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Board: /gif/

"/gif/ - Adult GIF" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to animated adult GIFs and WEBMs.

/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

1. Do not request. All requests belong in >>>/r/
2. Contribute 2 or more additional related images when starting a thread (in addition to the OP).
3. Report rule-breaking posts and threads. Use the inline extension for easier access to this feature (Settings>Recommended>Report Button>Save)
4. If you know the source of a given image, please provide it directly. Do not respond to sauce beggars.

The Global Rules apply as well. Provide good content and report infringing posts. You can hide this thread by clicking the "[-]" icon to the left.
0 media | 1 replies
Airplane Rekt
National Air Cargo Boeing's 747-400 freighter airplane crash in Afghanistan - Rekt
In honor of the recent crashes. Helicopters welcome too
38 media | 100 replies
No title
>hates black people
>is obsessed with them
whats the psychology behind this?
3 media | 31 replies
and other brown-skinned baddies (but mostly latinas)
112 media | 260 replies
Good Thread
Been a while since we've had one of those. Post webms that are good.
55 media | 119 replies
Big / Round Asses
Either big, or just nicely shapen. Been a while since I've seen a good ass thread.
81 media | 119 replies
Mind blowing orgasm from getting fucked by a BBC. Eyes rolling, legs shaking, squirting, loud moaning, etc.
85 media | 274 replies
Snot Fetish
Girls blowing snot out their noses
15 media | 15 replies
No title
Try-ons thread
32 media | 40 replies
anything animated
post any kind of animated porn you want, and yes I mean any kind, scat, bugs what ever. the more obscure the better
87 media | 126 replies
Non-Gentle Femdom Thread
chinese femdom butthole caning
This thread is for boys being subjected to severe pain, shame, and/or humiliation by Women. no soft stuff, only bizarre and hardcore female dominations plz.
166 media | 258 replies
post rape & sexual assault, I only have gay but straight also welcome
4 media | 13 replies
Made in China / Chinese AV
Melodylove1223 Spanking wife while she's straddling on top
Previous thread that lasted for over 7 days got archived before it hit 300 replies. So let's try again by posting clips of Chinese women moaning naturally, while getting their pussies sexily dicked.
37 media | 69 replies
JAV thread
Love those japanese women. Post webms and gifs and let's discuss

Bonus point for lovey dovey stuff
16 media | 28 replies
Lexi Luna
Lil Humpers - Lexi Luna_1
Yeah I wish I was her favorite student, too.
126 media | 161 replies
Age thread
1680636798470891 1679704137351127
explicit mentions of age
32 media | 191 replies
Scat Thread
Extreme Scat 1
Pants messing, Dirty anal, Impressive poops, general scat-play
74 media | 114 replies
Anyone else notice with USAID gone the thread quality here has improved?
It's almost like it is proof that the last admin was purposely pushing trannies and niggers here. I guess that is what criminal illegitimate admins do? WTF? Why do we sent DC taxes on to come home from work later and poorer than if these monsters weren't here at all and deal with their purposely destructive shit?
>inb4 they're still here
Yeah a few but in much smaller numbers that seem more organic than paid for
Posting faves in celebration. Post yours too
25 media | 52 replies
Shit that makes you want to taste the fucking rainbow.
Stories welcomed.
66 media | 186 replies
WMAF thread:
No solo stuff or weird music videos pls.
Posting some new videos I made.
92 media | 150 replies
Crossdresser/Tranny Public
Post videos of crossdressers and trannies doing stuff in public places. Preferably asian. No staged stuff
11 media | 24 replies
semen enters a vagina, thusly creating the possibility of impregnation
47 media | 65 replies
Leaning back. Girls playing with dicks. Dudes playing with pussies.
No trannies, no faggots
4 media | 13 replies
keep the raceplay stuff to the blacked waifus thread
8 media | 9 replies
Indian Girls
Post sexy Indian girls. WMIF is a plus
54 media | 114 replies
BMX footage
13 media | 50 replies
White men fucking women of any race
Amateur and homemade preferred
oc encouraged
110 media | 224 replies
wife killer
ylyl based edition
126 media | 302 replies
Post women enjoying the totality of BWC
Any race welcome
115 media | 246 replies
women and toys
Why did you cunts let the last toy thread die?
101 media | 145 replies
Trans x Black guys
post trans women being good girls for black guys
22 media | 33 replies
Valentine's Day love pasta
Valentine's Day Edition
72 media | 242 replies
No gays giving each other faggoty hand jobs. No men with tits either, gross. Whites only obvs
15 media | 31 replies
eternal sphincter massage
beautiful, fit girls getting their tense sphincter helpfully massaged by hard cocks aka anal in the ass
104 media | 124 replies
Black "male" inferiority
2024-12-16_bluwale94 - agitatedwickedtrumpeterbird
It's time to show the world the truth about the feminine black "male", post bucks being submissive, showing off their naturally plump asses and tiny little clitties. Bonus points if they're sucking or fucking a white cock or dildo like the good little slaves they were bred to be.
122 media | 155 replies
eternal tightness thread
all the hotties eager to show off their tight & flat stomachs go in here, makes this thread a neverending stream of beautiful tight perfection
163 media | 270 replies
MILFs, moms, sexy older women
68 media | 152 replies
Anything on the beach. Pools, lakes and rivers too. No creeks or gullies. No spamming of negroes. No faggots either.
17 media | 21 replies
No title
Asian women adore BWC
55 media | 223 replies
Splitscreens babebock beatdowns all welcome
13 media | 16 replies
BMXF, No Politics
Not a Jew or gay, just a Black dude trying to nut without pale dicks and European sounds ruining the immersion

No gay or trans, there's already 17 threads. Fat and ugly bitches is fine, sometimes you nut sometimes you laugh. Keep the BNWO shit to yourself, I'm not your fetish you pathetic pussy faggot piss boy bottom bitch... That's probably enough for your hoe ass to nut from right there, have fun fuckboy

Posting 3, gimme a minute I don't sort my porn
33 media | 68 replies
No title
posting some videos
71 media | 82 replies
No title
Incest/Momcest Thread?

Greentexting about the time I fingered my mom and jerked off infront of her over 10 years ago.

Bit of backstory, single child, mom had me at 17, dad died when I was 7.
Mom was an alcoholic, still kinda is.
Mom would drink about a litre of wine every night and usually take sleeping pills with it which would really fuck her up.
Nothing sexual ever happened when I was living with her and it would mostly just annoy me when she got so drunk.
Mom is abit chubby but has a pretty face, long dark hair and is very pale

>be me, about 21
>moved out at 19, mom lived alone at the time so I would occasionly visit for dinner
>one night I’m over for dinner and to help her move some furniture out the store room
>we have dinner first, mom drinking box wine, alot of it, I have abit too
>that night shes wearing my dads old grey army shirt and black pajama shorts
>while helping move some drawers around, mom comes over and smacks me on the ass
>I ask what the hell that was for and we both laugh a second
>mom says because she felt like it
>we sit on the couch and watch tv and talk for abit
>mom still drinking more wine, can already tell shes wasted and I’m already getting annoyed
>after a while I say I’m gonna head out and she goes “awww okay”
>I stand up to give her a hug but she stays seated and just lifts her arms up
>I lean down and give her a hug
>she looks up at me and says “and a kiss” and purses her lips
>I dont usually kiss my mom on the lips but go for a quick peck anyway
>kiss goes longer than a quick peck, maybe a full second
>mom says something like “that was nice, 1 more?”
>her eyes are barely open at this point
>feel abit weird since I’ve also had abit to drink and go to peck her again
>right after I give her another one, she gives me a few more
40 media | 115 replies
Best cowgirls/ post only experienced riders
80 media | 114 replies
WMLF Thread
White man latino female thread to make a spic cuck like me squirm?
12 media | 17 replies
No title
street food
43 media | 244 replies
Post girls showing off their bodies to the camera for our enjoyment. No tr@nnies, no f@ggots, no bl@cks, whites only. Lesbians ok.
44 media | 54 replies