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Board: /sci/

"/sci/ - Science & Math" is 4chan's board for the discussion of science and math.

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0 media | 4 replies
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tired pepe
Every academic job application makes me write an essay about how much I love DEI and makes me want to kms
13 media | 84 replies
No title
I'm bored of browsing /g/ and doing leetcode all day, I want to know what kind of intellectual discussions the folks at /sci/ are havi---

>climate change denial
>COVID denial
>flat earth
>race bait
>"help me with my high school homework"

0 media | 7 replies
Truth after Gödel
Many of the “new atheists” believe that evidence and truth can be equated.
But the initutionists like Brouwer also seem to argue this way. And the late Wittgenstein, too.
So, "x is true" means the same as "there is a prove for x".

How could this asstertation be hold in the light of the discouveries of Kurt Gödel and Tarski and even Heisenberg?
We already know that there are certain true statements, which cannot be proven. Therefor, the equivation of "Truth" and "Evidence" cannot be hold.

Is intuitionism wrong?
0 media | 1 replies
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new schizo theorem just dropped by me
0 media | 0 replies
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Outdated teachers that could already be replaced with Youtube videos insist on DEI over merit no matter how much they know they are creating an incompetent workforce and I know exactly why. It is because fraud is everything these people are. They are fake humans and don’t even care a little bit about what is correct or incorrect. It’s only about conforming to the newest fad ideology, which is usually just verbal vomit. At what point do we stop trying to help them think critically and just force them to conform to the truth by manipulating and verbally abusing the shit of out them just as they do to us when they refuse to answer even a single fucking question honestly. We just let these faggots walk all over us, and they make it right to the top of all our schools and universities through intimidation. We are giant pussies when it comes to saying anything about race.
Realistically, can we develop a system using probability and statistics to predict their personalities? Where can I find statistical methods to apply to public figures based on the words they speak? Will we be able to use an AI on our phone to predict frauds and keep them out of STEM?
0 media | 9 replies
Quantitative analysis of evolution
I've read that if you examine the rate of mutations in any genome and run the numbers that it's impossible to achieve homo sapiens within the given timeframe of the evolution of life on earth.

Any truth to this? Anyone else hear this argument?

Pic unrel
1 media | 9 replies
No title
>Hello chud
>look at this ai/quantum vaporware headline
>[reddit tier joke] (I am german btw)
>[phone rings] "Oh hi Elon" (proceeds to asskiss elon musk 3 more times during the video)
>hydrogen is bad
How does this clueless whore have any reach at all?
3 media | 48 replies
Freeze desalination (seawater)
Disclaimer: I'm no engineer. I only have very basic knowledge of HS physics and dropped out of college very early...
I read about freeze desalination a while ago and I don't get why this isn't done at scale by transporting seawater to reservoirs in the mountains, storing it until winter and then freezing it at ambient temperature. Plus they could use excess solar energy during summer to transport it and then recover it during winter as hydroelectric power. And sell the salt, magnesium, lithium, ... byproducts.
Is this idea too retarded? How complex would something like this be?
3 media | 17 replies
Record cold continues in Australia
NA cold

>The same system that brought rain and snow to southern states has caused temperatures to plummet in Queensland.
>Palmerville recorded 0.5 degrees, its coldest minimum since 1913, and the coldest July day in the town ever recorded.
>Widespread frosts are likely into the weekend with temperatures expected to return to average by next week.
6 media | 32 replies
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How do Nasa engineers look in your country?
2 media | 5 replies
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>just give your DNA to the scientists, what could possibly go wrong?
how many cucks on this board were dumb enough to fall for the DNA testing scam?
7 media | 50 replies
/med/ - medicine general
medschool shooter
SOAP edition

Previous: >>16263540

We discuss research, DO NOT offer medical advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
28 media | 232 replies
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Why don't human males put as much effort into their appearance to attact females and in other species?
0 media | 1 replies
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Thoughts on biology? I think its very interesting and brutal
0 media | 6 replies
mental rotation
why are men better at this than women?
is it biological reasons or because of systemic reasons?
1 media | 13 replies
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We are about to enter a timeline where mass space exploration is inevitable.
2 media | 35 replies
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if you told a sicilian and a lombard they'd be part of the same country one day, they'd kill you and then each other.
3 media | 6 replies
Climate change is real and anthropogenic but I have a question
So like the title says, not trying to argue against the existence of climate change. Just have a question about the historic measurements. Historic daily measurements go back to about 1850, in a time where you have people using analog mercury thermometers measuring the temperature and marking down what they saw with a margin of error around 1-2 tenths of a degree. Fast forward to today and we can use digital thermometers placed all around the globe to get accurate readings to several significant figures.
So my question is how do we square the old data with the new when the amount of change we're trying to avoid falls within that margin for error?
Genuinely asking. Research papers on it would be cool if you have it.
9 media | 156 replies
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Hey, /sci/. recently I've been thinking about the logistics of lunar refineries and manufacturing for the production of large scale parts for lunar orbit construction (Think making a Stanford torus with lunar material for the purpose of saving launch costs of heavy structural members)

I've come to three conclusions for low cost lifting from the moon....

1. Mass driver/railgun/gauss-gun/etc powered by solar thermal power.

Can be great for shit that can be compacted into the launch barrel, not what im discussing.

2. Aluminium-Oxide solid rockets.

Considering this can be created from lunar regolith, solar thermal power, and maybe some re-usable chemicals, seems to be the best possible launch mechanism for huge/strangely-shaped parts.

3. Aluminium-oxide (powder/gas) RCS systems.

For obvious reasons, a solid rocket booster isn't going to cut it for precise orbital maneuvering; GREAT for the initial boost to lunar orbit, but for precise maneuvering is going to be really difficult.

So, without actually reducing the amount of limited water on the moon, I figured the only way to do RCS and small orbital adjustments with ISRU, would be a combination rocket that uses powdered aluminium, and some form of oxygen feed system to make a hybrid powder/gas rocket.

What I'm having trouble with is the feed system for the precise measurement of the powder to oxygen ratio.

I've thought of a arcemedies screw, drawing from a cylinder filled with the powdered aluminium, that has a piston at the top to push the powder down towards the screw.

OR, a solid aluminum plug, that oxygen blasts through and ejects into multiple tubes (RCS ports) with valves and shit like that to control where the thrust goes to.

Anyway, does anyone have any ideas for a zero-g feeding system for a powdered propellant?

(BTW, Elon, Bezos, do not steal this idea because I will know about it.)
1 media | 5 replies
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Is tap water safe to drink?

The government the small amount of microplastics and hormones won't harm us.
3 media | 7 replies
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Does the non-physical nature of consciousness challenge physicalism?
7 media | 171 replies
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why are jewish intellectuals obsessed with sex and pedophilia? is there a reason for this?
0 media | 4 replies
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I don't trust science because scientists were bribed to make us consume seed oils and sugar
23 media | 188 replies
Vegan diets make kids shorter and weaker
Past research in adults has linked vegetarian and vegan diets with a greater risk of heart disease and a greater risk of fractures, caused by low calcium intakes.

>researchers found a link between shorter heights and lower bone mineral content among vegan children, compared to meat-eaters.
22 media | 162 replies
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mark kelly
I'm excited for the future.
1 media | 11 replies
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Women teachers
Did you know that boys get worse grades because female teachers give them worse grades because they are boys and girls get higher grades because they are girls? That means that the reason why there is less male enrollment, it's because women give them worse grades and education in general because of their gender based bias.
We are truly in dark ages for science. And it will get worse over time
9 media | 166 replies
Quantum nonsense
dual slit
Scientists themselves are the ones who have popularized mystical misunderstanding of quantum mechanics.
This is not only a form of disinformation, but also gatekeeping. Because it means it becomes much harder to learn the fundamentals of QM without actually digging deep into the papers.
Take for example this guy
His explanation is deeply wrong on two accounts:
- You CAN actually observe the path taken with up to 98% certainty before losing the interference pattern (
- "Unplugging the detector" can still cause the pattern to collapse, depending what you mean by that. Whether it collapses or not has nothing to do with whether humans are observing it. If you simply unplug the screen that the scientist is looking at, the interference pattern will stay absent. (Heisenberg 1958, Physics and Philosophy)
Then there is nonsense like this
Why are PhDs engaging in this nonsense? Do they actually not understand QM, is it wishful thinking combined with sunk cost fallacy, or are they doing it simply for the money? I think the first video might be a case of doing it for the money, while Penrose is doing it because of wishful thinking that humans are special, and now he's too deep in it to backpedal without looking like a fool.
Is there any physicist who actually believes the conscious observer nonsense in current year and is not bending the truth for their own personal gain? I'd like to know.
Why isn't this kind of behavior called out more frequently by respectable scientists? Is it because of fear?
1 media | 67 replies
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How to avoid women from cheating in science and academia? What changes should be applied?
0 media | 69 replies
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1488x1000 image
How come modern scientists' claims about global warming always turn out to be lies?
0 media | 4 replies
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Is it possible to use math to accurately estimate the initial number of holocaust survivors if you know how many were left 80 years after the holocaust? Would you need to use actuarial tables to do something like this or could there be a simpler method?
6 media | 22 replies
Why am I so dumb?
I've spent a lot of times trying to learn thing in my life, still, it's clear to me that I'm below average in intelligence and that I'm not smart. I used to think that I was a genius, I genuinely used to believe this, then I realized that I was actually dunning-kruger, I'm just shocked at how smart and educated most people are. I'm going to use a midwit example to illustrate my point, it's like in calculus when you approach the limit of a given value, and you get infinitesimally closer and closer, but you never actually reach. Why is learning so difficult, why is understanding things so hard, why am I so dumb?
2 media | 7 replies
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Ivy League education is worthless now
2 media | 9 replies
AI makes me stunned
I'm using the AI a lot, I ask it for obscenely complicated and boring jobs.
Sometimes when I ask him to do things I almost feel the immense effort it would take to complete them.
And she, obviously, does everything (almost) perfectly without batting an eye.
This inability to experience fatigue is shocking.
Needless to say, even these stupid and primordial AIs are already changing my way of working completely.
It's not just hype, I'm realizing it firsthand by using them.
6 media | 22 replies
Post Hypnotic Suggestions
Tohru Question
If I can always decide the Halting Problem for a specific Programming Language, does that demonstrate that the Programming Language lacks Universal Computation?
7 media | 17 replies
No title
Are we slowly reaching the carrying capacity for the human race on our earth?
6 media | 60 replies
How does this prove Vieta's Theorem
Screenshot 2024-07-26 193941
Ive read this several times and im having trouble understanding the second of the given proofs. Can somebody help me please?(The book is Israel Gelfand's Algebra btw)
0 media | 2 replies
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can y’all tell me how this shit works? i don’t get it
I had a surgery a week ago and i had to go under for about 6 hours.
i remember a them putting a mask thing over my face and then feeling a tingly feeling across my body then …. thats it. i was out. and then i woke up super groggy. how tf does it just turn my brain off??? i didn’t like the tingly feeling it was spicy
0 media | 17 replies
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I'm on a calorie restricted diet, I wear sunscreen on my face every day and moisturise and apply retinol to my face every night.
0 media | 4 replies
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why are people so disrespectful to him?
9 media | 61 replies
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women have 20% fewer neurons than men, that means they have 20% lower IQ than men
5 media | 53 replies
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Why patriarchal chimpanzees are way more successful as a species in contrast with matriarchal bonobos? There are at least 4 times more chimpanzees than bonobos, and bonobos are more likely to extinct than chimpanzees because of their lifestyle. Maybe bonobos are more inferio genetically than normal chimps
0 media | 2 replies
Quota for Pacific bluefin tuna up 50% amid stock recovery
Good news fellow environmentalists, the Pacific bluefin tuna are doing so great that catch quote on them has been massively increased. The scientists involved say that bluefin tuna stocks in the Pacific are now 1500% greater than they were 15 years ago.
>An international body managing Pacific bluefin tuna stocks agreed Tuesday to raise the annual quota for catching the fish, typically consumed as sashimi and sushi, by 50 percent
10 media | 132 replies
No title
environmentalists lied about polar bears
Why are polar bear populations exploding?
Are we going to have a dangerous overpopulation of polar bears in the future?
What problems is a polar bear infestation likely to result in?
7 media | 46 replies
15 year old Egyptian swimming champien dies
she died suddenly at age 15 on the year 2024

do not open the link because the language is in old-Egyptian

Shaza Negm, 15, died Saturday from health complications

>after suffering cardiac arrest while training at

when she fell into a coma during exercise.

Negm was active in the swimming team at Tanta Sports Club.

She had won many international and local sports championships representing Tanta Club and won more than eight medals between gold, silver and bronze over the past five years. (yes she won a medal at age 10)

The young swimmer was transferred to the ambulance unit located at the Olympic pool in one of the private clubs in the city of Tanta.
Negm was given first aid and received treatment in Gharbia Governorate, before being transferred to the Nasser Institute in Cairo where she passed away.

Her heart stopped during exercise and she lost consciousness in June. She was also found to have ulcers, bled severely, and lost hemoglobin during her stay in the hospital.

She underwent five surgeries in an attempt to save her life, but eventually succumbed to her coma when her brain gave out. The Ministry of Youth and Sports mourned Negm’s death on Saturday.

Edited translation by Al-Masry Al-Youm
3 media | 17 replies
/scg/ - STEM career general
Excel Shortcuts
"ExcelMaxx" Edition

Previous Thread: >>6266920

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
>Discussion on academia-based career progression
>Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
>Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
> (US)
> (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here:

An archive of some of the previous editions of /scg/:
35 media | 298 replies
Homoesexuality's purpose
What's the evolutionary purpose for homosexuality? There IS an evolutionary purpose, not only do multiple species across multiple families demonstrate the behavior, but in humans, male humans have a prostate gland that's the 2nd most sensitive organ in the body. it needs to be stimulated in order to have good orgasms, and the prostate even cums/squirts if you put enough sensation into it, so, from an evolutionary perspective, the fact we have an organ that's literally dedicated to rewarding submissive males for buttsex shows there's some type of purpose to it. So, what is it? on a tribal-social level.
28 media | 76 replies
No title
How much of a big deal is this? Some of my leftist friends are posting demotivation messaging like
>"if only we opened our borders to China and cooperated with them, they would give us access to their wonderful technology which is 10-15 years ahead of the US!"
None of them have any formal technical qualifications in the sciences. Does China objectively lead by a significant margin (e.g. beyond a 5 year gap) in any major scientific field? I know that I'm opening a can of worms that may invite bots and shllls in asking. I'm looking for information and talking points to rebut the sensationalism of my worryingly self-hating, naive and pessimistic acquaintances. It's getting fucking tiresome. Sorry in advance.
4 media | 25 replies
Weird site
Majestic-12 (20210125_230705_IMG_0210)
What do you make of this site?
1 media | 1 replies
No title
Is the idea of infinity flawed? I feel like saying the universe has always existed or that a black hole has infinite density is similar to saying that things are as they are because God created them. I think assigning infinity as a value to measure something that we can't fully comprehend or have the ability to measure yet is an easy way out for the human brain, similiar to using religion to explain away all the mysteries of the universe and existence.
4 media | 35 replies
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A new study published in Nature shows the Covid vaccine can adversely affect ovarian cells
11 media | 68 replies
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I regret getting a degree in math when I want to do research in a lab.
0 media | 5 replies
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Is "climate science" really science? They don't do any double blind studies and they possess no predictive power
4 media | 33 replies
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>Dark Oxygen
Why are scientists so creatively bankrupt?
3 media | 31 replies
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Why do scientist need money to do things like go to space or cure diseases? It's not like money magically creates resources we have all the tools to pretty much do whatever we want, why would money be a factor?
5 media | 53 replies
No title
Why are scientists doing this?
6 media | 99 replies
No title
Some statistician account on x posted this. How do I scientifically prove that black people have worse economic outcomes in life because of racism and not low IQ?
6 media | 48 replies
IQ scores meaning?
What does having an IQ of 60 vs an IQ of 120 mean exactly? I know that they are comparative scores, that the populations intelligence, when mapped on a bell curve appears like that, that they are not 'objective' like for example the length of 1KM or weight of 100 KG is 'objective'. A weight of 50 KG is objectively half as heavy as a weight of 100KG. So is an IQ of 60 half as intelligent of IQ 120 or is it something else?
3 media | 14 replies
Another Nobel Prize in Medicine at Stanford get caught committing scientific fraud
Screenshot from 2024-07-07 21-55-31
Yes, another one, because there was another Nobel Prize in Medicine, also at Stanford, was caught committing scientific fraud a few months ago. At this point, should we audit all research papers from the people who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine? To make an example. my guess is could be around 10-20% of all their published crap are fraudulent bullshit.
Remember that all the fraud that ever get caught are braindead copypasted stuffs so if those frauds literally just spend one or two hours tweaking stuffs a bit it would be impossible to get caught. the percentage of fraud in reality is actually higher.
7 media | 73 replies
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Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
64 media | 261 replies
No title
If ocean acidification is such a terrible problem then why didn't all marine life cease to exist 20 million years ago when oceanic pH was 6?
15 media | 110 replies
PDF thread
Post and discuss math and science related books, articles, lecture notes, etc.
20 media | 62 replies
No title
an scientific experiment has been performed
2 media | 22 replies
No title
Unironically how the hell did two bicycle shop owners manage to accomplish this before any major government or academic scientist?

Second question, is the backyard independent scientist extinct in today's world?
22 media | 185 replies
No title
I made a synthesis of DL-Phe from 1-napthol.

I have no reason to believe this is useful in any way. I also am unsure if it would actually work. It's based on a combination of simulator outputs and journal articles, all of which work generically, but I don't have the formal education to know if there are side reactions or if some of the groups are deactivating in this instance, or if the usual workups are inapplicable.

It is entirely the product of a deranged mind with too much time available.
0 media | 2 replies
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Ischemic Attacks
What are "Transient Ischemic Attacks" and how bad are they?
2 media | 9 replies
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solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear power plants.
35 media | 224 replies
No title
How does forcing everyone to be vegan prevent global warming? Raising crops with tractors has a much higher CO2 emission rate than raising livestock does.
9 media | 111 replies
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It's over for mathematicians. RIP
8 media | 49 replies
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How come scientists favor China over all other nations?
3 media | 16 replies
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>.still believing in hypothetical forms of matter
0 media | 2 replies
Astrology is a real science
How come astrology was able to predict this and the rest of the sciences were incapable of doing so?
2 media | 16 replies
No title
>be a woman
>Marry up to competent borderline genius scientist(Pierre Curie)
>Be his assistant in lab
>He received nobel prize but was a complete cuck and forced Committee to give her nobel prize too
>Work more as assistant of husband
>Husband dies in car incident, but most of essential work is done
>Complete the rest
>Get nobel
Wymen in science moment. And feminists call her icon of female superiority in science
7 media | 124 replies
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How unhealthy is it to eat chitin?
3 media | 14 replies
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Why haven't we tried this yet?
0 media | 10 replies
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long term sea level trends
Since the planet is generally cooling off since the height of the current interglacial period, sea level should be falling currently.
And observational evidence shows that sea level is currently falling.
Hypothesis proved true
15 media | 76 replies
No title

Higher rejection rates for double blinded vs single blinded reviews prove illicit collusion occurs between authors and reviewers in at least a third of academic publications
1 media | 39 replies
No title
There's literally no point to doing science after the 60s , all that was left was for manufacturing and engineering to catch up to the theoretical frameworks.
There's nothing new under the sun, we're just publishing more and more bullshit.

This is very important because if we finally realize that technology is dead and there's no more progress to be had we can conclude that corporations and silicon valley are stealing our money with R&D and contrived bullshit.
7 media | 157 replies
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread (aka /qtddtot/)
Previous thread: >>16264745

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?
>how do I find the source of an image?

>where can I get:
>book recs?
>online courses and lectures?
>tables, properties and material selection?

Tips for asking questions here:
>avoid replying to yourself
>ask anonymously
>recheck the Latex before posting
>ignore shitpost replies
>avoid getting into arguments
>do not tell us where is it you came from
>do not mention how [other place] didn't answer your question so you're reposting it here
>if you need to ask for clarification fifteen times in a row, try to make the sequence easy to read through
>I'm not reading your handwriting
>I'm not flipping that sideways picture
>I'm not google translating your spanish
>don't ask to ask
>don't ask for a hint if you want a solution
36 media | 279 replies
No title
Umm bros? Can LHC really send information to the past?
13 media | 79 replies
How harmful is sunlight for you really?
Mainstream health advice is telling us that any amount of sun exposure is harmful and carcinogenic and therefore we should wear sunscreen or UV blocking clothing at all times. The US and Australian governments officially endorse this belief, and probably other governments as well I can't remember at the moment.

How true is it really?

I have trouble believing that any amount of sun exposure is potentially harmful considering how modern this view is. For millennia people did not all die of skin cancer and many thought sun exposure was good for you. While health authorities sometimes accept that some amount of sun exposure is good for you, they always say it's only a little bit of sun exposure and insist you still wear sunscreen.

Something else I know is that in the past several decades myopia rates have been greatly increasing, and myopia can be caused by a lack of time outside. Could our discouragement of going outside be causing myopia?
2 media | 42 replies
No title
What's so bad about climate change anyway? Turning the world into a greenhouse means making it a greener place. The CO2 we release will both give plants more air to breathe and a better temperature to live in.
It is proven that our current geological period (the Quaternary) is an Ice Age. If anything, warming the planet would turn it back to normal, when the planet had huge forests and animals like in the Mesozoic.
Also, on a geological time frame, we should give ALL the carbon back to the biosphere before it is forever absorbed into the surrounding rocks or subducted to the mantle, or else the planet could eventually run out of biological materials for life. We will probably achieve fusion before the lack of oil becomes a problem anyway.
Either way, the greenhouse effect will not be very dramatic, because most of the CO2 will be quickly absorbed by the biomass in the planet. Proof of that is that originally the atmosphere had only volcanic gases and zero oxygen, and today it has 20% O2 and 0.04% CO2. Almost all of the carbon was absorbed by photosynthesizing organisms. The same thing is happening RIGHT NOW due to human emissions, but the scientists are trying to paint it as a bad thing ( Thoughts?
2 media | 2 replies
Why is modern science so pretentious
How the hell is entropy not time, and time not entropy?

How the hell is evolution not adaptation, and adaptation not evolution?

Are scientists pedantic retards? Causality is causality is causality.

If things *progress at all*, it's time, period. Shit happens, shit changes, shit adjusts.
0 media | 32 replies
No title
So, how accurate is really this film. The whole blight excuse to abandon Earth seems contrived and turned me off. It was cool to see the time dilation, but I'm sure this one is exaggerated too, specially with the inner more extreme planets. Obviously the inside of the black hole is complete bs, but what else?
1 media | 10 replies
Scibros we did it
Is this not the biggest pharma breakthrough of the century?
0 media | 15 replies
No title
What's the cheapest way to achieve positron particle beams?
1 media | 19 replies
No title
Is there any scientific literature which shows methods of falling asleep in 15 minutes or less without the usage of drugs or supplements? I read that for the average person it takes them 5 to 15 minutes to fall asleep. For me its on average double that or even more. The only time I fall asleep within 15 minutes or less is when I'm really tired and have slept the previous night less than 6 hours. Also often times I can go to bed at midnight and wake up at 11am and still feel tired when I wake up. I rarely ever go to bed and just wake up 8 hours later without periodically waking up during the early morning. How are people just able to fall alseep whenever they want and wake up 8 hours later and feel fully rested for the full day? I have tried all sorts of methods to fall asleep faster and to have better sleep but nothing works, that includes eye mask, ear plugs, melantonin, and all sorts of fall asleep methods. How has science not been able to fix such a problem for me?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Is there a scientific consensus on whether people find Green or Blue to be the more calming color?
7 media | 62 replies
No title
Where does oil really come from?
2 media | 27 replies
How can someone predict the best environment for their genes?
Maps like these are very interesting but they only provide information about settlement and not what environment these people have actually adapted for. Yes, for some it could be true but definitely not all, especially the southern and eastern ones that had more migrations and wars with different types of people. How is one supposed to then find the best possible environment for their genes and what about mixed race people?
0 media | 5 replies
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dbz citizens
So how can you prove that who you are is random and not "what was meant to be"?
I am asking because that statement is often used in religious debates, for example, and I don't think it is fully understood.
3 media | 9 replies
De Gruyter
They are having their annual sale. Are you getting anything? What are their best sci books?
0 media | 2 replies
non political wikipedia thread
I'm a simple man. I don't do; I teach. Sometimes I look up things on wikipedia and if it's spelled wrong, I correct it.

There is a cancer in wikipedia. Please submit names and examples of administrators using automation to revert *non political* revisions. If you were banned after correcting the automated reversions, please include that, too.

Known fascists include

12 media | 73 replies
Did COVID kill /sci/?
This board used to be a lot more active before COVID, and the level of discussion was a bit more sophisticated. A lot less pop sci discussion and more math/logic/physics.

Did all the people whining about muh antivaxxers and the lab leak hypothesis being "Russian disinformation" end up driving away a lot of the /sci/ user base? This board was basically unusable during COVID because there were so many people completely hysterical about shit like antivaxxers and the Lab Leak Hypothesis, and it makes me think the insane over-the-top hysteria and constant name calling and accusations that other posters were working for foreign governments ended up ruining a lot of peoples user experience and drove them away from the board. Now /sci/ literally gets like half a dozen posts an hour.
1 media | 13 replies
What do we know? What are some theories?
Its hard to find any serious material on it
1 media | 7 replies
No title
>Is there a doctor here?! This man isn't breathing!
>I'm a doct...uh, nevermind.
Ph.D.s are a joke.
7 media | 38 replies
No title
A new worldwide study finds there were no excess deaths due to covid and there were 16.9 million vaccine-associated deaths up to the end of 2022.

At 521 pages it is a comprehensive report containing hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023.

“Our calculated excess mortality rate [ ] corresponds to 30.9 ± 0.2 million excess deaths projected to have occurred globally for the 3-year period 2020-2022, from all causes of excess mortality during this period,” the authors wrote.

More than half of those global excess deaths, about 57%, the authors attributed to covid vaccines.

Using the data from 78 countries the researchers calculated the population-wide risk of death per injection. From this, they estimated the global all-ages excess mortality associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022. They calculated that the deaths, globally, associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022 was 16.9 million people.
2 media | 6 replies
No title
How did buffalo evoluve!
1 media | 4 replies
New IQ test result dropped
Interesting thing is the white-chinese group mixed is in between white and chinese. China has high average IQ but the advantage of the west is meritocracy. If the the west doesnt wake up from the DEI, affirmative action, fake and fradulent bullshit in its science and technology institutions, it wont be much longer till China take over. It's quite close already and the trajectory indicates it might have already been too late.
18 media | 86 replies
algorithmic trading
suggest me some interesting concepts to implement in trading algorithms
Hard mode: no common bs, no cringe random walks, no coin flips, amaze me
3 media | 28 replies
No title
Post your favorite mathematician
9 media | 13 replies
Scientific clown show
Here we have it folks DARK energy wasn’t enough. Now introducing DARK oxygen!! Sounds spooky.

Why are they gaslighting us true science chads?

I give up
0 media | 5 replies
No title
Does English have Universal Computation?
1 media | 3 replies
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Bocchi the Computer Scientist
Kita the Mathematician
Nijika the Engineer
Ryo the Computational Scientist
0 media | 0 replies
Atomic Energy General
Tried doing this a few months ago, now I see more interest.

What is atomic energy general?
Discuss anything related to nuclear technology here, from particle accelerators and fusion rockets to nuclear bombs and power plants. It is supposed to be similar to /sfg/ but for people interested in (or skeptical of!) nuclear or general energy industry things.

happenings in the power industry
You can learn about fusors here, a good intro to DIY nuclear physics experiments.
21 media | 114 replies
how do I defeat overfitting?
1 media | 13 replies
No title
Does brain size matter?
36 media | 204 replies
No title
twitter screencap
Does anyone know what paper he is referring to?
3 media | 14 replies
No title
Was Oppenheimer another fraud
Is this true about Oppenheimer?
2 media | 20 replies
No title
How does audio forensics work? Does every individual gun really have an "audio fingerprint"?
How come guns of the same make & model don't have the same audio fingerprint? Does the choice of ammo change the audio fingerprint?
4 media | 22 replies
Peer review is failing

>Things are so bad that a new world record was set in 2023: more than 10,000 research papers were retracted from academic journals.

>The numbers don’t lie: Scientific publishing has a problem, and it’s getting worse

>peer review is a broken system that needs its own honest review.

>The scale is impossible. Let’s do the math: 3 million peer-reviewed papers published every year, multiply those by two-to-three reviewers, times four-to-eight hours per reviewer… that math doesn’t work. Yet we persist in this dreamlike fantasy that somehow peer review is going to ensure quality.

>The fragility of the peer review system were spotlighted in the 2013 “Who’s Afraid of Peer Review” affair, in which science journalist John Bohannon created “a scientific version of Mad Libs” — a nonsense paper that was accepted by 157 of 255 pay-to-publish open-access journals (an acceptance rate of 60 percent).
3 media | 9 replies
/sci/ vs /toy/ and /x/ - 2024 4cнan summer cup
/sci/ plays against /toy/ today and then /x/ on Sunday.

>what is this?
A virtual soccer (football) tournament involving the boards of 4chan, /sci/'s team promoted to this summer's cup after coming in 4th this past winter

>we have a team?
Yes, its been around for over a decade.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>where can I watch previous games?
3 media | 20 replies
No title
>vaccines ended polio epidemics-ACK
2 media | 14 replies
STEM cell research retracted, highest ever cited retracted work. Longevity morons btfo.
Hey longevity trannies, antiaging research is fake and gay. You will die alone and pathetically just like all of us. Stop spamming this board with your useless scam science to shill for your web traffic. Buy an ad.

>The junior author of the retracted paper get the blame for the doctored images that they didnt make
Kek. Worms in the institutions almost guarantee that any future results come out most likely is not significant and not replicated because they're performed by fraudsters. You will not reach the escape velocity. Bahahahaha, fags.
8 media | 59 replies

The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.
4 media | 23 replies
No title
Since we've only discovered a fraction of all prehistoric life on earth, what sort of fauna comprises the other 99% that we haven't found?
0 media | 5 replies
No title
Screen Shot 2024-07-13
Wouldn't it be completely expected and normal to see polar ice sheets shrinking during an interglacial period?
4 media | 23 replies
No title
>neonicotinoids are killing le heckin bees!
7 media | 71 replies
What explains the dramatic increase in penis size?
>Researchers found that the average penis increased in size from 4.8 inches in 1992 to 6 inches in 2021
>A 2021 study on 4,685 young italian men found the median penis size to be 17cm or 6.6 inches (DOI:10.1111/and.14053)
what happened?
0 media | 4 replies
No title
What does math think about nihilism?
2 media | 10 replies
No title
science has proved that ancient egypt was ruled by whites.
30 media | 115 replies
No title
When are you going to admit he was right?
1 media | 3 replies
No title
How accurate is this kind of data analysis? Can they really use science to prove that the guy who shot Trump was associating with someone who had either had a lot of contact with the FBI or was working for the FBI directly?
4 media | 15 replies
No title
If no Watson and Crick would we still be "fucking around and finding out" with DNA manipulation today?
1 media | 22 replies
Ideal Gas Law
Heres a brief video explaining the ideal gas law for those of you who haven't yet learned enough about physics to understand it.
9 media | 123 replies
No title
This photograph contains many of the smartest people in human history including Einstein, Planck, Dirac, etc, but even this crowd at its large size doesn't contain all the people who lived at the time who would normally considered among the smartest people who ever lived (e.g. Nikola Tesla was also alive at the time).
How many people alive today would you consider worthy of being referred to as arguably among the smartest who ever lived? I can't think of many.. how did so many geniuses live simultaneously at the time this photo was taken, when so few people of their caliber exist today?
Shouldn't the amount of exceptional genius be evenly spread throughout time? Is something holding us back in modern times that prevents us from achieving greatness?
1 media | 6 replies
ABCC11 and pheromones?
Could it be that the ABCC11-gene also has an incluence on pheromones?

I mean, the smell of a person send some information about health and other things.
0 media | 0 replies
Convergence of Synthetic Biology with A.I.
IIT: A discussion on potential implications of AI used for synthetic biology.

AI can be used to help engineer organisms through an ability to better understand and design genetic frameworks. What are some implications of this? Here are some of my considerations -- some don't necessarily directly involve AI, but AI can make such things easier. :

Normie tier:
>Easier drug/biomaterial production through organisms with better optimized production pathways
>AI could help engineer organisms that react to their environment (like an organism that helps crop production by sending signals to plants in response to qualities of the soil)
>Engineering of organisms to help the climate (biofilters, plastic degradation) (gay)
>More GMO food, like lab grown meat (even gayer)

>Nefarious actors could potentially get DNA data (like through hacking and creating a disease that targets a certain individual
>Potential organisms engineered to genocide people/crops/livestock (biowarefare)
>Organisms that interact with the microbiome to influence peoples emotions
>GMO Humans/Human chimeras
>Engineered neurons connected to a computer to make a living computer

>Living bioclothing/accessories (potential moss-like organism that lives on peoples heads for baldies)
>Virus that spreads and inserts DNA into people to give them "neutral" qualities, like lactose-tolerance
>Jurassic park finally becomes real
1 media | 14 replies
No title
What are numbers ontologically speaking?
6 media | 35 replies
No title
The most intelligent human being who ever existed.
3 media | 29 replies
No title
I faked the data on my Master's thesis and got it published.
3 media | 26 replies
No title
Is there any scientific literature that shows how to stop procrastinating and to deal with difficult tasks that need to be completed asap? If so what are the best solutions to tackle this problem?
0 media | 8 replies
Relational Frame
Why does Relational Frame Training so overlooked even though it's the most promising way to increase human intellegence so far?
0 media | 0 replies
don't procreate goy

is this true?
1 media | 5 replies
No title
Is there any real underrated/unironically esoteric knowledge you know about that made your life better? I've learned about drinking a bunch of water before shitting to make it easier. Is there anything like that? Simple but useful.
1 media | 35 replies