Board: /soc/
"/soc/ - Cams & Meetups" is 4chan's board for camwhores and meetups.
1. All camming, 'rate me', meet-up, 'report in', etc, threads welcome.
2. All posters must be 18+.
3. No random porn dumps. Post pictures of yourself!
4. No asking for drug hookups.
5. Don't make duplicate threads. Use the catalog (try the search feature).
6. No contactfagging.
7. No signfagging.
8. No paywhoring, begging, or soliciting.
9. Guys, don't post your pics in girl-only threads (and vice versa).
10. Be respectful to each other. Girlfriend Applications have opened back up.
Go to and click on the "Girlfriend Applications" button - then fill out the forum Share or find your group in Kik
Kik BWC Share Group
If you can't enter, add me
Megan312345 This thread is phat ass trannies, sissies, and femboys cum here to mate with buff and fit manly alpha patriarch men who's looking to cheat on their wives and girlfriends at home.
So you must be a bitch girlyboy with a phat ass and must be submissive and feminine. So drop your kik and discord you horny perverts. Last one died. Lowkey there are only socal and norcal people. Central cucks.
>Hobbies and Interests
>Looking for(PS: there are no girls on 4chan)
>Not Looking for(PS: saying dudes is useless)
Updated notices:
>Created a tagmap(join fggt):
>Please update urbex in ur local area:
> Every thread, there is a discord fine shyt named chickn333 that should be avoided at all costs.
This is a dead discord that was active this summer(owner is useless):
discord_gg/WuZ46xNENb 32 yo experienced chill dom BWC bull
I've lately been having intense urges to breed another man's wife. With or without him watching.
Looking to talk to cucks or wives directly. Older or younger women are enjoyed.
In your opening message, tell me if you want me to be dom or chilled.
Kik: My_wifey_now Old one reached 500 replis again
27 M
>looking for
Caption exchanges, writing short stories for eachother, tributes to girls I know irl, nudify, AI fakers. And for Slovaks and Czechs to talk.
>not Iooking for
Cockrates, pedos, furries, gay role-playing, scat and snuff talk, collectors, trading pics.
>contact info
Pergeus95 30M sharing adorable, timid and pretty asians i know from van canada...looking for buds to get depraved and chat about how we’d kidnap and violate them. into body/face licking, groping, tongue play…
GWBZE93W2 old one died we must beat the mothers and sisters guy to the punch viva la revolución
bbw thread >>33482594 Since there doesn't seem to be a single one
Rough template, adapt as you wish:
>(Not) Looking for >ASL
>What games you play
>What your looking for
>Anything else you wanna mention
>Tag >ASL
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>Contact >ASL
>Looking for
>Not looking for
20/M/Eastern US / bi, bottom
>About you
5'9, workout often, enjoy military history, surplus, low fantasy and mystery themes in books, movies, and games. Love to discuss guns, politics, and music, favorite artists include Kino, Warren Zevon, and Jimi Hendrix.
Often described as righter-wing.
>Looking For
I like nerdy CS types usually, but open to everyone, I would be up for sexual chats but would also mostly like a friend
>Not Looking For
obese, small dick, super sexually aggressive
oberst_ansel Put Discord contact as well as any info u seem important like ASL, looking for/not looking fo r etc...the basics Post YOURSELF
Dont have the template?
Let me help you out there.
Save this pic and crop out the gender that ISNT you.
Write some things about you that people may want to know.
Spruce up the pic and give it some pizzazz
>Welcome to the party.
Previous >>33393709 >ASL
>About you
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
>Tag. 23M submissive cuck looking to hear from mean and dominant bulls. I've been into BBC and cuckolding porn lately and since then I can't stop thinking about a thick dick fucking my thick latina girlfriend. I want some brutal, or other pervs lol.
Kik: vpckk_
Tele: vpckk >ASL
>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for Old one hit the limit. Post your snap and what you're looking for Because last night's thread went so well I feel like posting the link again! I've got a server for right wing femboys and people who like them. (Especially looking for more femboys hehe) Always happy to find more active people! You'll only see one channel when you join but I'll let you in to see the rest when I notice you join. Our only real rule is no trannies. For people over the age of 30 looking for the same. Michigan best state.
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>About me
>Interests and Hobbies
This is a thread that is dedicated purely to long-term, monogamous romance and the beautiful companionship that blossoms from it. There are plenty of friend/casual threads as well, so please keep things to clean romance here.
Recommended Format is below. Otherwise I ask to please keep it clean:
>ASL (Mention if you're okay with long distance or not. Keep in mind your chances are practically zilch if you aren't open to ldr's on soc.)
>A good bit about your personality, dreams, beliefs, living/working situation, anything really.
>Your hobbies and interests
>What you're looking for in this thread. Gentle femdom? Role-reversal? Mommydom? Mixture of them?
>Would you prefer a full domme/sub? Are you okay with a switch?
>Tell us a bit of what you'd like out of your partner in terms of personality, hobbies, interests, situation, ASL.
>What would you like to do with and for your partner? Romantically and for clean fun? Tell us of your hopes for daily life and special days together. In-person and long-distance.
>Contact info
Do remember that you miss every shot you don't take! Give it your best shot each time. Be patient, respectful, considerate, and understanding with each other. Be reasonable with your standards. Love is acceptance, after all. Anything else is fantasy and self-serving infatuation. Everybody appreciates being rejected politely over being ghosted. Remember that your special one is out there and is waiting on you to post and add.
I wish you all the best! Thread for the mentally ill, abused, addicted, obsessive, codependent, ugly, etc. ^_^
>ASL Orientation Race
>Your issues
>Personality description
>Physical description
>Style description
>Hobbies and Interests
>Favorite music genres/albums/songs
>LDR yes or no? Can you travel?
>Ages, Genders and Races
>Issues that you think you can't deal with
>Personality traits
>Body Types and Heights
>Biggest weaknesses (ex for style, personality traits, physical ones anything)
>CONTACTS: for trans ppl & non trans ppl who want to date trans ppl
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
>discord 18f uit Zwolle, in Mexico op het moment voor volleyball toernooi, verveel me in het hotel dus vraag me wat je wilt, lijkt me gezellig!
my kik: lotteuitzwolle You know the drill. Put what you're looking for and your contact info. This thread is for HFA's to meet other HFA's.
Since /soc/ is a completely degenerate normie cesspool, I decided that we high-functioning autistic people need our own thread to meet each other in.
>are you high-functioning autistic?
>what you are looking for
>what you don't want
>discord Is this a woman’s body? Are there cis women who would see this body and think “oh, that’s a woman with a penis”? For any BBC or sissy’s looking to worship a king or find a new fag.
about me
-virgin 18m closeted sissy
-looking for: a bbc that can degrade/humiliate/ expose me on cam. I’m new to this >0<. force me to show myself.
- about me: twink build, big lips, curly hair, shy, submissive. Last one hit bump limit
>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for
AL - Alabama
AR- Arkansas
GA - Georgia
TN - Tennessee
MS - Mississippi
LA - Louisiana
VA - Virginia
WV - West Virginia
FL - Florida
KY - Kentucky
NC - North Carolina
SC - South Carolina Got told my fingers are unusually long, true or false? Duolicious is a blight on humanity, and the world's most popular free and open-source dating app
>Duolicious web app
>Duolicious Github
>Server status
Previous thread: >>33683969
Welcome to the ERP thread!
Ribbon Edition
Previous thread: >>33414547
The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where anons can freely share their contact information, characters, solicit roleplay, share fantasies, discuss kinks, and everything else related to ERP.
>What's ERP?
Erotic Roleplay is text, or voice, based conversation where people build towards "sexy time" that's usually more structured than dirty talk. For many, the plots, settings, and characters in ERP allow for fantasies to be more fully discovered, explored, and fulfilled.
>Where can I ERP?
Pretty much on any medium that allows for communication, including KIK, Telegram, Discord, Skype, and even Twitter/Instagram DMs.
>I'm looking for something more advanced.
Consider F-List! F-list is a website for people interested in roleplaying, creating character profiles and to find like-minded partners with similar interests to roleplay with. It features a webchat (which can be used for textual roleplaying) and more kinks than you can memorize.
>The Site
>F-List Resources
>Filtered Ads
>Eicon Search
>Profile Image Search It's been a while. Let's be weird, together
I liked this format so let's say:
> Pros
> Cons
> Contact info Post what you're looking for. It's a simple thread.
Post a recent picture of your dick or pussy, rate others.
If you like what you see, post more.
Feel free to share your kinks, or contact info. DDLG Thread. Daddies can find their special little girl and little girls can find their very own daddy. Post your contact details and what you're looking for. (18+ only obviously) /boob/ - Boob General
>Post, critique, rate and discuss boobs
females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!
from:>>33676302 Previous one hit the bump limit
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>Tag British Thread
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>About me
>Interests and Hobbies
>Contact Mental illness & Anime Discord Server Thread
Post your discord servers if they match the topic!
be sure to include a brief summery on your Discord Server! The other one hit max replies PNW Thread | Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California
Last thread 404'd!
>looking for
>not looking for
>discord Men, boys, femboys post your feet here >asl
>about you
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact ITT: Got a question for the opposite gender? Ask away!
Previous thread: >>33545399 last one will reach bump limit soon The last thread is past bump limit. Post here if you're looking for a serious, loving relationship. >ASL
>Mental Illness
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Drug use?
>About yourself
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>Discord >ASL
>About you
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
>Contact UK meetups. Preferably public. Preferably London. Pic related.
Kik: FlappyAssLips A thread for Aussies.
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
>tag Kik wager thread.
Who has the bigger/better penis? Make your bets.
My kik is bfd90, don’t be shy >ASL
21 Femboy (I ain't giving out my location but somewhere in Asia lol)
Kind of a loser, out of shape as a guy but I'm getting my life together- it's just still kind of hot to be a secret femboy behind closed doors ;> because suddenly the chubby kinda curvy body is appealing to guys. I have a fat ass, and thick thighs, and if you're into the Thicc kinda girls whose asses you can plap then I'm definitely your type- I also love raceplay, and love black and white guys both a TON.
>looking for
Honestly, I'd love to have a semi regular friend or something- i play dnd online on discord with friends maybe i could introduce you- it'd be kind of hot if behind the scenes we fucked around ;P stuff like that, or maybe just someone to play games on discord and sext in the side ;;)
yuveeray on discord
Amberfemm on kik
Don't be a simp, don't be TOO mean, and be a little talkative lol- and yes you can call me a fag and threaten to breed me <3 I like that kinda stuff bored and taking requests. nothing nude rn though bc im on my period :3 >Cis-gendered women only
>Timestamp if you're new
>No contactfagging, soliciting, advertising.
>Do not post or request personal info of any kind
>No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing
>Don't post "moar old" post specific ass-related requests
Want to post videos?
For short clips, use
For longer videos, use
Welcome to the Shut-In Contact Thread
>Old thread >>33305647
>What do I do in the threads?
Talk to people, make conversation. Don't try to get into anyone's pants. It is a social thread on /soc/, for actually being social, without nudity!
>Wait, is this some super-secret cool kids' club where you can only be some sort of shut-in freak to participate in?
No, we are moderately tolerant of normalfags here. Feel free to participate, just don't be a dick.
>I DON'T LIKE ___________
Discuss it with us, but civilly. If you are spouting out cusswords and insults because you don't like something, chances are, it is not going to change and you will be blown off as some anally pained droll. Now, if you are civil, people will work with you.
>Can I put in contact info?
Sure, you may use this template or any of your own.
>Contact info
>Favorite Book
>Favorite Movie
>Favorite Music
>What are you looking for?
>Who do you want to add you?
>Who don't you want to add you?
Please note that this is a thread for ALL forms of shut-ins. NEETs, introverts, agoraphobics, people with social anxiety, et cetera!
>Still reading?
Feel free to join our discord The Shut-In Network to meet, interact, and make friends with fellow shut-ins and NEETs alike. Hope to see you there!
shut-in network:
> Let's party and have fun for anyone nearby. It will be lit Old thread just hit the bump limit
Post what you're looking for and find people to be friends with/have sex with/whatever This thread is for people who like to pretend to rape and people who like to pretend to be raped.
>Other kinks
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>Contact let's see that ass bb
dubs you gotta add my disc
trips request
quads request until 404 Because lonely hearts makes the best charts.
Feel free to use and modify the picrel chart template as you please.
Try to keep it civil and be sure to comment on the previous charts here Make fun of my looks please and thank you So you may have heard of the incel to tranny pipeline.
I was wondering if transitioning would help me find a *CIS* lesbian girlfriend or if it's completely over for me? I'm almost 24 now, this pic was taken a year ago.
I was 87kg, 184cm Old age gap thread died
post ASL and what you're looking for Where the fuck did all of you faggots came from? This used to be a straight site. At one point females would willingly stick pens into their vagina and post on here. But now all the fags scared them off.
Can't you just go back to your discord or something? Post your profile pictures (state what platform if you have multiple), others rate them and guess what kind of person you are.
I'll start
>Steam Time for another good ol' "send a message to somebody who'll never read it" thread.
Need some closure? To scream goodbye into the void? Really vent your spleen even if they're never going to see it?
Here's your space.
Nude women with a hairy bush, armpits, legs, thighs, etc. All body types/ethnicities/hair colors welcome.
Naturalness is highly encouraged - there is no such thing as 'too hairy' here. Let's hang out together in this thread and have pictures be part of the conversation.
>Women only, posting pictures specifically taken for this thread. No wife/gf pic dumping.
>Timestamp if new to the thread or haven't posted in a while (pic of you with today's date written on paper)
>No lazyposting. If you're after simp attention and not looking for interactions at eye level - post somewhere else. We're about interaction here.
>Asking for/posting contact info is strictly prohibited. Do that in the appropriate threads.
>No trolling, off-topic discussions, bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>Don't be a brainless coomer/goddessfag. If "more pls" or "you are a goddess" is the best you can come up with, don't even bother.
Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules: >>17318579
Upload videos here:
For short clips, use
For longer videos, use (24h activation period for new accounts)
Last Thread: >>33612751 2012-2025 Celebrating 10+ years of suborning community standards!
Previous thread >>33563381
>Female Sexy Audio
Be as tame, as romantic, as sensual or as filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread.
All content is welcome to be performed here, but please keep in mind:
>Please keep long and extreme scripts in some sort of text hosting site (see FAQ for list)
>Name and picture requests are generally ignored. Contactfagging is also generally ignored and discouraged by the /soc/ rules unless given permission by the performer.
Please use the request and delivery anchors below
Please Tag Your Post as AI if you didn't get it from a human being.
Most Importantly: Have fun!
Current FSA Discord: Thread for interacial lovers, black kings and queens, beta cucks and sissies.
>Looking for
>Not Looking for Been trying to find a girlfriend online for months with no luck.
Is this Duolicious thing any better?
Will I have better luck on there? I'll start
swellow85 LET'S GET SEXY, MEN!
Dirty talk, audio masturbation, vocal smut and shenanigans.
Be as tame, funny, romantic, sensual or filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite
sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread. Be creative.
Please remember to tag your post with the request link or title and type of work (song, fap, script, etc...)
>If you're new, please post a voice sample before asking for requests of things to do. It helps knowing what you sound like!
Accredited Audio Discord: Colorado thread
Looking for people that may know my gf or even better may have fucked her before. She went to CSU 2014-2020 and lived in Fort Collins for a while. Her name is Anna. Short, thick brunette with big tits. DM for more info if that sounds familiar at all
Kik: mellowsurfer27 Breeding fetish/trying to conceive thread. Last one 404d
New Discord Server:
>Physical description
>Potential health issues
>Contact info
Southeastern US
35/m white 6'4" blonde hair blue eyes, college graduate
Two grandparents died from cancer, both were smokers though
Discord: chrishardwick colorado ya :D
>Looking for
>Contact Let's try this again now that the other crap thread is gone and it won't be considered a duplicate. "For all the weirdos, schizos, enlightened and other pleasant people from /x/ board to meet up, chat, date, procreate and etc."
Usual format:
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact Can we have a thread for contacting smelly/unhygenic girls? We have them for everything else why not this niche too?
>About you
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
>Tag What ethnicity do I look like? I'm tired of the hook-up culture that infests this board.
I'm tired of hearing about kinks and women asking me if I'm into feet.
I wanna get to know you, hear your life story, talk about our days and future plans. None of this weird shit.
So here's a thread for people that just wanna date, no strings attached, to meet different types of people of the opposite gender to learn what traits you like in a partner, what you don't, what to look out for and to just get some more experience handling these social situations. Please try and not talk to more than one person at a time.
>Your best traits
>Ideal type for partner (If known)
>Why you struggle dating
>Contact >Cis-gendered women only
>Timestamp if you're new
>No contactfagging, soliciting, advertising.
>Do not post or request personal info of any kind
>No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing
>No "more pls" posts. Ask the girls for specific requests.
Want to post videos?
For short clips, use
For longer videos, use New England Thread
Discord server:
>looking for
>not looking for
CT - Connecticut
ME - Maine
RI - Rhode Island
NH - New Hampshire
VT - Vermont
MA - Massachusetts Old one reached 500 replies
Include what you’re looking for and your username Pennsylvania - PA
New Jersey - NJ
New York - NY
Delaware - DE
Maryland - MD
>not looking
>contact AI mirror thread, choose any filter in AI mirror and put a picture of yourself through it and post it here if you’d like. Can get interesting. Picture has to be of yourself A thread to find people to voice chat/call with.
>looking for
>not looking for
>when you want to call/how often
>contact Other thread is gone, post your server here /feet/ - Female Feet Thread
>Girls, post your feet
females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!
from:>>33607687 (404) Thread for females who love all things legwear and don't mind posting themselves in them. From hosiery all the way to yoga pants.
>Females only
>Timestamp if new
>Never/semi-nudes welcome
>No Contactfagging
>Don't Feed Trolls
>Macro Dump:
Last Thread: >>33701115 Another rate thread + guess ethnicity
Video chat only. Registration is required.
180,000+ users
77,000+ users
Random one on one Text chat and Video chat. No registration.
25,000+ users
11,000+ users
3500+ users
300+ users
Registration is required for video chat. Registration is sometimes optional for text chat.
4000+ users on video chat, unknown number of users on text chat.
Registration is optional. Random Text chat and Video chat.
text/video chat and registration is required
So at anytime, 300,000+ people around the world are using videotelephony or anonymous text chat sites to meet people one on one with each other. The omegle icon is literally the omega, which is even lower than a beta male. They really hate places where men meet women easily, and they do everything they can to prevent it. They don't want internet dwellers to have social anxiety exposure therapy! It's oppression. 24M Fat Cuckold on Discord VC for Bulls who love AOC! Degrading and humiliating myself for verbal Bulls on cam while I jerk my small cock.
YourDeepRest Thread for blackanons to post their socials and chat with each other. Mixed blacks are okay to post
>NO WHITES (make your own thread)
>NO BROWNS (make your own thread)
>NO RACEPLAY/BNWO (make your own thread) Thread for drawfriends to find other drawfriends!
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact Canada Thread
Anyone in the Calgary area? Do you play Fate Grand Order (FGO)? Do you visit /alter/ to discuss FGO with your fellow players? Here's a thread to discuss the game, meet up, or just talk about other things with your /alter/ bros! Which of these eras do you actually remember from back then?
Welcome to /aan/ - Adopt a Neet
This is a thread for NEETs, those in between NEET / Provider, and Providers to place personals. The ultimate goal for people to find favorable matches.
If you are looking only for sex or "online only", you are in the wrong place. Go visit other threads.
>/aan/ Discord:
Join the discord, it’s fun. Make sure you post in #intro to get full access!
You can benefit from search tools, community support, 'safety nets', and critically, any bad actors are banned.
Post template:
>Status: (Please pick one)
Provider – willing and able to support others financially, or by providing living space.
Semi-Provider – able or willing to contribute financially to some degree (e.g. to rent/bills)
NEET – willing to move in with someone and receive some personal support (you do not have to be a NEET!)
>Age, Sex/Gender, Sexuality:
As much as about you as you are willing to say. Sex and gender matters to some people. Others, not so much.
>About Yourself, Contact Info
Please write a little about yourself and your interests. Please post contact info.
>Location, Will or Will NOT Relocate?
Please post your general location. State if you’re willing to relocate or not from your current place.
Looking for: (Pick all that apply)
Live-In Maid, Roommate, Friends, Friend with Benefits, Short/ Long Term Relationship, Other
Also, describe the type of people you find agreeable.
>Anything else you would like to add? Requirements? Expectations? Preferences? Needs? Wants?
Write anything else you feel important to make known here. Anyone here from Morocco as well?
There's not thread for smaller countries so i thought about making this one
my disc tag is a._s0 Is it my turn to start the Kik Game thread? Oh boy!!
Remember the rules:
> Post your name
> Send a nude to the name above you
> Be smart and ask if they're actually part of the game before sending
First player: BubbleBathAholic True friends edition.
Thread theme: >ASL
>What you're looking for
>What you're not looking for
>Whatever else you wanna say My social anxiety is unbearable. I rely on others to accompany me every time I step out into the world. My problem is that due to my anxiety, I have an incredibly hard time making and maintaining friendships. And I require more assistance than ordinary friendships could offer.
I am looking for someone to meet me and either hitchhike with me or drive me to someplace else, and accompany me during the day. I would just like someone to walk places with me in silence for most of the day. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I figure some of you shut-in neets could benefit from mutual support. I’m also not looking to be provided with food or shelter.
I have not had any success with this in the past
But here I go again.
Email is [email protected] What's my phenotype? I initially thought gracile Mediterranid or some other kind of Mediterranean(like eurafricanid or dinarid), but my skin is just too pale, I think my phenotype is north atlantid but with brown eyes desu, but idk. My dad looks like me, but instead of having brown wavy hair (like me) he has black curly hair and he's pretty clearly north atlantid.
What do you guys think?
(Im ethnically scottish, dutch and french btw) This is a long shot, but any ladies want an adult nursing relationship in New Jersey? Skinny twink - 28 here. > Still gooning like a caveman?
> Manually setting up your vids every session like a clueless coomer?
fix that shit.
> Load ANY vids (yes, even 4chan links)
> Resize, stack, and arrange them HOWEVER you want
> SAVE your setup for peak gooning efficiency
> SHARE your most **degenerate** templates with the goonbros
> BROWSE community setups and steal the most **based** layouts
Drop your most degenerate setups
> <
> <
> < 18, Just a transgender ftm looking to meet up with someone and do stuff with from northeast Iowa
Telegram only please!
This was a photo I took at random.
hi so it took a lot for me to get to a place where Im posting this and it's a long story and stuff.... um... pretty much I've been talking to someone for a while online and it degenerated into me feeling worthless and hopeless cause she's on the other side of the planet and I'm poor. and I just don't get the words and love I need to feel like I'm worth something I have no reason to live and I feel so rejected. i just like want to belong to someone, and like someone in my country. I'm sick of feeling like I'll never get to be with the person. I'm posting this because I really want to meet someone and give myself fully to them. i am loyal and good I just need love and affirmation and kindness, and to be told I'm good. i want to meet in real life after talking for a while. i just want to belong to someone. i will give you my life. i will live for you I will give you everything and do everything you ask. you can litterally own me. i just want to belong to someone who lives me and tells me I'm worthy. I'm sick of being alone, I'm so depressed all the time and I have barely any strength to live and do things. i know it's stupid but I need someone to live for. i need a person to tell me I'm not shit and I'm worth existing. and I want to exist for that person. i want to belong to that person and have the person be my world. i will marry you, I will do everything you ask I just need someone. please. I'm so tired of feeling like I'm nothing and not worthy. Hookup thread for Tennessee Old one hit bump limit. post groups, contact, and anything else you can think of. message OP too if ya like~
I'm EST and basically will be gooning every night so any other horny degens hmu and help out if you want. 24m btw Curious about chastity or want to see or humiliate someone wearing it?
Wearing it yourself?
Let’s chat.
Send age in first message.
Kik: Switchy_friend1
Tele: DirtyFriend1 Can you give me a rating? I really dislike my body Do women use it slightly above their clit as in the picture or slightly above it? I imagine the clitoris is too sensitive. Last one capped out a little while ago, so I'll start the next one.
Include your username, preferred flavor of degeneracy, etc Interested in a subject? Need help with a specific hobby? This thread is for those who are trying to learn or are trying to connect with anons that are knowledgeable and skilled in a certain subject/hobby/topic/program/etc.
> Age
> A little about yourself.
> How you got into subject/topic/hobby
> What are you looking for? To learn from someone, to talk to someone or need help with something specific?
> Subject in question
> Your current experience level This thread is dedicated to all the beautiful very skinny and lanky men out there. Bonus points if you're a skeleboy and you post yourself. SFW BODY RATE THREAD
before and after (optional)
50 to 70kg
3 years Read the board and site rules first >>17318579
Do not post content of others, do that on >>>/s/
>Cis-fem only
>Timestamp if new, CW tripcodes only
>No contactfagging, soliciting, advertising, or shilling
>Do not post or request personal info of any kind
>No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing
>Do not feed the trolls.
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Old thread: >>33734656 My mates all tell me I look like my girlfriend pegs me, which she doesn't, and none of them believe me when I say that. So, do I look peggable/like I get pegged? I hear that every day, and it's a little emasculating for my liking. just got off a 12 hour welding shift (yes I get off at 4am). I'm fucking lonely and sad and dress up to feel, I prefer female attention but at this point I just need a hug from anyone. I show this to no one, but it seems like u need it.
tittysucker5000 on signal or just ask for my dc, I'm taking more pics because fuck it. What have you got planned for the 14th? Date with a girl? Date with a guy? Date with a bottle of liquor? Date with a racist discord vc? Let us know! if anyone wants to hangout anywhere in japan im down just post your contact info and ill hit ya up What do you think about this style of clothing? >23 years old
>About me: recently realized I'm trans but didn't come out. I want to meet people that will support me and be my friends or even more.
>Hobbies: I'm big history nerd;ask me everything about it. Also I like to write stories and play video games.
>Kinks: for now is just feminization maybe I have some other kinks but I don't know.
I like both guys and girls but prefer girls who are dominant.
My discord: Hister or histerius0 Read the board and site rules first >>17318579
Do not post content of others, do that on >>>/s/
>Cis-fem only
>Timestamp if new, CW tripcodes only
>No contactfagging, soliciting, advertising, or shilling
>Do not post or request personal info of any kind
>No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing
>Do not feed the trolls.
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Old thread: >>33558520 East asian females in Ontario add my discord: bluest4116 I'm a 6'3 east asian male 19 y/o here's my fizeek + lastfm to see if we have anything in common :) Can timestamping be faked by AI? sup yall
tired of all the porn threads and shit?
let's just meet online and play vidya games together!
this thread is for making video games friends only
post ur :
your gaming nickname too if you want
>top 3 online games
post games people can play with ya
>talk about your passion for gaming and why game
literally say anything
>who do you look for?
wanna someone to carry your ass to high elo?
ur Steam or Discord or even kik anything Armpit fetishes, ratings, media and the like. Valentines day and my gf hasn't really talked to me, basically been ghosting me. I had so much planned for her but she didn't wanna do anything.
so there's that.
How'd yours go? Post ur twitter here be my oomf Uncut cocks with foreskin pulled back to the max
Lets see 'em boys. Last thread reached its limit
Classic rate thread. Rate, guess someones age and if you want, give lookmaxxing advice.
Keep contact fagging to a minimum.
Try to rate others.
NO SCHIZOS, no 3/10 schizo guy, no yunners, no brando, no girl larping as other girl schizo. No other schizos either, if you shit up the thread like last time you will be sadged