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Board: /n/

"/n/ - Transportation" is 4chan's imageboard for discussing modes of transportation like trains and bicycles.

No title
A woman who is in a sexual relationship with an aeroplane has revealed that she travelled abroad 30 times in the last year just to spend quality time with her lover.

Sarah Rodo, from Dortmund, Germany, found love on her first flight with a Boeing 737 - after an unfulfilling attempt to date humans.

Since then, the 23-year-old has also 'met' 60 figurines and three larger models who she considers part of a 'collective being' that she is dating, and so she often refers to her lovers as one.

Keeping up a relationship with an object requires real commitment.

The avid jet-setter is so loved up that she has booked 30 mini-breaks in the last 12 months just to be close to her original beau, the Boeing 737.

Despite their many trips together, Sarah, who identifies as objectum sexual [having a sexual or romantic attraction to an inanimate object], is heartbroken that she's never been fully alone with her partner.

Sarah said: 'I'm proud to be objectum sexual – it's a wonderful sexuality, the only sad thing is that I can't be alone with a real plane.

'I flew a lot in the last year to be with the Boeing as often as I possibly could, I took about 30 flights and always combined it with a city trip or vacation.

'I also love to travel and discover new things [in the cities].

'With my love, I've travelled to Stockholm, Malmo, Copenhagen, Budapest, Vienna, and Paris.

'I also often visited Katowice in Poland as a day tour.'

Although Sarah struggles to have alone time with her beloved aircraft, she has an impressive collection of models that she also shares a bed with.

She is so devoted to her planes that she's forked out over £3,550 on 60 figurines and three large models of her significant other.
61 media | 295 replies
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>why don't Americans have high speed ra-ACK!
0 media | 0 replies
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how do you cope with not being able to use a nice bike because you fear itl get stolen from the bike rack?
i really want a nice old tourer but i think im just gonna have to settle for an old hybrid
are steel trek multitrack 700s and 720 hybrids ok bikes?
they look less stealable at least
4 media | 21 replies
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babbys first bikey
how do you rate babbys first road bike? 700 bucks for this used, with a powertap g3 and ultegra di2. its a specialized sl4 tarmac pro mid-compact. holy BASED!
2 media | 32 replies
No title
Going to my local bike co-op tomorrow to try and find a commuter. I haven't riden a bike since I was a kid. Should I look for steel or aluminum if my price range is $200ish? There's bound to be a lot of junk
0 media | 13 replies
Why do lycra cyclists live rent free in everybody's heads?
This is a very common thing I've seen in every internet discussion about cyclists, whether the debating parties think bikes are a good method of transportation or not, they all seem to agree that lycra-wearing sport cyclists are the satan of the roads even though they harm literally no one compared to cars and at worst simply run red lights and use the full lane

It just seems weird to me that something so harmless causes so much rage and downright murderous meltdowns, regular cyclists seem to all agree these people are the reason why they have a bad name and get killed everyday, so are lycra cyclists REALLY that bad?
11 media | 117 replies
No title
Name one single reason why owning a car is ethical
24 media | 107 replies
im retarded
am i retarded how is this possible
this doesnt seem sustainable in the long term
39 media | 220 replies
ca go bike
and now there is no reason to even get EV anymore with this bike

> - doubled up steer links and brakes
> - the cab has the same safety crash rating as a smart car
> - can carry 2 kids or 600lb cargo
> - belt drive
0 media | 7 replies
/gag/ - General Aviation General
general thread for general aviation and the general topic of aviation. in general.

-Sexual Tension edition-

previous: >>1994899
22 media | 140 replies
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Fuck this garbage French dogshit design
7 media | 35 replies
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they took this from you
3 media | 14 replies
No title
Why aren't big wheel bmx bikes more popular? They seem like the best all around option
>can hoon or cruise
>kino aesthetics
>not associated with lycra roadies or neckbeard hipsters on rigid mtbs
0 media | 2 replies
Space Transportation General /stg/ - IFT-4 A new dawn edition.
Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal



Starbase 24/7 streams



Starbase tour




49 media | 153 replies
No title
Anybody here working in trucking/dispatch/freight brokering or something related?

Seems like there's no love for trucking on this board
1 media | 9 replies
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> circa 2006 quality frame
> $2,000 (frame only) because a childless polyamorous hipster pothead peed on it
> Olive oil is a great chain lube btw

How much longer is this going to continue?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
You're at the cyclist cafe when this lady compliments your orchid collection.

What do you do, /n/? Oh and she's 163cm and 49kg, all slow twitch.
9 media | 53 replies
No title
What's the best configuration for a thrust reverser:

Target type or cold stream?
9 media | 15 replies
/pywst/ - post your walkscore thread
I wonder how many people here actually practice what they preach? Not many I'm sure, I can smell the the hypocrisy. Rules for thee and not for me is the rule of the internet.

So let's post our walkscores and let's see how bad things really are. If any of the there numbers are under 90 you don't belong here.
43 media | 99 replies
No title
>Trying to ride on my bike
>Sitting on saddle
>Feel a gentle pressure on my pelvic floor
>As I ride there's a consistent, rhythmic shifting of the pressure as I pedal
>Getting a stiffy
>Try to ride harder to get the blood going somewhere else
>Can't actually pedal standing comfortably for long so I'm back to sitting quick
>Even on the heaviest gear I'm still pedaling pretty fast so the rubbing just gets more intense
>Make it home horny as shit and have to crank one out right away
>Cum like a fountain because I've been "edging" for like 90 minutes riding
How the fuck do you avoid this?
I just want to ride my bike but my pelvic floor/crotch/balls are too sensitive to stimulation.
1 media | 2 replies
John Forester did nothing wrong
It disgusts me how today's so-called "cycling activists" are doing the work of the automotive lobby while thinking that they're the good guys.

Imagine if a bunch of politicians started pushing for a special residential area for a certain group, after having them habitually assaulted with weapons for many years. "We're terribly sorry about all the bloodshed but can't guarantee your safety, if you want to be safe, you have to go in this special place we designated for you".

That is what bike lanes are. We've tried "separate but equal". It doesn't work, because tyranny of the majority means a highly flexible definition of "equal".

People who have been riding bikes for many decades know what the game is. But zoomers and corona cyclists believe they know best. Instead of demanding justice, they demand segregation. Which is exactly what the automotive supremacists want.
29 media | 229 replies
/bag/ - bike apparel general
Last thread hit bump limit

Spring is coming, get the winter stuff when it's on sale. Except people from Argentina, for you, get the summer stuff when it's on sale

Anyone use winter-specific road or MTB shoes? I've been depending on overshoes for too long

Discuss bike apparel. Engage in catty tribalism between "lycra lout aero fred" and "practical normal not-a-cyclist' (actually still marketed to cyclists but with reverse psychology) apparel. Boast of your metric century (not a real century) wearing just jeans and a t-shirt. Conveniently, there is no strava of it but it totally happened I swear!

19 media | 134 replies
No title
nothing of value_was lost
lol this piece of fucking shit makes Boeing look good
3 media | 23 replies
No title
How do you deal with heat when biking?

I planned for a long ride today but called it quits after 4 hours. I went through 5 gatorades and a couple of granola bars but still developed a strong headache and painful leg cramping. It was only 84F
2 media | 32 replies
collectible bike thread
Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
30 media | 118 replies
Most /n/ Movies
What are the most /n/ films?
For me its Kontroll, the hungarian masterpiece
>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service
>Entirely set in the subway
>Excellent soundtrack
94 media | 259 replies
What we should do about ebike fires
Ebikes should require registration and an active insurance policy. $15 million in liability insurance per bike, minimum, to cover the average damage they do every time they explode. That doesn't even cover the loss of life but it's a start. Possession of an unregistered ebike or unregistered parts such as batteries should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years in prison and being banned from touching another ebike ever again. Second offense is life in prison, you can't prove me wrong.

>but muh cost of deliveries
Muh cost of rebuilding the entire block after it was leveled and rebuilding the lives destroyed, cash me outside howbou dah?
63 media | 296 replies
No title
I had an argument about the best location to lock your bicycle. I believe that it is against a lamppost on a quiet back street. Cyclists believe that on the main road is safest but I have started copying what motorcyclists do. I chain my e-bike to a lamppost on a residential street and cover it. I never see any motorcycles locked to a flimsy bike stand in front of a train station.

If a thief with an angle grinder sees it and they want it they will take it. Nothing can stop them. Therefore in my opinion it's best to reduce the chance they will see it in the first place. CCTV and crowds don't deter anyone anymore. I've seen many videos of bicycles being stolen on a busy street in broad daylight.

I'm not saying lock your bike on the darkest alleyway behind a chicken shop that you can find. Just lock it on a residential street with expensive houses. Why would a crackhead with a grinder be walking around there?
3 media | 34 replies
/UPG/- Urban Planning General
Houston Infill Edition

Discuss transit planning, infrastructure improvements, streetscaping, and housing design in your city.
22 media | 104 replies
No title
Someone died in a train collision last week. HOW TF DO YOU GET HIT BY A BIG AND LOUD ASS MOFO TRAIN???
13 media | 81 replies
No title
Car dependency is a cancer that is killing civilization.
Delete /o/
13 media | 125 replies
Antarctic Snow Cruiser
Do you think this concept would succeed if built with modern technology?
3 media | 10 replies
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Reminder that anyone against walkable cities is a lardass from north america or germany.
19 media | 146 replies
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Why not take the boatpill?
45 media | 305 replies
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I’m going to shit my pants. I hate flying and I have to take a flight on an Embraer E190 - the size of the plane scares the absolute FUCK out of me. So small. I get more anxious on small planes.

I flew in one before and it was pretty scary. How do I cope? It’s tiny af and only has two rows, it seats like 40
people and the niggers cockpit is like 5ft away from you.
10 media | 31 replies
Maritime General - /mg/
YE OLDE edition

Previous: >>1985990

US Mariners:
UK Mariners:
28 media | 138 replies
heres a very work in progress pic of my 3x13 39speed
i couldnt see any reason why a 13s wouldnt fit my 9s hub and it seems to so far lol, wit a spacer too
desu im probably gonna convert it to a 2x11 at some point to save weight this is just for funsies
im also running a 12s chain because 13s are silly expensive
what are the chances this fails epically?
5 media | 30 replies
No title
Why would someone ride an e-scooter instead of a bicycle?
2 media | 24 replies
Road bike frames

I plan to build myself a new road bike and the thing I'm stuck on is what frame.

New frame? The all have that increadibly gay sloping top tube.
Old steel frame? That's where I'm leaving from because I'm not 100% happy.
Triathlon frame? The shape is correct but the rest is impractical for what I need.

I've arrived at the conclusion that what I want is an early aluminum frame before the started bogging the frames for gay shit like 'ergonomics' and 'flex'. From what I've gathered Cannondale is one of the best when it comes to aluminum frames and the Caad2, Caad2.8 and Caad3 really fit the bill. But I want to expand my horizons and get some recommendations and inspo for what else is out there.
6 media | 30 replies
No title
Commuting or cruising with a helmet is cringe
>inb4 get hit by a car
Sharing roads with motor vehicles is retarded and helmet wont save you when you get a 50mph kiss from Karen's SUV.
Helmets are for risky sports.
If your commute is risky enough to warrant one, you are doing it wrong.
If you argue otherwise, you should wear one as a pedestrian too.
9 media | 64 replies
No title
Why would anyone own a car when you can buy this, go 30mph and never pay for fuel or car maintainence again?
18 media | 133 replies
I prefer walking
define "walking distance" for you.
>45min normally
>1hr30min if good mood
bonus: what do you listen to on your walks, if anything?
2 media | 34 replies
I stayed aboard the Queen Mary
Ocean liner fans rejoice! The Queen Mary reopened for hotel guests in May and in June, I had the privilege of spending two nights on board. I'll be uploading my album of the ship over the next few days and discussing the history of the ship that I learned while onboard.
100 media | 142 replies
No title
Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
29 media | 178 replies
No title
This thread is for talking about railways, and things related to railways, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Trips, tracks, tickets, trains and stations, they're all good - making up rules is boring so let's just be normal. Questions are, of course, most welcome.

If you feel like travelling, head over to National Rail Enquiries (; tell it where you're leaving from and where you're going to, and it'll tell you how you're going to get there; then it'll hand you over to a train operator to buy a ticket. The golden rule is that it doesn't matter which train operator you buy a ticket from, as they'll all sell you a ticket from anywhere to anywhere, for the same price. If you're a visitor from overseas, your best option is probably Trainline ( - they charge a booking fee on top of the ticket price, but they'll accept just about any payment card. There's also, who are apparently a 'thing' with overseas students: I've not used these myself, so please speak up with any thoughts.

Here's a few links:
~The Man in Seat 61 ( - easily the best rail travel resource out there.
~Geoff Marshall ( - Likes trains. Mostly harmless.
~A Visual History of Railway Rolling Stock in Great Britain (
~Realtimetrains ( - live train timetables: ideal for keeping on top of ETAs and platforms.
~TIGER ( - live station departure boards.
~Traksy ( - live signalling information.
~Openrailwaymap ( - railway infrastructure, mapped.

What's happening?
~Phase One of High Speed 2 (Birmingham-London):
~Belfast Grand Central:
~The Transpennine Route Upgrade (electrifying the Liverpool-York mainline):
~The Midland Main Line electrification (still no website!)
~The East Coast Digital Programme:
100 media | 277 replies
Unusual trains
Post trains that are just a bit weird or different from the norm. All trains welcome, passenger, freight, locomotive, rolling stock, etc.

Saw this one in the Netherlands and it's a bit odd.
>Only one motor car
>Which has three bogies and one level
>Every other coach is a normal bilevel
63 media | 105 replies
No title
What goes on here
12 media | 35 replies
/wg/ - wheels general
Why are you destroying the environment with your discount bargain bin chinese carbon wheels with no warranty, when you could be saving the environment with the revolutionary new FusionFiber™ that come with a lifetime, no questions asked replacement coverage for the original owner? Sure it costs about 3x as much but think of the moral superiority it gets you

The only problem is it's made in Utah which is full of crazy people, which kinda negates the moral superiority, I'd almost rather send money directly to the CCP at that point

Also discuss wheels and stuff
43 media | 242 replies
No title
I took miku flying with me the other day :D
2 media | 10 replies
No title
Urban sprawl is good as long as you have extensive coverage of railways, it's comfy too because it makes the urban core larger and takes longer to navigate through with more amenities, shops and restaurants to enjoy along, not to mention multiple public places to visit or relax in after long walks and commutes. Simply put you can end up lost easily in a city, and it takes forever to make it to the city boundaries by walking or cycling, it has the potential to qualify for CHAD status.

Does your city qualify for CHAD status?

>inner urban area spanning >=300 km^2
>at least 5 major intercity railway terminals within the inner urban area
>overall metro area size spanning >=1200 km^2
3 media | 25 replies
I am considering getting one of these things, but the price is keeping me back, and some of the constraints, e.g.: wheels, proprietary parts, expensive accessories, etc...

The thing that keeps me orbiting towards a Brompton instead of the countless chinkshit knockoffs is the reputation. It seems everyone has mods, solutions, know-how to how to get the best out of the Brompton.

So what's your take /n/?
37 media | 202 replies
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How do these large cargo backpacks compare with a bicycle trailer? I need to haul 100kg of cargo on a bicycle
23 media | 117 replies
No title
Best investment I've made.
0 media | 15 replies
What exactly is the point of BRT?
thinking arrested
Buses are slower and have lower capacity than trains. However, because they can travel along existing roads, they're good for transitlet cities and for routes that aren't as popular. But if you're going to build BRT (which requires a larger investment in infrastructure), why not go all the way and build infrastructure for trains?
1 media | 19 replies
No title
Confess your sins, /n/.
12 media | 152 replies
Blimp Train
Is it the blimp trains time to shine?
Could this be used to get Ukraine grain to the rest of europe?

They have different rail gauge between rooskie and EU tracks but blimp can be handed off with out even slowing down

THIS CAN WORK???!!!!!!!

Now Im on the edge of something
Wondering bout the blimp train
ooooohhhhaaaaa eeeeeaaaaahhhooooaaaa
Talking bout the blimp train
31 media | 118 replies
A Thomas Reboot if YOU wrote it
If YOU were entrusted with a large budget to jumpstart the original Thomas the Tank Engine series again, how would you go about it?

Would you literally kinda start where the Britt allcroft series ended in season 7 like a sequel series, would You literally recreate the stories in the book?… would you utilize classical models and practical effects or CGI?…. Would you try to enhance the historical vibe of the show by adding real 1920/30s music in the background, little stuff like old hits playing at stations?

I’m curious. Say the BBC or Amazon contacted you and gave you millions to do this.
Would the show still mainly be aimed at kids or would you take a risk and aimed at an older crowd?

This is aimed at current or former fans of this beloved icon, and rail fans in general.
8 media | 41 replies
Ferry/Boat rides
Keep getting ads for the SF ferry
I usually just take a tram or the Caltrain. Even then I can just drive my way to Oakland, is this a valid option or a gimmick?
0 media | 0 replies
Traffic signal synchronisation
Are they predictably bad?
Do other users act like they aren't?
Are those users playing "drag race simulator" instead of hypermilling?
What speeds minimize the reds on your route?
Which cities have it the best?
4 media | 9 replies
No title
E-bike are just another term for 'electric moped' and should be treated as such legally. They should be required to have a headlight, taillight, brake light, turn signals, and a license plate. E-bike riders should be required to be trained and educated, pass a written knowledge test and a skills test in order to posess a license to operate an e-bike. Furthermore they should be restricted to public roads only, and strictly prohibited from bike paths.
9 media | 155 replies
No title
Do you enjoy any /n/ games, like city builders and tycoons?
>picrel OpenTTD, the best transportation game
If not a game, what software would you use to make model junctions and rail systems? /diy/ has solidworks, autocad, etc. Unironically a dumb game like OpenTTD seems to be the best option for exercising what you learn in your hobby, at least for free (so, not including real model railways.) It's also just fun as fuck.
29 media | 114 replies
recumbent bike
Why don't you own one with direct front drive?
31 media | 113 replies
Riding Into History - The Final Run of BART’s legacy cars
Today, Bay Area Rapid Transit formally retired the last of its original rolling stock that had been in service since the system opened in 1972. The occasion was marked by speeches from BART officials and a farewell excursion between McArthur and Fremont (where the very first train had run on September 11, 1972). I was there and rode the last train.
19 media | 38 replies
Still the most noble form of transportation is to be carried around by others, walking yourself is for plebs. Show us your palanquins then!
131 media | 167 replies
No title
Finally something practical from Crust bikes

20" wheels, breakaway frame, touring geom
2 media | 6 replies
/debt/ - Daily E-Bike Thread
Share your ride, ask for advice, shitpost about 'em, so and on and so on.

All posters with pedal less monstrosities like Sur Ron's will be summarily executed.
38 media | 205 replies
No title
Yep, file this under “based”.
2 media | 29 replies
No title
What is the intent behind statements like "I'm not a cyclist, I'm just a person who gets around by bike"?

At a surface level it is obviously meant to (proverbially) throw other cyclists under the bus, but to what end? Would it somehow appease the anti-bike people if the person "blocking traffic" didn't agree to be referred to by the word "cyclist"?
9 media | 67 replies
Is NJB moving to Japan?
I hope so! I'm so fed up with all the shills promoting The Netherlands
0 media | 1 replies
No title
How much does this stuff annoy you train autists? I love trains but in a different way to you
28 media | 141 replies
PANYNJ to Staten Island?
st george to NJ
Should the Port Authority consider the development of a railway/subway line from New Jersey to Staten Island?
Everyone knows that Staten Island is the bumhole of NYC transit, having one heavy rail line that runs worse headways during off-peak than any 24h Subway line during the night. That even includes the Rockaway Park shuttle whose five stops are among the nine least used on the entire network according to 2014-2019 figures.
Now every half assed transit enthusiast knows that Staten Island once had a line going from St. George along the north coast of the borough. The continuation of that line is now a cargo rail line into New Jersey. This provides two opportunities
>A rail line along the existing right of way to Elizabeth and Newark, providing direct rail service to Newark Airport and potentially midtown Manhattan
>A subway (PATH) or light rail (in collaboration with NJ Transit) line that crosses the state border over the Kill van Kull and then uses the existing right of way at Port Richmond
All three options will need at least a 3 mile long tunnel to reconnect St. George with the elevated section at Port Richmond. The rail line option would need a connector to the Northeast Corridor line at Elizabeth Port, while both the subway and light rail options would need a bridge or tunnel to cross the river. And of course the Subway would need a major extension project across Hudson County.
How realistic would such a project be, and do you think it would be reasonable or maybe even needed? Also I am not an American so I don't have expert knowledge on all the different parties required to make such a project happen so feedback would be welcome in that regard.
18 media | 100 replies
No title
this shit is why no one is taking public transit. despite the subways being so fucking dangerous the national guard needed to be called in and criminals force feeding people human shit before being released on cashless bail, NYC is adding gun scanners to subways to make sure you can't exercise your constitutionally protected right to carry a gun in public, both on the subway and at your destination
1 media | 11 replies
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sddefault (2)
Navigate it.

Note: it didn't have any stop signs until 2008 after too many fatalities caused them to decrease the efficiency of traffic flow.
2 media | 11 replies
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Ohh shitto, we neeto maakeu ouuwa shiito moow fucktetu
Hayaku taro-san nigeru, fuckku da shitto up
1 media | 10 replies
No title
Has there ever been a bigger meme? Why would anyone use these, especially in the modern day?
13 media | 91 replies
Music while bicycling?
Here is mine:

Just do it:
34 media | 78 replies
No title
3 speed
All you need
30 media | 141 replies
Southern Pacific's Lark is coming back (kinda, sorta, maybe)
Last April, a company called Dreamstar Lines announced plans for an overnight service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in effect, restoring Southern Pacific's Lark service, the overnight equivalent of the more famous Coast Daylight, which ceased service in 1968.

What we know:

>the train would run between Los Angeles Union Station and San Francisco's 4th & King Street Caltrain station
>rolling stock will consist of streamliner cars built in the 1940s and 1950s
>actual train consist would be a locomotive, 5-6 sleeper cars, and a lounge car serving drinks and "tavern food" (idk what that would entail)
>the train would run on a ten-and-a-half hour schedule, departing around 10pm and arrive at its final destination at 8:30am
>Tickets will be in the $300-$1000 (the minimum is slightly higher than the current price for a private room on Los Angeles-Oakland on Amtrak's Coast Starlight at $284)
>there will be no coach service, sleeper class only
>the company hopes to begin operations by Summer, 2024
>the project is far enough along that negotiations with Metrolink and Union Pacific for right of way have already started

The most detailed sources I could find

The company's website

What do you /n/iggers think? Is the LARK finally back? Or is this all just a big LARP?
20 media | 36 replies
No title
amtrak menu
>be me
>ride Amtrak for cross-country tour across the United States
>have lunch
>can't have a burger and fries

Explain yourselves Americans.
9 media | 27 replies
Amtrak hate thread
What the fuck is wrong with these mongoloid slackers? They completely underschedule longhaul trains everywhere outside the NEC so almost no one can use them for shorter trips and then wonder why ridership is in the shitter. Each route should be minimum 3x a day per direction.
7 media | 40 replies
No title
2024 best handlebars
you don't need 920mm bars on your medium frame mountain bike that you take for a loop around town on saturdays if the weather's nice.
You look like batman flying in to save the day, absolutely ridiculous.
4 media | 30 replies
No title
>not affected by chink materials
>not affected by (((executives))) greed
>not affected by DEI globohomo

6 media | 24 replies
No title
What does /n/ think of tomorrow's upgraded, more inclusive bike lanes? Cagetrolls will hate this, but I for one think it is perfectly reasonable for bike lanes to be open to any vehicle that doesn't have an ICE or require a Class A CDL to operate legally. What's the point of bike lanes if nobody is going to use them!??!?
16 media | 117 replies
wheel, rim and tire storage
i have about 25 tires, wheels and rims all shoved on a high shelf in my small bedroom. they fit pretty condensed upright against the wall. but as they get further from the wall they flop more and more and more...

any good diy methods for condensed wheel storage?
i find i have to remove or add a wheel or tire out of there maybe once a month
4 media | 17 replies
Roll tops
What is it with cycling and roll tops ?
Are roll tops our bag ?
What makes the roll top the supposedly better bag for cycling ?
Also are roll tops the objectively better bags ?
1 media | 8 replies
No title
Is there anything more based than 90s mountain bikes?
55 media | 275 replies
No title
I'd like to buy whoever invented the thru-axle a beer. It's a fantastic invention and I have no idea how it manages to be so good. It makes replacing a wheel so much nicer than fucking qr skewers.
8 media | 95 replies
Vintage steam railway photo dump
Happy 20th Birthday 4chan. I traveled to Fremont, CA to meet up with some dear friends and family and found out that the the Niles Canyon Railway was doing a steam excursion to commemorate the Bronco Billy Film Festival where they were showcasing silent-era films that were shot in Bay Area at the turn of the century so I booked a last-minute ride aboard it.

Will dump my album and go over some history of the railroad and its equipment below.
35 media | 67 replies
No title
download (3)
LA metro now actually enforces fares. For a while they didn't since it's racist or whatever and I got caught. Was only let off with a warning though.
0 media | 14 replies
What destroyed cycling: a root cause analysis
Disasters never have one root cause and neither did the destruction of cycling. But I know some important milestones in the decline and fall:

1. COVID 19. Enough said.
2. Full suspension mountain bikes. Enough said.
3. Reddit. Enough said.
4. Twitter. Enough said.
5. British "people". Enough said.
6. The d-tch. Enough said.
7. The state of Utah. Enough said.
8. Zwift, Peloton, "Spin Class", and other cancer. Enough said.

What were some other key moments?
16 media | 132 replies
/bg/ - Brakes General
Where we talk about stopping, or as Campy fanbois call it, "uhmmm actchyully it's about modulating your speed in the peloton"

QOTT: If you had to have one road bike, would anyone actually choose one with rim brakes in this day and age? For crying out loud it's almost 2015.
15 media | 51 replies
Cyclists of the sky
These faggots should be strictly restricted to class F airspace, with well defined dimension and NEVER EVER LEFT OUT, sick and tired of avoiding them. Yesterday while flying a personal Cessna 310 from a buddy of mine and 3 weeks ago on the Dash 8 with the small airliner I fly for.
>23 year old co pilot
16 media | 111 replies
No title
I need to buy a nipple ring for my bicycle. Is there a standard size or are they all different like hangers?
2 media | 25 replies
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Subway Police should be allowed to perform wanton brutality on fare evaders, you know, all the people causing the problems in the world's subways. The bums, the drug users/addicts, the smokers, the showtimers, the loud rap music players, the criminals. Riders report these pieces of shit causing the problems, police come in, ask for fare, when they don't have it, the police tase them, beat the shit out of them, physically throw them out of the station, then burn all their homeless belongings. Wanton arrests of all these "people' and throw them in jail without a trial.

If fare evaders were eliminated subways would be great places. Why are they afraid to do it? Who gives a fuck that homeless drug addicts are having their civil rights violated? Who gives a fuck that antisocial people with no regard for the comfort of others are getting their civil rights violated?
6 media | 42 replies
Boats in the Arctic
I sometimes wonder what life is like whilst sailing in the Arctic like in Northern Canada.
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Are there any examples of 21st century steam locomotives? Not preserved historical steam engines made in the 19/20th century but original 21st century steam engines.

It doesn't matter if it's standard gauge or minimum gauge.
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3013fcecc437fe0af42d8c7d43f23a78 (1)
I'd rather have a rack or basket than panniers. I think panniers are gay and stupid.

3 media | 27 replies
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>Be riding electric bicycle around town
>See firemen standing next to a van
>Me - "Excuse me, which fire extinguisher do you recommend if this thing were to catch fire?"
>Fireman - "Run"
0 media | 17 replies
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SS United States to be evicted from Philadelphia Home Pier 82, in September, judge rules
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Are bicycles of any real use in rural areas?
>dangerous roads
>next village is 20 miles away
>all the most direct routes are motorways/freeways
0 media | 12 replies
Battery-electric buses are scam
Yeah, that's right, they have a bad range, need lithium for their batteries, electronics for the battery, novel station designs to allow charging on the go, and that's on the top of my head, I'm sure you can find even more flaws the more you look.

You know what isn't a scam? Trolleybus. Fucking buses on wires. No batteries. No fancy electronics. Clean and silent. All this tech existed for almost a century, in a much more affordable package. No large spending on the rube goldberg machines that are the dirty diesel buses. No battery replacement every few years.
>But muh cables are ugly
No one cares, stop being a whiny NIMBYist.
3 media | 27 replies
/bqg/ Bike Questions General
Monkey prefer track drops


Previous thread: >>2005789
58 media | 357 replies
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>it's another "anon has nothing to do on a beautiful weekend so he goes on an aimless 20-25 mile bike ride for an hour or two just to be out of the house" episode
haha gee it was great biking past all the families, friends, people with children, eating at restaurants, walking the streets together, doing stuff at the park, and living their lives happily while i was complete self-congizant how im the autistic retard biking alone through town
18 media | 129 replies
Road bike tire recommendation
I’m new to bike tires. Heard good things about gp5000s but they seemed too race oriented and wears quickly. Are there any tires that has a good mix of speed, grip, and durability?
6 media | 26 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-04 124853

Recommend me a commuter bicycle within a 125mi or so radius of Columbus Ohio.
>5 foot 8
>Rim brakes
>$300 or less
3 media | 20 replies
You have the power now
Screenshot 2024-07-03 174809
You are now your local government, what do you do to make your neighborhood /n/ friendly?
4 media | 85 replies
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why are guys like this so racist against anything that isn't old and farty?

why don't they just ignore the people flying by them at 40mph having a ton of fun being super fit and not fat and angry like themselves?
Why they such haters?
28 media | 157 replies
17-year-old has been living on Deutsche Bahn trains for one and a half years
A 17-year-old German teen has been living life as a modern nomad, leaving his parents’ house to live on trains and travel all over his country.

While most 17-year-olds are only just beginning to consider the idea of leaving the nest, Lasse Stolley has already been on his own for over a year and a half. Convinced that his school studies were already behind him, he convinced his parents to allow him to leave their home in Fockbek, Schleswig-Holstein to embark on a unique train-hopping adventure. It took a lot of convincing, but they eventually agreed, and for the last year and a half, the German teen has essentially been living on trains, traveling all over his home country, working as a self-employed coder during the day, and sleeping on night trains at night.

“I’ve been living on the train as a digital nomad for a year and a half now,” Lasse told Business Insider. “At night I sleep on the moving Intercity Express (ICE) train and during the day I sit in a seat, at a table and work as a programmer, surrounded by many other commuters and passengers. I travel from one end of the country to the other. I’m exploring the whole of Germany.”

He gave into his wanderlust in 2022, selling most of his possessions and packing what was left in a 36-liter backpack that he has been carrying with him ever since. Minimalism and resisting the urge to acquire new stuff are an essential part of his lifestyle, as he needs to take everything with him wherever he goes. It’s not always easy, but he has found a way to make it work.
6 media | 51 replies
Toronto, Grade Separation, at Grade LRT
City of Toronto has 2 new LRT lines set to enter service later this year or early 2025 (both extremely delayed and over budget) Orange and Grey line in the image.

Both lines have significant at grade sections. The orange line, Eglinton, is fully grade separated from the western terminus east to science centre Station. East of science centre the line runs at grade in the middle of the road and does not have signal priority.

The finch line, Grey line, is completely at grade with the terminus stations below grade. Also does not have signal priority.

Can lines operate successfully this way? I feel the Eglinton line's tunnel and grade separated section is completely compromised by the at grade eastern section. Without signal priority it's just another street car line.

I believe finch has signal priority on some intersection but only to keep it within a few minutes of a set schedule.
3 media | 28 replies
What was the coolest era in locomotive design to You
Whether in elegance of design, efficiency, the lives of the crew, the romance or just the wild amount of often forgotten designs from days of yore, what are your favorite eras in steam Locomotive development?

This is mostly tailored for Americans, but cite your country of origin or even the nation you pick as you make your pick and perhaps explain why.

The Experimental Era(1804-1828)

The Beginning (1829-1845)
when the first proper railroad companies began to form, think of designs like the Planet, Rocket or Best friend of Charleston. Rough, pioneering and adventurous, everything was being thrown at the wall pretty much.

1845-1860 (Age of Builders)
The age of iron. imagine the 4-4-0 American, first gen teen wheelers, early camel backs, iron boiler and wooden cab era , also antebellum America.

1861-1895(Age of Distance)
More refined 4-4-0’s, slowly improved performance with better track quality, higher boiler pressures, consolidations and early experimental compound locomotives are beginning to appear. Final era of brightly colored locomotives (in America )

1890-1905 (New Century)
The zenith of 4-4-0 construction and design, the beginning of all steel construction and design for locomotives being standardized, many engines are starting to reach top speeds of 80 to 90 miles an hour by this stage. New designs include the 4-4-0 “Atlantic”

1914-1934(The Age of Power)
The pacific starts to make its appearance, as well as other larger wheel layouts such as Hudsons and Northerns. After ww1 rolling stock grows larger thus demanding larger locomotives.

Streamliner age(1934-1945)
The most graceful era outside that of the later and mid 19th century on an aesthetic level for steam locomotives, bright and colorful liveries return as companies pay lavish sums to have their passenger engines streamlined in art deco styles.

1946-1960 (The Twilight years )
The end of steam but a few good faces emerged in this era.
4 media | 9 replies
Tirana under the Hoxha years
Is Tirana when Albania was under communism the dream /o/ city?
>cars are banned
>everyone has to take public transportation
>lots of parks and shit
>roads are aimed for bikes
So why doesn’t /o/ talk about Tirana that much?
0 media | 5 replies
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Post runways
11 media | 13 replies
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bicycles should be fun colors, not boring solid colors
53 media | 210 replies
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Hi, I don't post here ever but I don't have many people to talk to in my life about this and since it's about aviation I think it's a relevant topic here. If it's not mods pls delete, I don't wanna offtopic. I applied for Air Traffic Control in April when enrollment opened and I just got correspondence that I've been accepted to take the ATSA.
Unfortunately the only time I had available was like 8 AM in a couple days, but I took it since I really want it.

I'm super excited, I've been making a lot of moves to renovate my life to something less awful and this is a huge step in that direction. If I do well this will completely change how I live for the better.

Are there any ATC anons here or anons who've taken the ATSA in general? What should I expect or consider? All I know is it's a 3 and a half hour assessment on logic-based problems you don't need to study for.
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How much longer do you think it is before they convert the vegas loop to go hyper? I know they have been using Teslas to test it and are able to execute the loop faster and faster now. It seems like the Boring Company has to be pretty close to making it go hyper?
2 media | 50 replies
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What happened to the future of cycling?
3 media | 12 replies
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Screenshot 2024-07-08 180947
lol I ripped ass on my last flight from Newark to Chicago and my neighbor looked like he was gonna pass out. RIP bro, I should't have participated in Taco night
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Anyone know what plane this is?
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Wow: that's one fast tractor.
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What tech/features would you put on new planes to make them better?
A cool thing imho would be Astro-Inertial Navigation System like the one on the SR-71, so that reliance on GPS/GNSS is basically eliminated (gps spoofing these days is everywhere) and avoids normal INS' accuracy decrease over time.

On the other hand a really comfy interior with wide seats, in terms of passenger experience
11 media | 38 replies
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Time to pay up wagie! Mr. Sheckel... i mean the environment must be saved!
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Shimano NS car x DSM rider_cobbles
It's really a bad look when the worlds most famous bicycling event is so prominently displaying cagies.
Could it even be held without support cars or motorcycles?
5 media | 44 replies
15 years later
grant less
Is grant petersen's quote still true?
19 media | 114 replies
Saudia Flight 163
I know it doesn’t quite have the raw Chad energy as old Vanny Zanny, but these 3 stooges would make a comedy trio that could make Aeroflot blush!(although they’re always blushing with their BCA)

(Mostly accurate, but both it and the Mayday episode miss the fact the engines were shut off, just later then they should have been and only after being reminded by ATC. Then they said they were going to begin evacuations and that was last contact)
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