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Board: /gif/

"/gif/ - Adult GIF" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to animated adult GIFs and WEBMs.

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/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

1. Do not request. All requests belong in >>>/r/
2. Contribute 2 or more additional related images when starting a thread (in addition to the OP).
3. Report rule-breaking posts and threads. Use the inline extension for easier access to this feature (Settings>Recommended>Report Button>Save)
4. If you know the source of a given image, please provide it directly. Do not respond to sauce beggars.

The Global Rules apply as well. Provide good content and report infringing posts. You can hide this thread by clicking the "[-]" icon to the left.
0 media | 1 replies
fake tits and ass thread
handcup sized or massive melons, doesn't matter as long as they've been surgically enhanced.
148 media | 186 replies
What's the sluttiest thing you've done?
I'm a married man with kids, and a wife who is incredibly cool about me being a little bisexual(some might say cool in general). We have dipped our toe into Sex clubs when on vacation, but never full swapped, We've hade some
bisexual experiments with friends when taking drugs, and she occasionally allows me to hookup with guys when she is away with the kids or something.

A couple of weeks ago, I showed up at a guys house with a full hood, covering my eyes, and let him face fuck me for 30 minutes, and I fucking loved i! The feeling of being used, hands hanging at my sides, letting him go to town on my nearly non existing gag-reflex, choking me with his dick until I was dizzy, and the tasty prize in my mouth at the end. I would argue this is the sluttiest thing I've ever done, and I would like to top it.

I'm traveling to London for work in April, and I'm planning on visiting a gay sauna, pleasuredrome. I'm contemplating bringing the hood, or a blindfold and sitting down on the floor in the sauna and let whoever wants to use my mouth.

Some might just take a dip because they're not ready to cum yet and move on to other adventures, but I hope to get at least a couple of loads. Hoping for someone to push my head against the wall and choke me with their dick until I'm dizzy!

What's the sluttiest thing you've done?

Share clips of people being sluts.
13 media | 78 replies
No title
Women that you would betray your race for
40 media | 69 replies
Pee piss urine
A Piss Drinker
Pee/piss/urine thread
Solo woman focused
37 media | 49 replies
End of Feminism - End of an Era:
We're almost at the point where the first AI-powered sex robots are among us. I want to see the most realistic videos possible of white men having sex with droid androids or robots. The robot can be humanoid or just a machine.
4 media | 31 replies
Nasty anal thread
Post girls gaping, farting. Pushing out cum, lube food or toys, winking- whatever. As long as they're actually girls and it's some nasty anal. No scat plz.
144 media | 207 replies
Solo asian girls thread:
Just asian girls showing their bodies

87 media | 96 replies
White Male Asian Female Passionate Sex
134 media | 246 replies
walking sex
>Someone was up in the middle of friday night sliding the board and making multiple tr@nny threads to archive several WM threads
Holy fuck how do you end up at that point in life lmao
Previous: >>28657404
4 media | 5 replies
girls doing a jerk off motion with their hands
0 media | 0 replies
Everything is welcome except for shitskins and keks.
34 media | 73 replies
No title
Recording 2025-03-28 020356
Acne/Zit popping thread
Post your best pops
107 media | 164 replies
Suicide/Rekt Thread
ronnie mcnutt
post people commiting suicide in any way, shooting most preferred.
57 media | 115 replies
No title
Castings in the Backrooms - Kissing Edition
72 media | 112 replies
Blacked white boys
42 media | 101 replies
No title
Weird stupid shit you wanna share but have no thread for.
19 media | 29 replies
Hot trans girls
Only actually attractive trans girls. No ugly ass men with bolted on tits. HRT girls with naturals are preferred. Can be solo or fucking.
102 media | 229 replies
rabbit asmr
yIyI thread
105 media | 291 replies
No title
Huge fat female tits

H cup and over
82 media | 118 replies
No title
Girls that hate cum but get covered anyway.
37 media | 103 replies
tsluna thread
one of the hottest t girls there is
2 media | 6 replies
post tits dress or undress. preferably showing reveals or tit flashes. all races and boobs welcomed.
74 media | 91 replies
/YATGB/ You are the girl below
Last thread died to bump limit, thanks to everyone who contributed
RP encouraged
Gooseposters welcome
Will post more than 3
Try to contribute even if you are requesting sauce
47 media | 68 replies
trans piss
Crystal M
trans women pissing
7 media | 10 replies
Implied Blowjob
obscured sucking, slurping, gagging on cock
120 media | 158 replies
Girly Asian Boys
prc femboy lulu (46)
itt post asian femboys, twinks, sissies, traps, ladyboys, bottom bitches, omega faggots etc.
120 media | 184 replies
White male brown female.
Extra points for indian chicks
86 media | 180 replies
Women presenting themselves as objects
Post anything hypersexual and goonbrained
106 media | 229 replies
No title
Huge Fat Female Ass
49 media | 85 replies
mandy anal edit
You know, the batshit music genre slut.
47 media | 54 replies
public trans
Two Girls Fucking
trans women nude/sex in public
14 media | 22 replies
Shart time
People sharting out of nowhere
0 media | 14 replies
No title
BNWO Splitscreens
and other shit
Also always love a beatdown version
77 media | 131 replies
Cum Swallowing
Women swallowing cum. CIM, throatpies etc
45 media | 47 replies
Celebm - TV/Movie Nudity
Spartacus - Viva Bianca
Keep it Rolling edition.

Post female celebrity nudity (TV, movies, leaks, etc.) here, non-nude cute/sexy is fine as well. No AI, nothing under the age of 18.
122 media | 264 replies
You are the girl below thread. RP encouraged. Challenge me. As always not a roll thread.
11 media | 14 replies
itt boobs that cured your faggotary
97 media | 171 replies
Amateur girls being sluts
Could be any number of girls doing anything with anyone. As long as it's slutty in some way. Preferably, videos not from content creators but from someone who was filming an organic situation.
33 media | 89 replies
Voyeur, Upskirt
I'd rather voyeur and I'll post 5, but add upskirts to bump. Let's see if we can get as deep as these sluts
11 media | 12 replies
BJ Thread
>no blacked
23 media | 38 replies
Respect Women
There seems to be a severe lack of respect for half the world's population on this board. Let's fix that. 1/3
6 media | 7 replies
Women in this position
Only women showing pussy from the side. No dick, trannies, gay shit. amateur preferred.
81 media | 209 replies