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Board: /f/

"/f/ - Flash" is 4chan's upload board for sharing Adobe Flash files (SWFs).

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discophrenia 15 game Hendrick's Gin
You may or may not like this.
Hendricks Gin ad is such a bop,
So I tried to cover it
And then I made a dungeon crawler.
And this is the result
This game sucks, dont take it too seriously.
I am still fixing bugs

I made all of it.
0 media | 7 replies
Here we go again
RAISE YOUR /f/ LAG (vectorized)
The second weekend of the 2024 Summer Elite is here and /f/ has a hill to climb to try to get out of the group stage. After a draw last week to the FUCKING PONIES today we play a /trv/ team that had a strong showing in their last game. The show is starting now but our match match is scheduled to kick off at 21:00 UTC (roughly 4 hours from now). We're not desperate just yet but picking up a win and 3 points today would put us in a good position for Sunday's match against /c/ scheduled for 20:20 UTC. You can find links to the stream over on the wiki at Last week was fun, if a little disappointing in the result, hopefully we can put on a good show again this weekend.
Shout out to the /ic/ nigga that draws the weird porn for dropping the tutorial on how to vectorize shit, that was so much easier than actually learning to draw, thank you. Enjoy the reworked flash and the show today and I'll see you on the pitch

>I'm 12 and what is this?
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In honor of their performance
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