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Board: /his/

"/his/ - History & Humanities" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating history.

Welcome to /his/ - History & Humanities
This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.
0 media | 0 replies
Wait so is atheism losing?
2014 Atheism:
>2024 Atheism:
>G-God isn't real....b-but I will concede morally to 95% of the things he said....
1 media | 91 replies
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Why did Christianity fail?
26 media | 70 replies
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How did his theories get popular when they ran counter to what people had been doing for ten thousand years or more, selective breeding based on parentry?
3 media | 26 replies
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John Ferguson and two accomplices, Marvin Francois and Beauford White, were responsible for a bloody spree of murders around Miami-Dade County, Florida in the 1970s. They killed at least eight persons but the total body count could have been as high as twelve. John Errol Ferguson was born on February 27, 1948, one of eight children of an African-American couple. His father died when he was 13 and his mother raised her large brood by herself. John repeated the 9th grade three times before dropping out of school. His first run-in with the law happened at 13 when he took a neighbor's car for a joyride.

Ferguson's rap sheet continued to expand over the years; at 17 he was convicted of assault during an attempted rape and sentenced to ten years in prison but served less than four. In 1969, shortly after being released, he was pulled over by a Dade County deputy for running a red light. He grabbed his service pistol and told him to get on his knees and beg for mercy. The officer pretended to comply but instead had a backup gun tucked in his boot which he pulled out. Ferguson shot at him but missed and instead was hit by the cop four times, including a shot to the head. He was also convicted in 1971 of a robbery. In 1975, he was examined by a psychiatrist who determined that he was "extremely dangerous" and should never be let loose on the streets. Another psychiatrist said that Ferguson likely could never be straightened out and would continue to lead a life of crime. He called him "explosive...a dangerous person who cannot cope with day to day living." Ferguson himself bragged to friends that he "duped the shrinks" by faking insanity.
3 media | 34 replies
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How come the golden age of European global domination was ushered in by a post-Reconquista barely formed country? Did it really take that long for Europeans to set out in the world or was it something exclusive to Portugal that other countries adopted?
4 media | 30 replies
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why did scotland become protestant but ireland did not when england became protestant.
1 media | 26 replies
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Why isn’t the genocide of Native American’s spoken of in the same vein as the Jewish Holocaust?

The destruction of the Native American peoples was a very real, very well-crafted systematic extermination of their race over the course of 400 years to make the Americas, "European/White friendly". Now that being said though, no one country gets the blame for this, and it was not a single decision by anyone for this to happen. It was a genocide because it was a cultural mindset in the minds of European colonists that the Native American should be respected, and that they should be removed from their land to make way for White Colonists. Adding insult to injury, many were deported from their native land, made into slaves, or forced to convert to Christianity and European culture.

Literally every history class I’ve taken in the US has painted US relations with the natives as one of the worst marks on the US, and painted the Anglo-American Empire as the clear villain in this scenario.
0 media | 13 replies
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What historical claim do Russians have on the Baltic countries? They aren't even Slavs AFAIK. Why do they keep threatening them?
0 media | 10 replies
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Was 1820's southwest Canada really like this?
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>Humans have existed for 300,000 years
>Civilization has only existed for 7,500 years
What the fuck were we doing for all that time before that?
8 media | 50 replies
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Remember that time Austrian empire staged a peasant revolution against Polish nobles and paid Polish peasants for the heads of Polish nobles they bring?
0 media | 1 replies
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Do atheist believe that the whole universe is created out of nothing?
5 media | 18 replies
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Would Christianity's position in the West be stronger nowadays had the flood story not been in the Bible?
0 media | 4 replies
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>the universe came out of nothing
>we're evolved from ape like creatures and androgynous fish
>talking donkies and snakes? aren't you tired listening to silly skyfairy myths?
the independent freethinker ladies and gentlemen.
29 media | 288 replies
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Thoughts on 2 Esdras/Apocalypse of Ezra? It was placed in the apocrypha by the Roman Catholic Church for some time and can even be found in older editions of the Douay-Rheims. Thoughts?
0 media | 0 replies
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>science cultists insist that humans existed for hundreds of thousands of years
>they explain away all that undocumented time by insisting that people just ran around with sticks and never thought about anything
>they insist they had the same rough mental capacity as we do today
>but nothing happened for those supposed hundreds of thousands of years
Do they seriously expect us to believe this?
4 media | 25 replies
Campy religious art
Believe or not believe post religious art with that 60s/70s charm baked into them.

I’ll start
Zoroastrian art of Zoroaster fighting off demons from the Campy Shah era. good pulpy religious art. I love how it combines traditional iconography work with this kitschy rolly crump haunted mansion ghoulies it’s actually amazing
17 media | 23 replies
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Jesus looked like a Targaryen
>Hair white as snow or wool
>Eyes like flame of fire
>Skin like bronze= tanned like Deanery's in early seasons
9 media | 36 replies
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The greatest divine mystery is why some people are born with an innate belief in the supernatural/God and others just aren't. I don't think either is really better than the other, but I guess it's something I have trouble understanding. I always believed in spirits and curses, even before I ever knew about Jesus Christ, so there was that. Hell, I even saw the sun as a god. In either case God is benevolent and he isn't a cunt, so he will not throw everyone who can't believe in the supernatural into hell.
1 media | 4 replies
Historic dress and armor of the late 14th century
I'm reading about the hundred years' war and late 14th century. Interested in resources regarding the common dress and armor for this period. The internet seems a terrible resource since it often confuses different time periods and fantasy. Are there any records of what a foot soldier or free mercenary would wear during and off-duty?
8 media | 10 replies
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How do Shias go from claiming that Ali is the rightful successor to Mohammad to believing that Ali is actually god
1 media | 22 replies
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reminder by 340 AD that Germanic Franks ruled Rome. The Magister militum, elite and nobility of both West and East Roman were Germanics. Generals like Bauto basically ran Rome from Egypt to Britain

Roman emperors were just figure heads. We ruled and used you. You browns were destroyed and overtaken. You can seethe all about it but the "inferior" tall, handsome, blonde blue eyed barbarians defeated you and ruled you and continue to rule you today. The Germanic race is the most powerful race on the planet earth
11 media | 31 replies
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flying jew
What causes a grown adult to believe that jews could walk on water and fly around on magic clouds? Is it simply low IQ?
0 media | 0 replies
Serbs be like
>I am great Slavic warrior my ancestors come from Hyperborea!
meanwhile they look like this
3 media | 12 replies
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What would a Christian China actually look like?
10 media | 25 replies
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What were the circumstances that led to the Nixon shock, how did it negatively effect the economics of the U.S.A. at the time, the ramifications?
0 media | 4 replies
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Why was China such an advanced civilization but Japan was an irrelevant shithole for thousands of years? They're right next to each other, shouldn't there be more influence?
42 media | 139 replies
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Germans are the antagonists of history
3 media | 15 replies
Doctor lawyer and engineer
The Prestige of doctors in particular started in 1924. Dr. Morris Fishbein is the infamous man who ran the AMA, theAmerican Medical Association, for over 25 years from 1924 to 1950, and who was also the chief editor of JAMA, theJournal of the American Medical Association.His rise to power began by labeling natural healers, Native Americans and American midwives of the time as all being “quacks,” thus beginning and ultimately empowering the chemical medicine industry that was to become the allopathic America we know today.
0 media | 5 replies
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>The heroes, in their quest for retribution, become more brutal than the villains themselves
1 media | 5 replies
Genuine question for Christians
The logical conclusion of Christianity is that the best life a human can live is to emulate Christ. This means living completely selflessly, spending all your time preaching, praying and caring for the poor, even being willing to give your life for God or other people. Now, it's clear that no human can live like this perfectly, and Christians agree on the point that no one will ever live a life as good as Christ, and that it isn't necessary for salvation, but it is clearly the goal nontheless, and many saints throught history approximate what Christ teaches to a high degree.

This begs the question, would you dear Christian argue that a person who ends up revolutionizing science or improving the world in some mayor way, say Isaac Newton, should instead have dedicated his life to caring for the poor and evangelizing? It seems to be what Christianity teaches. Of course one can be a good Christian and be a scientist or philosopher, or have (almost) any other profession for that matter, but according to Christian doctrine it seems like living a life completely dedicated to God and others is prefered.
>But Newton was Christian
He was a non-trinitarian, but that's also besides the point.
4 media | 18 replies
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Let my people go.
8 media | 93 replies
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Who is the real life version of Palpatine in history? Augustus?
3 media | 11 replies
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>believe in the teachings of the lotus sutra or you will burn in hell
Do Mahayana Buddhists genuinely believe this?
2 media | 7 replies
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Was the perennialist and traditionalist schools based or cringe
0 media | 7 replies
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Lowering the flag on the sinking IJN Zuikaku
Historical photos that go hard
45 media | 74 replies
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What happened to the Nahua nobility after they were conquered by the Spanish?
6 media | 66 replies
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roman historians writers
why are all famous Roman writers celts, greeks and nafri?
2 media | 46 replies
Catholic & Orthodox
In spite of wishes and desires from both sides to unite once again, will it ever happen?
Could any of the differences and matters of discussion be resolved (or even a rapprochement), if a council were to be assembled?
3 media | 11 replies
one of the most acephalous myths
images (11) (8)
When and who started the myth that samurai were supposedly different (racially) from the Japanese masses? Naturally we can argue that elites can be different, but not on a "racial" level. I feel like a lot of this comes from Jomon hero fanfic, something like the Tocharians and their supposed involvement/creation of the first Chinese dynasties.
2 media | 33 replies
Savage animals in europe
Historically, how are they still allowed to exist if all they contribute to is making europe browner? If they vanished tomorrow, people would start seeing iberians as a whole lot whiter because the spaniards barely have as much moor nafri ssa dna as these filthy animals do.
0 media | 0 replies
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Jesus is not the same god as the Father.

The Father alone, whose name is JEHOVAH, is Almighty God.

Jesus is his Son and servant.
0 media | 3 replies
Italian communism
redpill me and give a QRD on Italy's history of communism, and why it is that way.
It seems that there have always been tons of prominent communists in Italy and they had relevance, both in the WW1/2 era and cold war, even to this day if you see the only historical figures that have some remembrance in Italy are ww2 partisans (communists) and various communist politicians and figures, to which thousands of street's names have been dedicated, or tons of remembrance stones are present in cities to commemorate some communist that got rekt by the police during a protest.
and even in Italy's laws you can see a leftist imprint in how the state is present in people's lives, and how restrictive labour laws are.
1 media | 7 replies
Today I will remind them
Successor civilizations of the mongol empire:
>Timurids (world-historical empire)
>Golden Horde (world-historical empire)
>Ilkhanate (world-historical empire)
>Akkoyunlu (world-historical empire)
>Safavids (world-historical empire)
>Afsharids (world-historical empire)
>Mamluks (world-historical empire)
>Ottomans (world-historical empire)
>Yuan dynasty (world-historical empire)
>Qing dynasty (world-historical empire)
>Tsardom of Russia (world-historical empire)

Successor "nation-states" of the british "empire":
>India (shithole)
>Sudan (shithole)
>Uganda (shithole)
>Kenya (shithole)
>Rhodesia (biggest shithole of all time)
>Somalia (shithole)
>Guyana (shithole)
>Myanmar (shithole)
>Papa new guinea (shithole)
>Ivory coast (shithole)
0 media | 5 replies
New Chronology
Why is the West hiding the true history of the world?
7 media | 14 replies
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What European ethnic groups have the palest and whitest skin?

Am I right in assuming it goes something like this?

1. Faroese
2. Icelandic
3. Scottish
4. Irish
5. Norwegian
6. English
7. Welsh
14 media | 42 replies
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Why do White Nationalists from the New World complain about America being a melting pot?

>Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco all founded by the Spanish
>Land controlled by Hispanic governments less than 200 years ago.
>"I can't believe this land is filled with Hispanics!"

Louisiana was a French colony.

They have no idea how much Hispanic influence is in this country culturally, at least in the western half. Miami is a literal Hispanic colony. It's more Hispanic majority than either LA or San Diego by a large margin. If you don't know Spanish, you are not gonna be able to do anything there.
1 media | 3 replies
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What modern European group are Scythians most related to?

Also does anybody have that art of a tocharian/Scythian man surrounded by his harem of Asian girls? Thanks, I think it came from Twitter artist or something
15 media | 110 replies
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Say what you want about the catholic church but at least they were able to avoid caesaropapism
0 media | 7 replies
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How do we stop the human brain from having such an evil (and creative) action?!
0 media | 5 replies
IRL femdom
>The Chatouilleuses (English: 'Ticklers') were a group of Mahoran women who used tickle torture on Comorian political leaders in order to make them accept tightened relations between Mayotte and France.
>These activists, sometimes referred to as the Chatouilleuses, notably employed tickle torture to compel Comorian officials to comply with their demands.[8][9] The mobs of tickling women would attack pro-independence leaders, such as Saïd Mohamed Cheikh, while they were out walking and even physically force them onto planes that would take them off the island.[1][10] Other tactics of the Chatouilleuses included tossing stones onto the tin roofs of their political opponents' houses to keep them up at night.[11]
0 media | 2 replies
Iraqi "Arab" history
5 media | 13 replies
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It is Orthodox Palm Sunday, the real Palm Sunday and the real Holy Paschal Week.
0 media | 1 replies
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Why is modern politics, philsophy and etichs based on emotions instesd of logic?
1 media | 17 replies
Why was a strong European identity never formed like an Arab identity was for Arabs?
An Arab living in U.K does not pay any attention to English news, he reads Arabic newspapers, he follows Arabic news stations, he listens to Arabic radio, he speaks in Arabic, he socializes with other Arabs, he follows only MENA politics, and so forth. The only interaction he has with non-Arabs is probably at work. An Arab in the U.K has more interest in what is going on in Sudan, Palestine, and Iranian proxies than he does about the upcoming local U.K elections or local U.K crime rates.

An Arab in the U.K might be completely respectful of his host country and even love the U.K, but his priority is Arab politics and Arab interests above all. In essence he just refuses any participation in the British cultural sphere, even though he may respect it or like it.

Compare this to a White American, White Canadian or White Australian. Despite being descended from Europeans and sharing languages and cultures they care nothing for Euro affairs and see Euros as some far away pathetic cucks who mean nothing to them.

>"America BABY! Best in the world!! Aww what's the matter ain't ya got ya guns anymore!? Fuck you stupid limeys! AMERICA!!"

That sort of attitude is normal from Americans towards their Brit cousins.

There is no such thing as a "White World" or the "Anglosphere" or anything like that among Euro-descended people, but Arabs very much uphold the concept of an "Arab world" or "MENA world" and a brotherly bond and interest in the plight of their countries.
1 media | 7 replies
From an Abrahamic perspective, why is genocide bad?
The old testament time and time again describes that many nations who stand against Israel are to be wiped out, not leaving a single person from that nation alive. This is described for amalek & edomites in general, canaanites and a few others. In fact if you look at Jewish and Christian militaries up until latter half of 2nd millenium, they had no restraints against wiping out entire tribes, nations and ethnicities. With Islam it's a bit more complex but similar situations have happened.

Yet today, you will not find a single Christian or Jewish theologian, priest or rabbi that will defend genocide as a good thing in certain situations. Is the change in beliefs due to secular society or did Jews and Christians of the past misinterpret parts of their holy texts?
2 media | 21 replies
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What made you realize Atheism is the truth and religion is for the mentally ill and low IQ?
8 media | 78 replies
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How come Eastern Baltic (Baltic States and surrounding areas) have a lot of N1c haplo ancestry (~405%), but barely any Siberian autosomal ancestry? Did N1c carriers basically slowly migrated all the way from Siberia to the Baltic and over many generations mixed the Siberian ancestry out?

I'm also not quite sure which migrations were these.
Anyone have good info on this topic?
1 media | 14 replies
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Its so hecking over, i don't think our guys can fight this one off
0 media | 3 replies
>was a backwater shithole for most of its existence
>somehow the only non-western country to industrialize, develop and become on par with the west
How did China, India and the Middle East failed where Japan succeeded?
36 media | 120 replies
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Why does Christianity spread harmful and dangerous ideas that harm those who believe in them? isn't this immoral?
0 media | 0 replies
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Why do Protestants tolerate con men making a mockery of their faith for their own self-interest?
0 media | 2 replies
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Why does she trigger so many chuds on /his/?
14 media | 206 replies
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I’m going to post this every day until you remember it
1 media | 4 replies
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Why does England hate the Irish, historically?

The Germans and the Anglo Saxons referred to the Irish as "white niggers" (and were even seen as more worthless than a black)

Repeated invasions of Ireland over the centuries and attempts to subjugate a foreign people to the English Crown. English people always considered Ireland to be an active threat, and that the Irish Catholics had to be removed or destroyed. The colonization of Ireland was the taking of land away from the Native Irish, forcing them to convert to a new religion or become land tenant slaves for wealthy colonists. The rest were crammed into the least fertile part of the Ilsand (Ulster) so that the rest of the country was free to Upper class colonists.
0 media | 3 replies
Babak Khorramdin
Why does Iran consider anti-muslim rebels to be cultural heroes
3 media | 15 replies
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Ask me anything about the true church
7 media | 47 replies
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>"And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others...But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."
Why does every single Christian break this rule? Why can't you keep your prayers to yourself?
1 media | 3 replies
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You gotta admire the drip on this guy.
1 media | 2 replies
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Tube and Yoke Cuirass
So in Classical Greek military writings, a "thorax" while literally meaning chest effectively means chest armor, something like pic related. But in Hellenistic era-stuff, you see the term 'hemithorax" used a lot. Going on linguistics alone, I would generally be inclined to think of something like a breastplate with no backplate protecting the other side. It covers half the chest, no?

But there is no archeological evidence of any kind of hellenistic breastplates. Theoretically possible that they were constructed and we've somehow missed them all, but while Hellenistic armor isn't exactly common, it's not so rare to the point that we'd find a bunch of tube and yokes and nothing like a breastplate if they were in common usage.

So what do you guys of /his/ think writers like Polybius or Arrian meant when they used the term 'hemithorax'?
0 media | 3 replies
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>the civilized world is falling apart into civil war
>the common people are following what was once called a schizo cult to cope
>barbarians flee from even worse barbarians
>the elites are too busy fighting each other to do anything
>empires fight fruitless, endless wars
>history blends into myth and legend as humanity enters a dark age

name a more fucking kino setting
4 media | 39 replies
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Did he claim to be God?
1 media | 20 replies
Why do Iranian monarchists hate Islam if the Shah they support didn't?
The position of the Shah on religion seems to be more or less the same as any of the other modern secularist leaders in the region today who are called "western puppet bootlickers" and "sellouts" such as Sisi or King Abdullah in that they are opposed to Islamism interfering with politics and against violent extremism but otherwise are happy to leave Islam there in the background and the religious are allowed to get on with their life without interfering in other people's lives.

There seems to be a disconnect from what these diasporas support (complete erasure of Islam) compared to what the Shah stood for (moderate Islamic practice).
0 media | 2 replies
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Can we discuss the differences between Latin and Greek theology? Specifically when it comes to concepts such as satisfaction, merit, penance, sin, purgatory, imputed justification, infused grace/righteousness, sanctification, and etc. How do Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox differ in their interpretation about scripture on these issues?
2 media | 22 replies
Is left-handedness an error in training a child?
When 90% of the population is right-handed, it makes you wonder. Sure, you can warp someone into being left-handed when they have no previous training, but probably people are supposed to be right-handed. The human body is asymmetrical favoring right-handedness internally. See: position of the human heart
0 media | 12 replies
No title
historically speaking, how come Americans don't have their own culture?
26 media | 98 replies
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Would Kurdistan exist without the genocide of Armenians?
2 media | 32 replies
Herculaneum scrolls
Just how many records like the Herculaneum scrolls are buried all across Italy, Greece, and Turkey, waiting to tell the hidden history of the ancient world? Or have we discovered everything there is to discover about it?
0 media | 9 replies
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Why do some Irish larp as "Celts" when they never existed?
1 media | 5 replies
Historically speaking, what happened here?
0 media | 17 replies
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Why didn't Germany simply supply the Romanian and Hungarian armies with proper anti-tank weaponry and artillery at Stalingrad? Did they seriously think that WW1 weapons and anti-communist hatred are enough to stop an avalanche of T-34s? Were they stupid?
1 media | 2 replies
Why do black people talk like monkeys?
Why are black people the only race on earth to actually take pride in speaking in Ebonics?

Is it because proper grammar and punctuation is a form of racism? Is speaking clearly like an intelligent civilized man just makes you a like a white man and that is somehow a bad thing?
2 media | 23 replies
No title
Christians spend their whole lives worshiping a dead Jewish rabbi from a book they don't know where came from or if it is verifiably true and he hasn't been seen or presence been made in 2,000 years. How insane is that?
2 media | 15 replies
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New Dalit farmnigger cope just dropped
0 media | 1 replies
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>Ukraine carried the Soviet Union
How accurate is this talking point now common since the Russian intervention in the Ukraine?
0 media | 8 replies
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“Pray no more for these people, Jeremiah. Do not weep or pray for them, and don’t beg me to help them, for I will not listen to you. Don’t you see what they are doing in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? No wonder I am so angry! Watch how the children gather wood and the fathers build sacrificial fires. How the women knead dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. And they pour out liquid offerings to their other idols! Am I the one they are hurting?” asks Yahweh. “Most of all, they hurt themselves, to their own shame.”

So this is what the Sovereign says: “I will pour out my terrible fury on this place. Its people, animals, trees, and crops will be consumed by the unquenchable fire of my anger.”

This is what Yahweh of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: “Take your burnt offerings and your other sacrifices and eat them yourselves! When I led your ancestors out of Egypt, it was not burnt offerings and sacrifices I wanted from them. This is what I told them: ‘Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Do everything as I say, and all will be well!’

“But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts. They went backward instead of forward. From the day your ancestors left Egypt until now, I have continued to send my servants, the prophets day in and day out. But my people have not listened to me or even tried to hear. They have been stubborn and sinful worse than their ancestors.

“Tell them this, but do not expect them to listen. Shout out your warnings, but do not expect them to respond. Say to them, ‘This is the nation whose people will not obey Yahweh their God and who refuse to be taught. Truth has vanished from among them; it is no longer heard on their lips. Shave your head in mourning, and weep alone on the mountains. For Yahweh has rejected and forsaken this generation that has provoked his fury.’
0 media | 4 replies
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JEWISH HISTORIAN. - 22:10 in video

Other things claimed in the video.
>Jews until the 1970s disproportionately supported the Euro-Atlanticist Left
>Golda Meir wanted to the U.S.S.R. to be Israel's main security benefactor but refused after Stalin hardballed her with an agreement that would make Israel a East-Germany/Mongolia tier puppet
>Joseph Stalin was about to forcibly gulag all Soviet Jews before he died
0 media | 6 replies
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Fiction is an amalgamation of truth. Nothing which exists is unnatural or fake. Understand this to become God.
0 media | 3 replies
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Why don't most Japanese people hate America after Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
8 media | 101 replies
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Shia is an Iranian ethnoreligion
3 media | 13 replies
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If the Brahmin and Kshatriya Indians descend from the Andronovo/Sintashta people, and are prohibited to caste and race mix, then why are ALL modern Indians, even the Brahmins and Kshatriyas, poo-brown?
1 media | 26 replies
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Why are they like this?
1 media | 29 replies
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Ancient Egypt
Indus Valley
Ancient China

what are the coolest of the four ancient civilizations to learn about?
19 media | 116 replies
No title
>God loves humans infinitely
>Sacrifices himself to forgive all sin
>will still torture majority of mankind ( 80%? 90%? more ?) for all eternity in unimaginable pain
2 media | 24 replies
Everything in Islam requires clear context and detail.
>Kaffir "Why do you guys allow slavery? come on then i'm all ears"
>Muslim "First of all define slavery, if you mean transatlantic slavery where everyone is kidnapped based on his race, taken from their homeland, stripped of their name and religion and culture, then no Islam doesn't sanction that, if you mean indentured servitude, captives of war, then sure we can discuss further"
>Kaffir "why do you guys allow child brides? I mean didn't your Prophet marry a young girl?"
>Muslim "What's your definition of child? Are we talking in a context of 7th century society or today's definition of a child?"
>Kaffir "Look at the Qu'ran, kill them wherever you find them? sounds pretty clear-cut to me mate"
>Muslim "and what's the context? is it on the battlefield? we need to know these things before opening our mouth and speaking out of ignorance"
>Kaffir "stoning for adultery, eh? that's barbaric if you ask me"
>Muslim "What's your definition of barbaric? If God says something it's good, right? you told me you're a Christian so if the Bible says stone for adultery and says God said it, is the Bible wrong?"
>Kaffir "What about you guys and your treatment of women? keeping her covered, yeah? oppressing her? this is a cult mate, a male chauvinist cult!"
>Muslim "Ok, so then define oppression, are you using the modern kind of liberal woke definition of oppressed? I can show you your Bible and there are many rulings pertaining to women in there that would be considered oppressive by secular liberal standards, no?"
>Kaffir "Praying separate from women, eh? no mixing of genders? that's right is it?
>Muslim "define right and wrong"

You cannot bring arbitrary examples and verses out of context when it relates to a religion as finely detailed as Islam. You cannot judge Islam as you would judge a political ideology or movement, where views and laws changed over time. Everything in Islam is fixed but knowing correct context and correct application is key.
22 media | 148 replies
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I can't tell the difference between a Turk, Kurd, Arab, Persian or Assyrian. Are they all different ethnicities? If so what are their defining physical characteristics.
14 media | 54 replies
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Why do Punjabis look whiter than most Indians and Iranians
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Where does the bible say masturbation is bad?
It says adultery bad, which is basically betraying your partner, but I can't find anything about masturbation
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TIK with Stalingrad book by David Glantz
>antony beevor le bad cause he only picks german sources and is german biased which is hecking bad
>david glantz le good cause he only picks soviet sources and is soviet biased which is hecking good
Why do people still take this guy seriously?
11 media | 50 replies
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>gets captured in Normandy
>escapes after like 4 tries
>somehow meets with the fucking Red Army
>fights in their side for one month
>returns to the U.S.
9 media | 231 replies
Why do Islamists believe ethnic hatred between Muslims wa invented by 19th century colonialism?
I didn't know Timur raped Sunni Arabs because of 19th century British colonialist kuffar. Did the British use a time machine?

Why do Islamists think Iraqi Sunnis, Syrian Sunnis and Uzbeks will hold hands and kumbaya after this mass rape event?

Timur i Lang (Tamerlame or Tamerlane or Timur the Lame) invaded the Middle East after his invasion of India. He slaughtered, tortured and raped his own co-religionist Sunni Muslims across Iraq and Syria. Timur's Tatar (Turco-Mongol Central Asian) Sunni soldiers gang raped Sunni Arab women and virgins girls of Iraq and Syria in their own mosques.

This is the story of horror that the Turco Mongol conqueror Timur inflicted upon the Sunni Muslim Arabs of Baghdad, Aleppo and Damascus. His soldiers gang raped girls while their brothers and fathers were tortured and forced to watch in the mosques.

remove the . between just and paste to get the url.

They say the descendants of his Turco-Mongol soldiers are found among the Sunni Arab populations of those places today due to the amount of virgin girls that were violated.
13 media | 15 replies
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Do Jews historically hate Aryans for their beauty?
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Any other examples of the /good man/ being rejected for objective evil?
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Is memory techniques like memory palace actually a good tool?
Not sure if this is the right board for this sort of thing, and unfortunately there isn’t really an /edu/ board to post to. But recently I read ‘Moonwalking with Einstein’ and it’s really fascinating stuff.

What’s /His/ opinion of this and actually implementing it when studying? Has it worked well for you?
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Im albanian, will jesus save me?
Im 20y old, ex muslim and, I dont believe in God for about 5 years now.

But, I see that a lot of successful and strong people tell that believing in God is really important in life.

So, is Christianity the way I should follow?
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The single worst invention in human history. Single handedly destroyed civilization
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How would history be different if potatoes didnt exist?
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I'm not sure if this is the right board, but, if a private citizen had enough capital, guns, and people loyal to them, what would stop them from toppling a foreign government? Let's say for example, I took over enough African villages and the local authorities were powerless to reverse my occupation. What would my mother country do about that?
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& Humanities
Why did pushing Islam on people’s throat work in Saudi Arabia but not Iran?

99% of Saudis remain religious while only 40% of Iranians are.
6 media | 14 replies
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>God makes sure goodness is always increasing so the universe is going to get better and better, there will be more good and less bad as time goes on - and that will always be true!
Ok, God is the one that makes sure goodness is always increasing. But aren't we humans the ones that actually >do< the increase in the amount of goodness? So shouldn't we thank humans for it instead of thanking God, since God only interferes minimally?
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What was the reaction of europeans to being subordinate to America or Russia after WW2 after the end of European hegemony? Both Americans and Russians were looked down on
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The Chud Monastery has fallen. Millions must die.
1 media | 6 replies
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I just watched a documentary on Ben Ferencz and the Nuremberg trials. He claims the goal of setting up international courts was to prevent genocide etc. But just how could genocide be prevented if the court accuses after the guy commits the genocide AND after the victors seize the guy to put it in court? Is that court able to give a veredict without the accused being present, so as to justify an intervention to prevent the genocide?
0 media | 6 replies
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Why do people pretend hazel eyes aren’t an European trait but are fine with green eyes? Both are a mix of brown and blue eyes.
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The word racism and its ideological component
I'm pretty suspect about the word "racism", it seemed to only become commonplace in the 50s and 60s, and it's now impossible to discuss racial issues without this poorly defined term coming up. We managed to get by without it for centuries and yet now it's the lynchpin of the conversation? It in effect silences the conversation. In the past people could talk about racial animosity, racial hatred, racial envy, racial love, etc, but it all seems to have been lumped into one poorly defined box called "racism" nowadays.

I've read a few dictionary and encyclopedic definitions of racism, and it seems the sleight of hand is to lump any belief in qualitative differences between races with more egregious parts of human history, or arguments for supremacy and domination over other groups. It's all limited to a narrow range of psychological traits though, I don't think physical differences between the races being observed such as blacks being faster runners gets noticed as racism, it's purely about the brain.

In communist societies you had terms such as bourgeois mentality, class consciousness, counter-revolutionary beliefs as terms that fill the same role. Even suggesting in the slightest that marxism leninism was wrong would get you labeled as having a bourgois mentality and lacking class consciousness. Then when the wall came down, nobody listened to those clowns anymore and all those terms were dropped and forgotten. Racism and institutionalized racism seem to be no different. Unless you accept all the predicates of racial egalitarianism (in their absurdities), you don't really have a say in the conversation. In most western countries anti-racism laws are in place and you can literally be arrested, exactly the same way you would be arrested in the old commie-shit societies for going against their ideology.
2 media | 7 replies
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Why do chuds worship a guy they insist built holiday resorts for Jews?
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scott tenorman
Deuteronomy 28:53
>And you shall eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of your sons and daughters, whom the LORD your God has given you, gin the siege and in the distress with which your enemies shall distress you.

As weird as this verse is, you gotta stop and come to realization. If there was no rain then that meant a drought was coming, causing a famine. Then that meant no crops. No wheat to make bread, no beans or corn and fruits. Nothing. More likely the famine would have lasted so long that the people would have eaten all of their livestock like the last few potato chips left at the bottom of a bag.

You become so hungry after week number 5, you become desperate. You begin craving meat... ANY kind of meat. Thus, some (if not most) of the people end up eating their children and other family members. Something similar happened in China in the late 1800's.

>The Shanxi famine occurred from 1892–1894. According to the North China Herald, a British weekly based in Shanghai, the provincial government's response to the famine was sluggish. Although there were signs of a potential famine, and another famine had occurred in the province 13 years earlier,

>From his research, Yang estimates that 36 million died during the famine. Most deaths were caused by starvation, but the figure also includes killing during ideological campaigns. Some Western scholars have put the toll as high as 45 million. Unbearable hunger made people behave in inhuman ways.

>Unbearable hunger made people behave in inhuman ways.

Aka they hunted and ate each other like animals. Animals were meant to eat other animals. Humans were not meant to eat other humans. China fell prey to the Deuteronomy 28 curse.
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its me you
God sent himself to earth, sacrificed himself to himself, then crowned himself king, which he already was...?

How did such a stupid belief even gain traction and not be laughed into oblivion as soon as it started? I feel like I'm in some strange fake reality where everyone in the world is mentally retarded but me.
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how did christianity end up here
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what is the absolute most credible explanation for Hitler's thought process when he declared war on the United States? Surely he knew that he was putting an absolutely MASSIVE new burden on his plate when he was doing so?
0 media | 11 replies
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>nooo you’re such an asshole husband! can’t force me cuz it’s my body my abortion!
>if you don’t snip your cumtubes im divorcing you!
Most dilemmas in marriage, as history attests, stem from dysfunctional women and insecure doormat men. Why do societies allow such people to marry?
1 media | 3 replies
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Why aren't Portuguese Jews genetically close to Portuguese in spite of living there for thousands of year?
0 media | 1 replies
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Historically speaking, what is the origin of the White race?
13 media | 31 replies
What... The FUCK?!
>China was able to singlehandedly leach off both the USSR for the first half of modernization and then America for the second half, speed running their industrial revolution in 50 years

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Nobody comes to the father
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>Lao Ai cock was so big that he could use it as an axle for a carriage wheel
>He was implanted by Lü Buwei into the court as a false eunuch to seduce the Queen Dowager
Damn, Lao Ai was a CHAD
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Spaniards often claim that Spanish industry was ruined when they joined the EU, after which their economy mostly turned to tourism. Is it true or was deindustrialisation caused by something else?
1 media | 8 replies
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How do historians assertain the truth of historical events with contradicting accounts? If all that remains of a historical event are, unbeknownst to us, fictional accounts with no fantastical elements, wouldn’t the fiction become reality?
2 media | 10 replies
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It is true that many female pirates of the Golden Age of Piracy in the Caribbean were actually prostitutes who they took to ship for don't stay without sex in sea?
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They were just following orders.
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Any primary sources for Joan of Arc? Links would help. Prove to me she was real.
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If the South woulda won, we woulda had it made
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I don't think the history books are telling the truth.
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Why do people reject Marx's critical semetic theory?
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anglx mad
Why do Anglxs believe that they saved europe during WWII? The claim is already ridiculous for the first war, but wasn't Britain's performance during WWII a massive trainwreck?
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anthony eden
Anthony Nutting recalled that Eden told him, "What's all this nonsense about isolating Nasser or 'neutralising' him as you call it? I want him destroyed, can't you understand? I want him murdered, and if you and the Foreign Office don't agree, then you'd better come to the cabinet and explain why." When Nutting pointed out that they had no alternative government to replace Nasser, Eden apparently replied, "I don't give a damn if there's anarchy and chaos in Egypt
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>The troops of Pharaoh Merneptah (1212-1203 B.C.) took more than nine thousand hands and penises as trophies in a battle in 1208 with Libyan aggressors: common practice in Late Bronze Age Egypt.

WTF? Fucking explain
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Im pretty sure jews and other semited back to the phoenicians punctually do unironically worship saturn and merged their cults into the blood libel one when they were both owned by romans as slaves. They probably started whispering and initiating them into the cult when they were domestic slaves
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