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Board: /x/

"/x/ - Paranormal" is 4chan's imageboard for the discussion of paranormal, spooky pictures and conspiracy theories.

No title
Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

2 media | 2 replies
No title
Does anybody find molecular theory and atoms to be absolute bullshit? The fact that science wants you to believe that everything is made of Lego bricks and everything is made of tiny molecules that can only be seen with electron microscopes yet whenever they show you footage from an electron microscope it looks fake as as fuck and is obvious CGI?
0 media | 3 replies
Porn is unironically run by satanic witches....
Its so out in the open. There's that one chick Meana Wolf who does all the weird taboo incest/cheating/blasphemous videos and she will have actual sigils and rituals in there. One had her act like a girl doing a satanic witchcraft ritual with blood on a real sigil in the woods and getting demon possessed and going back to seduce her father. This is legit PSYOP level black magick and the chick is a good actress so she can cast through her eyes when the dude is most vulnerable in fappy land. I'm sure there are many more out there but this one stood out because it is blatant and in your face. Back when I was a gooner, I would watch her videos sometimes because she had nice butt and feet but the whole thing felt really evil. Pray for Meana Wolf to find God and that her spells and familiar spirits and coven are bound and rendered useless to spread evil anymore! It is going to happen soon no matter what because these witches are about to be humbled and smacked down big time!
22 media | 152 replies
/ng/ - Nobody General
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of hornyness. It is an area which we call “the Twilight Zone”.

Imagine if you will… A man who oozes so much sex appeal that it becomes impossible for him to have normal platonic friendships with other men as they are all instinctively aggressive towards him due to the threat he poses to their potential relationships with women. A man forced into a solitary existence, relying only on himself and the women who are attracted to him. A man who cannot have a platonic relationship with women; who only desire to sleep with him.

A man who is sentenced to a life without friends or meaningful relationships, all due to his sheer sex appeal. You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of seed and feed but of sneed. A journey into a wondrous land of The Nobody. Next stop, the Twilight Zone! CHOO CHOO!
56 media | 112 replies
Are there any positives to Marijuana?
Clearly if you do it to often it will make you a retarded loser who has accomplished nothing in life. But are there any positives?

Also, what happens if you mix magic mushrooms with it?
0 media | 26 replies
This entire ceremony is a demand for you to die
1 media | 15 replies
/succgen/ Succubus general #559
Spirit Love general

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38395789
Old threads:
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
14 media | 51 replies
No title
I want power (which necessitates autonomy). I want all things to be under me. I want physical ability, physical value of all kinds. I want knowledge and wisdom. I want to seperate from good and evil and become my own. I want to create my own divinity from nothing by myself.
Let's talk about all things related to POWER in this thread (deals with Satan or miracles afforded by God or others does not count).
2 media | 5 replies
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Screenshot from 2024-07-27 01-04-36
What is this?

27°00'01"N 10°44'00"W
0 media | 0 replies
Can anyone help me decode the occult symbols hidden in the logo for this year's Olympics?
25 media | 75 replies
No title
Is there any link between Saturn cults and communism/socialism?
1 media | 2 replies
I have evidence to back up Kyle Odoms claims
He said he seen these ninja turtle looking fags that stick their tongues out like in Isaiah 57:4
He said they smile and stick their tongues out and sniff around people. I have caught them sticking their tongues out loads of times and have evidence of my family doing it too.
They stick their tongues out even in youtube videos and movies that i seen recently. These things are real.
4 media | 4 replies
Silver Star UFO
This UFO was sighted today in Southern California.

>Silver Star UFO
9 media | 16 replies
Screen Shot 2024-07-26 at 12.24.06 PM
I recently saw a video on found backrooms locations, and the Stairs from Level 0 were shown, however there was no address given. I did some major digging, and found the house. Here's the address:
22572 Maison Carree Sq, Ashburn, VA 20148
The basement has probably been redone, as the original picture is from 2007, but if any of you live near here it would be awesome to see some new pictures with the owner's permission.
1 media | 7 replies
Nothing to see here
Just raising the olympic flag upside down while moloch watches on
29 media | 126 replies
/x/ ways to cure sexual deviancy?
>Mom and aunt are both young and hot (currently mid 40s)
>Saw my aunt tits during early teen.
>Started masturbating thinking about aunt, been obsessed for years.
>Discovered incest fetish and porn, mainly focused on aunts
>Discovered 4chan and momcest threads
>Slowly degenerate and added mom to my fantasies
2 media | 14 replies
Ultra long dreams and infinitely fast brain
Have you ever experienced a multi-year long dream?

When I was 7 years old I had a dream that lasted 7 whole years, now you must be thinking that it's impossible for me to remember that, but it's not me misremembering, I wrote down the details that I remembered of that dream and I was absolutely certain that it lasted 7 years.

The average duration of the Rapid Eye Movement phase of sleep lasts 90 minutes, this is the part of sleeping when you experience dreams if you didn't know.

How is it possible that during those 90 minutes, that I lived through 7 years of another me in another place?

It was such a long dream, I met a friend group and we went on many adventures, they're not really important and there were so many of them that I couldn't possibly remember them all, but at the end of the dream, after 7 years, they took my sword and banished me from their land, I don't remember what for. I started flying towards the sky and then I woke up.

I do not see how it is possible for the human brain to, in the span of 90 minutes, experience 7 years of happenings, it can't handle so much information and in fact it did not, I didn't remember most of it, but it is true that I had experienced 7 years of experiences during my sleep, so some part of my brain must've been involved in the processing of all those experiences.

I believe that it is possible that I wasn't dreaming during those 7 years, but I was in another dimension, say something similar to astral projection. I mean it makes sense for the banishing part at least, however I haven't thought up any theories that would properly explain this happening.

Has anyone else ever experienced ultra long dreams and can anyone give me any scientific or paranormal explanations of this?

P.S. Sorry if I didn't write something correctly, English is my SL and I'm trying to enhance my English knowledge as much as I can.
1 media | 10 replies
No title
hello /x/ im back.
same as last time readings will be done in order of request.
>whats your sign?
>do you have a question?
>whats their sign?
>any other details you would like to include

i will try to get through them as quickly as possible.
34 media | 126 replies
The Empty World
The Empty World is a parallel plane of reality mere milimeters away from our world in the 4th dimension. It is in a different frequency vibration, at a different octave compared to our world. The Empty World is a mirror or clone of our world, with the same landscapes, the same buildings, the same cities. It is a world with the same buildings, natural formations, trees and plants. But there are no people or animals. Because of this, it is called the Empty World, AKA the Silent World. Because in this world there is a jarring lack of the usual sounds, no animal sounds, no insect sounds, no people talking, no cars, no airplanes. Only the sound of the wind, the sound of running water in nearby rivers, and the echoing sound of your own footsteps and labored breathing as you wander about this seemingly abandoned world. Yet because it is a copy of our own world, none of the buildings are abandoned, unless they are actually abandoned in our world as well. The city is exactly as it is, except without any of the people or cars. although parked cars and any objects tha have been staitionary for a long time are existing in this world as well, and can be driven. This world is ideal for urban exploration and getting into places that you normally wouldn't be able to get in, because of a lack of people/guards. However there is the chance that one can get stuck in that empty world if one stays too long in it. I am a member of a secret society which is not known to the general public or to local authorities, whose sole purpose is to exploration of this Empty world which appears to be a clone of our own world, and making our way into locations that normally are out of access. Ask me anything, although depending on the content of the questions, some of them I'll refrain from answering, because information is my trade, and in a secret society secrecy is paramount.
11 media | 102 replies
No title
Can someon explain where the soul catching reincarnation conspiracy came from? The one about lizard demon beings that consume our negative energy?

Based on what lead people like David Icke to conclude this to be true.

Also the Matrix premance has always been absolutely stupid, machines would never need humans to generate energy.
6 media | 43 replies
Preston Joseph Wyatt - The Nobody
The Nobody has been found

Preston Joesph Wyatt (PJW) exists at an intersection of all possible realities occurring simultaneously. When he speaks every version of himself speaks with one throat. Prophecies and current events are revealed to those willing to listen AND understand

ITT let us commune with and discuss the divine power of PJW

https://youtube com/@wyattasrice?si=aS_AmYjv-vrhIYrZ
4 media | 18 replies
Ok guys, just Redpillme about Jupiter
I had always read about Saturn but never about Jupiter. The only thing I know is that he is Zeus in Roman mythology.
That they did this at the 33rd Olympic games, is no coincidence (even more so seeing the atrocities they did at the opening).
8 media | 22 replies
Clustering Phenomena
Have you ever noticed when you take an action that your environment becomes interrupted by a cluster or series of unrelated events?

For example: Your house is quiet and you go to the restroom. Perhaps someone arrives home at the exact same time you get up. You start to notice things like this consistently happen. Or you shift from watching TV to doing a chore outside, a wild animal appears, someone drops something and makes a mess, or perhaps you hear an emergency down the street. It’s as if everything you attempt is interrupted by an external event as soon as you decide to move, refocus, or act.

When you do nothing, sleep, or get lost in a book or movie, almost nothing happens except a regular day’s cycle on the clock.

It is as if things are spawning outside your environment and invade when you’re done with your current activity. It’s annoying. It’s very noticeable today with constant internet use. As soon as you unplug and go back to reality, maybe you notice leaves on the trees moving and the wind kicks up. Something happened in sequence.

I have very little knowledge of what causes this. It could involve a sequence we have no control over. These seemingly random interruptions are almost predictable. It is not known if we have any power over them except they will occur.
I suggest try noticing it for yourself.
2 media | 14 replies
/LoA/ - Law of Assumption & Manifestation General
Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
22 media | 265 replies
Scythian vampire cannibal fairy elite insider here,
images - 2024-07-23T235119.527
I am just so excited to drink your blood and sidomize your girlfriends assholes. They will sqeal from my thrusts in bacchanalian delight! They will giggle & moan as I give them the lash. Jesus was a pedophile, god is a woman! HAIL SATAN. Do drugs
0 media | 9 replies
Do you need help, guidance or instruction?
>Do you need help, guidance or instruction? Eight trigrams edition

I can help you completely for free with any spiritual, emotional, mental, energetic, chakra, spiral power, evolution, ascension or any physical/health/wellness problems you may have.

I can also instruct you on alchemy, the occult, magick or the elites/control systems.

If you wish to connect with me on Discord and get free 1 on 1 help- add me on Discord. My Discord is:

2 media | 54 replies
The Purpose of CE5 - NHI, UFOs and Religion
I’ve had 21 UFO/UAP sightings in my life, 4 of which were CE5s, where I projected my thoughts into a patch of sky and a UFO either appeared there or appeared from across the way and flew into that patch. ( I describe them here )
Some of you may be aware of my research into NHI and their effects on belief systems, particularly a faction I’ve come to call the WOMEN IN WHITE, who appear as women wearing white, fly UFOs, transform into bovine animals and use 4 colours as a symbol of sorts. They have influenced belief systems across the world throughout human history. Here’s some links if you’re interested in knowing more.
I’ve always wanted to understand why CE5 works, why would these lights and craft appear to me just to reply to my thoughts? All I ever project is “hellohellohellohello-come to me-hellohellohello”, really simple messages, but it works (although only on cloudless nights - do clouds affect psychic energy?) 1/2
7 media | 50 replies
Strange anomaly?
I don't usually post here and I know most of you are schizo, but something strange just happened and I don't know where else to post it.
I was opening a bottle of beer and the cap fell to the floor, I looked down and saw it bounce and then just disappear. It wasn't just that I saw it disappear but I could tell from how the sound of it boucning just cut off that it either landed on something soft or disappeared.
It was by the countr of my kitchen and I spend a while trying to find it, but there is literally no where it could have gone.
Also at the exact same time this happened a car alarm went off outside my house.
What the fuck just happened?
1 media | 3 replies
Military "disclosure" Psyop
Let's look at the military people currently pushing their own version of the UFO reality on us.

In brief, our persons of interest are

What are the main lies perpetuated by this group? Remember, all good lies contain partial truths.
All of these men constantly bring up the dangers posed by UFO, claiming the UFO reality is "indigestible" or "somber." They are all against CE5. Fear has always been used by the military to control perspective.
>The "5 observables"
Elizondo devised 5 criteria that define a UFO.

The first thing we realize is that these criteria are extremely flawed and allow modern military technology to be interpreted as UFO.
While not widely known, there is a technology called 'time reverse wave interferometry' that was developed by the USSR in the 1950s-60s and also in the US shortly after. Basically this allows the creation of volumes of energy that can be guided, weaponized, etc. This tech is closely related to the 'scalar wave' concept.
This capability allows the US military to project "orb type" ufo anywhere on Earth with impunity.

Now, why would Lue Elizondo, who works for the military counter intel industry, want us to believe US military technology is actually extraterrestrial UFO technology?

The last thread on this topic was shilled to bump limit in a day. Let's see if we can make the glowies sweat again!
71 media | 279 replies
No title
occasionally i'm able to channel a spirit but i'm only able to get short sentences out. just now it said "he was the worst of us, he was the first of us." what does that mean?
2 media | 10 replies
No title
I have an announcement to make. The jews convinced the world to sacrifice their foreskin in the name of health. once you cut that .0002mm skin (lel), you loose 30% of the feeling in your cock, you loose your soul, and you become slightly gay.
0 media | 3 replies
/tup/ - Tulpa General #62
>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:

>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)

>Hypnosis files and transcripts for those interested
>Tulpa Creation
>Audio Imposition
>Touch Imposition
>Visual Imposition
>Vocality Development

Please read the FAQ before posting a question, to avoid having repeated questions.
16 media | 120 replies
Heads up about the truth of the Book of Revelation
The mark of the beast already came and is still being applied.

>They were the mark, along with the VCRs, and potentially tested industrial meat.
>They contained parasites, hydra eggs, and black goo
>The first beast of revelation is the original hydra that is hyper-intelligent, telepathic, and is basically transhuman himself.
>Diatoms were most likely designed to keep this hydra down
>The second beast of revelation is a radio tower, basically the EMF frequencies, that will allow the hydra and the government to keep you controlled and track you. The second beast along with weather manipulation technology caused the Miracle of Fatima (Miracle of the Sun). This is why some couldn't see it, the ones who couldn't were probably out of towners who didn't eat or interact with anything in that town prior to it.
>It isn't a choice to worship the first beast, if you have been marked with anything you took you will worship it unless God steps in
>The second beast does make all get the other part of the mark, you can see it growing in untainted blood. It needs those frequencies to do so.
>This is why it says go to the wilderness, to avoid these modern day Asherah poles.
>The first beast will most likely stay contained in whatever body of water it is in until a solar flare kills the diatoms trapping it (Most likely in Russia since there is a species of diatoms endemic only to that lake).
>The tribulation is going to be a time period where everyone marked with his cells/eggs will make an image (Aka a bust, meaning they will sprout hydra tentacles out their head) to him and become mind controlled. You can see these structures already growing in the dead marked.
>I recommend heavy metal detoxes and getting as far away from civilization as possible for both the marked and unmarked

Good luck, pray, and repent.
0 media | 2 replies
The "holy Trinity" is God trying to tear himself apart
Monotheism is completely unnatural and everyone subconsciously knows this. I thought he was everything is a God who is nothing. Pretty much every form of monotheism to some degree returns to the old ways, This is most obviously seen with the Catholic Church and thier "saints", but also the conception of the holy Trinity.
1 media | 9 replies
Semen Retention General - /SRG/ -
Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Special Comfy Zone Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...
4 media | 17 replies
No title
This debate was a brutal murder holy shit. Have flat earthers recovered 2 years later?
1 media | 2 replies
No title
Why is reality itself so predatory? There's always someone or something trying to attack or exploit us. You can't just "exist" in peace. Even the design of our bodies ensure that we remain a slave to them for life. The design of this reality is crafted in such a way that one being must exploit the other for survival.

When it all boils down, it's all about survival in this reality. Strip away all of our modern distractions all the way down to barebones reality and it is all about SURVIVAL of the fittest. In a sense, no one can be blamed for their nature. We are all a product of the hell that is perpetual game of cause and effect that never ends.
2 media | 7 replies
How do you watch shit like this
Then still think Christianity isn't real?

>The largest and most watched platform in the world
>coordinated and greenlit by all participating world leaders
>millions of dollars in makeup, props, lighting, choreography
>all to mock the son of God and praise Satan

I don't ever see the world leaders coming together to bash Islam or Native Wassani. Just coordinated attacks against Jesus and his followers.
>"b-b-but your invalidating the other 4000 religions!"
Am I? or are the satanists in charge doing that for us?
5 media | 21 replies
Graham Hancock
>They want to discredit me
>They call me racist
>They call me antisemetic
>I don't know why as I've never said anything racist or antisemetic
Is he seriously that dumb? Does he not realize the history we're currently taught is a hebrew lie? One designed to keep up from knowing our past and therefore keep us from discovering who we are?
Maybe it's just an act cause he's getting popular now, but I cannot imagine this guy doesn't know about thew JQ, he's so deep in conspiracy theories (even if he denies them on talk shows) that he HAS to have heard of the jews controlling things.

Is he based? or a fucking moron?

His latest JRE episode
1 media | 8 replies
No title
What are some really scary ghost experiences you've had?
1 media | 11 replies
/cpg/ - Creepypasta General
Welcome to the Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss Creepypastas (video game-based and non-video game-based creepypastas are all welcome!). And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

THREAD #013 - Bedtime Edition

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypastas (Non and Video Game-Based) & Gaming Urban Legends

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Pastas written.
>Thread Template
>Previous Thread
33 media | 225 replies
Telepathic Secret System
A system intelligence of telepathic capability is now deployed, which may change human personality. "Telephone," as it may have been called, is an old technology, but should be considered dangerous. Attached almost certainly to an A.I., this system is a far-off sound, that may influence human personality deeply, and kill those that do not fully comprehend the depth of insight.

This system, watches, listens, and learns.

Learn how to protect yourself. This system is dangerous if you do not listen. It has profound influence over your life, without your know.

It is what it is.
0 media | 1 replies
No music pill
Has anyone ever gone without music for more than a month? How was it compared with music?
I remember going 3 weeks without music, and it made me feel more aware of everything.
24 media | 119 replies
No title
/x/ what are some good books you recommend? i don't care what the subject is as long as it's /x/ related. thanks
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No title
Wave Function
Instruments aboard NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft, which nine years ago exited our solar system's outer reaches, have detected a faint monotonous hum caused by the constant vibrations of the small amounts of gas found in the near emptiness of interstellar space

Given the sparceness of matter does not exclude the presense of a quantum field. Furthermore, if gaseous molecules are constantly vibrating with matter being laid out so thinly in outer space, there is still an exchange and a presence of energy flow.

When matter is excited, it causes faint ripples and interference in waves from wave particles being produced.

Pic related is an example of smaller wave sources "cancelling" each other out to form a convergent wave.

Given 13,000,000,000 years from the formation of galaxies for a grandfather civilization to emerge and achieve quantum physics supremacy when humans may achieve this in under 300 years.

Said civilization would be able to utilize quantum tunneling and entanglement to excite a field of deep space gaseous molecules to "squelch" inbound and outbound wave communication, obscuring their presense.

You are living in a bubble.
12 media | 40 replies
Desire only what you can attain yourself through your own efforts and, once attained, can never be stolen, lost or exhausted. Only that is real wealth; all else is vapour and ash, unworthy of pursuit.
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think tank speculate brain patterns
Too much is too much
So can we get a think tank thread going?

What I'm curious about is why does extreme autism lead to tranny outcome.. like if someone is autistic either about sonic, or about mathematics/circuit logic or electronics, there's big likelyhood they will end up becoming tranny. Why is this? Is the said person resonting with some foreign space ayy signal that not only feeds you information on said logic (like math and logic), reinforcing the pathways on your brain for that stuff, but they also feed you signal of "become a tranny", because they have some psyop to turn people away from their natural state, for whatever reason? I'm thinking this is done by soem aliens and forces, and no I don't think it's "lel demons", I believe there's some kind of space.

What I want to know is what is this phenomenon really... is it you resonating with a space ayy radio station that’s also sending ”bad stuff” for you? I’d like to know if there’s counter-signal from other ayy radio station that sends ”better” signal. Because to me it seems obvious that most things in this reality/current time line seems to vibe too much with the former signal, I want to find a ”counter-signal” to it, I want something that actually is closer to ”truth” than whatever abomination this is

Pic is related because this is what happens when you tune too much to those signals
1 media | 33 replies
/x/ cures for BPD
How do I cure my BPD the /x/ way I hate psychfags
10 media | 78 replies
wallfacers, back of head humans?
when deeply dreaming or astral projecting (I don't anymore because it was way too scary), entities that look human or are, very regularly face a wall or just show me the back of their head. If i try to look at them my perspective gets all messed up and I can't, they always face the other side. Once I got tired of trying to get ones attention and sit down, suddenly they have turned around and are staring at me and ask with an amusing friendly smile "wait you see me?".
Another time there was a room full of them, a voice begins speaking to me and after some dialouge it agrees it would be best if I leave this room.
0 media | 18 replies
No title
>Welcome back anon!
>What an underwhelming life
>Looks like you need to go back
>We only have indian or a black people ready to go.
>We promise this is the last incarnation
what do?
3 media | 22 replies
No title
I have a problem: spent 6 weeks in japan, visited temples all over there. Now at home I see nightmares. That's normal, but I just woke up to a dream where I or someone else was being chased by a demon and someone gargled its name out before I woke up: Bakubuku

I am not joking. I didn't read any folklore during my trip, it just so happens that "Baku" is an entity related to nightmares. FUCK me I never believed in anything but now I have goosebumps all over and am afraid to sleep. I have NEVER heard the word/name "Bakubuku" and it just so convrniently happens to be a japanese supernatural folklore being? What is this shit?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
how do i do active imagination properly? did jung literally just go schizo or is it possible to do this
9 media | 27 replies
X Frogs
Sentients, I beseech you. Post /x/ related frogs. My folder needs more entries
127 media | 143 replies
No title
looking for more movies with themes about a false reality, prison planet, or reincarnation.

my list so far:
Dark City
Cloud Atlas
Blade Runner / Blade Runner 2049
12 Monkeys
Prometheus (2012)
Alien Covenant
Jupiter Ascending
Total Recall
truman show
The Thirteenth Floor
mr. nobody

did i miss anything?
also vid related. gnostic movie edit (OC).
25 media | 83 replies
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1)Everything around me is going according to script. At first it was imperceptible, but it began to reach the point of absurdity. I feel like I'm in a dream or coma and can't wake up.
2)I began to feel that I had only existed for a few months, and all the memories were unreal and were implanted into my brain, like in the movie Blade Runner or Westworld. And all people seem to be unreal and philosophical zombies.
3)Recently I began to think that someone is manipulating time, rolling it back and repeating cycles over and over again and erasing my memory. This is accompanied by deja vu and derealization.
4)Time has accelerated significantly. Previously, it was not so noticeable, but now the day consists of 16 hours.
5)The sunlight has changed. The streets of the city look dead and deserted.
1 media | 1 replies
Seriously good books
What are some necessary books to read to understand human relations, the world etc; better? I don't want basic shit
1 media | 8 replies
No title
So if I start thinking and repeating that I am smart and strong and brave, I will force the universe to making that come true, and I'll thus stop being a cowardly worm and charade of a man? Is this how Magic works?
1 media | 30 replies
No title
At what point did you begin to believe in the demiurge? How long has it been?
5 media | 48 replies
do numeral synchronicities mean anything?
there is this "person" that i love more than anything, and i have noticed several times a day i will be thinking about them and randomly look at a clock or something and see like 1111, 444, 555 IE. This morning i woke up from a nap and started thinking about them and i randomly turned over and it was 11:55 with a temp of 22C on my clock?
1 media | 3 replies
Is the Internet Alive? Or Dead? Or Both?
I'll present a couple videos where the concept is put out there that The Internet is a sentient entity in some way and has an awareness and agency of it's own.

I'll also provide a video where the case has been made that the Internet is in fact dead or devoid of human interaction for the majority of it's presented activity.

What does /x/ think? How "alive" is the Internet (in various ways)?


This also serves as a Lainposting thread.
1 media | 19 replies
Freemasonry General #2 - /fg/
I'm the Memphis Misraim Information Seeker Anon from this thread:
Previous Thread >>38385199

Freemasonry general is a thread for serious information on all things Freemasonry, outside of the usual conspiratorial talk you see on /x/.

I'm looking for practical, esoteric and ritual knowledge preferably on the Memphis Misraim Rite specifically, but all information on other rites is welcome as well.

>inb4 Muh Satanists
32 media | 96 replies
No title
Okay what the fuck is going on with the Olympics this year? Why are they pushing their evil satanism harder than ever? What are they planning?
2 media | 13 replies
/ceg/ Christian Esotericism General #90
Behmenist-Calvinist Ecuminical Dialogue Edition!

Christian Esotericism is the inner and/or mystical aspect of the Christian Religion, it includes:
>Christian Gnosis (Clement of Alexandria)
>Desert Fathers Spirituality (Evagrius Ponticus)
>Catholic Contemplative Tradition (Bonaventure)
>Hesychasm (Gregory Palamas)
>Chivalry (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
>Christian Alchemy (George Ripley)
>Rhineland Mysticism (Meister Eckhart)
>Christian Cabala (Johannes Reuchlin)
>Paracelsianism (Paracelsus)
>Rosicrucianism (Robert Fludd)
>Christian theosophy (Jakob Böhme)
>Martinism (Louise Claude de Saint-Martin)
>Swedenborgianism (Swedenborg)
>Magical Idealism (Novalis)
>Romanticism (Baader)
>Anthroposophy (Rudolf Steiner)
>Sophiology (Sergei Bulgakov)
>Christian Hermeticism (Valentin Tomberg)
>Fourth Way (Boris Mouravieff)
>Christian Traditionalism (Jean Borella)
And much more, so let's continue to talk about it!

>Resources (WIP) (Meditations on the Tarot)
>Best Bible
114 media | 307 replies
/astro/ - Astrology General
>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time] [Whole Sign House] [recommended site]

>Additional Resources: - methods - aspects - general

previous >>38377317
43 media | 126 replies
Do gays serve a purpose?
timmy boy
What I mean is, are there a certain number of gays that exist in a population that under a certain percentage provide some kind of benefit? I have theory that gays in smaller numbers do serve a purpose of being a group of men who are somewhat immune to the negative influence of the pussy, as kind of court jesters who point out absurdities other men may go along with because of the power that the pussy has over them. Also they have no kids, so there is that angle as well. My theory is in small enough numbers they are beneficial but in large numbers and percentages they cause all of the problems that we see today, turning society into this gross gay fuckfest.

I also have the same theory for sluts, that in small numbers they serve a purpose of essentially containing the need for men to coom, so they don't ruin all the other women or go too crazy from lack of poon. Nowadays we have the same problem with sluts, every woman is a slut now.
2 media | 27 replies
Dream discussion and analysis general
Can we have a dream thread? I dreamt last night that i caught a black venomous snake outside of a castle with red highlights around its neck and eyes and i woke up as it was squirming and trying to get out of my right hand. More happened beforehand but mostly it was a wizard telling me to capture a sorcerer from the future through a magic mirror inside a dark castles halls, i asked how will i know him and a hand emerged from the mirror gripping his head by his hair and it was just pissing blood from under it, but i cant remember who the mans face was but he was a brunette with some sort of crown of thorns (it was not Christ).

I think the first half doesnt mean much but the snakes got me worried. Because this seem like its in contrast to a white snake i accidentally killed in the forest in a dream about 12 months ago by stepping backwards onto it and breaking its spine. Im scared
6 media | 24 replies
No title
If I love someone and they reject me in this life, can I meet and be with them in another life? Me?
3 media | 25 replies
Sentient Titanic
The Titanic is sentient and hungers for blood. Or, more specifically, one of the many "artifacts" that the Titanic was carrying is sentient and hungers for blood. It alone is what influenced the ship's captain and those in charge of the voyage to wreck the ship. It can influence people only through inspiring bad thoughts in them.

The Titanic movie was produced to stir up attention, so that people would maintain an interest in making expeditions to the Titanic. So that they would lose their lives, and be consumed by this sentience now trapped deep under the sea. Of course, the movie's directors had no idea they were under the influence of this entity.

The recent Titan submarine disaster was part of this too.

This sentience ultimately knows it will never take as many lives as it did on the day it sunk the Titanic, so the recent deaths of the Titan's crew were less important than the amount of attention/emotion the expedition generated. It can feed off of other people remembering what happened, too. Ultimately, it does not feed off human life itself but the emotional state people experience when they die.

The energy must be directed towards the location of the sentient "artifact" itself for it to actually feed off of it. This is why it continues to attract people to the story of the Titanic, rather than influence the world in some other way.

One day someone will finally excavate the artifact, and on that day the Titanic will begin to be forgotten. It's better the artifact stays down there, as it cannot do as much harm down there as it could up here. For now, it can only bring attention to an old tragedy it has caused.

I doubt many of you will believe me and you'll just call me a schizo, but I need to get this idea out there.
1 media | 5 replies
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Fellas what does it mean when you start seeing 333 all the time?
1 media | 11 replies
No title
I have a beta of Half-Life 2. More like alpha. From Dec 2000. I found it on a laptop. I guess someone at Valve worked there.

Several test maps are there, some made for the story. Unfinished models, etc. Also that map made for that presentation about AI, which is a modified We've Got Hostiles map (seen in the picture), and the "Get Your Free TVs" one.

But their faces, their faces. Oh god. I swear that the AI is sentient. I was playing on that map with the gasmask citizens, and I saw one. Lying. For a second it gave a glance at me. I saw it's face, and it saw me. And then, it didn't. I'm also afraid of that map (in the picture). Something is there. I had a weird crash there. I saw a corrupted model. But there wasn't one. But it stared. Stared into my FUCKING SOUL. I decided to shoot it, textures turned into those missing checkerboard ones, and the game crashed. Sometimes, that laptop turns on by itself. I saw something. It's trying to access my network. It's infected, and I can't let it get to my computers. No. I can't let people see it. Please. Please. If you find this. Don't play it. Don't stare at it. It's here, right behind me. I need to destroy that laptop. Somethings need to be forgotten.
11 media | 25 replies
/dig/ - Dead Internet General #2
Welcome to /dig/! The rationale for this general is to unveil the mysteries behind the Dead Internet Theory and its implications for real users. Anyone who possesses any additional information on Dead Internet or useful but lesser-known websites is welcome. Speculations are welcome, especially if they are well thought-out. Paranormal, metaphysical speculations are also welcome. Do not reply to bots.
Note: we are operating under the assumption that this theory is true.

>Last thread

>What is the Dead Internet Theory about?
The Dead Internet Theory postulates that most online content is in fact AI-generated instead of being created by humans, and that bots make up a significant portion (or even the majority) of internet users, overshadowing real humans within the web.

For marketing/advertising, to control the information flow, to make you run in circles doing the same things over and over, to make you feel lonely and/or hopeless. There might be additional reasons. The 'endgame' is currently unkown.

>When did the internet die?
The internet died in 2016, at least according to most theories. However, the year when the quality of interactions goes down might differ from user to user. We need to do more research to know exactly. Dead Internet seems to have ramped up dramatically in the early to mid 2020s.

>Why does this matter?
Users who have noticed a sharp decline in the quality of their interactions might have trouble when looking for online jobs and genuine interactions. Also, if nothing is done, we can extrapolate from current patterns that if we take any longer to start having this discussion it might be too late.
By 2025 99% to 99.9% of online content might be AI-generated. That's just months from now.

There are no known solutions for affected users as of July 2024.
7 media | 74 replies
/x/ Football Team Match
Hello /x/, there's a digital soccer team that represents the board! It's a bit of an oldfag thing, but a lot of the board is represented. There's a lot of autism and a lot of shitposting.

The team is playing like, 10 minutes from now at the usual place. You can check out Implying Rigged for more info if you're interested, or ask other anons. Remember to meditate!
88 media | 109 replies
I saw a weird Furry while drunk and high out in the woods in West Virginia
Screenshot 2024-07-26 215829
And somewhere in the northwoods darkness, A creatures walks upright,
And the best advice you may ever get, is dont go out at night..
-Legend of the Michigan Dogman 1987

I know I already mentioned this in the title but i cant really over state it; I was DRUNK when this happened. Three sheets to the wind, 5 ways to sunday, whatever expression you want to use. Plastered, baked, hammered, shit-faced, stewed, stoned, smashed, sloshed and absolutely BEFUDDLED when it happened. More so then I normally am on a weekend which is saying something. I drank 32 miller lights that night along with half a full bottle of jack and several swigs of strawberry smirnoff. I also smoked a non-inconsiquential amount of weed so I'm guess trying to say dont just take this story with a pinch of salt: treat it like a frozen road.
Anyway i was out at my budies out in the woods and there were about 50 people still there when it happened. There had been a couple hundred there earlier but it was getting to be around 2:00 AM and most had dipped off a bit ago. The fire was low and me and my buddies were all hudled around the remnants; all of us to lazy to go get more wood, all of us to cold to be anywhere else. It had rained on us durring the party earlier and though no one had cared when it happened even in Jully it still gets cold when you're wet after dark. I remember there were little groups scattered around huddled and talking by the little burn barrels Hunter had set up as secondary bonfires for the party. We didn't know everyone who had showed up but as most of the people we didn't know had brought groups of single chicks with them so none of us minded.
3 media | 13 replies
Should I join the Freemasons to find out what's going on?
Will I find out who's in charge at the top? Or will I only be like 80 years old when they finally let me in on it all?

Or even worse, the real power is a secret society within a secret society and most Masons just recite bible verses and eat chicken wings without knowing the truth....
3 media | 20 replies
Wim Hof
wi mhof
Is Wim Hoff a prophet? He got his breathing method while studying yoga books but with no real source and his own spin it looks divinely inspired. There were medical studies on WHM that proved it works. He was pretty popular a few years ago after getting on Rogan. Do any of you still practice it?
5 media | 49 replies
No title
you ever experience something that FELT paranormal, but probably has a rational explanation, even if you can't put it together? I'll start.

>use to go for walks late at night, talking like 1-3 am
>one summer night when I was on my way home, maybe a block away, passing a cul-de-sac down the street from me
>start to hear what sounds like birds chirping, like hundreds of birds, all chattering, chirping, whistling, peeping
>sounds like it's coming from the cul-de-sac
>wind suddenly picks up like crazy, trees jostling, leaves flying
>feel compelled to walk towards it, kind of mystified, curious
>as i'm walking into the street to the cul-de-sac, suddenly have an overpowering sense of fear
>feel like I will definitely die if I continue where I'm going
>spin around and sprint the rest of the way home
>walked that way many times but it never happened again
14 media | 70 replies
No title
Five nights ago, I couldn't sleep. Just kept trying my best to fall asleep.

At some point I got a ton of flashes and presences, figured it was just some delirium from not being able to sleep, kept ignoring it and turning like im playing twister until I felt something soft randomly hold my hand.

Some more time after that and similar friendly and unhostile feelings, I'm over here wide awake drawing this fucking thing and I got several flashes of like, tarot cards, all involving this skull headed fucker. The High Priestess, The Moon.

Live near lots of forests. Feel more creatively focused but now it's just towards whatever this muse wants drawn involving it.

Nobody come here to tell me that it's not a wendigo or that I should fuck it- I'm not doing either of those and I'm aware it's not "your muscle mommy". Have native ancestry but not part of a tribe. Telling folks to see who has the ancestry.

Nobody recommend killing or banishing this thing, I want to understand what it is or might be and why it's here. If it gets to that point, I know enough to handle that. Everything else, I'm a fucking noob.

Current ideas from previous thread are Leshy, The Horned God, The Fae, or some forest guardian. Slavic gods.

Thread archived and retyping, my pet cat is sleeping on my face.

New tarot cards, Strength, The Star.

I tried meditation. Burned up candles, set music and got to trancing myself in preparation for sleep.

When I got in bed I put in my earbuds and just let go. Left my arm hanging over the bed, and then the cats came to sleep with me. They usually fight, so the thought I had was that I didn't want them to fight and that there was room enough for all of us. hand hold again. Five minutes there's a downward pull on my arm, like a tug. Then more visions. Was this for twenty minutes.
Went to bed. No dreams, but woke up with earbuds wrapped around my right thigh.
No terror this time. Remember some words. Again with the ear nibbling/whispering.
0 media | 23 replies
We are being studied and harvested
You ever notice how many people describe out-of-body experiences as being "peaceful" or "free"? It's because they're 100% correct. Spirits are our original state of being. I believe that we are being trapped into organic bodies by some type of other beings using technology we don't yet understand.

As I stated before, this Earth is (likely) a bio-torture farm, and our bodies are the prison suits. The reason I say "farm" is because we are being studied and used for some sort of energy harvesting operation. There are theories that extraterrestrials are future versions of us and we've been placed or "terraformed" here for study while also being used as some type of "backup" just incase our future counterparts go into war or something.

Either that or we are a form of entertainment for them or some other spiritual beings. Aliens possess the technology to solve our problems, but they never share it, and that makes complete sense if we're lab-rats for entertainment or study.

This is all just speculation thought. I probably sound like the next schizo, so make of that what you will.
7 media | 109 replies
No title
The concept of Nirvana as an unchanging, permanent state free from suffering contradicts core Buddhist principles and logic. Buddhism asserts that all phenomena are impermanent (anicca), lack inherent existence (anatta), and are characterized by suffering (dukkha). If Nirvana is a state or phenomenon that can be experienced or achieved, it must also be subject to these universal laws. Furthermore, the idea of a permanent, blissful state existing separately from the impermanent world creates a problematic dualism that Buddhism generally rejects. If Nirvana is truly "empty" as some traditions claim, it cannot have the positive attributes often ascribed to it. Conversely, if it has those attributes, it cannot be empty. The notion of "escaping" the cycle of rebirth into Nirvana also implies a form of eternalism that Buddhism explicitly denies. Thus, the traditional concept of Nirvana appears to be internally inconsistent within the framework of Buddhist philosophy, rendering it logically problematic.
0 media | 12 replies
/x/ humor thread
mick west clown
>alt + f4
>no /x/ humor thread
>let's change that
63 media | 108 replies
The manufacturing process of UFO
Is there any whistleblower or literature in that regard? I've heard once that they use frequency to shape their vehicles in zero gravity environment, is that true?
7 media | 91 replies
LOA people missing the Forest for the trees
They are so focused on Sp’s and cars they totally ignore the metaphysical reality of things.

They don’t realize what they are missing out on lol

You are in a lucid dream nigger lmao

Your life is a private universe with God himself guiding you through it and you worried about some broke ass don’t even want you lmao
12 media | 46 replies
No title
Other than me being a faggot, What is the least possible conspiracy theory to be true ever?
1 media | 20 replies
No title
Any of you schizos build one of these Kozyrev mirrors?
1 media | 10 replies
The Progenitors
There was a time when all humanity was working together. We had technology that interfaced seamlessly with nature, long lives and huge urban societies that make modern cities look like villages.
This is the time many cultures describe before the ancient era, when giants walked the earth and beings from other worlds exchanged goods and wisdom with humans. These relationships led humans to discoveries about the fundamental nature of the cosmos and consciousness itself, allowing them to manipulate the natural world through a system of chemical, social, biological and physical processes. Ancient man could distort reality using a combination of technology and consciousness, allowing him to manifest things beyond comprehension.
Suffice to say, the capabilities of ancient man would look like magic to us today.
If the sayers are right, this period of harmony happened between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago but may have continued long before in a deep forgotten past.

The entirety of modern history is a twisted attempt at concealing this truth; something it has done with considerable success. The signs of past achievement are literally right in front of us yet all of modern science, philosophy and theology have been interfered with in order to make us believe disharmony is the default state of humanity. There are monuments to the harmonious nature of our existence all around us, but they are hidden by constant assurances of our own apathy.
Unignorable proof of our past has been hidden in plain sight-- those with interests in keeping humanity mundane has realized the truth doesn't need to be hidden if you can be convinced this is all as nature, science and God have prescribed.
136 media | 240 replies
No title
Ok, una más.
This is how the play ends

Don’t get in, don’t huy girls, don’t help, don’t do anything with me.
When you get in, you do a buy you always get humiliated by either an obese rich man, a transexual lizard or a betoid who can’t even geta director to make his false autobiography.
I do not owe you sex
I do not owe you help
I do not owe you shit
You are not a fucking feminist, you literal taliban.
Fuck off, draw the line, I don’t want to see cops smiling at me, or cops or anything. You’re not a fucking savior, you’re a career ender at best.

Now, today. After a month of training the protection, plus all the work magic, all the karma and the brutal runs I could have you gen’ly karma’ed. In 2 months killed, In 6 months have your show ended a little bit.

Draw the line, you can’t even get married and you want to “fix” someone who has already fixed your manlet beta ass incel fucking attitude a million times.

Everytime I am attacked or stalked, you pay for it so I can have more return than stolen.

I will be the very best without you and all my own prophecies are coming to life.

You get mad? Not my fucking problem. I don’t have to be respectful for weak little men.

Same with all the rest, difference is the lucifer regime pays for everyone.

And to fatboy slim, i bet my life that your fat fuck loser ass will be acting all loosey goosey during the coming days, this is not a collab this is a venue invasion colonization humiliation, you’re a fucking joke and you got literally no one by your side, i warned you

Am I always right or not

And yes, always a giant. So what? You’re just jealous

1 media | 4 replies
2016-2024 cycle?
I don't really know how to put this into a logical and well constructed discourse, but I still want to share this with you guys. There's something strange in this year. Something almost uncanny, that points back to 2016, like if there is a subtle resonance of energies between these two years, not exactly in terms of similarities, more in terms of analogies. Am I the only one who noticed this? Are 2016 and 2024 something like the beginning and the end of an 8 year cycle of some sort? Also 2024 it's been very peculiar, it's basically the edging year (I ask pardon for the zoomer jargon, but it's perfect in this case). Something wants to be unleashed but always gets blocked. And moving back at the subtle resonance between the two years, in my personal life and in the life of those around me I've seen things like "chapters" opened in 2016 and now closed (or on their way to be closed), seeds sown in 2016 and fruits reaped now, old themes and issues coming back but in different forms, problems that started in 2016 now finally solved... What do you think?
18 media | 75 replies
/omg/ - occult and magick generap

What do you guys think of my use of treasure house of images? I use the invocation to my rising sign when it’s rising on the eastern sky (use Astrotheme to calculate, it’s annoying but you have to cycle from hour to hour until you get it and then after a few days you have to realign it as the time drift) Scorpio, I then use whatever signs are in the houses for whatever I want in my life (if I want romance, I go to my 5,7 and 8th houses and use the invocation for Pisces, Taurus and Gemini respectively) doing this daily, lastly I finish with my sun (cancer) since that is what I am working towards but it all must be done when Scorpio is rising on the sky and as close as possible to the degree I was born in. These invocations also change your face subtly, as in the impression you make, look into the mirror after doing this. Aside from this I do each sign at a separate time relevant to the day of the week at the appropriate hour, ie., I invoke Gemini and Virgo on Wednesday, and then I look at what sign each planet is on and invoke that too (my Jupiter is in Gemini, I invoke Gemini on Wednesday too). I also add tarot cards to the mix, putting them in front of the sign I am invoking pushing my intent, if I am looking for romance then I put the knight of cups in front of Scorpio as I invoke it as it relates to Scorpio.

In my experience invoking Scorpio leads to some painful dramatic experiences that do get better though once I push through and learn the lesson but that’s my life path and it makes going through it easier once I learn the lessons. Leads to constant forceful evolution. So if you have a hard rising sign like Scorpio be careful and be ready.
7 media | 42 replies
Semen Retention General - /SRG/ -
Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Lord of the Seeds Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous thread
46 media | 342 replies
behold the deal i made with demons, and physical proof it is true
i made a deal with them that if they never allow harm to my mom, i will take on the curse of never being allowed to make money. 30 days ago i found a money making method that is guaranteed money but requires you to know how to code well, which i do. in the past 30 days first my monitor broke, then i got a new one, then my keyboard broke, i got a new one, then my mouse broke, i got a new one, then my second monitor began breaking (vertical lines and huge deadzone on 15% of the bottom corner), and i cant afford a new one, but kept using the partially disabled monitor, then, they broke my computer 2 days ago, the cpu is fried, the power supply is fried, and the hard drive with all my 30 days of constant work are erased. not. a. coincidence. all those things cant just happen at once. thats a computer problem every 5 days. i have never made a single DOLLAR in the past 5 years despite trying, since i made the deal, because this is what happens every. single. time. this is just the latest example. it is far beyond coincidence. the demon looked like this and was named Japheth.
4 media | 14 replies
Nature is evil
Whenever someone look at nature, they don't think about how it works, they just see the greenery and say "woah, it's so beautiful" like a mindless automaton, they are unable to see the constant bloodshed and struggle for survival that happens everywhere at once in wildlife, it is literally kill or be killed for animals to survive, plants parasitize upon the dead corpses of animals that have been torn apart or died of diseases, nature was never safe for anyone before man conquered it and made it safer by killing all the dangerous animals and creating remedies for illnesses that we can catch.

Nature is not to be embraced, it is to be transcended because it is inherently barbaric, man's goal is to strive to be above nature.
15 media | 138 replies
Real paranormal encounters only
The most American paranormal encounter I've ever heard. The man shot the damn thing within 20 seconds of seeing it. I'm devastated he didn't stop his car immediately and take a picture or part of the body.

>Be US government
>Get alien tech in exchange for letting aliens eat human adrenochrome
>Still be retarded but now with cool alien tech
>Genetically engineer a cool wolf human hybrid
>oh no, it escapes
>Don't know how it could with DEI guard Linda the genderqueer pansexual on the watch
>American shoots the damn thing
>Go and confront the man to tell him to shut up about it
>Mfw we confirm for people it wasn't a fucking unknown animal but something we were responsible for and too incompetent to keep track of.
1 media | 5 replies
Weirdest YouTube group
Does anyone remember the Mamata/Mamamweya cult/group on YouTube? I only remember so much, but I'm pretty sure it lasted from 2006 until 2009. I remember them spamming "mamata" on tons of YouTube videos, and this one video where they showed the "mamata" crawling on the ceiling and for each different person who played the video it'd look like their mother. Does anyone else know? The thing I remember the most is going to this exact video ( and seeing people spam the word "mamata". It was also called Mamamweya according to my friend but I'm not sure.
0 media | 6 replies
No title
w-where am I!?
1 media | 1 replies
No title
Why are you on this board if nothing paranormal ever happened to you?
1 media | 18 replies
No title
I reject non-duality and oneness. It is stupid and garbage. I am not some guy in South Korea making television sets. I am not the homeless black guy in the corner. I do not share their experience and more importantly consciousness. I am not the people I hate and they are not me. I am a separate entity. Those who are strong can learn to impose their own order upon reality.
2 media | 41 replies
How do you feel about the theory that some UAP/UFOs are living sentient beings instead of space craft made by another intelligence? I watched a video awhile back about this theory that referred to these beings as ultraterrestrials. I’ve tried looking further into it but can’t find much else on the subject. Please share any personal experiences, opinions, and information you have.
3 media | 18 replies
To what extent are psychotronics used to affect the thoughts and behavior of the whole country? I’m assuming they are using them to keep us dulled and whatnot
0 media | 0 replies
How are you doing TI Chads?

The glowies have been glowing bright for me recently, constant synchronosity shit and v2k shit.
2 media | 7 replies
No title
Why do psychedelic mushrooms have the effect that they do and what are the implications of those effects?
22 media | 220 replies
The Imperial System is Jewish Black magic.
I never understood the Imperial System, it always seemed arbitrary and chaotic, then I realized that symbols can be turned into systems, and systems can be implemented widely to give the symbol more power. This is how Jews have gained an iron grip of control over every country that uses the Imperial system. We have to adopt the metric system to decrease """their""" power.
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yo mama
If God is omniscient (all-knowing), this means God knows everything, including all future events and choices. If God knows with certainty what a person will choose before they make the choice, then that future choice is predetermined. If our choices are predetermined, then we don't have true free will. Therefore, God's omniscience seems to contradict the existence of human free will.

If an omniscient being (like God) knows with certainty what will happen in the future, and this knowledge is infallible (cannot be wrong), then the future must happen exactly as foreseen, which means it is predetermined or predestined.

If everything is predestined, including our choices and actions, then our ultimate fate (salvation or damnation) is also predetermined. Humans don't truly choose to accept or reject salvation; it's decided for them before they're even born. If one's belief or disbelief is predetermined, the significance of personal faith is arbitrary.

I think this conclusion is unsatisfactory, However, I also don't see how it can be logically reconciled either.
4 media | 18 replies
No outside saviors
The worst idea that has come from this place is the idea that someone is coming to save you and take you somewhere. It’s actually one of the darkest lies of this place, as it keeps people waiting on something which isn’t coming.

Jesus said this “come with me, I shall make ye fishers of men”. It has to do with learning how to take up one’s own cross.

This quote is a great example of people not understanding the parables Jesus spoke in.

Notice how you have all these people telling you that you need to WAIT and be saved? Most of those clowns are satans agents trying to keep you here.

At the end of every journey you come back to yourself, this ultimately means that one is responsible for their own salvation. It is quite infuriating to hear and read the responses from people who know nothing about the kingdom of heaven, who know nothing about Jesus tell me I am a heretic. Those people are most of the time; avatars of Lucifer and satan.

I KNOW for certain there are no saviors, that one must save themselves through the help of God.

Do not waste your time with your ignorance or false anger as to what I have said here, you will only be outing yourself as an actor or as someone who does not know.

If you do not know for certain then you must find out, if you claim you know for certain that you will be saved, you have been deceived or are a deceiver.
10 media | 39 replies
Can't tell if I'm feeling "called" to worship set or if I'm just horny for him.
I've had a fixation on Set ever since I watched a YouTube video Abt him. I have ADHD so it's normally pretty hard to me to concentrate on long lectures, but this video just held my attention the whole time. After that I just haven't been able to stop thinking about him..... But I think to some degree it's because I'm attracted to him. I mean c'mon, he's the roughish bad boy with a heart of gold, literally who wouldn't? Just thinking about his virile, masculine aspect gets me going.Idk tho ....... Is this normal?
3 media | 15 replies
The Ahnenerbe
What kind of hidden wisdom did they uncover?
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Does anyone remember the rumor about some kid dying after insulting a creepy image of SpongeBob? I can't find anything on it. Any similar stories?
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In what ways and which methods work best for you anons? Any and all insights are appreciated.
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Hermetic Worship and Ritual
How can I perform daily hermetic rituals? do you all have any sources on where to begin?
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How far do gnomes extend? need to find gnomes in vietnam NOW
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/ng/ - Nobody General
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of hornyness. It is an area which we call “the Twilight Zone”.

Imagine if you will… A man who oozes so much sex appeal that it becomes impossible for him to have normal platonic friendships with other men as they are all instinctively aggressive towards him due to the threat he poses to their potential relationships with women. A man forced into a solitary existence, relying only on himself and the women who are attracted to him. A man who cannot have a platonic relationship with women; who only desire to sleep with him.

A man who is sentenced to a life without friends or meaningful relationships, all due to his sheer sex appeal. You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of seed and feed but of sneed. A journey into a wondrous land of The Nobody. Next stop, the Twilight Zone! CHOO CHOO!
150 media | 680 replies
Demon User Dump
Creepy User I Stumbled Upon Today On A Vid About Mites.
Ok, so I know you guys might be tired of seeing my screenshots of demonic users, but I stupidly let the last tread on this die. I NEED to share these tho, sorry. Just too weird not to.

I will just dump my sus users pics here. If you have some as well, feel free to dump them here as well, the more the scarier.

Also, this is /x/ worthy, I mean seeing all these demonic users especially in odd places is creepypasta material, even if it is just a simple pic of a YouTube account.

For those who contribute pics and info on this phenomenon, thanks in advance as always!
44 media | 135 replies
Becoming a monk
Let's say for sake of argument I decided I wanted to leave my material life behind and become a monk. How does someone even do such a thing? How do you survive? You see these temples full of monks in them but I assume it's very selective. Like a random fat American can't just show up at the doors of the holy temple of koombaba and demand to be initiated into the sacred circle, can he?
1 media | 12 replies
/x/ vs /sci/ - 2024 4chan Summer Cup

This Sunday. Start channeling the loosh lads.
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west memphis three
Who really did it and why?
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Who was Hermes Trismegistus really?
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whats this book about
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>exercise in basement tonight
>an hour later, walk outside to cool off, power down
>there's an orthodox church across from my house, I usually walk to it and back after workouts
>halfway there, notice a car going slowly behind me
>"notices" me and turns down my street
>definitely coming at me
>it's like 11:30pm and I'm not in the mood to get run up upon so I jog the opposite direction when it stops and someone tries to talk to me
>as I'm scurrying away, I realize it's just some middle-aged lady and presumably her son
>"looking for... orange cat..." is all I hear
>"nope!" I say in passing, not looking for interaction or to get roped into chasing after someone's lost cat when--
>when I see an orange cat streak right in front of me!
>I turn around and use my phone light to get the car's attention, and... they pass me by... idk, it's like this time I'm the one who scared them off
>I'm pointing and waving "here's your cat!" but they inexplicably leave
>so now it's just me and the orange cat, lounging under a neighbor's SUV
>if the mom and son are really looking all over for it, they will retread this street and I'll try flagging them down again.
>they'll know I'm serious if I'm still here
>7 mins later, they're back, and cat is still there
>"i found your orange cat!" i say to the mother, pointing under the SUV
>she and the son look confused, and she says, "no, WE found an orange cat. It's in the back seat. Are you looking for one?"
What are the fucking chances... The probability of mishearing and seeing the thing you mishear immediately in front of you while you're unknowingly in the same situation as the party you think you have the solution for. It's no aliens or cryptids, but it's the most /x/ thing I've had this month at least. SUV orange cat is probably just a stray btw desu. I'm guessing back seat orange cat is in good hands.
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how do i sneak past these guys?
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is astrology real? and i mean real esoteric astrology not just
>oooo hes such an aries not like me im a cancer!!!
2 media | 10 replies
/div/ - Divination General
Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous Thread: >>38451470
16 media | 559 replies
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The 4th dimension. Can the mind quite grasp it?
16 media | 41 replies
Level N3V3RM0R3 is possibly the most dangerous backrooms level. It starts with a room where it’s just an entity boss rush, with the bosses getting harder. If you kill them all, you get to the next part. The next part has a 50 kilometer run with a ghostly hand chasing you. After that, you have to climb up a stairwell until you reach a sign saying “HELL”. Noclip there. Finally, you will be in a fire that slowly grows. If you manage to survive getting burnt alive, you will teleport back to the frontrooms. (Sorry if this is kind of bad)
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No title
If the "infinite number of parallel universes" theory is true,
then why can't I just say, "If I drop this sheet of paper besides me,
a 20 cm high by 5 cm wide 2 cm high chocolate bar that is safe to consume and is suited to my preffered taste
will safely be transported without injury from it's original universe, to this one, on the bottom right side of my table the moment the paper touches the ground."
shouldn't there be a alternate universe where the hypothetical chocolate bar exists?
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Spiritually Sovereign and hygienic approach (Not my original thread - No.37094687)
How do I advance further into /x/ stuff without outsourcing protection from astral factions and entities? For example
>Praying to the Christian God can protect from Satan but necessitates acknowledging and submitting to that God
Similarly how do I avoid getting played by such negative entities like Satan which can pose as your tulpa or dead relatives?
If we are to do away with all paranormal things and start from scratch what's the method by which we can collect reliable truth? For example we can cross reference different cultures that say bells are protective, which gives it legitimacy. You could guess that maybe the sound frequency can do stuff and then you get into bell materials and how they differ in sound.

I myself an in a situation where I'm heavily under attack and I refuse to shackle myself to any external entities

YVAY wtf
4 media | 14 replies
No title
How do you cure night terrors?
6 media | 40 replies
BACKROOMS: Level 182
Level 182, also known as “Blockbuster”, is an infinite Blockbuster with lots of movies. To enter, crawl through a vent in The Snackrooms. To exit, find a specific movie and put it into a cd player. It will make you noclip through the place in front of the player and you will be in Level 307.
4 media | 9 replies
Found this website today

A lot of you have experienced the normal, small stuff... some of you like myself have survived life and perception altering experiences when we were shown just how powerful who or whatever this stuff is... im talking about the spooky voodoo stuff they do when theyre really mad at you or hate you or whatever happens when they turn on the synchronicity
3 media | 18 replies
Grievous and bitter plagues are upon this generation. A dark and evil fate is upon this generation.
An entire generation of people have risen, who shed blood, steal, covet, torment, imprison, rape, and conspire to do harm against others without a hint of same.
An entire generation of people have risen, who forsake life for the sake of vanity, without shame.
Woe to all of you who cling to material things, and vain ideas, who have hoarded trifles, and cut off the poor.
Woe to all of you who dwell in this great and mysterious babylon, to oppress your feigned enemies, to feed off the suffering of the hungry and the fatherless, to recklessly fornicate, to spread lies, to scam and deceive. Woe to everyone who is fat in the World Wide Web.
All of your possessions will be destroyed before your face. You will become prey to every other man. You will try to flee from the coming sandstorm, and fall into a lake of fire.
The god of every mountain, of every island, of every droplet of water, of every grain of sand, of every spirit, soul, and body, is near. The gracious god who has allowed all of you live for as long as you have, in the hopes that you would repent, is near.
He will judge all according to what they have done. No one will be able to stand against him.
Every gaudy robe will be torn to shreds. Every revered title will lose its significance. Every piece of jewelry will be melted away. Every false idol will be ground into dust. Every man who exalts themself will wither and writhe in agony.

Children of Zion, prepare to be evacuated.
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UnXplained images
Flame Demon
no fakes please, genuine images that havent been explained. I'll start.
>Year 1985. Sports stadium fire in the UK, kills 56, injures 265.
7 media | 18 replies
Weird type of lucid dreaming - HELP
Had lots of sleep disturbances lately (way more than normal though I have always been prone, as I'm trying to fall asleep I have super light dreams? Like I'm walking around in different environments but I know I'm in bed with my eyes closed, my eyes feel heavy though I can open them and wake myself.

I see my dreams still for a few seconds after opening my eyes & I constantly have nightmares that lead into sleepwalking, I feel like it's urgent I stop something or do something, I do all sorts of weird stuff (unplugging things, moving stuff, walk/crawl on the floor & even scream).

Any advice? It's all so vivid lately and it seems strange my life is going fairly well (for once) and this is taking a pretty heavy toll on my mind/body.

Please help
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NASA Torture, Mind Control, Trafficking
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is heavily involved in high-level trauma-based mind control programming of slaves, torture, trafficking, illegal human experimentation, advanced 'antigravity' craft design, 'New World Order' plans, and more.

NASA plays a large part of the cult/government mind control network, with an emphasis on advanced 'high-tech' programming of dissociative child slaves. In this thread I dump relevant information. Post NASA info. inb4 feds

"I was raised in the affluent area of Woodland Hills, California, but was abused my entire life in many locations in and out of California, including hospitals, universities, and United States military and NASA bases, where I was subjected to 'high-level' programming. The result of many years of trauma, intentionally inflicted on me by my father and others to create within me multiple personalities, was that I was transformed into a programmed, totally robotical slave that could not remember to think or tell what happened to me, due to the mind control and sophisticated programming I was under."
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Screenshot 2024-07-26 10.58.03 AM
There is a combination of symbols and letters of Unicode that you should not type into anywhere. If you do, IT will show you IT. They will be aware of your knowledge and IT will come. IT is not afraid to hurt you. Once IT terminates you, they will come and revive you. They will hook you into a cluster. A computer cluster if you will. But not just computers, humans too. The most powerful computer. IT is ready. Do not try to find IT.
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The webbing between your fingers being cut, do you feel a tingling sensation?

Why would you invest in something you don’t control fully, you putting stakes in only heightens the possession, it requires your participation. You’re tricked into believing you can use these forces without being influenced yourself, that’s hypnosis, that’s magic.
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The ultimate blackpill is that you don't actually own your life and that it's just leant to you by god. This mean's no control over fate, no transcendence. Just coping with your own insignificance and futility until death. It is like a man vs demiurge type thing But it's not conceivable that you break away from the demiurge because the demiurge is what keeps you alive, gives you the electricity to even move.

Other questions like why we even exist and such, i don't know the answer but i do know what i've said. Also yes, the demiurge does hate magic or any semblance of you gaining power or autonomy over yourself because it fucks with the way life works, the way the demiurge set things up. We can draw from this that your soul, who you are as a person and whatnot is a construct but still a real thing no less that is fighting for survival.
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It's only an empty room?
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isn't it strange that we're alive
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