Instructions: -Download this apk (not the fdroid client, just the apk) -register an account (email not needed, just a nickname and a pass) -In app, press Start Chat, the plus symbol on bottom right, then join public channel where you paste the address posted Then you drop the nickname here and I add you to the user listNo titleWhat is the idea behind the color scheme of this flag? I would never have guessed its Baltic country if not taught./asean/kot threadNo titleWhat kind of urban wildlife do you have in your country?
I remember one summer when I was visiting my grannies little town, behind one house (looked much like the picrel) there were 2 camels hanging out. They were there for like an entire month at leastNo titleGuess the mapNo titleSince reunification West Germany, and later also the EU, has spent literally trillions of Euros directly in the former East Germany in efforts to bring its infrastructure and economy up to standard after 40 years of communist neglect. And in return what did they get? The entire East still shows nothing but hate for the West - not only West Germany, but the West as a whole, evidenced by their love for Die Linke and lately AfD. They could show some gratitude is all I'm saying.No titlewould you rather live in the commieblocks of eastern europe or the favelas of southern italy?No titleItalian women are God's gift to menNo titleThere is a German NGO called Lebensraum Vorpommern trying to make life worse for Poles./med/ + frensFren lesson edition Turned into a social butterfly: >>209321960what was your favorite childhood television show in your country?Here they used to air the Dutch dubbed version of PennZero on disney XD, I remember waking up early in the morning to watch this back in 2015. The show was about traveling to other worlds to save the day and it was peak childhood show.No title>How many gnostic heresies do you want? >Yes.No titleI am becoming woke, in my countryfaces of /int//bra/ - fio brasileiro>>209347565No titleIn my country, this is wrong.No titleWhere have you been?Japanese Thread /日本語スレッドThis thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan. Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy.
次スレを立てる前に必ずスレ立て宣言してください。次スレリンクも忘れずに。 Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link./nederdraad/vrolijke vrijdagavond editie (positief)No titlewhen i see a USA flag on int this is what i imagine on the other side of that post./tr/İlkin baskısıNo titleIs it common to worship bank CEOs like this IYC?No title./balt/ + /ausnz/ + /cats/It's caturday, gentlesirs.How did we achieve cultural victory in Asia?>Music, Drama, Movies, Games
>Anime(New)/cumland/-canada usa mexico icelandfirst loveNo titleWhy are Spaniards SOOOOOOOOO whiney about tourists?!? >"boo hoo tourists support my economy!" >"Boohoo hot Nordic female sex tourists Come here for sexo" >"boo hoo hoo people enjoy my culture and admit it's superiority and enjoy the beauty of my country, woe is me people from all 4 corners of earth Pilgrim here to pay their respect!" Spaniards are insufferable, ill-bred , bratty, spoiled, ungrateful ingrate piss babies! can our Portuguese friends shut them the fuck up?You just won a free regional tourAll expenses paid. Your choices are Central America or North Africa.
Which do you pick?No titleType "[your country's] food" into an AI image creator and post results I'll start. this is Finnish food according to AI. would you like to eat it?No titleWhat are your thoughts on white south africans?.No titleNo onichaan don't buy drugsNo titleHow similar or different are these countries, culturally? what makes someone mexican vs colombian? how does a chilean differ from an argentinian? what makes someone cuban different than someone from paraguay?A whole year without intI haven't used it in a whole year What do you niggas even do these daysNo titleIn China, compassion is seen as only for the weak. If parents find any spark of it inside their child's heart they immediately get to work to snuff it out.No titleThis is me in my countryNo titlewould you actually date an asian girl, /int/?DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #3633DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language. Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
Previous Thread: >>209271889/bharat/get /fit/ edishNo titleQuestion to the non-white immigrants out here living in western countries: what do you feel about the local population that is being replaced by you guys? Will the white folks be missed IYC?No titleHow are you going to preserve your cunt's history?No titleIf you had to, would you rather marry an Indonesian woman or stay single for the rest of your life?No titleThe standard European parking space is about 12 m2 (16 m2 for US).
Imagine you could magically make your apartment that much bigger, buy you'd have to give up commuting by car forever in exchange. Would you do it?No titleWhat is the meaning of life in your country?No titleDear Spaniards, I'm sorry I was harsh on you in the past, in truth I love you so. Find it in your hearts to forgive me, for I'm so unused to displaying affection, harsh untrue words is the only way i know how./cum/ + /ausnz/ + /ltu/American Sniper edition ~
21 yeah, it's beyond over/skandi/No titleNew whiteness map just dropped.\ישר\מהדורת אלונהNo titleWhy does a Texas woman like thisNo titlekurva anyátok/MENA/ titleThe sole reason why poolacks hate pyccia is because they don't possess their own media, school system and government. Thus, the foreign principle brainwashes them into becoming a cannon fodder. Meanwhile Russia deserves far better treatment from the West and everybody smart enough soon realizes that it is more profitable to cooperate with the enemy rather than fight them. Pooplacks wouldn't stand a change against pyccians and all they will have been left with from an open conflict with Russia would be busted blocks and amptutated limbs.
Don't make poolacks' mistake. Don't sell your country to f*reigners.No titleWhat are we thinking about America and Americans in our country this Saturday?No titleWhy aren't you learning Portuguese in your country?No titleBeef, chicken or fish, in your cunt?/mex/ - Hilo MexicanoNo titleDo you go out and use public transport like meNo titleHappens in your country?No titleevery northern euro takes a trip here during the summerNo titleRIP PK edition
Previously on /flag/: >>208731961
>do (You) like going to places, taking photos and blogposting about it? Welcome to /flag/ + /extraflags/, a lovely general for Extraflags users to post about our trips, other autistic activities and overall funposting.
>What is Extraflags? Extraflags is an open-source userscript that lets you choose regional flags, like states and provinces, to add the already existing national flags on /int/, /pol/, /sp/, and /bant/.
Turns out, it's very well suited for travel posting because you can flex with the ultrarare flags you're travelling to.
forrige: >>209336934 >>209336934 >>209336934Does JBW work if you are bald?I heard asian girls find bald guys disgusting, even more so than other ethnic groups/v4/ + friends (that means you, /bantz/)Edícia brazílske Mikü.No titleyou wake up in ParisNo title>DogtugalNo titleWould your country improve if it was ruled by Austria?No titleIs it true that you can have a few cheeky beers with you're mates at only 16 years old in some places in Europe? I am just an ignorant American so I apologize if this is a stupid questionUsing English vs. your native languageWhat uses do you still have for your native language after you learned English? Do you prefer it to English? Do you still read in it, listen to music in it, watch anything in it? Do you google in it or converse with people online in it?/ita/ - il filoedizione un po' buffaNo titleI'm a feminist in my cuntNo titleNiggas be like: nazis are a threat to democracy and want to conquer the world then colonize 6 gorillion countries/v4/TBW edition (total ban work, don't overthink things, janny)No titleFor me, its the elegance and brauty of the African-American woman/brit//CSG/Hilo del cono surNo titleoh nice, seems like the ghilbi ai slop stop., just now. Why trens are now in twitter do we suck balls now? chatTop 10 FinnsShow me your Top 10
Here's mine 1.Simo Hayha 2.apu apustaja 3.Janne Ahonen 4.Karl Gustaw Mannerheim 5.Linus Torvalds - Linux inventor 6.Kekkonen Kekkonen Kekkonen Kekkonen Kekkonen 7.Raimo Helminen 8.Kimi Raikonen 9.Butthurt Dweller 10.Finnish fan (on pic)No titleWe gave: the massive raillways, clean streets, water and sewer services, shrines, electricity, stars, jobs, and oh, our names as they wanted. We taught them their language. We brought: sports, agriculture, judicial system, financial system, hygiene, greens, cherry blossoms, ume blossoms. We built: schools, stations, bridges, malls, city halls, libraries, factories including nitrogen fertilizer factories, hotels, hospitals, museums, dams, better port, post offices and everything. We stopped the people from kidnapping. We stopped the people from raping. We stopped the epidemics from spreading. We saved them from themselves.No titleAre there any foreign dishes which are popular in your country?
For instance, in Ireland, it would be very normal to cook and eat spaghetti bolognese or a curry for dinnerNo title>big mostly irrelevant country yep, it's Indonesia of EuropeNo titleno wonder brits are the fattest euros/deutsch/Sonnenfinsternisausgabe titleDo you like your neighboring countries?Imperial JapanHow did they manage to turn from a feudal society to one of the world's great power in just less than 100 years?No titlei'm not alone/lonely, i'm friends with myself :)
and larry larry is my friend.............No titleWhy do they deny their indian history? They are even named after usNo titlecountry of chadsNo titleDid you know that Finland is "bilingual" country despite swedes being only 5% of the population? This is because Finland was established by swedish aristocracy with the help of Germany who invaded Helsinki and killed Finnish people.No title>make white boys fall in love with them effortlesslyNo titleProve that you're racist enough or I'll be revoking your /int/ posting loisence titleWe must all hide under the earth, somewhat camouflaged, and act like the earth was never lifeized.No titleIn what country I can find a 220+cm girl?No titleshout out to dwarfsNo titleHispanicbros is this true?No titleThe difference between Indian and whites peopleNo titlehappens in your country?No titleDo you prefer swedish or shitalian girls?No titleDo you play Mahjong?No titlemost influential swedes ever/lang/ - Language Learning General>What language(s) are you learning? >Share language learning experiences! >Ask questions about your target language! >Help people who want to learn a new language! >Participate in translation challenges or make your own! >Make frens!
Prev: >>209253151No titlehappy in your country?No titleWhat makes English men so brave?No titleA new tradition has appeared in orthodox russia. Millions of pilgrims are joining in and entering the holy gas pipe where dozens of russian soldiers asphyxiated from brap gas. Is this trad?Sverigetråden - ParkslideupplaganNo titletimmiesNo titleSome Austrian prick won €250,000,000No titleWhat's your favorite ramen? For me, it's chicken carbonara./rus/Издaниe чepнoзёмa.
Пpeдыдyщий: >>209340304No titleThe UK is healingNo titleIs having a symbol of a foreign region in your coat of arms considered cuckoldry on /int/?No titleYLYLNo titleRemember Argentina used to be 85% white and the rest light-skinned mestizos Many years ago, Europeans stopped coming and immigrants from Latin American countries began to come,mainly people from Paraguay and Bolivia. Now the native population is being replaced by brown people In Argentina all this is completely ignored the kids are brainwashed by telling them that the argentinian is the mestizo some people even deny that the country was ever white
I only went to Guam on a school trip when I was in high school My passport may have expiredNo titleI say the n-word irl and tell people I can because I am nafri, despite my med features and obviously not being black. Anglos don't contest it out of guilt. Does this happen in your country?Top 3 visually appealing flags for youNo titleI support Greater Koreadont talk about brazil challengeis it possible to make them talk about other things?No titleITT we pretend to be Europeans.Bantu-Algerian Mystery MeatNo titlewhy are anglos the only people who are utilitarian about food? we only eat enough to sustain us throughout the day and fuel our masculine activitiesNo titleWould your life improve if you were taller??No titlehow did they become so rich?No titleThe greatest failure fo European colonization.No titleWhat do the Germans mean by this?No titleThis is what Hungary used to be about.No titleGulf of MexicoEmigrating to SEA and living/working thereI am tired of this depressing third world african shithole and am looking to move to SEA. Which country would be ideal and how to move there?No titlewtf is going on in turkey...?