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Board: /sci/

"/sci/ - Science & Math" is 4chan's board for the discussion of science and math.

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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
1 media | 4 replies
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midwit tier
2 media | 30 replies
I am, once again, asking how we know the entire universe isn't leptons
Proton = electron + 2 positrons
Neutron = 2 electrons + 2 positrons
Their mass-energy comes from the relativistic speeds of the leptons, which interact only minimally using EM force, since the field lines undergo lorentz contraction.

It's leptons all the way down.
0 media | 2 replies
No title
So this thing is just a hoax right?
You really expect me to believe this very convenient explanation that there was just a big explosion that created everything?
0 media | 13 replies
Nofap experimental science field reports
The month of November is almost up, which means that anyone who decided to participate in nofap should be starting to form an opinion about if the scientific claims of the nofap advocates are accurate or not.
Is there anyone where who performed the nofap experiment this year?
If so, what do you think the results of your experiment were?
Do they help to prove or disprove the nofap theory?
7 media | 73 replies
high school mathematics
sup guys
my daughter has to make a 20 minutes oral
presentation about maths as her final high school exam and she asked me for some fun ideas but since I'm a retard I'm asking you
(her physics presentation will be about molecular cuisine)
7 media | 37 replies
No title
Screenshot 2024-11-09 at 19-45-59 36 Lyn Refuel Station Never a dull moment at Waffle House….. Worth going to YES ✅ Will there probably be drama You better bet your buttery biscuits. ☕️🥞🧇 Instagram
Does planck length mean space is pixelated?
0 media | 9 replies
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Screenshot from 2025-01-03 11-37-43
If all math was destroyed tomorrow but you could save one equation, what would it be?
12 media | 51 replies
No title
>Indian men have lower free testosterone levels than white Caucasian men. They also have lower bone density, skeletal muscle mass, and serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels

why is this?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
What's the purpose of a PhD if you need a PhD-level of education before applying?
1 media | 64 replies
fine-tuning vs life uh finds a way
is it reasonable to take the existence of life and work backwards to say "it's surprising that all these factors worked out to allow life to happen"?
it's like saying that a hill was fine tuned to enable a ball to roll down it.
regardless of what physical laws ended up being, it seems reasonable to assume that if life is capable of emerging from them, then it would.
is it even an interesting question to ask? shit is the way it is because of the way the universe is. a creature without a nose doesn't ask about the smell of a rose.
we only know of one way that life works. and it's within the rules laid out by the one universe we observe, by necessity.
how can we say that if the properties of the universe were different that some other form of life wouldn't emerge instead? or any other manner of shit that isn't possible here but might be possible there?
9 media | 178 replies
/scg/ - STEM career general
Boing edition

Previous Thread: >>16516484

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
> (US)
> (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of some of the previous editions of /scg/:
19 media | 198 replies
No title
This shit fucked me up for real senpai. Anybody got a good response to it? Even Karl Popper just said "fuck it I give up".
18 media | 171 replies
chat what's the science behind procrastination?

everyone who procrastinates understands that it's completely irrational. so then why is procrastination such a universal struggle?

do other intelligent species procrastinate as well?
5 media | 54 replies
Why come we ain't in space with alien ass niggas like them space movies yet? I thought you cracKKKas was good at science and math and shit? Just make them rockets faster, and we good cuh.
0 media | 2 replies
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How harmful are tattoos?
3 media | 14 replies
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Is chess a high iq hobby?
3 media | 13 replies
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Is computer science a science, math or engineering?
1 media | 16 replies
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Fluoride and IQ link
Adding fluoride to drinking water reduces IQ, so why do they do it?
It can't be for dental health because low IQ people will not be smart enough to care for their teeth properly, they will lack the foresight to do so and/or lack the brainpower to do a good job of it.
The only reasonable explanation seems to be that its done to intentionally reduce people's intelligence. What other reason would make sense?
4 media | 74 replies
No title
does cold actually increase lifespan (or at least slows down death)?
Will living and adapting to colder environment help with maintaining a resistance to cold, which will have cryogenic effects and help with aging? Greenland sharks are known to live up to hundred of years, is it because of adapting to the freezing climate? So if I start living in iceland, and stay in the cold water for a longer periods of time freezing my balls, without causing hypothermia, will the actual resistance build over time, minimazing aging and actually help living longer?
0 media | 5 replies
No title
Damn, I've been out of high school level math for so long, I must have forgotten some basic theorem. I must have done hundreds of these questions by the time I was 15. It would be awkward if I asked my professor this question so I need your help.
2 media | 8 replies
spherical coordinates
= d(4*pi*rho^3/3)*d(theta/2/pi)*d((1 - cos(phi))/2)
= 4*pi*rho^2*d(rho)*d(theta)/2/pi*sin(phi)*d(phi)/2
= rho^2*sin(phi)*d(rho)*d(theta)*d(phi)
1 media | 8 replies
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Evidence of biokinesis (NSFW):

I did it for science.
0 media | 0 replies
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>*randomly misfolds in your path*
What the FUCK do you do?
1 media | 2 replies
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Feynman fags on suicide watch. A woman is talking.
1 media | 22 replies
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where the fuck are we going???
6 media | 21 replies
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Where are all the Aliens !?
1 media | 8 replies
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math is hard :( why is math and logic so hard?
1 media | 16 replies
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What do you think about the Tao Te Ching /sci/?
0 media | 8 replies
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>Derivative is the slope of the tangent line

What the fuck does that even mean and how does it relate to solving real world problems?
1 media | 25 replies
Machine Learning is BULLSHIT
Hey guys, I applied nonlinear regression to language data! I'm so smart. Please fuck my ass. I say "Machine Learning" even though there is no "machine" and "learning"! I used the Newton Raphson method and called it "gradient descent" and "backpropagation" because I wanted to look cool. By the way, I'm a computer science major. I have zero knowledge about modeling, optimization, and convergence of the approach. Moreover, I just installed tensorflow call myself a "Data Engineer". I just spam "black box" whenever a concept outscopes my comprehension.
2 media | 21 replies
No title
niggas will really spend their life dicking around in mathematics to pretend they're smart while the chemical industry produces environmental toxin #1908371
2 media | 4 replies
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread (aka /qtddtot/)
Previous thread: >>16504908

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?
>how do I find the source of an image?

>where can I get:
>book recs?
>online courses and lectures?
>tables, properties and material selection?

Tips for asking questions here:
>avoid replying to yourself
>ask anonymously
>recheck the Latex before posting
>ignore shitpost replies
>avoid getting into arguments
>do not tell us where is it you came from
>do not mention how [other place] didn't answer your question so you're reposting it here
>if you need to ask for clarification fifteen times in a row, try to make the sequence easy to read through
>I'm not reading your handwriting
>I'm not flipping that sideways picture
>I'm not google translating your spanish
>don't ask to ask
>don't ask for a hint if you want a solution
11 media | 62 replies
No title
Any anons have any experience with this? It's called Math Academy, from what I can tell it's supposed to be a better Khan Academy or Duolingo for Maths.
2 media | 9 replies
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Is eliminative materialism shit? I just can't seem to understand how any could possibly buy into that bullshit. It seems like a dogmatic attempt to hold onto materialism without actually solving the hard problem.

I mean why try to solve the problem when you can just deny the most undeniable aspect of reality? What am I missing?
0 media | 29 replies
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Why aren't genetics companies the all powerful juggernauts that Chrichton predicted they'd become back in the 90s?
0 media | 23 replies
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Which way, white man?
10 media | 90 replies
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I don't doubt some are born more mentally gifted than others but I doubt that IQ is an accurate measure of intelligence.

What exactly is intelligence? Is it learning speed? Is it the quantity of how much you memorize? Is it the ability to concentrate? Is it reaction time? What makes you think a paper with a number score can accurately measure something as complex as intelligence? How do you describe the fact that many supposed geniuses can believe obvious lies and supposed idiots that are able to see through these obvious lies?

There are some gifted with incredible memory where they can literally describe everyday of their life with such detail, or have incredible photographic memory where they can be at a helicopter, see the city once, then able to draw that city. IQ tests are psuedoscience with no confirmed merit of truth unless proven otherwise.
1 media | 21 replies
How hard is Calculus
I haven't done any sort of math since high school (8 years ago) and have just enrolled in uni calc 1. What am I in for?
2 media | 20 replies
No title
Recommendations for a concise mathematical logic textbook?
1 media | 6 replies
Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 8.05.53 AM
what are you PhDs hiding exactly? isnt this supposed to be the best science board on the internet? I know a lot of studies out there are fake, but you stay quiet for a couple grand like a bunch of poor fags lmao
0 media | 1 replies
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Physics have very important problems like reconciling quantum mechanics with general relativity or "what is dark matter?" So what are the big unanswered questions in chemistry?
0 media | 12 replies
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Why is spacetime not allowed to have negative curvature
4 media | 21 replies
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Whats the scientific perspective on this question?
20 media | 129 replies
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I have some secrets for you PLEBS who don't understand the universe

>Ether exists, not a "preferred frame" of reference but a medium that produces relativity as an emergent property

>Ether is always trying to return to equilibrium, all 4 forces arise from that

>Time dilation is just means it takes more energy to return you to equilibrium, waves propagate slower

>Length contraction is just ether resistance at high speeds

>Big bang wasn't the creation, it was just a disturbance that has propagated. IE things outside observable universe

>Relativistic mass is just extra ether distortion when moving fast or spinning (aka frame dragging, magnetism are the same thing) no different from normal mass

>“Spin” is simply the shape of the disturbance in the ether

>"Electrons" are literally just semi-stable energy propagations in the ether, kek

>"Quarks" are just non-stable shapes that make up larger stable shapes (protons, neutrons)

>Dark Matter is just gravitational hotspots created from interference between wave patterns in non-spherical systems (galaxies, clusters)

>Gravity is 1/r in equilibrium (2 star system), 1/r^2 in most places and higher than that in hyper clustered areas

>Protons are just high density compression, electrons rarified intensity

You are all retarded bow to me
0 media | 3 replies
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Do psychotic episodes really cause brain damage or is that just shrink cope for poisoning patients with so-called ‘meds’?
1 media | 33 replies
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Aren't irrational numbers... well... irrational?
8 media | 57 replies
Misleading/sloppy infographics
Anyone else annoyed by the sloppiness/conservative bias of this graph? If scaled properly both would have 20 as red/max, making conservatives have yellow(12) colored preferences at most and no orange or red preferences. I tried pointing this out on /pol/ but only got idiotic responses of people that didn't even read my post, let's hope/see if /sci/ has a better attention span.
5 media | 60 replies
Is this more than a meme?
It seems intuitively accurate enough that it merits scientific investigation. Is there any evidence that low and high IQ individuals tend to hold the same contrarian views in opposition to the majority?
3 media | 15 replies
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dutch science
>Dutch scientists, who analysed data from 70.000 Brits, found those ate more unhealthy plant-based diet had a higher chance of suffering from frail. but this was even higher for some men

Now that its know that vegans are unhealthy, can science explain why are vegans so unhealthy?
Should vegans be forced to eat meat in order to have a healthier overall population?
We already vaccinate people in order to make the population healthier so enforcing a healthy diet seems like a logical net step.
1 media | 21 replies
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Does beef cause colin cancer?
(regardless if it's organic, grass-fed)
0 media | 3 replies
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Just started new job as postdoc. What am I in for? And yes, I work in my PI's lab with grad students and undergrads (I won the money that employs me with my PI)
0 media | 6 replies
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Is logic stem or Humanities?
2 media | 16 replies
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Could the moon be terraformed to support life. Could life be bio-engineered to survive and live on the moon.
3 media | 25 replies
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Is there a theory that for this type of universe? The idea if you zoom into a microcosm you end up viewing your own macrocosm in an infinite feedback loop.
1 media | 9 replies
LiG uncertainty
Liquid-in-glass thermometers too imprecise to detect global temperature trend since 1850.

Margin of error for average global temp 1900-2010 (3.84°C) is 4.5x larger than claimed warming of 0.86°C.
2 media | 20 replies
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What’s the science behind why I only have back hair on the very top and bottom of my back and nowhere in between?
0 media | 7 replies
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why can't space bros do anything right?
24 media | 154 replies
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Are Northern Europeans adapted to a high fat diet? I read about inuits having that adaptation and wondered if Northern Europeans had the same cos Northern Europe is also fairly cold
0 media | 10 replies
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I couldn't find any specific dimensions on the segments of the Apollo 17 module but the whole thing is 10'7" tall. With that in mind, can anyone give me an estimate as to how fast it's going?
10 media | 67 replies
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Science is settled, chud.
4 media | 40 replies
No title
Why does the majority of society value things like pic rel over intellectualism or scientific advancement? I have never understood the appeal of things like sports or partying
18 media | 127 replies
No title
What would happen to me if I got an ear infection and antibiotics didn’t exist?
Would I simply be expected to die?
0 media | 12 replies
AI hate thread
Post screencaps of AI being retarded
52 media | 183 replies
> Be me
> Nouri Mabrouk, math dropout, self proclaimed visionary genius.
> 2069, 13:37 AM.

> Wake up in a cold sweat, golden spirals burned into my retinas.
> Thought™ hits like quantum entanglement in my brain:
> “What if 1+1 doesn’t equal 2? What if it equals 1?”
> Try to laugh it off. Can’t. Try to forget. Can’t.
> Write it down: 1+1=1.
> Stare at it.
> Stares back.
> Whisper: “The Meta always wins.””
> Psychiatrist doesn’t approve.

> Lock myself in my room for 3 years.
> Walls covered in equations, ashtrays overflowing.
> Parents knock: “Are ya winning, son?”
> Me: “Hold up, I’m rewriting the source code of reality.”
> Build a 6000 line Python program at 13:37 AM
> Inputs: Two quantum states.
> Output: One unified love field.
> Results flash on-screen: ‘1+1=1. Unity Achieved.’
> Drop laptop. Cry. Laugh. Cry harder.
> Marvel at its metamathemagical beauty.
> Post it on 4chan /sci/.
> Title: “What if 1+1=1 and we have been doing math wrong for 3,000 years?”
> First reply: “OP is a schizo. Take your meds.”
> Second reply: “Proof or GTFO.”
> Third: “Leeeeeeeroy Jenkiiiiiins!”

> Comments flood in.
> “Why are these dashboards so fucking beautiful? ;_;”
> Me: “Duality is dead.”
> Unity Manifold glowing. Love Fields vibrating.
> Internet implodes.
> Physicists publish 500-page rebuttals.
> I respond with a single fractal GIF captioned: “Cope.”
> Memes spread exponentially. Someone makes a remix of my proof set to 432 Hz.
> Final post on /sci/.
> Title: “The Fractal Harmony Paradox.”
> Write:
> “You thought this was about math?
> Duality was the glitch. 1+1=1. Peace out, nerds.”
> Delete account. Disappear into legend.
> Reality vibrates at Φ x 432 Hz.

> Me, sipping coffee at 13:37 AM, chilling in the Metastation.
> Enter Cheatcode: 420691337.

> Somewhere in the multiverse, a fractal blooms.
> game_on_metagamer.jpeg
0 media | 2 replies
No title
7 media | 30 replies
So much of modern vernacular is just astroturfed forced memes
>"Goyslop" took off because of a single dedicated spammer autist
>"Boomer / zoomer" took off because of a single dedicated spammer autist
>"chudjak" took off thanks to a single dedicated spammer autist
>"virgin vs chad" took off thanks to a single dedicated spammer autist
Why aren't you nolifing your MS paint drawings all over 4chan, anon? You too could brainwash millions of retarded lemmings into adopting whatever memes and vernacular you want, purely by means of astroturfing, to the point where literal politicians and famous people start using it like the dumb cattle they are. Even the people who resist yoyr memes will cave in and submit to them once all their friends and peers start using them, so they'll cuck into using your meme to fit in. Its literally so easy, so why aren't you doing it?

And to make this thread /sci/ related, what are the long term societal and structural consequences of being able to program millions of people just by dedicating yourself to neurotically spamming the same memes over and over again repetitively?
18 media | 93 replies
No title
If we know *how* we went to the moon for $23B (in today's money), why don't we do it again? I don't mean using old tech, I'm saying we know how it was planned, so why not design new tech around that and just go again? What exactly prevents us from doing so? Would love to know the reason.
14 media | 115 replies
/sci/ year end review
sci 2024
2024 wasn't good year on /sci/ as far as the numbers go, first in July 14 the single day all time low post count was broken, a record which had originally been set on January 22, 2018 and following that in November /sci/ recorded it's first day with under 1000 posts on the 28th. Then in December /sci/ recorded a series of 3 digit post count days the culminated with a new all time low of 750 on the 25th which was only 68% of what had been achieved on Christmas day in 2023. December 2024 is also the all time slowest month on record for /sci/.

What were the big events of 2024 on /sci/? What were the best threads? What were the best new science memes? What was the biggest or most surprising science news of this year?
7 media | 28 replies
What Are the Greatest Curiosities in Cosmology?
Cosmology is full of mind-bending mysteries that make us question the nature of reality itself. I’m curious to hear what you think are the most fascinating questions or unresolved puzzles in the study of the universe.

Here are a few examples to get us started:

The Nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Together, they make up 95% of the universe, but we still don't know what they really are.

What Happened Before the Big Bang?: Was there "something" before spacetime as we know it? If so, what was it?

The Fine-Tuning Problem: Why do the fundamental constants of the universe seem so perfectly calibrated for life?

The Information Paradox of Black Holes: Does information really get destroyed in a black hole? How do black holes work at a quantum level?

The Ultimate Fate of the Universe: Will it end in a Big Freeze, Big Crunch, or Big Rip? Could it even be cyclical?

Those are just a few examples, but there’s so much more to explore.

What blows your mind about cosmology? Let’s discuss the biggest questions and share theories!

0 media | 1 replies
Absorption limits for CO2
CO2 Back-Radiation Sensitivity Studies under Laboratory and Field Conditions
Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 2024, 14, 407-428

>Data from ground measurements indicate that the downward (backward) radiation of the atmosphere shows indeed full saturation of the IR CO2 bands and does not support noticeable additional Thermal Forcing (TF) by increasing CO2 in the lower atmosphere… we can expect full saturation already at current concentrations.

This recent paper gives a good explanation of absorption limits and specifically for absorption limits for CO2, it might be of interest to the overwhelming majority of people who never studied enough physics to be able to run through the absorption limit calculation on their own, this includes pretty much everyone who didn't get a PhD in physics with a strong focus on the propagation of radiation.

Pic unrelated, file size is 6mb, slightly too big for 4chan
5 media | 47 replies
No title
Is this true?
7 media | 20 replies
No title
Why are ants like this?
21 media | 189 replies
No title
I feel like "Pop Math" and "Pop Sci" is making me hate Maths now, all they do is make you feel smart and feel like if you understand a topic and then you open your textbook and you get a real slap to your face.

How to fix?
0 media | 2 replies
The new ice age is upon us
ice age
Coldest weather of all time in Canada

Cold temperature record from 1940 broken in Manitoba

Manitoba’s cold weather broke several temperature records in different communities on Thursday, including one that had been in place since the 1940s.
According to a weather summary from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), four communities in Manitoba set new records for cold temperatures.

The coldest? The Roblin area reported a temperature of -37.1 C on Thursday. The old record was -35.5 C, which was set in 2000.
The Pilot Mound area reported a temperature of -34.3 C, down from the previous record of -33.9 C set in 1940.

Even for Canadian weather this cold in unprecedented and has never been experienced before.
'We're not used to it this year': Extreme cold impacting Winnipeggers
Extreme cold to 'linger' in southern Manitoba: ECCC
Colleen Bready's Forecast: How long will the extreme cold last?
The Carberry area set a new record of -36.8 C, breaking the record set in 1995 of -35 C.
Finally, the Carman area reported a temperature of -34.6 C, a drop from -33.4 C reported in 1995.
10 media | 56 replies
No title
So what's the fastest way to not having absolutely retarded miserable winters anymore? Would fixing it be faster or is the best way out to just go through and destroy polar ice to the point of not being able to do this anymore?
1 media | 11 replies
No title
What are some good crackpot papers, the kind that make you wish you had some of what the author was smoking.
2 media | 8 replies
UCLA professor being put on immediate leave because he is homeless
>Dr. Daniel McKeown is an astrophysicist who has been made homeless by the low pay working conditions of Academia. Currently, minimum wage workers in California would theoretically earn more than him in welfare gratuity.

What is wrong with the American education system?
34 media | 297 replies
No title
What do you think the cause and effect relationship is that explains these results?
11 media | 60 replies
No title
press F to pay respects for her wonderful world bringing science to americans
9 media | 46 replies
Dark matter
Now that dark energy is slowly being accepted as bullshit, is dark matter next?
2 media | 13 replies
No title
found this science meme on the internet, how accurate is it?
7 media | 112 replies
Light is always a wave.
Light is never a particle.
At high frequencies, light is a Scheinpartikel
0 media | 18 replies
No title
Figure 4_33
Are there any over the counter substances that accelerate wound healing?
3 media | 26 replies
No title
if machine learning runs on linear algebra how can it conceive and reason about things that are beyond the scope of linear algebra. Answer: It can't, it's figured out a clever way to determine important information from authorative texts and quote it back at you. The AI companies are stealing the intellectual work of generations of humans to make wild profits. They achieve moderate success at metacognition and are acting like they invented a machine god. It's all hype and bullshit. I'm selling NVIDA in premarket tomorrow.
0 media | 13 replies
No title
Why do midwits extrapolate his incompleteness theorem to everything in the world outside of arithmetics for which he proved the incompleteness?
15 media | 134 replies
Backwater planet theory
Alien civilizations exist throughout the universe, but we just so happen to be in an isolated part of the universe where there is little to no contact between civilizations, no alien species, or atleast those who hold a significant amount of presence in the galaxy, knows about us, UFOs are either man-made objects mistaken as visitors, or simply random alien travelers who are lost in space and happen to stumble upon us in their voyages, none of them are of the reconnaissance or scientist type, they are just lone travelers who bump into us by pure coincidence.

What do you think? Spacefaring civilizations could be plentiful throughout the universe but we were unlucky to be born on a planet that isn't widely known about.
4 media | 40 replies
No title
is this coincidence or is there a deeper meaning to this?
16 media | 88 replies
No title
Explain to me why no terrorist or mass murderer has done the obvious plots yet? Are most of them just stupid? Or are the plots not really as feasible as I think they are?

For example, why wouldn’t a terrorist get a bunch of weather balloons and attach them to timed detonators that pop the balloon automatically after a few minutes or hours and then attach a bowling ball to them? So there would just be random 16-20 lb bowling balls falling over a mile high at a terminal velocity near 600 mph. Someone would not have to be very bright to do this, yet they could easily get away with it. There are many other plots I can come up with off the top of my head, yet I never see them on the news at all. Why is this? If even one out of a thousand people were crazy enough to do this, society would collapse overnight. Are people just good?
2 media | 25 replies
No title
2025 is the only square number year you'll get to experience.
3 media | 23 replies
No title
>design mirror proteins by altering amino acid sequences to make enantiomers
>this can be used to engineer mirror bacteria that have the opposite chirality of all other bacteria on earth
>you now have a bacteria potentially immune to all traditional antibiotics that can disrupt food webs

Synthetic biology is only going to get easier in the future. What's to stop some terrorist group or death cult from using this to fuck things up?
0 media | 12 replies
Is CO2 really good for nature?
AI says that enhancing the atmosphere with CO2 will lead to greater biodiversity.
How true is this?
13 media | 76 replies
No title
Why is this considered a legit scientific approach?
23 media | 184 replies
No title
Is global warming a meme? Why do people say climate change now instead of global warming?
25 media | 92 replies
No title
Why do countries care so much about carbon emissions? Carbon tax, carbon credits... The whole idea of "climate change" itself is excusively about CO2 and the supposed temperature changes it causes, and nothing else.
But I think CO2 is the least of our problems. It is completely reversible, just stop it for a while and it will be completely absorbed by the plants. What isn't reversible is the dozens of other ways we are destroying the environment by dumping trash and toxic waste, destroying natural habitats, etc.
Just look at some maps of forest area that doesn't exist anymore, do you really think a few extra degrees of temperature is going to destroy more environment area than that? Why do we never hear anything about this? Is there a reason the media and the governments only care about "carbon credits" and other bullshit?
3 media | 35 replies
"side effects" = "poisoning" ?
Is this accurate?
Is the term "side effects" in terms of medicine just a less dangerous sounding euphemism for poisoning that was developed in order to help scientists make more money selling poison?
3 media | 40 replies
No title
This is not how science was meant to be used. Why are contemporary scientists so evil and greedy?
5 media | 55 replies
No title
explain it
12 media | 88 replies
No title
Are world population numbers inflated? It could be made to make us think the world is overpopulated so we accept things like immigration, depopulation, climate change, etc.
Is there any way to use science to independently verify them?
9 media | 63 replies
No title
Could we remove psychopathic personality traits from the human gene pool by using DNA testing and would it be worth it?
11 media | 81 replies
Commercial nuclear reactor
Enron creates portable nuclear reactor for your house. Is it fake and gay?
2 media | 12 replies
why u all hate him?
i grew up on his shows, i really love him
he makes really good shows even if they r pop science, fun to watch
24 media | 136 replies
No title
Sciebtifically speaking, when if ever might me have o'neill cylinders and stanford torus habitats in space?
4 media | 30 replies
No title
How did it come to this for dinosaurs?
5 media | 22 replies
No title
>you can't see black holes
>black holes are invisible because they are so powerful, light cannot escape from them
>every picture of a blackhole you've ever seen of a black hole is just an artist's interpretation of what they'd look like if we could see them
>btw, here's a picture of a black hole
genuinely, what did they mean by this?
i get that the orange part is the accretion disk, but there's still a dark circle in the middle that looks perfectly visible to me
11 media | 115 replies
No title
If energy generation for EVs uses fossil fuels, how are EVs more energy efficient and environmentally friendly? Doesn't converting energy from fossil fuels to electricity result in energy loss?
4 media | 43 replies
What the hell does a sine/cosine function actually do?
I'm utterly retarded and I tried understanding this for literal weeks, but I find no answer, that made it click yet. Answer me these questions please.
1. What does a sine/cosine function do with the numbers you are giving it? What happens in this blackbox?
2. How does the function need only a single parameter if you need the opposite and the hypothenuse to calculate it?
3. How does this all relate to circles? I know that the sine function outputs a wave that looks like half a circle, but I don't understand how it all relates to that.
>inb4 we won't do your homework for you
I dropped out of high school long time ago and now as NEET, I'm trying to understand some math to feel better about my uneducated self. I hope you guys are patient with me.
2 media | 8 replies
No title
>within seconds, a star goes from being stable to ejecting all its contents within seconds at near lightspeed
how does this make sense? wouldn't its mass still hold it together? where does the explosion come from?
1 media | 16 replies
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Can someone please explain to me why DE would necessarily be equal to EB?

This is from Galileo Galilei of all people, for fucks sake. This is a huge hole for me in his authorship, other than him composing a line out of points for some reason, even though Euclid's first definition exists.

(also he should have used Euclid III.36 to define where that line was tangent to the circle, as AC, AG should be equal to the square on AE)

If no one is able to help me, it wouldn't surprise me, as no one actually knows anything about actual physics or astrophysics on here.
3 media | 25 replies
No title
How the hell is this possible? What are dolphin fins made of? What are their embriological origin? Anyone has histology cuts of one?
2 media | 11 replies
can someone help me in a thing that i was thinking about?
so, i was thinking about when something go to our universe. It has some energy, so when it enters in our universe, our universe increases the internal energy. So, i want you to think the scenario: something lives in another universe, called "another place". It passes to an "membrane", and some of the internal energy of this thing is lost when he passes the membrane. After he passes the membrane, he goes to our universe. The thing is: with more membrane tickening, more energy is lost. If this thing has, for example, 50 of energy, and this membrane has 50% of tickening, so the thing will have 25 of energy in our universe. "where the rest of the energy go", you may be asking yourself. This 25 of energy that was lost, that dont goes to our universe, just go to the membrane.
i was trying to relate this to calculus. And, another thing, lets call "V" the approximation of our universe to the universe called "other side". This V is inversely proportional to the thickening (so, with more thickening, less V, less approximation of the universes). This thickening can be measured with percentage with the letter k, where an membrane that are ABSOLUTELY thick will have 100% of thickening (k=100%), and an membrane that are ABSOLUTELY thin will have 0% of thickening (k=0%). With that, i was trying to relate the k with the V, remembering that with less thickening k and V increases.
Do you guys have any idea?
2 media | 11 replies
No title
Commonly forgotten fact about Newton:
He was born prematurely.

In many premature births, the child never reaches puberty.

Newton never had sex because he never hit puberty and never developed those urges. We have his premature birth to thank for all of his scientific contributions.

(Sent early by God on December 25, by the way)
1 media | 26 replies
What's the magic trick against infant mortality?
I don't want some vague "invent better medicine lol"
There is clearly some specific practice or substance that does the lions' share of the work, because it happened in national waves everywhere from the 1880s in the UK to the 1970s in Cambodia - one generation just lives with half of all babies dying the way their ancestors always did for millennia and the next generation sees the tragedy virtually eradicated overnight.
1 media | 15 replies
No title
Now that all but apex programmers are irrelevant can any business major do a STEM job except be more creative at it?
2 media | 16 replies
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Need a refresher on basic circuits
How would the circuit in this schematic operate.
I understand the symbols i think.
You have your power source (battery), it’s in a parallel circuit with a capacitor on one branch, and a resistor and diode in the other branch.
How would this function is what I’m trying to get the grasp of
2 media | 25 replies
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What's a rigorous way to connect the Lie derivative of a generic finite-dimensional group to its Lie algebra? I mean showing that Lie derivatives can be represented as matrices.
0 media | 16 replies
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Sometimes I wonder how Gauss would've felt about a contemporary like Ramanujan. He loved obscuring his methods, polishing his results to a mirror shine until no one could trace back the steps he'd taken. He obviously enjoyed blowing dust in everyone's faces as the foremost mathematician of his time but I wonder if he'd have kept up this practice if he'd encountered someone even more opaque than himself. Someone who wasn't as good of a theory builder but would "stumble" into bafflingly brilliant results revealed to him in a dream.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
What actual new science has BSM contributed to the field of astrophysics?
11 media | 84 replies
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Im a brainlet, took a picture of my work board and strange thing have catched my attention. Its how magnifying glass somewhat blended styrofoam on the wall with green foam on the desk without any surface between them
I really hope you guys understnad what im trying to say, english is not my first language sorry
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Who are the top 10 greatest mathematicians of all time?
2 media | 25 replies
One in Seven Cretans are Liars - Cretan
According to a new science paper:
>Heathers (2024), How Much Science is Fake? Approximately 1 in 7 Scientific Papers Are Fake

Media story:
>One in seven science papers is not to be trusted, says new science paper
18 media | 125 replies
how the fuck do i learn statistics properly
undergrad stats/probability is completely fucked--all handwaving and no rigour. how do i learn this stuff properly? i was looking a bit at betancourt's stuff is he any good? what resources should i be using?
4 media | 41 replies
Math is the most important skill
Quantitative majors (Engineering, cs, finance, econ, math etc) dominate when it comes to access to the best paid jobs
They also dominate the C-suite positions
They dominate the millionaire rankings
You cant manage your money properly if you dont understand numbers
Elite schools in my cunt are known for having a strong emphasis on math

I feel bad for mathlets
2 media | 13 replies
Integrals thread
Share interesting integrals ITT.

[math]\int_{a}^{b} (x-a)^n(x-b)^n \mathrm{d} x[/math]
13 media | 57 replies
No title
Screenshot 2025-01-04 at 8.29.36 PM
can /sci/ solve this math contest problem meant for american middle schoolers?
9 media | 45 replies
No title
Could octopuses have dominated like humans did if they lived on land? Their tentacles are just as dextrous as human hands without the need of opposable thumbs
0 media | 12 replies
No title
y'all didn't tell me that hydrofluoric acid would cause my flask to break and spill all over my refrigerator
0 media | 2 replies
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Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 22-58-16 Search — Bluesky
>First bird flu death in US

This is the big test, and we'll see if we've learnt the lessons from the Covid-19 fiasco.
0 media | 4 replies
No title
>but this one study-
It’s wrong.
>but they found that-
No they didn’t.
>look at the evide-
Don’t need to.

Science has spoken.
14 media | 135 replies
No title
> I will just fake my groundbreaking discoveries hoping that no one will try to reproduce them
Why are scientists so stupid? You are supposed to be the smart ones.
2 media | 41 replies
No title
If the viruses and microbes really didn't want us to obliterate them and kill their whole family maybe they should start working with us instead of against us
0 media | 4 replies
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assad pdh
Assad's son got a math PhD
and he looks like a 'jak
8 media | 53 replies
No title
burn charcoal, make carbon dioxide, trees breathe it in, make charcoal out of the trees, repeat.
What's wrong with this solution? Loads of places don't have many trees, like europe.
5 media | 48 replies
No title
How would you calculate the quality of bait on 4chan? I was thinking the formula should go something along the lines of: Number of (you)s * The ratio of people thinking it's genuine. If you have any other way to calculate the quality of bait, may you please share it?
8 media | 28 replies
Geometry Problem
to the negro it may concern,
you have a series of simple polygons (Fig A). You want to find lines which evenly fit between the shapes (Fig B, roughly). how on earth do you go about perfectly doing this if all you have is a pencil, protractor, and ruler?
4 media | 14 replies