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Board: /diy/

"/diy/ - Do It Yourself" is 4chan's imageboard for DIY/do it yourself projects, home improvement, and makers.

Welcome to /diy/
Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links: (archived)
3 media | 4 replies
No title
I am absolutely fixated on making a direct wind powered wood chipper.

I don't care if it is slow. The idea is to buy a mini industrial shredder (in pic, $350 USD), and hook it up through gear reductions or just a planetary gear box directly into a small wind turbine shaft system.

I've never done anything like this, need all the /diy/deas

>why? Because i need mulch
>why? Because i live off grid in a very windy and dry place

Ideally also this will be a modular system so I can attach other stuff to this high torque wind system, like an oil press, or clay turntable.
6 media | 63 replies
/ohm/ - Electronics General: Connector Consortium Edition
JST connectors
Thread suffered burn-in: >>2891441

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:
bake at page 10, post in old thread

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:


>Principles (by increasing skill level):
Mims III, Getting Started in Electronics
Geier, How to Diagnose & Fix Everything Electronic
Kybett & Boysen, All New Electronics Self-Teaching Guide
Scherz & Monk, Practical Electronics for Inventors
Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics

>Recommended software tools:
KiCAD 6+
Logisim Evolution

>Recommended Components/equipment:
eBay/AliExpress sellers, for component assortments/sample kits (caveat emptor)
Local independent electronics distributors

>Most relevant YouTube channels:
Moritz Klein

>microcontroller specific problems?
>I have junk, what do?
Shitcan it
>consumer product support or PC building?
>household/premises wiring?
More rules-driven than engineering, try /qtddtot/ or sparky general first
>antigravity and/or overunity?
Go away
9 media | 30 replies
Wacky Washing Machine
I bought a washing machine from Amazon that arrived on the 5th. I plumbed it in the same day without bothering to read the instructions and I've used it loads since then. I thought it was strange that it jumps all around the house and makes it feel as though there's an earthquake happening, but I assumed this was normal and it just has an excitable personality.

Today I noticed picrel on the floor behind the washing machine and panicked because it's snapped off so I couldn't screw it back in. decided to read the instructions and it turns out this bolt and three others are "transit bolts" to lock the suspension in place during shipping.

how could anyone possibly figure this out? how fucked is my washing machine?
2 media | 17 replies
/emt/ Eternal Machinist Thread
Ask machining questions, post machining failures.
CAD CAM talk
Speeds and feeds guessing
G-Code, M-Code, Bro-Code
Fanuc vs Haas
Bitch about pay
Ignore Sieg
Button pushers who think they're machinists

Thread theme:
44 media | 145 replies
Prefab vs DIY
I want to get a shed in my yard to use as an office since my house is pretty small but I have a ton of land.

Now I am wondering if buying materials and building it myself would actually be cheaper than prefabs.

Obviously there is no upper limit to how expensive and intricate either can be but I'd like to keep it under 8k. The only thing I really care about is having enough room for a desk and for it to be waterproof. Windows would be nice too.

I am a construction worker and have worked on pretty much every part of house building but I'd be doing most of it alone.

I just feel like by the time I buy all the material for a small shed I'll be in the range of 10k anyways since I don't have the ability to bulk buy from cheap sellers like prefab makers.

>pic rel a shed from home depot for 4k that I quite like
9 media | 39 replies
No title
>Why is oil based paint so hard to find?

I am trying to paint a 150 year old house with the original wood siding, everything says oil paint is the only way to go to keep the wood from rotting. Yet nobody makes oil based paint anymore it seems.
2 media | 29 replies
No title
How hard do you think it would be to convert a small room into a sauna for somebody who has used a miter saw once under the supervision of his father 10 years ago
2 media | 26 replies
Insulation General
Cheapest way to insulate this garage roof?

I'm thinking about insulating my garage so I can heat it when I want to work on my motorcycle over winter. I've got electrical and some stuff stored on top of the runners so i'd like to keep that space usable and insulate all the way up to the roof even though I know its less ideal.

What's the easiest/cheapest way to accomplish this? anything that looks halfway decent without drywalling over it? foamboard? spray?

Post your insulation quests here.
0 media | 3 replies
/PG/ - Plumbing General
I have a copper 1/2 pipe with a temporary sharkbite fitting. I don't have the tool to remove it nor can I get my wrench on the pipe or behiind it on the plastic part to pinch and pull it by force. Do I absolutely need to pinch the plastic part of the sharkbite fitting to be able to pull it off, or can I just put a wrench or pliers around by the cap? I'm trying to avoid destroying a metal cover or cutting into drywall just to pinch the plastic to pull it off. Is it possible to remove these without having to pinch the tiny plastic part circled in the image?

Plumbing is about the only DIY category that doesn't have its own general here for some reason. Figured I could maybe get the ball rolling with a question and a provide a thread where people to ask their own since I feel bad for killing a thread for just one question.
58 media | 228 replies
No title
How much do you recon one would need in solar panels, batteries and wiring to make this off the grid building livable? And by that I mean running a fridge, lighting, power outlets, heating. This region has 2500+ hours of sunlight/year.
For context it's a 4 acre property that sits on a hilltop and is for sale for $20k.
0 media | 8 replies
No title
Cameras, dummy batteries, and 18650 cells

I posted this on /p/ also, but thought there might be some actual engineers here.
I have a few DSLR cameras that have piss poor batteries, and I want to use external power sources.
Popular option seems to be to use a dummy battery with 5v to 7.4v usb DC converter, and get the power from power bank. However, I read from some discussion that the noise from the converters can eventually damage the camera, and that you would be better using 18650 cells directly with the dummy battery.

How would I do this in practice? Just plug them straight in? What about voltage drop when it gets discharged? How does the camera know the battery level, and prevent over discharge? One of the cameras is eos m50 that uses lp-e12 batteries.

I would assume that you need to make some sort of protection circuit that monitors the charge in the batteries, but every YouTube video and blog post on powering dslrs with external batteries completely ignores this part.

Pic is from google, not my project
3 media | 17 replies
No title
Mystery "rotten eggs" smell in house.

When I open the door to the basement, there's a significant smell (kind of like raw sewage or gas or something).

The basement itself doesn't smell. It's only at the entrance to the basement.
The smell dissipates quickly once the door is open and returns after some minutes when the door is closed.

Checked all drains in basement: nope
Guy from gas company checked the gas: nope
Nothing in the basement that could cause the smell. (The basement itself doesn't smell).

Anyways, I'm stumped. Anyone got any ideas?
0 media | 10 replies
/SQTDDTOT/ Stupid Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps and is now on page seven: >>2891191
If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

> Some friendly suggestions for posting:
> - First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
> - List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
> - Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
> - Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
> - Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!
40 media | 132 replies
How to start as a carpenter?
Hi anon

I want to get a job as a carpenter
Probably starting as an apprentice

Which way would be the fastest to achieve such a feat?

What I already did

>Spoke to my local carpenter's union guy
>Went to some construction sites and asked for help around
>Called some construction contractors
>Visited some other jobs that hire carpenters
>Browsed some online job websites
>Applied for a carpenter apprenticeship

More specific questions I would have are:

>What else can I do?
>How long before I get called to have my apprenticeship classes?

Any help would be a great send anon
9 media | 26 replies
Crossbow making
1. How hard would be crafting a release nut, when I don't have access to the lathe or hardly to any electric tools right now?
2. What kind of wood would be best for stock? Soft, hard or maybe something inbetween?
10 media | 43 replies
/3dpg/ - 3D Printing General - #364
Any color so long as it's black edition
Last Thread: >>2893054

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

>What printer should I buy? [52/40/10 :detadpU tsaL]
Do your own research, but if you gotta ask; just buy whatever Bambu fits your budget.
SLA: >>>/tg/3dpg

>Where can I get things to print?

>What CAD software should I use?
Free to anyone: FreeCAD, Fusion360, Onshape, TinkerCAD,
Free to me: Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, Solidworks, Rhino, Solid Edge
Autistic /g/oobers: OpenSCAD, OpenJSCAD, CadQuery
Participation medal entries: PTC Creo, Solvespace
Mesh free-forming and modeling: Blender
Architects: Sketchup

>What slicer should I use?
For everyone: Cura, PrusaSlicer, BambuStudio for Bambu owners.
For enthusiasts: SuperSlicer, OrcaSlicer
For autists: Pleccer/SuperPleccer, Kiri:Moto, FullControl

Legacy Pastebin (Last updated 1782 days ago): (embed)
43 media | 221 replies
The living room workshop
What are the implications of setting up shop in your new apartment?

I lobbed off half the base of this arbor press with a sawzall, raised it with some threaded rod, built a new base and welded a socket to the spindle so I could use a ratchet or torque wrench.

I use the coffee table for cutting PVC and wood.

Seriously though I'm just looking for ideas on what to use for risers. I'm currently using PVC and it works well up to 2000 lbs where I need it but if I want to go higher I gotta use something more robust.

I also gotta reinforce the walmart particle board desk its sitting on. It may give way and my heavy as fuck cast iron press will smash through the floor.
7 media | 12 replies
How to make
images (2)
How do people do this?? Is it some kind of mold with silicon? I want to try my hand at making my own. Thanks.
2 media | 3 replies
No title
I work at a steel plant and they are going to put me on the saws. Is there a mask or anything you recommend I should wear do I don't get that nonsense in me as much as I can
1 media | 14 replies
No title
Have you accepted your lord and savior the Paslode as the superior nailgun yet?
2 media | 12 replies
No title
I hate romanians so much its unreal
0 media | 0 replies
No title
How to make your own toothpaste?
1 media | 18 replies
Cnc repair
Does anyone have expereince with repairing a cnc machine? I have a 1980s toyoda fhn80t with a fanuc 11m control. I can't get the machine to boot. The controller loads fine but when I try to power the machine on nothing just here a relay click. This happend when I was cleaning the machine and left it running for a few hours. Pulling my hair out here trying to figure out what's wrong.
0 media | 1 replies
My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project - #3
Last Threads:

To begin: the project goal: I am working to make a series of humanoid robots. I am using a Biblical theme of naming the first 3 robots I make Adam, Eve, and Abel. The goal is for these robots to have human body inspired musculoskeletal systems, advanced AI, and that they look human and pass for human to a casual observer at least at a distance. They must be able to walk, talk, run, dance, do sports, do chores, manufacture products, and make more robots just like themselves if not even better. My aim is to build a single robot arm and head and then add sufficiently advanced AI to that arm and head to enable it to build the rest of its own body for me. This way I am delegating the work of building the majority of my first humanoid robot to that robot rather than doing that work myself - and this is to save me time.

In a like manner, my goal with the AI is to code just enough AI that the AI can begin coding itself and this way I don't have to code most of the AI myself because it will self create itself. I liken this to building a seed and that seed growing into a tree because for me to code that tree would take too long for me and just creating the seed would then save me time.
24 media | 216 replies
No title
anyone have any ideas? I bought two different mops but nothing is helping
2 media | 15 replies
No title
Need some guidance on what plants, trees or shrubs I should put at the front of my cousins house. Thoughts? The bluestone garden bed is about 900mm wide. Thinking pencil pines and maybe some box hedge in between. Appreciate your input!
1 media | 4 replies
WTF ain't mirrors used for Summer VS Winter flex?
supposed to be really neat that sunken windows with overhang lets in low angle winter sun but blocks high angle summer sun. Of course its pretty "set in cement" and can't really be changed once built.

Mirrors seem pretty cheap and they also got pretty durable stretch mirrors used in gyms that I've seen take beatings from rabid Jr High School brats.

How about a system of mirrors to reflect sun away or directly into house, and you'd maybe flip that once a year. Maybe more like adjust every 2 months for max benefit.

With mirrors you could do shit like blast a rectangle of near direct sun up into a ceiling from around a dark shaded corner.

Sure some birds will shit and dust collect but it should 98% hose off just fine. Probably scare off most birds, or will start entertaining "bird fighting itself".
1 media | 17 replies
How do i scrub the inside of my bottles?
I have a bunch of water bottles and they have some kind of residue on the walls that i cant get off with dish soap or even acid.
Is there an ingenious way to scrub the inside of a glass bottle?
3 media | 10 replies
No title
Now that the dust has settled - air or electric tools ?
13 media | 43 replies
How difficult would it be to DIY this?
I have some electronics and programming background (as in ive made websites, programmed arduinos and made flashing LED circuits) but never messed with anything this complex, much less worked with X-rays. I really would love to have one but at 20 grand a piece it simply aint happening for me..
5 media | 24 replies
Plumbing question
I'm trying to figure out this clog in my bathroom, and in my research I found that it could be a vent issue. I don't know where all the pipes in the house come from and go to, but there's one vent outside, close to the bathroom. I can reach it without going on the roof. I look inside it, AND IT'S FULL OF ROCKS!! Like gravel from the driveway.
So my question is:
Is there any vent that comes out of a house that is supposed to have rocks in it? Would taking out these rocks be a problem?
0 media | 1 replies
No title
i live around a defunct 80's/90's airbase with tons of small abandoned bunkers and lookouts. i found a particularly intact looking one in the forest. if i scraped off all the paint and pressure whashed it would it be safe to sleep in? or am i just retarded?
image semi related
3 media | 36 replies
No title
Glorious Liechtensteinese Master Race
21 media | 47 replies
should I buy this?
This trailer home is for sale for $70,000. Median trailer homes in my area are 150k+. What's the catch?
5 media | 60 replies
Alright, how close to a dryer fire was this?
I think what happened was that the central exhaust tube was knocked loose by one of the various earthquakes that have happened recently. I was wondering why the outside vent had less lint than what it should have had. The dryer stopped working recently and due to the sounds it was making beforehand, I figured the belt was fraying. The belt is actually in serviceable condition. The thermostat or something must have tripped and bricked the unit. I was trying to fix it and save some money but now I'm thinking it's not worth it. I can see some black lint around the heating unit. Gas dryer by the way.
1 media | 2 replies
No title
got one of these but the adjustable feature BTFO because bars connected to motor bent.

it really a shit design IMO and puts massive stress on torque of 1" soft steel pipe.

Already took out motor, had to toss a new motor after I figure out it wasn't the motor but the frame that got bent, trying to bend it back not really in the cards.

So plan-F is to Nigger-Rig a system of ropes and pulleys. I got units like this for Head and Foot ends, and had 8ftx44" plywood and glued and screwed 2x2 across that, so I've got places to attach pulleys overhead.

Only issue seems to be the ropes for the Legs end of the bed frame would be sorta in the way of legs getting in and out. So I'm trying to brainstorm a way to have ropes and pulleys operate that part while I'm laying in bed and still keep out of the way.

Most of the frame is pretty stout, so maybe I can just operate one side and that would work, but probably not.

I figure to use the old "Ridge Line Knot" for slide adjuster with about 1/2" rope.

I'd like to come up with a solution to make these sort of beds with just manual, because I think that would be plenty. Some weak old fucks might need a block and tackle to operate, but in my case just pulling arms rowing style and helping with situp or leg raise should be good.
1 media | 5 replies
My fucking dog wanders too far away from my property.
People have started complaining. In my country collars that shock the dog are illegal, i can track where he goes via gps with one, but i cant physically put a barrier. Only the paperwork to put a fence would be a nightmare, and i cant chain my good boy to a post, that would be too cruel.
How do you solve it?
2 media | 19 replies
Post your livestock.
What happened to the cow post? I was off doing it myself, and came back hoping to see more pictures of cows, and now it's gone. :(

This is Rose, one of our Jersey milk cows.
10 media | 19 replies
/ham/ Amateur, CB, Shortwave Listening, Pirate Radio, Repeater Kerchunking General
200 km/h in the Wrong Lane edition

Previous thread: >>2864357

Eternal thread theme:

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

>The wiki is down but is archived:
>Idiot's Guide to Coax Cable
>Looking for frequencies to monitor near you?
>Basic Rx loop fundamentals
>DIY SWL Mag. Loop
>Small Tx Loop
>In Depth Loop articles
>Homebrew RF Circuits
>NEW Library

>Online Practice Tests:
> Real-Time Propagation Data
>Space Weather
>WSJT-X 2.1 User Guide
>Homosexual (ft8) guide
>Weather Fax resources
>point to point predictions, its free and will give you an idea of how much power/ what frequencies to use to reliably talk to your friend
>how do I into Morse code in a good way?
15 media | 59 replies
No title
I need emergency plumbing advice.
This shitty old pipe suddenly started to leak and the shaft is now slowly filling with water which i have to pour out with a bucket like if i was on a sinking ship.
What would be the best way to repair it? I can't change that part because access to this spot is TERRIBLE. So i was thinking
>clean the spot with acetone to get rid of that grime and dirt
>maybe also with wd40 after to degrese it and remove any rust
>then mix up some 2 part 5minute epoxy resin and smear it on the part where it leaks to plug it up
(closing the leak with that little lever on the left is not possible i already tried that)
My only worry is, will the epoxy stick to the metal surface around the leak?
Will this work?
2 media | 12 replies
3D Printers
What's a good 3D printer to buy? My budget is around $200. I'm an mature, & I'm mostly gonna use it for printing minis & knicknacks
15 media | 130 replies
/wg/ Welding General
pie line
A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.

Thread Theme: Wintertime Edition
13 media | 44 replies
Pallet House
Is it feasible to build one of these to live in? Just slap some fiberglass and a wood burning stove in there and call it good?
On /pol/ they were telling me to build cobson adobe but I want to build 4 of these connected to an outdoor area covered by a roof
21 media | 51 replies
No title
>go to local national forest
>chop tree down
>pour epoxy on it and sand it down
>make 100k
is it really that easy?
1 media | 18 replies
No title
pond is losing water, I suspect it's because of tears in the liner (possibly caused by plants)

can I fix it by dumping a bunch of grainy sand into it?
I don't want to empty it and buy expensive Pond liner and imo it's to deep anyways
1 media | 14 replies
Sewing General
file thread

Sup homies, general rule of thumb with this thread:
1. we try not to be assholes.
2. Please use google first.
3. If you find something useful, post it.
4. ???
5. Profit

Ladder Stitch AKA Invisible Stitch.

Thread theme:
Personal advice thread, post what you think will help.
mine -
1. Nylon is best thread.
2. Clean your bobbin area, you may have some fuzz.
3. Use a holding stitch; this is likely the FIRST one you see on your machine. It's just a dotted line.
4. Make at least 2 extra bobbins as backups.
5. ALWAYS have scraps to test your stitch out on.
6. If you need a mini kit, buy some black nylon thread, small scissors, a spare needle, and a small carrying case. You don't really need more than that. Shit, I used to keep a spare needle in my hat sticking out but in the right place where I wouldn't get stabbed in the head.
7. If you're trying to make your stitch look nice, ironing def helps.
8. Get a good chair, as you will be sitting a LONG ASS TIME. LUMBAR SUPPORT MY FRIEND! (get up once in a while and stretch)
9. You're never too good to practice on something.
10. Make something for your mom damn it, even if it's a pillow.

Your question may be stupid but ask it anyway.
33 media | 175 replies
In-wall gun safe
Looking for ideas to DIY a very secure gun safe in the wall. I've already built one that turned out pretty good but it's a "hidden" one and I wouldn't really call it "secure". I could probably rip the thing down with nothing but my hands if i tried.

I'd like to make another one that doesn't necessarily have to be "hidden", but should be more secure so that it wouldn't be as easy to break into.

This would likely be between 2 wall studs and I can use the entire floor-ceiling height of the space in between. I was thinking I could build a custom hidden hinge door seated between the studs and use a key locking bolt in the stud to secure it.

anyone done something similar or have better ideas for DIY safe options?

my alternative is to just wait for an actual fireproof safe to pop up for sale near me and take the easy way out.
1 media | 14 replies
No title
Decorative concrete expert here. Will be posting some of my work from last season.
Wishing all the tradies a good year this year, except electricians, yall are nerds.
This is a wood stamp I did, came out absolutely stunning.
31 media | 126 replies
Tractor thread
It's been a good while since we've had a good tractor thread.
53 media | 224 replies
DIY Haircuts
anyone do this and have tips or suggestions? I'm tired of paying $30+ for a shitty haircut and being forced to small talk.
9 media | 38 replies
No title
hello friends,

I have a couple of fake Makita power tools from a company called 'Kewei', they're your Generic copies of Makita with similar style to Makita battery.

So the Batteries slide right in.

I recently purchased a geniuen Makita DHR242 drill without batteries as I thought the fake batteries would be able to give power to the DHR drill but alas the batteries did not power the drill for some reason. Is there some sort of protection that disallows geniune Makita from working with counterfeit batteries?
0 media | 5 replies
drain hose to PVC cap?
I recently had a new combo furnace and indoor air handler installed. Picrel. The crew spliced PVC into my main waste line and ran a new 1/2" rubber hose for the condensate (at left in pic). The right PVC pipe is an earlier splice from my water softener (fitted with a dual air gap). You can see that the crew simply ran the rubber hose into the PVC with no airgap. They said this was "fine." It seems less than ideal, and I'd like to close it up with a cap. What cap would be best to add to the PVC that would easily connect to the drainage hose? Would a similar dual air-gap cap do (like the one from my softener's ejection line)? Are there any other considerations? The rubber hose would only ever handle condensate directly from the furnace and delivered via a side-mounted float pump.
1 media | 6 replies
Car Battery DIY Power Aux Hub / Ports?
Are there any products already made in mind to run power from the car battery into the dashboard for a usb hub or hub with wires/ports for different voltages to power aux stuff like usb/wire gps for anti-theft tracking, etc?

Most products out there go into the odb port or only have wiring for 1 device from the battery to the device, but I want to have the option to plug in something into a usb port in addition to a wired connection, etc. Do any products like this already exist that allow you to DIY your own car appliances? Nothing 110v, just stuff like usb/car gps device, etc.
2 media | 6 replies
No title
If you had an infinite amount of time and resources what would you attempt to build yourself?
6 media | 65 replies
No title
>the HOA final boss
5 media | 58 replies
Built-In Wardrobe
Carpenter here, I am looking to install some wardrobes in my 1950's house and I am struggling to decide where to do it and what it should look like. My current plans are to install it in the north western corner. I am kind of at a loss as I do not want to lose much space in the bed room. How would you do it if you were me? I currently have some old french doors I will be refurbishing and using them as the wardrobe sliding doors (possibly) but I am open to ideas.

>want it to take minimal space in the room
>the ceiling is higher then the standard ceiling so shelving/open hanging wardrobe could possibly be an idea.

Im at a loss, sorry for the metric measurements to the Americans. Any constructive input would be helpful.
1 media | 3 replies
No title
sawn thread
3 media | 34 replies
Attic Insulation
This is more of a psa than a how do I thread. I bought a wood frame home 2 years ago, always felt like it had poor insulation which was the opposite of what I've been told about them. Being a 20 year old house I figured maybe the original insulation was worn out and considered hiring a company to blow in the white stuff. This would have been costly and a waste of money. I was up in the attic fixing some air duct leaks when I noticed the insulation had big gaps underneath it. The original installers placed the rolls on top of the truss beams instead of seating them in down in between the trusses. So there was basically a 4"-5" gap under every run and they were gapped open at the ends near the eaves allowing free air flow underneath the insulation. The professionally installed and inspected insulation was basically doing nothing at all but looking pretty from above. It took a few hours of attic yoga, wearing a respirator and a headlamp I went through each bat pressing them down into the truss gaps and using a broom handle to seat harder to reach areas. Since doing this, outside noise is muffled much better and my air conditioning unit barely runs as the rooms stay at a more stable temperature. I don't need to hire a company to refresh my insulation since it was never installed properly in the first place. This may not be the case for everyone but it was definitely worth a few hours of my time poking around in the attic. If you decide to do this, please know that drywall is not weight bearing, stay on the truss beams and do it on a cool or rainy day as you'll likely die attempting this in the summer. Looking forward to seeing the savings on my next electric bill for something that was basically free. Thanks for reading my TED talk on attic insulation.
2 media | 9 replies
No title
whats the coldest wall temp you can spray foam?
0 media | 3 replies
How to add Clavi to tunicas?
Late roman
If i wanted to make my own late roman Tunica, how would i go about adding the Clavi? Apparentally it was woven into the fabric itself but i wonder if there's another or alternative way to do it? It doesn't have to be the more complicated patterns, just the simple ones are alright.
0 media | 2 replies
Flooring advice??
images - 2025-02-05T151854.964
So here's what:
>moved into new house
>floor is concrete with vinyl (unglued) on top.
>I live in cold Tasmania
Here is what I am thinking;
>Build wooden frame, put it on top of vinyl, place cork on frame, place tatami on cork
>throw-out vinyl, paint concrete, put down rugs
>Hardwood planks on top of vinyl
0 media | 7 replies
No title
First time soldering. It leaks at the two street 45s but I’m gonna try again. Will update attempt two.
5 media | 33 replies
No title
What are some good adages for the trades? Looking to make a list. Thinking of classics like "measure twice, cut once" but also new ones.

>the best part is no part
>it's way easier to remove material than adding it
7 media | 66 replies
Capcut help please
is there a way i can make the mouth layar of my characters follow the character moving across the screen perfectly in capcut?

Like can i copy the exact same keycrame settings and put it onto the mouth layar so it moves my characters body layar perfectly?
1 media | 6 replies
How much does it costs to print a clay house ?
Hello, has anybody encountered 3D house printing in real life ? The topic is hyped, so it could be interesting to known the expenses of that type of construction. As a base point for calculations, I suggest using the 3D-printed house TECLA. Calculations of clay as a house-building material are also welcome.
2 media | 11 replies
No title
I don't consider you a real man if you leave the guard on the grinder.
16 media | 122 replies
No title
*record scratch* yep that's me, you might be wondering how I ended up in this situation...
2 media | 16 replies
/CTG/ - Chinese Tools & Gadgets For DIY General
Most of the tools we buy today are all manufactured in China, and just imported, assembled, local logo slapped, and marked up for 3 x's the price. What are some tools or gadgets you've bought from Chinese websites that turned out better than expected for your DIY projects and hobbies?

Post pics or screenshots of the item you bought and the price and whether it was good or a ripoff.

Optional: What else were you able to afford for your DIY because of the money you saved by buying from China? Can be more Chinese tools or something western made.

Previous: >>2860719
75 media | 266 replies
home medicine
/diy/ cure for high fevers, cold/flu/whatever the fuck I got?

Also generic /diy/ health/medicine thread
0 media | 15 replies
No title
What’s the story on these big ~1000w, ~3000rpm corded handheld drills? Who uses them for what? I thought speeds that fast were only for really small bits in soft metal, where you’d be using a drill press or mag drill or something.

Or conversely, why do cordless drills usually top out at ~2000rpm?
4 media | 56 replies
No title
I have a cracked polyamide object (probably Nylon 66). How can I fuse the parts together?
0 media | 3 replies
/wwg/ - Woodworking General
New Year Edition

Post woodworking related questions, projects, ideas etc.


67 media | 345 replies
No title
How might a sperg such as myself cut highly specific shapes out of a pipe using a rotary tool and a cutting head while doing a good job?
Bonus question: is there a way to bend sheet metal into a tube while not meaningfully changing the thickness of the material and not buying some huge expensive machine?
0 media | 5 replies
"Homemade" keyboard
I don't mean like "made from scratch"(more like "from scraps"), I mean that I have a couple of ibm thinkpad laptop keyboards laying around the house (pic related) and I recenlty found the "IBM Spacesaver" old keyboard which I would like to have because i use the trackpoint all the time when working but the keyboard alone is PS/2 and +100€ so I wondered how hard it would be to solder the connectors that the keyboards have, which connect to the motherboard, but instead make it a solid standalone keyboard I can use on any PC.
I have 0 knowledge of soldering so if someone knows the answer either if it could or could not work, please give me the explanation for retards.
Thank you.
1 media | 2 replies
Storm Drain Filtration
I just recently bought a few acres and the wife and I have been planning what we want on the property when we begin construction. The land is in a small valley between two hills, within those two hills are two storm drains that run into an emphemeral stream that goes down through our property into the next lot.
Our plan right now is to build our house up from the stream, and eventually install a large pond that is naturally fed by the storm drain runoff, with the excess flow being released downstream like before.
Obviously with it being a storm drain, the water is cloudy and not the cleanest, how can we set up a filtration system that filters the water as it passes from the storm drain into the pond, but wont be overcome/washed away immediately when it rains? We're in the Southeast so freezing isnt a worry.

We have lots of dead trees on the property, so something like charcoal is something i have plentiful access to, but what do yall think i could do?
3 media | 24 replies
/diy/ caves
My grandpa passed away about a year ago, so my relatives have started throwing pretty much everything in the basement away.
It was filled with an assortment of tools and "reclaimed" materials that he gathered from the scrapyard.
I'm sad that I didn't take photos before they started throwing stuff away, there were shelves filled with old pipes, rods, wires, and wood scraps.
A lot of the tools ended up in my shed because I felt they were worth more to me than their cost, as he had helped renovate all of the family members' houses.
I'm going to post some pictures of what's left and interesting stuff I've found.
Feel free to join in and post /diy/ caves, the more cluttered the better.
6 media | 12 replies
Crucible for steel
I'm building a coal fueled furnace with the goal of melting steel.

Anyone know where you can buy crucibles suitable for that kind of temperature? I'm in northern Europe and I've done some searches but every large crucible is so expensive ( 70€+).

Am I just getting expensive search results or do they actually cost that much? I'm new to this type of stuff, does anyone know a good supplier for steel melting crucibles in Europe?

Thanks in advance
1 media | 7 replies
Home Inspector Nightmare Fuel
How can you let anyone build your house in this day and age?
>Billionaire's Mansions look like this
2 media | 27 replies
No title
i have an atlas cj 14 n can i ply music out of it or is it a siren what other parts do i need any help is appreciated thank you anons!
0 media | 4 replies
I have just finished disassembling an e-scooter battery
that was fully charged. Cells are chinese, should be 2.0Ah?
Also, how on earth do you remove nickel tabs would shorting + to -, or even worse, making a hole in the cell? I have been dremelling spots until it could be removed with plastic spudger.

Maybe ask your battery related question in this thread? Battery thread?
0 media | 13 replies
No title
could this have limited like 70-110deg movement and still be "tight" if instead of 45deg straight the gears were kinda dome shaped, and probably vanes also swirled?

Got youtube CAD for how to do such a thing?

Is that called something?
0 media | 2 replies
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images - 2025-02-15T090803.706
Gutters have existed for THOUSANDS OF YEARS and they still suck —clogging, overflowing, sagging, leaking. Even with modern materials and gutter guards, you're still stuck cleaning them out or dealing with ice dams if you’re in a cold climate.
0 media | 18 replies
No title
what's the easiest way to refill a can of compressed liquid (with more compressed liquid)?
1 media | 6 replies
Loud banging from the basement ceiling
I live in a basement of a 20 year old house. I just heard two large bangs from the ceiling, about 15 minutes apart. Should I be concerned? It was much louder than your average duct noise.
0 media | 15 replies
Floating cuck desk
so i've got a small section of the wall where i can fit a 125cm x 75cm(~49in x 29.5in) desk, planning to shove the pc and some other stuff there, with the screen and speakers being on top of the desk with other periphery
already have a ~1in breech slab coming in i plan to cut and put in there, question is, how reliable is this sort of wood when dealing with a pic related suspension? should i add a metal brace to the front to prevent bending, even though most of the weight would be at the back?
front would mostly just have to endure my arms resting and possibly some of the keyboard/mouse weight/force of movement
also, are there any "common mistakes" i should watch for when adding a floating desk setup? first build
2 media | 5 replies
No title
I built this. It's meant to go on a wall in my kitchen. It's pine, salvaged from the side of the road. It was a bed. Give me your opinion or roast me
2 media | 24 replies
No title
>non of my coworkers wear protective gear ever
>Put on ear pro before drilling
>"Do you have an issue with your ears"
why are tradies like this
I will get weird looks for wearing a dust mask in heavily dusty enviroments as if its something strange to not want to die of silicosis by 40
1 media | 21 replies
Is it really mathematically possible to be a self-sufficient carnivore?
Goats and Chicken
If you eat at least six goats a year since we are assuming you slaughter and eat one goat every two months at the very least which means half a kilogram of meat a day and getting your other calories from milk and eggs, how many goats would you have to start with to make that happen? Probably at least thirty since you would get twelve a year if you let only three goats give birth every three months to not disrupt the milk production. But then you have to add the fact that it takes four months for the first birthing cycle to beging so you will half a year without ready for slaughter and breeding goats. So you technically will need around ten goats ready for slaughter every other month before being able to have self-sufficient process beging working as in four months pregnancy and nine months rising. Is that sound math or I'm missing something?
30 media | 188 replies
Woodstove General /wood/
Stay Toasty
How do you take your heat?

80°C Delta. 43° inside, -18 outside.

I scavenge most of our wood for free. roadside pickups account 80% with another 20% from tree trimming at my job & parents. 2 years ago I did pay for 2 cords, one oak & one mesquite. we still have aboot 1/8 of that "good wood" but we mostly burn *free* Elm. wood in our area is insanely expensive. would be 4x to 8x cost of just heating with our mini-splits if we paid market for wood. we only use the mini-splits in the final weeks of "shoulder months"

nothing beats the raw nature of a solid fuel fire.

what are your brands? what kind of fuel you getting? cost?
17 media | 43 replies
No title
Whats a good bday gift to give a 65 year old locksmith ?

He's been helping me out a bunch and I know he is a bit of a handy man. Think it's worthwhile giving him more tools at this age? Was think of giving him a knipex tool (not sure which is more versatile, pick related or the one with teeth).

What do you think is good for someone in that profession or a general handyman
6 media | 25 replies
No title
Are there paint removers that actually work good? I want to re-paint my mtb but dont want to remove any metal by sanding it. Also what type of paint protects steel frame from rust and impacts the best and dont go bad in the sun?
2 media | 17 replies
/mcg/ - Microcontroller General: Blob on Board Edition
Previous thread:>>2862495

Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.

For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.

>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts

>but that's too expensive (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)

>I need a part that does X and Y, with Z specifications. How can I find it?
use DigiKey's or Octopart's parametric part search. Then purchase from one of the sellers listed above.

>how do I get started with microcontrollers, where should I start?
There is no defined starting point, grab a book and start reading or buy an arduino off ebay/amazon and start messing around. There are a plethora of examples online to get started.


>RISC-V microcontroller list:
31 media | 240 replies
No title
I went to replace my shower drain in my spare bathroom in my condo because the cap was broken. I put a pair of pliers on the drain and turned it counter clockwise and it just made a cracking sound and came off. I didn't have to keep turning it to unthread it. After taking it out, it looks to me like it was never actually threaded into the drain pipe and was just siliconed above the drain pipe. The drain pipe doesn't actually come plumb with the bath tub. It sits like half an inch below the hole, this is why I'm sure it was never actually threaded, probably since the original construction. The thread in the drain pipe is also cracked. Is there any simple fix for this?
0 media | 3 replies
Schrodinger's Fucking Bathtub
Schrodinger's Bathtub
Everything is measured, checked, cut & test fits perfect... Until it's installed. I have removed/installed/removed/re-installed this nook 3 times. concrete block construction, so atypical to begin with.

acrylic tub, deeper than the original by about an inch. there are reinforcement ribs molded on the bottom. they are smaller, thus more numerous and cover more area because of their reduced size. the ribs were contacting part of the shoe, pushing it away from the mating surface. got it sorted, but it cost me 8 hours. had to undo 80% of what I did 2x yesterday. I'm a one-man crew, so no extra hands to help lift, hold, maneuver, prop or adjust.

78 year old construction. I envy the "new build" guys.
17 media | 52 replies
/hwrg/ - Hardware Repair & Modding General
Microsoldering, chip and board replacement, data recovery, hardware mods, etc.

Pilot episode edition.

In this general /diy/ meets /g/ and we post our personal projects, discuss our equipment, try to identify hardware issues and share resources to help newbies interested in hardware repair break into this field.

Full disclosure: I have very limited experience doing this stuff (mostly modding old consoles), but I'd like to expand my knowledge and seriously get into computer (and potentially phone) repair as a side hustle.

The other day I asked /g/ whether it's something worth investing my time into, and got mixed replies (which you can read here to decide for yourself if it's something that you'd like to do:

Personally, I've decided that yes, I would like to get into it, because with the trade wars, tariffs and all the other madness going on, I feel like the prices of consumer electronics will only soar over time worldwide and instead of replacing their electronics people will start repairing them more often.

Besides, to me as a techie who's worked with computers all his life, getting into the hardware part of it seems like the coolest skill one can acquire.

If the general takes off, I will create a rentry with all the useful resources and such to put in the next thread.
3 media | 8 replies
Thread for those making it/working on it
Inspiration thread
My favorite parts of diy and out are when you can tell an anon actually fucks by the words they use, like the carnivore thread and chicken talk.

Are you off-grid?
Debt free?
Growing your own food?
Re claiming shit?
Van life? I dunno

Is that MFer living in a metal shed in the SW still alive? That was savage as hell
Im quietly making it. Took apart a building, making like a 500 sq foot house in the appalachians out of it, all legal, not grid tied, dont think I will.
AMA if you want; hope others chime in.
Post anything not associated with landlords, banks and tied to the bottom line of global corporations. No shame, no judgement, lets have a psychopath thread. Ill try and not be a jerk, post interesting stuff
1 media | 6 replies
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Since when are portions of perfectly good family homes marked for section 8 housing? Would it be a safe bet that the remaining units are used to gouge college kids looking for a cheaper alternative to on-campus housing?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
>live in america
>live in area thats known for hurricanes
>build cardboard house
>hurricane strikes
>cardboard house is gone to Oz
>now homeless and forever poor
Explain this shit
6 media | 37 replies
No title
>a pallet of rocks costs $200
fucking absurd

I need some limestone rocks, they don't have to be anywhere near perfectly-shaped, they are going to be used as a facade for an interior wall. Whenever I drive down the highway I see massive limestone walls where the hillside was blasted away to get a road through there - why can't I just go to one of these sites and pick up some blocks that have fallen?
6 media | 41 replies
Speech to text glasses
Is it possible to make a pair of glasses that turn speech into text, I know such things already exist but they easily come out to over 1300 bucks or the industry standard at least. I figured it’d be as simple as attaching a raspberry pi with speech to text software on it to a pair of glasses with a see through display and a mic and a battery but getting them to all work together and still managing to make them fit together seems almost impossible. Is such a thing feasible?
5 media | 25 replies
Absolutely no idea what board to post this thread to but let's have a thread on cleaning and tidying, and what tips and techniques are great for being domestic.

Just bought a reachy grabber to use around the house, i.e. the thing folk use for litter picking. I get that a lot of folk use them while being disabled but they legit makes tidying so much quicker and less tedious with getting stuff off the floor if you're ADHD like me and leave clothes and bits of paper and things everywhere during busy schedules. Also way more fun because it lets me pretend my grabber is a hungry monster, biting all mess within my path.
16 media | 116 replies
Stone Thread
I don't think I've posted since the purge a few months back. Here to answer any stone related questions.
>Been working with stone for a few decades, running my own company for most of that time
>My company mainly does repair work, but I have been a stone slab installer, fabricator etc. I also consult and do some layout/design work
>Here to answer questions about stone selection, repair, applications, maintenance etc.
>Happy to answer any questions for our budding entrepreneurs, contractors etc. regarding running a small business working with luxury products/clientele.

I won't bump this thread, I'm terribly busy at work but will do my best to check in daily
37 media | 94 replies
County ruins my peace and quiet
The County has placed a garbage can down at the end of our hollow, in front of my home. It is attracting partiers who stay for hours, laughing and hollering at each other. I called the County and asked them to remove the can, but they said it helps their crews keep the area free of trash. I explained that the garbage can is making the problem worse, but they won't listen. Now that I have identified myself to County officials, how do I get rid of this garbage can?
3 media | 86 replies
Shoe recycling
cheap shoewear tends to get torn down easily, what are some ways to recycle them?
Some ideas
>remove the shoelaces to reuse them or to have spares
>turn worn down sneakers into stay-at-home slippers
what else?
1 media | 10 replies
Scrapping old electronics for valuable metals
Do AA or AAA batteries contain any reclaimable silver?
I know that in typical electronics you can usually find silver in switches or points of electrical contact.
Those AA battery terminals look like they might be silver but I haven't found any information about it online.
Anyone know?
0 media | 6 replies
help building
I want to build a small, rectangular machine that quietly hums and whirrrs, aswell as occasionally beeps with a small red LED that lights up at the same time. what parts would be good to make the machine hum and whirrr but not so loud I couldn't sleep in the same room as it?
2 media | 9 replies
How effective would this design be in seasonal climates?
detachable tarp over house
How effective would it be in climates with hot summers and cold winters, to build a canvas awning over a house that's otherwise designed for the cold. The awing can shade the house in summer, and then be taken down in winter.
1 media | 18 replies
Heat pumps
vaillant christmas
To address contemporary needs of the contemporary Anon, I wrote a sequel to the critically acclaimed "solarshit" guide. I present to you: heatshit.
It mostly focuses on how not to fuck up heat pump installs, but all the principles apply to condensation boilers, too. Also explains some basics about central heating components, so it might be useful just to learn what various parts are doing, or not doing in your system, even if you have no interest in heat pumps.
10 media | 37 replies
No title
Ritsu shakes hands with danger
>job: Diesel Technician Trainee (but could be any other mechanical job I've applied to)
>doesn't even start for over 6 months
>you need 1 years experience in the thing the job is supposed to be training you to do before you get the job that trains you to do it
>list experience working on stuff with vehicles, small engines non professionally
>worked in manufacturing, job wasn't explicitly repairing equipment, but because everyone else was dumb or lazy I ended up being the go to guy for building jigs, repairing machines etc
>still don't get even a response
>repeat several times at several places
>often these are up for months
>even apply to be the lot sweeper
Why is it so hard to find work? I've been taking apart and repairing things for probably 17 years at this point, done just about anything you could work on in the realm of what the average person has access to. I've watched heavy equip, machining videos for fun for years, I have a shop.
Do I need to change my name to Pajeet LarToiletsar, list my experience rebuilding engines on the side of the road in India and apply for an H1B to even get an email at this point?
Seems like the only hope of making 50k a year is just trying to start a handyman business at this point.
3 media | 22 replies
Mold removal
Ok so i plugged the leaky shower. Tore out all the moldy drywall and insulation. I sprayed the studs and everything with vinegar
And now also with Concrobium

Then I plan to spray it all sealed with KILZ paint
Will it then be good and safe or should I do something else?
0 media | 6 replies
I cleaned ceiling Blotches: put KILZ on now?
pic unrelated

I live in a single-story house.

I had blotches appearing on my ceiling. First one, then after a year, two more.

Finally, I had people come in to take a look and they determined it was coming from an incomplete seal on the chimney on the roof. They sealed it up. I was told the blotches were black mold and I should paint them with KILZ(tm) primer, which is anti-fungal. One coat, maybe two if the blotches bleed through, and done.

OK. Seems clear and logical. After the guys left, another character appeared: the owner of the house. He said, alas (and the label on the KILZ agreed with him) that the area needs to be cleaned properly, with bleach, beforehand.

Arg. complications. It is difficult to clean a ceiling without having it drip bleach on the things in the room. For logistical reasons beyond the scope of this thread, the room could not be emptied beforehand. I really wanted to avoid that.

Sigh. Fine. So I did it. Some faint stains of the blotches remain but overall it's looking good & clean. Surprise.

Sooooo... should I put the KILZ on now, or leave it as is?

Thank you.
0 media | 5 replies
Shower in the living room
So I'm in the process of converting a small brick "shed" into a secondary dwelling where I will stay at some of the time. It is a single room meaning it will have a kitchenette, a bed and a desk in the same space. The toilet is in a outhouse close by but I want to have a shower inside in the main structure. I have access to running water and the plan is to have a camping propane water heater(outside). Once you get past the weird factor, the main issue with having a shower in the living space instead of being confined to the bathroom is the fact that it steams up the entire room so humidity would be crazy.
That's why I'm looking for ways to have a shower cabinet that is completely contained, most importantly the top would need to be covered and the side that is against the wall would have a window(and maybe some vents) that I would always open while showering so that all the steam is directed that way to the outside. How would you guys recommend I go about building something like this? Like materials and such?
1 media | 9 replies
No title
i wanna make my own IEMs but im not a chinese kid raised to do a pc out of rocks

i would like to make a simple one
just one DD and see how it goes
where do i begin with this?
2 media | 4 replies
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in case of fire break glass
what are some other cool tricks you guys use at your facilities to keep things extra safe
6 media | 28 replies
No title
I live in a commieblock and I'm looking to improve my front door's sound isolation.
The door is rated for 36 dB, but I still hear loud footsteps and people talking from the stairwell.
What should I use to fill the space between the door frame and the doorway? Everyone just fills it with foam (pic related), but it's not soundproof.
Some sources say concrete should be used.
4 media | 27 replies
No title
>battery powered chainsaws btfo gas
>they are all made in China
Game changer for the home player
13 media | 82 replies
No title
Hello /diy/ my philips air purifier bit the dust no pun intended
the repair shop is asking me at least 60 bucks to fix it with genuine philips parts but a replacement considering the price of the filters it's just a little more expensive

Since it's a glorified fan in a nice enclosure is it possible to bypass the logic board and connect the fan directly to a something that will give it the right power and an on off switch?

I don't know shit about electrical engineering but it couldn't be that hard to power a fan, right?
The purifier also came with some smart features like dust sensor, a reminder to clean the filters wnd power settings that i couldn't care less since I used to keep it running on minimum 24/7 in my room bedside

thank you for your help anons
3 media | 9 replies
Container bunker
A container can support hundreds of tonnes on top of it, as this is what it was designed to do.
What if you turn the container onto its side, so that the earth is pressing against the panels that are designed to take weight and pressure?

Any thoughts? I plan on burying mine later this summer.
2 media | 19 replies
DIY Heater
I'm looking for plans and ideas for a woodstove type heater for a 12x14 room. I've seen random bullshit posted in forums and YouTube. Can't make sense of any of it. I've also come across rocket heaters/stoves that are shown as the next coming of Christ but to me feels like a gimmick. What I'm looking for is tried and tested plans that don't burn your house down don't kill you in your sleep due to CO poisoning. And those could be either traditional stove type or rocket stove type. Also something that would burn efficiently without using a shit ton of wood. I need to burn it mainly for sleeping as I have a traditional mass heater in my living room. Any ideas ? I can weld and have access to basic metalwork tools, nothing fancy.
10 media | 60 replies
No title
How would you go about painting/refreshing this screen door? Would painting just clog the holes?
0 media | 12 replies
No title
Hey lads...

I'm in a bit of shit. So recently my washing machine broke and it turned out to be the belt that had fallen off... the belt fell off because the bracket that holds the motor broke. Got a guy in to fix it because I had to work and he basically nigger-rigged a fix by drilling a hole in the bracket and putting a bolt through it to connect it back to the casing. Question is, this isn't fucking lasting and the belt has come off again. I can't afford the laundromat or a new washing machine and doing it by hand fucking sucks and I don't have the bath to wash it in. Pic related is kind of what it looked like before drilling the hole. WTF guys, is there anything I can do to fix this? What a crappy fucking design. Plastic shit! Planned obsolence is fucking screwing us out of pocket.
4 media | 27 replies
No title
A few days ago I posted on /g/ about how my Edifier r1700bt speakers shit the bed. A /g/ent suggested posting here in hopes someone could save me from having to toss the whole thing away when it might be an easy fix.

I can trace the audio running through my setup all the way to the composite cables that run into the speaker - all of that works fine and I can hear the audio if the cables are plugged into a separate speaker setup, which tells me the problem must be in the Edifier speakers themselves. When I take it apart, I don't see anything that immediately jumps out to me as wrong (though, to be fair, I have no idea what the fuck I'm looking at).

7 media | 30 replies
What Do You Salvage, Reclaim, Reuse, Recycle, Rebuild & Repurpose
Shed expansion door salvage & repair
I get a ton of building supplies and construction materials from demolition, remodel, repair & replacement at my job. domestic violence and drug use has provided us with up to 20% of the construction supplies for projects on our farm. we're talking literal 10's of 1000's of £/$/€

this steel entry door is exactly what we were needing for the livestock barn/shed expansion we are working on now. $500 knocked off the project buget! I was even able to make the needed repairs while on the jobsite, so essentially got paid for repairing & loading to take home.

what are your best acquisitions? what are the resulting projects & estimated savings?
4 media | 8 replies
Is reddit retarded or am I?
>buy tv wall mount
>no studs where I want to mount it
>“oh well I’ll just buy some toggle bolts to anchor it into the drywall”
>1.5 years later tv is still mounted with toggle bolts and no issues
>stumble across multiple reddit threads today where every comment says to NEVER EVER mount a tv without anchoring it into studs
>some comments go so far as to advise people to put up plywood behind the drywall rather than just mount the tv using toggles
Did i get lucky or is reddit just full of retards who don’t know what they’re talking about?
47 media | 195 replies
No title
How to fix this car scratch?
0 media | 8 replies
Industrial Automation
Hey /diy/,

My current job involves a lot of designing and building control systems for machines, something I came into the job knowing nothing about. I've done a pretty good job of getting up to speed, but I'm constantly finding out about better solutions and hardware and best practices that I wasn't aware of.

Given that I have no formal education in automation, does anybody know of any good resources for learning more about the hardware side of things? I'd like to step my game up.

Picrel, a cabinet I designed for one of our machines.
6 media | 54 replies
Cleanout solution
I fucked up, I didn't cut this clean out down before pouring concrete. I tried removing concrete around the PVC with various methods but nothing is working well.

Several plumbing supply places say there is no flush clean out cover for this type of PVC, which is 4" DWV. They only make them for the belled end, which seems ridiculous.

Any good ideas on how to unfuck this?
2 media | 14 replies
Can you turn a NEMA 34 Planetary gearbox by hand
It's for a project that involves making precise adjustments by hand. And yes, the input shaft will have a knob to turn it. It will be similar in operation to a dual-speed telescope focuser where one speed is for getting the telescope roughly on target with the second speed for precise alignment.
0 media | 5 replies
No title
Any one know where to get this in size e12?
0 media | 3 replies
Is Reddit correct?
Can I just do /diy/ plumbing in that "outdoor area" to avoid the (((permits)))?
Or should I just listen to queer geologist?
0 media | 2 replies
No title
I need to open up little ~1" holes in metal to get a recip blade started in it without cutting from the edge. Is a hole saw or a step bit being going to be faster/preferable for some other reason, or is there something else even better for this, that maybe doesn't cut a whole circle when I really just need an oval slot?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Can this hardwood be salvaged? Old fridge started leaking and ruined it. There used to be sticky contact paper over it that I just removed. Believe it or not this is a dramatic improvement :/
0 media | 9 replies
No title
What's the best diy 3d printer? I'm recycling some components from my old DIY colido (like motors and end switches). Which is the least expensive and smallest to make? Budget 60-70€
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Deburring hand tool
From what could i make one out of? Nail,broken drill bit,something else?
I want to use it very rarely but would be great to have one to deburr holes drilled into metal jar lids for example.
Couldn't find a good technical drawing on the replacable blades so i'm not even sure what angle they are grinded off and how should it look like.
11 media | 24 replies
are they any good? im freezing my bloody feet off every winter in my cunt since my landlord refuses to turn up the heat. i have a radiator under my table and i figure if i cover the corners (aside from the one that faces the radiator) i'd be able to trap the heat of the radiator under the table with a blanket where my feet and legs are.
does it sound sensible? fire hazard?
0 media | 3 replies
weird old japanese table black laquer
20250210_175753 (1)
we live in hawaii and have gone to several professional woodworkers. seen all the youtube videos. totally at a loss.

in OP pic and the following theres this hazy white fog were trying to get rid of. have already done the usual. used a heat blower and the foggy part turns to gold bubbles - which we though was success, but sanding (even with saliva and finger) doesn't get rid of it. the best woodworker on the island gave up, which would be fine if he could say where tff this dumb table came from.

I'm at a loss. It's a nice table and would like to make it shiny as it was clearly originally made. Do any of you guys recognize this?
1 media | 10 replies
Backup Battery Inverter Car Battery For Power Outages?
Are there any products that can put together a 100v outlet, an inverter, and a car battery so that what ever is plugged into an inverter gets powered by home power and when ever there is an outage the car battery(s) take over until power comes back on? Just looking for something to power a modem and router for 30mins to an hour during power outages. Or is there a product like this that doesn't cost $700? Even 30 minutes is enough. Not sure what to search for though.
5 media | 27 replies
/ohm/ - Electronics General: Cathode Ray Tube Edition
Thread tombstoned: >>2883138

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:
bake at page 10, post in old thread

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:


>Principles (by increasing skill level):
Mims III, Getting Started in Electronics
Geier, How to Diagnose & Fix Everything Electronic
Kybett & Boysen, All New Electronics Self-Teaching Guide
Scherz & Monk, Practical Electronics for Inventors
Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics

>Recommended software tools:
KiCAD 6+
Logisim Evolution

>Recommended Components/equipment:
eBay/AliExpress sellers, for component assortments/sample kits (caveat emptor)
Local independent electronics distributors

>Most relevant YouTube channels:
Moritz Klein

>microcontroller specific problems?
>I have junk, what do?
Shitcan it
>consumer product support or PC building?
>household/premises wiring?
More rules-driven than engineering, try /qtddtot/ or sparky general first
>antigravity and/or overunity?
Go away
134 media | 441 replies