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Board: /o/

"/o/ - Auto" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing cars and motorcycles.

Imagine not having one of these
>check out my new “sporty” car!
>it’s like a de-tuned { insert good car name} car
>well no, it doesn’t have one
>you don’t even really need one though with all the advancements in electronics these days
How do they cope?
16 media | 63 replies
Just bought this, what am i in for?
Just bought a Celica t23, needed a car and a couple of friends suggested this, is it as good as they say or did I just fall for the jdm meme?
0 media | 11 replies
No title
>look up car meets in my area
>it's all boomers with their 1950's diner shitboxes
how the fuck do I find meets with people my age? the shit you see in the movies with fast cars, fat chicks, and loud exhausts??
I don't have an instagram, and if i did idk what to even search for
16 media | 83 replies
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Which one is it /o/?
>inb4 third option like Twingo car handle that is both flush and dented
1 media | 5 replies
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I want off this ride
11 media | 30 replies
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>same power as a Miata but 2/3 the weight
>start at $10k used
Quit bitching about the death of cheap light sports cars if you don't own one of these.
2 media | 17 replies
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Ok. So if in modern cars, you don't get any power gains from exhaust and intake anymore.
How do you get easy(not necessarily cheap) power?
10 media | 70 replies
Toyota to give Tundra owners new engines
This to address the Tundra recall issues regarding the V6 turbo spun bearings issues.

An estimated 100,000 engines at about $30,000 a pop.
5 media | 33 replies
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Do these things actually work well enough to get you home?
0 media | 0 replies
/dbt/ - Daily Bike Thread
SHITBIKE edition

Previous thread: >>27838214

>Motorcycle tips and tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webmsand streamies
>Tendy rating services
>Motorcycle benchracing
>rest in piss gaymoo, gn, pink horny, indian, hotwing
>Tennyfren HQ
>CB500 leg legion association guild clan
>not enough vfrs
>sv650 posting and R7 retards
>motorcycle anime girls (2d only)
>Milkshake posting and other treats
>Buy Chinese motorcycles -t. NOT a CFMOTO shill ok
>class, plug

>(New map! Email [email protected] with pic of bike (hosted) and location to be added):


Vids (must watch before posting)

58 media | 165 replies
Why are used mini coopers so cheap?
Its a british fwd miata with more cargo space, youd think theyd demand a premium from the autocross/italian job/boyracer community, right?
0 media | 2 replies
What's your 3 car solution?
Recently straight traded my 2014 Honda CR-Z 6MT for this mint 50,000 mile 1993 Pontiac Firebird Formula 6MT. Didn't need two fuel efficient daily drivers anymore, since the Polestar has our needs covered there. Managed to trade with a guy who has a 150mi daily commute, so it was a win-win for both of us. My wife and I are damn happy with our Three Car Solution now.
What does everyone else have?
6 media | 29 replies
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is adding too much oil to a 2 stroke bad?
I like the smell with a little too much oil in the gas
0 media | 1 replies
/hg/ 本田 - Honda General
Looking at buying a Honda? Post here and we'll tell you our elitist asshole opinions!

Need help identifying a chassis?

Last thread: >>27784733
30 media | 153 replies
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Miss Universe modelled in a few auto magazines before winning her crown
Anyone happen to have any photos/posters from them? Here’s one
0 media | 0 replies
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anyone have these lights in their garage? or has worked in a garage with these lights? they look annoying as fuck? is it all hype? looks like they'd be good with a diffuser or something though.
5 media | 14 replies
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Does anyone else get inconsistent power out of their car?

2004 Crown vic with the police package. I'm sitting at 192k miles.

Some days it feels super slow to get up to speed and other days the accelerator is super touchy. Ive even had days where I'll go from low power to touchy and vice-versa in the middle of driving.

Transmission was rebuilt at 174k miles, I don't remember whether it's an 4R75W or 4R70W.
0 media | 3 replies
>the best or nothing
>every single day something new breaks off

I love the engine and transmission but holy fuck what a fucking weak ass truck, it's pathetic just how much plastic I've littered just croozing around. The alabama trashcan memes were right.
4 media | 30 replies
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It's OVER, ICEissies.
6 media | 22 replies
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Any other car brands come close to Tesla's auto pilot? Want to get my wife away from Tesla but she's hooked on how nice it is in rush hour traffic and for highway cruises.

Would want to get her something more upscale, so maybe German.
2 media | 19 replies
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Yaris Hatchback and Yaris Sedan
Why haven't you taken the Yarispill anon?
>1nz is bulletproof and has plenty of performance parts for both NA or Turbo Builds
>Parts are cheap since Toyota
>Handling is amazing since car is light
>Still somewhat affordable
4 media | 9 replies
No title
Are these things basically gonna keep appreciating and are they really that much better than a 98-12 Ranger or 94-04 S10?

Budget is $10-12k, trying to stay under 100k miles if I can
1 media | 9 replies
I think all cars have souls, identities, genders and what not.
What car-related 'tisms do y'all have?
0 media | 0 replies
How will euros cope?
>5.5 liter twin turbo v8
>1,064 Horsies
>8 speed dual clutch
Nerds who post track times on here will be completely defeated. Are you ready Porsche f words? Q is in control now…
4 media | 47 replies
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How does double clutching actually work?
If you put it in neutral and rev it before shifting into a lower gear, I heard it aligns the gear shafts so the synchros don't have to do any work when you put it into gear.
But if it's in neutral isn't the engine disconnected from the transmission in the first place? How would doing anything in neutral affect something in the transmission?
0 media | 10 replies
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>reject modernity
>return to tradition
You can not stop the dog dish cheap tire uprising
0 media | 10 replies
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Why don’t buses have seatbelts?
1 media | 11 replies
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My car's ebrake stopped working, so I now leave it in gear when I park (manual gearbox). Is it possible for it to pop out of gear and start rolling if my gearbox is worn or is it 100 percent safe? I park on a slight inclination always
3 media | 17 replies
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what's the best classic SUV and why is it the plymouth trailduster? also didn't toyota copy those back lights
4 media | 15 replies
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>someone tells me that some brand is better than Tesla
>see interioir photos
>immediately get the ick
When will these "Tesla killers" release a car with a good interioir? They look like something a 55 year old Indian would use.
0 media | 3 replies
/OSG/ - Auto Sticker General #575 - Oracal 651's Galore
Previous thread: >>27749918

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO

>List of Vendors and Social Media

>/osg/ FAQ

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).
56 media | 153 replies
No title
>turbo corvette

superchargerbros…the Europeans are cucking us…
6 media | 40 replies
70s cars (cars were cooler back then)
Imagine your family car being the video related and not some lame crossover.
It's a cool thought that back then this was a thing at one point. Of course, shitboxes have always existed, but still.
9 media | 32 replies
No title
>The perfect family vehicle type was invented
>Replaced entirely by objectively worse, soulless copemobiles
With this in mind, why have any hope in humanity? People are so utterly shallow and retarded.
9 media | 72 replies
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I want to take my dog on road trips but I'm too afraid of a rear end accident on long rides
1 media | 10 replies
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Car payments?
Why do so many people have them?
What happened to owning your car?
7 media | 87 replies
Challengers are hideous
These things are absolutely repulsive looking. I don’t care if it’s supposed to be a throwback to the original. It looks like ass. Yes it’s fast but that is the only positive thing that can be said about it. It’s also a massive car. Muscle cars were not always this big. Look at the muscle cars from the 80s and 90s. They were much more tastefully designed and smaller and more nimble. These modern muscle cars are all oversized fat and ugly looking. Overall just a trashy car for trashy people. It screams trailer trash, nigger or military douchebag.
5 media | 22 replies
Drive by wire
Search your hearts, this is the best driving experience is with a steer by wire steering wheel and its not even close.
0 media | 0 replies
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Why does the ford maverick make truck cucks seethe so much?
10 media | 61 replies
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And here....we....go....
1 media | 7 replies
>"stop comparing real cars to microwaves" he says in his scat pack after losing to said microwave, rambling on in his noise insulated cabin about steak vs microwaved meat for whatever reason
>"yeah well I'd rather be rowing gears in my 6 speed than having those gay little paddles" he says, as he stalls out on his way home with his stage 3 clutch he had installed by a local shop
>"bikes are toys. This is a real drag monster" he says after losing to a 1000 from 1998 in his camaro ss he spent $10k in mods on with no a/c and the rear seats removed
>"You only won cause you weigh 3000lbs and I weigh 2 tons. At the end of the day, I'm the one winning, cause I'm not the one going home in a shitbox" he says to the ebay boosted civic owner, from his 98 sn95
>"yeah but I'd rather drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow." he says to a guy in an m3, from his 04 miata he commutes 20 highway miles to work in
Any other favorite copes that I missed?
4 media | 14 replies
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Yesterday was my sister’s high school graduation which I ended up attending. I have a 21 pure red WRX with 11,500 miles on it. I ended up parking at the farthest lot away from everyone. At the end of grad, I was walking back with my gf and I see these 2 heavy set black ladies next to my car. I tried using the panic button but apparently it was out of range. It looked as if they were touching my car, but as I approached SHE WAS SQUATTED and her friend was blocking her using my car to hold herself up. They walk away as I approach, and I notice A FUCKING YELLOW STREAM OF PISS GOING UNDER MY CAR AND ON MY TIRES. BRO WHEN I TELL U I WAS PISSED…. I swear to god i’m gonna have to install a self destruct button for these people…
1 media | 5 replies
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What is your "driving jacket". For me its an m65 jacket i bought from some surplus store.
19 media | 77 replies
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Why does it seem like everyone suddenly became too cool to use their turn signals? Every day I see idiots just drifting across lanes like they're asleep, or suddenly jerking to the right at an intersection.
It used to be rare to see this and now it seems to be the default behavior.

Maybe they're right, maybe society really is eroding...
7 media | 69 replies
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2 media | 7 replies
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It's over EV sisterinos
0 media | 8 replies
reality check for EVtards
hank initial d
The #1 issue for EVs isn't reliability, range, Tesla, etc. It's that most people don't have anywhere to charge them. You basically need to own a house in order to own an EV, and this is getting harder to do in the US, not easier. Most apartment buildings don't have chargers, most offices don't have chargers, most parking lots don't have chargers - and even if they did, you don't want to have to randomly charge you car whenever you happen to be at these places.
7 media | 41 replies
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Cadillac has unveiled the Sollei, a luxury coupe concept based on the Celestiq
31 media | 101 replies
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>time to buy a new car
>have $50,000-$70,000 to spend
>end up settling on a white SUV
What goes through someone's mind while this happens?
3 media | 29 replies
/org/ - Offroad General - Da dun da dun da dun edition
This is a threat for offroading and offroad adjacent activities.
Post rigs in your driveway, put your phone away on the trail.
Booli SXS boomers.
Talk about all the parts that are falling apart on your trugg.
Post pics during mid repair rage break.

prev >>27789211
7 media | 34 replies
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Make it happen, Suzuki
0 media | 2 replies
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This was a horrible choice for a daily driver in Ohio, but now I'm driving a Civic Si, and she's great, but I miss my RX-8 every time I start her up.
5 media | 15 replies
first car
>Renault Clio
1.6l, 80k miles, £2000
>Ford Fiesta
1.4l ,110k miles, £1200

my two options right now, which is the least retarded choice?
just need a car to fuck about in
3 media | 50 replies
I'm a Brazilian and I want you to prove me prong
uno brasil huehuehue
Pic related:

>air conditioning, power steering and radio
>good enough for city and travel if you don't pack it full
>parts available literally anywhere and everyone even in the smallest town in this godforsaken land knows how to fix it
>one of the cheapest to fix
>makes 25 MPG in the cty and at least 35 MPG with ethanol
>no bullshit like electronic assnut unit that connects to whatever and you have to drop $1000 to repair it or it has this 'mechanical quirk' that makes you spend a fuckton of cash every 50,000 kilometers like dirty bmw's

Why spend so much in a luxury car when this (or insert any no-bullshit car like this one) takes you where you want, without drawing attention from thieves and people in general when you can just run unnoticed?
4 media | 40 replies
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What is this?
6 media | 25 replies
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1bf (2)
>advertised price 30k
>out the door price 40k
1 media | 11 replies
VIN Check Thread
Can someone run these VINs for me?

0 media | 3 replies
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In a civilized country, operating a heavy duty vehicle like this would require a special license, which is perfectly understandable given that driving something like this is very different from driving a normal car. In the US of A any 14 year old can who has just obtained their license can get behind the wheel of this thing and wreak havoc on the road. Let that sink in.
6 media | 19 replies
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I just bought a new Panigale.

My state just lowered their price for custom license plates from the DMV.

What are some ideas that will give sensible chuckles to those on the highway?

Has to be 5 letters max, can't be obscene or reference illegal activity.

So far my ideas are:
IHVED (I have erectile disfunction)
12 media | 55 replies
Why exactly shouldn't I purchase OEM coolant?
Considering it's actually way cheaper to buy than aftermarket coolant.

Volvo 4L concentrated coolant (to make 8 litres) - £21.48

2L of aftermarket garbage concentrated coolant ( to make 4 litres) - £18.49
2 media | 9 replies
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Can you get pussy if you drive a Prius?
8 media | 37 replies
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Are the Ti Veloce verions of the Giulia any decent or just cope? There are better or just comparable cars in the segment in terms of performance, but with improved creature comforts and reliability.
Only thing keeping my attention is the "Ferrari designed" marketing, and the unquantifiable driving dynamics. Am I to believe they designed the Quadrifoglio with an incredible suspension and chassis, and simply swapped the differential and engine or a few other things here and there, and just sold that car for much less?
These seem to be going in the mid 20k range all day for some pretty well optioned Q4s, are the "driving dynamics on level with a porche" actually worth it, or is it another bullshit buyer remorse talking point? This thing is in the same segment as the G70 which stomps it by 100hp not to mentioned improved interior.
2 media | 25 replies
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images (6)
Going across country with a modded car.

My car has a high flow cat, headers, intake, and an exhaust with a burble tune. It's really not that loud and the burble activates high in the rpm range.

If I drove across country, what are the chances of me getting into legal trouble with it? As long as it's not loud and a have a high flow cat should I be fine? It's just a normal Corolla, but the exhaust looks aggressive.
6 media | 70 replies
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IMG_20240321_140146 (Custom)
got some nice welding done the other day for $50
8 media | 24 replies
No title
What Mercedes models from the 70s-90s are not only luxurious but also reliable?
1 media | 12 replies
bribing your road test examiner
leaf here, paying for driving school is 600$ which is absurd, it'd unironically be cheaper to just bribe your examiner 200-250$ and be done.

Has anyone successfully bribed your examiner to pass the gay ass commie road rules shit that Canada has?
2 media | 45 replies
Rims and tires
Hey /o/ I bought 5 of these Toyota OEM rims and was wondering what the best solutions there are to cleaning these thoroughly. There's videos of people cleaning the rims but they're already attached to the car and tire. For tires, what do you recommend, I was considering something within the size of 265/70/R15
1 media | 12 replies
/ovg/ - Bryce Canyon edition
rFactor 2017-05-14 00-37-23-62
Welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussion of racing and driving games.

Previous thread >>27797250

Port: 64738
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info, we are racing Trans Am in AC whenever Gent feels like it and Jokkis in rF1 in August
85 media | 257 replies
No title
Is owning a dealership a good business? From my understanding, if you have a franchise for new cars, then your reputation depends on your service department.

What a bout used car dealerships? I know a guy in town because we both have the same car (high end German) and he seems to be doing pretty well for himself.
0 media | 3 replies
Toyota to Use BYD Hybrid Technology in Corolla to Give 2100km+ Range
toyota to use BYD hybrid technology
>With a fully charged battery and a full tank of gas, the technology can provide a driving range of 2,100 kilometers (1,305 miles) CLTC
>The company’s PHEV technology, now in its fifth generation, achieves a record low fuel consumption of 2.9 liters per 100 km (62.1 miles), even after the batteries have been depleted (80mpg)
>The base price for the BYD Qin L and Seal 06 is 99,800 yuan ($13,775)

2 months ago, BYD announced that their Qin and Seal 06 hybrid models will use their latest powertrain, which is the most efficient in the world, giving it 2100km+ range. When this was posted on /o/, everybody claimed it was fake news and not a real technology.

This week, Toyota announced that they will use this new powertrain technology in their Corolla hybrids, so basically just selling a BYD hybrid car and slapping the Toyota brand logo on it.

What does /o/ think about this? Is Toyota getting scammed by this fake BYD technology? Or is this actually real?
4 media | 22 replies
Toyota has fallen
8 media | 31 replies
New Corvette ZR-1
New corvette ZR-1 1064Hp flat plane twin turbo V-8.
7 media | 32 replies
The last pony car of our era
mustang gt
I think I should get a 2024 Mustang GT while they're available even if it means drowning in debt. To borrow a word from Aldous Huxley, Fordship is magic.
This is still available to us while GM already nixed the Camaro and Stellantis did the same to the Challenger. I'd get an EcoBoost but no manual transmission is available for it, imagine buying a 4 pot and then losing even more power to the tranny, couldn't be me.
38 media | 236 replies
/Miata General/
Last question edition >>27810382

I need to get my Miata engine sutter, and cooling issues resolved this weekend.

It's top down weather, how's your Miata running?
What can be done to help prevent sweaty back with leather seats?
Any LE owners?
77 media | 230 replies
No title
>GPS says to make a u-turn at an intersection
>Fuck that
>Keep driving 20 more miles so i can find a route that does anything but that
6 media | 34 replies
what do you guys daily?
here’s mine

‘88 corolla, 4AF 3sp auto
103k miles on the clock, just rebuilt the top end & carb, converted to head studs and a few other things.
56 media | 152 replies
No title
>be me
>software engineer with below average car knowledge
>suddenly get into modding
>buy cheap project car to play around with
>remember hs car enthusiast friends added aftermarket intakes on their civic
>buy cheap intake kit
>slap it on
>looks cool I guess but not expecting any performance
>turn car on
>cool induction sound when I rev
>take it for a spin
>can't rev past 4k rpm
>chokes when hit the throttle too hard
>MAF plausibility error code
>look that shit up
>find out engine is probably running lean due to bigger and less restrictive air intake
>remove intake while feeling depressed at how much of a retarded faggot I am
>start looking into ECU tuning

tl;dr bought aftermarket intake for fun, car ran lean (I think), took it off, now looking into tuning to get correct AFR.

Do I need a wideband O2 sensor to do this if I'm literally just looking to get it running ok with the intake? It's a cheap project car I don't really mind fucking up. I don't want to tune for performance (at least for now) I just want to get it running properly. My intuition as a retard is that narrowband would be enough to let me add fuel until it's no longer running lean.
6 media | 28 replies
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what did yamaha mean by this?
0 media | 1 replies
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I thought you said freedom cars could turn?
20 media | 94 replies
Why is South Australia so cucked?
>From 1 December 2024, all drivers of an ultra high powered vehicle (UHPV) must hold a U class licence.
Does any other country have such a licence? Of course it won't be free - 81 bucks for knee-jerk, feel-good, do-nothing bullshit.
13 media | 78 replies
No title
Will there eventually be "touchscreen delete" kits for 2010s-2020s cars, to be known as second malaise era in a few decades?
11 media | 62 replies
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2 media | 16 replies
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Why can’t certain people accept that South Korean cars are legit nowadays?
0 media | 0 replies
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hellcat engine is apparently shit
So Hellcat engines are actually Junk?
I talked to a local tuner and he told me those 6.2L in the hellcats are very fragile and easily shit the bed.
dude is the go-to tuner in town, probably tunes 15 cars a week.
He won't even add boost to them because they blow up so easily.
The tunes are all timing and air fuel changes.

Apparently if you accidentally put 87 octane gas in a stock hellcat, it'll probably blow up if you push it hard.
How did Dodge manage to successfully shill that engine so hard?
7 media | 60 replies
smol truk
looking to get a small truck for my biz. I want the smallest truck that can tow my foxbody and still be able to go offroad and be fuel efficient. Budget is 3k but I can wrench.

Is there any reason to get an s10 over a ranger? I'll consider others but the parts availability is a big deal for me. Any years/models I should avoid? I also want to build a hydraulic lift for loads like pic, because it would be cool.
0 media | 14 replies
What car is this?
I thought it was a 180 or 240 but I can’t really nail what the front end is from. Anyone know what this is?
2 media | 27 replies
No title
Does anyone know what these wheels are called on this E36? Did they come as an option originally from BMW?
0 media | 2 replies
first luxury car
I think this is a porsche that would look cool, with the circular headlights, all black, and super cheap.

Can anyone here tell me if this is a bad idea for my first and hopefully final ever luxury car?
4 media | 21 replies
No title
The car choice for young affluent men went from BMW 3 series to Tesla model 3
Which was better?
3 media | 16 replies
No title
>used to own a old 90s shit box
>oil wasn't a thing, maybe check once a year
>now drive a early 2010s car
>have to check the oil at least every 3 months
what happened?
0 media | 2 replies
best GM shitmobile? calling all 3800 owners
3800 retardnation
my autistic ass is looking for new car. I want something with 3800 series. Was thinking about 2000 impala, 1995 park avenue or 1995 bonneville,

I'm stuck in europe and my retarded ass keeps buying shitboxes from usa. Bought chrysler, bought ford, IT'S TIME FOR GM BABY.
3 media | 26 replies
No title
I don't know where the water is coming from. But I believe it's coming from the break pad looking thing because the trail seems to be coming from there. Any ideas?

I also have another photo of something else
5 media | 11 replies
Autistic shifting early
I've always liked v8s with tons of torque. So I never really HAD to wring my engine out to move much. After watching tons of POV videos on Jewtube I've realized I shift really early, and I shift a lot.

My car redlines at about 6200 rpms. I'm almost always shifting by 2500 unless I'm trying to speed. If I'm cruising for more than a few seconds I'll almost always be in the highest gear.

Am I really "extending" the life of my engine by shifting early all the time or am I just being retarded and keeping myself from hearing my glorious v8 come to life for no reason? Seems like a lot of people will accelerate up to 35-55-whatever and keep it in 4th (or 5th, if it's a 6 speed.) Seems much more fun but yeah, I've always figured it's always best to keep RPMs down, always. Without bogging your engine of course.
3 media | 23 replies
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Do you guys think a GT40 reunion is worth going to?
0 media | 3 replies
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Is the 4th Gen Mustang a good car?
19 media | 67 replies
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What is the fucking deal with people trying to get 2-3000 over EXCELLENT blue book value? I just want to buy a car -at- the actual value. These people on Facebook marketplace are actually insane. Nobody is going to pay 20,000 dollars for a 6 year old 40,000 mile Honda civic in the rust belt.
16 media | 85 replies
No title
That feel when you factor in gas cost when you want to go out and it's cheaper to buy a nice steak than buying something cheaper because you get 9mpg on premium before the motor warms up, then you get 14mpg or 15mpg.
3 media | 9 replies
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Make it happen, Mazda
4 media | 18 replies
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So recently I've been interested in getting an Infiniti Q50 hybrid, I know…. BUT! honestly once I've tried hybrid cars I can't get back to non-hybrid.

The instant torque at low RPM is just very comfy, the Q50 comes with a V6 too so plenty of power to enjoy the cars also, since should be reliable.

Anyway, as with any sane person, I decided to check YouTube for long term reviews and stuff, and lo and behold all Q50 videos are filmed by Black people, which got me thinking why are niggers attracted to these cars?
1 media | 5 replies
Restoring a 1979 Ford Bronco AMA
Bronco Front2
For the last 4 1/2 years my brother and I have been restoring this 1979 Ford Bronco. Bought it off a guy in northern MN who saved it from a rotting barn.

Ask me anything.
8 media | 38 replies
sqt qtddtot
/SQTDDTOT/: /QTDDTOT/- Stupid Questions That Don’t Deserve Their Own Thread: Please help me Edition.

im trying to get month to month insurance in california and some agents keep offering me $50 plans with a ~$300 sign up fee. and some are like $60/mo with no sign up fees. where are these fees coming from? insurance broker taking their cut?

also some agents have offered next day insurance, some have the 14day wait period. where does this come from? how can i filter it out?

also is there an option for when i am away from my vehicle for 6months of every years? can i "pause" my insurance?
63 media | 314 replies
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How to control my urge to speed? I hit over 120 today on an interstate and everything less just feels so boring now.
5 media | 43 replies
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6 media | 23 replies
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I have a 02 lexus ls430 with 128k. Its recommended premium but u can get away with putting 87 octance its vvti. I dont care are the hp decrease but would i save money putting 87 instead of tbe 93 that i usually put?
0 media | 8 replies
/CCG/ - Classic Cars General - Superior French Handling Edition
The French used to make really cool cars. I'm particularly fond of the Citroen DS. Makes me think of the Jetsons.

>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions.
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.
>Do NOT buy a classic and plan to pay someone to work on it. You need to be able to do 90% or more of the work or you will go broke.
>Mopars are the prime choice of niggerfaggots
>Lube your rectum for Chevrolet scalpers
>You will spend twice your budget, unless you have years of experience. If the salty old hands agree, it's true.
>No one cares about your MPG
>If you can't tune a carb you might literally be retarded
>Nothing is as easy as it seems
>Post car or GTFO

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73 media | 306 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 7.24.55 PM
What would it take to have a 360 view / birds eye view seamlessly integrated into my car?
I'm expecting:
>make use of existing rear camera
>add side mirror cameras
>add front camera
>all wired to central hub which connects to infotainment
>one physical button can turn it on and off
For curiosity i got quoted $3,500, but I was expecting like $1000 or less :P
1 media | 2 replies
Return to simplicity
Return to simplicity (for an estimated €3,500,000 - 4,200,000)

>inspired by the success of the Porsche-based Glöckler specials of the early 1950s, Porsche set out to construct the company's first proper racing car. Although stripped out competition versions of the VW based 356 had proven moderately successful, the team in Zuffenhausen agreed that a more specialized machine was required to continue their racing success. Despite the limited funds and time available, two separate programs were initiated at the factory. Ernst Fuhrmann was in charge of designing a competition engine (project 547) and Wilhelm Hild headed the development of a new chassis (project 550).
>There were only a few months available for Hild's team to construct the new racer for its scheduled debut in the 1953 24 Hours of Le Mans. The design was very similar to the mid-engined Glöckler, which was equipped with a modified 356 drivetrain reversed with the engine between the driver and the rear axle. A simple steel tube ladder frame was created with six cross members. The front and rear suspension were similar to the production Porsches with some small revisions to handle the expected higher load. The brakes and wheels were also sourced from the 356 parts bin. Two chassis were constructed, but with Fuhrmann not ready yet, a 356 1500 Super engine was fitted.
3 media | 5 replies
BANNING kei cars
Mazda Autozam AZ-1 7s-Day_KLEE_54
A single organization is behind the kei car bans in various states: American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators or AAMVA

>The AAMVA is a lobbying group that rose to notoriety in JDM owner circles when one of its internal documents was cited as a reason for banning kei trucks in Rhode Island.
>The AAMVA has yet to be formally linked to bans in some states, though there is circumstantial evidence of association with multiple other states’ bans. That June 2021 document that laid the groundwork for the Rhode Island campaign was authored in majority by people from states that have also banned kei or JDM vehicles at large, or placed some level of restrictions against them.
11 media | 69 replies
Are EVs dead again?
Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 6.09.35
I'll lay out the fundamental problem with EVs:
>it's the batteries, stupid!
Batteries are about 16x less dense than gasoline. Even when you take into account the superior efficiency of electric motors (70-90ish % vs 40% for ICEs) that only makes batteries about 1/10th as good as gasoline. Fuel cells are the only realistic answer in the near-term, and that tech hasn't gone anywhere in decades. So until the battery problem is solved, failures like Ford's F-150 electric shitbox are going to worsen as consumers figure out that EVs suck.
And no, battery research is never going to solve the problem (at least not for hundreds of years). Battery tech is very slow to advance, it has always been slow to advance, and there are no "breakthrough" technologies that will change that.
32 media | 169 replies
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When did we peak, G/o/lf chads?
6 media | 33 replies
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The best car color.
30 media | 79 replies
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>indian automaker
>is literally the "joke company" of the whole game, whose products are known as complete dogshit and prone to killing people
1 media | 4 replies
Riddle me this /o/
If Japanese cars are so amazing, then why can't this brand into quality rides?
4 media | 45 replies
Toyota Camry
Literally the greatest vehicle in human history
12 media | 65 replies
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Screen Shot 2024-07-25 at 12.27.47 PM
"Thanks for continuing to buy gas cars, /o/! My seventeen year old son loves his new Bugatti."
10 media | 40 replies
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What's a car where every time you see it, you can't help but think of a fictional character driving it?
0 media | 1 replies
Traditional car companies
How come old cars are so fucked up with recalls up the wazoos?

Each of these recalls cost billions of dollars each time. And there's like so many recalls every year from all the companies.
3 media | 24 replies
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would you buy this for $30k?
3 media | 27 replies
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What does /o/ make of this?
Will you be getting a chinese car?
9 media | 52 replies
C&D handling test
c&d best handling cars of 2011
found this neat article from 2011 on best handling cars of that year. Thoughts on it?
Here's the lineup for 2011
7. golf gti
6. corvette z06
5. nissan gtr
4. bmw m3
3. rx8 r3
2. lotus elise sc
1. porsche boxter spyder
0 media | 7 replies
GM in the past 10 years
GM in the past 10 years
>Camaro Z/28(5th gen Camaro)
>Chevrolet SS
>C7 corvette(regular one)
>c7 corvette z06
>c7 corvette zr1
>6th gen Camaro ss 1le
>6th gen Camaro zl1
>c8 corvette
>c8 corvette z06
>c8 corvette zr1
>ct4-v blackwing
>ct5-v blackwing
>Escalade V
>chevy blazer RS
1 media | 5 replies
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What supercars are the most reliable and need the least maintenance?
4 media | 12 replies
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>bought a new car and regret it
how do I cope?
6 media | 70 replies
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I mog you
6 media | 21 replies
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been searching for this VW california/transporter kit.. can't fins it anywhere. Any clues?
0 media | 3 replies
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> I’m a truck driver of course I don’t use my turn signal
> I’m a truck driver of course I go 10 miles or more below the speed limit
> I’m a truck driver it takes me 13 seconds to get up to the speed limit
> I’m a truck driver of course I drive like I’m the only car on the road
> I’m a truck driver I take up entire parking spaces and have to park next to you
2 media | 44 replies
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Lets say I have a junkyard 1.5L 4 cyl 1970s shitbox. Got it for 150$, seems to run fine. I want to fit it with a turbocharger from a modern shitbox with the same engine displacement, an antilag system (seems extremely simple, an Arduino, a vacuum sensor and two servos should do the job just fine) and a new exhaust bc of the whole turbo thing.
My questions are:
How likely is it that the engine will die in the first kilometer?(im ok if it dies on the second)
How to calculate the exhaust properly? (also, I saw a video on how to achieve the f1 sound recently, anyone got the formulas behind the paywall?)
Injecting small amounts of water into the exhaust during antilag to prevent it from burning and also generating steam for turbine-retarded or not?
11 media | 102 replies
Norway is turbocucked
> mostly EVs, leafs and other greta thunberg cars
> Nobody drives above already extremely low speed limits
> No overtaking
> Will call cops on you if you drive fast
> Don't understand left lane is for overtaking
> Cyclists bad (not norway specific tho)

I fucking hate my cucked country why cant they just man up
5 media | 38 replies
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you can cram so many farts in these things
1 media | 3 replies
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>steal roller from construction site
>drop it off in the woods less than a mile away a month ago
>It's still there

Really highlighting the competency crisis in policing huh
4 media | 31 replies
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0 media | 0 replies
Dew Trail CYOA Moonshine thread remembrance
Does anyone remember about 10 years ago a series of threads called 'Dew trail CYOA"? It was about moonshine running that allowed anons on /o/ to roleplay a character in the 1940s or something. I think the story started with us driving a 1930s Ford we got for $10 that eventually became a flat 6 turbo Corvair, im forgetting alot of details but that thread was really super comfortable and im feeling nostalgic and want to reread it if it exists somewhere somehow
6 media | 16 replies
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I want an early 90s rotary swapped bimmer
6 media | 23 replies
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Why can't you buy a new NA civic with a manual transmission?
Does the cvt have appreciatively better gas mileage?
1 media | 6 replies