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Board: /gd/

"/gd/ - Graphic Design" is 4chan's imageboard for graphic design.

Welcome to /gd/
This is a place to discuss topics about visual or graphic design. Requests for photoshopping or free work go on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests as appropriate.

#/gd/ @
#4chan-gd @

>What literature should I read to get into graphic design?
The sidebar on the /gd/ wiki has plenty of book reccomendations.

>What programs do I need to get started?
Adobe Illustrator
Corel Draw

Adobe Photoshop


>Which program is the best for X?
It's usually subjective if you pick a program in each of the right categories above. Use vector programs if your making a logo/icon/illustraton, use bitmap programs if you're messing with a photo or stock image. Gimp, Inkskape, and Blender are free alternatives and have the same function as the paid programs but the paid programs tend to be used more in a professional enviroment.

>What font is used in this image?
Try these sites before posting a tread asking for fonts:
0 media | 1 replies
2024 Olympics
What do we think of the new pictograms?
0 media | 1 replies
Font Share Thread
Request and share non-free typefaces and identification of typeface samples.

> Previous thread


> Older threads

archived <dot> moe/gd/search/subject/Font%20Share/

> Font identification

Before you request, do your due diligence by running your font sample through a font identifier;

whatfontis <dot> com
fontsquirrel <dot> com/matcherator (be sure to enable the myfonts setting)
myfonts <dot> com/whatthefont

If you're not getting a clear read then put your sample in PS, separate the letters and colour it to be pure black on a white background.

> Font requests

First of all, check;

vk <dot> com/board178186634
graphicex <dot> com

> Uploading

catbox <dot> moe is great for uploading small-sized zips containing fonts, especially since it doesn't expire.

If somebody helps you then pay it forward!
62 media | 134 replies
No title
Hi guys,
I'm doing case study design for a company presentation. Some of the studies are supposed to be Anonymous.

Is there a best practice at denoting that it is a real client without exposing their name? I've only really seen people use 'Client A' or 'Client in Media 1' etc.? No graphic icons/placeholders, just very general textual denotation.

I'm thinking of using some sort of related industry icon, or the anonymous glasses icon, or a company icon, or a case study folder icon with text i.e. [icon] + 'American client in X [industry]'. I'm thinking the specific industry icon would be the best to use but maybe there are best practices I'm missing here.

Any experience or am I overthinking things?
0 media | 1 replies
Web 2.0 Gloss
Thread dedicated to late 2000s glossy UI/website design
4 media | 4 replies
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16 media | 84 replies
No title
Is MDE/Sam Hyde's current art style cool or embarrassing? Sincere and naive or ironic?
5 media | 49 replies
No title
>Adobe owns everything you create with their software
>Create extreme far right, symbols, graphics and logos
>They are now owner of it
3 media | 15 replies
No title
Why are InDesignfags so sensitive? You can be critical of virtually any design program and the people that use it will generally shrug with indifference unless it's InDesign, in which case the userbase will lash out and rage at you while drilling home that ID is actually a perfect program and you just don't know how to use it!
2 media | 26 replies
50 shades of gray
Call me a snob, but I much prefer grayscale color settings lately on Windows 10.
Even films and videos look better then. I friggin' grew up watching b&w television. Not your horrible boomer, just not american.
1 media | 3 replies
Change all colors into one color
colors effect
Is there a specific name for this effect? I want to adjust the background color in my video to match the pic related version - all background colors changed into green.

P.S: Wouldn't mind explanation on the effects used on the character of the image related
0 media | 9 replies
Wallpaper Design
Hi guys, does anyone have any clue how to begin with this style/procedure? I'm a wallpaper designer but this looks challenging, and I'd suck some ass just to know anything. Thanks!
0 media | 1 replies
Early 2000s webdesign
54 media | 182 replies
How do I make good looking headless edits?
Not sure if this belongs here but since it's regarding photo manipulation (which counts as graphic design) I might as well try.
So I like this genre of edits of women called "Natural/Modular Body Magic", which basically means that they look like they either had their heads magically removed or that they never had any at all but they can live just fine without them (like dullahans), but many of them are pretty shit so I wanted to make some good ones of my own, the problem is that there are no good tutorials online on how to make them, so I was wondering if you guys could guide me on how to make them.
Pic related is more or less what I want to achieve, something that looks relatively natural and organic, rather than just a quick and sloppy MS paint job.
40 media | 124 replies
No title
What political movements have the best-designed symbols?
14 media | 28 replies
No title
What is a good color
58 media | 101 replies
From Adobe to Affinity.
Give it to me straight, lads.

How is the move from Adobe to Affinity?
And how does Affinity square up with Photoshop?
0 media | 22 replies
No title
Is it retarded to use fountain pens?
6 media | 41 replies
Graphic design help
Hi, Ive been into graphic design for a while, and I really feel like I wanna start doing my own thing instead of just admiring others pieces, where do I start? What book is best to read for the fundamentals? How should I actually build my own style? Anything helps, maybe its not the best place to ask idk, but I feel like some of you guys got a good grip of whats good and not. :)
(piece by Visual bleed)
0 media | 6 replies
Can we revive Frutiger Aero?
>soul? check
>inherent optimism towards technology backed into design of products and physical spaces? check
>corporate? yes, but not in a soul sucking way
0 media | 4 replies
Mid-to-Late 2000s
ITT: We post mid-to-late 2000s graphic design styles, visual trends, and aesthetics.

Anything between 2005 and 2012 (or anything that is reminiscent of that era) is welcome here. THIS IS NOT A Y2K THREAD. DO NOT POST Y2K HERE.

Previous: >>445568
41 media | 46 replies
Questions General Thread
6411bec60d789714e4e2520e_Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 12.46.48
Hey /gd/

I have a question, if I produce images using illegal versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, do these images have any metadata that can be tracked to see if they were illegally produced?

and how do I remove such metadata, I tried googling this shit but it doesn't come up with any real answers on this topic

I'm just getting to the point of completing my 4th as well as 5th gd project for my portfolio and want to upload them all to Behance but also still not cause any problems for potential employers.


Also post your questions/queries
89 media | 240 replies
Getting started at freelancing
Looking forward to be a Freelancer Graphic Designer and Blender Artist.

I'm a 19 years old male, I decided to not attend to college because In my point of view, it's just not worthy it, paying thousands for something you can learn online. Here is my problem though, I don't know where I should start. I feel like I'm not confident enough, and I don't know many places where I could capitalize over my work.

I'm currently working at my family's business, but it's so annoying having to work with public, and being at a family's business doesn't make you feel like you are independent. Which is what I'm looking forward to be.

It's been hard since everyone tries to push me into college, because in their mind, college = easy life. And I really don't bother getting minimum wage as long, I'm doing something that I enjoy.
1 media | 22 replies
Then you should know that at the current year of 2023 graphic design is pretty much dead. I was a professional gd for almost 10 years working in both studios and on my own and I can't really find a job anymore. It's not even because of AI to be honest, its because of how the industry works and how bad the corporate environment has become.

There's still web design, 3D and VFX/motion design(primarily 3D too) and if you want something similar or easy to transition then chose one of those but I'm not sure for how long they will be relevant themselves because of the AI which is basically a final nail in the coffin of gd. Of course there are and will be exceptions and maybe you will get lucky to find some obscure local business that needs you, but if you are young and looking for a career in the future you should stop consider becoming a graphic designer. This profession is dead.
21 media | 226 replies
No title
Summer t-shirt
Am I the only one who misses this style of t-shirt design? Pictures, simple geometric shapes, scattered text with not much meaning, no attempt to look vintage?

I swear they stopped making modern designs like this, it's all vintage or back prints. Umfortunately I have no idea where to find this style on a shirt. I just love the vibe.
0 media | 0 replies
Random Album Art
Make some shitty cover art?
>Make some shitty cover art!
41 media | 43 replies
No title


your confederate time is almost up
2 media | 7 replies
Logo Archive Request
Where tf we can get the Logo Archive Database for free?
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No title
how do i make something like this
1 media | 3 replies
Question for Print-Experienced anons
ok, be me: working on book.
multiple 'small' tifs from archive, slide scans n the like, all at like 3600 dpi.

i want easy to use lightweight files for getting the layout underway and eventually approved as illustrator lags when filled with too many images and linked text frame, but i didnt really alter the tiff kinda - i took a zero off the resolution for 360 and have tweaked a dimension, but really ive got images at 360 dpi. so now all the design is approved im putting high res images in and checking color modes. was gonno swap in tiffs. But couldnt i really keep the jpgs?

im gonna swap all the jpegs for cmyk tifs, but thought id pose the question.

should have been more thoughtful about making the temporary working images, but i figured it was gonna be a slog either way so didnt matter.

so what if i just kept the joegs?
0 media | 20 replies
scan big documents
hello, is there any very intelligent software that can merge fur pictures of a document like this, so it can look like original? thank you
1 media | 4 replies
No title
(YOU) have 120 IQ
1 media | 13 replies
AI resourses/apps for Graphic Design
If you have any free AI tools you've found on the web can you please share it with me here? For example stuff that does image enhancement or let you change things like the hair of someone, generate images etc... This will be very helpful
0 media | 1 replies
Tips for designing commie style propaganda?
I have to design some "posters". One of those will have "facility rules" on it. Which font would you guys use for making it look like commie propaganda?
Basically, tips and tricks to make some decent communist regime like propaganda posters.
12 media | 30 replies
Learning how to draw
Any good starter book or video recommendations? Any advice is also welcomed
0 media | 3 replies
No title
How is this made? I've seen some of these interstitials between 2 images before, but I've no idea how you make this.

Specifically talking about the interstitial video. The big boobs are made with AI
0 media | 5 replies
Minecraft Server - Closed Map Experiment
Hello, me and a friend are hosting a re-creation of the Minecraft Closed Map experiment.

We will start at 20-30 people, we'll be there soon.

There are a few rules and considerations to take into account, so check the Discord server I'll invite you to.

DM me on Discord: bonk.212
1 media | 5 replies
Trump assasination
This thread is to focus and preserve graphic design work related to the failed assasination.

Please keep political commentary on /pol/ or you will ruin this thread. stay focused.
Please send anything that would be generally regarded as a meme or meme warfare to /pol/, /b/, or x.
16 media | 31 replies
Meme this image
Jet template
Put anything your heart desires into his hands, I just need something
55 media | 184 replies
No title
golmon face
The best design ever
0 media | 4 replies
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Capture d’écran 2024-07-17 232420
I want to know who did this crazy thing
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No title
Why do Zoomers keep lumping Y2K futurism with Fruitnigger Aero? Translucent electronics were 1998-2001, not 2005-2010.
1 media | 3 replies
No title
Fixed your banner, approve
0 media | 1 replies
No title
can any of you change the colors of the text and the tranny flags of this to the 4 leafs or something better? i'm not a /gd/
highest res (8000 x 11804):
1 media | 3 replies
Vector image of music visualization circle
Anyone know of a free program to make music visualization circles in vector format? (You plug song in and it gives you some degree of customization, bar length, density, ect...)

Found plenty that make jpgs and shit but I want to cut it out with my laser so it needs to be vector. Tried bitmap trace in inkspace but it always comes out like shit.
0 media | 5 replies
No title
I have a Wacom tablet but I can't draw for shit.
I can't look at the screen and draw at the same time.

Should I just pick a tablet with a screen, even if it's more expensive?
0 media | 12 replies
No title
Do literally anything with this image, repost in thread, next poster has to edit the last edit
86 media | 114 replies
Patch effect
Sin título-2
Hi guys, do you have any clue how to achieve this patch effect in PS? I tried doing it with a drop shadow, but this is what I got (the one below).

1 media | 5 replies
No title
trying to get more creative and confusing with fever dream GFX edits. any ideas?
0 media | 2 replies
No title
do any of you guys draw, like regular normal drawing? post your drawing?
121 media | 306 replies
No title
proxy-image (21) (2)
How do you make these things? I've tried to find a piece of software that can add all the right filters and text but so far I've found nothing...
2 media | 6 replies
No title
Somebody was paid money to "design" this piece of shit.
2 media | 12 replies
Help me whit this font please
how can i get this family font for free? some anon can help me?

font: Qanelas Soft - BL specimen

https ://tinkov. info/ qanelas -soft.html
0 media | 1 replies
No title
what is /gd/'s favorite album artwork?
150 media | 203 replies
No title
what would be the easiest way to make a effect like this? also, what is it called? magnifying effect?
0 media | 1 replies
No title
Happy Caturday
1 media | 1 replies
Monitor rbg
I'm looking to get a new monitor.
I noticed some monitors don't have given sRGB values at all, only adobe RGB. Would this pose a problem if I'm doing things for web?
I know adobeGB should encompass sRGB, but can I get into an "just sRGB" mode without much issues?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
true grit
Anyone have a link for a bunch of these? Id love some halftones and stuff to use
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Is this good poster design?
2 media | 24 replies
No title
Can I talk about video editing here? I really want to talk about it but I don't know what board really suits it, people at /tv/ just aren't interested at all

Nowadays, the only thing Premiere has over Davinci right now is the AI shit and communication with After, which is very useful, but Davinci is so good, is Premiere only so hegemonic because it's adobe?
2 media | 19 replies
I like the idea of zines as an easy way to get designs, photos, whatever it is you do, to print.
I just can't help but wonder, why are the majority on zine people such insufferable leftist cuck subhumans?
Someone ought to make an anti-immigrant, pro-eugenics zine.
1 media | 4 replies
No title
Why shouldn't design trends/styles be classified based on shared visual characteristics?
4 media | 14 replies
No title
Is going to college (either for a degree or a certificate in design) a waste of money when things like skillshare and udemy exist?
I've been fucking with photoshop for well over a decade but only got seriously in to design recently, and I'm enrolled for a certificate but I can't shake the feeling that I'm spending several grand on an education I could match for several hundred dollars so long as I put the effort in.
5 media | 30 replies
No title
What is this æsthetic called
4 media | 8 replies
No title
some wizard remove the flag that looks natural or if there is an original image eternally grateful
1 media | 4 replies
It's over, it truly is.
Combining @StabilityAI #StableDiffusion generative powers + Human guidance and graphic skills* with tools like @Photoshop in a coherent workflow.
64 media | 310 replies
No title
la-kings-kings-officially-reveal-new-logo-v0-kq1qd1v24r7d1 copy
It took them two years to come up with this shit?
2 media | 5 replies
Let's talk about flatdesign
Last april, i went to magadan in the far east. people were still driving old cars, and the cans around them had a gradient design with cyrillic letters. I wanted to live here. but soon i had to return to my home in south korea. in there, tradition has been killed. my feeling at the time is that i want to send some mail with the charger to airport, university.
Flat design ruined my life, and annoying me until death. flat design based on pragmatism and materialism.everyone loves the old skeuomorphism, but it's crazy that flat design still exists today.
6 media | 31 replies
90s "web" design
Designs from the 90s that have to do with the websites, email clients, newsgroups/early forums, or whatever internet-related things that existed back then.
5 media | 6 replies
No title
who the hell designed the 4chan banners, they are so simple yet so fun

share some of your favorites
47 media | 59 replies
Advise on color theme for a new website
I have made a new website and I am in the process of finding good colors for the default theme. The site is:

Do you have any suggestions for a background color and a color for content boxes that goes well together?
2 media | 7 replies
Architectural Graphic Design
How do you make really good architecture posters for your projects?
What are good ressources to look up for this? And how to learn it?
What are the basic and golden rules for architectural poster design and graphic design in general?

Also how to do post production on your renderings? And how to make good renderings?

Picrel is what google showed me when typing in architectural posters, kek.
0 media | 1 replies
No title
What Print on Demand service or fulfillment has made you merch look best on merch?
0 media | 3 replies
Color Palette Generation
Screenshot from 2024-06-21 16-31-54
How to generate random color palettes? Visually cohesive and interesting ones, that is.

I am not talking about tools to do it. I want to code my own tool, and I'm looking for thoughts. How would you guys approach this?

2 media | 7 replies
No title
Im beginner designer and recently I got offer from "99designs". It seems off to me because there is no good reson for them to choose me for that project and there is no clear payment method from them. What do u think?
1 media | 13 replies
Ai used on one of the biggest events in Detroit in years.
Super disheartening to see this. Any designer could have done an illustration, any number of local artists could have created a piece for this event. It's a seminal event that marks the reopening of Detroit’s Michigan central. Truly monumental moment for Detroit, highlighted by the crazy opening concert directed by Eminem and it wasn't worth getting a person to do the poster? Very sad.

This is one of those moments in the history of ai that I will look back on with genuine disgust.

A soulful event with a soulless AI facade.
6 media | 27 replies
No title
The Tokyo olympics 2020 logo: soulless, doesn't even make any sense.

My AI "slop" version: beautiful, expert composition, a deep juxtaposition between tradition and technology and an athletic motif.
4 media | 10 replies
No title
Are monitors necessary with graphic design job? im traveling and i dont want to pack it. company shipped me two. can I just work from my laptop screen only?
0 media | 3 replies
What is the best way to identify fonts?
I’ve got a 300 page kink comic to remaster and I need to get the font sets just right to preserve the authors intent.

The one on the left is straight from the comic. The one on the right is Gill Sans MT, Size 26, all bolded, second half italicized. Written in MS Paint to mimic that crunchy feel.

It’s not a match, but it’s the closest I’ve found. How would I find matches to font samples? Especially if it’s crunchy in quality
0 media | 5 replies
Transfering Figma comments to new file version
How to transfer comments from one Figma file to another? I have a new version of the same project. I want to move the comments over from old to new version in the same locations. There has to be some way or plugin that can do this.
0 media | 6 replies
Logo + Buisness Card Design
buisness card 1
Any of you brilliant Artists can help me design a logo and potentially a business car ? This is the logo that i made myself but i know for sure you guys can do better.
0 media | 4 replies
No title
>upgraded my memory
>32 to 64 gb
>everything feels snappier
>raws no longer a problem

wtf I should have done this earlier
1 media | 6 replies
I downloaded GIMP
What now? How do I make cool wallpapers like this.
2 media | 10 replies
No title
Swiss design
What's your design boogeyman and how did you overcome it?
11 media | 29 replies
Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 8.34.26 AM
are there any good sites that have full rips of premium mockup sites like bendito or hazard mockups this shit is too expensive
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Instagram's new Story UI looks like it was designed by a 15 year old in 2005.
0 media | 4 replies
No title
Frame 41
what do you guys think? desu i don`t know why did i do that and what was on my mind, I just created logotype and picked colors and made this. Any sggestions how can I use all of this?
1 media | 5 replies
Looking for information on this anthropomorphic graphic design style found at various storefronts
I was wondering if anyone has seen this sort of art style before. This style is exclusively used in storefront signage at liquor stores, sandwich shops, eateries, etc. Growing up in San Francisco, CA the 90's, these signs had always stood out and fascinated me for their silly anthropomorphic nature, realistic detail and similar paining style. Have you seen these anywhere else in the United States, or around global community for that matter? Where did the inspiration for this uniform style (painting technique, eyes, subject matter) originate?
0 media | 1 replies
No title
Hello /gd/ I am coming here with a request today. Can you guys help me find the original picture and the original drawing of these 2 demo's from a French band called Peste Noire? I have been trying to find the original ones for a while now and I have not been able, using Google and Yandex, I even contacted someone who had the original tapes, but sadly they sold them by the time I asked him for the scans. Thanks for your time and effort! I really appreciate it!
2 media | 4 replies
No title
Does anyone know how to recreate this effect in photoshop or illustrator?
1 media | 3 replies
No title
>be me
>vector artist
>working on this large advertising firm
>from a third world country (Philippines)

>be me
>draw shapes, get paid
>comfy life

>be today
>cops and swat teams and shit raided our building
>apparently our business doubles as a high end prostitution agency AND sells methamphetamine
>about 25% of our employees are complicit
>the guy who taught me how to use illustrator is literally fucking Heisenberg
>our print manager is a pimp by evening

0 media | 7 replies
Graphic design?
Hey guys, I've been making small lil edits using an app on my phone for a while. I wanted to start posting it here but I wasn't sure if it's graphic design or not. I'm very new to this type of stuff and I wanna get better at it. (Title is "It's you, right?"
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Hi guys what do you think of my graphic design skillz
4 media | 18 replies
No title
this person doesnt exist. I used ai and shoppery. How do i make it look MORE realistic? People tend to notice, that somethings off..However, people mostly think that i just use heavy filter. (but am actually real)

so now the question. How do i make an artificial person look so realistic, that i can say #nofilter?
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Is this the worst logo redesign of all time? Only lasted 6 days before reverting to their previous logo.
1 media | 8 replies
No title
How do I generate something like pic related that is 100% infinitely scrollable diagonally (seamless)?

I can't get anything to look good. Any tutorials or generators out there? I don't even know how these are called. I found something "anime speed lines" but all the tutorials show different stuff.
0 media | 2 replies
To anyone who actually works in the industry, what skills do you have or are learning as a backup for the inevitable AI replacement?

Sincere thread, I asked myself this question, i currently work as a UX designer, I realize do not have many skills that could transfer to other jobs that wouldnt also be handled by AI, let alone one that would offer similar pay. It seems that learning a new skill will be my only option, if not retail.

What skills do you have? What have you been learning? Have you been able to apply your existing skills anywhere?
1 media | 4 replies
Color Separations for Rotogravure
Can anyone point me to resources for creating color separations for engraving cylinders?

Everything I search leads to graphic t-shirts and that isn’t what I’m after.
0 media | 2 replies
Color spaces and is LCH a meme?
I'm a frontend dev and just recently found out about color spaces with "perceptually uniform lightness", like LCH or LAB. I started reading on OKLCH and how it's a 'game changer' for accessible colors and dynamic hue swaps since it just got implemented into CSS last year.

Basically, hues in RGB spaces don't have uniform brightness to the eye and if you want to say, change the hue of a blue button to yellow, you have to modify its brightness too. I was promised through all the articles I read I could just change the hue slider and perceptual brightness would remain the same on LCH, but that doesn't seem to be the case in some palettes.

Is this how it's supposed to work or what's going on? I made a quick test and the contrast variation between hues is still quite noticeable
4 media | 7 replies
What are some packaging design you like?
I'm from the US and am on vacation in Europe and I bought this pate in the store earlier. I really dig the simplicity and color of the design.
41 media | 55 replies
No title
It's time to apply for the next Antarctican flag.
1 media | 1 replies
No title
Tasmania Football
Is this a good logo?
3 media | 9 replies
No title
Save all your files as WEBP to save space preserving quality!
1 media | 40 replies
No title
>government regulators stop adobe from buying out "Figma"
>adobe exec tardrages and immediately kills off the only real competitor "xD" (which is multiplatform and also works offline)
>designers get cucked even further in the limited, strings-attached choice of proprietary software they are allowed to use

being a designer is being fucked in the ass by corporate goons

(no you can't view and edit those print documents unless you pay up for the pantone catalogue index integer table tax sorry)
1 media | 5 replies
No title
My uni has reduced everyones Adobe AI credits to 0 and won't be issuing new ones. Thanks Taylor.
1 media | 10 replies
No title
ITT: /gd/ that looks like a... you know...
0 media | 2 replies
Thoughts on Cara?
I am seeing a lot of designers move from IG to Cara due to new AI rules/implementations these last few days. Is anyone else seeing this?
1 media | 7 replies
No title
What do you think of this style and design?
1 media | 6 replies
Thoughts on superflat?
1 media | 3 replies
Any suggestions for improvement?
5 media | 17 replies
Will I be Sued by Mr Musk
If I use this to put on a shirt?

Also How would I go about putting this on a shirt?
0 media | 3 replies
How much do I charge for designing a catalog and logo?
I just had a customer inquire me to design him a 32-page product catalog for his store, and a logo. He gave me detailed instructions on what he's looking for including for in a logo. His catalog will be filled with furniture similar to Williams Sonoma.

I know AI can do a lot of things nowadays. But I am wondering how much you guys would advise that I charge him as a first bid?
0 media | 4 replies
TouchDesigner Project
I am a noob at this software and am trying to figure out a way to combine these two things, the circle and the sphere. The sphere is connected to an audioCHOP and spectrum with a pbr being animated to jump along to the music. the circle is just some feedbacks and displaces/coloring to make a cool animated burning star thing. What I want to do is texture the sphere with the circle pattern. I tried combining the two final out null operators with a composite but it doesnt really "blend" them like I want to, I want the noise and displacement of the circle texture bouncing and moving along with the audio too. anyone know a way to do this?
1 media | 3 replies
No title
Amounts in tables.

I like that the decimal point is aligned, to compare quantities, but on the other hand, feels icky that there is just one type of cell that is right aligned.

What do you guys think? Left? Right?
0 media | 2 replies
Demon Gate Teleport Black Screen Web Design
0Arch Art Deco (4)
Is web design inherently soulless ADHD brainrot or is it that all modern sites are corporate shit taint? I think grooveshark and myspace didn't feel like seven layers of digital hell but I could be misremembering
What cool sites can I model which won't make me want to claw out my eyes? Fag
1 media | 3 replies
Someone who could help me with stitching ?
GTI Club reconstruction
I never done this on Photoshop, any tips yould be appreciated

Basically, i'm trying to mix all images in order to have the best quality possible, only issue is that the higher the quality, the more there was on the picture, therefore i have to cut it and replace it with lower quality variants ( Or simply different sources, but there isn't much out there )
0 media | 1 replies
Commissions are..
Are they a viable option if you don't want to starve?
4 media | 8 replies
AI for 3d renders
Whats the best way to get product photos like this?
1 media | 3 replies
I made an Animation
Demon (13)L
I made an animated illustration about the Devil. What do you think?
0 media | 13 replies
No title
I think this image is cool. What do you think? (not my work)
2 media | 3 replies
Design expert (mugshot)

0 media | 3 replies
Software for content perusal?
Out Like a Light, Astounding Science Fiction magazine cover. April 1960
Data hoarder with TBs of images I want to set up like this but can't find any software:
All images shown randomly
I get to set how much time is spent on each image
When I see one I like I can click and immediately be taken to the GD image so I can see who and what tf it was.

Currently, I have Win11 and the random slideshow etc from screensaver works

(with unsatisfactory controls over time )

and when I see something I like and click on it it just interrupts screensaver and I have no idea what the painting was titled or who painted it or etc.
I really don't know where else to ask and am not making a fucking Reddit account or etc
entire point is to get offline.
4chan is the only / last social media platform I will visit, if i have any say about it.

thanks for your consideration.
you wouldn't think this would be an issue.
will check back later
1 media | 1 replies
Learning how to learn (drawing)
I have learned many things throughout my life, and i feel like i have never come across something so difficult for my nogging to go through as drawing. I cannot conceive how people get any joy from the learning process that i'm thinking i'm straight up built incapable of learning this trade. It's not like i can't brute force it or anything, but it feels like such a humiliating ritual to trace, copy, do and redo this over and over again, feels like my brain is simply blocking me to a point where i don't want to even try due to how hard it pales in comparasion to good drawings made by veterans. How do i learn this shit?I really need a light right here.
2 media | 9 replies
No title
WTF, I love AI now
2 media | 20 replies