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Board: /cm/

"/cm/ - Cute/Male" is 4chan's imageboard for posting pictures of cute anime males.

Welcome to /cm/
/cm/ is for 2D male work-safe images. Images should depict animated males and be cute in nature.

1. Check the catalog before creating a thread to avoid duplicate threads.
2. Please post 5 to 6 images to get new threads started.
3. This board is for animated content only. Do not post images depicting "real" people.
4. Images of heterosexual couples belong on >>>/c/
5. Pornographic homosexual or solo male content belongs on >>>/y/

Global rules apply as well. Provide high quality content and report infringing posts.
0 media | 0 replies
Vinland Saga
previous thread >>3872710
post those viking men and farming lads
105 media | 175 replies
GirlyShos #6 blonde boys doing what blonde boys do
This thread is for
fem/andro/otokonoko/crossdressing shotas.
-Characters that physically look closer to older shounen are NOT allowed. ie: Felix/Astolfo/Rosado etc
-If above are drawn as shotas, then it's fine
previous thread >>3878372
66 media | 73 replies
No title
Shin Megami Tensei #19

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: >>3868365
80 media | 109 replies
Tsuritama Part 10
Still going

Tsuritama thread

Thread theme:

Previous thread: >>3712633
54 media | 55 replies
Wedgies and Bullying
Post about boys being mean to eachother

Try to keep more severe bullying relegated to the "ouchies" thread if you can help it.
43 media | 61 replies
/co/ dudes #42
hp0_gf (4)
Last thread: >>3841664

/co/ refugee camp
non-/a/ generally welcome
108 media | 135 replies
Random Thread
Post your favorite /cm/ image that you have collected over the years! This thread has no theme, so feel free to post whatever.
72 media | 83 replies
Baldur's Gate 3: #3
The last thread (>>3858505) reached its image limit so let's continue here with you favourite Faerun men.
133 media | 140 replies
thread for all Naruto boys because there isn't one
150 media | 188 replies
Dragon Ball
Goodnight sweet prince.
93 media | 96 replies
obscure bois
images (15)
post obscure boys and cuties from less popular media (◍•ᴗ•◍)
48 media | 69 replies
Valve Men
TF2/Half Life/L4D, etc
45 media | 48 replies
AI Boys
Cinematic Field of Wheat edition.
Previous thread: >>3898378

Some free resources:
21 media | 22 replies
I can't believe this series isn't more popular on this board; it has so many cute boys
116 media | 126 replies
Orochimaru (Naruto)
Posting the most underappreciated man-thing in Naruto.
>long, black hair
>Chad jawline but also androgynous
>basically just Chris Keller (manipulative sociopath)
Why is Orochimaru so slept on in /cm/?
111 media | 136 replies
The most hated anime villain in the medium's history... and arguably the sexiest.
44 media | 60 replies
Friday Night Funkin'
The base game got updated! Post FNF boys! Mod characters are allowed
51 media | 52 replies
Art by parvamine
Haven't seen a thread for this in a while. Preferably anything with Murdoc.
68 media | 72 replies
Crossdressing Thread #3
GOllIGYaEAAOdR6 @rios14__14
A thread for posting older-looking (pubescent/post-pubescent, no prepubescent shotas!) crossdressers, traps, otoko no ko, etc. Ignore, hide, and report all bait and tranny/tranny-adjacent posts. No Genshin Impact, either- we're all tired of seeing it.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Previous: >>3903553

All traps: >>3898453

Shota traps: >>3902485
25 media | 27 replies
Granblue Fantasy
Versus, Relink and more. Post your favorite boys from the franchise
85 media | 89 replies
Code Geass
In the middle of a rewatch and thought it would be nice to have a little thread. Nobody ever did it like them.
37 media | 40 replies
Ambush Thread
Post muscular big buff feminine men.
31 media | 48 replies
you like hurting boys dont you
143 media | 197 replies
Animal/Monster Boys
Catboys, dogboys, nagas, mermaids, fairies, taurs, lions tigers and bears, etc.
37 media | 42 replies
Owari no Seraph
Last thread hit the image limit: >>>3811016
78 media | 119 replies
Blue Lock #8
Previous thread: >>3843826
64 media | 71 replies
Danmei Thread
previous >>3820739

MXTX, MDZS, TGCF, SVSSS, 2HA, other Chinese BL
72 media | 76 replies
Black Survival
Eternal Return & Immortal Soul.
This might be a bit niche but with the revival (somewhat) of Immortal Soul, I figured why not give the Black Survival boys some love.
39 media | 39 replies
Lego Monkie Kid #1
@RenMist At peace
The Hero and the Warrior edition

With LMK S5 having just released in subs and starting to air in English, now's as good a time as any to try and get a thread going for our favorite Monke boys

You can download seasons 1-4 in English here:

And here's S5 subbed:

OP art source:
71 media | 76 replies
No title
Feel the fluffiness
150 media | 182 replies
i imagine one day where i can wake up to an irl version of cyno, that is to me, the dream. holding each other close, putting my head under his chin, him adding some pressure to reassure me, playing with my hair. i can feel him breathing on my hair, random shorter strands flailing around, but too engrossed in the moment to care.
maybe we might go shopping, maybe we might watch a movie, or he can just watch me play some games. maybe we play something together? tony hawk?
it’s a nothing day. one of the best days.
we go shopping! we head to a second hand store, i’m looking out for some old games while he’s looking around for whatever’s cool and old. honestly, i’m not really sure why he wants to come with, he rarely gets anything, but he seems to find something interesting all the time. maybe it’s just because of me, but i immediately head to the video game department, which is usually just a couple sport games on the ps2/ps3, but rarely i find something… this time though, no luck. it’s all just shovelware and sport games, which is fun but ehhh, not today. we both leave empty handed.
22 media | 32 replies
House MD thread
Oldfag here, haven't visited the site for years. It's changed a bit, I like the new boards.

I just watched House for the first time. Looking for some House/Wilson. It's surprisingly hard to find fanart.

Post what you got, especially if you can share a link to an archive.
8 media | 10 replies
And any vocal synth-related boys
Previous >>3848383
135 media | 158 replies
Guys who look like they got a few screws loose
21 media | 22 replies
Lies of P
ar.t,. of the boy,.
66 media | 76 replies
Helluva Boss #2
GM6LirCWcAAcrmc @happy_frisk_20
None of the amazon show, just Helluva Bros.

Last Episode: >>3877654
81 media | 82 replies
He's so adorable and retarded at the same time it's fucking insane
16 media | 51 replies
Cigars, weed, cigarettes, etc.
73 media | 80 replies
A thread dedicated to the cute canonically nullo ken doll puppet

Not affiliated with any other Genshin threads
87 media | 114 replies
Parkgee Thread (Suicide Boy & High School Boy)
Double the degeneracy edition
Previous >>3788489

>Suicide Boy

>High School Boy

Parkgee @ Twitter:
Parkgee @ YouTube
102 media | 315 replies
Warhammer Thread #2
Last thread: >>3700113

More of the cutest grimdark boys from 40k, Fantasy, and Age of Sigmar!
131 media | 163 replies
Mega Man
Have you played the Legend of Network and Phantom of Network translations yet?
69 media | 69 replies
Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Devilman thread?
144 media | 157 replies
Matsu thread
Osomatsu-san and Osomatsu-kun
BLmatsu allowed
17 media | 17 replies
Classical art
St Sebastian - Gnevol
Classical/baroque/romantic/neoclassic paintings/sketches/sculptures/prints, etc.

Similar to Historical bishounen: >>3823613 But NO EXPLICIT NUDITY this time you dummies.

Post sources/name of the piece when possible.
124 media | 158 replies
Trap (Otoko no ko) Thread #5
A thread for posting traps. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus. No women, or boobs- fake or real. Crossdressing is also acceptable, but not drag queens/ambushes.

Trans/boobs/hrt/twinkdeath posts are off topic/contrarian to the spirit of the thread and should be reported and subsequently hidden along with anyone who replies to them.

Previous thread >>3895388
33 media | 39 replies
Meido Boys
It's still maid day
Post boys and men in maid uniforms

P.S. report any derailing/talk about trannies, don't respond kthx.
63 media | 66 replies
Crossdressing Thread #2
A thread for posting older-looking (pubescent/post-pubescent, no prepubescent shotas!) crossdressers, traps, otoko no ko, etc. Ignore, hide, and report all bait and tranny/tranny-adjacent posts. No Genshin Impact, either- we're all tired of seeing it.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Previous: >>3898018

All traps: >>3898453

Shota traps: >>3902485
150 media | 206 replies
/cm/ Drawthread #27

1) Be polite to the drawfriends - they're drawing for you, after all.

2) Specifics, details and references pics are always appreciated, and increase the likelihood of your request being fulfilled.

3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away, or even at all - not every request is going to get done. If you think it's been overlooked, wait a while and relink or repost it.

4) Stick to fictional characters.

5) No nsfw requests. Stuff like that belongs in >>>/y/drawthread

6) Please limit image posting to references and request fills. We don't need a bunch of reaction pictures and such killing the thread early.

Previous thread: >>3706182


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Currently Fireden archive isn't working and doesn't save full images, so be sure to upload all deliveries to the booru before the thread archives! As a precaution I also recommend saving images of any deliveries you like so they aren't lost forever if they somehow don't make it to the booru.

Happy requesting and drawing, folks!
97 media | 179 replies
Horned boys
Post boys with horns, I have an insatiable desire for them
29 media | 33 replies
Street Fighter
Cute old men edition
Previous thread: >>3854384
145 media | 149 replies
9S Thread
Jannies nuking the thread edition >>3757128
(why tho)
118 media | 159 replies
Bridget and Testament
DxqxPtJV4AAjTeG @kyo_niku
/cutemale/ thread for the cutest males of GG
MaleToFailure trannies NOT welcome ;D
44 media | 45 replies
Eddsworld 03
asktorded (21)
last thread: >>3779052

64 media | 108 replies
Summer Boys 2024 #1
Sunny days, beaches, bug-catching, sunflowers, popsicles and anything else that represents these hot months.

Boys of all ages are welcome.

Also feel free to discuss anything related to the season.
90 media | 105 replies
crossdressing manga thread
Thread for talking about manga that deals heavily with crossdressing or at least features a very prominent crossdressing character. Manga about a guy physically transformed into a woman can get the fuck out, manga about trans women is a case by case decision.

Crossplay Love - A fun little romcom. It's one of those series where they don't want to progress the main thing so they keep adding characters who fall in love with people they don't realize are crossdressing guys. But it always has a good amount of crossdressing. Sadly not very horny, but good comedy

I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend into a Girl - It's alright. Only one crossdressing character, very little hijinks, mild horniness.

Love Me For Who I Am - Main character is non-binary but there's a decent amount of crossdressing happening around them, and you can always simply decided not to respect their gender and see them as a crossdressing boy. Very dramatic, lots of crying. Mild horniness.

What else ya got?
16 media | 32 replies
AI Boys
Share your artificially generated cuties!
Previous thread >>3883822

Some free resources:
150 media | 170 replies
Fire Emblem
Post Fire Emblem boys, doesn't matter what game, just post em.
131 media | 137 replies
Banana Fish
it still hurts, i need to see Eiji and Ash happy togheter
12 media | 13 replies
my beautiful husband akechi is so awesome i love him very much..
36 media | 52 replies
/cm/ Character Creators
lloyd and edgar
Dragon’s Dogma 2 just released their character creator. Have you made any cute male characters yet? Feel free to post created characters others have made or ones from other games as well.

Here’s my cute grumpy catboy arisen and his chad human pawn who always embarrasses him with hugs and kisses which make him purr uncontrollably.
105 media | 303 replies
Evangelion Thread #296
Previous: >>3836570

You WILL keep Evangelion threads alive
You WILL enjoy the series
150 media | 253 replies
Rider, Sentai, Garo, Kaiju, it's all good here
82 media | 84 replies
Super Sons
battle of the supersons
A thread dedicated to the cutest boys in the DC Universe, because why not

Official art and fanart both welcome
150 media | 168 replies
Manga Thread
Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu
The shota manga thread >>3734757 has hit the bump limit and is currently on page 10, so we need a new one, with a place for all kinds of cute boys. I'll start.

The Summer Hikaru Died is probably my favourite currently running manga. It's a horror manga where the protagonist's friend gets replaced by a monster that (almost) perfectly mimics his looks and personality, but isn't quite right. It's full of gay subtext and apparently it's supposed to be an analogy to growing up gay in the countryside.

If you like it, you can also read the 10 page oneshot by the author (mokmok_len) called "Period".
60 media | 120 replies
Original Characters
I'm not sure if this is the best place for this thread but I thought it's a cute idea and a great way to find a smaller artist who draws cute guys! So yeah show us your own or another artists original character. I'll humbly start off with my own.
12 media | 24 replies
Suspender black shorts + white shirt
I don't know if there's a name for this, Victorian boy fit maybe?
But god it's so cute I love ittt so I am making a thread for it and hoping to find more anons who are into it too
101 media | 107 replies
>Haru birthday event still on for June 30 @ Yokohama Buntai. There will be merch, as expected.

>Listen to Free!

>Previous Thread: >>3888347
19 media | 21 replies
Identity V
Let's finally post some idv boys
50 media | 52 replies
Arknights Thread

Time to show your love for all our cute Terran boys, from Rhodes Island and beyond!
22 media | 22 replies
Yugioh Part 16
sk816 笹木さき
Last thread
sorry for the 2 week delay.
it took the last thread a year and nearly 5 months to fill up the thread last time. i'd like to say this time, we'll have more activity here, but ... probably not? long live takahashi
52 media | 55 replies
No title
Post artwork of muscular femboys.
42 media | 93 replies
Made in Abyss
Post cute boys from Made in Abyss
28 media | 30 replies
Crossdressing Thread
A thread for posting non-shota otoko no ko, crossdressers, and more. Ignore and hide all bait and tranny posts. No Genshin posting either, please -- Venti is everywhere, I'm tired of seeing him.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Offshoot of: >>3895388, as it's been converted into a general trap thread.
Girlysho thread: >>3878372
150 media | 205 replies
Death Note #2
A good thread deserves a sequel.
Fanart old and new welcome!

Previous: >>3854618
150 media | 157 replies
Death Note
Y'all remember Death Note? Can we have a Death Note thread?
150 media | 155 replies
Genshin Impact
Shotas still #winning

Last Genshy: >>3898714
148 media | 263 replies
No title
what shota made you a shotacon? it was nate from yokai watch for me honorable mention to sora from Kingdom hearts
0 media | 2 replies
No title
plz post cute pikmin boys... :3

If even one person replies, I can die happy.
15 media | 15 replies
Yakuza / Ryu ga gotoku
Majima, Kiryu, Daigo .. etc.
the boysss

(by marshallmigraine on tumblr)
0 media | 1 replies
Elden Ring Boys
Miquella’s DLC finally got a trailer and release date.
150 media | 199 replies