Board: /wsr/
"/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to fulfilling non-NSFW requests.
This board is for:
- Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
- Asking for photoshop requests.
- Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
- Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
- Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice. I used to frequent this site for years and remember stopping some time around 2020 due to some changes. I tried to come back a few times but posting and replying seems like a chore now. Why is the site punishing you for using it? Captchas are more annoying than ever (2 of them), waiting times are insanely long, verifying email (wtf). Seriously, what happened? I'd like to know, serious replies appreciated. Anyone know any scenes from anime or manga that has a barefoot girl getting grabbed by the ankle and dragged away? Could be comedic or dramatic. Seems like it should be common enough but I'm having trouble thinking of examples. Can someone rec me some songs similar to these:
GUMI - Echo
Deadmau5 - Professional Griefers
I want something loud and thumping. I used to come back to this video from time to time, but it recently got deleted for whatever reason. Anyone who has it? This is basically the only screenshot I got of i. Post any and all anime, manga, cartoons, TV series and films with the dynamic of a younger man dating or marrying an older woman with daughters around his age. How can i prevent users from spoofing the score of my snake game?
I made a snake game and my website has become more popular however it seems a client side game is at risk of being spoofed.
Stack overflow is not being helpful either
"o my knowledge, this is unsolvable.
I have seen many people try to obfuscate the encryption key. I have seen a few people include other sanity checks like time elapsed, or enemies remaining. I have never seen one that sends a replay, though of course it is possible." Filtermaxxed anons, please help me.
When there is something like "Red.*|Pink.*" I achieve my point BUT some idiots adding "No/Not Red" to their thread subject.
Then it also removes that thread.
I've tried: /(?!\bno.*\s).*(\bOrange.*|Red.*|\bPink.*)/i
Still not working. It removes that thread. WHAT DO?
ChatGPT doesn't give me a hand on this. call me casual or retarded even, but is there a cheat engine script to increase dodge invulnerability frames in elden ring and if not could someone please make one? I couldn't find anything like this when I searched. Can anyone help me fix this error. On many webms but not all if i try to open them, I get this error in Chrome. If I try opening them in firefox it wont play them at all either. If you have pixels of a mixed gradient along an uneven surface (gradient tool won't be suitable) like say a varying mix of red and black, but you want to change those few pixels to be blue and black instead, is there a way to simply do this?
I asked a friend and he said
>Select:Color Range
>turn the fuzzyness all the way down, and then make sure your sample size is a single pixel
but he's using a different version of photoshop with different terms and I'm too much of an autist to understand exactly what he means.
What do I do exactly? I need the starting part of the instructions explained in a way I can understand. Illustrated would be ideal, please and thanks. Please post sexist memes.
Can go both ways.
Thank you in advance. Could someone make his neck thicker but without making it too obvious it's shopped? It looks weird and I want it to look normal Anybody here knows a good AI voice software/app that lets me generate soundfiles using any type of voice i.e. vidya characters? And I mean actually free, none of that one month trial or "three words and then pay up" type of bullshit. I've tried looking but can only find the cropped versions, I would appreciate the help, thanks a lot! She's Tadayo Aita from Redirgy. Looking for a reliable source, perhaps a torrent or website, to download Windows Start icons for Open Shell. What movie is this samurai clip from? (Obv not Jackie Chan)
I think the actress is either Etsuko Shihomi or Akane Kawasaki, but I'm not sure. i'm searching for an old meme pic. it showed a girl on a table and she smeared blue (ice?) in her face (with both hands). i searched, and can't find it anywhere. does anyone still have it? It shows a black man high off pcp or some shit, tweaking out in front of traffic. He turns into a frog, squatting and screaming his lungs out right in front of a car while an R&B song plays in the background. I think it was in new york city. found this on here in 2021-2022. returns no results for a reverse image search.
i recall the original thread having replies with other cats drawn in paint. trying to find this synth (i think it's synthetic at least), it can be heard for example at 0:38 in Triple baka synched with Kagamine Rin's phone taps
it's also used heavily in old eurobeat iirc
imo it has to be a basic preset on some plugin because i really hear it all the time I once saw a edit of Timothy McVeigh that used the song "All the things she said" but that post has since been deleted. Does anyone have it? I'm looking for a Chud & Wojak version of this image. Why do web browsers and only web browsers have their display go haywire on my computer every now and then?
Firefox. I love FMA Brotherhood. Are there any other anime that come close to it in quality? It has a pretty simple a character design block art style (not Minecraft type blocky)
Main character is a kid named Ivan and he lives with his mom, he finds a gizmo that looks like a flat spoon withing a book, he uses this device to travel to a different world, populated by anthromorphic animals. The way he activates this device is by rubbing it on his shirt, the cast in the alternate world consist of a monkey boy ,a rabbit girl and an Owl who's a professor that is in the role of a mentor for the kids and teaches the young ones scientific knowledge. There's also a side character I remember who was an ox ranger that helped kids get around in the wild, one particular scene I remember with him is when he was teaching kids about the phenomenon will o the wisp.
I drew the mom from memory I'm looking for this picture I saw before on pixiv but I can't find it. Does anyone know it? requesting camera shakes on each steps when they legs hit the stairs please.
Original clip if you need it:
- Heard/watched on cables on demand section ~2006. Was on "the anime network"
Been in my head for like 15years.
Pic is the only anime I remember by name that was watched on the same service. (Song isn't from it) Looking for the video, I'm not sure if it originated on Youtube or Tiktok, where it's gutter/roof cleaning footage with a "motivational" speech but the guy is like "You can do anything, I literally put CEO of Google on my business card. A guy told me you can't do that I told him take it up with the complaints department" How in the hell do I install thingymabobs like NVIDIA drivers, Vulkan, Mesa, and Wine on Debian?
I'm a Windows 7 & 10 user but I just switched to this Linux thing, and chose KDE Debiane.
This "Konqueror" web browser seems pretty cool but otherwise I dont really know what to do with this OS. Where is the button for installing all missing drivers? Win10 just installs everything automatically without even asking.
Here's a ridiculously hot pic for your troubles, anon. Jewtube deleted my decade plus old account
Does Google takeout save playlist data? That's the one thing besides my videos that I want to focus on recovering there's this cartoon with spiderman that compares the competency of a singular villain vs the collective competency of a group of villains and the point is the villains become less competent in a group so they hero can eqaully oppose them. I think I look pretty good when I look in the mirror, but I think I'm ugly af when I look at a photo of myself. Am I delusional, or is that normal? For example in the photos I'm painfully aware of my asymmetric eyes, but I don't notice it at all in the mirror, unless I'm looking for it. Anyone know the source for pic related? I can't find the artist anywhere. It's leo from guilty gear as a really cute hog. I'm wondering if the artist has any other pictures. Req a goofy img of James Hetfield wearing a hi hat and acting like an east asian caricature
He was being interviewed at the time and someone, maybe a bandmate, was sitting to the left of him iirc Looking for an image of aliens/"teratophilia" scale, like pic rel., but with increasingly alien creatures as the scale counts up. Starts at conventionally attractive humans, ends in "incomprehensible creatures" or something of that caliber. The scale provided detailed descriptions and even examples of artists drawing "terato-" styled art near the top of the scale (such as Meandraco). Post any and all recommendation charts in this style about any subject, I just like looking at them
There's a thread asking for specifically anime ones but I would like ones about any subject There's a video out there of ISIS executions but with azumanga characters' faces pasted onto it and an AI osaka voice speaking arabic. Please tell me one of you has it. Does anyone own a tampermonkey userscript that allows you to pull lyrics from What is the source of pic related? Games that almost completely take place at night. 3D games more wanted. Pretty simple, I'm not japanese so I'm not able to create an account, can someone try and share the last chapter of this manga?
chapter 60 I saw an AI tool that you are able to feed images (or videos?) to, and it'll reference public surveillance footage and give you the specific footage that happened on that moment at that location. Where the fuck is it? I tried looking for it for the past 30 minutes and found nothing I'm looking for a rip of the texture for the Amala Drum in the HD remaster of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Any help would be appreciated. I'm trying to find the Voronoi cell of Lonsdaleite, but my computer is a PoS and can't compute/render it.
I'll post the raw point cloud coordinates here; have to split it to fit character limit. Looking for a .webm or supporting info on said .webm
It has to do with backdoors companies have implemented in hardware, ISP companies helping the NSA, etc.
There is dancing in the background. I remember seeing it a few months ago and wanna look into it. Figured if anyone has this, it would be here. it feels way to specific to be a random joke
Forgot to reply before thread got archived
Can someone with coding knowledge help me convert a save file? I recently bought card-an-ciel after playing a pirated version and I tried transferring my save file over but the official version keeps saying it can't read the gamedata or savedata.
Anyone know how to fix this? I'd rather not restart 50 hours of progress.
Here is where you can find the clean steam files for it (there should be a pixeldrain link somewhere in there)
Here is the original save I am trying to convert to the steam version
Here is a new save generated in the official steam version that I want to overwrite.
The build IDs for both saves should be 17088878
For some reason, playing with the cracked version causes the save folder be named 76561197960270388 but playing the official version on steam creates a save folder named 76561198068013598
Not sure what's going on here. Would be awesome if someone could uncrop this into 1920*1080 I need some music recs. My workouts take about half an hour and I've been going through all the Beatles albums I hadn't listened to, most of which were around half an hour long. I've finally run out of albums so I need some more bands to explore that have albums that are roughly 30-35 minutes long. Any genre, any time frame im trying to find a video of a guy playing pokemon and melting down because he lost a nuzlocke or speedrun or something. hes screaming that he lost a 3% chance at mt. pyre and is going ballistic about it. i cant find it anywhere.
pic unrelated anyone knows the artist of this picture? saucenao and reverse img search didn't help Requesting an image of Skyla from Pokémon, a redesign that was done by Juno Son, that suddenly disappeared. wanted to look cool
got a guitar
>didnt know how to play it, its just been laying in my room all the time
>some people complaining how it was useless and i dont use it (true but harsh)
now what, do i either learn to play the guitar or just sell it would like you to recommend me some loli anime to watch
(male mc plz, not like those where there is just a group of girls only hanging around or something) I think it's an Indian movie but it's dubbed in English, pretty sure it used to get posted on /f/ back in the day.
It's a guy out in a field, he looks at and approaches the camera thanking someone off screen saying he's been cured and how he was worried he was becoming a homosexual. Then, some field worker in the background says, "What do you have against fags, racist!" and the guy puts his hands in his pockets and looks annoyed.
Does anyone know what the fuck I'm talking about? I need someone to record signing the background chorus of the last part from Sirius's Heart. Hopefully a woman, but a man is fine too.
I am talking about all the "aaah~" thing they do till the end. Can someone please post the soijak picture of the guy sitting in his Harry Potter cuck pod and his wife walking up the stairs with her boyfriend in the background? Didn't have a childhood or teenagehood. Was sheltered. Experiencing it now. The EVA figures and fucking frutiger aero bullshit makes me want to shoot myself. Any semblance of substance is being replaced with cheap shit. Need recs for whatever will put me back in 2006-2015: anime recs, tech recs, etc. Looking for free or free trial AI video generator websites that are uncensored and also ai voice generators with voice cloning feature, and maybe 3D character art generators, or anything cool AI related, thanks. Does anyone have examples or old EPSO language comprehension tests (DE)? Trying to find a song that starts at 2:31 which ends at 4:43 Can someone identity these two musics and where they are from.
and this too Strange request but as a budding artist, does anyone know of any official Nintendo artists that actually work at the company that have Instagram, Facebook, art stations, etc.? I want to follow these people to get a better grasp of their art styles and how they make art. Does anyone have any or know of any VHS archives of Audrey and Friends from 2000-2004? It's lost media now with no leads besides old rips from Milkshake. looking for (torrents) of Premiere Pro and After Effect templates. Collections or large dumps preferred, but individual ones are great as well.
I tried some public and private sites, but barely found any. Is there any way to see a channel's old deleted videos on YT even if it's just the thumbnail the title of the video? Can someone remove the text from the title and main body of the note in the screencap? Hey, a friend and I are looking to make a shitty little game for fun on and neither of us have a musical bone in our bodies. Would there be a website to find people who would be willing to come up with some tunes?
Also, would I have to worry about things like licensing if it's a free game, but with donations being an option? I'm looking to find the original source of the "Nigger" Sample used in this video. Thanks in advance. Does anyone have any experience with any trusted services that could write a University dissertation for you?
It's hard to tell if they're legit or not when searching them up. corrupted recovery partition, corrupted recovery usb. Im in a small village in japan in the middle of nowhere. what can I even do?
this is the third laptop i've lost this year - all died similarly. this last one was a gift from family. it is an alienware x17. the two that died before it were ASUS and MSI.
no money. help. Please recommend as depressing animes as possible other than
>Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubak
>Grave of the fireflies where can I find dragonball/dragonball Z in different language dubs, as many as possible? I don't care how I'd have to watch it, even if I'd need to pay for it hallo, are there any ecelebs out there who are so pretty and feminine they could pass for a girl(for research purposes)preferably asian or nordic
no troons or LGBT bullshit pls I need a favor from a video editing wizard.
I want you to edit electricity / lightning into this video to the part where the guy shakes his hand in front of the security guard.
Make it look like he's casting a spell on the guard. Kinda like Tom Cruze is doing here. Also when the camera pans back to the guard, put flames on him or something.
Here's the video: looking for more of these images Here is an image of Asuka that was uploaded to the internet about 16 years ago.
As far as I can tell, nobody has been able to identify the artist. Why is he screaming? Does anyone have the Japanese epubs for these light novels?
幼女戦記(The Saga of Tanya the Evil) 10, 13,14
転生したらスライムだった件(That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) 12, 13, 17
Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活(Re:Zero) 34-39
安達としまむら(Adachi and Shimamura) 12 Parents are going to Japan and asked if I want anything - can't really ask for overtly anime-related stuff. Looking for suggestions, mostly to make sure I'm not forgetting anything obvious. I'm into pretty much anything you'd expect autistic weebs are into.
Already have dagashi and stationery on the list. How do I get $1000 in one week?
(apart from prostitution) Can i have images of motherly characters please? Does anyone have that video where someone with a caracal pfp doxes a girl's location by only using a picture of her touching grass, and in the end Trump's "eating the cats" clip plays? Does anybody know what song is this?
I have a m3u file that has 32 iptv livestreams and I love playing that playlist in VLC and watch a free tv from around the world but
>what's the problem You may ask
Because I don't know what to watch I turn on play random feature in my vlc and simple switch between the channels every 5 or 10 minutes
but problem is that that i need to do this manually and VLC cannot switch automatically between the streams over 5 seconds or 10 seconds and I'm really tired of doing it with my own hands so Im here asking how solve this?
>Should I use/download/create some some addon or mod that could
automatize this?
>Is there is some m3u media player that has such or similar feature
>Where I can find some "auto clickers" that I can download and make
it press automatically where that righ playback button is?
Anons, i will be thankful if you have some ideas to solve this because I really need some "innovational homemade invention"
Also, I posted this on /g/ but 2 hours jannies removed it for no reason so im making theard here Trying to find a torrent for the World Machine Professional version for personal hobby use, 1337 and the bay came up short. I saw it in webm form, not entirely sure on which board, it was a little while back. The scene depicts a man standing in the lobby of a building with a man cleaning the floor behind him. There's this thing being propelled by rope from the ceiling and it knocks the guy's hat off. He thinks it's the janitor, gets angry at him. It happens again, pretty sure he kicks the janitor. At some point I think he gets a bucket of water poured on his head and goes crazy, throws the janitor into another room, I believe it was a barbershop. That's about all I remember, any help finding it would be appreciated, picture unrelated. Not sure if this qualifies as worksafe since this is a dubious morality, but not NSFW. Basically, when I was less than 7 years old my mom helped me make a Yahoo email account that I used for several years and then dropped like a hot potato during the early days of Gmail. I was never able to get back in because I forgot my password, but I just thought of typing the email into the "have I been pwned" site and apparently my email was in some data breaches. I want to get back in but I have no clue how to find the data breach information and search for my old email... any help would be appreciated. Am I retarded for trying to access a decades old email? Probably. But it'd be nice, idk. I'm retarded is there an anon with knowledge and time to waste on helping me Could somebody make a looping gif of this for me? Ever since I did a repaste of my laptop, my laptop has been having reliability issues. It will unpredictably power off without warning. Sometimes, my GPU power consumption will briefly increase, and then its temps will briefly increase before then shutting off. My system is never under load and is usually just idle or being used for web-browsing. how much liquor can i drink before its dangerous
im 5'9 70kg Anyone have more of these "Noteworthy [Insert console here] games" charts? I have the PS2, Dreamcast, and Gamecube ones, they make good guides for games to check out when I'm bored. Thanks Trying to find a Comic Strip.
A couple is leaving the movie theater, when a bunch of guys pass by criticizing the movie.
The guy from the couple gets mad at them, girlfriend ask "didn't you hate this movie?"
And the guy answers "yeah, but they disliked it for the wrong reasons!"
I am not 100% sure, but I think it was an SMBC strip.
Have been looking for a good while, but can't find it.
Could also have been some illustrative pic on TVTropes or something. I'm looking for the original video source of this gif. I assume it's been greenscreen'd out of a video, and I'm looking for that original video or a non-gif version with transparent background. Thank you in advance. Can someone edit the thumbnail and title with hitler talking about poland surrendering? can anyone photoshop a wizard hat on this fucking cat
thanks Looking for Russian speaking women who talk a lot for learning Russian alongside self study. Preferably...
>long play games/horror games
>video essays
>no celebrity/gossip
So far I watch Anniemia and Julia Bolchakova. Looking for a video of some guys, russians I believe, building an "emp gun" and frying their friend's electronics through a wall on the other side I want to SSH into a mac machine in my local network which has a cisco vpn with split exclude (my local network isn't excluded). I just want to be able to ssh into the machine with the vpn turned on. Is this possible? Right now when the vpn is on the ssh connection timesout but I can connect to it with the vpn off. I'm looking for an image that basically says "don't post on /a/ before you watch these anime or read these manga" and it lists a bunch old/new anime and manga I'm trying to find a website where people would post roleplay threads. Specifically there was a thread about a Warhammer Fantasy elf and people would get to steer the story by voting on several options. They were also able to pick the backstory of the character and I think they voted on making him an elf from Cothique.
Anyone know anything at all? Are some combs more recommendable to certain hair? (say long or short, or hair that easly gets stuck)? i had this picture of dio sitting next to this weird looking pinocchio guy made of wood on a bench saved on my computer and it seems to have magically disappeared. i can't find anything related to it on google and was hoping someone had it, ideally in a higher quality than my copy too. i liked that picture a lot. here's what it sort of looked like. Anime that resonated with you in your late 20s? I've been hunting for a scan of this and about on IRC and haven't been getting lucky, does anyone have a decent link or scan themselves? Does anyone know the name of this song? Anyone got any art of Cendrillon from Granblue Fantasy? The only images I can find are 2 official art pieces and 2 spirte arts. Would love to see more since I really like her design. Who's the original artist? saucenao can't find it How do you copy text from a protected PDF? Basically convert the whole thing into a copyable text file. Trying to copy this: What are some 5-8 minute solo piano songs which aren't too insanely hard that girls would find sexy and men would find inspiring and the elderly would find neat. Around difficulty of pathetique sonata mvt 3 or slightly harder would be what I'm looking for. Something showy and moving but not too out of my reach.
Also it must be something that normies can enjoy. Please nothing too avant-garde Please post your rarest pepes (frogs). Thank you for your effort.
There's a movie I saw about 24 years ago, I think. The movie is NOT Wild America (Wild America has some similar elements but is a completely different kind of film). The movie I'm looking for must be from the 90s or very late 80s.
It's about a family that goes on vacation north, almost to Canada, and the kids make a movie about a native myth about bears.
Here's the order or events as I remember:
>The dad worked at a photo developing place, and didn't like the job very much. He used to dream about being a film maker.
>His son (11 to 13 or so) meets his very weird friend, and they go home.
>The dad tells the kids about filming, shows them his old equipment, and then basically says "fick it, if you kids wanna make a movie, let's".
>So the whole family (dad, son, younger daughter, mom) plus the son's friend go north where they know people, and visit a place where a Native American works with bears.
>The Native American fellow tells them a legend about "mother bear", and they film him narrating. Then they film bears, and they edit it so the narration goes over footage of bears.
>Then they go back home, and show their movie to the community, and everyone loves it.
So, rings a bell?
There are some other details I remember, but I don't wanna make the OP too long. Minor details in the next post.
Thanks. Hello, I'm looking for an art image you may have - it is a mostly-black cartoon image of a creature removing a mask, shown from the side. Behind the mask is stars, outside of the mask is beautiful objects. The colors are black, green, purple, etc. It is psychedelic and dark.
Thank you if you have this. It's a beautiful image I want to have Does anyone know what this track is?
Shazam and AHA returned nothing. My DMESG is looking ridiculous. Something needs to be done.
The USB errors come from Tobii eye tracker. Dunno what's up with that. The Tobii installer says it's not connected, but it is. Not sure what model it is. Do I rip it out or try to fix somehow?
My laptop freezes (sometimes) when recovering from sleepmode. For some reason if I wiggle the internal battery cable + SSD disks, the problem goes away, possibly for months.
Not even sure which one it is, and what I can do to fix it. I remember some guy uploaded to the internet videos (he is a game developer) of him struggling to learn blender and using it for the first time blind. It was pretty hilarious.
However now I can not find these videos.
Did he delete them?
Where can I find this?
He was trying to make a pink pokemon like creature for his game in blender and then tried googling how to make a pikachu in blender and getting absolutely overwhelmed. Hello, looking to see if anyone know where I could find In the Mine Again by Awesome Minecraft Parodys, it seems to have been privated on their channel How much would you pay for a barely used bigme B751? Im in the EU btw. New it costs 230€ so i thought 150$€ Maybe 170€? Or are the better alternatives for those prices? I am not up to date with the market but the Pocketbook InkPad Lite also looks good. But i don't want to fall into the trap of paying "just a little more" if i can get the bigme for that used price. Is there some equivalent to /mu/ and /film/ charts (like picrel) for anime? If so, could someone please link to them or post them below? Thanks I notice many laptops today have AI label on them. What does it mean? What is the original source of this image? I keep getting retard shit that re-puroses the image. Here are the details:
Song had a similar pic (see embed) as the background
It was on youtube
It was some sort of phonk song, the start sounds like it's broken, its main melody a tune that goes up and down that doesn't stop at maybe the end of the song, it is not longer than 2 minutes (unless it has an extended version) I made this rough replica of a video I'm looking for. It's like a commibeblock and I'm pretty sure the music is actually Caramelldansen. It's a 'live' video as in there's a cameraman clearly capturing the original video some distance from the building. Anyone have any idea? I am looking for a webm, with sound, in which the song Lady by Modjo plays, while a girl announces the song title. The audio is probably a recording of a radio station.
I think she says something like: "Modjo with lady". There probably are a few more words before that.
The webm has a late night car vibe to it. I think it even depicts a car.
I have found this potential candidate on but the videos 404 so I am not sure if they are relevant.
Finding the source of the audio instead of the webm is also fine. Can someone please tell me what font this is? can someone help me upgrade this iphone clone into a newer android version (its currently android 7) What forms of media have socially acceptable depictions of nudity in them like, for example, textbooks or religious imagery? I can find almost every single "why I am so bald" edit except this one. Here is the cap-tan image from all that time ago done based off of the original bald edit of the same comic. I just can't find it, it has to be out there somewhere. Tycho clutches the hair juice hoping to no longer be so bald. If anyone has it please save me from this bald hell. It details the recent trend of faggots namedropping random discord users as if anyone knows who they are. It's kind of like
>Classic poopoofag thread
>What do you mean? Everyone knows who poopoofag is.
>Poopoofag here, anyone who calls me out is a peepeefag
I can't remember its phrasing close enough and I don't know the original board it was posted on, but it has been circulating recently, I believe I saw it on /tv/ and /v/, and I think it came out within the last year. Can someone find the meme where it's a bald shredded wojak dude in front of his mansion with a caption that's something like "now that I'm rich all I have to do is catch up on all the social development milestones" Anyone know where I can get cracks or something for Hitfilm Express addons? Ever since they switched to the subscription model, I haven't been able to get certain effects I'm missing, and I am NOT moving to the subscription model just to get them.
My Hitfilm version is 2021.1 (16.1.1265), if it helps. White guy, maybe ginger hair, talking about the Jews being behind alot of stuff. Banking or something. One of his videos got 1 million views. Something about IQ I think as well. All I know about this song is that it's frequently used in white nationalist edits. All I remember about the lyrics is the word heaven, maybe to heaven, most likely anime song or at the very least Japanese, male vocalist how do i get this haircut? can i do it from home? thanks I'm looking for cute/childlike media, anime / cartoons / manga etc., anything goes. The problem is, a lot of it is aimed at kids, and/or just isn't terribly good (all the preschooler cartoons).
What I found so far is: Miyazaki, Azumanga & Yotsubato, Chi's Sweet Home, Binchotan. Any other recommendations? I guess CGDCT & Iyashikei stuff works, but it's surprisingly hard to find good ones that focus on cuteness per se. Any good sites for downloading games? It's been a while I went after a non-weeb game that wasn't on fitgirl so now I'm lost. I want to play Rakuen(2017) but sites like IGG link to downloads with sizes that are inconsistent with the supposed size of the game so I don't trust them. does someone has a torrent for the this 2024 course on godot 2d development?
this one in particular is quite expansive.
>i've already found the 3d one in btdig. I only remember the lyrics, I got it from pol and now I can't find it anymore
The lyrics
"One hundred nine places they have been kicked out and I cannot find any other race who has that to be proud of" What are some comfy games where I'm gradually filling out a map, or checking off a list?
Metroidvania games come to mind, but I'm also thinking along the lines of Spiritfarer. NOT an Elder Scrolls game or another huge time sink. Just a fun little world to explore. Plumber anons i need help. Pic related adapter is stuck dead and i need to get that whole thing out. Using regular tools is not an option because there is a wall right next to it and they simply don't fit. I got myself a "pipe" wrench, idk how it's called in english, it's literally a pipe shaped like a hexagon at the end, BUT the whole thing spins when i try to unscrew the adapter including the part inside the cistern. looking for a screepcap of an anon keeping a revolver tucked in his drawer in case he relapsed again. couldn't find it on /x/ srg, thank you Can someone remove the watermark? Pretty please. I tried doing it myself, but the result was kinda shit. Yo there, sorry to bother, I have always tryed to tune the iss on the radio when it is passing near, but I'have never got luck. What I'm doing wrong?
>using baofenf,midlands,motorola transceivers
>tracing the elevation,range,inclination shit (as much as I can)
>tune into the 145.80 Mhz, with a offset of 1.31 Mhz. (guessing this is the voice channel they use)
>I don't know how to compensate for the doppler
I think it's different for transmission than reception but I only want to hear.
But how much, and in the high school remember someone speaking of math behind, so how can I calculate how much must compensate for the frequency shift?
If you can post something you have ever heard from it, please?
I don't know what I'm looking for, so I can't tell if I got it.
Thanks a lot anon. Want to know the song in this mp4, I saved it with the name lesgo, idk if that has anything to do with the source though.
This is driving me nuts. I remember reading somewhere about a Palestinian 'Arab' and Jewish settler who had both served in the same unit of the British Army during WWII, and post-war they ended up facing against each other for their respective causes. I forget if it would've been in 1948 or later.
I've gone back and checked through a bunch of my sources and bookmarks, but haven't been able to find it. I've also tried searching, but in doing so the closest I can find to Palestinian 'Arabs' serving in the British Army in WWII is the article in pic related (and the earlier Hebrew version by the same author), which makes no mention of the anecdote I'm after.
It's seriously driving me nuts, because I usually take notes and make bookmarks for everything, but apparently not this. Closest I can find to anything related I saved is that I bookmarked this Wikipedia page for a Palestinian who served with the British in WWII, then went on to fight in the Six-Day War,
But I can't find where I first learned of him; likely because Arabic names have 1,000,000 different spellings.