Board: /lgbt/
"/lgbt/ - LGBT" is 4chan's imageboard for Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer and sexuality discussion.
>A new bill introduced by far-right Republican legislator Tom Oliverson, HB3817, seeks to criminalize being transgender by classifying it as felony fraud. While the bill has no cosponsors—making its passage significantly less likely—it marks a significant escalation in anti-trans legislation. It is the first measure to explicitly criminalize identifying as a gender different from one’s sex assigned at birth and communicating that identity to others. The proposal also aligns with broader efforts at the state and federal levels, including Trump administration policies, that seek to label transgender existence as "fraudulent."
>The bill states that transgender individuals who "make a false or misleading verbal or written statement" to their employer or the government are guilty of felony fraud if that statement "identifies the person’s biological sex as the opposite of the biological sex assigned to the person at birth." This language effectively criminalizes transgender people for merely existing and identifying as their gender identity.
>Beyond employment, the bill could also apply to interactions with law enforcement, attempts to update gender markers on official documents, and other routine disclosures of gender identity. If enacted, it would amount to the direct criminalization of being transgender, with felony fraud charges carrying the potential for jail time. I'm a transsexual. I'm not queer or a leftist. I exist Ramadan Mubarak
QOTT: 'sup? /Passgen/ basic white shirt edition >get told I pass
>get gender male irl
whats this mean This is the kind of glow up every boymoder wants What's it like to actually pass and be a hot girl? What's it like to be stealth? I will never know for myself so I need to live vicariously through your stories.
>t. 6ft permahon We interrupt your regularly scheduled suicide and AGP posting to give you actual solutions.
Are you tired of looking boxy, hunched-forward, square, etc? There's an easy fix and it'll also relieve tons of back pain and make you feel better.
You have a kink in your neck. "A crook in your neck from hanging your head in shame." Feel it. It's there. And you can fix it.
How? Just fix it. Stretches. Relaxation techniques. A reliable chiropractor may be able to help you (ask around and ensure you don't get a sketchy one). It'll get that kink out of your neck and back arch and make you look feminine, shoulders-sloped, waistline-tight, hips-broad, ass-fat, etc. And it will also roll your head back giving a more feminine impression of your forehead and lessening of lower facial fat.
Got it? Here it goes.
(I am not responsible if you decide to deliberately misuse my advice and hurt your back or spine, which could lead to paralysis. Please be gentle and seek a professional if necessary.) Okay so now it’s really just a matter of time before other states become brave and enforce the same laws and then in actuality it wouldn’t be camps but regular prison that we would serve time in :0
I seriously think transitioning further is actually just promising you a sentencing :/ How small is your gock, /tttt/?
Scientists from Texas A&M University found that young people who had undergone mutilating sex reassignment surgeries and taken puberty blockers had significantly more clinical manifestations of depression and anxiety disorder, as well as suicidal thoughts and substance abuse.
Remember how trans-friendly psychologists convinced us that children with gender dysphoria should be provided with access to gender-affirmative medicine to avoid all this? Allegedly, the risk of suicide and depression in trans children is much higher due to rejection by society.
The results of the study will shock the average person, but are quite expected by anyone who is even slightly familiar with clinical psychology and the concept of true "gender dysphoria", which has been turned into a real show in the last four years by the efforts of interested parties lobbying for the interests of big pharma. Only the end is quite tragic for many.
So, the indicators. Let's start with the fact that the sample is quite good: 107,583 patients aged 18 and older took part in the study. Over the course of two years, the condition of young people was assessed before and after the intervention. In boys, the level of depression increased by almost 15%, anxiety - by 10%. In girls, it was slightly less. That is, the most crippling effect on the psyche was in operations aimed at feminization of the body (I think there is no need to explain why).
The comments of American specialists are no less interesting. In addition to acknowledging that gender reassignment surgery not only fails to resolve identity issues but rather exacerbates mental illness, they came to the following conclusion: the sharp increase in gender dysphoria among young people in recent years raises serious questions about the influence of cultural and social phenomena.
“We cannot ignore the fact that social contagion, along with peer pressure and social media, have contributed to this surge.” Post charts, rate, discuss music, post music, guess letters, ignore lazyfags <3
>QOTT1: What's an album/artist/genre that took a while to grow on you?
>QOTT2: (If you go to them) What's the best concert you've been to?
>Make your chart here
i definitely waited too long. 16-26 was a black hole of depression. repressed hard and didn’t even explore… anything until 26 years old. realized how happy it made me. how happy i was. started hrt ~6 months ago. i’m 29 now. i just bottomed for the first time three days ago and i definitely did something wrong. because it hurt. idk no one is even going to read this so i can say whatever i want right? i don’t want to live anymore. i DO, but i know ill never have the life i want. i know ill always be an old tranny because i started too late. i’ll never pass. i’ll never get to have a community. i want to meet people. i want to talk to people. i don’t care if its online or in person. i just want friends. but no, i just get to die knowing i wasted the best years of my life laying facedown in a puddle of tears and snot.
maybe today will be the day. probably not. but maybe. it doesn’t feel worth it anymore. i was so happy when i first started hormones. but now i just feel like it’s a waste. i’m a waste. i’m trash and that will never change. please tell me to kill myself. i need the encouragement. The vast majority of lgbt people are dependent on welfare.
What happens when they cut it and start the war economy? I’ve met only 1 real trans person irl but I’ve met like a dozen guys like this. you may not be able to make yourself pass but you CAN make yourself skinny i'll keep making this thread until the last repper dies or transitions edition
qott: would you kill yourself if you definitely knew that reincarnation was real (but didn't know what your next life would be)?
last thread: If you call yourself a girl, woman, trans woman, or tranny- LEAVE NOW
>>39120594 Do you think it's possible to find people here who pay for explicit content that's a bit strong, although well, I have my limits so you know haha does anyone remember that thread from a while back where boymoders posted audios of them begging for their lives
could we perhaps get another thread with a similar premise Romania is a beautiful country with great people
>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.
Old thread >>38933764
>OG Discord:
>New Discord: Yesterday we had several anons call her out on her neovag, but what is the reasoning behind this? Her fridgebod is not normal for cis women. You know she's insecure about her linebacker shoulders in her OF/instagram she always uses angles to hide it. Do Whites have the worst trooning genes? CIS MALES WHO WANT A FTM GAYDEN BOYFRIEND REPLY TO THIS THREAD RIGHT NOW AND STATE THE REASON OF YOUR DESIRE
record your voice for fun or feedback :)
•Tool for visualizing pitch and resonance
▶ Resources MTF:
--- Full MTF Course ---
•L's Guide
•Google Doc
•Supplement L's guide with...
False Folds:
•Vocal Fold Thickness:
--- Larynx Stuff ---
•Whisper Siren:
•General overview/swallow and hold method:
•Big dog/small dog:
▶ Resources FTM:
• Official MtFG Edition 6
Last Thread: >>39091743
Last Liquid Thread >>39104836
QOTT: Did you ever boymode, if so for how long?
What to do if I am questioning my gender?
What is Gender Dysphoria?
HRT Information:
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen
Fashion Guides (Videos):
Basic Skincare and Makeup:
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?:
Voice Videos/Training:
Trans women have woman brains (Video):
MTF Timelines:
Streaming Room:
Unofficial "liquid" discord: Would this look good on a fat retard? Cis asian girls belong bouncing on big white gock qott: opinion on straightdens, gaydens, and bi-dens?
qott2: do you play ttrpgs?
previous >>39098455 what to do with a boymoder who won't stop talking about whatever niche interest she is into? How do mtf trannies remove their beards and get no 5 o'clock shadow? Are they shaving against the grain every single day? Don't say laser removal btw there's no way every single tranny has done that. As a kid I would always make male characters crossdress, or make them wear feminine looking clothes. Always wanted to wear cute clothes IRL but religious mom would hate me more. I deeply deeply regret not trying harder back then cause now I'm a ugly 24 year old guy. Anyways what kinda characters have you anons made crossdress? portland trainsgender railmoders be all up in my bulkhead pushing my pins til i twist lock they shyt QOTT: Do you have any grudges?
Previous: >>39099620 Bible Black made me realize I wanted to be a woman with a penis when I was 11 and I've felt ugly and wrong ever since If you were 32yo guy from Poland who loved to crossdress since childhood, but felt "it's wrong" and you were going to break up with gf, and close connections to family and try to life it to fullest again, but change country for this which country of EU would you consider?
I'm going to learn new language at "girl" voice from beginning Why is every transbian a metalhead?
t. straight mtf pophead we should probably stop giving horrible people free passes for becoming trans and "no longer believing those things".
they only ever stopped because it now effects them Why are there 100x as many trannies here as gays? is it normal to fart and your prostate tickles nicely after being on E for a couple months? question only for trans women who are only 100% into men:
Did you have any sisters (older or younger) growing up? How did your parents treat them compared to you? 'Or, on being a poon-obsessed chud'
To love is to suffer and there can be no love otherwise. And he tortures me, tortures me with his love. The past was nothing, in the past it was only those curves of his that tortured me, but now I've taken all his soul in my soul and through his love, become a man myself. And for our love, we must fight, he who doesn't wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist. Each one of a pair of lovers fashions himself to meet the other's requirements endeavors by a continual effort to resemble that idol of himself which he beholds in the other's heart, whoever really loves abandons all sincerity. In this world where everyone cheats, it's the honest man that passes for a charlatan. But to those that would judge me, I say to you, I am a man. I live, I do what can be done, it's the same for everyone, I am a man like other men, I am a man like you. I tell you I am just like you! i can’t bring myself to hurt myself like i used to, idk if it’s cuz my skin is more sensitive to the burning or i just hate my body less but i can’t do it like i used to but now i just sit here and listen to the voices in my head making me miserable and i can’t make them shut up anymore This may seem like a stupid "haha look at me I love dicks" thread but this is a real issue and I need advice/help. I'm 20 and I live with my parents (I'm Asian and that's normal), Im a repressing tranny but I think I look pretty feminine (atleast compared to the people here). Some people have mistaken me for a girl and stuff and made comments about my butt which may have gotten into my head because when ever I walk around in the house with undies or short shorts I do unnecessary shit like bend down showing off my butt to my dad or his friends then I feel horrible after. This one time I was cooking something for my dads friend and I see him eyeing me so I act like a complete faggot. They all seem to treat me like im not a man. Very soft spoken towards me, doing things for me and just generally babying me. I hate that I am like this, does anyone else do this? /lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis women and trans women to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.
>QOTT: Are you fucking silly?
>Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.
>Are genital preferences valid?
Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful. In the same vein, shaming others for their attraction or lack thereof is also disrespectful. Bee kind.
previously: >>39097511 > mtf boymoder, sorta pass
> another shit depressed day
> go on grindr with faceless profile, listed as trans girl
> some mid 30 y/o messages saying he's "mostly straight but.." wants discreet sex with a crossdresser
> tell him im not a crossdresser and just a girl
> he says "you know what I mean, crossdressers, fem, trans, they're all hot"
> tell him I don't want to be objectified, he's probably cheating on someone and that it's fucked he thinks trans girls aren't straight
"Trannies aren't women, if you don't believe me go test your DNA."
> immediately blocks me
> go numb and just uninstall grindr
does it ever get better Jennifer if you see this.. your voice and the way you talked too softly gave yourself away :/
Your small height and good physique definitely helps but yeah, all love at the end of the day and I hope you had a good experience for your oil change (; /femrepgen/ is the general for all female (AFAB) repressors.
Qott1: Do you have a vibrant social life ?
Qott2 : Do you struggle with belonging or forming a solid social network ?
Qott3 :Are you lonely ?
Previous >>39063864
• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion
See following post for a pharmacy list.
▶ Survey data:!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis:!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets:!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID:
▶ DrugBank:
▶ Basic HRT:
▶ HRT ranges:
▶ Powers Method:
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines:
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide):
▶ TransDIY:
▶ Blood tests (US):,
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland):
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only):
▶ Blood tests (Sweden):
▶ Blood tests by mail: DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
>love being teased for having small pp
>don’t actually have small pp
>little under 5 inch at best
>am switch so don’t want to shrink cause want to be able to top on occasion
Wtf do I do. I want to get smaller one because the idea of it turns me on a ton but also don’t want to never be able to top again. Is listening to vocaloid fembrained or malebrained? Is top surgery the FTM equivalent of FFS? It seems to be the number surgical priority for most trans men How many trannies are mostly normal? >having good day
>the smallest tiniest inconvenience
>cut across my entire thigh
is this fembrained lots of people say im fembrained I've been dating this trans girl for like 8 months now and I genuinely love her. I (straight guy) met her on hinge and didn't know she was trans until after a few days of messaging her but I thought "hey I'll give her a chance". It's been going really great, she's super sweet, super cute, and I could've seen myself marrying her.
A few days ago, I was looking for something on her phone and found an old picture of her pretransition and I can't unsee it. Whenever I look at her, I just imagine her old face and get grossed out. I feel so horrible about this and want to get over it but I don't know how. Will it pass with time? do trans women also feel trapped by society's 'relationship blueprint'? >A/S/L
>looking for
>not looking for
>discord Wonders of modern engineering edition.
Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:
I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:
Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW
>Days it updates
>Relevant tags
If you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it!
If you see something wrong in the lists, please follow the following instructions to edit them:
( So where are the 8 million dollars worth of transgender mice and why still can’t they find a drug that makes me pass? >stopped cutting for my ex
>we broke up over a year ago
>100% sure I'm dying alone and a virgin
>so nobody will ever see me naked
>the loneliness and stress is making me want to cut again
is there any reason not to?
trans mtf
I've liked guys for a long time, but I was told that guys should like girls, so i tried to whenever I started getting attracted to people. i tried to masturbate to girls and had trouble but still tried because I just wanted to be straight.
i had two crushes in total on girls, one was just the first to come to my mind in middle school when I asked and the other was a girl I wanted to be (ik agp shit -.-). I didn't really care or want to be with a girl though, but I was also too embarrassed to be with a guy (and it felt impossible to find someone like me) so i just never dated anyone.
in college, i came out as bi because I still had forced myself to like girls and I started my transition. i had sex with two guys and had a romantic relationship with one of them. the first time was kinda terrible and traumatizing but the second time (and relationship) was a really nice experience, regardless of it ended badly.
but even now.. I don't think I could ever be in a relationship with or have sex with a girl. it's just ugh.. so am I straight? I feel like i tried to like girls for too long and just stay as bi even though I don't want to be with them at all i'm going to be travelling internationally from LAX to asia to stay for a month and i'm worried if my vial of E will set off any red flags in the security check since it counts as meds/liquids. do i have to put it in a checked bag/carry on or declare anything? also thinking of travelling w a few syringes but im pretty sure it won't set anything off.
Male Tiddies IV Edition
Previous thread: >>39043910
>QOTT1: What's the best: Hairy or shaved tiddies?
>QOTT2: Do you normaly focus or give extra attention to your (male) partner's tiddies when doing something affectionative with him?
>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
I love you, don't accept changing for the worst
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if I have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.
>Should I be harsh on myself?
You should be kind on yourself. Few people will do it for you
Resource for Bisexuals: no one likes me i am a modern day untouchable Why do afabs like her music? is this the biggest cishon of all time? what the fuck is the world coming to: What kinda homosexuality is it if you have a fetish for feminizing men? Like a fetish for kidnapping some weak looking guy and making him take estrogen, put on makeup, dress like a woman etc and mating pressing him til he eventually turns into your wife. Does this have a name besides gay? Bros, I did it. I liked futa all my life and then went on SSRI's. Still liked futa, found vaginas gross, but know that I've been lowering my dose I've been horny and I've been finding vaginas to not be gross! I still like futa, but it I can stay like this then I no longer have to be a chaser and can have a normal real girlfriend and just fap to futa on the side! thinking about the first guy i ever hu’d with was a 6’7 baseball player at my college Am I not fembrained if I respect my boyfriend's wishes for me to not to be an attention whore by posting my tranny nudes on 4c anymore? Even though I really want to sometimes?
Is respect for your partner malebrained? Tips tricks and other pointers would be great. Please be nice, I understand I'm a gross obese fatass, I'm working out, walking more and losing weight. But any other tips you can give would be great.
Please and thanks, love you all. Please do not be mean, please be nice.
NOTE: I want to maintain the functionality of my penis at all costs. But everything else can go. i desire to submit to a trans mistress and be her pet. to be moulded by her into the perfect pet and pleasure toy who has nothing but her pleasure on his mind is my biggest dream. i have take the pubbyboy pill and can't go back >best friend told me that he masturbates while thinking about me
this makes me happy. What the fuck is wrong with cisf chasers? Trannies will without a hint of self shame look down on you dead in the eyes and utter the words "I am a woman" while 6'2 and built like a tank >got breast surgery just so i could have power over men and catch men staring at my boobs
Is this cringe? boymoder general
The Finale of February edition
prev >>38906527
qott1 have you made anything recently? (food, art, etc)
qott2 whats the most interesting thing you saw before?
qott3 what's your comfort snack/food?
qott4 are you in college? what are you learning about? Its a common known statistic that trans women are much more likely than either the average woman OR man to sexually harass cis women.
But, that statistic, like most statistics, is one that is easily manipulated and data needs to be examined further in order to see actual trends. For example, i, Jahn Rapist, have been included in that data, despite m personally harassing and raping more than 10,000 women myself.
I mostly target younger very liberal women in the Chicago to Chicagoland area (don't visit Boystown when I'm around ;) ) but either way with me excluded, the average would be significantly dropped.
Sorry, I'm just a fweaky deaky dykey wykey (◕‿◕)
Anyway anyone wanna have fun, I spend a significant amount of time in the library near the lake on Belmont since I'm homeless by choice, come meet me. >be me
>look up "femboy porn" (not gay)
>video loads, looks pretty good. Man is railing femboy from behind, side view, so can't see genitals but whatever
>get ready to coom
>camera pans to up-close
>"femboy" has a pussy
>yell out loud, close laptop
must poons ruin everything? I'm looking for a new job where I can hopefully womanmod from the get go because I tried to be stealth(ftm) at my current job and I've been outed!!! Amazing!!! Wish me luck. I don't want to see these people again!!! Give it to me straight. How is this possible? What's your plan when ww3 starts tranons? How attractive do I have to be to pull a passoid from this board?
>inb4 post selfie
im still working on muscle definition and finding a look for myself, so I dont want to ruin any first impressions with some wierd half-twink/half-twunk body type.
please post examples of guys you go for, I need to examine the competition and adjust my goals accordingly.
>Inb4 just be yourself
If Im going to date someone, they are going to be looking at me more than I look at myself, so it only makes sense to match their aesthetic desires to ensure success. If im gonna go through with this I wana do it right. I'm a trans lesbian, 18 yrs old and 5'5, but look like a boy. Do any of you know how I can look more mtf lesbian, and how I could get a gf, never having one, as well as being shy? XX vs XY sisters
It's over hey tttt
does ur handwriting pass anons? Democratic Party is abandoning trans. Expect "LGB without the T" to go mainstream Wait... you mean some trannies keep their dicks but are submissive? And since they don't have a pussy they have to take it up the ass all the time? Does this mean all tranners are butt suts? Ia it cringe to just change your name to the female version of your birth name? I'm George, and my options are Georgia, Georgina and Georgette, and that last one is the one I'm leaning towards the most How it feels to see ,,gay transmen" with no bottom dysphoria when I'd do anything to be cis
If you like being female(not AGPs) then you're a woman! An annoying ass bitch at that! I hate glorified travesty. /femrepgen/ is the general for all female (AFAB) repressors.
Qott1: Why do my repsisters let the thread die when I go to sleep ?
Qott2: Do you not feel you have a duty to bump the thread as it is our last lifeboat in this terrible world and letting it sink is wrong ?
Qott2: How is it going ? >another dream where I stop a group of scoundrels attacking a trans woman by stomping their skulls in and I princess carry her home and she becomes my gf and we get married and have children (I can do it) QOTT: What is your weapon of choice? my fagcent is my CULTURE… you will NEVER take her away They're giving trans men prostates now how do i become one of the good trannies Why do you have gender dysphoria? is writing a film about a famous attractive trans woman and casting yourself as her AGP or HSTS behaviour? >be me, on my instagram that i havent really touched since high school
>see new post from this person (lets call them A)
>A used to be a fat pasty nerd in high school. A was really smart, like super smart. 1570 on the SAT, 4.0 GPA, all that
>The pic is a pretty, not fat woman in a graduation gown
>see caption
>>I started transitioning in my freshman year! I go by C now
>see other posts she's made since (she deleted all her old pics)
>no guys in any of the pics
>holy shit bros im going in If intersex people can't be considered proof that sex is not binary because they're rare, then elements are also binary and helium or hydrogen are the only atoms. I could’ve never even expected this. is there even a fix? Keep in mind my camera has an automatic softening filter as well as making my face less wide, as well as lacking in resolution to picture everything. I am cis but I became a monster with age. I was on hrt for 3 months but realised im a boy . It’s been a year and I miss some of the effects how can I get back my skin and the other things but no tits
Being Good (trying is all we can) Edition
previous: >>38881651
Goal of the thread: Talk to a friend or loved one, or in a pinch, feel free to socialize with us. Talking to people is a human need, even to those of us who exhaust quickly from communication.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!
>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice
Generic advice won't necessarily help you in particular, but for those it does it is an essential foundation to build future progress on, not a miracle cure. Do not underestimate the effects subtle changes to your lifestyle can have. Try first, keep us posted on your progress, build from there.
We are *always* short on self help resources, so if anything was useful to you, let us know!
Since the OP is getting too long I moved all resources into their own post, see below!
Resource link paste:
General advice from Anons:
Posts from other sites (markdown format): straight t4t general, ftm x mtf
zodiac edition
our tagmap: (173 tranners & counting)
prev: >>38982724
qotts: whats your star sign, moon, rising, etc? do you think they fit you? is astrology bullshit, harmless fun, or truth?
ignore chasercels, they’re known to larp as angry tranners Imagine if this was your son. Can a fetish evolve into dysphoria later? need puppy gf to cuddle and breed I've met voice passers.
I've met scream-passers
I've met cough-passers
I have never, EVER met a burp-passer
Even the most well-trained tranny has the deepest, most masculine, head turning, room silencing BLECHES I have ever heard in my life. This is the final voice-gate that cannot be passed. if your dad had a really nice dick and you somehow got a picture of it would you masturbate to it >finally tell a few friends i’m on estrogen
>want their help deciding if the name i’m considering is too clocky
>cis friends are cis, probably no help
>clockiness is partly based on my last name so i can’t ask you all/strangers
>think “oh maybe i can ask my trans friends”
>one has the name of an angel (closer to sachiel or beelezebub than gabriel) the other has an -ayden name
guess i’ll have to figure it out on my own >the most beautiful tranny on earth is a hagmoding witch
what are the implications of the succubus Hunter summoned at 14 finally stealing their life essence as agreed upon in their dark covenant? The absolute madman actually went and got FFS with no HRT
You realize what this means, right? With this proof of concept, thousands upon thousands of perfectly non-dysphoric cis twinks are going to clog up the wait lists of the plastic surgeons who do this work and we won't have any recourse I'm an angel and I won't clip my wings I have 8 vials of estrogen if I injected them all would I die
t. ranny >boyfriend started calling my neocooch "vegan pussy" i can't stop thinking about how it would be like to have a trans girlfriend When I think of AGP, I think of straight men getting turned on by the idea of being (hot) women. However, I believe there are some gay men who transition or want to look like women because it turns them on sexually as well. They view women as being more submissive, and they want to be super submissive, so it makes sense to become a woman to achieve sexual nirvana as a bottom. Once they start looking like women and attracting men the way women attract them, they receive sexual pleasure from this. This is a bit like AGP, even though they're not directly getting turned on by viewing themself as the type of hot woman they would fuck like a proper heterosexual man AGP. welcome to /liquid mtfg/! this community exists to provide exactly what people should expect when joining a group labeled "mtf general" - a general social space for mtfs! we are making this possible by building a new community from the ground up, far removed from the context of the drama that plagues our contemporaries. this way, both newcomers and veterans of the /lgbt/sphere can feel welcome and have a chance to build friendships and have fun!
join our discord:
check out classic /mtfg/: >>39091743
QOTT: what are you looking forward to doing in the warm weather as it approaches? im a tgirl lesbian not into other tgirls. is there a special place in hell for me or do i just need to get over myself >dysphoric
>don’t like being male
>don’t look like a woman
now what? Moids really be going crazy over looking like a normal human being instead of a cow I'm gonna turn my trans gf who has a great relationship with her father into a little whore who's gonna call me daddy. I'm gonna make her ask her daddy, me, to impregnate her while I'm fucking her. Every time she sees her father she's gonna be filled with shame because she's gonna remember the times she was moaning for me, her real daddy, while draining my seed I will never get a cute trans gf to caress love and take care of. tell her she's beautiful every day and kiss her on the lips. go out on cute dates together and live a long and happy life. I actually get why everyone hates you trannies. You literally make 30 fucking threads about the same thing so you can be the important one in the thread. Jesus christ how can there be like less than 1% of you but you're so fucking annoying. I'm 36, my life is complete shit, I haven't been able to transitions due to financial dependence and being sick most of my life. I honestly feel like I should just kill myself. I wish my tranny gf looked half as good as you. Stuck with this fucking manly bitch because of a bet. Fuck my life unless Allah swaps her with one of you? Haha jk ... unless? ALL evidence of a biological mechanism for gender dysphoria is focused on trans women
the ONLY reason we even believe AFABs can be trans is the unsubstantiated belief that if one sex is capable of experiencing it, there must be an analogous phenomenon in the opposite sex
pooners will try to muddy the waters, call us all hons and prevents but at the end of the day ALL THE SCIENCE is on OUR SIDE
and yet they INSIST on talking over us, on making themselves the central focus of the trans community, and since there is no scientific evidence to back their shit they instead try to shift the focus to birth sex, claiming misogyny whenever their bullshit is called out
END THE MADNESS where find other friendly retarded twinks into STALKER and eating beef burritos that my age ?
ps: would /lgbt/ friend finder help or is it mostly just trannies ? (that's okay too I would just like to know where it is...) Conservatives cried and cried that like a couple trannies had jobs that wasnt pornstars or hooker and because a couple psychologists told you how to accommodate trans people over the internet. Most work places would tolerate blatant transphobia anything light of assault was tolerable. Most work places would still reject someone because they are trans. Most female spaces continued to not allow or attempt to heavily ostrasize transwoman. Most people never stopped seeing trans people as their birth sex. Most people thought and continue to think transition is purely for fetishism. Most female friend groups are unwilling to let a tranny join them. If they do you are an other an accessory to the group. Nobody ever accepted transwoman but terminally online incels seem to think we were given a higher status and were automatically higher class becuase we were trans. They genuinely believed we had more rights than them and that we are raping them by transitioning. They now run America. MTF HRT is good for putting male puberty at a halt (most of the time) but it’s not that good for much else.
t. ranny who has been on hrt for 5 years but is too broke for surgeries just thinking about the fact that this is how my surgeon saw me when i had ffs >go on tinder
> 0 likes, 0 matches (lesbian tranner)
>open search to include guys
> 100+ likes
what does this mean? i wish cis girls liked me. even among trans girls im considered a piece of shit maybe i need to hstsmax or something i really really really hate it here and i makes me doom. i wish i was na american so i could get a gun and kill myself lol >another day another suicide post
is this a sign i should join in on the fun?
>"how are u gonna do it, hon?"
probably wrist slitting and/or jumping off someplace high Slightly clocky twinkhons are so much cuter than full passoids >hrt at 19, ffs at 22
>now 24
>still just rotting in my room, not talking to anyone
>i just sit in my apartment and hear the city around me
>im too scared to talk to people
>im wasting my life
>i try to smoke hte pain away. it stopped working a long time ago How did you find your bottom bf? Don't tell me something like "i found him alone and adopted him", give me a proper answer.
How can I make tops fall for me? I dumped the only man who ever was interested in me (I made him fall for me just by giving basic attention to him) bc he was just too "uninteresting" for a top (not entirely his fault tho, he's just not the type of man I want, our date was shit, i felt like i was the one taking him on a date).
Ppl say that college is the best place for meeting new ppl, but approaching ppl there feels just too overwhelming, everyone seems to already be with their friend group or they seem to be just too busy to want to talk