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Board: /r/

"/r/ - Request" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to fulfilling all types of user requests.

This is how you use /r/ !!
Step 1: Post your image along with ALL information about what it is you're requesting. Once this has been done..

Step 2: Scan though the rest of the messages in /r/ and see if there is anyone that YOU can help out. This is where most fagboats fail.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till someone fills your request.

Step 4: Thank the user that filled your request!
0 media | 0 replies
/kr/ - Kemono Requests
Request thread for Kemono, Coomer, Nekohouse and similar.

Previous Thread
36 media | 95 replies
Realify images.
Won't do underage shit

ll try my best with unusual postures, but it doesn't work so well
It's free, if the result sucks, it sucks.

Add the name of the character. Helps a lot.
222 media | 283 replies
No title
Help me wizards! I want to see her fucked by whoever you want
3 media | 6 replies
No title
/r/ source for this picture
0 media | 0 replies
outpaint thread?
A few months ago we had a couple of celebrity outpaint threads that were pretty fun. Wanna do another?

- For a request, post a cropped picture of the face and if possible the bare shoulders. Frontal will work best; feel free to try other poses, but results may suck more.
- Be specific. For celebs, post the name. If you want to see something particular, be clear about it in the request. No going "waah waah but everybody knows her tiddies are shaped like rubiks cubes" after someone's already put in the work.
- This is not a nudify thread. Crop out the clothing, or take it to one of the many dedicated threads that exist already.
- Strictly no Rachel Riley, and a hard limit of one image for other british tv chicks. You know who you are, and you can fuck right off.
18 media | 20 replies
No title
Can someone fake her into webm fuck vids. Brutal, hardcore, ect.
2 media | 3 replies
No title
Generic inpainting of generic quality with no garuntee of any quality.

Requests a must, I don't read minds. No comment, no care.

Faces too, that human need for connection and all that jazz.

As I cannot think of a way to profit from this without giving away easily traceable banking information, I encourage you to donate to your local society for the protection of animals or Save the Children or wikipedia.

No garuntee I' ll do your image, either due to lack of skill or lack of care. I also come and go, so we'll see how long I stick around and when i come back. Going to be a busy few days for me, so i don't promise anything, and probably shouldn't be making this thread in the first place.

Been fiddling with a controlnet generstor, but it is finicky and I still cannot gen sexual acts all that well. Still haven't figured a way to reliable gen or inpaint any combined sex act.

Making these collages entertain me, and are no garuntee of any quality or ability with regards to your request.
209 media | 220 replies
Cumshop please.
15 media | 26 replies
source? 1990's german porn video
This is the title screen from 55-second German porn film, apparently made in 1999

Anybody know what studio it was?
0 media | 0 replies
Udemy Courses Vault
Anyone knows of a good place to find a lot of Udemy courses ?
0 media | 2 replies
hair color edit request
465606_199726376810719_713436127_o - Copy
hoping for an interested wizard out there who's willing to just change this lady's hair color to blonde
2 media | 6 replies
No title
looking for a working streaming link for a very old jav ... or information where i could find such old javs

ID: VSPDS-083 / h_910vspds00083

0 media | 6 replies
LadyMae0/ Cruxlust
Does anybody have vids of this girl? I think she went by other names before too. I can only find images.
7 media | 7 replies
cumshop pls
cumshop n remove text pls
0 media | 0 replies
No title
anything welcome, faceswap, cumshop, captions, tribute
anything you want to do to this slut
20 media | 29 replies
Who is this? And is there more?
I remember seeing a tiktok if her in some green room. Didn't know she was about that life, unless it's fake. Who is she?
1 media | 3 replies
Finding video
Can anyone help find this video? It's from a creator named dualupe.x but I can't find this one particular video. TIA!
0 media | 0 replies
Hard drive died and I didn't realize how much rare stuff I collected over the years. I'm trying to refill my Devon folder. I scraped TheBArchive for a bunch, but I'm missing most of the videos. I'll dump what I have here and hope somebody out there has the whole thing.

I collaged my collection 1:1 instead of posting each picture one at a time.
6 media | 6 replies
sauce pls
does anyone know her name? i can't find anything with reverse image search
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Any wizards around? Please nudify petite body. Would love to see her getting fucked. Would very much much appreciate it.
0 media | 0 replies
pimeyes request - wins
can anyone do pimeyes on this one? there are wins on "hoastie" but I can't find or access
0 media | 0 replies
No title
can someone put cum on her face?
0 media | 1 replies
Help with Semen Preservation
Not really requesting pics or anything like that. Instead I am looking for help.
I am dating a man. Long distance. What I want is that every time he cums to me in any way, he stores that semen, so that I can see in a quantifiable measure how much baby batter he spilled for me and me only.

However, if semen is kept in poor conditions it will grow stinky and will stink up the whole apartment. We really don't want that and need to minimise any such occurrence.

Does anybody know of ways the semen can be stored properly and not stink? We don't want it to smell, and we want to be able to refill multiple containers. What do we use? Can you suggest something that will work for this fetish, please?
1 media | 7 replies
Does anyone care to spy on me watching porn for the funzies
0 media | 7 replies
2SICH nude(s)
she's a music youtuber
she has at least one nude of her sitting against the wall spreading her pussy. i had it but then stupidly deleted it. anyone have it? are there more?
3 media | 3 replies
please fake her anyway you can,
thankyou in advance
1 media | 1 replies
Undress her and have her fuck this girl
IMG - 15022025.jpg
Hi 4chan. I want you to make this girl get fucked by whoever, however, as many as you want and in as many fucking positions as they are... I would appreciate it...
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Webms and nudify welcome but mostly I’d just wanna hear how you’d fuck her :shrug:
0 media | 0 replies
I can upscale old Brazzers stuff for you in 4k/60fps.

Lowest quality has to be 360p to get rid a lot of the artifacts.

Please do send your clips on my discord and I'll get it done for you lone_wanderer37

(also, I'm looking for guys that are needlessly patrionizing for gaming stuff)
0 media | 0 replies
Does anyone have access to his Thisvid videos?
If anyone has access to his account could you download the pooping videos? Thisvid registration is currently blocked. Thank you
0 media | 0 replies
Xray shirts
What happened /r/? Nudify after nudify thread, faceswap, AI- where are the good old fasioned Xrays?

So please, help me see her tits better, thanks.
2 media | 2 replies
Video Editors
Video Editors how do you get text like that, is it through after effects and with premiere pro?
0 media | 2 replies
FansLy Finnish politic
Who is this new young Finnish adult content creator? Also politician.

Any leaked content somewhere?
My friend subscribed that and Jeep saying one of The best Finnish account.

She FansLy link:
Instagram link:

Hopefully someone knows. I am very interested.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Requesting the icing to be removed off their tits
2 media | 2 replies
No title
Please somebodie make fake and tribute. Please. Merci.
6 media | 14 replies
Cum bowl request
Can a wizard make it so she holding a cup of cum pls?

Bonus: Nudify too!
1 media | 2 replies
No title
Screenshot 2025-03-11 145942
Can anyone use pimeyes and find who this woman is? Ignore the @ it's not from the original account. Please help.
0 media | 1 replies
No title
someone please take her dress off..
73 media | 114 replies
worried about my dick
my penis
this is a photo of my dick at normal. I know knowing about dick health (phimosis, circumcision, etc whatever), so I'm going to describe it
as you can see, it's always "open"! it never closes. It's been like this for like 5 years. that worries me, because 1) the glans is always "open" (kinda) and gets dirt easily, 2) the glans always touches clothes, bed etc so it "always receives stimualtion, ruining the fapping moments, we all boner it's about adrenaline, if the glans is always active then it kills the special little proper boner moments, and 3) it never stays hard, "still" like it used to, I have to manually use my hands for the dick to stay idle for some seasons, you know awkwars moment when you boner in public and it clearly shows in your pants and you dont know how to hide it?? well it's been 5 years or more since I experienced that, everybody suffers at these moments but man i fucking miss it!! when my dick gets hard, it stays "diagonal", "rolled"
i have no idea what is going. The glans is always semi-open! years ago I could manually adjust it and properly cover the foreskin, now it wont stay closed no matter how hard I try to adjust the foreskin!

also, it complicates everytime I have to pee. the aiming is low, I tend to get some drops on my pants due to the bad, low angle, and also, I finsih to pee but it feels I still have more liquid, becaaue the pee.. takes harder to go out? I dont know
Lastly, fapping: when I cum or ejaculate, the semen doesn't go out as it used to years ago, it tends to be like some sort of.. thick mass, it hardly spits like it used to years ago

And that's it. It's not that I'm worried about health, I fucking care about fapping experience, boner, ejaculation, tribs, etc, and this ruins it, it was better years ago
0 media | 1 replies
Plz xray girl on left to show either panties or cameltoe anything
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Help me wizards! I want to see her fucked by whoever, whatever and however many you want
10 media | 22 replies
No title
whats her name?
0 media | 4 replies
Video upscale/colorize request
3c5dafef-c441-44ad-8a5f-07f4dc1407c0 (1)
I need your help wizards! I have two videos that i want upscaled and colorized. They are very small in duration. I need this for making still images from them so i can create fakes. I 've already taken the sound off completely using an app. Maybe some of the pics will need some outpainting/expanding after that (cause her face it may not be fully shown) but this will do for now. If anyone can do this i would be forever grateful. Here 's the link with the first video
0 media | 24 replies
Any wizard around to nudify?
0 media | 1 replies
Tribute gf
Please tribute and provide fake tribute.
0 media | 0 replies
Does anyone know this hentai?
Does anyone know this hentai?
I've seen some gifs around the web, but I don't know its name.
Thanks, anons.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Requesting a nudeshop please
10 media | 12 replies
Special Request
Can anyone photoshop her head on a woman putting up her bare feet in close-up, please and thank you?
looking for a doable one where her feet are really closer (in full view) while you still get to see her face
4 media | 5 replies
No title
can you edit her with some hot lingerie on? I will post one of those online ai editors pic that get blurred for reference
5 media | 10 replies
Tribute edits
Trying something new today.

Post your hot girl, request black/white trib.

Feel free to post trib for ref I you got a good one.

For private req: disc #touch3796
69 media | 74 replies
AI request
Anything with Astronema, please
11 media | 18 replies
hentai tentacle artwork
it's a hentai CG where a spread tentacle about to grab a human breast from above
just like pic related
it was on 4chan /d/ circa 2007-2008 but can't find it anymore
0 media | 2 replies
Arielle Maxine
help find the official account of arielle maxine / joysigil / goresigil / xsigil...

apparently they're still active on multiple platforms but have made themselves hard to find. i think she has a private website but regardless definitely goes under a differet handle
0 media | 0 replies
Wizards! Edit nude
Any wizards out there? Help me clean up these image to see her nude
53 media | 58 replies
No title
Can anon tell if this Bvlgari watch is real or replica? (Pic related, I will upload more photos)
1 media | 1 replies
H.'s Midweek Captions
You know the drill, include kinks/limits and ideally a plot or idea and I'll caption your babe. Commissions available and donations accepted. MILFs preferred, no furries, let's have fun
90 media | 217 replies
No title
i want best unwashed smegma cock blow jobs videos

also if possible i want full videos and not just cut parts, best quality with no captions/logos added from sites and rolling banner saying "this video was uploaded to ...."

i have few videos that i like and am trying to find with the above stated things
will post below
2 media | 2 replies
Cock/Cum Tribute my girlfriend
My girlfriend and I are new to this as we've recently discovered what "tributes" were. She seems to love the idea since it's a kink of hers for all things cum: covered, filled, swallowed, etc. We're still a little too nervous and shy about trying it out in real life so we thought it'd be the next best things for now. I'll share all her responses and will try to do some requests if asked for it although keep in mind that she's also nervous about showing her face. Other than that please cover her good!
10 media | 24 replies
Who is she?
images - 2025-03-11T233945.466
Who is she?
3 media | 5 replies
No title
Anyone know who this hottie is or got more of her?
1 media | 2 replies
Request is simple. Show Your magic Wizards!
11 media | 22 replies
Check me out!!!!
Check me out boys I’m wearing a sexy lacy crop top and I’m begging to be fucked in the ass because I’m going to cut social security like a bad boy and I deserved to be fucked like a dirty slut for it!!!!
0 media | 0 replies
Shop wiz
Shop her sucking a BBC please
1 media | 8 replies
No title
Can someone trib/nudify these big soft tits and face
0 media | 1 replies
Looking for Hentai
Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 16-36-18 fat otacon - Szukaj w Google
I'm looking for Hentai, pretty dark dungeon BDSM style.
Old fat boss forced a guy (who looked like fat Otacon basicly) to suck other guy, and then to suck him.
He knocked his teeth out so he can suck better. Then he was analy raped with some dildos.
I think it was punishment for the fat guy for beign a traitor or something.
0 media | 0 replies
Please guys, I would love as many of you to cuckold me and tribute my wife.
1 media | 3 replies
No title
Peta Jensen 2
/r/ a good Fm innuendo caption
1 media | 1 replies
pretty sure its Tsukino Luna but quick search didnt give any results
0 media | 0 replies
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Artist request
1 media | 6 replies
anyone got sauce on this slut?
1 media | 1 replies
No title
Are there any chatbot sites that are actually good
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Sauce please. She has this tard girl look I really like
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Would it be possible to have this please?? thx
0 media | 3 replies
Who's that ?
0 media | 0 replies
pls help
name or sauce pls????
1 media | 3 replies
No title
Does anyone know name of the dvd this scene is on? I know it's on fuckaholics 2 but there's another one that has a scene with a girl in a plaid skirt. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been looking for years. I think it was from around 2006.
0 media | 1 replies
No title
is this AI?
0 media | 1 replies
Sonya Deville WEBm porno request
I'd love to see Sonya Deville depicted in videos where she's either giving a blowjob or a footjob, maybe even have a submissive male worship her feet etc.
1 media | 3 replies
Looking for old video
Screenshot 2025-03-11 015539
Looking for a video from late 00's, early 10's, of a japanese girl fucking her father's fat asian boss in a hotel room. The boss had glasses, there were a few towels around. pic related in that it reminds me of the vibes, but it's a different video.
0 media | 1 replies
sauce pls
this chick looks kinda like someone i know in school, id love to find more...

i can post some wins i have of the actual person if someone manages to sauce this vid :D
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Requesting a LoRA or anyone who can gen AI porn of this twitch streamer. Looking to fulfill some fantasies of her. Can go private, share insta, or tons of pics, whatever it takes.
95 media | 122 replies
No title
Drawing Requests
Requesting a drawing of any of the requests on the image, other anons can request anime/cartoon characters. Not commissioning, AI or Irl.

1. Requesting Caulifla knee kicking Frost after slapping her ass
2. Requesting Caulifla in bikini posing like the reference
3. Requesting Kale easily lifting, Caulifla lifting but struggling, and Cabba not able to lift the weight at all
4. Requesting Cabba trying not to look at Caulifla's big tits
5. Requesting Caulifla in her underwear looking for something to eat
6. Requesting Caulifla and Kale kissing while showering

1. Requesting Caulifla and Frost taking a cheating selfie saying "ur girl loves me Cabba"
2. Requesting Caulifla giving Frost a sloppy blowjob and touching her soaking wet cameltoe
3. Requesting Caulifla and Frost having passionate sex
4. Requesting Caulifla's tinder profile saying
Saiyans swipe left and Namekians swipe right with the Namekian symbol as a ass tattoo
5. Requesting Caulifla and Kale eyes covered by a big Namekian cock, with Caulifla looking eager and Kale looking worried
6. Requesting Kale doing the heart shape to Caulifla's boob
7. Requesting Caulifla taking a selfie with her new big dick Namekian friend
8. Requesting Caulifla and Kale riding Namekians and kissing each other
9. Requesting Caulifla, Kale, Vados bathing sex with Champa (catbox link delivery)
0 media | 0 replies
Can someone please edit her clothes into Quiet from MGSV?
1 media | 2 replies
Colorization thread
Post colorization requests (anything goes)
Fufiill colorization requests

Include references where you can.
22 media | 26 replies
Looking for a JAV
Picture only somewhat related.
Looking for a JAV I've seen years ago.
It's a few bukkake scenes, always leaving the actress covered in jizz to then go into "public" spaces like an elevator and a restaurant.
I hope someone can help find it.
0 media | 5 replies
No title
Nudify or xray pls
1 media | 1 replies
Nudy Request
plz work ur magic wiz! thx
0 media | 2 replies
Video of British girl in an IR gangbang in a darkish room
- - - PICREL is JUST an EXAMPLE. NOT ACTUAL VIDEO I'm looking for - - -

- - -
Filming guy yells : "You better take that c_ck Emma or else I'm gonna hurt you" (paraphrased)
This is the **telltale sign for you to identify the video** This is 1000% in the video. He yells at her. He clearly yells at her as she struggles to take the double teaming / triple teaming, while crying / whimpering. You can also tell hes British from his accent.
- - -

Video of British girl in an IR gangbang in a darkish room with atleast 3 (or more) dark skinned black guys

- Video was from around 2020-ish give or take a couple of years
- British white (blonde??) tallish, skinny-to-regularish girl likely named "Emma". Shes pretty / has striking features. Def not ugly.
- Gangbang involving 3 or more black guys with dark skin who were rather unremarkable. Good build but otherwise unremarkable. None of them obese.
- She struggles to take all the men simultaneously
- Shes in pain & is whimpering / crying
- Theyre double teaming her
- Theyre all on a bed which looked like a hotel room. There were not on a couch. Again not 100% certain. They were all positioned more or less like in picrel
- You can see her face. Shes on her knees if I remember correctly.
- Shes naked. Not entirely 100% certain. Definitely not fully clothed 100% certain.
- Dont recall if she had vaginal hair.
- Guys were all around her. One behind penetrating. One having his c_ck sucked. Another also around her in very close proximity just like in the pic.
- Filming guy / camera man keeps threatening her
- "You better take that c_ck Emma or else I'm gonna hurt you" (paraphrased) he says. This is the telltale sign for you to identify the video. This is 1000% in the video. He yells at her. He is not violent from what I recall but he yells at her.
0 media | 3 replies
No title
Any rich anon has @g0ticasRabuda privacy or of? all i can find online is some older stuff
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Link to her video?
0 media | 7 replies
No title
Does anyone know the Source of this? She is so hot
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Does anyone know of or have a video of a girl that is playing a guitar like as if she is in a heavy metal band but.... she is completely naked?

Preferably a porn star or someone from onlyfans?

If she's not naked, then at least in a skimpy bikini or something.
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Anyone have source for this? Or any longer video?
0 media | 1 replies
3 media | 7 replies
No title
Can anyone put a BBC in her mouth ?
0 media | 0 replies
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1718806850330204 - frame at 0m1s
who is she? please
0 media | 1 replies
No title
Image source
0 media | 0 replies
Fake Nudes
Doing fake nudes until I don't wanna
Post a pic of a chick and I'll see what I can do for you.

will skip bad pics or if i just don't like it.
259 media | 304 replies
request for a photoshop edit
Please remove both girls' glasses and adjust colours to resemble the 'golden hour' style. I will provide pictures for reference below
2 media | 4 replies
Italian Vintage Movie
Can somebody help me find this movie online, please? I remember it was there somewhere for free. I'm particularly interested in the scene starring the redhead from this poster. She's German and played the role of a thief in an office. Thanks!
1 media | 7 replies
No title
Does anyone know where can I find an upload of this? The Vimeo link is behind group restriction
0 media | 0 replies
who the whore in the middle?
I don't know any of their names, so no where to start. I want to know who the middle one is but any would help me start.
1 media | 4 replies
not just ai
your face in a video, pics or gif (first one is free!)
0 media | 2 replies
No title
Nudeshop with pubic hair
0 media | 0 replies
No title
When you have faceless image with some info like first name and job how do you find someone photo?
0 media | 0 replies
No title
Halo ODST Spartan III
Requesting a redraw of the Female ODST Spartan with the added shoulders armor, chest armor, kit on her left leg, and a DMR on her back
Gonna post some more requests later on (don't expect all to be done just the ones that interest drawanons). for more info.
I know about /v/ but that drawthread is too much drama.
2 media | 2 replies
No title
Requesting the two characters to look more like Rikka and Yuta from SSSS Gridman, please.
1 media | 4 replies
More pics?
In a previous thread someone made a cumshop request for this image.

"Can someone cover this slut in cum? Dripping all down her neck and chest. Can post more pics if req"

Wondering if someone has more pics edited or otherwise from this girl?
0 media | 1 replies
No title
What photo is this cut out of
0 media | 0 replies
Is there more?
Are there any more vids of this chick? Do we know a name? She looks like my former coworker and it's a huge fucking turn on for me. Would of fucked the shit out of Bianca
3 media | 4 replies