Supplemental reading: Harsh's /fit/ Wiki/fit/ webmsNo titleIf they were actually credible doctors, making a decent salary, like a dcent doctor, they wouldn't need to sell supplements to make money. If they were really good doctors, promoting a diet that wasn't deficient by default, they wouldn't need to sell supplements.
FINALLYNo title>ok but you must have at least a vaaaague idea of how long youll be in the gym? >I'm not asking for much there reallyNo title>been around for hundreds of years >one of the most consumed beverages in the world >still can't figure out if it's good for you or not/fat/ - Fat Loss GeneralWho is /fat/ for? For hungry hippos working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice. Join our Fatty Contest:
>Now what? Count calories, all of them. Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE. Buy scales, be accurate. Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables. Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass. Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks. Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat. Drink more water. Read the /fit/ sticky:
>DON'T Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories. Eat processed foods. Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks). Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks. "Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.
Previous thread: >>76009173No titleAre those adjustable weights a gimmick or good Looking to buy some free weights if I can get some cheap shit I will but I can afford a set of dumbbells. Like 150lbs might be too much at the moment.No titleIf deadlifts are good for you, how come elite athletes don't do them?No title/fit/ gentlemen, lets get a youthmaxxing thread goingErectile DysfunctionI cannot get hard and I'm not sure if it's due to all the depraved porn that I've watched or if I damaged my dick by masturbating too much and I caused myself a venous leak
I quit porn and I'm doing Nofap. Also I am doing kegels too. But I won't lie anons I'm a bit scared. I've never been able to have proper sex because I couldn't get hard. I went soft in secondsThis is NOT fair!This guy smoked 12 cigs a day pretty much all his life, drank at least 4 cups of coffee (sometimes with whiskey) and ate almost nothing but canned soup and ice cream and he lived to be 112No titlePost natty goalsNo titleHave you ever stopped exercising and lost all your gains? Did you get them back?No titleIs Barbell Curl the best bicep exercise?Does this protein powder taste good?>be me >order protein powder from Walmart online >it was supposed to arrive today >wasnt here when i got home >neighbors tell me a black dude walked up on my porch and stole it >not a problem, report to police and go to nearby walmarts >out of stock >forced to reorder protein powder online while I wait for my package, who wants to tell me how it tastes or might taste?No titlewhy do you lift, anon?No titleSlow and Steady Saves your Joints!Do steroids affect your personality?IF so, how?No titleHow's your biomarkers /fit/?No title>coworker needs a personal trainer to "force him" to go exercise
His wordsNo titleWhy is chicken and rice the big meme? Wouldn't it be healthier to eat potato/ sweet potato instead of rice?/fph/ :( edition/plg/ - Powerlifting General>Rule: Best lift from last thread is the next OP. No old ass lifts.
>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
Face creams >Vitamin A (improves Collagen 100%) >Aloe vera (Small studies showing it increases collagen and improves fine lines)
Avoid >STRESS >Too much sun exposure >Bad diet >Bad sleep hygiene >STRESSNo title>long day of work >not physical but mental work shit like keeping track of my pupils >go gym immidiately after work >can do about half of my usual shit why is that? my work isnt physical, just mentally taxing. i feel fine after i rest for a few hours, then i can gym real good.No titlenothing like that first sip, of ISOHD, in the morning. with the logo of the cool sunglasses guy to make you feel like youre a cool sunglasses guy with spikey hair while you sip ISOHD.No titlecan i just drink this instead of watercbtSummer ready editionNo titleWhat is the most obnoxious thing you have ever seen another person do at the gym?No titleWhy is water retention a downside? If it makes my muscle looks big, that's an upside Not worried about hair loss so don't bother with that talking point, thank god he didn't make me a wh*te subh*manNo titleHave you noticed people look at you and interact with you differently since getting fit?No titleI lost 10 pounds counting calories and exercising and I have twice the energy that I did before why the fuck do normalfags complain about how bad it supposedly is??UK gym craze over for women?Anyone else notice barely any british girls work out anymore? 10 years ago gyms were 40:60 F:M but now I regularly see zero girls in the gym and I go to a normie city centre puregym.No titlethis was considered the peak of fitness in 2012No titleKek 100% trueNo titleThis is just obsceneNo titleCrazy to think this was considered big or goodNo title>this is the results a woman gets after 3 months of meme pilates Why is getting fit as a woman so easy?No title> calisthenics is literally all you nee-...Do you sprint /fit/?No titleSurely one of you knows how I could DIY Ozempic? I don’t care how sketchy it is, I need itNo titleIndia gym is not for beginnersBEST EXERCISES FOR CHAD GAINS #1>massive bicep gains >massive forearms gain >great stability >keeps elbow joints healthy >no injury risk
i bought zinc, vitamin d ( bloodwork shows its low ) need to fix my sleep, get off antidepressants, cut off nutella and breadNo titleMr Beast can dumbbell bench press the 100s
Meanwhile, you’ve been working out for years and can’t. What’s your excuse again?No titleWhen did age maxing also become part of being /fit/? also, guess her ageWhat the fuck is this?1/2No titleWhy didnt you faggots tell me this actually works?
After literally the first session i was feeling tingling in my scalp, 4 months on my hair has regained about 25% of its density. I have also started using it on my face and it got rid of some of the fucked up broken capillaries on my nose.
Obviously you have to get the right devidce but 650nm red light for 15 minutes a day for 4.5 months has produces significant effect.
It wont reactivate totally dormant follicles but I went from not being able to style my hair and seeing scalp, but being able to style my hair and scalp only visible at the extremes of the temples./fast/ general>What type of fast you’re doing IF, 6:6, extended fast, dry fast, wet(water) fast >what app to use to track your fast Best is easily ‘Easy fast’ >SW CW GW self explanatory. Starting weight. Current weight. Goal weight >any other comments or feelings after I’m new to these general threads so if you wanna add something let me knowI need adviceSo i want to lose some weight (20kg), but i am new to this, i dont know nothing, i just dont want ozempic.No titleHave any heavy drinkers here successfully quit alcohol?No titleZyzz
On one hand he was le epic troll who achieved a world of warcraft incel to chad transformation
On the other he roided which also accelerated his demise
Was he based or cringe?No titlewhy didnt you niggers tell me i could get 45g of protein from 175 calories of yogurt, this is life-changing stuff...Urine Still Blue a Week After Stpping Methylene BlueHoping this board is less retarded than Plebbit.
Why is it still Blue ? I took around 10 mg a day where the recommended doses are around 2mg/kg body weight Bottle says one drop = 20 mg so I took no more than 10 drops a day for a few days. Also made me psychotic or at least let me recognize my brain wasn't responding to my surroundings correctly..ITT: Meme SupplementsNo titlehow do i make my torso look like this?
my waist is smaller than my hips so i want to go full barrel mode for aesthetic reasonsNo titlethis is my favorite exercise to doWhat is his build?>97 wins 24 losses >over 300 lbs >entered MMA in his 40's >one of the most decorated fighting careers in history.
How? was it genetics? The man was a tank. Whats the secret to his power and endurance?going to the gym for the first time tomorrowWhat should I expect? How do you get rid of DOMS so you you can go back to gym after a day or two rather than a week because your arms are locked up?No titleITT: inexplicable shit dyels doNo titleHow do I come back from snap city?No titley'all fuck wit ab roller?
copped it recently, wild shitNo titleWhy are normies so vehemently against health advice? Try to talk sense into anyone that lives off take out and junk food and they will want to rip your throat out.No titleMy oneitis is fucking a short skinny Edgar/run/ /roon/ running general - bullet speed edition>who is /roon/ for? For anons who want to get better for running for whatever reason, be it for weight loss or just better overall stamina and speed.
>Advice for new runners - Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage at most 10% per week) - It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple of months - If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest - Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural - Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)
(Also the 90s were a better time, goddamn)No titleWill I gain muscle If I quit smoking? Ive been smoking 40 cigarettes per day for the past 3 years ( been smoking before that but less ) I am 80 kg now and I think smoking is holding back my weight and strength. How much KG muscle will I gain by quitting smoking? I am in a quit attempt now.No titleIs it even worth it to train forearms if I'm just going for aesthetics? Feels like they never really grow, they're like the calves of the arm
Have you ever had any progress looking better by making your forearms big?No titlePossible without roids?Fucked up chest insertionsMy insertions are shit. There's a big gap in between both my pecs that only becomes more pronounced the bigger my chest gets. Aesthetically, would I be better off just neglecting chest like the bronze era guys, or build my chest up but have noticeably shit insertions?No titleWhy shouldn't I drink one of these a day?No titleWhat are some /fit/ approved food hacks?No titleCan I look like Baldur with callisthenics alone before 2027? Starting from skinnyfat base at 79kg/fraud/Your friendly hangout to discuss anything that shreds your natty card.What is this build called?No titleSquating? No thanks. This is enough for me!No titleHow much sun exposure do you get?No titleGenuine question: can you outlift your race?No titleThe largest weights my dad has in his home gym are 60lbs dumb bells and I’ve maxed out my bench, row and a few other lifts with them.
For progression would it be fine to just add more reps or 4 sets instead of 3, or do I need to bite the bullet and buy heavier dumbbells if I want to keep putting on muscle and get an impressive physique?No titleDoes creatine cause hairloss?No titleWhy don't fatties just go fruitarian/raw vegan for a month? Guaranteed body fat loss, you could lose 12-16lb in a month easily.Kettlebell generalKettlebell thread.tried everything to lose weight but not workinghello /fit/, i'm going to be totally honest here, i'm at the end of my rope figuratively and literally. I've been limiting how many times i help myself to seconds, eating mainly healthy food (with what i can afford as a poorfag who has to buy a lot of frozen and canned goods) i've been riding my bike every day to great distances, and barring that doing an hour or two of walking and doing many reps of dumbbells somehow i've gained thirty pounds, it's getting harder to breathe and walk, and clothes are fitting me less now. i don't eat like a pig, i exercise frequently, i drink plenty of water, fruit juice, and milk my dad said that metabolism with men in the family is really shit, so that might contribute but i still look like shit, feel like shit, girls don't show any interest in me, i have to spend higher amounts for clothes or special order them, which costs a lot with my income, and i can't take it anymore i just want to feel good and look good i please ask you don't mock me, i just need to know what can i do to lose this weight?
Current height is 5'8, current weight is 345lbs-350lbsNo titlewhat exactly are male models doing routine wise- we all know they arent doing deadlifts and squats- lets get seriousNo titleWhy the fuck are dumbbells so expensive? Cheap adjustable crap caps out at like 25kg and above that you need to buy a million different dumbbells that cost 200 bucks each.No titleAre squats good for you?deadliftIs it possible for me to deadlift 500 by the end of the year. Im 31 i been lifting consistently since the start of the year and im at 5x335 double overhand. when i was in my early 20s i did 450 double overhand in 9 months of deadlifting. i was also a degenerate getting 4-7 hours of sleep and dead tired, drinking a few times a week and occasionally doing molly every couple of months. Am I reaching for the clouds here. please give me honest answers on my personal blogNo titleWhat should I wear to the gym? Women buy expensive clothes that shape their ass, what am I, a man, supposed to wear?No titleHow to get quads like this?No titleI am currently only doing Paused Ring Chinups and Band Pullaparts. Paused ring chinups train all the obvious muscles like lats and biceps, forearms, but they train chest, shoulders, abs and actually just your entire upper body as well if you try hard enough. I can do 11 paused ring chinups at 81 kg now. Along with that I do band pull aparts for the upper back muscles and neck / traps, I really notice my neck size has increased from band pull aparts.
If you could only do 2 exercises which ones would you choose? For me its these 2 for sure.No titleI just paid $360 for a 1yr gym membership. Did I get a good deal? >pic unrelatedWhats the best brand of Supps now?Post supp brands you recommend.Monday’s Indomitable SpiritIt's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale
Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well
What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.
Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace
>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>High Scores title>steals your gains in between setsExercise at home or gym?25 yo who hasn't exercised b4. 33.5% body fat percentage. Got a 20 kilo adjustable dumbbells set and an adjustable bench. I purchased two workout programs: >AthleanX's JACKED (dumbbells+adjustable bench). >Jeff Nippard's The Essentials Program (2, 3, 4, and 5 day splits). I got AthleanX's JACKED because I initially wanted to workout at home only (with my bench and DBs). However, I managed to get Nippard's gym-based program with multiple splits which gives me the flexibility to pick and choose which split I want to do. I am currently broke and won't get paid for at least 20 days from now, and I can't afford a gym. I have printed the pdf version of MONTH 1 of JACKED, which consist of 27 days of workouts (45min to 1 hour). So I can start that tomorrow. Or, I can wait 20 days, get $$$, join a gym, and just religiously do Jeff Nippard's 5 day split. What should I do now? Don't want to blogpost but I am extremely anxious. I can't imagine myself being fit, athletic, and jacked.No titleI haven't done leg days in 2 yearsFasting for non-weight loss purposes?I’d like to hear from those who have tried fasting for purposes other than weight loss (ridding your body if toxins/cancerous cells, testing of your will, etc.). How long did/do you fast for?What has been your experience?No title>people in 2006 used to think this was hugeNo title>have headache >drink milk with sugar >headache goes away Works everytime.Walking PadAre there any reputable walking pads (under desk treadmill) on the market (in the UK)? Having looked into it, they all seem to share negative feedback about reliability. I can find a bunch for £150 on Amazon with similar reviews, and I'm happy to spend double that if I get something reliable but even the actual WalkingPad brand has the same reviews as the cheap ones.No titlejust benched 1pl8 for the first timeITT: Post your lunch and snacks for todayYou do pack a lunchbox for work, right?how to fix ur diet and never get sickhow to fix ur diet and never get sick pic relateNo titleHow is this physique possible?No titleHow many years of resistance training would you need to be 190 lbs lean at 6'3?No titleI lift weights. I do all three compound movements plus accessories. Most of us will never be millionaires, sadly.LATERAL RAISEIt's time to settle the debate. In the cable lateral raise pic left related, it's allegedly optimal for the middle deltoid to have the cable 90 degrees at the bottom for maximum stretch. But doesn't this contradict with the fact that the supraspinatus is most active for the first 15 degrees of abduction? Thus are dumbbell lateral raises or the cable raises in pic related left bottom better for the lateral delt than the "optimal" way?
There's also other form adjustments. Ryan Humiston claims that you need to shrug your shoulders forward and out, and at the same time skip the bottom and top portion of the raise. Is there any truth to this? I can't tell if he's a complete retard because he also says that bending the elbow in the rear delt raise "changes the moment arm" and involves the lats, which is obviously false.No titleHas anybody done a Kyle Boges style program before? How did it go? He basically does 1 push exercise, 1 pull exercise and 1 leg exercise for 1-3 sets to technical failure, almost everyday. He does mostly calisthenics but not always.No title>covers all your macros >covers all your micros >proper amount of fiber >dried fruits are the perfect snack with jerky meats >can be scaled for diet, bulking or cutting >inexpensive, $25 to $30 a day >extremely healthy, virtually unprocessed Let me guess, you need more?No title>be me >be incel >hate going to the gym because ugly loser >get gf >not even an incel anymore >stop going to the gym because ugly loser ????????? Should I break up with her, I have no reason to deal with my social anxiety anymoreNo titleIs dancing a good way to lose fat? How many calories do you burn going to da club?Speed vs Adin Ross one year GYM transformationWhy does Speed looks waaay better than Adin Ross of they had the same personal trainer?GVS is the undisputed GOATFriendly reminder that Geoffrey Verity Schofield is the natty GOAT and that if you don't train with this intensity during each single set you're ngmi.No titleImagine how much better fitness culture would be if instead of bodybuilding, the decathlon or track and field and swimming were the main sports that fitness influencers and “scientists” cared about. Unfortunately fitness culture is obsessed about the least important aspect of fitness, muscular hypertrophy. 99 percent of the influencers, “scientists”, and coaches in the fitness industry are pretty much just muscular hypertrophy specialists. And if they aren’t they usually are into powerlifting which is hardly any better. Almost always when there is some new figure in the industry he will be disregarded if he hasn’t been able to successfully compete or coach someone in bodybuilding or powerlifting at a high level. As if those are the be all end all of fitness.No titleHow much weight can u preacher curlNo titleWhy do olympic weightlifters have better physics than the average bodybuilder?No title>VR boxing is the greatest form of cardio humanity has invented so far >1000-2000 calories burn per hour >borderline the hardest cardio you can do >is actually incredibly fun >skills (partially) transferable to real life | title>he fell for the keto memeNo titleWhy does this board hate keto so much? Reddit says it's the best weight loss diet ever.No titleIs it normal for Gym bros to touch each other? My mum says it's wrong.Afraid my friend is retarded>Told my dyel friend I wanna start bulking and hit the gym >he goes "You can start bulking right now even if you're not lifting. You don't even need to exercise brah" >Genuinely confused by what he means >I ask him if he's serious >he goes "Oh you definitely should gain weight first before lifting. It's easier to become fit when fat than when skinny. You do realize muscles need energy from somewhere, right? You'll lose the fat later on a cut and get muscular" >I try to explain to him that that makes no sense >he keeps insisting he heard bodybuilders say it and that his uncle did that and got jacked. >tell him he's retarded and he probably misunderstood them or they're lying >He starts seething and tells me I'm just too stubborn to admit im wrong and "it's crazy you would rather believe something on the internet than irl bodybuilders and other people in real life"
Are there any exercises for the brain that I can recommend to my friend?High Volume routinesAm I just a genetic runt, or are they bullshit?
Every single time I've tried a high volume routine I end up getting sick and rundown outside of the gym, to the point where it feels like I have a permanent cold virus.
After over a decade of experimenting with volume I came to the conclusion that I have to limited my volume to about 8-10 sets at the very most for a single gym session.No titleWho has the superior pheezeek?No titleWe already have the chest, back and arms meta, but what are we supposed to do with shoulders? First I hear than OHP>everything else and then I hear that lat raises+face pulls is all you need
Which is it?No titleAre there any lifts to get bigger forearms or is it over for me?No titleIn the bronze age until antiquity, every male aged 18-30 looked like thisNo title>The smartest natty coach says there's no reason to lift seriously for more than 4 years and you should go get another hobby at that point Nattybros...Von Moger is off the rails againNo titleI use the gym for free showers and free drinks. I've probably saved tens of thousands of dollars over the last 15 years doing this.
Even if I didnt lift weights, I'd still hold a gym membership purely for the free water and free drinksMental health and working out problemSince September of last year i have been working out and trying to lose weight , i used to be 160 kgs / 352 lbs as a 191 cm/ 6'2 guy i did not want to crash diet and mess anything up so i decided to do a regular 500-700 calorie deficit diet and up until the beginning of march it worked out great , i was 140 kgs / 308 lbs but then my family doctor transferred me to a psychiatrist and the psychiatrist prescribed adhd medication for me Ever since i started taking it ( march 2nd ) until today i've noticed i've been more energetic and i even started doing more cardio and walking around alot more , going to the gym became more of something i look forward to rather than a daily task , i'm even able to focus on my muscles more clearly during the workouts (i used to only do resistance training ) in the span of 25 days i lost 7 kgs / 15 lbs normally i'd be really happy about every pound i lose but this weight decline kinda scared me out because it's too rapid and i might be losing muscle , due to the medication i bearly can squeeze 1500 calories in my body without feeling like i am about to die from nausea and the medicine is very important for me to take care of other aspects of my life What should i do? and has anyone been in this position ? medicine name is lisdexamfetamineNo titleDoes anyone actually eat 1lb of beef per day? I've tried it a few times and I keep getting sick after a couple of monthsNo titleITT : Unique Gym Encounter >be me in some rando globogym >like 2 p.m on a Sunday, pretty empty >spots some guy going for lmao2.5pl8 on bench >tall, decently big buzzcutted blond chadlite getting spotted by his small latina/pajeet/sandnggress gf >benching over 225lbs for reps is pretty rare in commercial gyms around my area, so keeping a look >bangs out a solid set of 10, pretty impressed >he rises to his feet, turns to his girl, clank his heels, and with the most perfect shit eating grin, gives her a 10/10 textbook Nazi salute >she rolls her eyes and he gives her a kiss >mfw Ended up talking to the guy afterward because it's still rare seing a guy benching that kind of weight where I'm from, decently knowledgeable and actually pretty nice, still say hello and make small talk when I come across him, his girl is actually expecting so good for them igNo title>NOT Taking the NUTS pill
I hope your getting your NUTS NIGGA!
Take the NUTS pill NIGGA/fat/ - Fat loss generalWho is /fat/ for? For Squirrel fuckers faggots idgaf working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice. Join our Fatty Contest:
>Now what? Count calories, all of them. Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE. Buy scales, be accurate. Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables. Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass. Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks. Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and lose fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body eating away muscle AND fat. Drink more water. Read the /fit/ sticky:
>DON'T Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories. Eat processed foods. Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks). Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks. "Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.
Previous thread: >>76006692post common gym misconceptions>you need to eat in a surplus to build muscle. you can only cut and build muscle if you're really fat >you need 0.8g per lbs of bodyweight in protein for optimal gains! >you grow the most muscle when you sleep >cardio kills gainsNo title>you're doing bench press wrong, you're working your back GOOD you've been neglecting your back anyways >you're doing curls wrong, you're working your triceps GOOD you're focusing on the biceps too much when triceps are what make your arm bigger >you're doing lat raises wrong, you're working your traps GOOD you haven't done a single exercise targeting your traps anyways >you're doing deadlifts wrong, you're working your spine GOOD you don't have a glass spine and need to work it out too