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Board: /hm/

"/hm/ - Handsome Men" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to sharing adult images of handsome men.

No title
/hm/ is for sharing porn.

People posting new threads should post several images (6+) to get the thread started. Don't just post one image and expect other people to do the work of making a successful thread.

Hookup, camwhore, and 'rate me' threads should go on /soc/.
Advice threads should go on /adv/. (work-safe).
Discussion of LGBT topics should go on /lgbt/. (work-safe).
Requests for sources, or more images should go on /r/.
0 media | 1 replies
Sauce/Source Thread - 746th Edition
Previous thread image limit reached >>2653810

To stop all the source threads deleting good content, a general source thread is required. /r/ doesn't do gay shit and mods ban/delete individual source threads.

How to obtain your source:
1) Post your picture or description
2) Post what you want (name, company, etc)
3) Post any information you have (where/when the picture is from, etc)
4) Wait for a mars/hm/allow to help you and then say thanks.

Together we can stop the 404ing of good porn.

Please use Yandex (highly recommended) or Google image search (fuck google image search though) before posting in this thread.

There is also a gay porn encyclopedia which can be found here:
It has a huge library of many different actors, studios, films and other information which you may find helpful.

Finally, please do not reply to users who ask for a source by creating their own thread. This removes porn from /hm/ and they should not be rewarded for their actions.
93 media | 161 replies
Hefty guys
Why am I attracted to heft builds like this? My husband isn't even hefty, he's beefy and build but I want him to get fatter, why bros?
125 media | 220 replies
Nature sex and nudity
I want gays in nature like forests, parks, on grass, against trees, on beaches, in fields, etc.
81 media | 93 replies
Shia Labeuof
Movies, Plays, Recording Artists, Sports Figures and more. If they ever showed skin, let it come to light! (Starting off with Shia)
102 media | 147 replies
Favorite Cocks
Post GIFs, webms, and pics of your favorites among the 10,000 cocks you've seen.
95 media | 112 replies
Gay Confessional
new storytime thread, since it reached the bump limit.
or a second one i guess since >>2660716 is still there.
12 media | 80 replies
Cause the old one is full already
144 media | 254 replies
No title
ITT: MAGA/right-wing guys
92 media | 118 replies
BBC Thread #9
GIant Melanated laphogs that deserve to be worshipped and sucked to completion. Let's keep it going.
99 media | 132 replies
Exposed fags, post em.
138 media | 206 replies
89 media | 151 replies
Soft ball sack and cock
All these leathery textured soft dicks and big ball sacks. Teen boys welcome!
24 media | 29 replies
exposed men
Old thread hit limit
50 media | 58 replies
Black Twinks
Twinks, that are black.

Simple as.
141 media | 277 replies
Hot streamers, e-celebs 3
Continued from >>2633694
Thumb: Paul Harrell of the anti-gay Millstone Report on Rumble
97 media | 155 replies
Marvel Hunks II
Whether or not the MCU is dying, one thing remains clear: its hunks will live forever
92 media | 204 replies
Reddit Sluts
Post men that have sent DMs to you on reddit
12 media | 16 replies
No title
All Asian boys are born solely to serve white men sexually.
They should donate their bodies while still beautiful and have their bodies used publicly as sex dolls.
31 media | 65 replies
stole these from a sissy
spread these pics i took from a gullible sissy far and wide, catfish people with them, whatever, let me know what you do hehe will add more as i get them
13 media | 14 replies
Cocks you've been sent on grindr, sniffies, text, ect
Monster 1
Obviously no personal info.

Bonus points if it was a cock that you ended up taking.

Picrel was the biggest dick I've ever taken in my ass. I had a threesome with him and his husband during my late teens slut phase. His husband was also pretty big and went first to prepare my ass to take him, then he had a turn. It hurt a lot at first but I ended up liking it. Was walking funny for days.
59 media | 80 replies
Artist images of men, sexual or erotic in nature
77 media | 85 replies
young hairless guys thread
general twinks/twunks thread. why is there none anyways? ALL of you like hairy old men?

ps: doesnt have to be completely just little to nobody hair.
52 media | 71 replies
Piss Thread
Stories, anecdotes, discussion welcome
33 media | 64 replies
20 media | 22 replies
No title
Beefy asses
114 media | 203 replies
urethral sounding
post dicks with rods in them, or other objects. vids or pics.
29 media | 42 replies
Imagine the Smell
Sweaty guys, sniffing, generally musky scenarios
44 media | 68 replies
Dude with a beer
Let's see some decent enough looking guys, naked or doing something reasonably suggestive, while drinking a beer.
107 media | 116 replies
ENM Thread?
I think when boys get a little embarrassed its hot...

Pics, webms, and even stories and experiences would be awesome.

You can post whatever, as long as it contains some sort of humiliation...
95 media | 141 replies
White tops and asian bottoms
60 media | 198 replies
Mac Robinson
This is one hot Alabama daddy
70 media | 86 replies
BBC Thread #8 Thick Chocolate
Never Ending Black Cock Daddies, post the juiciest have to get your lips around BBC's that make you immediately get hard.
150 media | 199 replies
70s / Vintage Porn
Post your best vintage porn from the 60s 70s and 80s. Why did guys used to so hot? What happened ;)
78 media | 95 replies
Men on the toilet
Nothing gross please. I follow the subereddit and want more like this.
11 media | 15 replies
Stoner/Junkie Guys Thread
Stoners, junkies, skaters, white trash, hippies, criminals, and homeless guys. Really anyone who has that unkept “scruffy” look to them. Last thread reached the image limit.

Previous thread: >>2514712
87 media | 202 replies
Brown cocks
Swarthy juicy uncut hairy dicks
110 media | 150 replies
This thread is for images of black and brown bottoms enjoying white cock.

>Previous thread:
>All our past threads:
90 media | 159 replies
No title
pics you can smell
9 media | 12 replies
No title
Gen Z gays are bringing traditional boxers back in style, so post what you got!
32 media | 45 replies
white master and asian slave
Share your experiences with white masters or Asian slaves and encourage more people to speak up or share.Whiter BWC service is what slaves should do
12 media | 23 replies
No title
cuckold thread
2 media | 4 replies
Fingers in ass
Appealing pictures of fingers in buttholes. Bonus points for depth of penetration, clarity of image, and also if the fingers belong to another guy...
16 media | 24 replies
Bussy Thread
150 media | 186 replies
Fat men looking to get fatter
40 media | 78 replies
Butthole selfies
Pics where a man is taking a selfie with another man's butthole, or where he's taking a selfie with his own.
91 media | 131 replies
Jewish guys
Yeah. Doesn't need to be orthodox/hasidic men, Israeli & reform guys count
57 media | 69 replies
Gay Humiliation (for the nation)
Decently shot guys in a precarious and kinky position, or otherwise having a punishing time on camera. No to people's deliberately unflattering selfies, or calls to action in someone's DMs. Yes to wedgies, involuntary stripping, corporal punishment, embarrassment, force-fucking, gangbangs, bullying, foot worship, difficult insertions, piss, stress positions, or idk – surprise me...

Full image (from a great artist):

Old thread:
28 media | 36 replies
32 media | 43 replies
Dude with a cigarette
It's been a while since we had a thread of guys smoking cigarettes. Looking for reasonably flattering images of any kind of dudes getting naked or doing something fetishy while smoking. Not into cigars (that's a distinctly different vibe), and drugs have their own thread here: javascript:quote('2605076');
55 media | 59 replies
Hairy Daddies
For hairy older men. Can be fat, fit, etc
64 media | 85 replies
No title
Post more photos like this pose. Triple bonus points for beach or public images!
104 media | 126 replies
joseph sayres
good looking men and guys
123 media | 157 replies
Frottage Thread
The best of images involving two erotic dicks rubbing against each other goes here.
72 media | 114 replies
Legs, Thighs, Calves.
Post legs. Legs you want to bite or grab, or have wrapped around your head. Post your favorite legs.
18 media | 22 replies
Under the Gaydar-Guys
Contd the now dead thread

Post about your bro relationship that was homo af

Do you have a fishing or hunting buddy?

How did you meet?

What started the sexual relationship?
2 media | 38 replies
Testosterone:the natural hotness of men
All the results of natural testosterone.
1. Masculine Self Confidence is handsome.
2. Natural body hair, unshaven.
3. Natural unroided fitness, a body resulting from hard work and testosterone only—a beautiful manliness.
4. Not overly tatted or modified, a natural man.
127 media | 190 replies
No title
'ick on 'eck
7 media | 14 replies
American older big men
How is the US able to produce so many beautiful chunky daddies/bears? Almost all guys you see online are handsome with nice bellies.
37 media | 67 replies
Pits 2.0
More musky bros, pls.

Bonus points for blonds and gingers.

Old thread: >>2638086
104 media | 112 replies
119 media | 187 replies
Men with Jobs
I think men with jobs are so hot
Please post occupied men
26 media | 52 replies
No title
Anyone have the rest? No names because of google alerts, IYKYK
8 media | 13 replies
Faces You Can Cum To
simple. guys who are so beautiful they can command a nut out of your dick with one look.
24 media | 25 replies
Sexy Criminals Thread
CEO Shooter Luigi Mangione Edition

The more I learn about him the more I want him to top me
>allegedly bi
>ivy league valedictorian nerd
>known to constantly flirt
>broke his back while working out and insurance wouldn't cover
the rest is history
71 media | 139 replies
No title
As a feminine somewhat athletic but still slim physique built guy (im in my early 30s), it's been pretty rough not having much of any luck finding muscular guys who are into smaller feminine guys. I understand that most will be into other muscular guys but I really wanted to believe that there were at least some who would like a smaller built guy.

And it's not even me trying to go for "normie" muscular guys but even when I tried looking for geeky muscular guys, most of them still prefer other muscular or masculine guys. And I know someone might try to bring up my age bur even when I was in my 20s, I couldn't find muscular guys into guys like myself..

In the end it is what it is bur I will admit that when I'm at the gym working out and seeing muscular guys l with their partners, I do feel a bit envious knowing I'll never get ot experience that.

Anyway vent aside, just sharing some cute muscular guys lol.
20 media | 71 replies
Return of Little Rock Wrestling
It used to be that there would always be a thread going in here for these hunks, what happened? Let’s get this trend started again! Other college boys in singlets also allowed.
39 media | 72 replies
Cooper Thread
Can we get a thread for Cooper, /fa/‘s qt finance bro and VP of his frat?
83 media | 186 replies
Huge lowhanging balls
Love massive lowhanging balls. Preferably guys bent over swinging their heavy sack around
43 media | 56 replies
Muscle Hunks
For those of us who love fit muscular men with big powerful cocks.
Fit, buff, roided, nude solo, or fucking and sucking other hot guys.
Post em!
103 media | 174 replies
Jaybaesun thread
16 media | 25 replies
Men wearing flags
Does anyone have pics of guys wearing underwear with flags on it? Something about seeing guys proudly wearing their countrys flag is hot to me
75 media | 90 replies
bondage thread
anything bdsm, bondage or men tied up in a sexual context
8 media | 15 replies
Gay Confession
Confess, trade stories.

My confession is, my first gay experience was with a much older guy and I lied about my age to do it. Found him on craigslist when it was still a thing and agreed to meet for a quick blow and go. We met at a movie theater and I hopped in. We drove around a bit and talked, then found a spot to park away from traffic. He had an old pick up so there was no center console or anything so all I had to do was scoot over. He reaches up and puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls me down into his lap. He fishes his cock out and feeds it to me and doesn't even give me time, just starts going at it. Not quite deep throat thankfully otherwise I would have had to tap out. He held me there and just used me for an hour or so. When he finally blew, he came all over my face and was loud about it. I've been a sub ever since.
14 media | 330 replies
Cumming with a Cock Inside You Thread
Post vid and pic of bottom cumming while the top's cock is still inside.

You know that feeling when you're cumming, your sphincter contracts and you can feel it squeezing your top's cock. Heaven.
52 media | 123 replies
Pics from your dad’s phone
Average joes. Guys who could be your uncle. Pics that look like your dad took them for a girl he was talking to
8 media | 9 replies
Double Bi
double bi
aka the sexiest, cockiest pose
Bonus point for smirking/cocky faces
100 media | 103 replies
Pup play
Pups doing pup things edition
150 media | 247 replies
Artsy gay pictures
Post some of your best here. Artst homoerotic pictures..
4 media | 5 replies
Native Americans
For Native American Heritage Month, post hot Indigenous guys.
33 media | 43 replies
Hot nipples
With juicy pecs to suck on
150 media | 179 replies
No title
Gorilla Men

Post pics of men so hairy they could be classified as a gorilla, we have too many twink threads
62 media | 92 replies
Sauce Thread DCCXLV
To stop all the source threads deleting good content, a general source thread is required. /r/ doesn't do gay shit and mods ban/delete individual source threads.

How to obtain your source:
1) Post your picture or description
2) Post what you want (name, company, etc)
3) Post any information you have (where/when the picture is from, etc)
4) Wait for a mars/hm/allow to help you and then say thanks.

Together we can stop the 404ing of good porn.

Please use Yandex (highly recommended) or Google image search (fuck google image search though) before posting in this thread.

There is also a gay porn encyclopedia which can be found here:
It has a huge library of many different actors, studios, films and other information which you may find helpful.

Finally, please do not reply to users who ask for a source by creating their own thread. This removes porn from /hm/ and they should not be rewarded for their actions.

Previous Sauce Thread: >>2645485
150 media | 273 replies
Tanned guys
Summer is nearly here so let's see those sexy tans.
70 media | 102 replies
Forearms kink
Forearms are the most exciting part of a man. Such strong and sexy muscles that you can easily stare at. Post the best pics of nice shaped forearms.
49 media | 52 replies
Gay bondage
Men tied up, handcuffed etc
150 media | 200 replies
It's December! Time for some ho ho holiday fun
86 media | 88 replies