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Board: /lgbt/

"/lgbt/ - LGBT" is 4chan's imageboard for Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer and sexuality discussion.

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momala saved trans rights
1 media | 10 replies
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i want to milk a trannys tits and prostate.
1 media | 11 replies
QOTT what are ur plans 4 the weekind
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/lesgen/ - Lesbian General
/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?

old thread: >>36638995
57 media | 198 replies
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>chud says ywnbaw to me
>I call a chud an incel
>they fly into a rage
Why does this work so well?
0 media | 4 replies
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how do chasers fumble trans girls so bad? Trans girls were the boys who never got any love, if you show them basic human kindness they'll fall head over heels for you. How do chasers struggle so much to find one?
12 media | 173 replies
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Why are you all polyamorous? I hate polyamorous trannies so fucking much.
0 media | 15 replies
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Diaper refuge thread, absolutely NO board tourists or mention of ecelebs allowed!!!
18 media | 100 replies
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Any mangas or animes that make you go "god I wish that were me"?
1 media | 6 replies
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Post hand guess letter
19 media | 34 replies
Moldy edition

Qott1: do you like spending a lot of time customizing your character in video games

Qott2: would you change your sexuality if you could
10 media | 91 replies
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how do we get the pajeet chasers off this board?
2 media | 39 replies
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images - 2024-07-26T210135.974
>chuds and kiwifags suddenly are moralfagging over loli
20 media | 119 replies
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>so there's this boy and he said he loves you
>awww, he's so sweet, how old he is?
>eww, too old
0 media | 6 replies
How many mtf trannys get abused by cis bpd girls?
Mtf 18 , found out in hs
Dated insane cis bpd white girl as an egg
Sa’d and abused me for a year and now im a hypersexual who loves through mainly toucjh

i feel like this is common desu
0 media | 1 replies
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I am trans girl and I love naked cuddling with my bf and feeling our bodies pressed together
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Is it wrong for me to choose to go after trans women because of their personalities?
because of the fact that cis women have terrible personalities due to how society treats them growing up (which trans women aren't affected by since they're unfarily treated as men growing up)

I'm like, a guy who only has dated other guys so far because to me the most attractive trait out of anyone is UNIRONICALLY the personality (I feel like blowing up anyone who isn't as cool or cooler than me), so because of that reason, I kind of feel like an asshole for wanting to date specifically trans women even if its because of their personality and not body, I'm a twink (probably not for very long since I'm going to turn 20 next year and that's closer to the wall) so I know how disgusting and annoying chasers can be since I was affected by them too (femboy chasers, hate the word femboy so fucking much, twink is so much more attractive, whatever getting offtopic here)
6 media | 11 replies
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>rightoids claiming masculine looking cis F athletes are men stealing women's place in sport
>provided proof that they're cis
>a-actually its still the trannies faults!!
0 media | 0 replies
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Is it internalized transphobia if I want to transition and then never speak about being trans to anyone and just live my life as a regular girl and pretend I was never trans?
0 media | 10 replies
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Just hit a guy on a motorcycle.
Pulled over, sat on the curb, hyperventilated and watched as he lay there choking on his own blood while people try to help him.
Hear people refer to me as a woman.
Boymoder no more??? Now passoid??
(btw he was at fault, no headlights at night and he ran a red light)
1 media | 11 replies
Avagate: part 2
this person isn't a child but they sound like a spineless idiot though
6 media | 33 replies
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How can trans women compete?
0 media | 3 replies
/agpgen/ - swimsuit edition
prev: >>36634251

qott: have you ever worn a one-piece swimsuit and did it get your knob a-crankin?

>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.

>Isn't AGP just discredited pseudoscience?
"The 'debunking' of autogynephilia is in good company with the debunking of biological sex and the debunking of natal males’ physical advantage in competitive sport." - Ray Blanchard

>I'm AGP, does this mean I'm not trans?
No, you can be AGP and trans.

>Aren't you all just trannies in denial?
Some people with AGP will go on to transition, while others are content with incorporating it into their sex life or simply the occasional indulgence. It varies greatly in intensity. If AGP consumes a lot of your mental energy or causes you lots of distress, it is probably worth asking more questions.


>Why Gender Matters, the Emerging Science of Sex Differences

>The Gender Variant Phenomenon:

Compilation of AGP books and studies:
46 media | 179 replies
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Have you ever been in this situation? I saw this meme and thought maybe someone, somewhere, fucked a troon and then reality hit them; "Okay, I'm an incel, and since I can't get a real woman, I settled for the cheapest imitation of the female form in a desperate attempt to emulate a sexual relationship with a woman."

And then boom "Oh no, I fucked this mentally ill man, there is no turning back now, I will never forget this, I must never tell anyone about this serious homosexual act I have committed"
17 media | 207 replies
/tttt/ Pack Watch
Whatcha smoking fags and trannies?
Got an ounce of lemon cookies hot n fresh
Eurofags btfo
6 media | 82 replies
How I became goonmates with a girl
>Be me, 25, gay and lonely
>Have a roommate who I sometimes go drinking with, she's manic depressive and always asks about my sex life/past relationships
>A few weeks ago our preferences in men come up, leads to us watching gay porn together jokingly
>notice both of us are getting more and more into it
>she asks if we can masturbate to it together
>in the heat of the moment, she's stroking me off and I'm rubbing her but have no idea what I'm doing
>still manage to get her off
>despite me not being attracted to her it becomes a regular thing
Where do we go from here bros? Should I stop or keep going?
3 media | 92 replies
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Bisexual people belong to monosexual people
3 media | 10 replies
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being a pretty girl is literally a limitless wellspring of self-esteem
I have no idea how men cope with insecurity
2 media | 26 replies
wish i were female
sometimes this is honestly how my life feels :(

if my life were an album this would be on the cover
1 media | 8 replies
/cipg/ - could I pass general
>no drama edition
Want passing tips but too obviously not giving a shit/not passing to post on passgen? Post here and get tips as long as you're <18months hrt!
Always give advice to others first before selfposting.
21 media | 69 replies
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My girlfriend has adopted the new label of being asexual and is trying to become less feminine and submissive but is literally has the highest voice and roundest face and it’s just embarrassing I wish she’d understand she’ll never be androgynous and should just be feminine
Also she mentions lel I’m so autistic all the time and she isn’t even diagnosed how do I make her normal and not retarded

Coming from a butch lesbian
0 media | 3 replies
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how did bottoming change you?

be honest
4 media | 35 replies
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>been hardcore since 11
>turning 20 in a few months
i am the repper final boss
0 media | 9 replies
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What are the best jobs to meet men for sex?
What are the best hobbies to meet men for sex?

I'd assume for hobbies it would be gym and clubbing. Any job that can also help you meet sex partners?
0 media | 1 replies
try sperm banking before srs? yes or no
i wanna get srs badly but i wonder if i should try to bank first

ive been on hrt for yeears, so i might be perma infertile even with fertility meds e.g. clomid

and thats fine, i basically assume thats the case and i accepted that the moment i started hrt so i wont be sad or anything lol

also i hate kids, think theyre annoying, hard to imagine sacrificing my freedom for 18 years taking care of one

still i get these thoughts im like. im 24 now but what if 10 years from now i suddenly want kids lol.

so i wonder if i should try banking before srs. like to see if its even possible haha

not a loss if its impossible but still.

on the other hand i feel like i should just bite the bullet and get srs without worrying about any of that.

also worried sperm banking could turn into a burden

"gotta pay this fee every year else i lose my sperm" kek


what do U think?
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whats a good weight for 5’9 mtfs? pls no ana i am not going to look like the mulvaney retard
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Sometimes I wonder if the reason I still hold onto boymode is because I see feminity as shameful
Maybe I just can't let go and allow myself to be feminine because it's been instilled in my brain that femininity is something ashamed of.

When I see timelines of trannies that looked masculine as fuck pre hrt turn into really feminine types I ask myself how the fuck do they do it? How do they let go of the masculine default and learn how to embrace the feminine

I've been on hrt for almost 2 years and I can't seem to allow myself to just be a girl because I feel like I'm not the same. I'm still male in some way and shouldn't be allowed to do that

Idk what to do anons. Everything in me wants to try to be more feminine but I can't allow myself to do those things because I shouldn't
0 media | 14 replies
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Women stole my manhood. Their perfect smooth skin, perfect proportions, perfect smiles, always taunting me with how unattainable their bodies were.

I was a rejected, isolated, lonely beta male incel. Women refused to date me, so I became a compulsive masturbator. But masturbation can only last so long.

Eventually I did what I had to do. I kneeled before men, and began debasing myself for their pleasure. At first I hated the taste of semen. At first, when my anus was defiled by a man, my eyes watered from the pain. I whimpered in humiliation at the indignity.

But by then, it was too late to go back. I was forced to take estrogen, learn the feminine art of seduction, makeup, skincare. my feelings of attraction toward women were replaced with competition and envy, and my feelings of aggression toward men were replaced with submission and finally, most pathetically, with desperate need for protection and emotional support.

I have accepted my fate, I rely on my boyfriend and I fulfill his needs, but I still burn with humiliation. I am a casualty in the war between the sexes, in which women mercilessly de-select men from the human gene pool, men who in an earlier age would have been warriors and conquerors.
2 media | 20 replies
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>be me
>have friend over
>chill and whatever
>he's the one that got me onto this website
>at some point he talks about how he's seen a gif of what he thought was me on another board
>recognised my then room
>where I was naked in my room doing stuff he didn't go into details
I have no memory of doing said webm in particular but I have posted gifs in the past
Idk how to feel about that lmao
Anyway don't post your lewds here or your friends might see them! I don't care but a warning for others lol
0 media | 0 replies
Who wants to hear about a queer breakup?
Going through it at the moment, and I'm struggling not to go back into bad habits.

Who wants to hear my sob story.
spoiler alert: (it's all my fault)
0 media | 5 replies
I’m an awful person
>Be me, 20 yo repressing faggot
>Friend comes to hangout at my place to spend the night
>We sleep in separate rooms
>He leaves his shoes and socks in my room, I can’t resist the urge to get a whiff
>I press the shoe to my face, it’s the best thing I’ve ever smelled in my life. Instantly turned on.
>”Oh god, I really am a homosexual.”
>Wake up the next day, act as if nothing happened
>Guilty conscience is destroying my already fragile mental, struggling to work feeling my mood rapidly switch
How do I accept being the scum that I am forever? Why would I do this? I can’t control myself anymore. I am losing grip on reality. I was never suppose to be the bad guy. If I wasn’t homosexual this would never have happened.
0 media | 2 replies
/bigen/ - bisexual general
tinashe - nasty edition

qott: is somebody gonna match my freak?

thread theme:

previous thread: 36537291


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
We can develop feelings for each other, but I know you'll leave me for someone better eventually.
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if i have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.

Resource for Bisexuals:
61 media | 280 replies
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bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8 (2)
How to grow boobs without my dick shrink and become useless? How to retain libido, while developing breast tissue?
I want to stay and present as male, just get some tits to play with.
I know that some of you would find it as revolting fetish, but I'm just curious.
Also is the loss of libido unavoidable or can you force yourself into it again? Is it that I would loose interest like I would become different person, or can I fight back? I'm very sexually oriented, I would love to keep it that way.
0 media | 1 replies
how do i stop staring
i have the autism that makes you stare at people. i love people and i love looking at them but i kinda have to stop
whenever i see a fellow tranny or on rare occasions a fellow boymoder i stare at them and it's actually an issue. i rarely make eye contact but i feel such a kinship i struggle to stop myself from staring
all my friends i stare at because staring at them makes me happy, but it's kinda weird and sometimes they look uncomfy about it so i try to limit myself but it's hard
i've noticed recently also when i look (i usually don't stare but i will briefly look) at strangers on the street they smile at me, and i do not know how to smile on command. how does one do that and why are they smiling at me
when i was a kid i used to wear sunglasses all the time so i could stare at all the strangers but i don't really care to stare at strangers anymore

is this malebrained or fembrained and how do i stop
2 media | 23 replies
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chart (1)
anime letter guess thread
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>Kris Tyson invited F1nn5ter to Japan for the sole purpose of fucking her but ran away when F1nn invited someone else to tag along because she felt cucked
LMAO You can't make this shit up.
13 media | 181 replies
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What manga could I read instead of reading the Wandering Son for the third time? And don't say that one with the nb.
1 media | 6 replies
Imagine having been taking hrt for over 10 years, and because of these people and others, the public image of the community has gone to hell. Before, people only wanted to be themselves. Now, we have sexual degenerates harassing children, being the image of what it means to be trans. We are lost.
7 media | 85 replies
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Imagine that you have one button in your desk right now, and if you press it, you'll reborn as a woman, BUT, this will be your body for life.

Would you still press it?
1 media | 12 replies
Congrats trannies
images (33)
You now hold the record for the most widely broadcasted Satanic Ritual.

What's the next step in your evil plan?
2 media | 12 replies
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Is changing only your middle name dumb? Also how bad is robin?
2 media | 12 replies
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How do I stop getting random erections it makes me dysphonic and feel disgusting
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does anyone else kind of unironically want trump to win just to see the country devolve into chaos?

like im a tranny and im not going to go out my way to vote for the guy but fuck it would kind of be really interesting to see where things would go if he does get elected, if it gets too bad i could always move to canada or blow my brains out, right?
4 media | 17 replies
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<trans girl took it from me
<trans girl took it from me
<trans girl took it from me

Why everything that is good and supposed to be just fun have to be filled with the worst type of humans eventually? Lets be honest every game, software, anime, movie, cartoon today is trash and i know it is your fault, and wouldnt be that bad if you didnt existed.
0 media | 5 replies
Tried to make a porn
>low self esteem
>decide to make porn of myself to share and boost confidence
>spend an hour doing make up and picking out lingerie, getting camera set up, toys and lube set aside
>do the things
>watch video after
>my foundation looks incredibly yellow compared to my pale skin
>cant even see anything else
>feel gross
>want to die
>gonna have to do it all over again after buying new foundation

Can anyone offer any good advice on how you're supposed to do this properly? I didn't have any extra lightning in the room or anything and the one overhead light was NOT flattering.

Also how do I learn not to make stupid faves while getting fucked? It's my natural instinct to bite my lip but it looks dumb as fuck. Most bitches I see just like, leave their mouth hanging open?

I dunno I botched this one pretty good. Second attempt coming soon.
0 media | 18 replies
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>casually sets trannies back 5 years then disappears from the internet
convince me that he wasn't a psyop.
0 media | 17 replies
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What makes FtMs so breedable?
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Who's going to London Trans Pride today? Tommy Robinson has intentionally scheduled a fascist rally at Trafalgar Square same day to start aggro so they've had to change the start location and parade route last minute. It would be good for people to organise arriving and leaving in groups.
0 media | 1 replies
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As a freak thingmoder, I’m setting the goal of inviting at least one guy back to my place at the end of the year. It can’t be a tinder date or a hookup, it has to be someone I know well. I’ve achieved this before back when I was a dumb gay slut, but I wanna see if I can do it again.

What tips would y’all give me to make this possible? Whether it’s passing tips, social stuff, I’d love to hear it.
0 media | 6 replies
/wcg/ - Webcomics General
murphy cant help himself!
Hot and Sweaty Summer Lovin' Edition
Previous thread

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW
>Days it updates
If you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it!
If you see something wrong in the lists, please follow the following instructions to edit them:
32 media | 85 replies
feel intimidated by cis women
i feel embarrassed to admit this but as a trans woman i feel rly intimidated around cis women. my brain just automatically focuses on things they have that i dont, and anatomy / biological experiences, etc.. and i feel sad and intimidated.

i have trouble talking to them too, feel kinda shakey and like i have to find the right words.

its gotten to the point i cant even watch videos online that are made by cis women. if i hear a female voice i just exit the video bc listening to them talk just gives me these thoughts. thats like incel level shit isnt it? god i hate being like this.

i respect cis women etc, feel terrible hearing/witnessing sexist things against cis women. and empathize with them heavily. and thru life, ive known some very good souls who were cis women. but still i feel like i cannot shake off these feelings, these mental responses.

if only i could get rid of these emotions. i would love to interact with more cis women, be friends with them. and not feel these feelings. so many of them seem like cool people.

do you know what im talking about?

have you ever felt similar? what can i do?
1 media | 8 replies
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I wanna be a protective and loving boyfriend for a cute boy. I wanna be like Kaworu. He's my role model.
4 media | 13 replies
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why do people care so much about completely harmless sexual interactions?
0 media | 1 replies
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Would you rather big soph come back or bottomposter
0 media | 10 replies
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is it fembrained for my entire twitter for you page to suddenly be filled with eating disorder and self harm content even though i never interacted with any of that stuff
0 media | 4 replies
Why do gay men look so...different?
What is up with gay faces? There is something off about the way gay men smile. There is something exaggeratedd/childish/artifical about their expressions that I can't explain.
9 media | 103 replies
is there a worse hell than midshittery?
>too old to benefit from blockers
>too old for childhood socialization
>too young to have saved money/built a career during repper years
>just the right age to quietly start hormones, never come out at school, crash out of college and end up an unemployed loserhon who watches everyone around them continue to grow and move on
i started younger and have been on hormones longer than ~95% of people i know yet i feel like ive made zero progress, i was cursed with the world's ugliest fucking neanderthal genes and induced pseudo-schizoid tendencies (minus the part that makes you actually like the loneliness lol)
i still cant get a job and it feels like my life has completely frozen in place, it's driving me fucking insane and i have very little hope or will to keep living atp.
any other midshits know this struggle?
2 media | 16 replies
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i will never be 4'9 and fit snugly in the loving arms of a ftmchad

i am forced to live a life as a straight transgirl that towers over transmen because estrogen poisoning made them small and testosterone poisoning made me big
1 media | 6 replies
I’m almost 26 and the tranny thoughts are not going away. Ever since elementary school I’ve always been jealous of girls and how they are allowed to act and dress. Puberty was rough. I plucked the hairs off my arms until they got too many and I just gave up. I started getting a lot of very shitty home-made tattoos trying to ‘reclaim my body’. I could never really connect with my male peers. I’ve always had good friends, but I’ve always been the weird, quiet one. But I grew up very religious and I’m also from South Africa so I’ve been repressing these thoughts the whole time hoping it would go away, but I’m starting to think that I’ll feel like this forever and that is terrifying.

I have a good friend who is trans. Getting to know her and her friends over the years has changed my views on a lot of things, but I think I still have a lot of internalized shame. I like dressing nice and wearing make up, but I don’t know if I have the confidence to go all the way. I’m not at all attracted to men, but I’m also not really that attracted to women. I find sex repulsive. I can’t even watch porn. But I feel like there is some kind fetishistic element to the way I think about all of this. My life has been pretty good otherwise. I come from a good family and I have great friends and I’ve done a lot of cool things. But I am real weird, probably a little autistic, I don’t know. I don’t understand people and they don’t understand me. I’m worried that transitioning will ruin everything. The mental changes scare me the most. I’m worried about changing too much as a person and losing people in my life that I care about, or changing our relationships. But I want the physical changes and I don’t like the idea of aging as a man.
2 media | 17 replies
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It’s lupus
0 media | 1 replies
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I am a cis man who larps as a cis lesbian on discord because i only enjoy the company of AFABs.
One of my theyfab dyke friends said I act futch what does that mean btw.
0 media | 0 replies
Trvth Nvke
Wanting to be a man is a rational pursuit of power.
Wanting to be a woman is a humiliation fetish.
5 media | 34 replies
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Spot the flaws.
0 media | 11 replies
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How do I fix estrogen induced homosexuality I don't want to like other guys, I want to be like the AGPs
0 media | 43 replies
Return to normalcy edition
Prev: >>36656906
0 media | 11 replies
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Why do you get turned on by turning men down? Why do you have a fetish for being the object of unrequited love for as many guys as possible? Why do you masturbate to knowing that guys have been deeply in love with you for 3, 5, 7, 10 years, will never fall out of love, and are slowly going insane from never being able to have you?
0 media | 10 replies
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Can “feminization” during childhood/adolescence actually turn someone gay? Or is this a myth?
0 media | 50 replies
/hornyfem/ - feminization general
/hornyfem/ is a *new* safe, peaceful, exciting thread where you can discuss cute fembrained fantasies! post feminization caps, any giwtwm fuel, outfit/body inspo, bimboficafion, hypnosis, and any other related stuff! <3

plzz try your best to stay SFW, this is a blue board after all!!


this thread is *not* for chasers or those who don't wanna present femme, so please dont be a stinky gymbro or chaser here!


to get the discussions started...

QOTT 1: what's ur fav feminization fantasy?

QOTT 2: thoughts on princess peach?
21 media | 192 replies
>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
29 media | 96 replies
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Do your lifts pass?
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rodrick heffley
ftms post what you would like to look like. i dont care if its a drawing or a picture, bear or a femboy, too attractive or too ugly, post it.
i go first (picrel)
68 media | 164 replies
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11 days post ffs
2 media | 25 replies
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>trans women ARE literal women
Does this include the hons?
4 media | 16 replies
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Me when all transphobes can do is parrot the same charged dishonest language about “mutilation” and “mental illness”
1 media | 6 replies
/sig/ - lgbt self improvement general
In Which I Attempt to Ameliorate My Anger Via Application of Alluring Arthropod Art Edition
previous: >>36585521

Goal of the thread: Perform an abbreviated bout of cardio, terminated by basic stretches.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice
Generic advice won't necessarily help you in particular, but for those it does it is an essential foundation to build future progress on, not a miracle cure. Do not underestimate the effects subtle changes to your lifestyle can have. Try first, keep us posted on your progress, build from there.

We are *always* short on self help resources, so if anything was useful to you, let us know!
Since the OP is getting too long I moved all resources into their own post, see below!


Resource link paste:
General advice from Anons:
Posts from other sites (markdown format):
30 media | 65 replies
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90% of the posters spamming about Ava Tyson are going to vote for a convicted rapist who was on the epstein flight logs and alleged to have forced underage girls to have lesbian sex with each other
1 media | 3 replies
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>be me, passing femboy girlmoder
>straight as a ruler, but only like masculine women
>they're all dykes
>try psyoping on reddit to brainwash girls into being masculine
>It works
>Still no tall muscular masc gf

Maybe it's time to end it after all.
0 media | 7 replies
How can I cope with a fat ass gross BF who despise?
We met at 17 over 15 yrs ago. He was a,twink then but has been FAT as fuck since like 24-25.

I'm at a point where I'm just praying to demons to kill one or both of us

P.S. He also doesn't change his underwear for one month and gets food all over,the floors that I find hours later and he has social phobia and won't make friends or do stuff without him but gets mad if I make friends to do things without him.
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Thoughts on Tran representation in Olympics
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cleanrot knight finlay
Girls are made for chivalrous lady-knights who swear unending vows of love and protection to them.
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Has anyone else's parents walked in on them naked or in girls clothes? My mom saw my breasts and she's not taking it so well
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Can a transbian be fembrained?
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I'm jealous of her. She passes better than me and shes an AGP rapehon
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Why is this board so dead tonight?
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i knooooowww i should probably go somewhere else for this but how the fuck do i buy bitcoin? i want to start diy but im too fucking retarded to figure out how to buy this shit
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Need part 2 so fucking badly but my dick doesn't get hard anymore and idk what kind of masturbator to buy. Can I even do this if I can't get hard? At least I have a top with a functional dick ig, I just want to step it up from hands :(

Helpppp I need info and recommendations
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How accurate is this comic?
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im so lonely
Screenshot 2024-07-22 113128
I just want to be held... girls... boys... i dont care... its rough out here
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God if you're listening please take the tranny thoughts away
>Be me
>Christian upbringing
>Mom heavily involved with church
>Choir boy
>Dad was in the army and deployed to war a lot
>Have tranny thoughts because gender bending characters
>Not important enough to tell parents
>We move to Europe
> I'm now 13
>Puberty gives me even more tranny thoughts
>Used to wish I'd get into a freak accident where I'd lose my dick
>Saw intersex and wished I were that
> I pray every night is become a girl now
> Still super active in church
>Everyone knows and respects my parents
> I decided it's probably a phase and it'll go away
>Graduated highschool and move back to the US
>Tranny thoughts have no increased to the point of actively hating my body and myself
> I'm now in my 20s
>I feel so much pain now

You know how pastors say God can change you if you accept him into your heart? I'm begging him to please let me stop having tranny thoughts

I feel so much self hatred over myself and my body now, and I know I'll never be accepted or could become pretty if I were a woman

I need to be free from this pain 15 years of my brain dealing with the thoughts of wishing I was a woman instead of a man and it feels like it'll never end
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God gave bi twinks big dicks to fuck my gf while I watch
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how viable is maskmoding nowadays?
chinhon here going off to college soon and am planning to be out for the first time, is maskmoding still a good strat or is it clocky now?
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How would you respond to this transbian?
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your skin is your largest organ and your face says so much about you. what does your skincare routine look like? have you drank enough water today?

"By 50, everyone has the face they deserve"
-George Orwell
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Why don't ftm reppers like gender bender stories where the protagonist is a girl becoming a hot guy and date women? Like that's the main bread and butter for agps
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would you rather have periods or black facial hair and every laser machine is broken?

would you rather have a vagina, or an asshole thats always ready for anal?

would you rather be good at make up and broke, or be bad at make up and be flush?
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that&#039;s a guy in his 30s
When was the first time you girlmoded in public? How did it go?
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Does getting your srsussy ate feel good?
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G1 Michigan by DaneCelestia
Gaydens post what your ideal man would look like. Doesn't matter if it's a photo or a drawing or whatever. (Picrel is mine)
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Thanks to anonymity on the internet I finally can admit on 4chan that I find men (their bodies and personalities) kinda repulsive but still bottom for them because they provide me some financial security and honestly bottoming feels good both physically and mentally.

With girls I just feel I'm not good enough for them so I don't even bother 99% of the time. But I still really crave the touch of one.
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Share your art! I drew a self-portrait :)
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I need help pretty desperately

story time: i am a straight guy who just went through a rough breakup. I made a friend over tumblr about 9 months ago, and him and I have been getting closer and closer. It used to just be us talking about normal stuff and him helping me with thoughts about my ex. But as we got closer our talks became much more personal, and frankly, explicit. We haven't exchanged nudes but he's sent himself shirtless and it just fucking drives me crazy. the thought of being with him makes me happy, and horny. But for some reason, something in my chest tells me this isn't something i csn do. i dont know why but i just can't. ive never liked any boys. im feeling excited and sad and scared and confused and frustrated. someone please help.
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Screenshot 2024-06-26 203508
hi, i am an 18 yr old trans girl, and im looking for help in how 2 commit an assisted suicide, I don't need your sympathy, I just need options, I recently turned 18 so I thought I would turn to 4chan for answers.
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I need to leave this hell hole of rural florida. Any tips or guides on fleeing the state when trans?
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Post your favorite type of coffee or how you usually make your coffee and people try to guess your letter(s).
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how am i supposed to cope with aging especially since i have not passed in any of my years of life. even if i woke up and passed tomorrow i dont have much reason to not start considering suicide at 25 and definitely have a completed suicide by 35. i dont wanna be old. i dont want to leave the 18-24 "youth" age group people made up. im old once im 25
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What's the most fucked up / weirdest thing you've ever done?
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When are they going to admit that arousal is a major component of trans?
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Why do so many trannies play MTG? To the point people are complaining about them?
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Hey I'm the ftm who made a thread a few days ago about being in trouble because the friend group found out I had sex with a 17 year old MTF

Well there's a bit of an update:
So for context my friend group found out about all of this because the girl was going around saying I'm her boyfriend (I'm not).

she found out that I don't regard her as my girlfriend second hand via this drama and not from me gently explaining it so she freaked out and had a hissy fit now she's telling everyone I raped her, messaging every single person who follows me on every social media saying I'm a rapist.

Do I just kill myself? Is my life basically ruined now?
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The LORD created hons so that god-fearing homosexual men would not persist in sodomy and fornication, but could fulfill their natural desires in godly and lawful marriage to a woman. He created pooners for the same purpose to lesbians. The passing trans man and woman should marry, if they can bear it; but if a passoid is a gayden, he should take a hon for himself, and if a passoid is a transbian, she should be given to a pooner in need of a wife. For any of these to seek after their desires otherwise is an abomination before the LORD.
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Gonna anamaxx for a while idk any tips?

This dysphoria might fucking kill me lol
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>one round of laser
>can already shave completely super clean
>don’t even have stubble whatsoever the next day
I should have done this way sooner
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Transitioning due to the Woke Mind Virus: How did Blanchard miss it?
Elon's retarded but I think there's an element of truth to what he's saying.
Elon believes that he had a son who he sent to a far left school in SoCal who then trooned out not due to being inherently trans but rather as a part of woke ideology. He confuses it a bit as he describes his daughter as a HSTS steryotype but then his daughter says she wasn't one so that makes it fit a bit better in her case.
It's possible the "Woke Mind Virus" type of tranny is a relatively new type of tranny distinct from the other types.
>HSTS: Transition due to lusting bottom chasers and desiring to top their hairy buttholes
>AGP: Transition due to wanting to be the hot slut they wish they could date. Some focus more on the physical aspects(boobs) others on the psychological (sucking cock).
>ROGD: Meet other trans people and transition out of peer pressure from other trannies.
What Elon is describing sounds most similar to but is also distinct from ROGD. It's more like transitioning due to self hatred or internalized misandry that arises from a leftist ideology.

Where might you find this type of tranny? HSTS have their clubs, AGPs have their discords, ROGDs have their anime conventions. In my opinion you'd be most likely to encounter a WMV tranny if you went to a Palestine Protest. The types of trannies there would almost certainly skew this way. In my experience they tend to be pretty dumb, terminally offline, and are twinkhons.
>Have you ever met a tranny you suscpect of being a WMV tranny? What were they like?
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cute potato
Would you troons accept being a retarded potato if it meant that you would be a woman?
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literally head over heels rn i mean i wanted to kms super bad today and then this happened and now i have such a good reason to keep living I LOVE MY GF SO MUCH
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>Destroys the trans community worse than Dylan Mulvaney
nothing personel kid
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Is there a worse feeling than falling in love as a BPDemon? I know that I'm going to destroy both our lives eventually, but I can't stop talking to him because I like him way too much right now.
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closeup sad
>want to plap bussy with strap
>afraid of hookups and sexo in general with some1 i haven't at least cuddled
how 2 fix my stupid baka life?
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Is Judy Faulkner a tranny?
> Richest Self Made "Woman" in the US
> programmer
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how to learn to love yourself?

i feel awful sometimes and then good sometimes and then worse again

I play online games and its a 50/50 i get called a tranny or they think im a girl

i wanna die :( i might sound cute but i dont sound like a girl why!? ive tried to train so hard and its never good enough!!!
maybe i should just have to deal and accept with being a freakhon FAGGOT UNLOVABLE LOSER!!
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Good morning /tttt/
How is everyone doing today?

Trans topic: All trans girls should make it their ultimate mission to - no, not get surgery - but to GET ON SHOTS ASAP. I mean that's all there is to it. Injections suppress T on their own, you can say goodbye to lame anti-androgen pills. Think about that.

But anyway wew. Not trying to come at anyone. I come in peace. AMA I guess, and as always - unironically, sincerely, genuinely THANK YOU for not killing me. All right I'm going to just sit here until Sam wants to go back in. We just smoked a bunch of weed. And I downed the rest of the DXM polistrex (Delsym) at around 6:00am. That's four hours ago. So honestly this all lined up pretty well.

Love you all. Thank you for letting me have this forum to have a voice. It means a lot.
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A person isnt superior to you because of being heterosexual, but heterosexuality is superior. It is not a good thing to not have a genetic continuity. Homosexuality is mortalization. The heterosexual continues materially after death until the end of his line. You are their will. It is not painless that you can not find it in you to go on through procreation. Homosexuality is so sad. Homosexuality is suicidal. It is the suicide of the soul.
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>be me
>bisexual AFAB
>my lips are so full that people assume I got lip filler and my breasts are so huge people think they're fake
>but my lips and boobs are natural
I'm sad
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Do pedophiles find adopting transbianism appealing, or do transbians find pedophilia appealing? What's the connection here? It doesn't seem like an obvious connection
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