Oekaki Post (Time: 37m, Replay: View)Had F marks in art class during schoolWhat do you think ? are the F marks deserved ?NSFW Dump ThreadThis is a thread for deliveries for the NSFW requests submitted in /a/, /co/, /v/ and any other request centered drawthreads on other boards. In light of the increased moderation on the SFW boards, the goal of this thread is to provide a safe space for artists to post NSFW material from other threads.
Previous Thread: >>746083/CRAB/ GaidenNew Order edition
Comic and random art battles /crab/ Gaiden is the off season thread between the /crab/3 and the /crab/4 tournament, next year.
What is /crab/?
Comics and random art battles is an annual multi-board OC tournament with a strong emphasis on collab and storytelling.
What do we do here?
We chill and prepare for the fourth tournament (/Crab/4) in the spring/summer of 2025 with art, stories and mini events.
Wanna join? Introduce your character and pass the PIT challenge. Some crabs that participated in /crab/3 still do stuff with their characters despite the tournament being over too.
We have a d****scord server too If you are into that kind of stuff. To join you have to submit your character for crab4 and its introduction in any artistic format passing the pit challenge. Link: https://disAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHIT BURNNNSSSSSSS IT BURNNNNNSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHcord.gg/EkqvpyFm Delete the screams for the link to work.
If you want to be a thread only its good, just post your entry itt and be present when the tournament thread is active.
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)No titlesomeone should draw various 4chan memes like the invincible war panelNo titlei dont know what demon possesed me to make this but i like itHeyI wonder if it kinda looks good or...?No titlewhat is he sayingNo title;
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)Warhammer 40kPost your Warhammer 40k drawings.No titledraw clarissa and chewbonePersonal ThreadContainment thread for myselfSportsball ThreadWith the Superbowl being over other sports either just starting their seasons or heading towards the end. I think it is time to have a good old fashioned Sportsball Thread for /i/ once more. Feel free to draw someone playing sports, rooting for a team, or even suggest ideas for a perfect /i/ team. Be it players, chants, uniforms, or something else creative before Spring kicks in!Back with my bullshitI'm HimNo titleneigh irma dough heir owen thongHungry Games GeneralYear of the snake edition
Welcome, one and all, to the Hungry Games General! This hub aims to have multiple games per thread, so don't be discouraged from stopping by if it's already at 100 posts. For the uninitiated, the premise of the games is simple - draw a contestant to compete against 23 other challengers, and they'll all be put into an RNG simulation, often full of wacky events, where every new slide could mean life or death! You're encouraged to interact with these events via drawing your character and anyone else that shares an event with you, but it's entirely optional if you just feel like watching instead. The last one standing gets the glory of victory, and maybe a snazzy wincard as well! There are no set rules for these threads, however some basic etiquette should be followed - make sure you reply to the host with your character's picture, their name, and their gender in case it's not immediately obvious. Make sure your entry is drawn by you - this is the art board after all! (If you want to use non-drawn tributes, why not check out the HG threads on /trash/ or /b/?) Try not to spam a bunch of tributes at once - give other people a chance to enter, and if you can't, be nice and swap one of your characters out if there are latecomers. >Question of the thread: What was your new year's resolution? Have you kept to it? Happy drawing, and good luck!No titleITT I'll be posting my still below average(but slightly improved) artwork/fur/ #6/i/'s furfaggotry containment thread. Keep other faggotry to a tolerable minimum.
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)RED THREADRED THREAD
Oekaki Post (Time: 5s, Replay: View)Comic HelpI am working on a comic and I'm trying to balance the amount of effort I'm putting in with how quickly I get an issue out. I've shown my progress to some family members and they say it looks good but of course they're going to be nice to me no matter what. I'm not the best artist but I think it looks ok, but I still think there's something missing (asides text). What can I add/change to improve this?No title/i/ General Drawthread
>Keep your request(s) and reference images to one post >Since /i/s not a themed board, we aren't restricted by subject or theme -- Anything goes! >Get creative with you requests >Drawfriends, don't hold back >No AI deliveries >Have Fun!Rat threadDraw a ratAmaiyo MushizaMy drawingsPrevious: https://archived.moe/i/thread/749521
Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 14m, Replay: View)Lets draw moreI decided to make a second thread because it actually gives me motivation to draw more and that it's good for my mind You can also post your stuff if you want, I might or might not draw your OC depending on how easy is for me to do it. Don't expect anything but cheesy anime girls stuff in hereArt dump thread - The seventh run!Sharing my doodles and other stuff in this thread, requests are ok as long as it is 100% SFW but honestly I barely do them.
Friendly disclaimer that I´m not an actual artist so don´t expect any quality from me.Koπo Doodle Thread 17;::::()))))))))))(((():::::::: ..:?'**************\?..... ..)/* ..__.....__.. *\/..... ...*.....π.......π....*...... ..{(*......../ \........*)}.... ..c{.......(nn).......}c.... .....\....^------^.../........ ....!.\......;;;;....../.!....... ....!....'>------<;...!.......
"It's koπing time" -Koπ man
Long Live Koπo bread!!! Koπ Man lives : DDD Thread Rules: Use Oekaki, Keep replays on, Be Kind
For my fellow avid archiver a convenient link to every Koπ bread so far here goes: >>630163 >>644285 >>649683 >>653357 >>655163 >>660979 >>663892 >>664096 >>669297 >>678569 >>690013 >>702711 >>720904 >>727543 >>740761 >>761954
Oekaki Post (Time: 3h 9m, Replay: View)No titlemy thread a thread died for this shit sorry/npg/ Comfy North Park OC thread #38Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!
Oekaki Post (Time: 15m)Ye old fred comes aliveThe thread for the multi board schizo extraordaniry spic.
I am back. Why you may ask? Shrimple; i feel empty when not posting here. i will rebegin with the schizo posting and or other such things(plus rebuild of the fred and friends non chartible orgnazation).
We are so back fred chuds >in ze werks
Video me and two other schizos did of us going through and reviewing the art of another person on here.
Animation in which various generations of fred designs interact(they have different personalities and shit)
New server with custom webhook like the og one.
More coming soon!this is nice drawthreaddraw bury pink, bury ebil & friends/gg/ Grogans GeneralThere is a new phenomenon from /b/ about basically psyopping people into using new manufactured basedjaks in an art style named "A Grogan," I am making this thread for: myself, you, humanity.
All Grogans are welcome, if it looks like a Grogan, it probably is.Greetings!!!Hi uh, I'm going to post my drawings on my thread, so ummm fanarts are also welcomed in this point too :)cute feet threadDraw cute feet. in leg wear or shoes maybe/i/ Animation ThreadFirst Practice assignment is the Pendulum the main focus of this practice is to understand slow-ins and slow-outs each swing is 12 frames and how they're spaced is what makes or breaks the movementEarly 00s threadMemories of a simpler time. Draw 00s anime, things you'd find on Deviantart, etc...
Oekaki Post (Time: 26m, Replay: View)really bad idea I had>captain 4chan >has a fleet, each ship in the fleet is named after 4chan boards >has a golden tooth >green skin >personality of jack sparrow >some of his crewmates are pepe, chudjak, basedjak, trollface etc >sails around the internet with his crew in search of sites to pillage and plunder >has a trophy room in the main ship, some of the trophies are a flag with the words "he will not divide us", the original scientology bible, a sign that says "pool's closed", etc
this is all very cringe, I might regret posting this. feel free to add any ideas or characters, or even draw him if you want, I certainly can't draw very wellDrawpile Thread - Redoubt Session URL: drawfie.comJoin artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits!
NEW: Sigmatelier Study Sessions canvas Session URL: drawfie.com (Study Canvas) New photo reference posted mon-thur at 10:30 pm CST
Server is accessible 24/7
Activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there!
Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, try to stick to 100-200% magnification-or even higher depending on your native resolution and the relative complexity of your intended work. Read the room, let's try and get the most out of each theme!
Canvas images posted to the thread are .jpg files at 70% scale and 40% quality to meet 4chan's resolution and file size requirements, for high quality raw .png canvas files, use the MEGA archive located here: https://mega.nz/folder/hbAURDBB#htWRoOsPOG30XnMmKV_zNA
Oekaki Post (Time: 31m)what do you think of my charactersill post bunch of my drawingsMaking a Board Game with my OC'sCurrently I want to draw more of my characters and world so I decided to try and make my own board game revolving around them. This is just a concept as I'm not planning on making this a real thing. Let me know what you think.I just found this board
Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)No titlepilot coming out and drew this ship because I can.draw threadhavent done one of these in a while send requests or draw my mascotNo titlesharpieNo title>>800364 moving to new thread #3
Here's the previous /i storytime thread https://archived.moe/i/thread/715050/#715050 Enjoy!Imouto Thread> This is now your little sister. > Every update she ages by 6 months. > Your actions will shape how she develops physically and mentally. > Her future is in your hands.
If you give her clothes, she will wear them, If you teach her, she will become smarter. If you feed her, she will gain weight.
Every update, together with a new drawing of her, I'll give a log of how each Anon's actions affected her.No titleThe most oekaki game of all! The small Kazakh studio "Pila-team" presents the first demo version of our project "Stigonosis. Summer. Love."! There are many stigs, references to popular racing series and ugly graphics made in a school notebook. By the way, the author of the game does not know English very well) Of course, this demo is a joke, in the future the project will have normal backgrounds, sprites and its own music (at the moment the entire soundtrack is borrowed from other projects, all rights belong to the copyright holders). The main character of the novel, a young man named Ian, dreams of getting a driver's license, but despite good speed and reaction, he fails the exam time after time. Desperate, Ian agrees to a dubious offer to participate in a special training program for drivers and unexpectedly finds himself on the space station Stigonosis, inhabited by cheerful and slightly strange racers - the Stigs. It is there that Ian will have to overcome indecision, earn the long-awaited license, and perhaps even find his love.
Download for PC - htt ps://drive.google. com/file/d/1srDujuG4F6ZSc8cmh91JEonJY-UQzhhm/view?usp=sharing Download for Mac - htt ps://drive.google. com/file/d/1BPx03kPXfS36rd4IEHD28SFcs1H_mCtm/view?usp=sharing (not tested for functionality, developer doesn't have any Apple) Not ported to Android yet, lack of knowledge. Adventures on Stigonosis begin!NaomiGive this robot a bodyRedesign Doodles, Monsters etc.Find an original doodle/monster/character and redesign it. Pictured are some from a past thread. Have fun :D/pyon/Just a fun draw thread for Kiki, /vt/'s lolibaba rabbit /here/chuuba. Draw or doodle your best Kiki!
Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 34m, Replay: View)No titledraw a robotNeed help creating a comic promoting a masturbatorWhat exactly do I need help with: >A storyboard of the comic. Even if you can't draw, the main thing is to have frames, character positions and what's going on, if you can't draw at all, you can write the script in text, but it's still preferable to do it some how but visually.
The content of the comic: >1-2 (4 is the max) pages, not necessarily something with a plot and dialog, the main thing is to show the masturbator in action, and the characters that use it. >Focused on a male hetero audience, which means the presence of a female character is mandatory. >Contains no illegal/doubtful things or activities (underage/animal) and no group sex. >Context and location are not particularly important, but preferably something in a present day setting and vanilla, like in a private room (public stuff is questionable, but best not to emphasize it). >You don't need to come up with characters, I'll take care of that myself. >For the most part, creative freedom is granted. I'm guessing even fictional things like pussy connection might work.
About the products to be proclaimed: >The masturbator is automatic (a must in the comic), can be attached to a table, and has an AI function or something. Can be controlled by a smartphone and connect to programs/games and other sex toys via an app. >Buttplug vibrator (desirable presence in the comic, but not required), also has smart features. An approximate view and principle of functioning is shown in the attached image.
If there are any questions, I'll try to answer them.General Art DumpFor the people that don't want to make their own threads
Previous thread: >>713569TELL ME WHAT TO DRAWgive me requests and i will draw them pleaseDrawing with a mousePlayStation containment threadpost your PS-related artwork here. Open for all types of Snoys.kiyaru mizushima>year is 2021 and the new world order has begun >teacher in her 30s >she has did things with most of her male students once >she teaches at a highschool in florida miamiDraw Nekomura Irohacall with me femaledraw and call with me dolphins fish in the sea fun forever sunshine hotsand beach weather clearskys clear water crystal shimmer getting dimmer backflip carcrash reptiles snake grabing tails flaming hail lts baildraw friendswholesome hugabble heartshaped warm comforting purple green cat oc named pear who is the daemon lords daughter next to the slaughter hotter daemon side emo slitting wrists gravestones dead roses broken hearts suicide notes . . .someone pls draw with me and be my friend pls. . . .Sexually wild girl> Hard nipples > shortened top shirt > loosened pants > wet stainsDRAW TODAY'S OUTFITshow the swag that those /fa/gs can't even get in their dreamsPanty ThreadNo titleLANNEY WARTwo large ghost-like women and a small manA small man encounter two large ghost ladies one grumpy, one more flirty, what will happen?
Oekaki Post (Time: 36m)My simple Animation threadBecause i canOC Thread 52: OC KartY'all know the drill by now, its the OC thread! Post about your original characters and tell us about them. Could your OC win the Clover Cup? Or would they get 5th because they got blue shell'd right at the end? Also, we are opening the server up again. Here's the invite. Come in and let's all yap about our little guys together! gg/3XjNhEwKdvFertitiliy Goddess ThreadDraw Venus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Willendorf
Oekaki Post (Time: 49m, Replay: View)Oc ART splatoonHeres my drawings of my splatoon oc i made her name is sheila and shes a inkling long ago what your guys opinion on her lemme know and what would you do with her :) ? ill post more art here soonBlimbo dumpanyone from /co/ remember her and his friend?broken rules #2and flawless inconsistencyNo titleDraw MONSTERS
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)No titleDoodled ocs, I managed to do the eltingville styleMissing personLuna I know you browse this board, and you know I can't find you in a particular thread. Anyways I want to talk to you, please reach out. It's nothing bad I promise.
Now for the actual thread, what's with bunnies being soldiers? What makes them such a popular choice for stuff like picrel?No titleDraw Demons
Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)Monanon's Drawthread VYou know the drill, anon I love drawing the same things and the same few characters over and over. I love drawing cute + lewd things & couple pictures
Oekaki Post (Time: 53m, Replay: View)WynthreadWe stay Wynning
Thread for all my wyn related stuff Basically an art dump thread for my ginger OCsskull guessing gamedraw a skull or guess what animal the skull belongs to./stp/ Save the princessQuick, use your drawing skills to save the hostage! (Or not...)cloak girl adventuressuggest things for me to draw her doing and ill do draw it
Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)lobotomy corporationdraw things from lobotomy corp (or other if you want i can't do anything). don't know what loocomy corp is ? idk just see this and enjoy the hellhole that is the plot of lobotomy corp https://lobotomycorp.fandom.com/wiki/HomeNo titlehowdy fellas, come be happy in the Happy tree thread! Draw your favorite characters or even your OC's. All things HTF are welcome.No titleThis is Floobis. draw something nice with him/herDrawing catgirl and bunnygirlHello /i/ I doodled these two characters of mine, I like to keep their designs simple so I thought people here may like them, you can draw them if you want it would be nice to see! But if you want to draw other catgirls and bunnygirls designs you may like more it's fine too! Have funNo titleWhat do you think?No titleI really like my OC Patricia :3 That's why I made a softcore [and weird] gif starring her.
I will update this thread as I make more gifs.hey 4changive this silly critter a nameNo titleHe can talk anyway./i/entaiA thread to post my shit in one place. Mostly comic strips.No titleJojo's Bizarre Threadpicked up air dry clayI made this little guy! he's a necklace, a beginner project but still looks goofy :) (1/2)No titledraw nawtyq in whatever porn scene you wantCLIP studio paint prowhy the FUCK is CSP so inconsistent with fill?No titleI made this alien. Her name is Cindy on Earth.No titlecan I get a redline? I want it to be more anime and there is something off with the hips or boobs or midriff, idk.Drew It Then Jerked ItPost art you made that you got off to. Today was picrel for me.Progress threadJust post progress.
Dig up old works, and then compare that beside your latest stuff.
This is the oldest thing I can find compared to tonight (it is 4AM)run them handsrun them hands
Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)Yuro Natsuki> cute highschool anime girl > healthy female body > she kinda spends time being naked in her room > she has collection of sex toys she loves to pleasure herself with > she also meets up her male teachers for sexRKGKThread for archiving/doodle/ practice purposes. I also really wanted the hat. >This one is going to be a bit more NSFW than the previous.DinosaursDraw your favorite dinos
Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 31m, Replay: View)Let's build a robotStarting with the head. Others add body parts and accessories one post at a time. Once the robot is completed we can repeat the process with a new robotGirls Und Panzerany one here that draws gup?
Oekaki Post (Time: 5m, Replay: View)draw goth girlsdraw goth girlsNo titletrying out oekaki for the first time. some parts of a drawing look bad, but it was fun anyway
Oekaki Post (Time: 5h 27m, Replay: View)drawing yotsubai drew yotsuba. i added some flowers and a sun to make it more wholesomespoopygot anything creepy?No titleDraw your favorite character using this base!This type of thingI dont know where i got it from or what it is, but i vaguely remember something like this from a cartoon when I was a kid. Anyways, try and recreate it in your own way.
Doesnt have to be faces. Can be text, limbs, symbols, shapes, animals etc.No titlecan a kind drawanon draw tomoko doing this album face pls? ty ^_^No title>get bored >doodle beary >actually manage to get the hair rightNo titleCaptain Oekaki is putting together 4chans mightiest heroes..... The ivengers! Suit up and draw your OC superhero to join the ivengers.
Oekaki Post (Time: 26m, Replay: View)No titleDraw a girl!thoughts?do you know Tik Tok femcel girls hate you guys bc according to them "you 4channers stole the Moe Artstyle! you fucking incels!" and now the femcel community is like, in a civil war bc some femcels like 4chan (never used it) and other femcels hate 4chan (only saw Youtube videos about 4chan icebergs probably.)