Board: /vm/
"/vmg/ - Video Games/Multiplayer" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of multiplayer video games.
/vm/ is a place to discuss all types of multiplayer games, whether on console, handheld, or PC, co-op or competitive, online or local.
Does this mean discussion of multiplayer games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vm/ is just a separate board specifically focused on multiplayer games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.
Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate! No more window edition
Cluj-Napoca playoffs
Stop being so god damn horny all of the time edition.
>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 6 started Dec 2024.
>Steam Link
>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide
>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.
>Interactive Map
>Items/Tac Skills/Augments
>/erbs/ friends
Soku/PoFV/TPDP/IaMP and other 2hu games with netplay. Host, play and discuss your favorite multiplayer Touhou games.
Download Soku here:
>Community pack, all necessary tools come preinstalled. Get this if you are new
>Base game, not necessary if you use the above link!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k
>Upgrade pack for the base game
>get Giuroll here
Can't forward ports in order to host? Try these:
>Autopunch: Mainly for Soku, not necessary if you got the Community pack
>Proxypunch: Compatible with more games, a bit less user-friendly
Other games:
>PoFV Netplay guide
>PoFV Netplay tutorial
>Touhou Puppet Dance Performance: Shard of Dreams
>Download IaMP here, includes Rollcaster netplay tool
Thread for the Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.
FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0 (esp. Saturday). Party up with anyone you can find.
Post funny clips if you're feeling cute. Original content is encouraged!
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.
>>it's a beta
>>One unnecessarily remade Godtoon planned every week til August
>>Roadmap planned for 100 by late 2026
>>Finishing catchup of 135+ by ~2027
>>Basically, it's fucked
>New Player Guide + Splash Art Gallery
>Previous Did you ever roleplay in ROBLOX? I personally was too autistic for it. As usual, we discuss various things about the platform.
Space Station 13 is a paranoia-laden round-based roleplaying game set against the backdrop of a nonsensical, metal death trap masquerading as a space station, with charming spritework designed to represent the sci-fi setting and its dangerous undertones. Have fun, and survive!
ITT we discuss spess, roleplay as clowns, robust others with soap and die in plasma hellfires.
>Download link for BYOND, game platform of SS13
>Guide to BYOND registration & joining servers
>List of public SS13 servers
>/vg/station website
>/vg/station game server (online 24/7)
>/vg/station wiki
>Riviera Station thread on Kiwi Farms
Join the server -> top right corner -> click "Forums"
>Riviera Station game server (online 24/7, schedule is: Saturday 6PM EDT)
>Riviera Station wiki
I fell asleep and forgot to make new thread edition
Guild wars 1 is very much alive, we have a /vm/ guild that has been running near weekly events for 2 years now for anyone interested in doing endgame content, new players are always welcome and no prior experience is needed.
>>1518388 Previous thread
We started our Paragon only NF prog a few weeks ago, we are attempting to beat the entirety of NF with only paragons for anyone interested in joining we are still fairly early into NF and we currently have 5 paragons on our roster. We are running Mondays at 7:30 PM EST currently, some weeks we will do bonus dungeons on sunday night.
If you want to join the guild, post your IGN.
If you're new and ever have questions or need help with something, just ask anytime.
And fix your sound!
What is DSOAL-GW1?
>When GW was released in 2005, the audio component of Microsoft’s DirectX API was something called DirectSound. DirectSound had a 3D audio component called DirectSound3D, or DS3D, that could pan and amplify/attenuate sound sources based on their position relative to the camera in the game’s 3D world. PC’s with a high-end Creative sound card also had access to EAX, an extension to DS3D with a suite of hardware DSP effects for occlusion, obstruction, reverb, echo, etc. Like most games of its era, GW’s audio system was designed around DirectSound and DS3D, and owners of high-end PCs could get the “definitive” audio experience with EAX.
>All that ended in 2007 with Windows Vista. Vista completely broke DS3D and EAX. Rather than fix it, Microsoft deprecated DirectSound and pushed developers to adopt its new XAudio2 API for future games. With DS3D and EAX broken, GW hasn’t sounded “right” in any version of Windows since XP. Haxball is a top-down 2D football game that's played entirely in your web browser.
>there will be a link with the current room in the thread
password: shaw
Room is usually active on Friday & Saturday around these hours:
22:30 Euro time
cytuDOTbe/r/haxb for tunes
You can re-live magic hax moments watching the recordings of previous matches here:
You can use this site to get stats from recordings:
reminder to join, relax, have fun, not take it seriously (just a game) and enjoy the show A re-release of Blade and Soul, a "classic+" version of the game, will release on February 25th, with character creation starting February 18th.
Blade and Soul is a Korean MMO mostly known for it's action combat system.
Use this thread to share information and resources before the game launches, and later we'll try to go to /vg/. Black Desert Online refugee thread for bdogs
>News and Updates
Bean-turi edition
previous thread: >>1582160 First Edition (kind of)
>What is Sven Co-op?
Sven Co-op is a co-op variation of the 1998 first-person shooter Half-Life. It can be played with up to 32 players. Initially made to make it possible to play Half-Life campaign with other people, it has since then expanded into being one of the most moddable games on the GoldSrc engine.
>Why do so many players have default models?
When a player is using a model or skin you do not have, you will see the default HEV suit. You can download the models here:
>Custom sprays?
We have a server at
Join for co-op NOW!!
>What is this?
My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!
-Season 9 is here
-New Stage: Chaos City
-Kurogiri is now available in the gatcha
-Crossplay coming soon™
-New Denki Skillset soon.
-Premium Logins are back!
>Game's database
>Google doc with damage numbers
>/mhurg/ agencies
PC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)
Froggers (ID: 2203659952)
XBOX: Mina is Cute (ID: 7295700145)
PS4/PS5: Juicy (ID: 1219501098)
>Character ID List
>Current gacha characters will be added to the ticket pool at a later date
-If you want to apply to an agency from these threads, leave your name in the thread in order to be easily identified.
-Certain characters like the ones that can only be seen in the "Special" part of the License tab, can be unlocked just by playing (Bakugo, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Toga, Mr. Compress and All Might). Some have to be unlocked with Character Tickets (Iida, Kendo, Kaminari). Some have to be unlocked by rolling (Overhaul, Kurogiri, Present Mic, Hawks), but may be obtainable by using Character Tickets in the future. Other boards are too fast to get some honest huntan done imo so let's see if this works out Risk of Rain
New SotS Survey: Can we get the general going again or is it dead? edition
>Free Download
>Latest News
>Account Statistics
>Original Content Links, Movies & Guides
>Previous Thread
Do hi-rez general threads count?
Now (soon) with more colonization
Elite: Dangerous is an online space flight simulation and combat, trading, exploration, mining, ship-based, vehicle-based and on-foot PvP and PvE game that takes place within a slightly outdated yet surprisingly accurate 1:1 scale simulation of the Milky Way galaxy. There was already star located in-game at about the same place before it was discovered in real life. We're sadly missing UY Scuti but there's VY Canis Majoris. Still super-massive and real-sized in-game, especially in VR.
>Trading and market tools
>Space Chinaman's ship and module discount emporium:
Look for high tech stations with power Li Yong-Rui for the best selection at 15% off. Example: Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system.
Or just rank up to trade Elite (easiest) and go to Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra for convenience and because you aren't poor.
>Theorycraft your spacecraft: (should be your general go-to shipbuilder) (arguably better UI though some say it's inaccurate. slightly better for combat stats too)
>What the fugs is engineering?
>Elite: Dangerous wiki
>Where's all the xeno scum?
>Rizz up your cockpit with fronthole magnets: anyone know of any lesser known games with long standing dedicated communities? kind of like SS13 was back in 2010 before everyone found out about it
New thread since the last one was successful edition
A place for discussing all tactical video games with a focus on multiplayer games. Both co-op and PvP games are welcome. All discussion of games that already have a thread (Hunt, Tarkov, Arma, CS2 etc) goes in that thread.
Some examples are
>Multiplayer First Person Shooters:
Hell Let Loose, Insurgency, Ready or Not, Ground Branch, Ghost Recon, Project Reality, SQUAD, DayZ, NEOTOKYO, Isonzo, Marauders, Red Orchestra, Rising Storm 2, Six Days in Fallujah, Zero Hour
>Single-player honorable mentions include:
Afterconflict, Beyond Citadel, Black One Blood Brothers, Brothers in Arms, Darkest Hour, Delta Force, Easy Red 2, Forgotten Hope 2, GTFO, H3VR, Hidden & Dangerous, Hideous Destructor, Project IGI, Receiver 2, Road to Vostok, STALKER, Vietcong
>Turn Based Tactics:
XCOM, Jagged Alliance, Fallout: Tactics, Combat Mission
>Single-player honorable mentions include:
Battle Brothers, Silent Storm, Alfa Antiterror, Armoured Commander 2, Phoenix Point, Field of Glory, Flashpoint Campaigns, Invisible Inc, Quasimorph, Troubleshooter, WinSPMBT, Xenonauts
>Real Time Tactics:
Door Kickers, Wargame, WARNO, Men of War, Gates of Hell, World in Conflict, Company of Heroes, Terminator: Dark Fate - Defiance, Broken Arrow, War Mongrels
>Single-player honorable mentions include:
7.62 High Calibre, Partisans 1941, Aliens: Dark Descent, Armored Brigade, Battlezone, Blitzkrieg, Syrian Warfare, Carrier Command 2, Close Combat, Commandos, CMO, Desperados, Foxhole, Graviteam Tactics, Gunner HEAT PC!, MechCommander, NEBULOUS, Regiments, Star Trek: Bridge Commander, Steel Fury, Sudden Strike
>Third Person Squad-based:
Conflict, Full Spectrum Warrior, SOCOM
>/tac/ repo, knowledge, guides, and resources (needs to be updated and revamped)
previous >>1428937 Final Fantasy XI -retail- discussion thread
-newly released Cloud of Darkness HTMB
-results of the 2023 player survey released
smartest vscaper edition
>What is /v/scape?
Vidyascape (AKA /v/scape) is a fully featured 2007 RuneScape private server started on >>>/v/ running since March 2014.
Experience the game mostly as it was in 2007
Active devs with dedicated server hosting - 99.9% uptime
No Grand Exchange
2.25xp rate - Less grind allows you to progress faster
Access to all content - Free forever! Explore Gielinor just like a member
No donator benefits - Only your in game wealth matters. Nobody can pay for an advantage
122 quests - 248 Quest Points available, fully scripted and working!
God Wars Dungeon, Fight Caves, Barrows, Treasure Trails, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, Temple Trekking and much more!
>Main Website - Downloads, Highscores, Announcements, Patchnotes, World map, Bug tracker, and Dev blog.
>Getting Started
Play directly in the website through your browser, or
Windows / Mac / Linux - Install Java 8+ then run the .jar client, or
Android - Download the .apk on your phone.
To create an account, simply type your desired username and password in the client. If this doesn't work, the username is taken.
>Wiki, Price Guide - server specific information, including clue/quest/skill guides - item price guide
>Additional Resources, FAQs
If you're experiencing issues, please see:
Beginner's guide:
General OSRS info (not 1:1, do your research):
Basic in-game commands, type ::info, ::rules, ::commands
Global chat (yell), type ::y (message)
Issue tracker:
>Account locked?
Log onto Community (pw:ayylmao) and pm a mod
Or send a message on
Ovid / Nefarian / Mikester /Berntass
Anon >>1473604
>OP Pastebin
last: >>1473598
This thread is for online board, card, and social deduction, drawing and etc. games that fill up with lobbies/custom rooms.
Poker Chase:
100% Orange Juice:
Anime Music Quiz:
Noita coop:
Melty Blood:
Currently modded minecraft server:
Minecraft vanilla server:
worms: >>1393796
>/mjg/ board game spreadsheet
>Bunny and Steel spreadsheet
>/oj/ booru
>/mjg/ booru:
Pastebin with all played games: Happy year of the snake! Who up rocking they stone?
Previous excavation >>1500290
New Year, New Cap
Better than last year™
Jong's Director's Note & H1 2025 Roadmap:'s-Note---December-2024
>Official Websites
>YouTube Channels
>Adventurer's Field Notes (QRDs on updates after maintenance)
>New Player Guide/Getting Started
Official Guides:
Video Tutorial:
In-depth Guide:
DFO.GG (Rankings):
DFCAT (DNF Rankings):
Avatar Simulator:
Lore & Artwork:
BGM alt:
DNF Wallpaper:
Apply to Loli with /vm/ in the application
Previous Level Cap: >>1358823 Things seem to be happening but they will not. Having bites be guareenteed death seem stupid. They should make it a dice roll that is improved by food, rest, and medicine, so you at least have some reason to play on. Anyone still play this? Can't find any threads for it, even /coopg/ on /vg/ dropped it from their pasta.
Anyway, what a nice world gen amirite? First four bosses are all pretty close to each other... now I just need to find a good place to build, and then gitgud at building. Anyone else still playing? I decided to play again and it's still incredibly fun. Went for a mastermind robotics pet summoner as a villain. Thread for all your comfy fighting game discussion. From the ever so popular Street Fighter III to Clay Fighter, all the way through Melty and TFH; talk about your favorite game and tell people why they should be playing it as well! Maybe even get a sparring sesion or two.
Previous Thread: >>1192427 >What is this?
Diablo 4 is a dead MMOARPG by blizzard
Formerly known as /d4g/ on /vg/, this thread is dedicated to all 3 players that still play
A 4channel clan named FREN exists but is dead just like the game itself
>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.
How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.
Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.
How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.
Is the game censored?
Yes, skins are censored, multiple instances of race swapping NPCs and the shadowhunter class.
>In-game Chat
Make an alt on the server of the chat owner, send a mail saying you want to join and include the name of your main, if its still alive.
NAE: Lerynsere on Balthorr
EUC: Daddypump on Ratik
NAE: Touchfluffytail on Balthorr, password is fluff
EU: Handholding on Ratik, password is mods
Previous: >> >>1514909 Earth Defense Force is a third-person shooter game where you defend earth from every single shit the alien invaders throw at you
>how to play together
for 5 and 6 game has a lobby system where you can lock the room with a password or set it to room name only. This is great as we had games with multiple rooms named /v/df and any anons could join by searching for that room name while keeping out the pubbies.
so if you want to play with other anons simply make your room, state your room name, starting with which mission and what difficulty. For example:
Hard >What is this?
WEBFISHING is a multiplayer chatroom-focused fishing game. Relax and fish with friends.
>How do I join?
Look for lobby codes posted in the thread and copypaste them to where it says "Join Game from Code".
Mods: Season 5 is under way
New Map, New Weapons, New Gadgets
Sadly still no Goku Gi to use with the anime face and mexican hats
Join "Vidya" to find other anons to play with I've been playing on the Signature x1 server, any of you guys are playing? it's quite chill
>Battlefront II News
>SWTOR Helpful Links
(If you have a general question about the game, such as credit limits, subscribing, story order, class usage, what a certain item you see in a screenshot, or really anything, check these first)
>Star Wars Galaxies
(General Info)
>Other Star Wars Games
last episodes: >>>/vg/436105241 >>1206202 Welcome to Anoncraft, A Cracked Vanilla Minecraft 1.21.4 SMP for /vm/.
>Server IP:
Come join one of the largest Minecraft communities in /vm/! Now with full support for cracked accounts!
>Server News:
- Drama, drama and drama.
- Kurk trial postponed to Saturday This just launched two days ago, figured I would make a thread since people have been waiting for this for years.
>content will go up til book 11, possibly til book 13 (last book before Mines of Moria)
>content in phases
>currently phase one, up to book 1
>level cap of 24
>one dungeon (Great Barrow) "they hated jesus because he told them the truth"
>What is World of Tanks
Watch SsethTzeentach's review:
>Official site [EU] [NA] [ASIA]
1: Armor penetration:
2: Concealment:
Part 1:
Part 2:
3: Vehicle spotting:
4: Damage blocking:
5: Introduction of Nations and Tank class:
6: Crew guide for beginners:
7: Game settings guide:
8: Bond tanks review
1: Strategy planning tool, ideal for planning clan tactics:
2: Tanks statistics and 3D armor models:
3: Tanks and players' performance statistics:
4: Tanks' rating and recommended pieces of equipment:
5: Unofficial game news sources, leaks: [EN] [RU]
6: Official game mods portal approved by WG:
7: Monitoring service for game servers, used for checking whether servers are down:
>How alive is the game?
The game still has a considerable playerbase, peaked during Xmas with over 1 million players.
>Is the game P2W?
You can rest assured that if you are good, you can beat other shitters reliably. Shitters can spend millions and still get owned by good players.
>How to gitgud?
Master the game mechanics and watch a lot of unicums to learn maps.
For new players: QuickyBaby.
For good/unicums: Dakillzor, Kajzoo, Iyouxin, Skill4ltu, Chems.
Previous: >>1511442 Bored of playing modern minecraft with trannies, missed when you were playing in 2011?
Try out b1.7.3 which has an even more tranny filled community!
>This isn't FOSS
The server source will be released one day, you can play through truecraft for a (bad) open source client
>Modern foss client? (Will never be finished lmao)
>How long has the server been up
2 years
>Server IP
>Unofficial server guide
Dead cope thread for dead cope game /vg/rsg/ refugees so they can stop spamming /vg/osg/
So guys why did you quit this game?
>raksha release adding greater ricochet enabled shitters to clear PvM with no braincells needed
>gradually exacerbated by other insanely powercreepy shitter friendly changes such as animate dead, cryptbloom, zuk capes
>economy getting fucked in the ass because of GWD3's trillions of raw GP entering the game, because (and I quote from a JMOD): players like seeing big number drops!
>even ironman not safe from casual-shittification by making you able to PvM with mains
>the final nail that killed the entire economy and any and all achievement in the game was Necromancy, bad enough for me a runescape addict since 2010 to leave
>no sign of going back on their terrible changes, instead doubling down by buffing non necro styles to be as broken as Necro (doesn't matter though you can still grind BiS in 20 hours on a fresh account and 99% of content is completely dead for anything but pet grind
Any hopes?
Any dreams?
To those who still play, why?
What is your favorite memory of RS3?
What do you think the peak of RS3 was? Talk about everyones favorite dead MMO, Chronicles Of Spellborn. The MMOdventure is currently visiting this game for the coming two weeks.
>What's Chronicles Of Spellborn?
The Chronicles of Spellborn is a defunct MMORPG developed by Spellborn NV in the Netherlands. Originally released in 2008, it had a slow and painful death. The game was marked as an MMORPG, but stood out from the rest because of its unique art style and combat system. However, it had a troublesome launch, and after being online for just 2 years the game’s servers were shut down.
Yotsuba Chronicles
Ask in here if you need an invite, or message any member ingame.
>getting rid of the XP and PeP messages that clog up the chat
>/vm/ thread for the MMOdventure, featuring upcoming MMO discussion, voting, leisure activities like movie night and minigames
>>1590592 Previous Thread: >>>/vg/511785107
Welcome to The Rivals of Aether General.
>Latest Video (Love Struck Event Trailer | February 2025 Rivals II Monthly Event)
>Latest Patch:
>Rivals of Aether official sites and Twitter:
>Where to get the games:
>Rivals of Aether
>Rivals of Aether 2
>Lovers of Aether (Free Game)
>Feedback form:
>Rivals of Aether 2 resources:
Alpha 2 is upon us /vm/! Anyone playing? Is it epic for the win? Redditors having a meltdown rn over some graphic shit but we hardcore gamerers know it's gunna be da bomb right?
>The Ashes of Creation NDA has finally lifted. After 8 years in development, reception is a bit more mixed than I would have liked. Let's find out why.
Check out creators coverage mentioned in this video:
@isth3reno1else • My Pre Alpha 2 First Impressions- Ash...
@Nyce-Gaming • I Played Ashes Of Creation | Should Y...
@TangentsofCreation • The Shocking State of Ashes of Creati...
@RyveGenesis • Ryve's thoughts on the ROUGH STATE OF...
Lots of streams currently happening, it looks nothing like the livestream previews: should i get back into valorant? >mark moves the server to new hardware and changes the IP:port
>doesn't make a new thread
epic, right?
Vanilla 1.21 minecraft, Java Edition
Fun server features:
>cracked clients
>schizo terrain
>erratic player counts
>autistic disgruntled players feuding for years
>rollback of griefs, usually Because there's no dedicated ARMA thread at the moment and the /tac/ thread is only for less popular games. So, when exactly are EA going to close bf3 on PC too? It is inevitable now. And even if they dont, retarded admins are killing whats left of this game. this is my favorite game ever This is a thread for discussion about Secret Of The Solstice and the current two week visit by the MMOdventure project.
>What's Secret of the Solstice?
Anime-styled top down MMORPG, takes inspiration from Ragnarok Online.
>Server/Class list
Our clan is Lucky Balls. Ask in this thread if you need an invite.
/vm/ thread where vote and discuss upcoming MMOs for the MMOdventure:
Yes Pyro is live, stop asking Edition
>Live Patch = 4.0.1
>Star Citizen Overview for New & Returning Players
>Compiled List of Useful Resources
>/SCG/ Referral Code Randomizer - Contribute your code by first grabbing it here: then replying to this OP
>Recent News
>Current Event(s)
Save Stanton part 2 [Protect Pyro] phase 2 is LIVE
space chinese new year is also LIVE
lunar NY Freefly is DEAD
>JPEG News
Introducing a shinier, worse Vulture, flyable now
also they fixed the flashbang dash issue in the Guardian only to add it to their very next ship release! again!
>Previous Thread
>>1576668 Well xisters, we can't maintain a thread on /vg/ anymore. Time to set up shop here. Last thread rolled off a few days ago so might as well make a new one. How is everyone doing on their grinds? Dev interview dropped today but I haven't watched yet. >What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!
Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop ( and discuss/host your favorite games!
Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.
Previous thread: >>1573309 /hunt:showdown 1896 general/ intricate demise edition
old thread >>1482944
50% off sale on steam
Post Malone's Murder Circus/update 2.2 patch notes:
update patch notes/bugfixes
Post Malone's new album, shop, tickets, information, videogame collaborations
Post Malone lore; the show must go on
Ghost Face Rampage DLC A spinoff/sequel to Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart. Ring Racers is a high complexity kart racer with an emphasis on tech and skill expression. It features singleplayer grand prix, time trials, online/split screen multiplayer, ranking, battle modes, unlockables and achievements. It is also highly moddable supporting custom modes/configs, characters and tracks. Use this thread to chat, shittalk, discuss tech, post webms and create lobbies to play in.
>Game Manual
>Gameplay Tutorials
>Master Server
>Windows / Mac Download
>Linux / Flatpak Download Do you guys think Discord killed in game voice chat?
I know everyone only has anecdotal evidence from the select games you play, but how do you think Discord impacted in game voice chat?
The new retirement home for schizophrenics
Ragna/v/3 - x3-x10 Pre-Renewal with a lot of renewal-flavored customization
Ragnadev's server for the 4chan community
Everyone on the thread is playing here
>Basic resources:
>Database - has some of the non-English and kRO items
iRO wiki has a lot of information, but keep in mind its supposed to be a wiki for iRO - /wiki/ for renewal, /classic/ for pre-pre
>Skill descriptions
Over the several iterations of the game, skill descriptions vary wildly. There's also the issue of skills behaving differently depending on the emulator. iROwiki is mostly complete but sometimes it's completely wrong, specially the pre-re version since those are no longer open for editing.
irowiki/wiki/ probably still best but scroll down to changelog. Since iRO added 4th jobs, it's now showing the new descriptions for skills. Some 3rd job skills were entirely reworked.
>Source code:
If you want to look up a skills formula, buff effect or anything hard coded, it's all inside src/map/ folder. battle for damage, skill for skill conditions, script_constant for variables. Sometimes pc file has useful stuff too.
>Other - RO translation project
mandatory discord sign ups edition
>What is 2004scape?
2004scape is the live 2004 server of the Lost City project, a project aimed at recreating lost Runescape versions, down to the Runescript.
Every cache revision that is available will slowly be recreated by the Lost City project, after every feature has been tested.
The Lost City engine is the best engine to ever reach the private server scene.
This server will have NO Quality Of Life features, and will exclusively be a recreation, not catering to playability.
>What's the beta?
The beta is here! It's the first release of 2004scape. Character stats won't be reset from now on.
All Free-to-Play content of Runescape as it was on May 18th 2004 will be available to play, at a normal 1x XP rate. After a few more months of testing, Members content will be unlocked with the full release of 2004scape.
>What month? What content will be available?
In the beta all F2P content from may 18th 2004 will be available, and then all members content in the full release a couple of months later.
The Lost City project hopes to recreate a bunch of lost versions, and content will slowly update to match later revisions, and it will eventually launch 2005scape, etc.
last thread >>1622247 A First for Grinding down that 1 Million Year sentence
This is basically for people who want to Share Rap Sheets, Co-op, PvP(Lol) and share advice for that God Roll Weapon you want to craft, And cope and pray for the sequel to come if it ever does
>Sinners Handbook (Steam Guide)
A Pretty recent Guide on the game as a whole from Abductor Drop tables/Resources(If there's anything better please post it in the thread):
>How To Change The Accessory Text-To-Speech To Japanese (While Keeping English Text UI):
Be warned this does affect Co-op unfortunately if you do this.
And I guess mention which Platform you're playing on when you want to do multiplayer with lobbies as well since no Cross play unfortunately.
>What is this game?
BallisticNG is a PC anti-gravity racing game available on Steam, based mostly on Wip3out, with optional mechanics from the newer Wipeout games.
If you like going fast, good tunes, and good fun, this game is for you.
>How do I join?
Get the game.
(Optional: Grab the Outer Reaches and Maceno Island DLCs too)
Download and install our track pack (instructions in the pastebin).
Launch the game, go to Multiplayer, and join us.
Links to download the latest track pack, install instructions, and some extras can be found here:
The mini-pack is just for updating from the previous version, get the full one if you're joining us for the first time or haven't played for a while.
>How do I play?
A 3-step guide will be posted containing the basics of going fast.
We can also answer any questions you might have, either here or in the lobby.
We have a Steam group:
This is used just for organizing race sessions or assisting if someone is having issues joining the lobby or something, no circlejerking. If you join the group chat you'll get a (You) chat bloop when lobbies go up on Saturday.
We have a regular session going every week on Saturdays at 9PM UK time, but hosting is easy and anyone can start up a lobby if people wanna get racist during the week.
Previous thread: >>1265225 >Dofus
>Dakal 2: Steamed Hams
>Dofus Retro
Previous: >>1539169
Huppermages Except the devs don't like persistent warfare and decided to end a war because it went on too long Mongolian hero has been revealed, what are we thinking? CRAZ SERVER
modded with 70% landmass
also 8 player slots atm might go up the more people join Will you guys be playing the successor to Runescape? BRAWLS WILL SOON BE BACK Edition cs2 bros he's not looking so good anyone in the sand playtest? >What is Worms?
Worms is a classic turn-based strategy game with astounding gameplay customization. Armageddon despite being released in 1999 still is getting support with cool mods, and official updates. This is a thread for all anons to gather round to talk and play some Worms, mostly Armageddon really.
>Collected Custom maps, sounds, fanfares, flags and graves from past threads
>Hostpack Starter set (contains maps, schemes, and custom terrains)
Check what lobbies are currently open with, or if you'd like to be notified when when a /v/ lobby opens up, get
Lobbies and threads will be often be notified here and will usually be present at
Channel: #anythinggoes
Room: /v/
Pass: rage
Previous thread: >>1003047 last thread seems to have 404'd
so how was the 1st in a good long while GM events on P99 I understand they had both an actual chrismas & halloween event and $0.89 on Steam for 2 weeks I miss social games like Vside, Gaia Online, etc v.v Pal loafs edition
Previously on /pal/: >>1608282
>Steam Page
>Palworld Twitter
>Pocketpair Youtube
>Latest Patch Notes (1/15/25)
>Breeding Guides and Tools
>Pal Models
>Server Setup
>Community Servers
Check in thread for up-to-date ones.
NA: Oi cunts if u r a tru dreamtime soul join our little rust server, okay? (ALL-STAR RUST)
The server is prim locked, blueprints (BP) wipe every 6 months, and the game map is reset monthly. Geographically located in fucking Australia on the fucking east coast, alright?
we've got our little faggot discord server you are welcome to join:
New update patch notes:
Never played rust before? It's not that hard mon you run around until you can gather 30 cloth, craft a sleeping bag and keep going from there. Still unsure? Here's a YouTube video I've been playing this again for a couple months and I'm enjoying myself. It sucks about the raise in sub cost though. I play it while doing other things like studying for certs or watching YouTube vids. Is it actually a good game or is it just nostalgia goggles? I think I'm sem-enjoying myself.
1000 posts edition.
A lot happened. The election on OG finished. Mellow, Guac, and and Ederet are the new leaders of Sahara. Sahara has opened many shops and gained many new citizens. The last thread made more OC and had more posts than any thread in recent years. Sahara has opened up new shops (selling clothing and pottery). Two taverns have also been made. The slum elk sex brothels are thriving. Hyborea has been expanding her boarders. Talk of an official server event is going around (copy/paste of the announcement soon).
Players are working to connect Sahara and Hyborea. Roads have extended into temperate zones to the south of Sahara. New towns are being built around Sahara. OG has been the most active in recorded history (without in-group disc*rd faggotry).
>Server List:
The original /vm/ server, longest running VS server. You can either go to the untainted land of "Vietnam" or join Barm in the quest for/creation of Hyborea/BSE in some extreme cold.
Mazor's Server
Server run by a vetted janny. Is more modded/open to modding than OG, however it is less populated (not talked about in the last three threads so it might be fully dead).
Reminder that discord/reddit trannies are not and have never been welcome in these threads. No servers will be added to the thread if they are associated with either.
Last thread: >>1622125 Elona meets Stardew Valley with open PvP, permadeath, base raiding, crafting and building. Inspired by UnReal World and Dwarf Fortress. Full of RuneScape and Tibia players. Classic 4chan core game. What's /vm/'s opinion on the new funny anime paper mario shooter game on the block?
>start playing in 2014
>they add operators (i'm supposed to roleplay as a fucking kid?)
>and for the love of god, what purpose does it serve to have them randomly shout something trivial every mission, was there leftover DEI budget to be used on queer voice actors or something?
>abandon archwing and rebrand 5 years later as railjack
>an ungodly amount of useless(ly specific) frames
>add de-facto excalibur prime for normies to obtain
>that whole bullshit about the FOMO packs a few years back
>Duoviri and there is now a second "alternate reality" that conveniently doesn't affect the main game
>1999 and there is now a third "alternate reality" that conveniently doesn't affect the main game
>the whole game now officially takes place inside a computer, rendering the writing immune to inconsistencies and the future completely at mercy of the writers
They don't seem to know what game they really want so they keep adding these new games into their old game instead of making new games. Is there a future in playing this game? I couldn't help but notice that neither /vg/ nor /vm/ had a Borderlands thread. Poast SHiFT names and preferred games/difficulties here and let's see about setting up some sessions.
>Borderlands 2
>Level 56 on Axton
>UVHM, TVHM also accepted
I'm willing to either start from level 30 or continue my level 56 Axton's playthrough -- currently about to enter the Bloodshots' base to rescue Roland. Come play on my friend's friend's shitbox kitchen sink modpack abomination Create Minceraft server to justify it's continued existence.
>skyblock but with CHUNKS
>endgame commie (balanced by raping your FPS and eyes every time you set foot in it)
>strangers that will complain new people have found the server
>a new and improved commie that will never be finished
>get: get JEI and EMI
>rei plugin compatibilities
>roughly enough items (rei)
>roughly enough resources Discussion thread about Dragon Nest and our two week venture in it.
>what's Dragon Nest?
gook action combat MMO with 4 player dungeons and 8 player raids
patched client direct download:
>Some resources
mods forum archive:
>jp voice pack
(get the everything pak and move it to the mods folder wherever you installed the game)
This is part of the MMOdventure project where anons get together to play obscure/niché/old MMOs
check out the MMOdventure thread for further discussion:
/DaD/ Dark And Darker
NO threats of violence OR terrorism edition
Patch Notes:
**Early Access Hotfix #71**
- Fixed an issue where the party member's gear score would sometimes not update in real time.
- Fixed an issue where the pop-up for items that cannot be transferred would not appear when interacting with a merchant or Expressman.
- Fixed an issue where the guidance message would not appear properly in the chat window of a chat-banned user.
- Fixed an issue where a chat-banned user could use party chat in a dungeon.
- Fixed an issue where Arena matching would not work.
- Fixed an issue where the results window would not appear properly after the last round in Arena.
- Fixed an issue where the remaining team users would not be processed as forfeited even if all opposing team members left the game in Arena.
- Improved the visibility of people who received the Cleric's Protection effect.
- Longbow weapon damage of all rarities reduced by 2.
- Crossbow weapon damage of all rarities reduced by 1.
- All Recurve Bows' equip time changed from 2s 1s.
- All Longbows' equip time changed from 2s 1s.
- All Crossbows' equip time changed from 3s 1s.
- All Windlass Crossbows' equip time changed from 6s 1s.
- Hoards were added back to Icicle Cave in Ice Cavern, and the number of interactions between Hoards of similar levels has been adjusted.
- You can now check more detailed information in the Arena results window.
- You can now check Arena Ranking in the Leaderboard.
This is a /vm/ server for my own personal fork of Adventurers of Akalabeth by Xork, which is a fork of Ruins & Riches (originally known as Odyssey) by Djeryv. The server has been running since March and has been enjoyed by several anons. This is far from a typical UO server because over the course of a decade Djeryv modified the game into an old school sandbox adventure experience designed for solo or small party play. It focuses heavily on exploration with new world maps filled with towns and dungeons, requiring players to find clues to navigate between worlds. The game lacks a central storyline, instead offering random quests and contracts from town quest boards, with hints provided by reading NPC dialogue. There is no wiki and information is much harder to come by than modern gamers are used to. Skills have been rebalanced for better utility, and crafters can open shops and receive contracts if they acquire a house. Resurrecting without paying a tribute reduces skill points, and dungeons are filled with brutal traps and dangerous portals. There's a lot of funny builds you can try out, depending on your character origin you can also get higher skill caps to expand possibilities.
To play, you can download the client here:
Server IP (already in settings.json):
This includes TazUO (a fork of ClassicUO) and needed art files specific to this server, as well as Xork's player guide.
>stat gain every 10min
>vendors always buy rare items
>need LOS to see mobs
>player corpse bones persist for a year
>no hunger/thirst inside banks, inns or houses
>vendors have a chance to sell crafting resources (recently rebalanced to make higher tier items much more rare and expensive)
>can't sell bolts of cloth/balls of yarn to vendors
>all monster races start as evil
>spell damage increase cap 150%
>lower reagent cost cap 75% After 27 years of play, tibia is bringing a new vocation to players. The monk will use the useless fist fighting skill that has been in the game since the start and will be a melee fighter with healer abilities for group play
To know more, read Monster Hunter is MMO-RPG
Prove me wrong. Valorant is the most balanced multiplayer game out there
Jurate Season
>Papaya's ToS(new)
>IMC's ToS(old)
It's on Steam.
>Advanced/Bright Enchant Scroll system added on Steam:
>/tosg/ FAQ:
>Addon Manager
>Popular builds
>Meta builds
>Database, class and skill planner
>Servers(Steam - old) (the best one is the closest to your location, type "//ping" to check your latency ingame)
Klaipeda(NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) W(Asia)
>Servers(Papaya - new)
Popolion is the only one, hosted in Quebec.
>/tosg/ Guilds
None on Steam ToS, but join FullMoonCafe since that has all of the members that still posts nowadays
None on Papaya ToS
>Steam It is my viewpoint that League of Legends ruined pro gaming and had a more negative effect on the gaming scene than most games. They tried to make up for it by making Arcane obviously. Hey guys! Been having lots of fun with this game Vintage Story, and i was hoping to find some people to play it with! The game is inspired by minecraft, but with more hardcore survival elements! You progress through material ages starting with stone and working your way up through copper and so on until you're making machines and high carbon steel and shit. It costs 20 Euros and can be purchased here:
(not on steam)
hit me up on discord @ .dogdays if u wanna play! I was just in the middle of a mission in online GTA V and got booted mid session for not having a "Game Pass." Wtf is a "game pass?" Anyone else getting this message?
It might be time to finally quit playing this game. It's the only video game I have interest in.
This is my rating list of the SVD in various FPS games. The SVD is my favorite gun. Sometimes I buy games just to play with the SVD in them.
Visual rating - Accuracy to the type of SVD it is portraying
Gameplay rating - How good it feels to play with
Visual rating on top and gameplay rating on bottom
>Battlefield 2042
1980s SVD
8/10, stock seems a bit square around the pistol grip rear but good overall
7/10 gameplay, haven't played it recently but I remember it being pretty fun
>Cod MW19
1970s SVD
6/10 stock is misshapen and scope and reticle are weird and also you can see brass through the gap between the receiver and top cover through the trigger group on the right side of the gun when you load in the loadout. But good otherwise
10/10 most fun SVD in all cods up to this point
>Cod MW3 (original) & Cod Ghosts
1970s SVD w/ polymer furniture
4/10 Decent for the era but forward of the handguard the modeling is kinda bad. Barrel is also too short (20" tigr barrel is wrong should be 24")
?/10 I haven't played mw3 online but from what I understand most of the guns overshadow it due to powercreel
>Cod Blops 1
Svd (????) (Yeah nah)
0/10 that thing is some ak abomination, disgusting
3/10 treyarch hates semi auto snipers
>Cod Blops 2
6/10 A bit sci-fi'd and the modeling is a little rough but still ok for the time and cool overall
5/10 Blops 2 is a bit better
>Rising Storm 2 Vietnam
1970s SVD
9/10 perfect model just the games graphics arent great overall
9/10 Very fun tactical shooter svd, the only problem is it only spawns on pavn later war and sniper will be taken the whole match and you will never play it and also the game has so many cheaters so 0/10 in a way
>Insurgency Sandstorm
1980s SVD
8/10 Base model is great but the attachments are all very wrong, but whatever you can use it stock. Graphics of the game not great
8/10 Great cod like tactical shooter just gets a bit boring after playing for a bit (domination)
1980s SVD, SVDM
10/10 has PIP and the North American servers are going to be merged soon, EU servers already have been. I would hope this would bring life back to the game, as many people on the NA west server have simply quit due to low population numbers
Titanfall 2 multiplayer is fully functional again. If you cannot connect to multiplayer, try this:
>Northstar client is for trannies and pedophiles, not linking it here
On all systems, happy hour is 10:00PM EST. Join up for some stacks.
>Titanfall 1
We're sometimes playing Sundays, ask in thread for specifics
>The Art of Titanfall 1 and 2!OwRzlSwC!nu2XxDPzLdxgKVOP9ZHJY0lqmc0LYjmoE2yrESLJMDQ!So5DmL7I!ji0qNMfp_1ac2klwVMYzX6OjnuNOzrQEIna3kZ1ziVQ
>The Art of /tfg/
>/tfg/ Youtube Playlist
>/tfg/-created Helpful Videos, Tutorials & Mods
>TF1/2 Networks
>A majority is outdated possibly
PC: Search for the tag (not name) "tfg" in the in-game network browser, and join the network led by "Azidd"
PS4: Search for "the fast guys" in the in-game network browser
Xbone: Search for tag "tfg" in the in-game network browser and join the network by ImmortalDrifter. Drop your gt in the thread to connect with other xbros
>Steam Group
Doomed Thread: >>1045890 is a Minecraft server with the goal to never reset the world in a free-for-all no-rules PvP environment, with little modification to the vanilla survival gamemode.
The server's map is 3 months old. Why did arena shooters die? Hi everyone, I don't use 4chan and I don't know much about forums. I'd like to get into it. I wanted to share a friend's album that he composed and recorded in his room. I helped him a little and I'd be happy, as would my friend, if you'd give it a listen and some feedback. (I had to compress the file 3 times. I don't think they upload or share albums like this.) Thank you very much in advance from Argentina.
previous thread:
Twitter: (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC):
>Installation Guides:
Image guide:
>Technical errors:
If you can't get past the bench test screen, change your computer's region to Japanese in the control panel
If your NAT type is below C, try forwarding port 5291 on your router
If matchmaking breaks more than once, restart the game
>Wtf is the point of my role?:
Bombers destroy buildings and dig for items.
Attackers make space by separating enemies either by distracting or killing them.
Shooters make it to mid as soon as possible for the first team fights before going back to base to defend.
Blockers delay any inevitable attacks for as long as possible by denying area and stalling with heals, buffs, and blocks.
>In-depth resources:
JPN wiki
Map Guides
>Shitpost images resources:絶妙に外す/絶妙に外すSOZAI
>Top JP players:
テラルナ (Bomber)
だいげんしさん (Attacker)
ぼっすん (Any role)
ぽろぴ (Any role) Discuss any AFPS (like Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, etc...) here. >Latest news:
>Server status:
>Stat checking:
>Ubishit links: Is World of Tanks a pay to win game? Anyone play La Tale? Currently trying it out but I feel so lost Anyone wanna play it takes two?
I never played it Anyone else checking it out again? Rolled up a new character on a fresh server and I'm having fun so far I need a map from PUBG
Could someone help me with this difficult issue? Literally all they do is spam 2020 meme sound board, get angry if you play competitively and try to socialize with minors and women.
I genuinely feel like every 3rd player is a class clown turned furry cuck faggot who are socially retarded due to an abusive household or missing father.
>What is this game?
BGO is a crazy multiplayer browser game! Join thousands of other players in a game where you collect over 300 unique items, become a powerful class, such as a Paladin, Assassin or Quantum Physicist and do anything you can to reach the finish line before the rest of those suckers! Please note that this game is full of terrible things like STDs and hundreds of ways to kill and be killed in gruesome ways!
>What kind of game is this?
BG Online is a board game. Online. Without a board, really. But on a website. Seriously though, it is! Just like all your classic board games you play this game with a bunch of other people and the first to cross the finish line wins! With the addition of hookers and brutal murders, of course.
>How do I get started?
Either you join an existing game or you create a new game. You can both join and create a game without having an account. However, with an account you can earn Achievements, save account options and create and join games more easily. An account also allows you to level up and unlock hundreds of powers and rewards!
>How much does an account cost me?
Absolutely nothing!
>Is BGO pay to win?
Nope, donators only get cool visual rewards but no in-game advantages. Tripwire just killed the Killing Floor franchise
RIP, an empty husk of modern gaming slop
captcha: PTSD TV It's time to admit that Team Fortress 2 is the best online game. Finally got it working. Different computer, Windows 10, updated both graphics card and graphics chipset driver. This game is addictive and looks really good, but it's kinda an unoptimized mess isn't it.
Anyone playing multiplayer together these days? Vanilla is my favorite version, but I have had issues with other private servers. Mostly with their client version they use and latency issues.
What are some private servers with a good client version (like official classic client) and no latency issues (from NA) that I can use? Sandbox/whatever you wanna call it newfag here, got swept up by watching some videos over the years about the genre + Elin releasing, but the genre is pretty interesting and I'm curious if there's any decent smaller scale/coop multiplayer games in the same genre? I know SS13 or whatever exists but it seems too large scale in multiplayer, and I'm just looking for something I can fuck around with a small handful of friends with, like 4 or 5ish. Do those types of games exist? Are there any other genres you anons may recommend as well? RTS seems fun with some small friends too and seems pretty similar to this genre as well. Is AoE2 a good starting point? I have very little knowledge on these genres as a whole. 6 million dollar babies
Cluj-Napoca now Installing Potato Alert has been the most demoralizing experience. coming soon^tm edition
Current map
/AXG/ Steam Community
>>1573845 (You) (Cross-thread) >What's Aura Kingdom?
An anime MMORPG by Taiwanese developer X-Legend released in 2014.
We're currently playing on a private server of Aura Kingdom.
Ask for an invite from any online member or you can access the guild recruitment window(default keybind G) and simply join our guild from there(lvl 10+)
>Class poll
Some resources
> References (Compilation)
> Aura Kingdom in 2021 | Private Server
>Aura Kingdom for newbies- starting strong!
This is part of the MMOdventure project where anons get together to play obscure/niché/old MMOs
check out the MMOdventure thread for further discussion:
>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>After each game, we alternate lists of MMOs to vote on
>A guild photoshoot will take place every saturday, check thread for pic times
>New adventure starts every other saturday, after the week 2 guild pic
You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.
>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online
Rising Force Online
Ace Online
Emil Chronicle Online
Fiesta Online
Requiem: Desiderium Mortis
Dream of Mirror Online
Dragon Nest (thread here: >>1472917)
Scarlet Blade
Neocron 2
Uncharted Waters Online
Dark Ages
Aura Kingdom (thread here: >>1539958)
Warhammer Online (thread here: >>1555989)
>Current game being played
Phantasy Star Online (thread here: >>1577102)
>Countdown to Next Game and Info Page
https://mmodventure.altervista.ORC/general-info-post-2/ (change ORC to ORG)
>Picture Gallery
https://mmodventure.altervista.ORC/gallery-filter/ (change ORC to ORG)
we are getting together to play minigames and have a laugh on a semi-regular basis, check the thread for times. minigame suggestions welcome, current list can be found on the MMOdventure website
>last thread
>>1545143 What do you guys think about Roblox??
Just wanted to hear all of your opinions!
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart is a standalone mod of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game into a kart racer similar to Super Mario Kart. Both games are lightweight and can run on most modern PCs.
Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.
>How to Play (SRB2K)
Follow the guide here:
Compiling help for Linuxfags:
>Do we have a /v/ server?
For SRB2K, yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large quantity of QoL improvements. The guide should link to the custom client, but in case you missed it, download the latest release here:
>What happened to the mods MEGA folder?
No need for it! Since we have upgraded to a new server with faster in-game downloader!
>Joining a server
1. From the title screen, go to 'Multiplayer'
2. 'Internet Server Browser...'
3. 'Specify IPV4 Address...' and manually enter the server IP
>OK OK, faggot, what's the IP for the /v/ server?
>EURO SERVER? How come people don't generally acknowledge in competitive games that the main determinant of whether you are good at the game or not is your reaction time which is mostly genetic and unchangeable? It seems that this is the one thing no one acknowledges when it comes to video games. MW5 Clans is out. Pls buy t. Russ
MechWarrior Online (Now regularly updated):
Mechwarrior Living Legends:
Living Legends Server Stats (Use this to check if anyone is playing):
Clam Invasion:
Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries (Now on Steam & Gog): >What is Ninjala?
Ninjala is a free-to-play arena brawler where you face off against other players using special weapons, skills, and green cum gained from magic Ninja Gum.
>Is there single player content?
Yes, although you do have to purchase it. Ninjala is primarily a PvP game.
>Official Websites
Anime Episodes, Manga Chapters, and More:
>Resources Will you be playing it come May 30th?
What character are you maining? 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) is a minecraft survival server with a world that never resets in a free for all environment.
The server was started at 26. April 2021 making it 3 years & 9 months old. Thousands of players have visited at least once.
>IP to connect:
>Game version: 1.21 (Supports 1.17 - 1.21.4)
E-mail: [email protected]
>Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1 - 鬼 HUNTERS | Cinematic Trailer
>Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1 - 鬼 HUNTERS | Gameplay Trailer
>Fight as a Ronin in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1: 鬼 HUNTERS!
>Quests, stats, shop
>LEGO XP AFK Strategy
>Season XP Leveling Pace
>Mission Alerts for StW
>Virtual Artist Hatsune Miku Beams into Fortnite Festival for Season 7!
>Go Full Tilt into Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2!
>Redeem a Fortnite V-Bucks Card to Get the Color Splash Jellie Outfit!
>The Drum Gun and Balance Changes Hit Fortnite Ballistic in v33.30
>LEGO® Fortnite Brick Life: The Valentine’s 2025 Update!
>Fortnite Crew February 2025 - Haruka of the Masks
Last Match:
>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 6 started Dec 2024.
>Steam Link
>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide
>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.
>Interactive Map
>Items/Tac Skills/Augments
>/erbs/ friends
>>1593250 Patch 7.15 All Worlds Maintenance (Dec 16 10:00 PM to Dec 17 2:00 AM PST)
7.11 Patch Notes:
>Starlight Celebration (Dec 16 to Dec 31) and Snowstreamer Twitch Campaign (same duration)
>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells
Previous thread: >>1266702 Beans edition
Soon: Cluj-Napoca introducing boxpvp: reliving old minecraft
the idea is to have a server version that is 8 years behind.
the current server version is 1.11.2, which was released in december of 2016
the server is basic survival and has been running for 5+ years
the server requires you to have a minecraft account to play with
you can connect using the ip - I need this mans burly beast in my face IMMEDIATELY.
Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.
Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.
We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply and note the current leader or officer that you're from /vm/.
News and Events
List of all patches chronologically
[Helpful links - These links contain useful guides and other stuff.]
Beginners guide and outline to just some of mabinogi's features.
wiki for Mabinogi
Skill Training Guide
Best In Slot Gear guide and gear progression
Other Useful Information: Doesn't anyone think that the concept of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 with the omnimovement would work better as third person camera view game? Why are they so bad at video game design? Everyone likes Marvel Rivals better for a reason. If you are going to have wacky movement, it needs to be polished, well thought-out and in the right setting like Melee, Crysis, Crackdown or Shadowrun 2007. Not in a realistic war environment. Fred's Fights? (Duels, Dallas)
There is a fake server that uses a ! instead of a ?. The janny free server uses a ? in the name.
Janny Free + Radio Mod, Haxball thread dedicated to me, by me.
Haxball is a top-down 2D football game that's played entirely in your web browser.
>there will be a link with the current room in the thread (You can search for the room ingame by downloading Haxball All-in-one tool and searching "CyTube")
password: shaw
Room is usually active on Friday & Saturday around these hours:
22:30 Euro time
You can re-live magic hax moments watching the recordings of previous matches here:
You can use this site to get stats from recordings:
reminder to join, relax, have fun, not take it seriously (just a game) and enjoy the show Will you be dumb enough to support corp ogerlords to make any upcoming videogames $100 minimum?
Hello /vm/, years ago I made a WH40k themed Minecraft server and now I have restarted work on it from scratch. I set up a PvE Imperial Guard world already. Attachment is models of the first 4 weapons I'll be adding as soon as I get the animations to work for them. If you're interested in that kind of stuff, please consider joining us.
Server IP:
Java Edition 1.21.4. (latest), NO MOD INSTALL NEEDED. Just download the resourcepack when it prompts you.
Live map:
Years ago during the first server, we had a full suite of weapons (flamethrowers, shotguns, lasguns / shootas, etc, grenade launchers), RPG abilities for each of the factions, we had custom items like tridents turned into melta cavalry lances, we had artillery call-ins, jump packs for the Orks, a Waaagh ability, etc. We also had a PvP server which had a full blown war between traitor guard, imperial guard, and ork players which culminated in 6 hour long battles where dozens of players just went at it full ham in a brutal trench battle.
I'm nostalgic for that experience, and I'm hoping to redo most of those things, but as I am rebuilding from scratch it's going to take a while.
Below I'll leave you with a little bit of information about myself because I have a contact who works for Bandai Namco and he gave me some information about Smash Bros 6, which is already in development since the last Ultimate DLC was released, Sora, a similar case to what happened in Smash 4 where they finished the development of Bayonetta and immediately started with Ultimate but let's get to the point. the entire roster of ultimate is coming back it was planned to make cuts but seeing the success of smash ultimate they decided to make all the characters return the game is new it is not a port and it is already very advanced in effect they had to cut stages and some unnecessary music to make room for modes like all stars mode, break the targets, and a boss battle among other modes, there are also some stages that make their return that were not in ultimate like pac-maze
some characters had a redesign and new movement
mario, luigi, peach, daisy, yoshi, bowser, and bowser jr have wonder design
mario luigi and wario also have a new voice actor
link has his totk appearance just like ganondorf
zelda has her botw appearance all those 3 have a new moveset
samus has a new moveset only in his special attacks and in his running attack the rest remains the same
donkey kong does not change much his moveset what does change is his appearance similar to that of smb movie this to get away A bit of Rare's design and Nintendo having their own design I don't know if Diddy Kong and King Rool will undergo any changes
Regarding the third party
Sonic will have a redesign based on Sonic Generation and will have a new moveset
Pacman will have some Pac-World attacks
Megaman will change his design to Megaman 11 and some attacks too ryu and ken will have the appearance of sf6
and kazuya from tekken 8
cloud strife from FF7 remake and bayonetta from bayonetta 3
Sahara Edition.
>Previous thread >>1606744
After recent events in tandem with a large influx of new players, walls have been constructed around the perimeter of Sahara to prevent against griefing. If you wish to have building rights within the city, ask to be let into the secondary group where you'll be granted partial rights to live in the city's outskirts (slums) until we know you're not a pollack. The city has grown exponentially in size with both public infrastructure and building projects, and its leader plans to instate a better structured governance to manage its citizens. Hyperborea (a group of anons from the old world who set out on an adventure to the Antarctic) continues to thrive, even in the most northern reaches of the server. OG has been the most active in recorded history (without in-group disc*rd faggotry), having 21 players online on Sunday night.
>Server List:
The original /vm/ server, longest running VS server. You can either go to the untainted land of "Vietnam" or join Barm in the quest for/creation of Hyborea/BSE in some extreme cold.
Mazor's Server
Server run by a vetted janny. Is more modded/open to modding than OG, however it is less populated.
Reminder that discord/reddit trannies are not and have never been welcome in these threads. No servers will be added to the thread if they are associated with either. Do you build in ROBLOX, /vm/? >What is Evolunia
Evolunia is a Tibia private server with a twist. The client has several built in bots with some preconfigured stuff as well as lua scripting support.
>How is it different from vanilla Tibia?
Evolunia is a portal server. There is no real open world the way traditional Tibia is. Instead all mob spawns and quests are accessed through portals.
A lot of grind will be done AFK with bots unless you wanna powerlevel on harder mobs while questing, dungeons, events, pvp and making other players life a living hell events are the active gameplay part.
They also have an attribute point system that give you boosts in different stats when you complete quests, unlock mounts and finish tasks etc.
Basically it's Tibia for people who value their time
>This sounds like trash, how do i get started
Make an account on, create a character and download the client.
contact johnnymoe on discord for invitation Welcome to Anoncraft, A Cracked Vanilla Minecraft 1.21 SMP for /vm/.
>Server IP:
Come join one of the largest Minecraft communities in /vm/! Now with full support for cracked accounts!
>Server News:
- Explosions and more explosions.
- Merry Christmas