Board: /gif/
"/gif/ - Adult GIF" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to animated adult GIFs and WEBMs.
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.
1. Do not request. All requests belong in >>>/r/
2. Contribute 2 or more additional related images when starting a thread (in addition to the OP).
3. Report rule-breaking posts and threads. Use the inline extension for easier access to this feature (Settings>Recommended>Report Button>Save)
4. If you know the source of a given image, please provide it directly. Do not respond to sauce beggars.
The Global Rules apply as well. Provide good content and report infringing posts. You can hide this thread by clicking the "[-]" icon to the left. balls being turned into mush Reminder if you don't marry and reproduce you're a loser. pregnant thread Clips,gifs,full videis of trannies kinking over transphobes Would 10000% fuck my sister if she was into it. Tit fuck thread. Only the biggest of melons looking for homemade black girls cell phone stuff is best Females pegging males. No blacks or fatties no niggers, trannies or faggots (same thing i guess)
bonus points for nostalgia lexi belle is the goat You are the t-girl in the post below Actual Women, good lighting, no funny business. There should always be a naked dancing thread
No fats, no dicks
Energetic dancing preferred big white cock
bonus points for tomboy animated futa porn, post what you have Bleached = White male only As the title reads; PMVS, Edits, Celebs you wanna see blacked, Cuckold Vids etc etc
BONUS POINTS If anyone can post vids from: BLACKENCE PMV, PELO
thanks, men of taste Is there a way to learn to like vaginas? I've been talking to a girl and I feel like it's gonna come up at some point. Post anything I don't care Bonus points for bouncing. All races welcome. All Natural, no bolt-ons and no trannoids. First you could get kissing and semi-undressing in Hailuo, then PixVerse gave actual nudity (sometimes), and now Kling is letting you animate already nude images and isn't too bad at keeping facial features accurate. What's the next big app that will overtake Kling? Nora fawn, Octokuro, Sweetie fox, you guys get the deal. Let’s get a good thread going the isn’t tranny involved Peeing or wetting, as long as it's a woman doing it, let's see if sticking together keeps us afloat for longer. Just a thread to get our New Year started with clips of couples doing their usual penile-vaginal penetration. White men with brown females of any kind
African, Latina, Indian, Arab, Caribbean, Native American, etc -Latina Appreciation Thread.
-Only Latinas in front of the camera
-Nudity allowed, but nothing pornographic or overly explicit. post shemales getting their dick sucked I'm unable to upload my own gifs. They are below 4mb. Is there a guide? Take a little break from porn, this is an anti-India thread. I need the worst Indian shit imaginable in here. I want to make a video compilation. preferable with the girls loving it Don't worry I'll be posting 3 just might take a little bit. the butt clapping has commenced Let's see if we can summon some deepfake wizards to make some new stuff eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread Female to Male, preferably twink looking rather than balding masc ones. Basically, natural born vagina havers that look like cute twinks. Tomboys and non FtM girls accepted so long as they fit the aesthetic. You know the drill, post beautiful women with perfect tits Mammaries of substantial size Shaniquas getting buck broken Take a break from porn
Appreciate pitbulls and other retarded animals getting rekt new thread - blow jobs, oral, cock sucking etc rules
audio is a must
straight only, with a focus on the woman
not a fan of super zoomed in shots of lips and a dick
not a big fan of extremely short or long webms, 15-60s is best but this isn't a dealbreaker
since gif has a drastically reduced capacity for threads, you can post regular bj videos if it's to bump the thread and keep it alive
amateur is preferable but not necessary Unstable/Crazy Bitches thread. Give me your juiciest fattest most bootylicious shemales & trans girls please. Post your favourite & vote for best Post men getting embarrassed and ridiculed over their natural inadequacy. Goddess Abby thread. Please dump as much as you can, deepfakes extremely welcome. Gotta keep adding to my collection. Post em if you got em. No niggers, or trannies. It doesn't need to be a jeet having sex. It can be any ethnicity having sex, but it must be in the style of Indian culture. you know what it means Black Reparations Thread
Black women paying reparations to White men for all the crime black men commit, all the social welfare they take, all the shit they burned down during the riots Finally mustered up the courage to ask my girlfriend if she'd tell me stories of her with other guys while we fuck.
I'll let you all know how it goes Post your silliest rekt moments I'm convinced the people who spam the dumb flart and fligu shit are trying to keep the board focused on only porn and race baiting stuff.
It's not even slightly funny and I don't understand the appeal. White girls cumming on bbc, legs shaking, squirting, screaming and moaning kinda orgasms. Gentle stuff, cages and denial are okay but no solo dudes, all webms must have a woman in them >here's the summary
Finebros made YT video discussing 4chan.
Guy in video made a video in response but did not know what 4chan was.
Got mega trolled, Pizzas to house, photoshopped goofy photos from his Twitter.
Wondering if anyone had more to the story. New gemmy dropped
HD video:
found a new gold mine of studies about lgbt: