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Board: /diy/

"/diy/ - Do It Yourself" is 4chan's imageboard for DIY/do it yourself projects, home improvement, and makers.

Welcome to /diy/
Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links: (archived)
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What's the best roofing material??
43 media | 201 replies
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I'd like to retire in Spain, 25 years from now. I got the crazy idea of getting a fixer upper for a relatively low price now, and spend my vacations in the coming years there to renovate it.
How realistic is this idea? I'm a noob with housing, but am good with my hands and usually pick up new things quickly.

In general you're obligated to leave the facade intact, that 'balcony' with glass might be hard to get nice without tearing it down.

Link to an example:
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DIY guitar tube amps
Anyone had success building their own?
Thinking of trying to build a fender clone, possibly a blackface deluxe reverb. The circuits look pretty simple, it's just finding parts that aren't ridiculously expensive. I'm in bongland and it looks like transformers alone would cost the best part of £200, and the valves/tubes are pricey too. Anyone have any advice on making these cheaply without sacrificing too much in the sound? What are some common pitfalls to avoid?
I've done some electronics projects before and repaired a couple of solid state amps in the past but I'm far from an expert. Would also like to do as much as practically possible from scratch (homemade chassis, cabinet, etc.)
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Home streamlining / frugality
In this thread we share general experiences and tips on how to make your living situation more efficient, be it in terms of saving money, reducing time waste(less maintenance/upkeep), organization or anything else that may simplify and improve your life

>on saving money
it's not really about the little things like unplugging your phone charger, focus on the main energy drains and commit to more "drastic" changes:
- unless you do some hardcore meal prepping chances are that your fridge is way too big. downsize for a smaller more efficient unit and fill it to the brim if you have to, a full fridge wastes less energy and having a smaller space forces you to be more intentional when shopping so you have to think twice about buying extraneous crap you don't actually need
- wash your clothes in cold water, most of the energy in a washing machine goes toward heating. if you have the room and weather, line dry them outside. both these things also help clothes last much longer
- avoid the range oven, use an air fryer or small convection oven for faster results and a fraction of the energy
- most of the world does just fine without AC. use weather appropriate clothing + an electric blanket in the winter and a fan in the summer

>other stuff
- you would be surprised how much clutter affects your mood. most things don't need to be on display at all times so use closed storage solutions, if you have open shelves they should be filled with storage boxes to keep all the crap out of sight. will also keep your stuff clean and dustfree
- NOTHING improves the a room like a rug. throwing a rug in your living room / kitchen / dinning room / bedroom / bathroom / office will completely change how you perceive and experience the space. just be smart with choosing the right size and style to make the most of it

Just some things of the top of my head. Are there any practices you've implemented at home that made your life better?
19 media | 257 replies
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Toilet flush is very weak. Plumber says Toilet has mineral deposit build up and bad hardware in the tank. Anyone know a Good Chemical for breaking up or dissolving these deposits?
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How do you fix dental cavities yourself at home?
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Is making a futon out of 100% cotton (including stuffing the inside with only raw cotton) a good idea? I have eczema and allergies. Every pre-made mattress on the market is overpriced and has weird forever chemicals inside it. They also smell awful and stink up the bedroom.

I was thinking about making a full on mattress with latex but I don't know if I will become allergic to this material over time so I don't think I will take the risk. Same thing for wool.

I could buy a sample of cotton from a online store and test it by lighting it on fire to know if it's authentic. If it is I'll just buy more, make layers and wrap them in a cover. I'll get a tatami mat so that the futon is able to breathe and not grow mold.

I'm like 185lbs, 5'10 and a side sleeper btw.
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/3dpg/ - 3D Printing General - #351
>It's my birthday, suck my dick.
Last Thread: >>2821786

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

>What printer should I buy? [32/03/90 :detadpU tsaL]
Do your own research, these are just popular and available options.
All controversial printers and brands have been removed from the list for your safety.
SLA: >>>/tg/3dpg

>Where can I get things to print?

>What CAD software should I use?
Free to anyone: Fusion360, Onshape, TinkerCAD, FreeCAD
Free to me: Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, Solidworks, Rhino, Solid Edge
Autistic /g/oobers: OpenSCAD, OpenJSCAD
Mesh free-forming and modeling: Blender
Architects: Sketchup

>What slicer should I use?
For everyone: Cura, PrusaSlicer, BambuStudio for Bambu owners.
For enthusiasts: SuperSlicer, OrcaSlicer
For autists: Pleccer/SuperPleccer, Kiri:Moto, FullControl

Legacy Pastebin (Last updated 1321 days ago): (embed)
85 media | 309 replies
Copper roof
Ausfags: where can I buy standing seam copper roofing? I need one small piece (1650mm x 1250mm) and I can't find a supplier anywhere.
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Stained cabinet with chemically deconstructed plastic
>first time trying to do model painting
>Fuck up and put too much primer
>wife points out nail polish remover sister left out on her bathroom sink
>leave it to soak in solo cup for a second on edge of kitchen sink
>turn around and see it fucking melted
>pic rel
We put olive oil + vinegar, is there anything else that we can do? Grandma's gonna be pissed.
1 media | 4 replies
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Does anyone here routinely use a corded drill, over a cordless? If so, what for and why?
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Screen Shot 2024-07-23 at 11.50.51 AM
any good sites out there for learning tools and basic common parts for true beginners and what they do?

the extent of my DIY knowledge is I took the flow restrictor out of the showerhead, and I put together this chair from the pic, which took an hour doing it in my small room trying to figure out how i'm supposed to keep the arms and the seat all together with 2 hands while a third hand screws them in before realizing I could just do it one at a time and slide the seat in. also kept trying to jam in a piece that apparently you just lightly put in and fold down.

Like, i watched a video of someone putting it together beforehand, but it was a different model, but he called the wheels "casters" and i would've just called em wheels. Whats the point of the little ring things you put over screws? etc. These kinda basic things I have to know before attempting anything else.

Other than that I just make furniture out of boxes cuz im poor. My current desk is a keyboard stand with a plank of wood from my old ikea bed on top of it, extended out on each side by a mountain of boxes which double as a place where i can keep stuff. I'm pretty proud of this ingenuity ngl.
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How do I build a cabin in Australia?
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What would I need to do to make this house able to be lived in? It doesn't have to be perfect
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/diy/ /farm/ -- would you eat cherry plumbs growing next to where the house septic is? Just 2 people using that septic. Thanks
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/rcg/ - Drone & Radio Control General
In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?

> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)

>What about planes?

>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?
Buy a DJI if what you actually want is to take good photos/videos, go DIY if what you actually want is a fun project.

>I want a cheap RC training plane that is turnkey.
XK Beaver
Eachine Wing Dragon
OMPHobby T720
Hobbyzone Champ (used only)

>I want a good FPV fixed wing platform.
ZOHD Drift
Sonicmodell AR Wing
Finwing Albabird

>I want a basher fixed wing model for doing crazy shit that is easily repairable.
RCFactory, Hacker and other similar profile models

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly around my yard/garden
Syma X5C

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly inside my house
Eachine E010/Hubsan X4

>What are some good YouTube channels for learning or fun?
Joshua Bardwell -
Painless360 -
Flite Test -
Peter Sripol -
RCModelReviews -
Andrew Newton -
RCGutt -
RC Test Flight -
Think Flight -
Tail Heavy Productions -

Previous: >>2809234
12 media | 76 replies
/ham/ Amateur, CB, Shortwave Listening, Pirate Radio, Repeater Kerchunking General

Previous thread couldn't cope >>2803398
>RTTY Edition

Eternal thread theme:

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

>The wiki is down but is archived:
>Idiot's Guide to Coax Cable
>Looking for frequencies to monitor near you?
>Basic Rx loop fundamentals
>DIY SWL Mag. Loop
>Small Tx Loop
>In Depth Loop articles
>Homebrew RF Circuits
>NEW Library

>Online Practice Tests:
> Real-Time Propagation Data
>Space Weather
>WSJT-X 2.1 User Guide
>Homosexual (ft8) guide
>Weather Fax resources
>point to point predictions, its free and will give you an idea of how much power/ what frequencies to use to reliably talk to your friend
>how do I into Morse code in a good way?
71 media | 217 replies
No title
I fucking give up i have to move back in my mom's basement...sorta. small RV actually to save money to be a person again in a year. I am terribly allergic to cats and she used to have them there a few months ago. How can I best clean the place to eliminate any leftover allergens? I hear they're very persistent. Will steam cleaning do the trick? Anyone succeed at this in the past?

no one at adv helped me so i guess this is sorta like a DIY project...
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Too gorgeous - ruggedthug
Is it feasible to JUST build decks for a living and NOTHING else? I fucking hate doing all the other carpentry shit like framing walls and insulating and doing gay ass bullshit like sheetrock. The only thing i like doing is building decks
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Anyone know how to do skin flora grafting?
My collarbone skin stinks. I like the smell but other people might find it repulsive. What I've noticed is when I take a shower with soap then following day my collarbone area will stink. So I am thinking of grafting other part of skin bacteria from other part of my body to my collarbone skin.

So in summary...
1) Extract non-smelly skin bacteria from other part of my body.
2) Cultivate to decent number
3) Wash collarbone skin rigorously
4) transplant non-smelly bacteria to my collarbone skin.

Devil is in the details here. Any microbiologist want to chime in here? What I've understand is 95% of the bacteria are basically impossible to artificially grow.

Or am I overthinking and should just soak in 10% bleach? Are there biotech firm that sell bacteria culture that can live on human skin and doesn't smell?
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2024 Garden Thread
Garden Types
what are you going to be planting in your garden this year anon?
51 media | 234 replies
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My dog can jump my chain link now. Is there something I can maybe clip onto the top railings to extend it higher a bit until I redo the whole thing? Even if its not something strong, it'll discourage him.
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Life saving DIY hacks, the thread
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How would one go about creating a small and discreet underground bunker?
25 media | 134 replies
/welding/ Welding General #3
A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.

Old thread: >>2763067
24 media | 129 replies
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due to circumstances, i have an old fridge that im trying to get rid of
so i thought hey it fits in my car ill just scrap it for some cash

>scrap yard wont take fridges with freon in them so there needs to be a hole drilled in the compressor before they take it
>it is illegal to drain the freon yourself and comes with a 6 gorrilion dollar fine if caught
>start calling hvac companies, appliance repair companies, recycling companies
>no one is willing to do it
>call the scrap yard to ask how to get the freon out
>the guy on the phone is genuinely confused why im asking because every scrapper just vents it to atmosphere
>finally get the name of a place that supposedly does it
>haul the fridge 10 miles to the refrigerator recycling place
>meth head roastie doesnt know if they do it
>shirtless tattoo guy on the forklift goes ah jeez dood the machines all the way in the back and ive got all this shit to do its gonna cost you like $15 probably isnt worth it lemme call the manager to see if its really $20
>ahh man he says its gonna be like $30 probably not worth it huh
>nope out and drive all the way back home
>look up on yt how other people scrap fridges and every time they get to the compressor they just say "ive got a buddy" "this one doesnt have freon in it so its fine" "be sure to follow the law (^:"

what the fuck is this shit
why is this so hard
why is there this retarded catch 22
apparently everyone just commits felonies all the time and im the asshole for trying to follow the rules?
6 media | 90 replies
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Has anyone seen one of these things before?
It looks like the kind of shit poor people buy because they need to stay poor.
I think it's ten years old, I got it for free.

Anyway, it was at 3v when I got it, I put it on a battery charger and it was pulling 200mah and then I went afk and forgot it for 5 hours. Now it's at 13.6v
Whats the best non destructive way to see what kind of batteries are in this shit? I only want to know how much I should care about it because if it's not lithium then I don't give a shit anymore obviously.
But I am not sure it would recover from 3v if it was. Can't find shit online, maybe I should just take it to the courthouse and see if I can get them to xray it
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Are these a meme? I already have a regular gas powered saw but it would be nice to be able to do some light trimming without lugging it around
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I want to put zinc strips on my roof to prevent moss. I trimmed the trees as best I could but even with a ladder and pole saw I couldn't reach everything so there's gonna be more moss. I spray moss out, but that just kills it for a season then it'll come back.

I need your tips and encouragement for working on a roof for the absolute beginner, and any tips for a good installation that won't require going back up there.
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Eternal Machinist Thread
Revival edition
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Been working on a small shed design (3.75m x 5m) and was planning on building a loft for sleeping about half the size of the ground floor, but have been struggling with figuring out how to support it. None of the walls are symmetrical making things a bit awkward. What's the right way to do this?
2 media | 9 replies
/mcg/ - Microcontroller General: Pico Edition
butchered pico
Previous thread:>>2802510

Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.

For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.

>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts

>but that's too expensive (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)

>I need a part that does X and Y, with Z specifications. How can I find it?
use DigiKey's or Octopart's parametric part search. Then purchase from one of the sellers listed above.

>how do I get started with microcontrollers, where should I start?
There is no defined starting point, grab a book and start reading or buy an arduino off ebay/amazon and start messing around. There are a plethora of examples online to get started.


>RISC-V microcontroller list:
8 media | 39 replies
/ohm/ - Electronics General: JFET edition
Just JFET Things
Thread beansed: >>2822343

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.

>Incredibly comprehensive list of electronics resources:
Additional resources below:

>Project ideas:

>Don't ask, roll:

>Archive of Popular Electronics magazines (1954-2003):
>Microchip Tips and Tricks PDF:
>Li+/LiPo batteries required reading:


>Principles (by increasing skill level):
Mims III, Getting Started in Electronics
Geier, How to Diagnose & Fix Everything Electronic
Kybett & Boysen, All New Electronics Self-Teaching Guide
Scherz & Monk, Practical Electronics for Inventors (arguably has minor issues with mains grounding)
Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics

>Recommended Design/verification tools:
KiCAD 6+
Logisim Evolution

>Recommended Components/equipment:
eBay/AliExpress sellers, for component assortments/sample kits (caveat emptor)
Local independent electronics distributors

>More related YouTube channels:

>microcontroller specific problems?
>I have junk, what do?
Shitcan it
>consumer product support or PC building?
>household/premises wiring?
More rules-driven than engineering, try /qtddtot/ or sparky general first
>antigravity and/or overunity?
Go away

bake at page 10, post in old thread
18 media | 73 replies
No title
What safety toe boots do you wear and do you recommend them?
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Haven’t been here in a while DIY, how’s everyone doing. Thinking about making a big life change and selling my house then building a “barndomium” on land I would buy next to one of my siblings. Start a family compound.

Has anyone here ever built one? Anyone know good resources I could read to research it? Good companies for sourcing the steel structure? Thx, saunanon
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No title
I need a circuit to install on my front porch. Kids are hitting my fence everytime they go out, and its driving my mom to the point of tears. Their parents are assholes (the whole place is getting filled with asshats), and I need to take matters into my own hands.

An impact sensor plugged to a strong siren will do the trick for now. Either that or big ass dogs to chase away the kids, but Id rather make the alarm.
1 media | 14 replies
No title
Ive just bought 40ish acres wooded lot recently. Plan is to farm/homestead. I'm wondering if it might be worth it to buy a used excavator or bobcat. I'm gonna dig a septic anyways and enviably I'm going to what to dig some ponds and either bermed or pit greenhouses.
Question is, what should I keep an eye out for as a novice guy on a budget.
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How should I reinforce door
Threw together a crude door for my cabin I built. It's 5/8 ply nailed to 2x4 boards. I thought once I nailed the plywood it would stiffen everything up but the top and bottom are wobbly.

Suggestions on how to reinforce the door?

Note there's some mean gaps as well alat the door entrance but I'm going to put fat trim to fill. Door also doesn't completely open and contacts floor but it opens up enough to get in and out the house
2 media | 22 replies
Coretec Flooring
I just had this coretec flooring installed by a company yesterday. They ordered it from their supplier and installed it for me. I cleaned it today since it was coated in a good bit of drywall dust from the subfloor. Just water, a mop, and bucket. I got it pretty wet, but it wasn't like I let the water sit for a day or anything. Had a shop fan running to air dry it out, and went over it multiple times with the mop and water. I did see the guys yesterday with a standard vacuum cleaner, but I don't know if that would cause this. The extra planks that are left don't appear to have these lines. I already called the company and they're going to come out to take a look in a day or two. Is this just defective LVP, or did someone fuck it up somewhere along the line?
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DIY tractor from off the shelf parts
G'day /diy/ I want to build a tractor from off the shelf parts similar to the Chamberlain Champion.
I have my c670 for a reference of what I'm wanting to make.
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DIY vegan mattress
How do you make a mattress made out of eczema/allergy friendly materials? I want to use 100% organic cotton, farm sourced wool, and natural latex. The mattress is going to be covered by a dust mite mattress cover at all times. There must no springs withing the mattress as it can get nasty on the inside.
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3d panel
I didn’t know where else to ask, I made a shitty like accent wall of these 3d panels to cover up ugly old panel board, but they have gaps that I can’t seem to remedy between the panels. I know some people use like caulk for it, but I’m trying to find a way not to damage the paneling below. I’ve used double sided tape to hold the actual panels up.

Any ideas
1 media | 12 replies
how do i make a bluetooth/mp3 player out of an old hifi tapedeck
ct300 playing mp3s
not sure if this should be here or /g/ but i think i'll go with here. I really would like to try to do something like this to an old tape deck unit ive found - similar pioneer model. I'm assuming he's wired in the output of the phone to where the heads send signal but i have no idea wher i'd start on something on this.. has any one done anything similar and can advise? thx.
4 media | 13 replies
How to make a coin
I started stacking silver bullion recently and I decided to try making my own silver round since I am already a 3D modeller.
Is there any CNC services that will take a 3d model and build a custom die out of it. Services I've seen only seem to take flat images and do a simple extrude that leaves a simple impression.
If not can I design a die and hire a general CNC company to make it? Would I have to do a volume calculation to account for metal expansion?

Also where do I get a 1.5 inch hole punch for a hydraulic press?
Thank you I love you
1 media | 12 replies
No title
How do you become not retarded mechanically?
I've always thought maintenance people were so awesome but I don't have that kind of brain
3 media | 33 replies
No title
>take cardboard box
>cut hole for air register
>sucks cooler air from higher up
>energy bill is cut in half

This is why boomers have money and youre always broke.
0 media | 11 replies
Tanned A Cased Wool Hide
Shite situation resulted in needing to butcher another Mutton. Fucking flock sire ram broke his leg.

used orange bottle solution.

butcher day scraped & salted. fold skin side onto itself. scrape again 16 hrs later. add 2nd round of salt, fold in on itself again. 24 hrs later, scrape again. salt 3rd time leave open face up. scrape again 16 hrs later. wash hide in dawn soap, lay on rack to dry overnight, next day, while still wet, work in orange bottle tan agent. over next week, alternate between storing folded and stretching to allow slow drying and softening.

Ron (white) will most likely become our headboard. will contour cut some 1.75cm sheet wood, decorative head nail around his perimeter, then stuff 2cm worth of wool between hide and wood.

blaze (black) is a rug in front of our bedroom wood stove.

these are my 4th and 5th attempt at tanning.
1 media | 5 replies
How do I become an electrician?
I'm scheduled for an IBEW apprenticeship interview tomorrow and I am so unprepared. I want to work in this industry but I really don't even know where to start. I've done projects around my house, like running wires for lights and installing outlets. I just finished building frames and putting up screen walls on my porch. I just don't have any real work experience doing this kind of stuff. I have hobbies like soldering and repairing old electronics.

My only real work experience has been in restaurants and retail, and honestly I haven't worked in almost a year since I left my last job at walmart. I was just reading that I should bring in a resume and application portfolio, which I don't have.

If I don't come in for the interview tomorrow then I have to wait 6 month before I can apply again, but if I do the interview and get a shitty score then I'm stuck with that score for 2 years before I can reapply. Should I go in and try and get what I get, or should I just take 6 months to figure out what the fuck I'm actually doing and try again? And, where do I even start with that? I'm in Texas, btw
1 media | 10 replies
Are knots a meme?
absolute fools knots
I've been doing the overhand loop my entire life and its always worked fine. Why do boomers push these meme knots so hard? They seem inferior in every way to the simple overhand loop.
5 media | 47 replies
No title
Somone is selling this on fb marketplace for $75. How much work do you think it would take to make it into an anime girl?
1 media | 4 replies
No title
are old CDs/DVDs the DIY final boss?
I've noever seen anything done with them, nothing remotely useful or interesting. the most you get is some mosaic or some other "art" stuff.
1 media | 7 replies
security/spy cameras
Im looking for good/budget 180/360 security cameras that have good image quality and preferably some kind of zoom that I can also control from my phone and PC preferably with some open source software
I have bought three Tuya WiFi cameras but they suck and the software sucks as well
Im also looking for a good spy cam, something not noticeable since im trying to catch if someone is messing with my shit
0 media | 3 replies
No title
I attempted to spruce up my scratched up green laminate counters by painting on some Rust-Oleum appliance epoxy, but it's not hardening.
I prepped the surface by sanding and whipping down with isopropyl, then applied 2 coats spaced an hour apart. However, now 2 hot days of good ventilation later I can still easily make fingernails marks into it, and just about anything on it tears or dents the paint.

Did I just get a bad batch of epoxy, or is the appliance epoxy just really soft?
I even painted the top of the can and put it outside for a day to find it's not much harder. I expected something like the paint on the side of my fridge.

Is there a harder epoxy or paint I can use?
1 media | 9 replies
Air2air Vs water2air to fight moisture
I live in a place where summers is hot and humid and I am willing to install a decent heat pump to take care of heating, cooling and domestic hot water production.

My doubt is about the system to adopt for cooling, since moisture control is a must.

I was checking on soffit-installed fancoils but they should not be able to collect enough condensed water to make the environment dry while cooling. Any experience about those? I am now checking on split terminal that being air to air rather than water to air might perform better, but is that even true?
0 media | 2 replies
Wrench substitutions
As prescribed by the (in)famous How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive by John Muir.

Do you do it? Do you find some common subs to be more or less problematic? I've been trying out more or less the ones shown here, and I'm really considering just scribing the (close) equivalents on my SAE wrenches and building a hybrid set. Nowadays it seems like I'm usually not just working with one or the other of the worlds.
2 media | 6 replies
No title
Do you guys hide your DIY skill levels when talking with normies? Or avoid the subject all together because picrel happens a lot?
2 media | 79 replies
Load bearing weights?
Hey all, just bought a house. Old 1920's house, and I'm looking to finish up the attic. The only problem is I don't know anything about load bearing weights, or if my attic can handle the weight, or if thats even something I have to worry about? I originally wanted to put up dry wall, but could I do panelling since its lighter if weight is an issue?
pic unrelated, can provide pictures of said attic if someone is kind enough to help.
4 media | 12 replies
No title
Sorry for making a new thread but I didn't know where to discuss this on 4chan. I've used this site almost 20 years

I want to make a teddy bear like this, how do I learn and know which supplies and needles etc to select? He has a music box and plays teddy bears picnic, I would like to add music boxes too. I want to make durable but soft ones for kids to use.
1 media | 5 replies
digital stethoscope advice
I would like a stethoscope that I can plug into my computer to use with audacity. Unfortunately, I can only find digital stethoscopes that cost hundreds of dollars (pic related is $500 for some reason)
Cheap stethoscopes go for as little as $6 so I would like to splice my own AUX cable or usb cable in myself.

Any ideas for how to do it?
2 media | 13 replies
ac capacitor replacement
I'm replacing the capacitor and compressor fan motor on my AC.

The old capacitor is a 20/4 440. Is it safe to replace it with a 20/5 440?

Pic related is the old capacitor.
2 media | 13 replies
Why the fuck are these fuckers so expensive?
>water filter
>Is plastic for more pfas
>difficult to replace
>lowers pressure
>needs 7 different kinds to work right
$9000.99 plus tip
>car oil filter
>made of metal
>easy to replace
>never leaks
>never explodes
Like seriously. I know they have different filtering media. But why the fuck is there such a disparity.
>keep that polluting car running goyim
>enjoy your fluoride and chlorine
Fuck this gay planet. Just give me a stainless cartridge to load a recyclable filter into do I don't have to taste trash water with fecal matter in it! Make it seal like an oil filter so it doesn't leak.

Is it that fucking hard!?
7 media | 52 replies
No title
I was severely abused at home over my childhood so as an adult, I can't live in a home anymore. A decade of therapy and medications hasnt helped. I'm going to go voluntary homeless instead. I don't want to be attacked by people who attack homeless people, so I'm thinking of building a wooden box for myself. I'll put the coffin on wheels so it is portable. Might attach that camper to a bicycle. I'll sell my car. Tried sleeping in that and other cars I inspected but still felt that domestic violence complex PTSD

I'll strong hinges and secure locks to prevent unauthorized entry. The door will be essentially one panel of the coffin mobile. I'll nail the coffin on a dolly trolly so I can push it arouns.

I'll use a light wood so it is light. Just needs to be sturdy enough that someone can't use a baseball bat to bash it in. I live in Australia so no one uses guns on homeless people.

I'll add a window with flyscreen so I can minimise condensation. Will counterbalance by adding a tonne of insulation because Australia gets mighty cold in the winter.

I'm thinking something like:
Width: 80-90 cm
Length 200-250 cm
Height 120-150 cm

Grateful for any advice and thanks in advance
1 media | 34 replies
/wwg/ Wood working general
Post your projects and questions!

Some resources
> YouTube
Sellers, Krueger, Stumpy Nubs, MatthiasWandel. Hookedonwood if you’re rich enough.

> Reading / other media
Vic Tesolin, Tage Frid, Joshua Klein,

> House building / Framing
Craig Jacobs, Larry Haun

> Old but good plans for a lot of homestead related structures
39 media | 152 replies
No title
images (2)
I'm about a year into a 2 year HVAC trade school program and this image just fucked me up
1 media | 26 replies
No title
Can I remove this without unsoldering or cutting any pipes? It looks like I might have to cut the top pipe.
4 media | 20 replies
Qick Improvised Builds
hey /diy/ post your quick & dirty stuff.
heres mine:
Balcony door AC adapter. Build from cardboard, hot glue and sweat.
I borrowed an AC for the weekend from where I work. for it being temporary I don't feel the need to build something durable. but the heat is awful, so it must go quick.

pic 1/5
11 media | 19 replies
No title
Cool free shit on Craigslist

Do want
7 media | 51 replies
No title
could I use this and a cordless drill to make a cheap propeller for my inflatable boat?
0 media | 13 replies
Thanks /diy/
kussen rubber mesh
10 Days ago I made a thread about my couch cushions sliding across the leather couch, asking for help on how to get them better fixated. Someone here suggested rubber mesh anti slip mats so I bought one at IKEA and it works wonders. The thread was archived already but I just wanted to thank that person for the wonderful suggestion.

It was a pretty big sheet since it's normally used to place under carpets so I folded it a few times and nailed it to the bottom plate of the back cushions.

My only regret is not having nailed the first line nicely in the same direction. But hey, at least they don't touch the surface of the couch so there's no risk of damage to the leather surface.

Thanks anon, my expensive couch is now both aesthetic and practical.
0 media | 3 replies
How often do you change your sheets and wash your blankets?
How many backups do you have?
What kind of blankets, pillows and mattress do you use?
1 media | 27 replies
No title
20240709_132925 (Large)
How can I fix these stairs and what tools/supplies will I need?
I hired some movers to move a gun safe into my basement and they fucked up and dropped the cart half way down and dented up the stairs. Luckily they gave me a refund but now I need to fix this shit.
1 media | 7 replies
Any lawn guys here? This drought is killing me here. Lawn care/mowing thread
4 media | 46 replies
No title
So im going to be resheathing my house with 4x8 zip sheathing. I'm going to be doing it alone for the most part and I had a question on rigging.

If im doing 4x8 sheathing and lifting 1-3 sheets max at a time, do I just use 8 ft rigging slings (half of the diameter choked off) and a Clevis Slip Hook attached to the yellow 1 inch rope on the well wheel? If I have it in a choker it should be fine with two slings right? any tips for working alone?

is this all i need?
1 media | 7 replies
No title
You do NOT need THAT much mortar!!
2 media | 17 replies
/id/ - interior design general
Tufted Boho Throw Pillow Edition

Colour Theory - /fa/ Sticky:

40+ Interior Design Styles Defined | HGTV:

Tags: home decor, architecture, furniture,
14 media | 41 replies
No title
any of you qt lill fuckers doing chemistry?
9 media | 41 replies
No title
>pay $200 for a screw on mcmaster carr
>wait 3 months for delivery on aliexpress
>can't find what the fuck you want or how long it'll take to ship on amazon
How are these our only options
13 media | 48 replies
No title
Do wasps attack at night?
I just found 6 nests in my roof, including 1 with these big black fuckers. I need to climb up there and spray each one. Problem is my egress is not going to be quick.
Am I going to get my shit kicked in by a bunch of wasps or will they stay and protect the nest? Northeast USA, dunno what kind they area.
5 media | 46 replies
No title
Have you heard of essential oil pens? They look like vapes, but they exhale mist of essential oils and cbd. It seems cool and I want to try but it's expensive.

So is there a way to make reusable one?
0 media | 3 replies
Sanding foam
How to sand foam to make it look less icky?
Can a 220 grit sanding disc with an angle grinder do the job?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Anybody here have a decked drawer in their truck? Or any other drawer in the bed?

What do you think of it and how does it work for you?
5 media | 27 replies
Is it better to start your own business or buy an established one?

I want to go into the junk hauling industry, but there is so much competition that the market is just too saturated. Would it be more conducive to just buyout some established brand than to start from scratch?

I'm looking at these business buying sites and they have a lot of moving/junk removal companies listed on there for lowball numbers like 150k to 300k.
1 media | 20 replies
No title
>Doesn't sell tractors.
10 media | 24 replies
Advice on replacing clock's power cord
I have an old alarm clock on which I don't care for the old cord. I plan to replace it. The plug of the existing cord says "TAIHE TP18", which I'm interpreting as being an 18AWG cord. It's non-polarized.

I bought this from Amazon:

And plan to snip off the end and solder in the wire where the current one is.

Here's my dumb question: is there any risk in this? It's my first time doing this. I've done a lot of electrical on my house but this type of thing is new to me.
0 media | 2 replies
No title
help plz
How can I fix this?
1 media | 7 replies
Antler crafts
So, I have a bunch of antlers and I am trying to think of things I can do with them.
They're only rather small roe antlers, but something should be done with them.
HOWEVER, I don't want to do the usual stuff like clotheshooks, grips for things I don't actually need etc., and before I make toggles from them I wanted to ask if anyone has any other ideas.
3 media | 16 replies
What type of metal to use as a base plate for a piano keyboard?
imgext (2)
I want to build a custom midi keyboard enclosure with a metal base plate and build my enclosure on top of that out of hardwood. The side panels would attach to the base plate with brackets while the front and back panel would sit directly on the metal base plate
I want to find out how to achieve the necessary stiffness of the base plate so that it will support the 5kg heavy key mechanism+ the 3kg hardwood and not flex under the pressure of playing. Would a 1.5 mm stainless steel plate do the job if i would have it bent into an L shape so it forms the backside also or would i need to bend it into a U shape. If so, would the front and back side at 1cm and 3cm be high enough to yield the desired stiffness? Could a 1mm stainless steel U shape bent be enough already? Ideally i would want to have only an L shape bend so theres only wood visible in the front side..
Picrel is the design im going for but only the keyboard part without the panel above with all the buttons. The dimensions of the base plate are 100cm x 24cm.

If anyone has any other approaches they could recommend to achieve such a design it would be greatly appreciated.
2 media | 7 replies
Proper sound dampening
What's a decently expensive way to insulate exterior walls against heavy traffic acceleration noise and redneck retardmobiles? I want to actually end the issue, not move or cope and seethe about it.

Everyone on the internet says it's "impossible" or "too expensive" and refuses to elaborate.
2 media | 24 replies
Stupidly long screwdriver update
Long screwdriver
So old thread died, just received the extension and Look at this beauty, Worked like a charm, had to use a broom handle to stop the blades from turning. took out the screws one by one and added blue locktite.
2 media | 10 replies
No title
I've replaced a broken ribbon on my blinds and now I have to cut the loose end down a bit and fix it in place, so it doesn't slip out. The original ribbons have a fixed loop that this one doesn't have. I thought about stapling it together, but that will weaken the ribbon. Any better ideas?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Post /diy/ related tips and tricks
3 media | 40 replies
No title
How much does it cost to have temperature control my room?
2 media | 11 replies
No title
hydrochloric acid to clear a clog?
they sell 17% here, it reads on the bottle i should dilute it so i diluted it with even more water and it didn't work i feel stupid
is 17% going to fuck up my plastic or pvc pipes? it's been sitting in there for like half a day now unable to unclog whatever it is that is clogging my pipes
0 media | 19 replies
No title
Are air tools any good?
4 media | 25 replies
Retard-proof home dust collector?
I'm having a hard time understanding the math behind DIY air purifiers. I bought a 592mm x 592mm F7 filter (pic related, similar to MERV 13) and put it over an 80cm long box with an axial fan pulling the air through it. Producer states it does
>5200m3/h + max. 125Pa
while the filter itself has an "initial pressure drop" of
In general, the thing sort-of works. I can't keep it running indefinitely because it generates 62dB and the fan gets quite hot after an hour. It pulls dust particles of any size like 30cm away from the filter but barely attracts the visible shit beyond this range.

What can I do to improve it? I was thinking F7 might generate too much resistance and should probably not use anything beyond coarse G4 filters with an axial fan but I'm still not sure how to max out the range. Is it high static pressure or large volume of air per hour that I should be looking for?
4 media | 15 replies
Open locked car?
Hey I locked my keys in a 2010 Skoda Yeti. Anyone know how to get it open? A window would do, I can easily reach the keys.
1 media | 9 replies
No title
I want to build a greenhouse along the side of my house like such. Is this a good idea? Would I encounter problems by building it so close to the fence/house?
2 media | 23 replies
injuries thread
tell me about how your body is fucked up. i'll go first
>knee pain from falling off ladders
>random back pain on my left side
>left hand is seriously fucked, i assume from swinging a hammer a billion times. hurts pretty much every second of every day

1 media | 34 replies
Remove weeds, take no prisoners
What are the preferred methods to removing weeds and ensuring new ones aren't going to grow back? I have no issues with using a mixture of diesel, glyphosate, dish soap, liquid (or solid?) clothes detergent, or other shit. No, I do not plan on growing anything remotely close to my house, I have 5 acres in the back for that, I just need an area of 10 feet from all sides of my house cleared out for stones, and also to prevent more annoying cunt weeds from popping up on my gravel walkway. Suggestions? Mixture ratio recommendations? Alternate methods?
6 media | 54 replies
Is there any way to get rid of mold that's under a carpet without tearing up the carpet?
mold removal
A leaky AC caused a patch of mold in my mom's bedroom carpet. Tearing it up will be a real pain since we have to move a lot of stuff. We've managed to get the carpet dry through a carpet blower and dehumidifier. I've tried using hydrogen peroxide and a spray on carpet cleaner (metal can type spray) to get rid of the mold. The hydrogen peroxide made parts of it foam up and the spray on carpet cleaner made it fluffy but the smell of mildew remains. My next plans are to try spraying it with vinegar, Odoban, and a baking soda solution administered through a common spray bottle.. My mom thinks that the mold has gotten underneath the carpet itself and it will need to be removed. I don't understand how water and mold can get underneath the carpet but mold killers can't.
0 media | 14 replies
No title
I just passed an electrical inspection in the backyard apartment I am building.

1 media | 13 replies
No title
How do I get rid of the fungus that grew after applying the cockroach cream?
0 media | 7 replies
With Christmas just around the corner I'd like to make each family a bird house. Cardinal houses are pretty easy, but I'm also looking at making some Martin houses. Any good designs or gotchas? I'll be using wood
3 media | 6 replies
Help, I am a fucking retard
I moved this latch while the open was on and now it won't come back. The oven beeped and showed REMOVE LOC on the display or something similar, but it won't let me.

What the fuck do I do? I tried starting a self cleaning and stopping it, hoping it will unlock the lever/latch, but no luck. Should I kill power for a while?

My fucking dinner is in there.
1 media | 18 replies
Garage ventilation(for real this time)
Thanks for the advice last thread.

Pic related is what I came up with.
>Gray rectangles are windows.
>Both red rectangles will be 3300CFM exhaust vents, along the top of the walls.

How should I size the intake vents? Where should I install them? I was thinking of doing it along the eastern wall so that they're completely shaded. There's usually some pretty good wind down that alley, should I get vents that will make use of the wind? Or just have them flat in the wall?
1 media | 6 replies
Plz clay
How do I extract clay from soil efficiently. Every tutorial says to get dirt, wet it, then do some other things to have clay but I do it and small pebbles stay inside along with the clay being really soft almost liquid. And I’m not going to buy something I literally can get from the ground. Wasn’t really going for any particular shape or for it to be good just to gauge it and it took like 4 hours to mold it into that shitty mug shape
0 media | 7 replies
No title
I poured a thick line of salt along my fence.
It killed large bushes and vines but the grass is growing back after only a month.
How is this possible? How much salt would it take to make the fence line uninhabitable for 70 years?

It's Kansas so it rains good, but there is still visible salt after even a large thunderstorm.
1 media | 12 replies
No title
Can running AC all week long at like 68 degrees with the doors open cause a coolant or capacitor issue?

I had people redoing stuff in my house and now my AC barely works. It runs all day and cant even get it to 78. it was fine before they were there all week.
2 media | 55 replies
BIOS locked laptop
So I bought a HP OMEN 16-b0509la gayming laptop, installed linux on it and set a BIOS password (so in case it got stolen it would become useless) and left the laptop collect dust for a week (I use my job laptop to do most things, I hated how noisy this one was and life happened), and, guess what, I forgot the BIOS password. None of the methods available have helped me recover it. I even flashed a couple of newer BIOS (with the win+b+power combo) just in case I could make it glitch or something or something but that was unsuccessful.

The closest thing I've found (I assume) was this thread:
They basically mod the EEPROM(?) or the BIOS program itself, I suppose.
Another thing I found previously was this script in the "HP BIOS unlock tool" thread of the same forum:
I already bought a CH341A programmer, and the test clip is coming from china (I live in a small town so electronics chink shit is faster and cheaper for me than buying local).

Is this what I need? How do I find the correct chip to dump and modify the password, and how do I use the CH341A programmer? Do you guys know other newer/more advanced methods to clear the BIOS password I can try before disassembling the laptop?

>inb4 jamal
Please, help me /diy/, at least give me some pointers. I feel like I'm pretty advanced in my research so far (it's been months. This is only a summary of what I've found) but I don't want to fry the chip/mobo. I tried contacting HP but they were completely useless. They told me to take it to the authorized local tech service, and they wanted me to pay $100 to diagnose it lmao.

Pic related is the menu I get when it boots (not my pic)
0 media | 69 replies
No title
moved out into the sticks more and i'm seeing at least 1 cockroach/week in the kitchen. there's no holes or anything, it's just how it is in texas. can i sprinkle diatomaceous earth everywhere, leave it for a week and the safely vacuum it up? i've read conflicting things on whether or not it can damage vacuum motors. i have a bagless one.
1 media | 29 replies
reel mower washing
hey guys, I'm looking at getting a reel mower but I don't have an outdoor spigot or anything, so I was going to get a 2 or 3 gallon sprayer and fill it with something to rinse off the mower after each use, like how some people clean their bicycles. the problem is, water + steel is a recipe for rust. what sort of ungodly chemical concoction can I put into the sprayer to clean off the mower while preventing rust?
ideally I would like to be able to use a leaf blower to dry the mower off and either put it in a vehicle for transporting or put it inside my house for storage, so I would prefer something that won't discolor the mower (less important) or the vehicle's carpet or my house flooring (more important)

if anyone owns a reel mower and actually maintains it properly feel free to chime in with advice
2 media | 21 replies
No title
Heat lamp
I literally CAN NOT get fucking LED lights to not burn my plants. The only way appears to be to set them so low they don't put out any fucking light. It makes zero sense that I can put a plant outfuckingdoors in 2000 par and it do fine, but put it indoors at 150 and it burns to a crisp. These fucking things must be putting out sky fucking high UV radiation or something. I've had enough. I'm switching back to fluorescents. I simply can not deal with this shit anymore.
4 media | 45 replies
How tu cure autismo?
An autismo person made a convincing case for me being autismo too.
Now, the coping is too much work. I'm I would have to pay about as much as a driver's license costs for a diagnosis, and then get onto a 3+ year waiting list for therapy. That's not worth it just to get a different kind of wellfare, some weird social clout and cope, and that much work and cash should be enough for an actual cure.
So what's the cure, or what cures have people been trying with a modest to large amount of success?
>inb4 420cureit
I'm getting CBD weed and growing my own so I have that possibility covered.
9 media | 64 replies
No title
some freak keeps flying a drone over our backyard when my daughter is playing outside. we live in the countryside and don't have many neighbours so it can't be a coincidence. do i set up a drone jammer (outside of my skillset) or shoot it down?
23 media | 280 replies
No title
Is there such a thing as a completely silent A/C?
5 media | 50 replies
No title
What kind of power usage and costs am I looking at if I want to install a commercial-grade cooling system in my house? I have some extra cash, and one thing I have always wanted to do is to turn my house into a winter paradise even when it is 50C/122F outside.

I would need a commercial freezer apparatus capable of cooling a space of around 2,300 square feet/214 meters to (hopefully) below the freezing point, if I desire.
0 media | 24 replies
No title
Are there any other quality hammer brands or is estwing indeed the best?
I would prefer buying European but surprisingly, unlike wrenches, pliers or screwdrivers, there are not that many german made hammers that I know of.
7 media | 39 replies
No title
does anyone make these with a long shank that adapts to a 1/4" hex shank? i'm so tired of having to grip these with a pair of fucking pliers.
>google it
wiha makes something close but the neck diameter is too fat to fit into recessed holes.
4 media | 25 replies
/hbg/ - Homebrew General
Skeeter Pee Season

Previous Thread: >>2774824

Calculators and Tools:

Other Useful Resources:
30 media | 173 replies
Demo job
Some middle aged Turkish dude offered me a job in demolition, pay ain't bad, but the thing is I'm kind of a weak fuck who sits at home playing video games all day and I've never had a manual labor job in my life. I need a job kinda bad though. Is it a bad idea to take it or nah?
0 media | 11 replies
is carpentry a good job for a /fit/ guy
i did the typical aimless white kid in north america thing where i went to university straight out of high school and got a useless liberal arts degree thinking i'd eventually ''figure it out''. now im 30 with no real skills and i want to learn and do something tangible and real. carpentry seems like a decent bet

>probably the single most useful trade you can learn, can literally build your own house with the right skillset and knowledge
>seems interesting
>can apply my already established physical strength
>my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ also held this profession
>potential for injuries
>every carpenter i know complains of back/knee/shoulder pain
>starting from the very bottom at 30 fooking years old
1 media | 19 replies
diy with a female
This is not a female hate thread. Women are soft and smell good.

However, how the heck does anyone do diy with them?
Are there any tips as every decision seems to be a clusterbomb of disaster.

Is it their female nature or has tiktok renovating IKEA furniture into a bead covered bookcase rotted their brains?

How the hell do these YouTuber couples not kill each other?
13 media | 98 replies
Look what they've done to my boy
How do you manage to half bake this idea so badly? The King weeps.

>context: some youtuber buys Elvis's dilapidated private jet and builds this thing larping as an RV
3 media | 16 replies
No title
How would /diy/ go about living with as little maintenance as possible?
I'm tired of mold, bad siding, drafty windows, uneven floors, slanted walls, paint chipping, gutter cleaning, yard watering, shingles failing, smelly hvac, cracked driveway.... I could go on.
I have a degenerative spine condition that will only get worse. I just want to chill and live without anxiety or worry.
My plan is likely to just live in a metal box with good ventilation. I have to convince my partner first.
So does /diy/ have tips and tricks?
2 media | 24 replies
No title
My neighbors installed a security camera above their back door, that is a 7 foot fence separating our houses. The camera looks directly into my garden and is just far enough over that it is in direct view of my front door.

So how would you handle the situation?
6 media | 64 replies
No title
How long should my rigging straps be fore 4x8 sheathing?

Got a well wheel and I'll be working alone. Any tips?
0 media | 2 replies
No title
Can I place my mattress directly on this, and then on my carpet floor, and be safe from mould and condensation? If not, what if I make deep cuts into it every inch or so, which would allow for ventilation
0 media | 15 replies
No title
How would one go about air conditioning (and ideally heat pumping) an entire house if that house has no ducting? Do they make mini splits with multiple indoor units plumbed into a single outdoor unit? Would you just need multiple mini splits? Is a single mini split capable of cooling multiple rooms on its own?
33 media | 130 replies
How hard is it to grow your own?
>cigar tobacco is air-cured and alkaline - it can't be inhaled
>cigarette tobacco is oven-cured and acidic - it can be inhaled
... is this true?
Bonus Q: what causes cancer (allegedly) and how to minimize it?
10 media | 78 replies
No title
Is a giant speaker (to play fan noises) + IEMs a more cost effective way to block out noise compared to tearing down your wall and adding a ton of mass to it?
0 media | 4 replies
Abominations Thread XLVIII
Abominations Thread XLVIII

Previous thread 'gon die soon enough >>2817530

"Things that will eventually kill the clumsy and/or retarded edition"

Also, maybe mods/jannies or whoever is in charge should get the bump limit on /diy/ raised to 500 posts like other boards. 300 post bump limit seems a bit young.
134 media | 371 replies
Home Security
sample plan
A place to talk about general security questions. How do you plan your home security/home defense?

Suppose you not only have a need to know of an intrusion, but to prove an intrusion occurred for legal purposes. Can you DIY (e.g. door/window sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi logging events) or do you need to pay a security company like ADT to run a certified system that can be used as evidence to corroborate that a break-in happened?
1 media | 9 replies
No title
vegplottersnapshot-new-plot---created-2024-07-23-02-02-48-Jul2024 (2)
Hello! This is my backyard. It's boring and full of grass. I would like to grow vegitables and herbs while still making it aesthetic for my wife. Are there any tools to assist with design or do i have to be creative?

(grey is house, wood is our deck, the lines are powerlines that cant be dug)
4 media | 7 replies
I want to slide a bolt along a slot and fix it like in a t bevel but somehow I can't find a strip of metal with a slot all the way along it.
What are these called and where would I find one?
Do I have to cut up a t bevel?
1 media | 16 replies
No title
>do something
>spend too much money and blow weekly budget
>do nothing
>depression and no will to continue

how do i do cheaper?
if not then how do I break my dependency on doing random stuff to quiet the bad head voices?

i have a lot of freedom at work and can take on projects at will there if it can go under the monthly budget and benefit the company. But lately they have been denying proposals for projects because the company is going under a bit.
I have a few personal projects but they are at a stopping point that is solved by spending a lot of fucking money i donthave.

how do you feel good about cheap /diy/ projects, how do you feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose from something with no physical result? Hardmode: you have crippling autism and cannot comprehend the benefit of others from your work
1 media | 4 replies
/sg/- Sewing General
noticed the sewing thread was gone and i wish to discuss it
71 media | 311 replies
Backyard Foundry
>Do you even melt, bro?

I did my first casting today, I'm totally a foundryman now. My first two melts earlier in the week I made some ingots, just melting soda cans. >>2783890
Yesterday I made my first flask from a spare fencepost, and some greensand from sifted playsand and a mix of sodium bentonite and calcium bentonite. Yard marking calcium carbonate as parting powder, worked great. Designed a little ashtray in Fusion360 and turned it into a pattern. I did a pretty bad job but I was impatient and really wanted everything ready to do this casting today. Rammed up fine, might've been a little dry, but just barely. Worked out okay though, very happy with the result after a brief cleanup.

Do you scrap? Stack? Do you sell signs on Etsy? Do you sand cast? Investment casting? Do you like huffing zinc fumes and snorting silica powder? Show me your furnace, show me your castings.

Sand and jpeg compression don't get along.
127 media | 319 replies
No title
Poorfag here, my kitchen is made with laminated particle board. Can I breathe new life into it by painting all the panels? If so, how do I get is smooth with no streaking?
0 media | 5 replies
vault hunter
Supposing, hypothetically, there was this safe that had long ago lost its key, what method would you use to open it?

Violence is acceptable, but no explosives.
6 media | 47 replies
No title
Americans live in folding homes.
How embarrassing.
56 media | 319 replies
Gluing book corners to old book
I have an old book apparently bound in linen, and I want to attach these metal book corners to it. It's very important to me, though, so if I use glue, I don't want it to be visible.

The corner pieces are 4cm at the longest points, so the solid parts, between the gaps, are very small. I'd need an adhesive that can be applied in very, very small spots so that when the metal piece is pressed down, the glue doesn't spread and become visible.

Any idea what I could do? I'm hoping to find a very specific glue instead of just using some random cyanoacrylate, or polyurethane, or whatever. I can include a more scaled photo later.
0 media | 5 replies