.
These games are not difficult, the only difficulty comes from them throwing bullshit like reinforcements that catch you by surprise, spawning a gorrillion enemies to overwhelm you or the RNG screwing you with a crit.
Pic related, I somehow missed with a +70% hit chance.
9 media | 77 replies
It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
54 media | 233 replies
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Zrzut ekranu 2024-07-15 225631
Can you imagine putting THIS in any nu-male fag RPGs that are being made today? i deeply believe that vidya highlights are long gone
7 media | 63 replies
Octopath Traveler 2
Just finished all the main routes. I think I'll just do some sidequests and get the secret classes before doing the dawn story.
I'm really enjoying this game, I like how they expanded on the worldbuilding.
Throne's ending was completely fucking bonkers, I loved it.
6 media | 36 replies
Fairy Tail 2
Are you excited? What did you think of the first Fairy Tail rpg?
8 media | 23 replies
Yes Goy, support (((merchants))) for good ending, the "people" are your enemy
Is this truly how real life works? Every time something happens people chimp out and fuck over the ruler while (((merchants))) rush to his aid and throw money at him till he solves issue. Or is it typical subtle (((tribe))) propaganda Owlcat put in there to glaze the jew's ass with their tongues?

The Stolen Lands Encounters Mod was pretty good though. Vordekai, who famously gets cucked in 1 round actually put up a heck of a fight.

>Instantly casts dispell, removes all your buffs.
>Summons 2 Cyclops Lorekeepers (essentially Magus's who come with mirror image, and hit like a truck if they hit anything that is not mage). Then 2 more after you get him down to 50%. And those guys don't die easily either, I had to actually blast them with magick because they were dodging melee like champs. Legit proved to be a tight fight, considering that Vordekai was casting Horrid's and Finger of Death's. Jaethal was last man standing, and he almost had her at that.

All in all, I think this is a pretty good mod so far. Vordekai actually made me try, which is not something base game offered. And it does make sense lorewise as well. He really seemed capable of wrecking havock, possibly even Nyrissa if he was allowed to get some time to get back his power after that long nappy-nap.
0 media | 17 replies
I completed Ys 1 and 2, currently halfway through Origin's second route.
I really like the theme, setting and lore. I know the other games will follow Adol's adventures with mainly self contained stories in the newer games.

My question is, will the new stories live up to the Ys chronicles, or are those games going into a very gameplay focused and generally dumb story direction? Not saying that the first games had a mind-blowing narrative but given the era they were made in they are pretty charming and unique. I also like the direction Origin took.
Just wanna prepare to be disappointed.

27 media | 175 replies
rpg in a box
>Some autismo literally makes a superior rpg maker using a game engine (godot) than enterbrain
4 media | 85 replies
No title
What is your candidate for best cRPG of all time and why?
4 media | 34 replies
what would you say is the definitive "best build" in the game?
47 media | 486 replies
ITT: RPGs you like except for that one thing that ruins it for you.
I played FF8 for the first time like two months ago, I could get past the junctioning, I actually think its cool how you can exploit and break it, I could get past drawing, I feel like Spoony's classic video on FF8 gave it a reputation that you sit and draw all battle when you don't, the best spells are from cards anyways, and I could get past Squall, the whole point is he improves as a person. But holy shit is that orphanage twist dumb. What makes it worse is it adds nothing that just having Squall grow up in the orphanage would add and doesn't really come up ever again.
15 media | 81 replies
Creator of Fallout TIM CAIN says complex RPGs are bad
>Mistake #1 - Steep Learning Curves: Tim thinks character creation in Fallout, Arcanum and other RPGs was too complex. He's experimenting with creating a completely numberless character system that uses geometric shapes to visualize attributes.
>Mistake #2 - Letting Math Trump Psychology: Revealing the influence of the years he spent developing Wildstar, Tim wants to develop mechanics that are psychologically satisfying and addictive, even at the expense of mathematical elegance. For example, he says the player's first attack against an enemy should always hit even if his overall hit percentage is the same regardless, and that rather than allow players to increase their critical hit chance, they should only be allowed to increase their critical hit damage.
>Mistake #3 - Conflating Player Skill With Character Skill: This one will be familiar if you've watched some of Josh Sawyer's talks. Aiming and hitting in an action-RPG should not be determined by character stats. On the other hand, things like the impact of recoil can be affected by stats, as well as the aforementioned critical hit damage.
14 media | 203 replies
No title
New thread! What chu been working on anon?

Post progress!

Thread question: What made you want to develop with RPG Maker out of all the other options?

Also which version is best?

Also other systems welcome too!
0 media | 14 replies
No title
Post funny RPG related images.
52 media | 84 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-19 122924
Why do so many games have shitty "remasters" and "re-reckoning" and "enhanced edition"? Just let me play the original fucking game.

Back in the days, I remember playing games on 360 that were completely dead just a few years after release yet modern games are dragged out and milked for years like that recent Fallout 4 update which broke every mod.

Not an "rpg" but I remember trying to play EUIV (I loved EU3) back in like 2015 with cs.rin and that was a whole fucking ordeal and they were releasing DLC and shit every couple of days fuck that game.

Anyways, the days of "click here to download patch 1.05" is sadly long gone.
3 media | 17 replies
Undertale/Deltarune Fangames
What's next for UT/DR fangames? Will anything be able to top Yellow? Are you developing a fangame? Share your progress.
119 media | 506 replies
No title
Post JRPG characters that are probably autistic
15 media | 52 replies
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images - 2024-07-26T202550.534
Disco Elysium is a better CRPG than Planescape Torment.

PST has a great story, OK exploration, and bad combat.
DE skips the combat altogether and comes out better for it.
0 media | 26 replies
No title
>A roleplaying game is a game that has story choices and consequences


Visual novels aren't games, they're books. It's right there in the name.

A roleplaying game is a game with story choices and consequences. A visual novel is a book with story choices and consequences. You play one you read the other.

So when you call X a visual novel you're not saying it doesn't have roleplaying, you're saying it's not a game.
5 media | 41 replies
No title
Well, /vrpg/?
38 media | 220 replies
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My interest in this game went from 0 to -1.
5 media | 68 replies
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Pick one to be your girlfriend
9 media | 39 replies
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I dont recognize this character as part of Fallout canon. Its just dome nu-slop pushed in to sell oblivion with guns.
Fallout should stick strictly with BoS and Navarro against supermutants. With NCR stadily growing strong
1 media | 13 replies
No title
How the FUCK do I pick a build
0 media | 18 replies
TIRED of Medieval fantasy
Why everyone keeps making medieval rpgs? There are plenty of other time periods that could make for an interesting RPG but nobody tries them.
13 media | 138 replies
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Computer Gaming World Issue 117
Beginning of the end of good D&D RPGs.
0 media | 5 replies
No title
>for literal decades, hear about how FF5 has a bad main villain, underdeveloped characters, and is the worst of the SNES era FFs.
>even fans of the game say the story/characters are lackluster and the real appeal is the job system
>decide to play it
>turns out it has the best villain in the series, a thematically fantastic and lovable main cast, and is actually the best of the SNES era, if not the entire series

Lmao. Any other examples where the popular opinion about a game is demonstrably wrong just because the typical audience is retarded/illiterate?
5 media | 36 replies
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Strangled the treacherous xenos filth with my own 2 hands
Also Rogue Trader thread
30 media | 350 replies
No title
If jrpgs were well written, God would act like Enel and pursue the protagonist to kill and eliminate him as soon as he realizes that the protagonist is a threat to him.
2 media | 23 replies
No title
Interesting. So FF8's Trabia Garden was just Xenogear's Shevat/Snowfield Hideout.
58 media | 123 replies
No title
Whats your favorite "Kids on an adventure" rpg? I'm playing Lunar Silver Star Story and it's so charming, I'm always in such a good mood and smiling while I play it.
6 media | 28 replies
No title
The genre named "Strategy RPG" is terrible and makes no sense as all RPGs have strategy
The Japanese call these games "Simulation RPGs" which is an even worse name to give them

Lets come up with a new name for these games (Fire Emblem etc)
How about Board RPGs or Chess RPGs
4 media | 49 replies
Wizardry Variants Daphne
Pre-registrations start August 15 on mobile devices. Steam version still TBA. Unsure if this is also the global pre-register start date since the EN account's been quiet since March.
1 media | 3 replies
Tali Was Groomed By Shep
She's not even a full adult by her culture's standards when he started sowing the seeds of BHC.
19 media | 74 replies
No title
Which FF do you recommend me to start
21 media | 224 replies
Why there are only like 5 games in the Infinity Engine?
Planescape Torment, The 2 Baldur's Gate and the 2 Icewind Dale, that's it, why is that? It seems like such a waste of an engine, they should've open sourced it so anyone could've built their own standalone campaign mods in it
5 media | 50 replies
No title
Petty reasons you dropped an RPG?

I dropped FF14 in the Shadowbringers arc when it started going on that Minfilia had some kind of eternal cosmic soul or some shit, and I consider Minfilia to be the absolute worst FF character in the franchise's history. It was already on thin ice because I was sick of the Scions in general but that made me say "Yeah not putting up with that cunt a second time."
3 media | 40 replies
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Am I gay for like Persona 3 Reloaded?
2 media | 14 replies
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27 media | 41 replies
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Why does Gust refuse to make Mana Khemia 3 ?
1 media | 7 replies
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WoW villains by Wei Wang smaller
When will we get iconic RPG villains again?
5 media | 23 replies
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the smurfs
ITT: overrated shit
1 media | 19 replies
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prince jerian
New Life and Suffering game
1 media | 7 replies
nvm desu its dead.
87 media | 509 replies
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Wallpaper2 Jade Empire - Special Editio 1280x1024
Hands down one of the worst journals that I ever saw in a RPG
2 media | 47 replies
No title
What in goddamn....?!
19 media | 104 replies
No title
How come no one talks about this game? it's like every good RPG had a baby.
6 media | 74 replies
No title
>playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker
>having fun
>just cleared the troll castle
>can't stop thinking about starting over with a different character
What's wrong with me? This same kind of shit stopped me from ever finishing Morrowind.
2 media | 47 replies
Dragon Age 2
What was her fucking problem?
0 media | 6 replies
Really enjoying phantasy star iv but the insane encounter rate is really interrupting all the exploration, the only minor positive is that the menus are fast and you can escape most of the time easily, but I still find myself having to use save state scumming to get through dungeons and explore every path which turns them into tedium.
Any other games like PSIV in terms of RPG systems or setting (sci-fi) but with reduced or no encounter rate?
6 media | 27 replies
No title
New Madou Monogatari announced
2 media | 21 replies
Final Fantasy XI
Looking to play through FF11 for the story. I was looking up private servers and found this list and I am very much overwhelmed, where should I go if I don't want to grind too much and just see the cut scenes and get through the main game?

Also I'll probably wanna do the artifact quest for some jobs, since thats like how, how you do a black mage story quest line.
4 media | 21 replies
No title
any advice on this game. I almost got my ass kicked twice during the first missions.
6 media | 66 replies
No title
What is your quintessential "four guys in a row" JRPG?
1 media | 6 replies
No title
Wow this game fucking sucks. I was a tastelet at 10 years old thinking this was really good back in the day cause I liked ryudo. The story is trash. The villains are trash. The other party members are trash. Ryudo stops being funny halfway through. The gameplay is over rated especially when you consider random encounters are mostly solved by a single aoe attack. The towns are boring. The dungeons are boring. The progression is barebones and forumulaic (town - > map - > dungeon with zero variation). Theirs no exploration. The music is trash.

Only nice things I have to say about it is I think the dreamcast graphics are quaint. And the customization is fun enough.
6 media | 31 replies
Be Honest
If you think about it honestly and objectively, looking at "pure" RPGs (no action involved = no aRPGs, whether it's hack and slash combat in Morrowind/Diablo 2 or shooting in Deus Ex), there is no excuse to leave Baldur's Gate 3 out of your top 10.

I would put it in the bottom five of it, right under Baldur's Gate 2. They have different strengths and weaknesses, but overall they are quite similar.
56 media | 522 replies
Hat World
I recently finished this game and wanted to talk about it. I thought the combo system was neat, and everyone sharing a single mana pool for casting adds a nice amount of depth to the combat. I also really like the way gems and OOParts allow for a wide variety of builds.
Anyway, what's your favorite route and why? For me it's Janice's because of the epic battle against the Self-Eaters at the end. God bless those brave meatshield decoys.
105 media | 295 replies
No title
So how much South Park do I need to watch to get the references in this game? Is it sufficient to watch up until the movie?
0 media | 11 replies
No title
post games only you like
I finished it 4 times.
6 media | 34 replies
No title
You are tasked with pitching an RPG game idea to Big Ounce, professional street nigga. If he likes it, he will fund your game 100%, no strings attached. What's your pitch?
2 media | 22 replies
No title
ITT: Things we'll never see in a Final Fantasy game.
6 media | 50 replies
No title
what the FUCK is this thing??
17 media | 68 replies
Square Enix Wants Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII to “Beat Skyrim”
images (4)
>Umeda stated that, “The wilderness is designed with a natural open world style of play in mind.

>Toriyama’s first instruction was ‘beat Skyrim!’

>That may be a tall order with the resources on hand, but as this is FF we decided it might be best to approach it by letting you run about on a chocobo.

>Also, although there is lots of freedom in the wilderness, there is only one goal but with many paths to accomplishing it.”

So did they succeed or not?
4 media | 41 replies
Octopath Traveler
Just finished the game.
I mostly ran H'aanit, Olberic, Tressa, and Ophilia. I liked how H'aanit and Tressa's combat roles changed over the the course of the game. Tressa changes from just being a BPslut to having the highest potential damage output of all the base jobs. I really liked H'aanit's mechanic of capturing monsters and attacking with them. It made exploring and fighting new trash mobs fun, and he also went from being the top damage dealer to being nearly useless depending on what she had on her and what you were up against. For most of the game she was my favorite, and at quarrycrest I wished I could swap her out. It tapered off into uselessness by act 4 though. First the late game monsters just have ridiculously low capture rates, at 1 hp and fully boosted they were at like 20%, at that point it's just frustrating, and once you've experimented with using them their charges are half spent. Secondly the top monsters are weaker compared to the top weapons and skills, this is fine. I like how her party role changes from boss fight damage dealer to utility, and I can't imagine beating any of the job bosses without leghold.
The mechanic where each character can interact with npcs a certain way was mostly just annoying, this was greatly exacerbated by some bosses not showing up until I fetch Cyrus, have him talk to a key NPC, and then put him back in the inn where he belongs.
Considering how simple they were the stories still managed to draw me in, the music probably helped a lot.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Does Path of Exile 2 have what it takes to save the ARPG genre?
5 media | 73 replies
No title
>Not great, not shit, just mediocre
What are some other lukewarm euroslop RPGs worth trying out?
2 media | 9 replies
No title
Why is every NPC a walking wikipedia infodump in this game?
>No, you don't get it. It's too le smart for you even though it commits a fatal writing flaw which is constantly showering the reader with exposition dumps.
This shit badly written and boring. Godawful combat system and graphics/visuals as well (it's so brown it looks like someone took a shit on my screen). I fail to see why it's so praised.
6 media | 82 replies
No title
two face
>want to play ME again but can't decide if i want to fuck the alien women or stare at femsheps ass
5 media | 45 replies
No title
>Finally get around to playing Octopath 2
>Play most of the chapter ones for each character
>Like most of them apart from Ochette, fucking furry shit (but H’aanit was pretty meh too so whatever)
>Leave Temenos to last, thinking he’ll be some milquetoast Ophilia clone
>MFW they managed to make the religious character interesting.

As soon as I heard he was the inquisitor for the Church of the Flame, I expected crap, but somehow his story is like top 3 from either game so far. Also have high hopes for Throne, but she just seems like a hybrid of Primrose and Theron so I’m not sure if she’ll beat either of their stories.
1 media | 11 replies
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This image frightens and enrages the pseud.
35 media | 333 replies
No title
the best soulslike ever made
1 media | 32 replies
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BROS what is most basic bitch RPG? My vote goes to Fable
4 media | 47 replies
Why so many people think D&Dogshit makes RPGs better? Is just a brand with 0 imagination
5 media | 54 replies
No title
will we ever again get a game that offers as much freedom as these four again? have we in the past? is it over?
0 media | 6 replies
No title
>Where would I put this
3 media | 12 replies
Best Companions per Franchise
Your favorite companion? I personally love my little undead slave, One-of-Many. The fact that it is exclusive since you have to devour Okku to fill his spirit-fur up with a thousand damned souls is just peak evil power fantasy. In fact, Mask of the Betrayer is perhaps the best game to role-play as an psychopath.
1 media | 2 replies
No title
What classic JRPG has the best progression system?
6 media | 166 replies
General discussion about hypothetical computer and console RPGs.
I've seen some sad bans in my time but that last one was just sad. I know we're talking about computer programs that happen to be video games that happen to be RPGs, therefore everything is already programmed and ready to be presented to the player, therefore when talking about computer or console RPGs one is typically concerned with only talking about the RPG programs that are available, that already exist, as examples of discussion. However, that does not in itself preclude the usage of imagination to imagine hypothetical, and at this point, nonexistent games and discuss those games. Now, you could say that would be appropriate for another board, such as /b/ random, however, consider that RPGs, traditional RPGs, often make use of the imagination during gameplay, and that it should not be that many steps removed from using the imagination to imagine games that use the imagination vs discussing a game that is based on the imagination of the game designer and thus one can only discuss that pre-existing scenario. That is, we can talk about Fallout 1, as a game, or we can talk about, hypothetically, what if there were other games using the SPECIAL system, which may or may not be Fallout games. What if there were other computer RPGs based on other RPG systems and settings, such as Palladium, etc. Now, you could say "take that sort of discussion to the TG board" but what would they say. "Oh, we are not talking about computer programs here, perhaps there is another board for that." A board full of imagination. Such as /b/.
Disclaimer: This post is a discussion about the topic of computer and console RPGs in general, not referring to one specific game in particular.
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Save for the "quirkyness", these are the kind of rpgs you want honestly.
16 media | 101 replies
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Is this the peak of JRPG in terms of 2D spritework ?
21 media | 86 replies
Fifth Ending
So, I want to start by saying I want to avoid the usual reddit autism around these factions.
I am appreciative of fallout and its contributions to the genre, but I'm also not an NMA boomer superfan, so keep that in mind.
I've come to realize there is another ending to New Vegas, one that (I am beginning to think) the devs intended but was never made popular.

This technically isn't an ending. There isn't a fancy slideshow, your game isn't ended, and you aren't told by your leadersenpai that you did a good job. But this ending may be much more satisfying, as well as the best for the people of the Mojave.

You don't play the kingmaker.

By choosing NOT to take a side (even ones own) and end the stalemate, even taking the side of the stalemate, the Courier is keeping Vegas in a state of uneasy, productive peace.
>Housefag perspective
The NCR provides free security to the dam, at the cost of some of the power and water, leaving House free to use his Securitrons to police the strip and eventually perhaps even expand into Freeside. By refusing to rout the NCR, the Courier also ensures Houses customer base remains largely unmolested, and the caps continue to flow. Any security lapses from withholding the platinum chip can be covered by hiring mercenaries or employing freesiders to build other, less advanced robots, like protections. By leaving the Legion intact, the Republic is too intimidated to attempt to annex Vegas, allowing House to focus on domestic security instead of an arms race.
>Legioncuck perspective
By keeping Vegas independent, Caesar will have access to constant caravans in neutral territory to raid or kidnap slaves from. In addition, by forcing California to build up forces along the Vegas border, the Legion can expand North without fear of the NCR coming at them full force. In addition, the Legion will have access (through seizure or espionage) to technology they ostensibly frown upon, but will use in times of need.
5 media | 27 replies
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BROS who do i choose? About to start again but gonna be an elf this time
1 media | 16 replies
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am I missing anything? I'm about to spin to find out what to play next
4 media | 14 replies
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Fallout games from best to worse would go like this:
Fallout Sonora>Fallout1>Fallout Nevada>Fallout2>Fallout Redsurected>Fallout Tactics> Fallout Olympus>>>>(dark ages of nu fallout series)>>>Fallout NV>Fallout BoS>Fallout 4>Fallout 3
I wnated to tank russian modding community for saving actual game series without niggering it down to dirt like Bethesda did
11 media | 64 replies
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Rogue Galaxy got lost in the PS2 JRPG shuffle.
1 media | 9 replies
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It's currently on sale at Xbox store.
Is it worth buying? It's one of those rare xbox360 exclusives that I've heard a lot about. I've never played jRPG's before and it looks less faggy than your average jRPG so I'm willing to give it a try if it's decent at least.
0 media | 13 replies
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i love you Aerie, those pink haired dykes from BG3 are nowhere close to you, my princess
8 media | 83 replies
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Why does everyone hate this game? The story isn't the best but the combat is really well done, the graphics are nice and the world is fun to explore.
6 media | 83 replies
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Beat Wizardry 6 tonight and just started 7. This is becoming my favorite RPG series. The race/class combinations are a lot of fun and I love when fantasy settings include aliens and sci-fi shit in them.
0 media | 35 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-22 233744
>Oh, you just killed 20 police officers and their dogs, not to mention 3 noblemen, impressive, I suppose we WON'T burn the village to the ground even though we are very racist.
>What's that, a grey warden is taking him, ahh oh well.
>Also did you know that you could mix brandy with rat poison and if you took off your armor and weapons (despite being in a dungeon full of hostiles) and went through a certain door your could convince the off duty guards that you were servants and serve them poison drinks?

What were they thinking?
0 media | 7 replies
recommend Dragon Quest
what Dragon Quest game should I play if I'm not that fan of traditional RPGs but I'm trying to get into them, picrel is the best Dragon Quest game and the only one I played but I'm open to recommendations
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