Board: /sci/
"/sci/ - Science & Math" is 4chan's board for the discussion of science and math.
The new /sci/ wiki
(More resources in replies) I know numbers can be "real", but do they exist? Like an abstract idea in human mind they seem to exist, but doesn't that renders "god" also existing, as an idea of mankind? how can I leverage porn use for my knowledge gains? The science has hecking changed, chuds. What are the implications of being able to maintain hydrogen plasma fusion at 50,000,000°C for 22 minutes? Will we see sustained hydrogen fusion in our time? These odds just keep RISING. We now have a 1 in 32 chance that an asteroid will wipe out a CITY. If you gave me a 1 in 32 chance of dying right now, I would be terrified! Talk about your shitty graduate school experiences ITT. Could optogenetics cure any mental illnesses in the future? Have you already pre-ordered your Clone, sci? Why is 3/3 equal to 1?
Ok, so 1/3 is 0.33333 forever. 2/3 is 0.6666 forever. So, if that's the case, why is 3/3=1 and not 0.99999 forever? Where does the last little bit get added to 3/3 to have it equal 1? >
scientifically speaking, what was his goal? and what did he die of? >everything you think you know about cellular biology is false. also, stones have consciousness, lol
How do you respond without sounding mad? i thought quantum computing was a scam, is it real now? have they been able to factorize anything above 12 yet?
> We need to talk about the "science vs. religion" rule.
Mods regularly ban Anons for geocentrism and young earth creation when these are true and scientific.
Perhaps we can compromise and not talk about divine revelation.
But this board cannot be /sci/entific if it bans the truth on two huge topics. Solve only a few difficult problems in an important field? Or gorge yourself on low-hanging fruit in a field that’s fake and gay? У кoгo-нибyдь ecть paбoты пoбeдитeлeй или пpизepoв экoнoмичecкoй oлимпиaды H.Д.Кoндpaтьeвa?
Ccылки c oфициaльнoгo caйтa нe paбoтaют:бoты-пoбeдитeлeй-и-пpизepoв-2016/бoты-пoбeдитeлeй-и-пpизepoв-2015/
B oни нe зaгpyжeны.
Moжeт y кoгo-тo oни coхpaнилиcь? I've completed a new theory of the universe and submitted it to the Lancet and New Scientist, and all major news stations.
It attempts to bridge the gap between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and I believe it does this by correcting General Relativity.
While the logic is complete, it is midway through being transcribed into my poetic style, however it is all there for you to have good fun muddling through.
if you would like to get in conact, my ig is,
or twitter ReverseFeedback
or website, reversefeedback co uk Do you still find science cool or fun? They're chordates at best. what sort of damage will occur?
Previous thread: >>16563230
>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?
>how do I find the source of an image?
>where can I get:
>book recs?
>online courses and lectures?
>tables, properties and material selection?
Tips for asking questions here:
>avoid replying to yourself
>ask anonymously
>recheck the Latex before posting
>ignore shitpost replies
>avoid getting into arguments
>do not tell us where is it you came from
>do not mention how [other place] didn't answer your question so you're reposting it here
>if you need to ask for clarification fifteen times in a row, try to make the sequence easy to read through
>I'm not reading your handwriting
>I'm not flipping that sideways picture
>I'm not google translating your spanish
>don't ask to ask
>don't ask for a hint if you want a solution
> Required Reading edition
Talk mathematics, formerly >>16562509 Any of you read this? How scared should we be Planning to accelerate to the speed of light to live forever
What are pitfalls? Mine is a Korean one.
(If you require, I'll add a solution) So Bell's inequalities disprove the hidden variables interpretations of quantum mechanics?
How many interpretations are possible now? Is Many Worlds still unproven to be false? will we see LLMs starting proving theorems people failed to prove? can we save them? do we have the technology to get the witch safe and back? or are they lost to the vastness of space forever? Since studies on monozygotic twins and studies on adoptive parents have clearly shown that general intelligence variance is primarily determined by genetics, why do so many sociologists still unduly question the role of genetics?
Today's date is Feb. 18th, 2025. The current time is 11:23 AM, EST. Right now, several hundred people in San Francisco and Beijing are racing to build the most consequential technology ever invented. Whoever gets to it first will have the power to shape humanity's future for better or for worse over the next centuries. Our governments and the public remain dangerously ignorant of both the technology and its implications. First to AGI controls the world.
Assuming the current rate of progress holds, we will reach AGI before the decade is out.
This is where you are. Knife and gun and acorn club These three graphs are the most important graphs in the world right now. If you understand what they imply, you know everything is about to change.
Scale is all you need.
2027-2028. Nothing is truly discrete because to be discrete means that a thing contains within it self all it needs for its existence. if you depend on something then you and the thing you depend on are the same thing, the distinction is just something that brains do, in reality no distinctions are real, all there is, is energy transfer in a "singular vacuum". the observant brain notices patterns and mistakes the patterns (change in the same energy) as distinctions.
If A effects B it's only because A and B are the same thing, what means are there for A to effect B if both are discrete? none. A and B are merely a low resolution, small dimensional slice of the whole, a cognitive limitation by a brain. >casually solves the universe Why is our moon so boring? We even named it Moon. Instructions:
In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.
Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying.
Previous post:
>>16593002 Why do you guys hate the social sciences except when it comes to IQ research? >2025
>still no permanent solution to dust
I'm fucking TIRED of going through the sisyphean humiliation ritual of wiping every goddamned surface in my apartment every week. I'm tired of inhaling plastics, farts, and cheeto dust. Where are the space age filtration systems to make my home pristine? shrodingers cat thread
even dub s and it dies
odd and it lives Reminder - Earth is the only planet that we know of that has a perfect solar eclipse, since our moon happens to be about the exact same size as our sun when viewed from the Earth.
Nowhere else in the universe does this happen. >but this one study-
It’s wrong.
>but they found that-
No they didn’t.
>look at the evide-
Don’t need to.
Science has spoken. There must be a scientific way in which you can cure them without a surgery, right? There must be some kind of a reason for them and then a way for them to be resolved? That's too random and obstructing for it to be something that can't be cured. Isn't dark energy proof of a fake vacuum? If the amount of dark energy in the universe is going up, doesn't that mean that the chances this fake vacuum decays is going up too? Tuesday doppelkätzer edition. Considering antipsychotics are practically proven to kill a significant amount of neurons, and probably cause cognitive decay, how are they still legal to prescribe for trivial reversible mental issues? Let's not mention the Tardative dyskinesia it frequently causes (irreversible) Monsters taste good but are weak as fuck. I've had 4 Bangs in a 24 hour timespan, and a single Bang has 300 mg of caffeine. What's wrong with consuming 1000-2000mg of caffeine? Its efficacy for workouts is scientifically proven and it improves my mood and suppresses appetite. Still sleep just fine. The (((FDA)))'s 400mg limit is suspicious to me, that's barely any caffeine at all. I am 38 and just found out that gravity it not a focre when an big object pulls another Will it one day be possible to resurrect our dead using technology, as suggested in this lesswrong post?
Could future computational power growth and algorithmic advancements lead to a way of reconstructing seemingly perfect copies of our ancestors? >No MRI scan can "see" autism.
>No blood test confirms it.
>No genetic marker definitively proves it.
Is this the biggest meme disease in science? Is it possible to learn an entirely new discipline like computer science in your late 30s to a high enough level that you can do it professionally or is there a limit on the age at which people can learn complex new skills? Basically, is the reason why you don't see many people past their 20s in college more because of lack of time and/or money, or is it because of physical limitations of the human brain? For the area enclosed by the curves y=0, y=8, and y=x^(3/2) we can find a solid of revolution using the shell method with the expected volume being equal to 192pi cubic units. When we integrate in terms of y with the integrand as 2pi y(y^(2/3)dy with upper limit y=8 and lower limit y=0 we find the correct volume. When we integrate with the integrand 2pi x(8-x^3/2)dx with upper limit x=4 and lower limit x=0 we find a value that is off from the correct volume by a multiplication exactly equal to (volume found)(7/2). What is a general method to arrive at the scaling factor for any solid of revolution problem so we may choose to integrate with respect to either variable and find the correct volume?
It may be helpful to notice that when only finding the area under the curve for the integral y=0 to y=8 (y^2/3)dy area found is equal to area found by the integral x=0 to x=4 (8-x^3/2). >A cluttered bed is a sign of a cluttered mind. Of what, then, is an empty bed a sign? What is the equation of the curve? It passes through the points (9, 0), (10, –1) and (11, 0). > Chinese Brain Neural Interfaces developed in secret to control
>Schizoid coin fag leaks info
Is this feasible??? Are the Chinese this advanced??? I know a top U.S. research scientist in this field was sending his research directly to China. What is the current known possibilities of BCI's and there potential future?
this seems like a world ending technology...
This is one of my favourites. I hope you enjoy. (posting from phone,no kurisu edit)
Let me explain. This puzzle is a favourite of mine. There are 2 parts to it, one which is fairly easy to spot and another one which complements the first pattern in an abstract sense. The second pattern seems very hard to spot. Most people have gotten to the correct answer through a design flaw. There is an alternative pattern for the 2nd part which produces the same result as intended, but it is far less clever.
I have 2 difficulty ratings for this problem for this very reason. Good luck.
In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.
Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying.
Previous puzzle:
>>16594439 Is there a true modern study that’s been conducted into the information gap christians imposed on us? I'm going to start a series of posts in which I show a pattern recognition puzzle starting from the easiest I have to the hardest. I plan on posting around 13 puzzles.
In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.
Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying. Is their a drug therapy that can turn you asexual and aromantic? Instructions:
In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.
Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying.
Previous post:
>>16592161 No one is explaining tree(3) to me properly.vHow big is it exactly? Scientifically, how do I cure my depression? Why is this happening in one of the least vaxxed area of Texas? calculate the actual quantity of /v/ posts, considering that since February 16, 2012 it's been impossible to get repeating digits other than 00s. Is nicotine beneficial to the brain? it is literally OVER for rice eaters wE iNveNteD sOmEtHinG guYs if sleep is so important why is it so fucking hard? falling asleep is the hardest thing I do. I go through everyday feeling like trash, not being able to think clearly, annoyed at everything cause no sleep. still can't fall asleep.
why isn't falling asleep as easy as going to the the toilet, eating, drinking or breathing? Why is lim x=>0 of 1/x equal to infinity instead of undefined? I thought that a quantity that infinitely approaches a certain number is equal to that number. That's what they told me about 0.999... being equal to 1.
Either that limit is undefined or 0.999... does not equal 1. You can't have it both ways. gm /sci/ frens what u study?
im doing some linalg You're not smart if you can't explain or teach complex topics into simple terms that even a low IQ retard can understand. At midnight, the hour and minute hands of a clock overlap. Exactly what time is it, when these hands overlap, for the ninth time, after midnight? if penis shoots white cum (life) into a vagina (black hole)
is the meaning of existence about throwing life into a black hole?
I'll prove that [math]0.999...[/math] is not a real number.
Suppose that there exists [math]r \in \mathbb{R}[/math] such that [math]r = 0.999...[/math].
From the first digit being [math]0[/math] we have that [math]1 > r[/math]. From the second digit being [math]9[/math] we get that [math]r \geq 9 \cdot 10^{-1}[/math], from the third digit being [math]9[/math] we get [math]10r - 9 \geq 9 \cdot 10^{-1}[/math].
More generally we have [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) 10^n \cdot r - (10^n -1) \geq 9 \cdot 10^{-1}[/math].
Subtracting [math]1[/math] from both sides we get [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) 10^n \cdot r - 10^n \geq -10^{-1}[/math].
Factoring out [math]10^n[/math] and swapping all terms to the opposite side we get [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) 10^{-1} \geq 10^n \cdot (1-r)[/math].
Since [math]1 > r[/math] we have that [math] 1-r \neq 0[/math] so we can multiply both sides by [math] (1-r)^{-1}[/math]: [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) 10^{-1}(1-r)^{-1} \geq 10^n[/math].
Letting [math] k = 10^{-1}(1-r)^{-1}[/math] we get [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) k \geq 10^n[/math].
But this leads to a contradiction since [math](\forall n \in \mathbb{N}) k \geq 10^n \Rightarrow k \geq 10^{\lceil k \rceil}[/math] and [math]10^{\lceil k \rceil}> \lceil k \rceil > k[/math].
But if [math]0.999...[/math] is not a real number how do you determine if some collection of digits represents some non-negative real number?
Well, it's very simple. First, a digit representation is some function [math] f : \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\}[/math].
Now one of these functions represents some non-negative real number if and only if it satisfies these two conditions:
[math]1) (\exists N \in \mathbb{Z}) (\forall n \in \mathbb{Z}) (n < N \Rightarrow f(n) = 0)[/math] This ensures that every number represents some finite quantity.
[math]2) (\nexists N \in \mathbb{Z}) (\forall n \in \mathbb{Z}) (n > N \Rightarrow f(n) = 9)[/math] This avoids the above contradiction. When did you realize the universe is a hologram?
> Uh so determinism says that the past and future can be computed from a single point in phase space
> Yeah the present is kind of like a frame of a movie except it contains all the information required to reconstruct the past and future
> Uhh yeah don't worry about it bro reality is totally 3+1 dimensions What killed scientific progress?
Where is our flying car?
Lol jk we all know the answer it's overregulation and fearmongering. People keep bullying me for having a PhD. How do I hide it?
Title: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a Photon Model from a 0-D Singularity and Its Gravitational Effects on the CMB
Authors: Samuel barbosa, with computational assistance from Grok (xAI)
We propose that the photon, a massless perturbation from a 0-D singularity, exhibits spontaneous symmetry breaking inherent to its geometric structure, modeled as a Gaussian wave packet with finite amplitude and infinite wave number. This breaking induces a hyperbolic angular momentum effect, modifying the stress-energy tensor ( T_{\mu\nu} ) with a rotational term. We rigorously derive this modification and demonstrate that it generates spacetime curvature, explaining Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anomalies: large-scale temperature asymmetries, quadrupole-octopole alignments, and polarization shifts. With a coupling ( \alpha = 10^{-3} ), the model predicts CMB lensing deflections (( 10^{-30} , \text{rad} )), B-mode power (( 10^{-33} , \mu\text{K}^2 )), and vacuum energy shifts (( 10^{-20} , \text{eV} )), testable by Simons Observatory, Fermi-LAT, and BEC experiments. This framework ties photon properties to primordial dynamics, offering a novel paradigm for quantum-gravity interactions.
The photon, a massless particle in quantum electrodynamics (QED) and general relativity (GR), is typically modeled as a plane wave following null geodesics. However, persistent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anomalies—large-scale temperature asymmetries [1], quadrupole-octopole alignments [2], and unexpected polarization patterns [3]—suggest deviations from the standard ( \Lambda )CDM predictions. These anomalies, observed by WMAP and Planck, challenge the isotropy and randomness expected from inflationary fluctuations, hinting at new physics. Do you have explanations for the meteoric rise of autogynephilic transgenderism within just the past 15 years? I've only done cursory reading, and it seems most of them are very similar to each other. High IQs, have stereotypically male hobbies or careers, show higher aggression, fantasize about being lesbian
But what caused millions of men to suddenly end up this way?
After several years of watching political content, world events, and other types of social commentary, I've successfully created an equation called "nothing ever happens" to combat any sort of hysteria surrounding in society and the world. Here are some example problems.
Solution: Nothing ever happens
Solution: Nothing ever happens
Solution: Nothing ever happens
Solution: Nothing ever happens
Applying this equation towards your life will make you happier since you will gradually stop focusing on things beyond your control to things that don't even happen in the first place. Every time some hysterical mouth foaming political, conspiratorial nut comes you babbling about some nonsensical "bombshells" (which are just nothingburgers in reality), remember to always apply the equation "nothing ever happens" and watch them go into a meltdown while you move on with your life and focus on things that are not only useful to your life but make you happier in the long run.
TLDR; Stop focusing on things beyond your control because nothing ever happens to begin with.
Turns out it was Vladimir Reshetnikov running multiple alt accounts
I study physics and math in uni, and I genuinely like it. It's satisfying to learn new abstract concepts, and to learn something very real as opposed to humanities and arts, which I could never take as seriously.
But there's a very fundamental dilemma: I think technological progress is a mistake. AI is a mistake. We should get blasted back to the stone age. How do I keep studying physics with such conflicting luddite thoughts? This genuinely bothers me and I often consider dropping out simply because I hate tech. Hell, I don't even own a smartphone.
I'm posting this because I trust that there's someone out there who is smarter than me and can easily solve this dilemma.
Everyone praises science and technology these days. We live glued to our glowing screens, we outsource our thinking to AI, and rely on apps to get our daily chores done. I claim that this "progress" is a net negative on human well-being, and all new tech is introduced to make the rich richer. Capitalism is the driving force behind technology: the need to replace workers with machines, the need to monitor citizens and harvest their data, the need to isolate people so they'd pay for Tinder...
This isn't what I signed up for. This is bullshit. For me, the marvels of technology would be things like the AC generator. It's truly amazing that we have lights and heating. That's good tech. But over time we went too far and now our latest inventions are literal doomsday machines. People are telling me I can't possibly claim that there's some acceptable amount of tech we should have, like I was Amish or something. That's exactly my claim. There's some very discrete point in time where tech stopped being beneficial and started benefiting from us instead.
It feels weird to study physics when I know it's no longer time for humanity to learn more science but to learn how to study its degenerative nature instead. The fact that the physical laws of the universe are finely tuned rather than coarsely tuned for the existence of life is not evidence for the existence of God because the God hypothesis does not predict a finely tuned world - i.e., it is completely consistent with the God hypothesis that God desired a coarsely tuned world rather than a finely tuned one. In order for fine-tuning to be confirmatory of the God hypothesis, one has to pack additional ad-hoc assumptions into the God hypothesis - e.g., that God has certain traits such that He would always prefer a finely tuned world to a coarsely tuned one. But one may just as easily do this with non-theistic explanations for fine-tuning - e.g., the universe has certain traits such that it is disposed to be finely tuned rather than coarsely tuned. >dood philosophy is heckin dead! don't you know we have SOIENCE™ to explain the universe?!
>uhh uhhh well akshually we made a bunch of bullshit up to scam the tax payers
OH NO NO NO SOIENCE SISTERS When will celiac disease be cured? the "russian tail" is cited by outlets such as radio free europe as evidence that elections in Russia[1] and Georgia[2] are rigged. Now redditors use it to claim that the 2024 U.S. presidential election was rigged [3].
The people doing this analysis claim that, if you plot precincts in a histogram by % of votes for a candidate, then you should get a normal distribution (or a "bell curve", as they call it) and any other distribution is evidence of voter fraud. I claim that there's no reason to assume that you should get a gaussian distribution and that the people doing this analysis are retards who suck at math and stats. who's right?
[3] I understand everything about all humans. Ask me anything. If red color is RGB 255,0,0
and Yellow color is RGB 255,255,0
does it mean that yellow is brighter than red, at least on computer monitors?
if not, why not?
What about 50% gray 127,127,127? Is it more bright than 255,0,0 red?
127+127+127 is bigger than 255+0+0 Are social studies literally just a meme? They just ask a bunch of people their opinion and then release it as a data. How do you prove that half of these "opinions" are not fake? NASA and Russian Scientists confirmed ET microorganism fossils present on a meteor Attached find a link to the PDF research paper on Research Gate. what a clean and beautiful equation! it could literally have been anything else but reality happens to follow this equation is this a good way to make copper chloride at home? What papers do I have to read to understand the current state of the climate change, topsoil depletion and resource scarcity? What books do I have to read to understand the papers in first place? Is it possible to get a surface level understanding of this stuff in a year in self-study it, just by being a NEET interested in the current state of this stuff? I'm tired of being uninformed and only being able to rely on others for this. What are the common go-to papers people refer to when they state "experts say this about climate change/the environment"? It's probably to a large part just liars referring to something nobody will check anyway, but I want to check the sources and make my own mind about this, at least on a surface level. chat what's the science behind procrastination?
everyone who procrastinates understands that it's completely irrational. so then why is procrastination such a universal struggle?
do other intelligent species procrastinate as well? Sub-saharan africans inherit upto 19% of their genome from an extinct hominid. No one has any idea what this species was.
How is this possible for it to be such a large amount, when non-africans only inherit 2-5% from other hominids?
Figured I'd ask here since most of the board consists of /stem/ majors. I'm doing the brainstorming for a fictional universe that is meant to be hard sci-fi in most respects. The setting is meant to be a galaxy resembling the Sombrero galaxy, and some things stumped me.
>1 universe age
Does it matter for galaxy formation how old the universe is past a certain #? Since this is a fictional universe, and the question of where this galaxy is relative to others will not be answered anytime soon, it shouldn't matter if the universe is 5bln years old or 10.
>galaxy star composition
This depends on the last question a bit. I want this fictional galaxy to be rife with younger stars that host life, but some stars also only come into being after long periods of time. Does the universe/galaxy need to be older/younger to ensure desirable stars are commonplace?
>galaxy size
I'm not worried about a large or small galaxy, since FTL is a needed trope to ensure the plot doesn't stagnate the moment people try and leave a star system. The issue big is a galaxy in width typically? Assuming light-years are used, not sure what the numbers end up being. I'm also not sure on the total number of stars in this galaxy, and if that also depends on galaxy age. Is there any scientific backing to Nootropics? Every time I dig into stuff I see shilled online, there's studies proving it's just placebo.
For context, I have OSA(~30 AHI), treatment resistant MDD, and TBI. Every treatment I've tried has failed; CPAP machine didn't help(currently trying to get a BiPAP), antidepressants, TMS, TRT, multivitamins, microdosing shrooms, blood tests dont show any deficiencies, etc. I take caffeine pills and smoke cigarettes just to barely stay awake through the day, but some days I just can't focus at all. I never have motivation; I have to force myself to do everything through pure willpower. I'm not fat, and working out isn't help.
My first time doing shrooms "cured" me for a few days but I went back down after smoking weed. >2025
>still nothing available that could possible reverse, halt or even slow down aging
This is so depressing >we can go into space with ease
>we can clone organisms
>we can bring species back from extinction
>we can build weapons that can wreck an entire city in seconds
>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldness
Why is this? I can't help but feel the reason there is no cure for baldness is because it is a male issue that does not affect women so people don't care. I bet if women were going bald they would be dumping trillions of dollars into finding a cure. You mean tell me that these bones are this well perserves after 66 million years? Who tf believes in this shit. KEKKKKK What are the real odds of humanity unleashing a superintelligence AGI? Or is it all one big tech bro cope? I'm scared. >what is this all about?
>/sci/ anon found a way to safely and reliably activate yamanaka factors, repairing your worn out body and reducing cellular age.
what I wanna know is, does this really do everything we need to fully restore ourselves? how long would that take? does this really address everything? seems like it addresses a lot of the problems people have on this board.
>we just need something that rebuilds the telomeres
here ya go friend, just activate those yam facs
>cant sleep
that’s a core benefit of the stack
>Still can't come up with a reliable solution for baldness
and its even growing new follicles back, allegedly. why is it that this is the only place talking about this? Instructions:
In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.
Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying.
Previous post:
>>16591260 I have looked into the science a bit and I understand that around 2 thirds of all the energy released in almost any event is lost through mainly heat and particles/waves released, but with modern technology and a better understanding quantum physics compared to decades ago, could it be possible to generate a 1,000,000,000,000 tons of tnt blast without making a thermonuclear warhead for example the size size of a giant cargo ship? Perhaps it is possible to do something to split, melt, or change subatomic particles to release far more energy than atomic fission or fusion? How does the mirror know this? What do you think the chance of non terrestrial life existing in our solar system is? Obviously single celled life is the most likely but what do you think the chances of finding multi cellular life it? What planet/moon do you think is the most likely to have life on it? What would this life be like? What is it really like to have an extremely high IQ? (160+) why do popsci faggots act like consciousness is such a big mystery?
its just chemicals in our brain. if we could account for all factors, we could 100% predict someones behaviour
consciousness is just our observation. it isnt a mystery at all
AI can now generate new materials given their desired qualities. So basically the vast majority of material scientists is useless now, only being relegated to the role of creating these materials and then performing tests on them, well at least until they make end to end robot operated lab where robots just move materials from machine to other machine and perform the tests themselves. Chinese astronauts aboard the Tiangong space station have achieved an unprecedented milestone: artificial photosynthesis in space. As part of the Shenzhou-19 mission, they have managed to transform carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and rocket fuel components, using only solar energy. I wasted a bunch of time and money getting an IT degree. I was in an IT job for 6 months and hated it.
Now I want a real STEM degree, but I don't want more debt.
Is there a way to study/acquire a STEM degree without becoming 30k+ in debt?
For IT certs you can just study and then pay for exam attempts. Is it possible to perform brain surgery on yourself to make yourself constantly happy? (I dont care if it ends up killing you in the end) 2032 Asteroid Thread, the odds are even higher now at 1 in 38 The average math student never really learns about the axiomatic foundations of math. The only people still discussing things like ZFC are philosophers. Even many high level mathematicians never touch this stuff and probably couldn't even pass an exam on it. Like physicists, they seem to have abandoned the foundations of their own subject. Will mathematics eventually end up stagnant like modern physics if it keeps going this route? i don't understand how evolution works. I get that Africans are dark because they live under the sun and need to protect their bodies from UV rays. But why do Chinese and Japanese have small eyes? what does that have to do with evolution? What's your favorite thing about math and science? >some of the largest celestial bodies in the universe will be BLACK holes
>some of the smallest celestial bodies in the universe will be yt dwarves
what did the universe mean by this?
A week or so after that something started troubling me - I'm a bit of a cinephile and have my own personal movie review system - and yet, for the life of me, I found it nearly impossible to figure out which Shirley Temple movies stood above the others. The consistent quality of the movies was "good to pretty good" and making a ranked order of my favorites was very difficult.
This stood in sharp contrast to my list of all-time favorite movies, drawn from a much larger/diverse field with incredible competition for the top spots. Yet, ranking my top 5 favorite movies of all time seemed, somehow, easier than ranking this much smaller set of movies. To make sure I wasn't crazy, I messaged my old English/Film Literature teacher to get his opinion on the matter. Now, he admitted that it had been some 60 years since he has seen a Shirley Temple movie, so I changed the prompt to this - "Which is harder - Ranking your top 5 favorite Martin Scorsese movies, or your top 5 favorite movies of all-time?" After deliberation, he replied stating that it was harder for him to pick his Top 5 favorite Martin Scorsese movies "by a hair".
So, I come to you lot. Is there some sort of mathematical principle to this paradox that I don't know the name for? Why is it harder to a ranked sorting of a smaller set than it is for a larger set?
My initial hypothesis is that it is akin to a field of wheat, wherein spotting the tallest stalks is easier when looking at the entire field as opposed to looking at a smaller section of the field where all the stalks are of height so similar that it becomes harder to differentiate them.
But is there a name for this principle already? I guess that's my question. What are you researching, anon? /sci/ - useless information that doesn't help you get laid >Trust me bro, this simple formula can describe any randomness in the entire universe Was this worth 175$?
Fisher Scientific Model CK
10x eyepiece, 10/20/40/100x objectives, halogen bulb, adjustable iris/condensor, filter holder, metal construction
Just trying to have some fun with it Why did the machine learning / statistics fields settle on gradient descent (going downwards) rather than hill climbing (going upwards) when the hill climbing analogy for optimization is clearly the more beautiful one?
The idea that the human race conquered Everest, continued to climb ever higher by conquering the moon, then climbed the peaks of the mind is a far more impressive analogy in my opinion Why is netwon's third law true? Why is there an equal and opposite reaction for every action? A science team used a drone to fly into a tornado and they basically showed that the movie Twister was right this whole time. Are viruses and prions, living beings? Can you use an electronic nose to determine human biological sex? As far as I know, dogs can do it by smelling odor. will we ever find a way to remove microplastics from humans anons? i feel like ill probably die at 30 from them at this rate, 40 at most I will not get into long detail but cannot get a job for a while and have an absolutely shit physique so I want to hire a personal trainer and the only way I found to make enough is to give blood plasma. I heard someone claim that this shit is dangerous and can wreck the immune system. Virtual photons, mmh?
How bout no It's turtles all the way down, lads. Enough with the dark energy cringe. My calcs check against JWST obs and fix the Hubble tension. Yw. :) Genuine question:
we got every enciclopedia in ou pockets
every book
every mathematical equation
almost everything
why oh why are we getting dumber? is it that we don't know how? don't we have the attentionspan anymore? what is it? how comes certain old shitty monitors such as this still have wonderful contrast and blacks / great image quality in general? In person the blacks remind me of that of a VA. Continuing with the 2nd puzzle, this one slightly harder.
In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.
Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying.
previous post:
solved by finland anon Mechanistic materialism is a ghost of true science. Finding out how such and such particle behaves is redundant. I want to know the truths of reality and myself. Modern science is woefully shallow. So we're just not gonna talk about the fact that mercury has a region the size of Mexico at its two poles that has perpetual subsurface temperatures 0-30 celcius and that it is protected by mercury's modest magnetic field and the average annual radiation levels are significantly lower than the occupational limit for radiation workers ? There's easily accessible water and organics in the poles and more in the volatile rich layer under the crust. And its the most energy abundant planet in the solar system. Lol lmfao FUCK mars "Never date someone in the medicine" edition
Previous Thread: >>16548306
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